daker | dutchie, ping | 01:13 |
zkriesse | HAPPY FOURTH! | 03:55 |
godbyk-sagan | Hey, zkriesse. | 04:09 |
godbyk-sagan | No fireworks here. Heavy rains instead. | 04:09 |
zkriesse | argh | 04:09 |
* zkriesse doesn't do fireworks either | 04:09 | |
=== zkriesse is now known as Guest97739 | ||
=== Guest97739 is now known as zkriesse | ||
jenkins | morning all | 08:18 |
thorwil | morning! | 08:19 |
nisshh | afternoon for me! | 08:19 |
jenkins | any one running only kde? | 08:43 |
nisshh | jenkins: nope, but i used to run kde for a little while, why? | 08:46 |
jenkins | I would like to know what os.environ.get('DESKTOP_SESSION') in python gives, it may not work in kde aparently | 08:47 |
nisshh | ah, i dont have kde installed right now | 08:49 |
nisshh | couldnt tell you | 08:49 |
nisshh | jenkins: gimme a sec i might be able to find out for you though | 08:49 |
jenkins | ok thanks | 08:50 |
nisshh | jenkins: sorry, no one is running kde that i can get a hold of right now | 08:55 |
jenkins | thanks for trying :) | 08:55 |
nisshh | jenkins: oh, hang on, found someone maybe | 08:56 |
nisshh | jenkins: ok whats the code you need run? | 08:56 |
jenkins | import os | 08:56 |
jenkins | then os.environ.get('DESKTOP_SESSION') | 08:57 |
jenkins | run python first | 08:57 |
nisshh | yep | 08:57 |
jenkins | what ever the output is would be great | 08:57 |
nisshh | jenkins: it might take a bit of time, the guy has to pass it to another guy | 09:00 |
jenkins | ok cool, this is a team effort | 09:00 |
nisshh | jenkins: yea | 09:00 |
thorwil | anyone here familiar with greek hyphenation rules? | 09:00 |
nisshh | thorwil: no, sorry | 09:01 |
nisshh | godbyk maybe? | 09:02 |
jenkins | thorwil: Guest93627 should be | 09:02 |
nisshh | jenkins: sorry, the guys vm was dead | 09:03 |
jenkins | no worries i will set a vm up, probably should do that anyway | 09:03 |
jenkins | thanks to all for trying | 09:03 |
nisshh | jenkins: no wait, lol, found another guy | 09:04 |
thorwil | Guest93627: hi! can you show me where one can hyphenate in the following text? http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=jJp2qLu6 | 09:04 |
nisshh | jenkins: ok, i have the output! | 09:10 |
jenkins | yey, what does it say? | 09:11 |
nisshh | ok | 09:11 |
nisshh | it locked up the guys konsole and then spat out this: >>> os.environ.get('DESKTOP_SESSION') 'default' >>> | 09:12 |
nisshh | and thats it | 09:12 |
jenkins | hmm thats what i thought 'default' thank you to both of you | 09:12 |
nisshh | no probs :) | 09:12 |
Guest93627 | thorwil which word needs hyphenation? | 09:21 |
thorwil | Guest93627: εργασίες. maybe others afterwards | 09:22 |
Guest93627 | ερ-γα-σί-ες | 09:22 |
thorwil | ah, suddenly a nice block! | 09:23 |
thorwil | Guest93627: οδηγό? | 09:23 |
Guest93627 | ο-δη-γό | 09:24 |
thorwil | Guest93627: ανάγνωση, let me guess: α-νά-γν-ωση? | 09:26 |
Guest93627 | α-νά-γνω-ση | 09:27 |
Guest93627 | :p | 09:27 |
Guest93627 | too close | 09:27 |
thorwil | heh | 09:27 |
Guest93627 | is there another word that needs hyphenation cause i need to go... | 09:28 |
thorwil | Guest93627: no, it's good now, thank you! | 09:28 |
Guest93627 | ok.. bye :) | 09:28 |
thorwil | damn, somehow ended up with 2 old commits in my lucid-e1 branch that i never pushed and have 22 revs not pulled :( | 09:49 |
jenkins | thorwil: bzr uncommit them then pull and recommit | 09:51 |
jenkins | just incase you did not know :) | 09:51 |
thorwil | well, fixed | 10:20 |
jenkins | hemanth: ping | 10:21 |
hemanth | jenkins, yo | 10:21 |
jenkins | hello you wrote http://pastebin.com/nEU9uvbd for quickshot, did you test os.environ.get('DESKTOP_SESSION') in kde? and get kde out like the code says? I find that it gives 'default' | 10:22 |
hemanth | jenkins, yes it was tested in kde, are u getting default for kde!? | 10:24 |
jenkins | nissh-h got some one to test it as I have not sorted out my vms. I also read a forum post that got default | 10:25 |
thorwil | godbyk: c7p mailed the back cover translation to me, i created the lulu_el.svg (pushed) and just asked him to check it for errors | 10:25 |
hemanth | jenkins, strange, sure will cross check | 10:26 |
jenkins | hemanth: thanks | 10:27 |
hemanth | jenkins, np, my pleasure | 10:27 |
* hemanth switching to kde | 10:31 | |
hemanth | jenkins, working fine, what was the exact issue that happened? Me on lucid | 10:37 |
jenkins | there has been no issue it was just something i have stumbled along with os.environ.get('DESKTOP_SESSION') | 10:38 |
hemanth | o! ok, what does it say? | 10:42 |
jenkins | default | 10:43 |
jenkins | is the output it gives | 10:43 |
abhi_nav | when will e2 will release? | 10:46 |
jenkins | abhi_nav: not sure tbh | 10:47 |
hemanth | jenkins,pass the link, if u have it now, please | 10:47 |
abhi_nav | jenkins, ok. is it with 10.10 or before? | 10:47 |
abhi_nav | any rough idea/ | 10:47 |
abhi_nav | ? | 10:47 |
jenkins | hemanth: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1139057 | 10:48 |
hemanth | jenkins, thanks | 10:48 |
jenkins | abhi_nav: we set a date at one point but I can't rember, the person to ask is not on at the moment | 10:50 |
abhi_nav | jenkins, ok. thanks for your time though. :) | 10:50 |
jenkins | abhi_nav: no problem I could not do anything at the moment. If you hang around i can grab the person when they come online | 10:51 |
abhi_nav | jenkins, not its not that much urgent. Actually I am slowing progressing with e1 translation. so just fearing how to keep up with e2 translation. :( | 10:52 |
abhi_nav | slowly* | 10:52 |
jenkins | :( hopefully some strings are the same in lucid-e2 . What language are you? | 10:52 |
hemanth | jenkins, good catch, the discussions there makes a guess that, gdm is setting the desktop_session variable, so if people are on pure KDE only then it might not work | 10:53 |
jenkins | * doing. | 10:53 |
abhi_nav | jenkins, Marathi(mr) मराठी | 10:53 |
hemanth | jenkins, os.environ.get('KDE_FULL_SESSION') is the suggested method | 10:53 |
jenkins | hemanth: was that in the thread? did i miss it. I should not get distracted | 10:54 |
jenkins | abhi_nav: i have not heard of that which countries speak it | 10:54 |
hemanth | jenkins, yes its suggested in the last comment | 10:55 |
abhi_nav | jenkins, no not country. its speed in Maharashtra state of India | 10:55 |
abhi_nav | jenkins, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marathi_language | 10:55 |
jenkins | hemanth: so it is. i just wasted 30 minutes finding that the long way | 10:55 |
hemanth | jenkins, no issues, shall i make those re-fixes ? | 10:56 |
jenkins | abhi_nav: wow | 10:56 |
abhi_nav | jenkins, :) | 10:56 |
jenkins | hemanth: no worries am moving it to a different file, along with the display stuff. quickshot in the main branch is broken at the moment. | 10:57 |
hemanth | jenkins, okies | 10:57 |
jenkins | thanks for checking hemanth | 10:58 |
jenkins | good luck with it abhi_nav | 10:58 |
abhi_nav | jenkins, thankyou!!! :D | 10:58 |
hemanth | thats ok, i'm must thank you also :) | 10:58 |
=== abhi_nav_ is now known as abhi_nav | ||
jenkins | be back later | 13:56 |
nisshh | aquarius: i was talking with Rick earlier today about the ubuntu dev manual, are you still planning on writing the chapter about desktopcouch? | 15:06 |
aquarius | nisshh, in theory, yeah, but if someone else writes it I'd be more than happy to make suggestions, and that would make it more likely that it got written sooner | 15:07 |
nisshh | aquarius: right, because your working on maverick, just like pretty much everyone else who is an "author" for the dev manual | 15:09 |
nisshh | aquarius: im thinking of taking it on as one of my projects and i suppose ill write the bulk of it and i figure you guys could sort of as you said "mentor" me and make suggestions | 15:10 |
aquarius | that'd be superb. I'd be more than happy to do that :) | 15:11 |
nisshh | aquarius: yea, because its obvious that a whole bunch of people WANT to do it, but you guys obviously dont have the time, which is a shame | 15:12 |
aquarius | nisshh, you stepping up is superb heroism | 15:13 |
nisshh | aquarius: thanks :) | 15:13 |
nisshh | aquarius: i just dont want to see something like the dev manual, which i think is key to getting new devs onboard, go down the drain simply because we didnt have time to write it | 15:14 |
aquarius | nisshh, I agree entirely | 15:14 |
nisshh | aquarius: yup :) | 15:14 |
j1mc | hi all - how are things going w/ regards to the content management website? | 16:25 |
nisshh | j1mc: still a concept at the moment :) | 16:25 |
j1mc | i haven't seen much activity on the ubuntu-manual list about it recently - have their been discussions on irc | 16:25 |
j1mc | nisshh: are there any plans documented anywhere? | 16:25 |
j1mc | just trying to get an idea of where things stand | 16:25 |
nisshh | hmmm, there was a mockup done a while ago | 16:26 |
nisshh | i dont have the link though | 16:26 |
j1mc | yes, i do recall that. no worries. | 16:26 |
nisshh | basically, things abot it are the same as when the idea first came about | 16:26 |
semioticrobotic | have we even settled on a format for storing/presenting the content? | 16:26 |
nisshh | semioticrobotic: i dont know, i think ilya was researching that | 16:27 |
semioticrobotic | nisshh: okay. I thought the momentum seemed to be building behind docbook, but I couldn't really confirm that | 16:28 |
nisshh | j1mc: i only asked about it yesterday and the answer was the same | 16:28 |
nisshh | semioticrobotic: yea, i lost track of it after about 3 ML posts | 16:28 |
nisshh | it was a toss up between docbook and mallard i think | 16:29 |
semioticrobotic | ha! yeah, me too | 16:29 |
j1mc | i think essentially what we're talking about is creating a CMS. | 16:29 |
j1mc | i've done some more digging... was looking at plone. | 16:30 |
semioticrobotic | n00b question: Using x-chat, how to I mark myself as "back" from being away? | 16:30 |
j1mc | plone features: http://plone.org/products/plone/features/3.0 | 16:30 |
daker | nisshh, j1mc https://code.launchpad.net/~adnane002/ubuntu-manual-website/uslc | 16:30 |
dutchie | semioticrobotic: i'd guess just /away | 16:31 |
semioticrobotic | dutchie: Me too! I tried that and it didn't work | 16:31 |
dutchie | /back? | 16:31 |
semioticrobotic | you rock | 16:32 |
semioticrobotic | I knew it had to be simple, but it does seem odd that x-chat would stray from that convention | 16:32 |
daker | Ctrl+Alt+A | 16:32 |
j1mc | daker: thanks | 16:32 |
nisshh | j1mc: right, its not just a CMS, we are using part of a CMS and adding various things on top | 16:32 |
nisshh | daker: i knew there was code somewhere\ | 16:33 |
semioticrobotic | I believe I've seen Plone in action, but only as a user (never to administer anything) | 16:33 |
nisshh | yea | 16:33 |
j1mc | semioticrobotic: i have no experience with it whatsoever. just think it has a good feature set, and i'm wary of trying to roll our own. | 16:36 |
j1mc | that's just me, though. | 16:36 |
j1mc | i don't want to put "stop energy" on the project, though. | 16:37 |
j1mc | just want to recommend plone as something that might be helpful. | 16:37 |
j1mc | if that makes sense | 16:37 |
nisshh | j1mc: that makes perfect sense, really you should talk to humphreybc though | 16:38 |
nisshh | hes the "dude to talk to" | 16:38 |
j1mc | i'm putting a note out to the ubuntu-doc ml, copying the manual ml | 16:39 |
j1mc | just wanted to check-in here first. | 16:39 |
j1mc | thanks, all. :) | 16:39 |
semioticrobotic | j1mc: Makes perfect sense, and I agree. I know "making our own tools" is a core component of the team's ethos, but in this we might be best served by something already in place (that we can modify) | 16:39 |
nisshh | j1mc: no need to check-in with us, just go ahead and post suggestions | 16:39 |
daker | dutchie, ping | 17:09 |
dutchie | daker: pong | 17:10 |
daker | for the bugs reported with the bug form, it would be nice if you tags them bug "Bug reporter" or something like that | 17:10 |
dutchie | ok | 17:10 |
dutchie | will do | 17:10 |
daker | also if you can add filed that can show the status on the website | 17:11 |
daker | if it possible | 17:11 |
daker | it's | 17:11 |
dutchie | so you press the "report" button, and get sent to a "Bug filed" page on bugs.u-m.o? | 17:12 |
daker | no just on the list of bugs add a filed that can show the status of the bug | 17:14 |
dutchie | oh, field | 17:15 |
dutchie | on our website? | 17:15 |
daker | yes | 17:16 |
dutchie | where? | 17:16 |
daker | on the bugs details people should see the progress of the bug | 17:18 |
dutchie | there isn't a bug detail page yet :) | 17:18 |
daker | in other way add field in models.py | 17:18 |
daker | for the status | 17:19 |
daker | there is lang, rev, page, email... then status of the bug | 17:20 |
dutchie | if i was to get the status, i'd just fetch it from LP, not save it in the DB | 17:21 |
daker | why not adding a crontab that can fetch bugs from lp then update the db ? | 17:22 |
dutchie | tagging implemented and pushe | 17:22 |
dutchie | not needed | 17:22 |
daker | cool oki | 17:22 |
thorwil | c7p: just read your mail. you're welcome! | 19:44 |
thorwil | godbyk: so lulu_el.svg is ready. shall i add a pdf export to the branch? | 19:45 |
c7p | thorwil: :) | 19:50 |
godbyk-sagan | thorwil: yeah, that'd be great! thanks! | 20:15 |
godbyk-sagan | thorwil: I just noticed this TeX package, too. It may be helpful in the future: http://tug.ctan.org/tex-archive/info/svg-inkscape/InkscapePDFLaTeX.pdf | 20:15 |
godbyk-sagan | thorwil: It allows us to basically run an Inkscape SVG through LaTeX (to let LaTeX handle the text work). | 20:15 |
thorwil | godbyk-sagan: you just noticed? i vaguely recall pasting you a link to that, taken from an inkscape mailing list ;) | 20:17 |
godbyk-sagan | thorwil: ah, yeah. just noticed. i found the posting to comp.text.tex. it was posted eons ago. | 20:17 |
godbyk-sagan | i'm pretty far behind. :) | 20:17 |
godbyk-sagan | not sure if it'd be a help with the title pages and covers or not. | 20:18 |
godbyk-sagan | we'd get the hyphenation for free (which is nice). | 20:18 |
godbyk-sagan | I don't know how much tweaking is required to make the title pages look awesome. | 20:18 |
thorwil | i really need immediate visual feedback | 20:22 |
thorwil | lulu_el.pdf pushed | 20:22 |
jenkins | can every one please run ls /proc/modules and pastebin it please. I need to try and work out your graphics driver | 20:40 |
dutchie | jenkins: http://pastebin.com/iWFv5SNt | 20:41 |
dutchie | itym cat /proc/modules :) | 20:41 |
dutchie | http://pastebin.com/Gi294kPa | 20:41 |
thorwil | http://pastebin.com/RauudWWn | 20:42 |
jenkins | yea i ment cat /proc/modules, do you have an intel dutchie? | 20:42 |
dutchie | yes | 20:42 |
dutchie | GMA 500 iirc | 20:43 |
thorwil | too bad there is no "dog" command | 20:43 |
jenkins | thorwil: nvidia propretry driver? | 20:43 |
godbyk-sagan | jenkins: http://pastebin.com/hfw99BS5 | 20:44 |
godbyk-sagan | I'm running the nvidia module. | 20:44 |
thorwil | jenkins: yes, the seed of darkness poisoning my system from within ^^ | 20:44 |
jenkins | can you also do ls /sys/module/ please | 20:45 |
godbyk-sagan | jenkins: http://pastebin.com/8zyafhPx /sys/module/ | 20:46 |
dutchie | http://pastebin.com/ZRGgqZCP /sys/module/ | 20:46 |
jenkins | has anyone got a pc with two diffrent graphics cards? | 20:47 |
zkriesse | nope | 20:47 |
thorwil | jenkins: http://pastebin.com/je2Fdnjm | 20:47 |
godbyk-sagan | nope. | 20:47 |
thorwil | nope | 20:47 |
daker | jenkins, http://pastebin.org/383924 | 20:48 |
jenkins | daker what are you using? | 20:49 |
daker | using what ?? | 20:49 |
jenkins | graphics driver | 20:49 |
daker | daker@daker-desktop:~$ lspci | grep VGA | 20:50 |
daker | 00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 82845G/GL[Brookdale-G]/GE Chipset Integrated Graphics Device (rev 01) | 20:50 |
jenkins | o yea now i see it daker | 20:50 |
jenkins | thanks everyone | 20:51 |
jenkins | anyone using ati? | 20:51 |
semioticrobotic | anyone here an exert on AMD systems and their compatibility with Ubuntu? | 20:57 |
thorwil | good night! | 21:02 |
jenkins | if i run cat /proc/modules part of the output contains lots of parts like 0xffffffffa010d000 . can i use this to find out more information about the device? | 21:38 |
zkriesse | hello fellow manual-ers | 21:38 |
jenkins | hey zkriesse | 21:39 |
daker | jenkins, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1273767&highlight=beginners+guide+ati+linux+drivers | 21:41 |
jenkins | thanks d | 21:44 |
jenkins | * daker | 21:45 |
jenkins | yey quickshot has made revision 250 today | 23:08 |
jenkins | flan: we need to either bundle disper with quickshot or find another way to handle nvidia twin view. for ubuntu and any packages we make we can just add it as a dependency but for other linux distros we cant | 23:21 |
jenkins | night all | 23:26 |
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