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dholbach | good morning | 07:30 |
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pitti | Good morning | 07:50 |
pitti | apw: "failed to upload" -- no idea; usually for a rebuild test we are just interested in the build logs and in the boolean result (builds/FTBFS); but in this case I think we actually want to keep the binaries and build a live CD out of it for testing the new toolchain | 07:51 |
ogra | james_w, are you up already ? all image builds are screwed atm due to mono hangining in NEW (and for omap4 it would be nice if linux-omap4 could be released too) | 08:35 |
pitti | I just NEWed mono | 08:36 |
ogra | pitti, thanks a lot ... could you do linux-omap4 too ? | 08:36 |
ogra | (was only renamed, should be all ok beyond that) | 08:37 |
pitti | ogra: you mean the meta package? | 08:38 |
ogra | yeah, the binary of that | 08:38 |
ogra | it was initially wrongly names linux-ti-omap4 ... our builders dont like that | 08:39 |
ogra | *named | 08:39 |
pitti | done | 08:39 |
* ogra hugs pitti | 08:39 | |
* pitti hugs you back | 08:39 | |
smb | pitti, Is it you or cjwatson I would ask to accept Lucid kernel packages in the accept queue? It would be good to have this available in proposed as soon as possible. | 09:23 |
pitti | smb: "either", I suppose | 09:23 |
pitti | I did some 1.5 hours on SRUs on Friday; I'll do another round somewhere this week, but my OEM stuff piles up, I need to catch up there a bit | 09:24 |
smb | Ok. So maybe cjwatson then? | 09:24 |
smb | I would like to have that available for people in proposed as soon as possible | 09:24 |
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cjwatson | I can have a look in a bit; I just started the day | 09:25 |
smb | There is a bigger hunk of ext4 in that (which is queued upstream stable as well). But running fs tests looked quite good with the patches | 09:25 |
smb | cjwatson, That would be great. Thanks | 09:26 |
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cjwatson | smb: done | 10:15 |
smb | cjwatson, Great. Thanks | 10:15 |
Laney | how can I find out why binaries were removed for a package? | 10:23 |
Laney | presumably it was FTBFS but I'd like to confirm | 10:23 |
jpds | +publishinghistory. | 10:23 |
Laney | jpds: where? | 10:24 |
Laney | https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/lhs2tex/+publishinghistory please tell me where to click | 10:24 |
Laney | they were removed for lucid | 10:24 |
Laney | also, I assume that I'd have no trouble SRUing the fix? | 10:25 |
jpds | Laney: The source in dists/lucid/universe/source/Sources.gz but I can't see anything in the corresponding Packages.gz files. | 10:28 |
Laney | jpds: the binaries were removed. I don't know how to find out why as it doesn't appear in the publishing history :( | 10:31 |
Laney | anyway it does indeed FTBFS so I'll assume it's that | 10:32 |
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dholbach | TheMuso: I just had a look at bug 601758 and bug 601754 , they look good to me, but it seems like instead of libjack* we'll have libjack-jack2d* soon - it might be worth for you weigh in as well | 10:40 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 601758 in Ubuntu "[NEW] Please sync jackd-defaults (5) from Debian unstable (main)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/601758 | 10:40 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 601754 in Ubuntu "Please merge jackd2 1.9.5~dfsg-15 (main) from Debian unstable (main)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/601754 | 10:40 |
dholbach | (I don't want to break all the audio world :-)) | 10:41 |
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pitti | seb128: bug 600622 - first maverick retrace :) | 11:37 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 600622 in inkscape (Ubuntu) "inkscape assert failure: inkscape: /build/buildd/cairo-1.9.10/src/cairo-surface.c:337: _cairo_surface_begin_modification: Assertion `! surface->finished' failed." [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/600622 | 11:37 |
seb128 | pitti, yeah you! ;-) | 11:37 |
pitti | seems it's working | 11:37 |
pitti | seb128: I'm just glad that we don't have surprises like gdb breakage again | 11:37 |
pitti | I hope we can continue to use the lucid dchroots for a while | 11:38 |
seb128 | right | 11:38 |
* apw notes update-manager -d 'upgrade' button has stopped working ... | 12:08 | |
pitti | hm, it worked fine last Wednesday when I tested it for alpha-2 | 12:09 |
soren | apw: How does it not work? I see it here, and I can click it, and the release notes (or whatever you want to call it) come up. | 12:10 |
soren | (On a current Lucid system) | 12:10 |
apw | soren, for me it says 'Could not find release notes // the server may be overloaded" | 12:11 |
apw | and refuses to do anything | 12:11 |
soren | Ah. | 12:11 |
apw | soren, though i seem to have functional networking ... | 12:12 |
apw | and the error is too quick to be a timeout | 12:12 |
apw | soren, occuring on more than one clean updated lucid boxes | 12:15 |
soren | No clue, sorry. | 12:15 |
mvo | apw: are you behind a proxy? is this lucid? | 12:15 |
apw | mvo, i have a local proxy (apt-cacher-ng) though i am told that update-managers python apt implementation doesn't use it, this is lucid | 12:16 |
mvo | apw: if you could mail/pastebin me the output of DEBUG_UPDATE_MANAGER=1 update-manager -d that would be nice | 12:17 |
apw | mvo, sure, its reporting a 403 on DevelReleaseAnnouncement | 12:19 |
apw | i'll confirm its not a local proxy thingy | 12:21 |
mvo | apw: oh, let me check | 12:21 |
apw | i seem to be able to open the URL it mentions on the same machine | 12:21 |
mvo | apw: odd, the permissions on the server look correct, let me check further | 12:22 |
apw | mvo, seems that update-manager is now using the cacher | 12:22 |
mvo | apw: do you have any auth proxy setup? | 12:22 |
apw | so i suspect it is its fault somehow | 12:22 |
apw | nope, no authentication on the proxu | 12:23 |
mvo | apw: aha, that makes sense. the latest lucid-proposed update-manager fixed a issue with the proxy usage | 12:23 |
mvo | apw: so the fix may now have broken your setup :/ if apt-cacher-ng does not support fetchting this file | 12:23 |
mvo | apw: you should see something in the apt-cache-ng logfile, no? | 12:23 |
apw | mvo, i am suspicious its not compatible with apt-cahcer-ng | 12:23 |
apw | 1278328920|O|135|| | 12:24 |
apw | i suspect that usless file is to blame | 12:24 |
apw | s/file/line/ | 12:24 |
mvo | yeah :( | 12:24 |
mvo | but it should work if you unset your proxy in the gnome environment, no? | 12:24 |
apw | mvo its defined in the /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/01proxy file | 12:25 |
apw | and only there | 12:25 |
mvo | aha, ok. that will be read by u-m | 12:25 |
mvo | a good alternative proxy is squid-deb-proxy ;) | 12:25 |
apw | mvo, i suspect one of us should work out how to fix it given its a common solution | 12:26 |
mvo | ok, let me have a look at the apt-cacher source | 12:26 |
apw | i suspect its fixable in the configuration | 12:26 |
mvo | aha, cool. if its that simple we should do a sru for this as well | 12:27 |
mvo | my knowldege of this package is limited | 12:27 |
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apw | mvo, mine is too, other than it being very effective (till now) | 12:31 |
mvo | :) | 12:31 |
TheMuso | dholbach: Thanks, will take a quick peak now, but will have a more indepth look tomorrow morning. | 12:33 |
mvo | apw: it seems to have a whitelist for meta-release* | 12:36 |
mvo | apw: could you please try adding: "http://changelogs.ubuntu.com/ to ./usr/lib/apt-cacher-ng/ubuntu_mirrors ? | 12:37 |
apw | mvo, if i remove the ?xxx bit from the url it seems to work | 12:38 |
apw | mvo the file which is erroring is not fetched from changelogs ? | 12:39 |
mvo | apw: ohhh, the ?lang= bits? | 12:39 |
apw | yep, that may be triggering the borkage | 12:40 |
mvo | interessting | 12:40 |
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TheMuso | dholbach: Actually, these two bugs are syncs and not merges, as they don't yet exist in Ubuntu. They can be brought in without issue. I'll take care of them now. | 12:44 |
apw | mvo, ok it does appear we can fix this by updating the VfilePattern | 12:44 |
apw | mvo, i guess i should file a bug and put the config update on it ... | 12:45 |
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mvo | apw: please do | 12:51 |
mvo | apw: I'm happy to sponsor it | 12:51 |
apw | mvo, be good for me :) | 12:52 |
mvo | :) | 12:52 |
apw | (as it it will be good for me to do some non-kernel packages) | 12:52 |
apw | mvo, ok the ubuntu1 upload for apt-cacher-ng just shows someone mangling the source directly | 12:53 |
apw | mvo, should i consider making this a quilt package ? | 12:53 |
mvo | apw: yes, feel free | 12:53 |
apw | mvo, they have also mangled the Maintainer to XSBC-original-maintainer, doesn't that happen automatically ? | 12:54 |
cjwatson | in binaries, yes, but you're supposed to change it in altered source packags | 12:54 |
cjwatson | *packages | 12:54 |
mvo | apw: jus trun update-maintainer | 12:54 |
cjwatson | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebianMaintainerField | 12:55 |
apw | cjwatson, mvo, thanks for the clarificaiton | 12:55 |
apw | cjwatson, i am right in thinking that the default for a source 3.0 (quilt) format archive is to have the patches applied, so that its sensible and appropriate to add 'debian/source/format' as a patch ? | 12:58 |
cjwatson | everything except for "as a patch" | 12:58 |
cjwatson | as in, you certainly should not have debian/source/format added by a patch under debian/patches/ | 12:58 |
cjwatson | in general, debian/patches/ should patch upstream source, not debian/ | 12:58 |
apw | cjwatson, ok, ... makes sense | 12:59 |
cjwatson | debian/source/format should just be added directly | 12:59 |
cjwatson | hm, my grub2 vesafb test would work better with a kernel that has vesafb built-in | 12:59 |
dholbach | TheMuso: one of them is a merge (missing build-dep in main) | 12:59 |
* cjwatson upgrades that vm | 12:59 | |
apw | is there an incantation for making quilt work with a 3.0 format repository, i suspect i need to find the 'kernel engineers guide to debian packaging with quilt' | 13:00 |
cjwatson | apw: you need an incantation? :) | 13:03 |
apw | the patches arn't in the normal place, so i assume i need at lease QUILT_PATCHES=debian/patches | 13:04 |
cjwatson | oh, that | 13:04 |
cjwatson | apw: /usr/share/doc/quilt/README.source has a suitable .quiltrc | 13:05 |
cjwatson | and general advice | 13:05 |
cjwatson | the only weird bit is that after you check out a branch corresponding to a 3.0 (quilt) package with patches applied, you have to do a bit of fiddling to get it into a state where you can use quilt | 13:05 |
cjwatson | http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=572204 has the rune I came up with for that | 13:05 |
ubottu | Debian bug 572204 in dpkg-dev "dpkg-dev: maintainer workflow problems with 3.0 (quilt) and VCS" [Wishlist,Open] | 13:05 |
cjwatson | but after that initial setup step it just works | 13:05 |
lool | cjwatson: hola | 13:07 |
apw | cjwatson, and one final Q [sic], is there a standard for the header of a patch ? | 13:07 |
lool | cjwatson: LP #600988 has a sync request for libxml2, per the email I've sent to ev and you last week; mind having a look and syncing? | 13:08 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 600988 in libxml2 (Ubuntu) "Sync libxml2 2.7.7.dfsg-4 (main) from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/600988 | 13:08 |
cjwatson | sure | 13:08 |
cjwatson | apw: http://dep.debian.net/deps/dep3/ | 13:08 |
lool | apw: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/PatchTaggingGuidelines | 13:08 |
lool | (links to DEP3) | 13:09 |
cjwatson | lool: done | 13:12 |
lool | cjwatson: thank you | 13:14 |
lool | cjwatson: I dont think you'd actually need my help, but just in case, if you see regressions in migration-assistant and would like me to update the libxml2, let me know | 13:15 |
lool | +flags | 13:15 |
Amto_res | 59100 Roubai | 13:24 |
Amto_res | sory ** | 13:24 |
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ploum | Hello | 14:07 |
ploum | could someone help me to find back the archive of the gobby files of last UDS (La Hulpe) ? | 14:07 |
ploum | I'm looking for one and cannot find it back | 14:07 |
ploum | thanks | 14:07 |
seb128 | they are on gobby.ubuntu.com | 14:07 |
seb128 | but the server crasher midweek and they lost some documents | 14:07 |
seb128 | which one were you trying to get? | 14:08 |
ploum | hi seb128 | 14:09 |
seb128 | hey ploum! | 14:09 |
ploum | I'm trying to get gtg-desktop | 14:09 |
ploum | I had a copy but I lost it | 14:09 |
seb128 | I don't have this one but maybe ask people who joined the session | 14:10 |
seb128 | bryce might have a copy | 14:10 |
ploum | yep, I've asked on our channel but I wanted to know if there was some kind of "official archives" | 14:10 |
seb128 | usually gobby.ubuntu.com has the documents but as said there was a crash during UDS and no backup for some of those... | 14:11 |
ploum | unfortunatly, gobby port is blocked here so I've to try from somewhere else | 14:12 |
ploum | thanks for the information | 14:12 |
ploum | I hope to do some productive work this summer :-) | 14:12 |
ricotz | hello, could a SRU admin have a look at this proposal - https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/docky/+bug/579049 | 14:13 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 579049 in docky (Ubuntu Lucid) "Dragging files to folders causes data "corruption"" [Undecided,New] | 14:13 |
ploum | how is life going on the gnombuntu side ? | 14:13 |
seb128 | ploum, there is always lot happening on the GNOME side, especially atm with GNOME3 coming ;-) | 14:14 |
seb128 | so busy but nice to see changes ;-) | 14:14 |
ploum | seb128: but those gnome 3 stuffs will be only for 11.4, right ? | 14:18 |
ploum | or will be 10.10 a ubuntu remix of 2.30 with some 3.0 libraries ? (like dconf and gsettings) | 14:19 |
seb128 | we plan to update the platform this cycle | 14:19 |
seb128 | so yes GNOME3 is for next cycle | 14:19 |
seb128 | we will get dconf and gsettings in the default install this cycle though | 14:19 |
seb128 | gtk3 should be in universe or maybe in main but not installed by default | 14:19 |
seb128 | we decided to do the gtk2 to gtk3 transition on 2 cycles | 14:20 |
ploum | indeed, this will be a lot of work for you then ! | 14:20 |
seb128 | yes ;-) | 14:20 |
ploum | keep it up, we, users, appreciate it :-) | 14:20 |
seb128 | ploum, thanks :-) | 14:22 |
cjwatson | apw: is anyone working on the fbcon handoff stuff for foundations-m-grub2-boot-framebuffer yet? I'm approaching the point where I could test it | 14:22 |
apw | cjwatson, hrm .. not sure ... will find out | 14:22 |
cjwatson | ta | 14:22 |
apw | cjwatson, doesn't look like it, i am unclear as to the requirements there, is there some info as to what the hand-off kit even is (i am assuming thats the task) | 14:24 |
apw | https://patchwork.kernel.org/patch/19287/ <-- is it essentially that patch ? | 14:25 |
cjwatson | apw: I think it was linked from the spec wiki | 14:30 |
cjwatson | yes, that's the patch, although I listed it as "something like [that]" rather than that exact patch since I know there were comments on it | 14:31 |
apw | mvo, ok ... i think i have put together patches and updated source packages for apt-cacher-ng they are on chinstrap:~apw/upload/sign ... apt-cacher-ng-DevelReleaseAnnouncement* are the debdiffs ... perhaps you could review and tell me how bad they are | 14:33 |
apw | cjwatson, cool ... yeah i can see the patch needs some love, but thats the missing functionality | 14:34 |
cjwatson | apw: regarding Alan's comment we should of course note that we *do* want to use the vt layer | 14:35 |
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killown | hey ubuntu developers new bug here http://paste.pocoo.org/show/233756/ after execute help('modules') on python interpreter it enable compiz | 15:15 |
kaushal | hi | 15:53 |
kaushal | Please guide me about my post on https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-server/2010-July/004402.html | 15:53 |
apw | basically this is about doing a PXE install but wishing to end up with a server kernel installed ^^ | 15:56 |
* ogra bets there is a preseed value one can set | 15:58 | |
apw | ogra, that email thread does talk about a preeseed. kaushal says "i am using a kickstart ks.cfg not preseed" though i am unsure of the specifics | 15:59 |
ogra | hmm | 15:59 |
elmo | d-i base-installer/kernel/linux/extra-packages-2.6 string | 15:59 |
elmo | d-i pkgsel/include string linux-image-server | 15:59 |
ogra | perfect ;) | 15:59 |
elmo | is what we do, FWIW | 15:59 |
ogra | not sure how that translates into kickstart though | 16:00 |
* apw has no clue as to how or why we seem to have two methods to essentially control the install | 16:00 | |
ogra | apw, kickstart is redhat's way of using preseeding | 16:00 |
ogra | d-i is (or at least once was) supposed to be able to translate such files | 16:01 |
apw | well indeed, but as this is an ubuntu install its not obvious how that relates ... | 16:01 |
ogra | into preseeding | 16:01 |
apw | ahh i see | 16:01 |
ogra | but i have no clue how well that works or if its still supported ... i remember it was introduced around dapper timeframe | 16:02 |
un214 | I just discovered /tmp isn't ramdrive/swapdrive anymore. Intentional? | 16:02 |
cjwatson | still works and is still supported | 16:02 |
ogra | great | 16:02 |
cjwatson | un214: never has been by default | 16:02 |
apw | cjwatson, can you do a kernel switch via the kickstart form ? | 16:02 |
ogra | so the var or value the user uses might be wrong | 16:02 |
un214 | was in jaunty when I first installed | 16:02 |
apw | preseed --owner gdm shared/default-x-display-manager select gdm | 16:03 |
apw | https://help.ubuntu.com/7.04/installation-guide/i386/automatic-install.html | 16:03 |
cjwatson | apw: the preseed in the post above should work fine; it looks like kaushal just needs help in using preseeding at all | 16:03 |
apw | kaushal, those docs imply you might be able to use 'preseed' to do the same things | 16:03 |
cjwatson | oh, and yes, you can use 'preseed' to drop down to raw preseeding from ks.cfg | 16:04 |
cjwatson | kaushal: so you want this in ks.cfg: | 16:04 |
cjwatson | preseed base-installer/kernel/override-image string linux-server | 16:04 |
cjwatson | un214: I don't know how you installed, but I maintain the Ubuntu installer and we have never put /tmp on a RAM-based filesystem | 16:04 |
cjwatson | by default | 16:04 |
kaushal | ok | 16:05 |
kaushal | cjwatson, ok | 16:05 |
kaushal | shall i pastebin the ks.cfg file ? | 16:05 |
kaushal | cjwatson, where exactly i need to put that line ? | 16:07 |
un214 | maybe I installed by cloning the livecd | 16:07 |
cjwatson | kaushal: no need to pastebin. just put it anywhere in the main section of the file (i.e. not %packages or %pre or %post) | 16:07 |
cjwatson | where you'd put commands like 'url' | 16:07 |
un214 | that would certainally explain it | 16:07 |
kaushal | cjwatson, just after the url ? | 16:08 |
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cjwatson | kaushal: no, on a line by itself | 16:09 |
kaushal | ok | 16:09 |
cjwatson | kaushal: just in the same section as all that stuff | 16:09 |
kaushal | cjwatson, so that line will tell the installer to install server kernel ? | 16:10 |
cjwatson | kaushal: yes | 16:10 |
kaushal | great | 16:10 |
kaushal | Thanks | 16:10 |
kaushal | and run the kickstart as it is | 16:11 |
kaushal | I mean using pxe boot | 16:11 |
apw | kaushal, i would suggest giving it a try | 16:12 |
kaushal | cjwatson, sure | 16:13 |
kaushal | Thanks a lot | 16:13 |
kaushal | will try and update apw and cjwatson | 16:13 |
kaushal | appreciate it | 16:13 |
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Daviey | cjwatson, Can D-I be made to try to automatically obtain dhcp leases, trying all interfaces until it succeeds? | 16:19 |
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apw | who does one subscribe to a bug for sponsorship these days ? | 16:25 |
pitti | apw: ubuntu-sponsors | 16:25 |
cjwatson | Daviey: sorry, I don't know - I suspect not | 16:25 |
Daviey | cjwatson, :(, thanks | 16:27 |
apw | pitti, ta | 16:29 |
cr3 | when a release has an end of life date marked as "Month Year" on wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases, is that the 1st of the month, the last of the month or somewhere in between? | 16:52 |
cr3 | nevermind, there are more specific dates provided lower on the same wiki page | 16:53 |
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andrusk | "/format pubmsg_channel {pubmsgnick $3 {pubnick $[-9]0}{msgchannel $1}}$2" | 17:19 |
tseliot | seb128: your last upload of cairo makes chromium tabs disappear (if you have something like 130 tabs) | 17:20 |
tseliot | seb128: maybe rebuilding chromium against the new cairo will fix it | 17:22 |
seb128 | tseliot, I've no clue about chromium but could be similar to bug # | 17:44 |
seb128 | https://launchpad.net/bugs/601494 | 17:45 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 601494 in chromium-browser (Ubuntu) "Favicon in tabs appears as a flickering square while page loads" [Undecided,Confirmed] | 17:45 |
seb128 | tseliot, ^ | 17:45 |
seb128 | tseliot, cairo upstream said chromium is buggy in its cairo use though | 17:45 |
apw | cjwatson, this fbcon handoff thingy ... does the kernel need to be in a PPA or will a .deb do you ? | 17:46 |
cjwatson | apw: .deb is fine | 17:47 |
cjwatson | I'll just be shoving it in a VM | 17:47 |
tseliot | seb128: my issue i different, all tabs are invisible if there's too many of them with the latest cairo | 17:47 |
tseliot | seb128: not just the icon | 17:47 |
tseliot | icons | 17:47 |
apw | cjwatson, ok cool ... i've gotten the raw patch applied and building, so i'll get you some .debs shortly. my quick testing here showed it would boot, but as the screen is clear i cannot tell if its doing anything | 17:48 |
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seb128 | tseliot, ok, dunno then | 17:48 |
tseliot | ok, I'll investigate the issue | 17:48 |
cjwatson | apw: I'll CC you on the GRUB patch I'm about to send | 17:49 |
apw | nice thanks | 17:50 |
apw | cjwatson, i can see why upstream went 'ick' on this patch... it seems to conflate about 4 things in one | 17:51 |
cjwatson | apw: oh, I'm not saying I want *that* patch | 17:52 |
cjwatson | I want something that will let fbcon use existing framebuffer contents rather than clearing it | 17:52 |
apw | cjwatson, indeed, plan is 'give you that patch' and see if it does what you wanted semantically | 17:52 |
cjwatson | doing it as a config option certainly seems nuts | 17:52 |
apw | if so, pull it appart and clean up the bits etc. i think this patch represents about 3 different module parameters | 17:53 |
cjwatson | I wonder if it should be done using the flags word that's currently used only to set initial cursor state | 17:53 |
apw | cjwatson, yeah i suspect either that or the 'logo' one | 17:53 |
cjwatson | global_cursor_default | 17:53 |
apw | but i am hoping this one touches all the bits you need, hense just slamming it in for a quick test | 17:54 |
cjwatson | f6c06b6807ff9281295989ebad72523865325a4f introduced the nocursor flag, together with a matching module parameter | 17:55 |
cjwatson | I quite like the approach of exposing it both ways like that | 17:55 |
cjwatson | flags are better for bootloaders that are already programming the boot parameters structure; module parameters are better for users | 17:56 |
seb128 | ricotz, hi | 18:10 |
seb128 | ricotz, you maintain the gnome-shell daily ppa right? would you be interested to help maintaining the official version as well? | 18:11 |
un214 | ubuntu works just fine in a chroot jail -- all I need are bootscripts right? | 18:11 |
ricotz | seb128, hi | 18:12 |
seb128 | ricotz, do you have any change to get libmozjs to work? | 18:12 |
seb128 | ricotz, I would welcome patches for that for the maverick build | 18:12 |
ricotz | seb128, yes , jcastro asked me awhile ago | 18:12 |
seb128 | it fails right now but I don't really have time to debug it | 18:12 |
ricotz | seb128, yes, g-s needs a patch for xulrunner | 18:13 |
seb128 | I guess you had the same issues in the ppa and solved then by some way | 18:13 |
ricotz | seb128, is maverick going to ship gobject-introspection 0.9? | 18:13 |
seb128 | ricotz, can you send me the change or open a bug with it or work on a debdiff? | 18:13 |
chrisccoulson | what fails at the moment? | 18:13 |
seb128 | chrisccoulson, gnome-shell | 18:13 |
chrisccoulson | i suppose i should fix that really ;) | 18:13 |
seb128 | chrisccoulson, I guess some ld_preload missing for libmozjs somewhere | 18:14 |
seb128 | but I don't know if it's a gjs or gnome-shell issue | 18:14 |
chrisccoulson | oh, that's a gjs issue | 18:14 |
seb128 | ricotz, dunno really, does it requires gtk3 or changes in libraries? | 18:14 |
chrisccoulson | it just needs rebuilding against the latest xulrunner | 18:14 |
chrisccoulson | gjs is still looking in the old location for mozjs | 18:14 |
seb128 | hum | 18:15 |
ricotz | it is an g-s issue, there are some changes to the makefiles needed | 18:15 |
ricotz | not gjs | 18:15 |
chrisccoulson | ricotz - gjs has a rpath pointing to the mozjs location | 18:15 |
ricotz | of course gjs needs to be rebuild on every xulrunner release | 18:15 |
chrisccoulson | which breaks every time we do an upload | 18:15 |
seb128 | chrisccoulson, gjs built with | 18:15 |
chrisccoulson | hmmmm :-/ | 18:15 |
seb128 | chrisccoulson, I think we have several issues there | 18:15 |
seb128 | I really hate g-s for using gjs and not webkit ;-) | 18:16 |
chrisccoulson | we have 1 issue - that gnome-shell is using spidermonkey ;) | 18:16 |
ricotz | seb128, gobject-introspection bump the version to 1.1 which breaks every gir dev build | 18:16 |
seb128 | chrisccoulson, http://launchpadlibrarian.net/51410657/buildlog_ubuntu-maverick-armel.gnome-shell_2.31.2-1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz | 18:16 |
seb128 | ricotz, well for now I guess we have no issue | 18:17 |
seb128 | ricotz, I know gobject-introspection format changed but I'm not sure what implication it has, it upgrading would force us to upgrade other components, etc | 18:17 |
ricotz | seb128, if g-s going to depend on gjs 0.8 it will be a problem | 18:18 |
chrisccoulson | oh, does it try to run gnome-shell during the build? | 18:18 |
seb128 | chrisccoulson, I'm not sure, I've not tried to understand what it does yet | 18:18 |
seb128 | ricotz, ok, one thing at a time | 18:18 |
chrisccoulson | yeah, it looks like it. it's just missing a LD_LIBRARY_PATH somewhere | 18:18 |
seb128 | ricotz, could you send me your g-s build patch at some point when you have time for it? | 18:18 |
ricotz | seb128, http://paste.pocoo.org/raw/233809/ | 18:18 |
seb128 | ricotz, can you drop me an email with that diff or open a bug? | 18:19 |
seb128 | will make easier for tracking, thanks! | 18:19 |
seb128 | ricotz, or don't bother, I will try to do that today | 18:19 |
seb128 | ricotz, hum, gjs 0.8 will require a new gobject-introspection then? | 18:20 |
ricotz | seb128, yes gjs-git doesnt build with 0.6.14 | 18:20 |
seb128 | do you know what debian plans to do? | 18:21 |
ricotz | sorry, no | 18:21 |
seb128 | I need to understand what they change | 18:21 |
seb128 | and what impacts that will have on the versions we need to ship | 18:21 |
seb128 | since we will not ship gtk3 this cycle | 18:21 |
ricotz | this needs many changes | 18:21 |
seb128 | well there is the update | 18:22 |
seb128 | and the rebuild of all the packages shipping a gir | 18:22 |
ricotz | for example, gtk+2.0 ships a precomiled gir version 1.0 which break the build with a gir 1.1 | 18:22 |
seb128 | with corresponding build and packaging change for the abi version change | 18:22 |
ricotz | yes, i guess it need a bump the names to gir1.1-PACKAGE | 18:23 |
seb128 | would it be easy to have a gir 1.1 compatible gtk gir on 2.22? | 18:23 |
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ricotz | seb128, i hope it is, i am trying to do this in my ppa | 18:24 |
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seb128 | ricotz, ok, let me know how it goes | 18:24 |
ricotz | seb128, i think for gtk+2.0 needs a "autoreconf ..." like gconf has | 18:24 |
seb128 | gtk has an autoreconf patch | 18:25 |
seb128 | it needs to be updated if you do changes to the makefiles or configure | 18:25 |
ricotz | yes, but i doesnt rebuild the gir file | 18:25 |
seb128 | well then we would need to update the copy | 18:25 |
seb128 | or to make gtk build its gir | 18:26 |
seb128 | could you try to figure if upstream plans to update gtk 2.22 gir to work with the new abi | 18:26 |
ricotz | yes, this is what i will try to do | 18:26 |
seb128 | thanks | 18:27 |
ricotz | i might do this | 18:27 |
seb128 | I will think about the transition to the new gobject-introspection | 18:27 |
seb128 | I will keep you updated on what we do | 18:27 |
ricotz | seb128, so atk, pango and so on needs updates too | 18:27 |
seb128 | but we will not hurry into it | 18:27 |
seb128 | I need to understand the number of changes involved | 18:27 |
seb128 | and if that will lead to something stable in this cycle | 18:28 |
ricotz | seb128, the transition back from the centralized gir build in gir-repository leads to this problem that now every package needs be updated with such a change | 18:29 |
seb128 | well I'm fine doing that work | 18:29 |
ricotz | seb128, is there progress in packaging gtk+3.0? | 18:29 |
seb128 | I just want to be sure it doesn't force us to pull gtk3 in or something | 18:29 |
seb128 | ricotz, not that I know no, it's not a priority for us right now and I didn't check what was the status in debian | 18:30 |
ricotz | in some point g-s will need gtk+3.0, but they are keeping a fallback to gtk 2.22 | 18:31 |
seb128 | nice | 18:31 |
ricotz | not sure how long this will last | 18:31 |
ricotz | seb128, also dconf needs packaging | 18:31 |
ricotz | g-s depends on it | 18:31 |
seb128 | dconf is packaged | 18:31 |
seb128 | it's in universe for a while and has been accepted for main | 18:32 |
ricotz | i think the current dconf is not the "right one" | 18:32 |
ricotz | dconf is not python, it is written in valac | 18:32 |
ricotz | the current version is 0.4 | 18:33 |
seb128 | you want d-conf | 18:33 |
ricotz | http://git.gnome.org/browse/dconf | 18:33 |
seb128 | ricotz, I know what d-conf is | 18:33 |
seb128 | ricotz, see libdconf0 | 18:34 |
seb128 | Version: 0.4.1-0ubuntu1 | 18:34 |
seb128 | Description: Simple key-based configuration system | 18:34 |
ricotz | oh, sorry | 18:34 |
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lex79 | cjwatson: when you have time can you add akonadi, soprano and koffice to kubuntu-dev packages? thanks | 19:24 |
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Riddell | lex79: the kubuntu-dev access list isn't a simple list of packages, it's based on some criteria of seeds which seems to not align perfectly with what we'd expect, cjwatson is aware of the issue and has promised to resolve it | 20:00 |
lex79 | Riddell: I know, some days ago he added meta-kde, pkg-kde-tools and -workspace to the list when I asked | 20:01 |
Riddell | oh really? that's handy | 20:01 |
lex79 | yes, just ask politely :) | 20:02 |
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johanbr | Hi. The revtex style in texlive-publishers 2009-7 doesn't work properly. A sync of the version from Debian Unstable would be much appreciated. See https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/texlive-extra/+bug/592721 | 20:19 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 592721 in texlive-extra (Ubuntu) "Revtex 4 not found" [Undecided,New] | 20:19 |
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=== dendrobates is now known as dendro-afk | ||
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