akgraner | The new edition of the Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter is now available here: | 02:08 |
akgraner | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Issue200 | 02:08 |
jono | kim0, welcome! :-) | 07:10 |
kim0 | jono: Thanks man :) | 07:10 |
kim0 | let's of people in here | 07:10 |
jono | kim0, just add this to your auto-join :) | 07:10 |
jono | kim0, if you could make sure you are in while working, that would be awesome :-) | 07:10 |
kim0 | got it | 07:10 |
jono | everyone, kim0 is our fifth horseman :-) | 07:10 |
kim0 | Hello horsemen :) | 07:11 |
jono | kim0, so this chan is full of community members | 07:11 |
ddecator | we have horsemen? o.o | 07:11 |
jono | of which dholbach, jcastro, and dpm are on our team :-) | 07:11 |
jono | ddecator, lol | 07:11 |
kim0 | hehe | 07:11 |
jono | kim0, I am also going to send you a presentation now which explains burndown charts | 07:13 |
jono | kim0, don't expect to understand all of it, it will just give you an idea of what they are and how they work | 07:14 |
jono | I will explain more on tues | 07:14 |
kim0 | okie sounds good | 07:14 |
jono | howdy jussi | 07:20 |
jono | kim0, ok I am off for a bit, back later, dholbach will get you started | 07:22 |
jono | thanks! | 07:22 |
kim0 | Thank you .. | 07:22 |
jono | :) | 07:22 |
kim0 | c ya | 07:22 |
jono | later | 07:22 |
kim0 | dholbach: morning | 07:30 |
dholbach | good morning | 07:30 |
dholbach | hey kim0! | 07:30 |
kim0 | hehe | 07:30 |
kim0 | so you'll kick start me today | 07:30 |
dholbach | :-) | 07:31 |
ddecator | morning dholbach | 07:32 |
dholbach | hi ddecator | 07:32 |
dholbach | everybody: kim0 is Ahmed Kamal and will work with the Cloud Community | 07:35 |
dholbach | kim0: welcome to the fun! :) | 07:35 |
kim0 | Thanks dholbach .. So excited to join folks | 07:35 |
dholbach | kim0: how's Cairo today? | 07:35 |
kim0 | hehe .. nice weather | 07:35 |
dholbach | not too hot yet? :) | 07:35 |
kim0 | nah .. it's cool these days | 07:35 |
kim0 | ~ 28 or so | 07:35 |
dholbach | that's ok :) | 07:36 |
dholbach | kim0_: do you know anybody in the Egyptian LoCo team? https://launchpad.net/~egyptlocoteam | 08:34 |
dholbach | seems like the Egyptian team are planning something right now: http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/team/196/detail/ | 08:35 |
kim0_ | recognize a few names there .. and at least one of em is a friend .. catching up on the plans | 08:37 |
* dholbach takes the dog to the vet - see you in a bit | 08:47 | |
ddecator | dholbach: hope s/he is alright :( | 08:50 |
dholbach | ddecator: yeah, she had surgery 2-3 weeks ago, so it should be fine soon again | 08:51 |
dholbach | brb | 08:51 |
* dholbach hugs ddecator | 08:52 | |
* ddecator hugs dholbach | 08:52 | |
jono | dholbach, still out? | 09:23 |
kim0_ | Yeah | 09:31 |
jono | kim0_, ok let me see if someone in IS can get you set up | 09:32 |
kim0_ | jono, they seem to already have a ticket for me | 09:32 |
jono | kim0_, ahhh great | 09:32 |
jono | so we are just waiting on them | 09:32 |
kim0_ | dholbach pinged them .. and they mentioned they're waiting for London to come up | 09:32 |
jono | what is the ticket number? | 09:32 |
kim0_ | guess they should be up now | 09:32 |
kim0_ | getting it | 09:32 |
jono | thnaks | 09:33 |
jono | thanks | 09:33 |
kim0_ | jono, #40017 | 09:33 |
jono | thanks kim0_ | 09:34 |
kim0_ | most welcome | 09:34 |
=== kim0_ is now known as kim0 | ||
dholbach | jono: back | 09:34 |
jono | thanks dholbach | 09:34 |
jono | if you could follow up with IS, that would be great | 09:34 |
dholbach | will do | 09:34 |
jono | they are gonna need wrangling | 09:34 |
jono | thanks, pal | 09:34 |
dholbach | no worries | 09:34 |
jono | I am wrapping some things here and I am heading to bed in 30mins or so | 09:34 |
jono | so will be up for a bit | 09:35 |
jono | dholbach, all ok with the dog? | 09:35 |
dholbach | jono: yeah, the wound finally healed, so we can take off the stupid satellite dish | 09:36 |
jono | fantastic :) | 09:36 |
kim0 | satellite dish ?! | 09:36 |
dholbach | http://img88.imageshack.us/img88/3584/dogvsantennags1.jpg | 09:37 |
dholbach | dogs have to put it on, so they stay away from a wound that's healing | 09:37 |
kim0 | aahh .. glad she's recovering just fine | 09:38 |
jono | kim0, ok you should have access to the canonical wiki now | 09:39 |
kim0 | okie dokie .. thanks .. checking it out | 09:39 |
jono | kim0, so now you can perform the new staff tasks which was linked in the email | 09:39 |
kim0 | Attacking :) | 09:40 |
jono | :) | 09:40 |
jono | kim0, what is your LP username? | 09:44 |
kim0 | jono, kim0 | 09:45 |
jono | aha! | 09:45 |
jono | kim0, did you get into the canonical wiki ok? | 09:46 |
kim0 | jono, yep, just fine | 09:47 |
jono | cool :) | 09:47 |
czajkowski | Aloha folks! Tis Monday a new week!!! | 10:22 |
jono | hey czajkowski | 10:24 |
czajkowski | jono: ello.... eh what timezone are you in | 10:24 |
czajkowski | jono: not that I'm not happy to see you, I just had to make sure what time it was | 10:24 |
dholbach | czajkowski: he's in the land of sleep-deprivation | 10:24 |
popey | Morning Ubuntuites! | 10:25 |
czajkowski | dholbach: :) | 10:25 |
dholbach | morning czajkowski, popey | 10:25 |
dholbach | how are you guys doing? | 10:25 |
popey | Great! | 10:26 |
czajkowski | FANTASTIC! | 10:26 |
dholbach | jono: did I show you mhall's newest changes to loco.ubuntu.com? | 10:26 |
dholbach | jono: the theme is based on what he did with the ubuntu-website team, so it'll be easier for us to stay up to date now | 10:26 |
dholbach | he just rocks | 10:26 |
* popey wonders what needs to be done to address bug 585940 which is a bit of a 'celebrity' bug report | 10:27 | |
ubot2 | Launchpad bug 585940 in ubuntu-website "Text reads "not recommended" for 64-bit (affects: 41) (heat: 210)" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/585940 | 10:27 |
popey | and is getting negative attention | 10:27 |
dholbach | did you talk to newz2000 about it? | 10:28 |
popey | not recently | 10:28 |
popey | he's aware of it | 10:28 |
* popey pokes him in -website | 10:28 | |
dholbach | maybe he needs a renewed prod? :) | 10:28 |
jono | dholbach, ooh | 10:29 |
jono | dholbach, looks great! | 10:30 |
dholbach | yeah :) | 10:30 |
jono | czajkowski, in cali | 10:31 |
jono | just don't need to be up early tomorrow | 10:31 |
czajkowski | jono: tomorow is today :) go sleep you loon | 10:32 |
jono | hehe | 10:32 |
czajkowski | kim0: Aloha there Welcome | 10:32 |
jono | I am heading to bed in two ticks | 10:32 |
kim0 | czajkowski, Hi there :) | 10:32 |
kim0 | jono, nightie | 10:32 |
dholbach | sleep tight and have a nice day off | 10:33 |
popey | (slacker) | 10:33 |
popey | ;) | 10:33 |
kim0 | hehe | 10:33 |
jono | heh | 10:33 |
jono | Severed Fifth for much of tomorrow | 10:33 |
jono | finishing the album | 10:33 |
jono | night, all! | 10:34 |
czajkowski | nn jono | 10:34 |
jono | kim0, have a great first day :-) | 10:34 |
kim0 | jono, You cana be sure I am .. Thank you :D | 10:35 |
kim0 | can* | 10:35 |
jono | :) | 10:35 |
dholbach | james_w: I'm so excited - dylan's first cut of work landed today :-D | 11:29 |
* dholbach → lunch | 11:48 | |
jussi | does anyone here know who runs ubuntu-eu.org? | 13:02 |
czajkowski | jussi: ask huats | 13:03 |
czajkowski | but I think there's been some falling out | 13:03 |
jussi | :/ | 13:04 |
czajkowski | hmm no developer week logo | 13:04 |
czajkowski | feck all the others have one | 13:04 |
czajkowski | jussi: he's online | 13:04 |
jussi | its rather frustrating. they have no contact details on their website, no way of communicating with them. | 13:04 |
czajkowski | jussi: hmm there is a way I just have the details to hand on this machine | 13:07 |
jussi | czajkowski: Im talking to huats now. | 13:08 |
czajkowski | sortedso | 13:09 |
popey | there is #ubuntu-eu | 13:23 |
jussi | yeah, I found that thanks popey | 13:28 |
dholbach | james_w: I split out the recipe docs into https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DailyBuilds/Recipes and linked it from the knowledge base - does https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DailyBuilds/GettingStarted?action=diff&rev2=21&rev1=20 look good to you? | 13:44 |
dholbach | james_w: as the default case? | 13:44 |
james_w | dholbach: is his work deployed? | 14:32 |
czajkowski | kim0: how are you getting on Day 1 | 14:34 |
dholbach | james_w: no, not deployed it - the ticket is still open and I guess we should schedule a meeting with interested folks to iron out a few more (small) issues | 14:34 |
nigelb | hola folks! | 14:37 |
czajkowski | nigelb: howdy | 14:39 |
nigelb | czajkowski: heya | 14:40 |
nigelb | there was strike in whole of india for increased fuel prices - what a day! | 14:40 |
czajkowski | nigelb: we have kim0 in here today say hi | 14:40 |
czajkowski | nigelb: lordie | 14:40 |
nigelb | czajkowski: was stuck without food in the morning :/ | 14:40 |
nigelb | thankfully, went to a friend's place and spent the day with them | 14:41 |
nigelb | I have 48 hours of backlog to catch up with! Good lord! | 14:41 |
czajkowski | nigelb: not agood start | 14:41 |
nigelb | definitely not! But, having a lazy monday is a very good thing | 14:41 |
nigelb | czajkowski: ah, we finally have a cloud community representative :) | 14:44 |
czajkowski | we do | 14:44 |
nigelb | I missed so much! I'm so pissed at my laptop not working right now :/ | 14:46 |
czajkowski | squeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee I have rugby tickets for world cup :D | 14:48 |
nigelb | rugby has world cup? | 14:49 |
* nigelb runs from czajkowski | 14:49 | |
czajkowski | next summer | 14:49 |
nigelb | wow, thats early :) | 14:49 |
nigelb | btw, folks, I have a new alter ego blog nigelblogs.wordpress.com - I'll probably start blogging from tomorrow, its my web developer alter ego :) | 14:50 |
czajkowski | well september would be when I'd be going over | 14:56 |
nigelb | where is it? | 14:57 |
czajkowski | NEW ZEALAND | 14:58 |
czajkowski | I'm invading | 14:58 |
nigelb | heh | 14:59 |
nigelb | czajkowski: leave poor ben alone ;) | 15:00 |
czajkowski | he wont come near me with a camera this time | 15:00 |
nigelb | LOL | 15:00 |
nigelb | czajkowski: orla looks beautiful! | 15:06 |
nigelb | the picture with the 2 kids is soooooo cute :) | 15:06 |
czajkowski | aye that's Oisin (ush een) | 15:08 |
czajkowski | her 4 yr old brother | 15:08 |
nigelb | :) | 15:13 |
AlanBell | oh, that reminds me I was going to send a challenge out to the -nz team | 15:16 |
czajkowski | AlanBell: would it be an idea to mail the team contacts? | 15:17 |
czajkowski | and get them to forward the mail? | 15:17 |
popey | yeah, that works | 15:17 |
popey | (psst, it doesnt) | 15:17 |
czajkowski | popey: :( | 15:18 |
czajkowski | it should work if contacts were actually doing what they're meant to do | 15:18 |
* czajkowski refrains from ranting | 15:18 | |
AlanBell | interesting point (from both of you) | 15:18 |
AlanBell | don't really see why I can't just email their lists, the PoC isn't really a gatekeeper of information | 15:19 |
AlanBell | and as I am not on either list it gets moderated anyway | 15:20 |
* nigelb would suggest joiing with web-only status | 15:20 | |
AlanBell | yeah, I could join with nomail setting | 15:20 |
nigelb | that way you can send as many mails as you want and nothing much in | 15:20 |
nigelb | I'm sub'd to a bunch of LoCo's to see how they do their stuff | 15:21 |
czajkowski | AlanBell: well joinging alist kinda fecks up peoples stats tbh | 15:21 |
nigelb | which explains the 400 mails in my inbox | 15:21 |
czajkowski | as it#'s not a realistic count of who's on teams | 15:21 |
nigelb | we can't worry about numbers | 15:21 |
czajkowski | nigelb: can do if you're reviewing teams for their re approval though | 15:21 |
czajkowski | :D | 15:21 |
AlanBell | so convince me it would be rude to send it to the list rather than via the contact | 15:21 |
nigelb | I mean, thats not a reasonable excuse. In that case, I'm screwing up a bunch of stats | 15:21 |
* nigelb thinks it may not be rude | 15:22 | |
czajkowski | nigelb: some people like stats, AlanBell does | 15:22 |
AlanBell | :-) | 15:22 |
nigelb | czajkowski: Ah, that explains the stats excuse | 15:22 |
czajkowski | nigelb: so if a loco team says 120 eople on their mailing list | 15:22 |
czajkowski | now I have to wonder is 120 accurate or | 15:23 |
czajkowski | are people just suscribing to send 1 mail once and never again | 15:23 |
czajkowski | just a thought mind | 15:23 |
czajkowski | ;) | 15:23 |
nigelb | I think the mail traffic is a better stat | 15:23 |
* AlanBell is not sure what to do now | 15:24 | |
AlanBell | for those who haven't seen it http://pad.ubuntu-uk.org/earthsandwich | 15:24 |
popey | czajkowski: you can ask for numbers of people who actually get mail | 15:25 |
popey | czajkowski: and I dont rely on that number anyway, all mailing lists have 10% people who do stuff, 20% who also contribute and 70% who just lurk (In my experience) | 15:26 |
popey | so the numbers are largely meaningless | 15:26 |
* nigelb supports popey 's view | 15:26 | |
czajkowski | popey: well that is also true | 15:26 |
popey | if you run "mls" against any mailing list mailbox you'll see these stats borne out | 15:26 |
popey | Note: numbers above were plucked out of my hair :) | 15:27 |
czajkowski | I was just thinking that now more people would suscribe to send one mail and possibly may or may not follow up. | 15:27 |
czajkowski | popey: thick hair do! | 15:27 |
popey | i dont think it's that widespread to be a problem | 15:27 |
popey | czajkowski: I'm worth it. | 15:27 |
czajkowski | popey: I dont either, these were todays thoughts | 15:27 |
czajkowski | popey: I'm going to new zeland I'm in flying form :D # | 15:28 |
popey | ooo | 15:28 |
czajkowski | popey: september 2011, but still squeeeee | 15:28 |
AlanBell | so why should I send it to the contacts? | 15:30 |
czajkowski | AlanBell: so in theory they can explain it to the team and get them inovlved. maybe add it to their irc meeting agenda and discuss look for help | 15:31 |
czajkowski | just a thought mind | 15:31 |
AlanBell | hmm, they still can do all that | 15:32 |
czajkowski | aye | 15:32 |
czajkowski | they could also say no | 15:32 |
czajkowski | dont see why though | 15:32 |
czajkowski | do let us know what way you go and how it's worked out | 15:32 |
AlanBell | mailing to the lists. | 15:34 |
AlanBell | anyone I should cc? | 15:35 |
AlanBell | I think I will cc the uk team | 15:40 |
czajkowski | thats gonna get to be a long winded thread | 15:41 |
AlanBell | good | 15:41 |
nigelb | AlanBell: whatever you do, I hope the idea doesn't get sidetracked | 15:41 |
* czajkowski hugs AlanBell | 15:42 | |
czajkowski | wow you do love stats and graphs!!! | 15:42 |
nigelb | czajkowski: I think if he hadn't discovered computers, AlanBell would be teaching statics or maths in some university ;) | 15:43 |
nigelb | *statistics | 15:44 |
czajkowski | nigelb: :) | 15:44 |
AlanBell | hmm, the mail to -es is held for moderation as expected | 15:44 |
* nigelb thinks of Professor Bell teaching about the Bell curve :D | 15:45 | |
AlanBell | the one to -nz got rejected automatically :-( | 15:45 |
czajkowski | AlanBell: why ? | 15:45 |
czajkowski | was there a reason in the email | 15:45 |
AlanBell | because I am not a member of the list | 15:45 |
czajkowski | hmm | 15:46 |
czajkowski | bit severe | 15:46 |
popey | nah, pretty normal | 15:47 |
nigelb | gives less work for mailman moderator | 15:47 |
popey | I'd probably have opened with "hello" | 15:47 |
popey | your mail looks like spam | 15:47 |
AlanBell | I registered on the -nz list and sent it | 15:51 |
popey | Quick! Unregister before czajkowski catches you! | 15:52 |
nigelb | lol | 15:52 |
* czajkowski poke popey | 15:52 | |
czajkowski | cheeky | 15:52 |
popey | :D | 15:52 |
popey | you love me really | 15:52 |
popey | czajkowski: we're recording the podcast tonight, if anyone has any news / events / updates we'd love to have them | 15:53 |
dholbach | there's a lot of good stuff in UWN | 15:53 |
popey | true | 15:53 |
czajkowski | popey: 200th edition of UWN | 15:53 |
* nigelb hugs dholbach :) | 15:53 | |
AlanBell | 200th edition therof | 15:53 |
* dholbach hugs nigelb | 15:54 | |
popey | we are mentioning that | 15:54 |
nigelb | UWN FTW! | 15:54 |
dholbach | UDW! | 15:54 |
nigelb | popey: UUD and UDW too? | 15:54 |
popey | ooo | 15:54 |
* popey adds UDW | 15:54 | |
popey | great! thanks! | 15:54 |
popey | keep them coming! | 15:54 |
nigelb | popey: seif interview was quite entertaining ;) | 15:55 |
czajkowski | popey: http://www.nationalclcsconference.org/ | 15:55 |
czajkowski | open source stream now becoming more main stream at conferences | 15:55 |
popey | added czajkowski | 16:02 |
czajkowski | popey: we'll keep you | 16:06 |
dholbach | alright my friends - I call it a day | 16:46 |
dholbach | see you tomorrow! | 16:46 |
dholbach | and have a great rest of your day :) | 16:46 |
nhandler | You too dholbach | 16:50 |
dholbach | thanks nhandler | 16:50 |
czajkowski | dholbach: bye | 16:57 |
dholbach | bye czajkowski :) | 16:57 |
=== IdleOne is now known as NickSpam | ||
jono | hi all | 17:50 |
qense | hello jono | 17:54 |
jono | hey qense | 17:55 |
czajkowski | popey: could be a great way to meet locos when there though nice idea | 18:14 |
=== NickSpam is now known as IdleOne | ||
vish | jono: hey , got a min for a lernid related bug? | 18:40 |
vish | any reason lernid is in this category : https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/546968 , ? | 18:41 |
ubot2 | Launchpad bug 546968 in lernid (Ubuntu) (and 2 other projects) "Inappropriately appears in Ubuntu Software Center "Developer Tools" > "Python" (affects: 2) (heat: 12)" [Low,Confirmed] | 18:41 |
jono | vish, I am not maintaining Lernid anymore mbudde does | 18:42 |
vish | jono: cool ,thanks . is there a channel for Lernid ? | 18:42 |
vish | oh seems there is a #lernid , but no one there ;) | 18:43 |
jono | np | 18:43 |
jono | vish, #lernid I think | 18:43 |
* nhandler notes that #lernid should probably be ##lernid | 19:52 | |
AlanBell | why? | 20:04 |
AlanBell | if it was #learning it should probably be ##learning | 20:04 |
nhandler | AlanBell: To comply with freenode's channel naming policy ( http://freenode.net/policy.shtml#channelnaming ). Basically, without an approved group registration form, it should have 2 #s | 20:08 |
AlanBell | oh, didn't know about any forms. I figured lernid has a reasonable claim on the name lernid | 20:12 |
nhandler | AlanBell: Yeah, they definitely have a reasonable claim, and jono or mbudde could fill out the form (although it might take a while to get processed until the GMS is up and running) | 20:25 |
czajkowski | nhandler: aye but you can poke a staffer if needed | 20:27 |
jussi | hrm, have we any french speakers familiar with contracts who want some paid work? | 20:48 |
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