hiexpo | ikonia, - why'd you kick me earlier was there a reason ? | 00:12 |
hiexpo | was i out of line if so tell me so | 00:14 |
mneptok | it's out of line to mock basic channel rules. it's out of line to be consistently offtopic. | 00:26 |
mneptok | it's not the first time you have been removed from #ubuntu for being offtopic. | 00:26 |
mneptok | you also have evaded bans in the past, which is against Freenode policy, never mind the channel itself. | 00:28 |
mneptok | thus, op tolerance for your behavior is quite low. | 00:28 |
hiexpo | ok i apologizer but all i did was use lol and omg so i know now to never use those slangs again | 00:29 |
mneptok | no, that's not all you did. you then proceeded to complain about the rules. | 00:29 |
hiexpo | mneptok, i complained about being reprimanded for that when many others do the same thing is all | 00:31 |
mneptok | no, that's not what you said at all. i see no reference to "other people do it" | 00:31 |
mneptok | 2010-07-04T22:26:10 <hiexpo> Loshki, - i do to but i am gonna give up on it just cause of that /// silly factoid lol or omg /// I come here at night when i can't sleep and help others because usually at night backtrak and pentoo are slow so thought I'd be helpful here // but sometimes i wonder why if i am gonna be repromanded for simpleton things ya know | 00:31 |
hiexpo | mneptok, exactly /// that's what i was saying mneptok i was being reprimanded for that lol or omgbut i do understand your pointof following therules | 00:34 |
mneptok | well, when ikonia is active he can discuss the ban with you. | 00:35 |
hiexpo | so i was wrong for that part | 00:35 |
mneptok | use "/whois ikonia" to find out when he is active | 00:35 |
hiexpo | ok thanx and he did not ban me he just kicked me i just wanted to know why he did it i was not trying to make a major issue | 00:36 |
hiexpo | and thanks again mneptok | 00:38 |
mneptok | np | 00:39 |
ubottu | FloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (repeated abuse from ekzp) | 01:58 |
Flannel | Hi Jordan_U, how can we help you today? | 03:01 |
Jordan_U | Flannel: Sorry, joined because I thought there might be a situation and forgot to part. | 03:02 |
IdleOne | removed alteregoa because it was the second time today that he was asked to stay on topic. | 05:16 |
IdleOne | same star trek quotes | 05:16 |
bazhang | he's done that for a long long time. he knows the rules. | 05:17 |
IdleOne | then he switched to Mr Spock with the "facinating" | 05:17 |
IdleOne | fascinating* | 05:17 |
* IdleOne knows his Trek | 05:17 | |
mneptok | yes, but do you know your B5? | 05:46 |
Flannel | soap-opera-in-space! Just like DS9 | 05:46 |
mneptok | except far less episodic than DS9 | 05:47 |
mneptok | DS9 was an episodic show with serial elements. B5 was a serial with episodic elements. | 05:48 |
IdleOne | as a matter of fact I did watch B5 also but it was a long time ago | 05:49 |
ikonia | roasted just frustrated me, blocking out a swear word, he responds with "lol" I explain I'm not joking and he comes back with :) | 07:28 |
ikonia | opesec was polite in pm - but drunk, he said he felt the need to be gross and has never entered #ubuntu before | 07:54 |
ikonia | he's a fedora community member wearing a cloak, so I'm a little dissapointed by his behaviour | 07:54 |
ikonia | I suspect user1_ is trying to cause an issue | 07:58 |
ikonia | bazhang: I'll put money he start's pm'ing you | 08:01 |
bazhang | ikonia, well I hope not, but I will continue to advise him to address the channel instead of targeting individuals | 08:01 |
ikonia | I can't be bothered to help him any more as he claims to be on a slow connection and can't open a pastebin and floods me with data in pm, but his data doesn't actually seem to make sense, so I'm not %100 sure it's genuine | 08:05 |
ikonia | then his smart mouth "when can you help community members" comment makes me think he's trying to be an issue, so I'm chosing not to do anything more with him | 08:06 |
ikonia | and he seems overly keen for "me" to help him over anyone else, | 08:06 |
Flannel | considering he still hasn't asked a question, sounds like sound policy | 08:06 |
Flannel | (well, in recent time anyway) | 08:07 |
Flannel | 256GB? That's a $600 drive | 08:15 |
ikonia | I'd get him to mount it manually and touch a file on there | 08:25 |
ikonia | I don't believe he's copying the data onto the filesstem sucessfully | 08:25 |
ikonia | (that's my personal opinion) | 08:25 |
bazhang | noobuser is joshmuffin btw. (bragged about trolling -women) | 08:34 |
ikonia | really | 08:34 |
ikonia | that explains a lot | 08:35 |
ikonia | how his attitude has changed now that he needs help | 08:35 |
ikonia | spoke to noobuser, he claims it's his friends using his account | 09:00 |
ikonia | I made it clear that any more abuse from your machine will result in a ban, and that it is his responsibility to secure his PC/home environment from abuse | 09:00 |
=== MenZa is now known as lhavelund | ||
bazhang | <wessel_> anyone have a vuvuzela?? | 09:26 |
bazhang | I blame menza | 09:26 |
lhavelund | D: | 09:26 |
ubottu | pseud0cod3r called the ops in #ubuntu () | 10:23 |
bazhang | wha | 10:23 |
LjL | ahum. [13:23:21] <-- Avasz has left this server (Quit: sudo rm -rf --no-preserve-root /). | 12:23 |
LjL | is this acceptable? considering this fellow actually succeeded in getting someone's install wiped out by telling them to do that. | 12:24 |
LjL | ok ;) | 12:24 |
jpds | Oh, right on. | 12:24 |
ubottu | In ubottu, rww said: !no, 43xx is <alias> bcm43xx | 13:37 |
ubottu | In ubottu, rww said: !bcm43xx =~ s/ / / | 13:42 |
ikonia | hello blendmaster1024 | 13:48 |
blendmaster1024 | ohhhhh why do i keep autojoining in here? | 13:48 |
jussi | he is banforwarded in #ubuntu-offtopic | 14:01 |
ikonia | yes | 14:03 |
ikonia | I'll change it to a flat ban | 14:03 |
ubottu | In ubottu, ronoc said: hi ubottu - is that supposed to help me? | 14:58 |
ronoc | CAN ANYONE HELP?? I get sporadic black screens - Just installed ubuntu 10.04 on a blank PC | 15:01 |
ronoc | (Dell Optiplex GX260, PC Desktop, not a weird setup) | 15:01 |
ronoc | Pentium 4 | 15:01 |
IdleOne | ronoc: Please join #ubuntu for support | 15:02 |
ronoc | I tried posting this to #ubuntu a couple of times and a bot sent me here | 15:02 |
ronoc | will try again | 15:02 |
bazhang | I gave him the answer, if he persists then he was not seeking it in the first place | 15:28 |
IdleOne | he is looking for reasoning not an answer. wrong channel. he needs to talk to the MOTU's or devs for reasoning behind feature removal | 15:29 |
bazhang | IdleOne, sorry I missed that; got to the convo a bit late | 15:30 |
IdleOne | I just got that myself | 15:30 |
IdleOne | :) | 15:30 |
IdleOne | All I saw was his question about patience | 15:30 |
IdleOne | he seems very functional for someone who claims to be autistic | 15:34 |
bazhang | hah | 15:34 |
bazhang | just give him a bit more rope | 15:35 |
IdleOne | my little cousin has Asberger (sp?) and is high functioning, there is no way he can hold a convo like james is | 15:35 |
IdleOne | on a related note I don't have Rhythmbox installed | 15:37 |
IdleOne | wonder why... | 15:37 |
bazhang | actually a Gnome developers decision, as it turns out: https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=592756 | 15:38 |
ubottu | Gnome bug 592756 in Appearance "remove interface tab" [Normal,New] | 15:38 |
IdleOne | So not even ubuntu related | 15:39 |
bazhang | there was some hot controversy on that one, Martin Owens blog post, especially | 15:40 |
bazhang | not Ubuntu decision, though certainly related (but completely offtopic) | 15:40 |
IdleOne | did you give james the link? | 15:41 |
IdleOne | offtopic but if we have the answer may as well give it right? | 15:42 |
bazhang | if he had joined -ot I would have, didn't think it appropriate to add fuel to an ot discussion in #ubuntu | 15:42 |
IdleOne | he quit | 15:42 |
bazhang | and he was asked to join -ot but did not. | 15:43 |
IdleOne | I sent it with memoserv, maybe he will see it | 15:43 |
IdleOne | this is a case for -irc-helpers the channel can be used to answer semi-related questions like james' offtopic but still sorta related to support | 15:45 |
=== Amaranth_ is now known as Amaranth | ||
=== IdleOne is now known as NickSpam | ||
=== NickSpam is now known as IdleOne | ||
Jordan_U | rjb in #ubuntu (already left) | 21:23 |
h00k | @login | 21:26 |
ubottu | The operation succeeded. | 21:26 |
h00k | @btlogin | 21:26 |
h00k | I am unable to set a +b in #ubuntu | 21:27 |
ikonia | what are you trying ? | 21:27 |
ikonia | what command | 21:27 |
ikonia | (or what ban mask) | 21:27 |
ikonia | it's most common when there is already a ban in place | 21:27 |
h00k | /mode +b *!*@gateway/web/freenode/ip. | 21:28 |
h00k | rjb, specifically. | 21:28 |
funkyHat | Full banlist? | 21:28 |
* h00k shrugs | 21:28 | |
ikonia | it's already covered | 21:29 |
ikonia | 401 - #ubuntu: ban *!*@gateway/web/* [by kornbluth.freenode.net, 2372926 secs ago] | 21:29 |
h00k | apparently it wasn't because they were in the channel | 21:30 |
ikonia | they where +e from #ubuntu-proxy-users | 21:30 |
h00k | ah | 21:31 |
ikonia | ban his ip and the floodbots won't +e him again | 21:31 |
ikonia | although to be honest, I doubt he'll be back | 21:31 |
h00k | Probably not, judging by the message | 21:32 |
ubottu | sebsebseb called the ops in #ubuntu (willwork4foo) | 23:22 |
jpds | OK; that may of been a mistake | 23:23 |
jpds | On the other hand, I've just invented the first Ubuntu continent mirror. | 23:23 |
genii | Odd. Does anyone know why login from my phone with nick genii-htc tells me I'm +b in #u-ot but search of BT shows nada ? | 23:24 |
willwork4foo | OK - why was I banned? | 23:24 |
willwork4foo | someone explain to me how a USER without root privileges running a command to remove all dotfiles from his home directory is remotely dangerous?? | 23:25 |
ubottu | Jordan_U called the ops in #ubuntu (Guest25070) | 23:26 |
willwork4foo | HELLO? | 23:27 |
jussi | willwork4foo: just a sec | 23:27 |
willwork4foo | jussi, ah good someone is here. | 23:28 |
jussi | jpds: got a sec for him? Im headed bedwards | 23:28 |
willwork4foo | jpds, since YOU banned me, I think it's really only fair. | 23:28 |
jpds | willwork4foo: It's generally a bad idea to paste such commands as people who know no better, can randomly input them into terminals. | 23:29 |
jussi | willwork4foo: he may not be looking at this channel just now. care to tell me what happened? | 23:29 |
jussi | oh | 23:29 |
jussi | :) | 23:29 |
jussi | bed time then | 23:29 |
jpds | Bed? Luxury. | 23:29 |
willwork4foo | right - ok. that command I pasted would be impossible to cause any real damage to an ubuntu system unless you ran it as root | 23:30 |
willwork4foo | I appreciate that a command *similar* to it is dangerous, but not the one I provided. | 23:30 |
jpds | Well, lose someone's email, carefully crafted configuration, ... | 23:30 |
willwork4foo | jpds, which I fully warned very clearly beforehand would happen if he ran the command | 23:31 |
willwork4foo | under the heading of read the label... | 23:31 |
jpds | willwork4foo: OK; but keep it in mind for next time that not everyone knows better. | 23:32 |
willwork4foo | I think it was excessive and uncalled for to ban me. | 23:32 |
jpds | I've unbanned you for now. | 23:32 |
willwork4foo | jpds, fair enough - so next time, I'll provide an even bigger disclaimer / warning if I need to suggest anything involving the rm command. | 23:33 |
willwork4foo | :) | 23:33 |
willwork4foo | I suppose fdisk is out of the question too then....? | 23:33 |
willwork4foo | :)] | 23:33 |
funkyHat | willwork4foo: at the least put the warning on the same line as the command you're warning about ⢁) | 23:33 |
willwork4foo | funkyHat, will do | 23:33 |
genii | AAAAUUUGGGHH | 23:34 |
* jpds gently prods genii. | 23:34 | |
* funkyHat pushes genii over | 23:34 | |
willwork4foo | wtf? | 23:34 |
genii | I wanted to unban *!*@bas4-toronto63-1096776793.dsl.bell.ca in -ot but it used for some reasom * | 23:34 |
willwork4foo | genii, did you just unban everyone? | 23:35 |
willwork4foo | nice move.. :) | 23:35 |
genii | Ok. crucify me now please... | 23:35 |
willwork4foo | right - since I not an Op, I will leave you folks alone | 23:35 |
jpds | genii: What could possibly go wrong? | 23:35 |
funkyHat | Pretty sure that doesn't do that genii | 23:36 |
funkyHat | i.e. bans are still all there | 23:36 |
genii | My copy paste screwed up for the hostmask | 23:36 |
genii | Gah. I knew cutting back on the coffee wasn't neccesarily a good thing | 23:38 |
h00k | wait. genii, you did what... | 23:41 |
h00k | what did that actually do? | 23:42 |
genii | h00k: Not exactly sure, although I did it one other time before and it wasn't the end of the world. I think the system has safeguards against it. | 23:43 |
gord | h00k, its fine, he unbanned *!*@*.*, its fine | 23:43 |
gord | it would only affect a ban set on *!*@*.*, which we don't have for obvious reasons | 23:43 |
genii | gord: Thanks for the explanation | 23:43 |
h00k | ah. | 23:43 |
* genii gives up the decaf forever | 23:49 | |
h00k | genii: you...were drinking decaf? | 23:52 |
genii | h00k: Yes. I had a small stroke recently and my doc told me to reduce caffeine | 23:53 |
genii | So I'm not sure if it's lack of caffeine or brain damage | 23:54 |
gord | genii, want me to remove the ban? i have scripts | 23:54 |
h00k | genii: ...holy crap. I was going to be disappoint, but that...yeah. Priorities. | 23:54 |
genii | gord: Sure. You have the hostmask | 23:54 |
genii | *!*@bas4-toronto63-1096776793.dsl.bell.ca | 23:54 |
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