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warewolf | wow | 05:30 |
warewolf | er | 05:30 |
rocky_IITM | Hi all...Can anyone let know what is the maximum memory that can be allocated for a kernel module in x86_64???? | 06:19 |
rocky_IITM | What is the maximum memory that can be allocated to a kernel module in x86_64 bit system?? | 06:45 |
lifeless | -1 I presume | 06:45 |
rocky_IITM | I didnot get -1?? | 06:46 |
RAOF | Is there any reason to expect that a kernel module should be limited in the amount of memory it can allocate on an x86_64 system? | 06:47 |
ikepanhc | I did not aware of any limitation for single module, but I know there are limits for kmalloc | 06:48 |
ikepanhc | IIRC for x86 it is 128k, if you need memory more then 128k | 06:49 |
ikepanhc | you need to use get_free_page | 06:49 |
rocky_IITM | I need to allocate static memory... need to create queues of total size 2 GB...but memory allocation failing... | 06:50 |
ikepanhc | what kernel API you use? | 06:50 |
rocky_IITM | I m using rvmalloc(). | 06:52 |
ikepanhc | for 2G buffer, you need to use get_free_pages() and manage them. | 06:53 |
ikepanhc | its almost impossible to ask kernel to arrange 2G not-fragment-dram for you | 06:53 |
rocky_IITM | ok i will try that... | 06:54 |
rocky_IITM | I was able to do for 1 GB... after that it was failing.. | 06:55 |
lifeless | the idea of 2GB in-kernel terrifies me. | 06:56 |
lifeless | Just saying. | 06:56 |
rocky_IITM | yah its true... actually trying to write a kernel module for high speed packet processing.. | 06:57 |
rocky_IITM | lots of processing required in kernel and need to buffer the packets... | 06:57 |
RAOF | That's a seriously huge buffer! Is processing so slow? | 07:00 |
rocky_IITM | yah but traffic rate is also high... 5gbps.. | 07:02 |
lifeless | that doesn't mean you have to be inkernel | 07:02 |
lifeless | you just have to pass out sensible regions to userspace - lots of work on efficient userspace drivers/processing has been done | 07:02 |
rocky_IITM | yah I am trying to do that also... but getting drop in the card level... userspace copying also is a bottleneck | 07:04 |
rocky_IITM | I am getting drop in nw driver level.. | 07:05 |
ikepanhc | IIRC the bottom neck for 5gbps data flow is not usually on content switch, its usually on processor frequency | 07:05 |
lifeless | rocky_IITM: hand out entire pages, no copying involved surely. | 07:06 |
rocky_IITM | yah true... what we are trying is to create a multi-threaded driver and process it in different cores... | 07:08 |
lifeless | you will make things a lot more robust if you're only privileged when you *need to be*. | 07:08 |
rocky_IITM | Is there any maximum limit to vmalloc_32()?? | 07:24 |
rocky_IITM | lifeless: Is there any maximum limit to vmalloc_32()?? | 07:28 |
RAOF | rocky_IITM: I don't know, but haven't you already been pointed at get_free_page? | 07:30 |
RAOF | And isn't asking for 2GB of contiguous memory asking for your code to fail in all but the most controlled of situations? | 07:30 |
rocky_IITM | hmm ic... but my system is having 64 GB of RAM... so why its not possible to do contiguous memory allocation?? | 07:33 |
lifeless | fragmentation | 07:35 |
lifeless | only takes 33 widely separated pages and you can't do any single 2G allocation | 07:35 |
rocky_IITM | see ours is not a single allocation... we are trying to create queue... each node is of 16KB and the total size of the queue is 2GB | 07:40 |
lifeless | then why are you asking if there is a limit to the allocation facility of a single call? | 07:42 |
rocky_IITM | lifeless: see when we are crossing 1 GB the allocation is failing...and we are not quite sure where is the problem | 07:43 |
RAOF | So, after you've allocated 134217728 separate 16KB memory blocks it then starts to fail? | 07:45 |
rocky_IITM | when I have allocated 16KB * 65536 nodes then further allocation fails | 07:47 |
rocky_IITM | RAOF: when I allocate 65536 seperate 16KB blocks then it starts to fail | 07:49 |
TeTeT | smb: sorry, but I could not test the gobi loader patch last week - the hardware was already sent back | 08:10 |
smb | TeTeT, Well, as long as there is no testing the changes will be simply on hold. | 08:11 |
TeTeT | smb: understood | 08:11 |
* apw yawns | 08:45 | |
* smb lazily waves | 08:46 | |
cooloney | apw and smb morning | 08:47 |
apw | hiya cooloney | 08:49 |
* smb moans. Ok, children in the kindergarten sing songs, but why does that need amplifying? | 08:53 | |
amitk | smb: you're running a kindergarten at home? | 08:54 |
smb | amitk, No, there is just one close by. And today they seemed to have "escaped" | 08:54 |
amitk | open windows, nice weather and all that, then | 08:55 |
smb | yup | 08:55 |
kraut | moin | 09:04 |
smb | moin | 09:04 |
salvarane | hello | 10:09 |
salvarane | I compiled a kernel 2.6.29 patched rtai for lucid but when I reboot the mouse and keybourd not work | 10:11 |
salvarane | hello | 10:17 |
salvarane | <salvarane> I compiled a kernel 2.6.29 patched rtai for lucid but when I reboot the mouse and keybourd not work | 10:17 |
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apw | salvarane, what is rtai | 10:45 |
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salvarane | <apw> realtime for linux + emc2 cnc control | 11:50 |
apw | salvarane, where did you get the kernel configuration you used to build it? | 11:52 |
salvarane | <apw> /boot/config-2.6.32-23-generic-pae ; make oldconfig | 11:59 |
apw | salvarane, you might try the config from a version of ubuntu before 2.6.29, jaunty for example ... as the config may have changed between versions of the upstream kernel | 12:02 |
apw | salvarane, you might also want to try a 2.6.29 kernel from the mainline builds, and see if the keyboard works there | 12:02 |
salvarane | <apm> thanks , how can I download in synaptics a kernel 2.6.29 ? | 12:21 |
salvarane | for ubuntu | 12:21 |
salvarane | in this manner I copy config file for my kernel rtai | 12:21 |
salvarane | if all function's very well | 12:22 |
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ddd_ | anyone knows : /usr/bin/ld: skipping incompatible /lib/libc.so.6 when searching for /lib/libc.so.6 , how to fix? | 12:52 |
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* abogani waves | 12:58 | |
abogani | apw, May i disturb you for a minute? :-) | 12:59 |
lag | Question: | 13:25 |
lag | I am trying to populate the platform_driver struct | 13:25 |
lag | i.e. | 13:25 |
lag | .probe | 13:25 |
lag | .release | 13:25 |
lag | I am doing so from arch code | 13:26 |
lag | How do I 'see' the module's symbol? | 13:26 |
lag | I've tried to EXPORT_SYMBOL it and in the arch prototype I have declared it as an extern | 13:26 |
lag | Ideas on a postcard | 13:27 |
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tseliot | apw: does Maverick's kernel have a known I/O eating CPU issue? | 14:38 |
ogra | shoudl we add one if there isnt one ? :) | 14:38 |
tseliot | heh | 14:39 |
tseliot | my icore 7 feels like an old 386 when extracting packages, etc. | 14:39 |
tjaalton | that's a dpkg issue | 14:44 |
tjaalton | aiui | 14:44 |
tjaalton | it's syncing the disk all the time | 14:44 |
tjaalton | i'm more fed up with the gnome-help taking 45 seconds to start.. | 14:46 |
tjaalton | and that's not a kernel problem, so I'll leave it there ;) | 14:46 |
tjaalton | or, I don't think it is.. | 14:46 |
tseliot | tjaalton: ah, I know who I can bug about dpkg :-D thanks | 14:47 |
tjaalton | it was a deliberate decision iirc.. | 14:48 |
ogra | i think it only happens with ext4 | 14:50 |
tjaalton | yeah | 14:50 |
ogra | and is an issue with fsync calls | 14:50 |
tseliot | do you know what's the relevant bug report? | 14:51 |
ogra | must be in the lucid release notes somewhere | 14:51 |
tjaalton | probably | 14:51 |
tseliot | I've never had this problem in lucid with ext4 | 14:52 |
ogra | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidLynx/ReleaseNotes#Performance regressions with ext4 under certain workloads | 14:52 |
ogra | bug 570805 it seems | 14:53 |
ubot2 | Launchpad bug 570805 in dpkg (Ubuntu Lucid) (and 3 other projects) "[regression] dpkg's fsync causes massive regression in Ubuntu Server and Alternate installation times (affects: 16) (dups: 1) (heat: 125)" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/570805 | 14:53 |
ogra | https://bugzilla.kernel.org/show_bug.cgi?id=15910 | 14:53 |
ubot2 | bugzilla.kernel.org bug 15910 in ext4 "zero-length files and performance degradation" [Normal,New] | 14:54 |
tjaalton | whee, seems like a fix is coming | 14:54 |
tseliot | maybe I/O is worse in maverick and this is why I'm noticing the problem now | 14:54 |
kaushal | hi | 15:25 |
apw | hi | 15:34 |
kaushal | apw, hi | 15:48 |
kaushal | Please guide me about my post on https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-server/2010-July/004402.html | 15:49 |
apw | hi | 15:49 |
apw | kaushal, did you try the preseed change recommended in the email you are replying to there? | 15:50 |
kaushal | apw, I am using ks.cfg kickstart file | 15:50 |
apw | kaushal, and did you try the > d-i base-installer/kernel/override-image string linux-server | 15:51 |
kaushal | apw, as i said i dont use the preseed method at all | 15:52 |
kaushal | I use kickstart method | 15:52 |
apw | hrm, you have already left my area of expertise :/ ... you probabally need to ask if that file can change the kernel, i would ask on #ubuntu-devel, the installer folk mostly hang out there | 15:53 |
kaushal | ah ok | 15:53 |
kaushal | Thanks apw | 15:53 |
apw | np | 15:53 |
kaushal | apw, is there a mailing list for ubuntu-devel ? | 15:55 |
apw | i think if you are emailing them there is an ubuntu-installer list | 15:56 |
apw | i would ask on #ubuntu-devel first | 15:56 |
apw | kaushal, you give very few hints as to what your problem is from your irc request, which makes it hard for the right person to know what you need | 15:57 |
apw | kaushal, looks like you got your answer on #ubuntu-devel ... | 16:05 |
kaushal | apw, sure | 16:05 |
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tseliot | it turns out that my partition was busted. No I/O issues with the kernel | 17:10 |
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apw | tseliot, thats good news | 17:46 |
* tseliot nods | 17:47 | |
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