kandarpk | dfarning: Hi | 03:09 |
dfarning | kandarpk, good morning. | 03:09 |
kandarpk | dfarning: Good morning | 03:10 |
kandarpk | how are you ? | 03:10 |
dfarning | kandarpk, is it still storming today? | 03:10 |
kandarpk | dfarning: yeah.( search for monsoon, and you will get to know ) | 03:10 |
dfarning | kandarpk, I am good. You guys did a great job with the activities so I got to spend the day planning for packaging ubuntu 10.10. | 03:12 |
kandarpk | dfarning: our team is working well. | 03:13 |
dfarning | kandarpk, yes. And earning the respect of everyone else in the community. | 03:14 |
kandarpk | dfarning: is the 78-4 version of read activity the latest one ? | 03:16 |
kandarpk | dfarning: thats something good to know early morning :) | 03:17 |
dfarning | kandarpk, It looks like version 86 is available at http://activities.sugarlabs.org/en-US/sugar/addon/4028. | 03:18 |
kandarpk | dfarning: ok. | 03:19 |
kandarpk | dfarning: lfaraone was not sure about it, so let him know when he is back. | 03:19 |
dfarning | kandarpk, ok. | 03:20 |
dipankar | hello all | 03:21 |
dipankar | :) | 03:21 |
neeraj | hi all :) | 03:21 |
kandarpk | dipankar: Hi | 03:21 |
kandarpk | dipankar, neeraj : Good morning | 03:22 |
dfarning | kandarpk, hmmm it looks like version 87 is available at http://git.sugarlabs.org/projects/read/repos/mainline . | 03:22 |
dfarning | neeraj, dipankar good morning. | 03:22 |
kandarpk | dfarning: ok, thats good. | 03:22 |
dfarning | neeraj, missed you yesterday. It sounds like the rains interpreted your Internet. I have that problem in winter with snow. | 03:23 |
dipankar | dfarning, kandarpk, hunting for the latest source codes of the activities? ;) | 03:24 |
kandarpk | dfarning: I've to package read activity today | 03:24 |
kandarpk | dfarning: approach should be similar to the one in the guide ? | 03:24 |
neeraj | dfarning, yes the network here is quit unreliable :( | 03:26 |
neeraj | kandarpk, good morning :) | 03:26 |
dfarning | kandarpk, I am not sure since now you only have an upstream git repo rather then a tarball. I think it is similar. | 03:26 |
kandarpk | hmmm | 03:27 |
dfarning | dipankar, yes every one has a couple of activites to package for debian today. | 03:27 |
kandarpk | dfarning: do you understand the procedure of pushing the build ? | 03:29 |
dipankar | dfarning, want a little advice, 'where to start looking for the source codes'? Is there any particular site or sugarlabs.org has the source codes? | 03:30 |
dfarning | kandarpk, not yet, I looked at http://wiki.debian.org/Alioth/Git but I don't understand how tagging works. | 03:30 |
kandarpk | dfarning: Ok. | 03:32 |
dfarning | dipankar, I start at http://download.sugarlabs.org/sources/ and look for a tarball. Then I go to ASLO, the download portal, at http://activities.sugarlabs.org/en-US/sugar/ . ASLO should have a like to the upstream development page. | 03:33 |
kandarpk | dfarning: how is the package that we push separated from the mainstream one ? | 03:35 |
dfarning | kandarpk, since you are pushing these packages into alioth for the first time they will become mainline. | 03:37 |
kandarpk | dfarning: but a maintainer has to upload them to the mainstream after reviewing them, isn't it ? | 03:38 |
dipankar | kandarpk, dfarning : Our packages will go under collab-maint right? | 03:41 |
dfarning | kandarpk, I am not sure of the exact process but I believe that after the review is complete, the maintainer sends and email request to the build queue.... which tells the build system to build from your git repo | 03:41 |
dfarning | dipankar, yes. | 03:41 |
kandarpk | dfarning: ok, that cleared some doubts. | 03:42 |
kandarpk | *kandarpk will be back, have to go immidiately. | 03:45 |
dipankar | dfarning, you around? | 04:08 |
dfarning | dipankar, yes. | 04:08 |
dipankar | dfarning, why my name has (??) with it? :P here : http://wiki.debian.org/Sugar/tasks | 04:09 |
ankur | hello dfarning , dipankar , | 04:11 |
ankur | i tooo was going to file a ITP | 04:11 |
dipankar | ankur, hi | 04:11 |
dipankar | ankur, nice :) | 04:11 |
dipankar | ankur, I suppose you are well verse with git repositories. If not I suggest you going through logs. | 04:12 |
dfarning | dipankar, I think the email thread titled 'Next set of tasks' give the assignments. I thinks there was confusion about if you had already packaged some of them yesterday:) | 04:12 |
dfarning | ankur, hello | 04:13 |
ankur | dfarning: i think that confusion was resolved. | 04:13 |
ankur | i will forward you the mail. | 04:13 |
dfarning | ankur thank you. | 04:13 |
dipankar | dfarning, I have got that e-mail. ankur will be sending you right now. | 04:14 |
ankur | dfarning: i already see your name in that email.Anyways i will again forward it. | 04:14 |
dfarning | ankur I think I have it, dipankar I think lfaraone made the table before manu made the final decisions. thus the ??? | 04:15 |
dipankar | dfarning, that explains. :) | 04:15 |
kandarpk | hi all. | 04:19 |
kandarpk | did I miss anything ? | 04:19 |
dipankar | kandarpk, nah! just clearing confusion over tasks. :P | 04:21 |
kandarpk | dipankar: ok. | 04:24 |
ankur | dfarning: i dont know why but python-hulahop - 1:0.6.0-1~ppa3+maverick1 build failed on ppa. i tried upoading it again, twice it failed .Same happened with activities package as well.what are the possible reason that build might fail.I just reuploaded the packages i downloaded. | 04:25 |
* dfarning thinks dipankar now understand the ??? :) | 04:25 | |
dfarning | dipankar, was just asking how to do ^^ in a PM | 04:26 |
* dipankar gets what dfarning is trying to tell | 04:28 | |
dfarning | ankur, I am not sure. When you get your activites uploaded and reviewed we will tackle the 10.10 packages again. | 04:28 |
ankur | dfarning: okay . | 04:28 |
kandarpk | dipankar: but I did not get anything | 04:29 |
dipankar | kandarpk, it was just a task confusion on a website :P | 04:29 |
dfarning | ankur, we will no longer be using the packages in the PPA for our work on 10.10. Instead we will be basing our 10.10 packages on the current work you are doing in debian. | 04:31 |
kandarpk | dfarning: where can I find sugar-connect-activity ? | 04:31 |
dfarning | kandarpk, yikes, connect has been left unattended for a long time..... it is at http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Connect | 04:35 |
kandarpk | dfarning: how do you manage to search these distributed packages !! | 04:36 |
dfarning | kandarpk, years of practice:) Everything should be on ASLO, but some older activities have been neglected and never migrated from their original olpc development pages. | 04:38 |
dipankar | dfarning, ALSO? :( | 04:39 |
kandarpk | activities.sugarlabs.org | 04:39 |
dfarning | dipankar, activities.sugarlabs.org it is supposed to be the primary portal for activities. | 04:39 |
ankur | dfarning: http://git.sugarlabs.org/projects/jigsaw-puzzle-branch is right page? | 04:39 |
ankur | i am supposed to work with jigsaw puzzle | 04:40 |
ankur | dfarning: what is the best way to file ITP , it is through terminal or via a manual mail? | 04:41 |
dfarning | ankur yes and you will want to point at the Public clone url for your packaging. | 04:41 |
ankur | dfarning: and that would be? | 04:42 |
ankur | i mean | 04:42 |
ankur | i can see source tree | 04:42 |
dfarning | ankur via the terminal using the guidelines linked to in luke's gettingStarted guild | 04:42 |
ankur | there, is that the public clone url? | 04:42 |
dfarning | ankur git://git.sugarlabs.org/jigsaw-puzzle-branch/mainline.git | 04:42 |
dfarning | ankur if you click on the repositories tab and then mainline you can see the public clone url. | 04:43 |
ankur | dfarning: :) , thanks | 04:44 |
dfarning | ankur YW | 04:44 |
kandarpk | dfarning: - to get an overview - | 04:45 |
kandarpk | we need to download/clone these packages | 04:46 |
kandarpk | 2) generate debian using the initial_dibeanisation | 04:46 |
kandarpk | 3) push into debian repo | 04:47 |
kandarpk | dfarning: are the steps ok ? | 04:47 |
dfarning | ankur your work packaging the 10.10 packages in the PPA were not in vain. The idea was for us to all notice how incredibally confusing it was to keep track of what was happen in some were working on debian, someone 10.04, and some on 10.10. It will help you 'internalize' why we use git branches to keep track of everything. | 04:48 |
dfarning | s/in some/when some/ | 04:48 |
dfarning | ankur git can be confusing at first... but not as confusing as keeping track of everything by hand. | 04:49 |
ankur | dfarning: Well , then i get that the negatives far outweigh the positives we get. :) | 04:50 |
ankur | dfarning: i wanted to know that i was working on packaging in ubuntu , or should i switch to debian? | 04:51 |
ankur | dfarning: one more question , what is a master branch ? | 04:53 |
* dipankar back | 04:53 | |
ankur | kandarpk: you can create a debian folder using dh_make as well. | 04:54 |
ankur | kandarpk: plz confirm the way of working of that as well as i am not very much sure my self . | 04:54 |
kandarpk | ankur: waiting for dfarning's reply | 04:56 |
kandarpk | but does dh_make make use of control.in ? | 04:56 |
ankur | you will have to modify it | 04:56 |
ankur | just try that | 04:57 |
ankur | once | 04:57 |
dfarning | ankur master is just a name given to the primary development branch. others tend to back off to do their work. when they are satisifies they push their changed back to master. | 04:57 |
kandarpk | ankur: yes, you can say master is the primary branch | 04:57 |
dipankar | kandarpk, AFAIR, dh_make is used to create the debian folder | 04:59 |
dfarning | kandarpk, sorry i wsa away from my computer for a minute. | 04:59 |
dfarning | kandarpk, those are the correct steps. | 04:59 |
ankur | dipankar: i cant remember under what package was dh_make | 05:00 |
dfarning | ankur today we are focusing on packaging for debain using the guidelines at http://wiki.debian.org/Sugar/GettingStartedGuide | 05:01 |
dipankar | dh_make is a command to *'make' the debian folder in the source tree* | 05:01 |
dipankar | ankur, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide/Complete#Packaging%20from%20Scratch | 05:02 |
dipankar | ankur, find dh_make here. But we don't have to use it here I guess | 05:02 |
* dipankar is searching for the assigned activities | 05:03 | |
dfarning | ankur dh_make creates the simplest possible skeleton.... when using gitbased method for sugar packages we will want to use http://people.ubuntu.com/~lfaraone/sugar/initial_debianization.tar.gz | 05:03 |
dfarning | dipankar, there is a table at http://wiki.debian.org/Sugar/tasks | 05:04 |
dipankar | dfarning, I am looking for the source codes of the logviewer-activity and the flipsticks-activity. | 05:05 |
dipankar | :) | 05:05 |
dfarning | ahh | 05:05 |
kandarpk | dfarning: is the initial_debianisation a bit specific to sugar packages ? | 05:05 |
dfarning | kandarpk, it is completely specific to sugar packages and jonas' prefered style. | 05:06 |
kandarpk | dfarning: :) | 05:06 |
kandarpk | lfaraone told me yesterday | 05:07 |
dipankar | dfarning, on above link <http://people.ubuntu.com/~lfaraone/sugar/initial_debianization.tar.gz> Luke has already made a template kind of thing? | 05:07 |
kandarpk | dipankar: yes | 05:07 |
dfarning | dipankar, yes it has the contents of debian set up in a consistent manner for working with sugar packages. | 05:08 |
dipankar | kandarpk, dfarning : thanks :) | 05:09 |
dipankar | ankur, you there? | 05:10 |
dfarning | dipankar, when working with large numbers of packages with a large team across several distros and releases.... consistency is critical. | 05:10 |
dipankar | dfarning, I agree | 05:10 |
ankur | dipankar: yes | 05:10 |
ankur | was reading tuts and going thru irc logs | 05:11 |
kandarpk | dfarning: I'll be leaving now | 05:32 |
kandarpk | good night | 05:32 |
dfarning | kandarpk, good night will you be available later today? | 05:32 |
kandarpk | dfarning: will ask my doubts when you get up | 05:32 |
kandarpk | yes | 05:32 |
kandarpk | when you get up, I'll be there | 05:33 |
kandarpk | :) | 05:33 |
dfarning | kandarpk, great see you then:) | 05:33 |
dfarning | time for me to go to bed see you all soon | 05:40 |
dipankar | dfarning, good night :) | 05:41 |
dfarning | kandarpk, good morning. | 11:15 |
kandarpk | dfarning: good morning | 11:15 |
kandarpk | dfarning: you are up quite early today. | 11:16 |
dfarning | yes, I was looking forward to hearing about how your day went. | 11:18 |
kandarpk | dfarning: was quite busy today | 11:19 |
kandarpk | some personal work | 11:19 |
kandarpk | dfarning: but will spend next 5-6 hrs here | 11:19 |
dfarning | kandarpk, nice | 11:24 |
kandarpk | dfarning: do we get a confirmatory mail after submitting ssh at alioth ? | 11:25 |
dfarning | kandarpk, I don't remember getting one.... but that was several months ago for me. | 11:26 |
kandarpk | dfarning: I too haven't received one | 11:27 |
kandarpk | dfarning: I just cloned the read activity from : | 11:30 |
kandarpk | http://git.sugarlabs.org/projects/read/repos/mainline | 11:30 |
kandarpk | it has a news file | 11:31 |
kandarpk | which contains list of fixes, and the last fix number is 78 | 11:31 |
kandarpk | http://pastebin.org/383661 | 11:32 |
dfarning | kandarpk, yes I see that, according to the commit log sysamindu has made created versions 86, and 87 | 11:36 |
kandarpk | dfarning: does that mean I can start working on it ? | 11:37 |
kandarpk | *using it | 11:37 |
kandarpk | dfarning: it has version 78 | 11:38 |
kandarpk | just checked activity,info file | 11:39 |
dfarning | kandarpk, I think so, I would refer to is as version 87 to match the tags and commit log entry -- commit logs are ususally more up to date than news files. It looks like several of the version bumps were automatically caused by the translation system. | 11:40 |
dfarning | kandarpk, translators use a system called pootle.sugarlabs.org to translate sugar. those translations are then commited to the git repo. | 11:41 |
dfarning | kandarpk, with regard to 'what to trust' developers are required to make commit log entries when ever they do a commit.... so commit logs are very accurate. Packagers are required to make debian/changelog entries whenevery they upload a change. | 11:45 |
dfarning | kandarpk, all other documentation is optional so it can be out of data. | 11:46 |
kandarpk | dfarning: after cloning the package, commit logs aren't visible | 11:47 |
kandarpk | *logs made by others | 11:47 |
kandarpk | secondly, the package did not have a debian folder | 11:48 |
kandarpk | thirdly, the activity.info file seems to be outdated, as it says its version is 78 | 11:49 |
kandarpk | dfarning: know how can I make sure that I am working on the latest (87) version ? | 11:49 |
dfarning | kandarpk, try the command git log to view the logs. | 11:49 |
kandarpk | tried that | 11:49 |
kandarpk | dfarning: it did not have any logs till now | 11:50 |
dfarning | what was the result | 11:50 |
kandarpk | dfarning: after git add and git commit | 11:50 |
kandarpk | I only see the log ( when commiting ) I created | 11:50 |
kandarpk | dfarning: running git log before git commit resulted in | 11:52 |
kandarpk | fatal: bad default revision 'HEAD' | 11:52 |
dfarning | kandarpk, ahh did you run git init and the clone read? | 11:53 |
kandarpk | dfarning: I didn't run clone read | 11:54 |
dfarning | the commands to clone a repo are | 11:54 |
dfarning | git clone git://git.sugarlabs.org/read/mainline.git read | 11:54 |
dfarning | cd read | 11:54 |
dfarning | git log | 11:54 |
dfarning | the last two are not part of the clone command they just verify that you did it correctly | 11:55 |
kandarpk | Ok. | 11:55 |
kandarpk | dfarning: it does have logs now :) | 11:59 |
kandarpk | dfarning: do I need to run git fetch or git pull | 12:00 |
kandarpk | ? | 12:00 |
dfarning | kandarpk, clone runs both init and pull in one step. | 12:01 |
kandarpk | Ok. | 12:01 |
dfarning | Manusheel, good morning. | 12:02 |
kandarpk | dfarning: how can I know the dependencies of read ? | 12:05 |
kandarpk | there is no install file | 12:05 |
kandarpk | dfarning: will we assume the control file will be correct and list all dependencies ? | 12:06 |
dfarning | kandarpk, yes that is what I would do... but it might take a couple of iterations of trial and error to get the dependancies correct. | 12:08 |
kandarpk | dfarning: yes, wanted to ask this thing | 12:08 |
kandarpk | can I test the package before pushing ? | 12:08 |
dfarning | kandarpk, yes, you will all ways want to do that first. You can build the package locally and install in locally to test before pushing. | 12:10 |
kandarpk | dfarning: install it from setup.py ? | 12:10 |
kandarpk | *using | 12:10 |
dfarning | kandarpk, no. running set.py will just test the source code. You want to test your packaging by creating the package, building it via the instractions at http://honk.sigxcpu.org/projects/git-buildpackage/manual-html/gbp.building.html , and finally installing your newly built package. | 12:13 |
kandarpk | Ok. | 12:14 |
kandarpk | dfarning: modifying debian files right now. | 12:14 |
kandarpk | testing will follow soon | 12:15 |
Manusheel | dfarning: Good morning. | 12:17 |
dfarning | Manusheel, how are you? | 12:17 |
Manusheel | dfarning: Very well, thank you. Have been trying to see how we can get e-toys as an activity in USR. | 12:18 |
Manusheel | dfarning: Luke had a very valid point yesterday. | 12:18 |
dfarning | Manusheel, Sorry, I missed that conversation. | 12:19 |
Manusheel | dfarning: He recommended that we should definitely include the activities that define or illustrate the pedagogical aspect of Sugar. | 12:19 |
Manusheel | dfarning: We are missing on some key activities in the list - | 12:19 |
Manusheel | a. e-toys | 12:19 |
Manusheel | b. Record | 12:19 |
Manusheel | c. Write | 12:20 |
Manusheel | d. Paint | 12:20 |
Manusheel | e. Spreadsheet | 12:20 |
Manusheel | f. Physics | 12:20 |
Manusheel | g. Arithmetic | 12:20 |
dfarning | Manusheel, yes. The problem is that they don't work well enough to include. The soas team recently went through this discussion. | 12:20 |
Manusheel | dfarning: Did they arrive at an action plan and a timeline? | 12:21 |
Manusheel | dfarning: I am trying to sync up our plans with Maverick release and Debian. | 12:21 |
dfarning | Manusheel, I agree that they _should_ be included. The problem is that several of the activities listed above don't work. | 12:22 |
dfarning | Manusheel, The most important decision they came to was that even though activities have strong advocates. They would leave them out until they met minimum quality standards. | 12:24 |
Manusheel | dfarning: Can there be an incentive for the activity authors of Write, Record and E-toys to get their activities meet the minimum quality standards? | 12:25 |
kandarpk | dfarning: git-buildpackage requires pristine-tar branch. | 12:48 |
dfarning | kandarpk, At this point we will have to talk to lfaraone or jonas how to proced. | 12:49 |
kandarpk | dfarning: what should be USCAN-ized URL TO UPSTREAM in watch file ? | 12:50 |
kandarpk | uscan returned: | 12:51 |
kandarpk | Read-Activity: remote site does not even have current version | 12:51 |
dfarning | kandarpk, Now you are past my package knowledge. I have worked through the Gettingstarted guide, but I don't know how to deal with situations that are not covered in the guide. | 12:53 |
kandarpk | dfarning: Ok, we should wait for lfaraone or Dipankar then | 12:54 |
kandarpk | thanks for your support | 12:54 |
dipankar | hello to all | 12:57 |
kandarpk | dipankar: Hi, we were waiting for you | 12:57 |
dipankar | kandarpk, hi | 12:59 |
dfarning | kandarpk, sorry I can't be more help:( Your packaging knowledge allready exceeds mine :) I can only help because I have seen the error message before and have a general idea of what is causing the problem:( | 12:59 |
dipankar | dfarning, kandarpk , how is work coming along? | 12:59 |
dfarning | dipankar, welcome. | 12:59 |
dipankar | dfarning, I am having trouble in locating the source of the activities :( | 13:00 |
dfarning | dipankar, good. kandarpk just worked though read and has a long list of questions for Luke. | 13:00 |
kandarpk | dfarning: don't worry, we'll work it out today itself | 13:00 |
kandarpk | dipankar: same here | 13:01 |
kandarpk | *the source to be added in watch file though | 13:01 |
Manusheel | kandarpk, dipankar: the source of activities are generally available at http://git.sugarlabs.org | 13:02 |
dipankar | kandarpk, whats the issue? | 13:02 |
dfarning | kandarpk, dipankar yes, it seems that upstream developers have stopped making tarballs so we will have to go directly to the git reop on git.sl.org. | 13:02 |
kandarpk | Manusheel sir, it is required to be in some specific format | 13:03 |
kandarpk | as returned by uscan | 13:03 |
Manusheel | kandarpk: Yes, sure. | 13:03 |
kandarpk | dipankar: first, what should I add in watch file ? | 13:04 |
kandarpk | in the guide it had : | 13:04 |
kandarpk | http://download.sugarlabs.org/sources/honey/Colors/Colors!-(.*).tar.bz2 | 13:04 |
dipankar | kandarpk, I never used 'watch'-file before. | 13:05 |
dipankar | :( | 13:05 |
dipankar | Sorry | 13:05 |
kandarpk | dipankar: second, dfarning told that the build can be tested before pushing using git buildpackage | 13:05 |
dipankar | kandarpk, yeah | 13:06 |
kandarpk | which requires pristine-tar | 13:06 |
kandarpk | branch | 13:06 |
dipankar | kandarpk, are you trying to say pristine-tar in buildpackage? | 13:07 |
kandarpk | dipankar: don't know much about it | 13:08 |
Manusheel | neeraj: Good evening. Let us complete the packaging of activities soon. Dipankar and Kandarp are here too. | 13:08 |
neeraj | Manusheel sir, sure | 13:08 |
neeraj | hi dipankar, kandarpk sir | 13:08 |
kandarpk | dipankar: putting error generated on pastebin | 13:08 |
dipankar | kandarpk, try running 'git-buildpackage' in the local git repository | 13:08 |
dipankar | ohk. | 13:09 |
dipankar | hi neeraj , good to see you. | 13:09 |
kandarpk | http://pastebin.org/383693 | 13:09 |
* dipankar looking at above link | 13:09 | |
kandarpk | neeraj, Hi | 13:09 |
dipankar | kandarpk, Sir, Try running 'git-buildpackage' instead of 'git buildpackage' | 13:10 |
neeraj | kandarpk, you are packing which package? | 13:10 |
kandarpk | dipankar: same error | 13:11 |
neeraj | *packaging | 13:11 |
kandarpk | neeraj: read activity | 13:11 |
dipankar | kandarpk, is the source tar ball in the directory? | 13:11 |
kandarpk | dipankar: I cloned using git | 13:11 |
kandarpk | do not have the source tar | 13:12 |
dipankar | dfarning, The s-flipsticks-a is controlled by alsroot. http://git.sugarlabs.org/projects/flipsticks | 13:12 |
dipankar | kandarpk, did you run the '--pristine-tar origin' like command before? | 13:13 |
dfarning | dipankar, yes alsroot is the maintainer | 13:13 |
dipankar | kandarpk, afaik Luke told me to do that before proceeding to push the package | 13:13 |
kandarpk | I am not pushing right nw | 13:14 |
dipankar | *afaik -> afair | 13:14 |
dipankar | kandarpk, I mean, before forwarding the changes. --pristine-tar is related to source tar. I have to go through the logs | 13:15 |
kandarpk | dipankar: you mean I need to run 'git-buildpackage --pristine-tar origin' ? | 13:15 |
dipankar | kandarpk, nope. :) | 13:15 |
dipankar | kandarpk, just a sec. let me check the logs properly. | 13:15 |
* dipankar is checking irc-logs. | 13:15 | |
dipankar | kandarpk, found the log : http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2010/07/01/%23ubuntu-sugarteam.html | 13:16 |
dipankar | kandarpk, please reach to time 15:22 on the log | 13:16 |
dipankar | kandarpk, Luke explained the use of --pristine-tar there. | 13:17 |
dipankar | neeraj, I suggest you too take a look at it. :) | 13:17 |
kandarpk | dipankar: you carry on, I'll get back to you | 13:18 |
neeraj | dipankar, just going through today's irc log | 13:18 |
dipankar | dfarning, So, I can download from that site. | 13:18 |
dipankar | *guys I am having a power-cut. Can remain online for one hour more. Sorry. | 13:19 |
dipankar | neeraj, :) | 13:19 |
neeraj | dipankar, can u help in getting started with logviewer or memorize activity | 13:19 |
dipankar | neeraj, you got the making a remote repository for the activity @ alitoh.debian.org? | 13:20 |
dfarning | dipankar, since the getting startedguide only talks about starting from tarball I am at a lose. | 13:20 |
dipankar | dfarning, me too. | 13:21 |
neeraj | I think I have not done that(remote repository).. | 13:21 |
dipankar | neeraj, follow the steps of 'Creating a git repository' here: http://wiki.debian.org/Alioth/Git | 13:23 |
dipankar | neeraj, its very simple :). If you have any problem, you can tell us. | 13:23 |
dipankar | hi ankur_k | 13:24 |
ankur_k | hi dipankar | 13:24 |
Manusheel | ankur_k: Good evening Ankur. Let us complete the packaging of activities soon. Dipankar, Neeraj and Kandarp are here too. | 13:24 |
ankur_k | Manusheel sir , good evening. | 13:24 |
ankur_k | good evening to everybody else | 13:24 |
ankur_k | as well | 13:24 |
Manusheel | ankur_k: Great. | 13:25 |
dipankar | ankur_k, what part are you on? I am still to find the source files :( | 13:26 |
neeraj | dipankar, we will use creating repository for collab -maint project? | 13:27 |
ankur_k | dipankar, pardon me? | 13:27 |
ankur_k | if you are asking about source files, i created a git clone rep on my system | 13:27 |
ankur_k | and was changing it's log,control file and other thins | 13:28 |
ankur_k | *things | 13:28 |
neeraj | dipankar, I am inside collab-mint.. Now I should use ./setup-repository <project> 'description' | 13:29 |
neeraj | for creating git repository | 13:29 |
dipankar | neeraj, yes | 13:30 |
neeraj | ok.. got it.. | 13:30 |
dipankar | neeraj, for next step see this irclog : http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2010/07/01/%23ubuntu-sugarteam.html | 13:36 |
dipankar | neeraj, ^^ at time 15:55 | 13:36 |
dipankar | dfarning, how do I get the source of the activity from : http://git.sugarlabs.org/projects/flipsticks/repos/mainline. Should I use the command: wget -P <url>' | 13:39 |
dipankar | ? | 13:40 |
neeraj | dipankar, I went through this log before but couldn't retain much :( | 13:40 |
ankurk | dipankar, you can use third method pf luke's guide | 13:40 |
ankurk | git clone | 13:40 |
neeraj | i guess it will be helpful if I try these things side by side on an activity | 13:40 |
ankurk | s/pf/of | 13:40 |
neeraj | Ok I am confused,, We have to use apt-get source to download a package and create a git repository for it by importing dsc and original tarball file OR | 13:46 |
neeraj | we have to download the package from somewhere else(using wget -P and othr things) and create /initialize a debian folder inside it using dh_make | 13:47 |
neeraj | only if debian is not present in that.. | 13:47 |
neeraj | Also, after creating the package, we have to upload it on git/collab-mint repository | 13:48 |
dipankar | neeraj, if Debian folder is not present download this template from http://people.ubuntu.com/~lfaraone/sugar/initial_debianization.tar.gz | 13:49 |
neeraj | dipankar, yeah I used it for color15 | 13:49 |
dipankar | neeraj, The difference is we don't have to make any package here. We just have to push the changes to the alioth git repository | 13:50 |
neeraj__ | sorry got dc.. | 13:51 |
dipankar | <dipankar> neeraj, The difference is we don't have to make any package here. We just have to push the changes to the alioth git repository | 13:51 |
neeraj__ | yeah I got that msg | 13:52 |
dipankar | There is a slight difference b/w ppa and git repo | 13:52 |
neeraj__ | Ok.. | 13:52 |
dipankar | for ppa we uploaded the packages after making them on our computer | 13:53 |
dipankar | but git is a repository where the files' changes can be tracked unlike the ppa | 13:53 |
neeraj__ | dipankar, Ok | 13:54 |
dipankar | dfarning, ? | 13:57 |
dipankar | guys, I have to go somewhere urgently. | 14:01 |
dipankar | I will join you in an hour. | 14:02 |
Manusheel | It seems we are stuck up at certain questions on packaging activities. Can we prepare a list of questions that we need to ask Luke? | 14:02 |
=== neeraj__ is now known as neeraj | ||
kandarpk | Manusheel sir, the problem is being faced as the guide is using .tar file, while we are using git clone to get the package | 14:04 |
Manusheel | neeraj, ankurk, kandarpk: Let us try to get to a certain level of understanding on these tasks. Let everyone come on the same page. | 14:05 |
Manusheel | kandarpk: Yes, let us send an e-mail to Luke on this question. | 14:05 |
Manusheel | kandarpk: In the meantime, let us complete the network management tasks. | 14:05 |
kandarpk | Manusheel sir: the 3G issue ? | 14:07 |
Manusheel | kandarpk: That is still pending. | 14:07 |
dfarning | kandarpk, tomeu is current in #sugar. | 14:08 |
Manusheel | kandarpk: I would like you to develop a document on understanding packaging via git as you get time. | 14:08 |
Manusheel | kandarpk: Let us ask these questions to tomeu. | 14:08 |
neeraj | Manusheel sir, till then me and ankurk are trying to figure this on our own by searching and doing some experiments | 14:10 |
kandarpk | Manusheel sir: I am not vry certain on packaging via git | 14:10 |
Manusheel | neeraj, ankurk: Absolutely. That would be great. | 14:10 |
kandarpk | Manusheel sir: will try. | 14:10 |
dfarning | kandarpk, yes, I think tomeu played a key role in the network stack so he can determine why the icon appears even if the hardware is not installed. | 14:11 |
kandarpk | Ok. | 14:11 |
Manusheel | kandarpk: Ok. This is one area where we need to very comfortable - packaging via git. Let us try to develop a clear understanding on this core area through experiments and asking specific questions to Luke. | 14:12 |
Manusheel | kandarpk: Yes, right now, let us complete that issue with Tomeu. | 14:12 |
Manusheel | neeraj, ankurk: How are we trying to do the experiments? | 14:13 |
neeraj | sir we are trying different methods on wget which are explained on irc logs | 14:13 |
ankurk | dfarning, can i use git public clone url to download source code and then delete the .git directory? | 14:14 |
ankurk | Manusheel sir, knolwdge sharing and cross training :) | 14:14 |
Manusheel | neeraj: Ok, sure. | 14:15 |
dfarning | ankurk, I don't know. it would be worth trying. | 14:15 |
Manusheel | ankurk: Sure. | 14:15 |
kandarpk | Manusheel sir: it is a bit unreasonable to expect help on the 3G issue | 14:16 |
kandarpk | as I am not having any such issue | 14:17 |
kandarpk | and wont be able to share any log files to fix it | 14:17 |
ankurk | kandarpk,can i help you how to reproduce issue? | 14:17 |
kandarpk | ankurk: are you facing it ? | 14:17 |
ankurk | it is not an issue, Manusheel sir correct me if i am wrong | 14:17 |
ankurk | no it is not about facing, go to my settings , click on modem config.It is for 3g | 14:18 |
ankurk | that should be not there i suppose. | 14:18 |
kandarpk | Ok. | 14:19 |
kandarpk | got your point | 14:20 |
ankurk | kandarpk, please confirm it as well :) | 14:20 |
kandarpk | ankurk: I too have the option to set up 3G connection. | 14:21 |
Manusheel | kandarpk, ankurk: Was on a call. Yes, we'll have the option to set up 3 G connection. | 14:24 |
dfarning | kandarpk, It looks like tomeu would like to defer the question to the design team. | 14:24 |
kandarpk | Manusheel sir: yes, that is what silbe too suggested | 14:25 |
Manusheel | kandarpk: Yes, let us give that a try. But, please make sure that it does not disturb your network settings. We can ask someone, who uses 3G through a BSNL connection. | 14:26 |
ankurk | dfarning, i was not able find it's version.in NEWS it is written till 8.Are they referring to version or is it conventional way of writing? | 14:28 |
kandarpk | I have to leave right now, will be back in 30 minutes | 14:28 |
dfarning | kandarpk, the problem is in two parts 1) should choices for unavailable hardware be available in the control panel? and 2) How to show/not show hardware options as necessary. Tomeu is defering part one to the design team | 14:28 |
dfarning | ankurk, which activity? | 14:29 |
ankurk | dfarning, also one more thing , as i was not able to extract the tarball of source code, should i pack it before i do git-import-orig --pristine-tar -u | 14:29 |
kandarpk | dfarning: Ok. | 14:29 |
ankurk | or should i use --upstream-version | 14:29 |
ankurk | dfarning, jigsaw puzzle | 14:29 |
kandarpk | dfarning: that means we need to have a module which checks for hardware | 14:29 |
dfarning | kandarpk, by [design] he is talking about the user experience design. | 14:30 |
dfarning | kandarpk, it might all ready exist I don't know. | 14:30 |
kandarpk | and then reports it to the design management module | 14:31 |
kandarpk | dfarning: will discuss about it once I come back | 14:32 |
kandarpk | have to leave now | 14:32 |
dfarning | ankurk, buy looking at http://git.sugarlabs.org/projects/jigsaw-puzzle-branch we can see that the version is 8 | 14:32 |
kandarpk | will be back in 30 min | 14:32 |
dfarning | kandarpk, ok see you later. | 14:32 |
ankurk | dfarning, in the news as well they have written upto 8 bullets .So i guess my version will be 9. | 14:33 |
dfarning | ankurk, no, the package version is that same as the upstream software version. | 14:34 |
ankurk | dfarning, ok and i will be writing Package Rebuilt * ? i am little confused on this.Should i be mentioning all the previous changes as mentioned in NEWS file which came along with the source code? it will be great if you can guide me on this | 14:36 |
dfarning | ankurk, I don't know enough about git-import-orig to answer that correctly. | 14:36 |
dfarning | ankurk, I would suggest moving on to debugging until you can have a question and answer session with luke. | 14:39 |
ankurk | dfarning, when will be Luke returning from his vacations? | 14:40 |
dfarning | ankurk, Let's ask Manusheel to try to arrange a scheduled session with luke as soon as possible. | 14:42 |
ankurk | dfarning, i will be going out somewhere for now, i guess i will be returning after dinner. i will be going in half an hour.I will return after 10pm.untill then i try to figure out git on my own. | 14:42 |
Manusheel | dfarning: Sure. | 14:42 |
Manusheel | dfarning: Will send an e-mail to Luke. | 14:43 |
dfarning | ankurk, ok | 14:43 |
ankurk | dfarning, which bug should i go debugging? any suggestion. | 14:43 |
dfarning | Manusheel, thanks. | 14:43 |
Manusheel | ankurk: Did you complete yesterday's bugs? | 14:43 |
Manusheel | ankurk: Waiting for your update on the network management issues assigned to you and Dipankar. Dipankar did write to me on one of them. | 14:44 |
ankurk | Manusheel sir, no ,i didn't complete them.I will work on them and get back to you. | 14:45 |
dfarning | ankurk, If you remind me of the details, I can try to help you get started with that bug. | 14:45 |
ankurk | yesterday we were working on the neighbour hood issue.We were not able to find anyone in neighbour hood.And after the that bug was as follows:-In neighborhood view right click on the network which is connect | 14:48 |
ankurk | (denoted by little ()). click disconnect. -- Nothing happens -- weird | 14:48 |
ankurk | maybe it is just really slow because after a few minutes it appeared | 14:48 |
ankurk | to disconect. | 14:48 |
ankurk | dfarning, i will be coming back after some time .Will try to see the log of yesterday as well | 14:48 |
ankurk | bye | 14:48 |
ankurk | tc | 14:48 |
dfarning | ankurk, ok I'll look at it. | 14:50 |
Manusheel | dfarning: I have send an e-mail at ubuntu sugar mailing list and copied you on the memo. Let us see if we can get an answer. | 14:53 |
Manusheel | dfarning: I am going in a meeting with content developers. Will be back sometime soon. | 14:53 |
Manusheel | dfarning: Sending an e-mail to Luke to work out a meeting schedule with Kandarp and team. | 14:54 |
dfarning | Manusheel, ok see you later. | 14:54 |
dfarning | thank | 14:54 |
dfarning | s | 14:54 |
kandarpk | dfarning: Hi | 15:19 |
dfarning | kandarpk, hello | 15:20 |
kandarpk | how do we approach that 3G problem ? | 15:20 |
neeraj_ | dfarning, I have used git clone on ubuntu-logviewer activity,, | 15:22 |
neeraj_ | now there is a separate debian folder and one log.activity inside mainline | 15:23 |
dfarning | kandarpk, as tomeu suggested write an email to sugar-devel mailing list asking for a design decision to _not_ show control panel icons for hardware which is not available. | 15:23 |
kandarpk | Ok. | 15:23 |
neeraj_ | kandarpk sir, do you what should be the next step.. its a little different from what mentioned in start-up guide | 15:23 |
kandarpk | whats the mailing id ? | 15:23 |
kandarpk | neeraj_: waiting for Luke. | 15:24 |
dfarning | kandarpk, "sugar-devel" <sugar-devel@lists.sugarlabs.org>, you will have to subscribe at http://lists.sugarlabs.org/listinfo/sugar-devel before sending the mail. | 15:26 |
neeraj_ | kandarpk sir, ok please ping me on gmail whenever he comes :) | 15:28 |
kandarpk | neeraj_: sure | 15:28 |
kandarpk | dfarning: what should I be doing now ? | 15:40 |
kandarpk | any suggestions | 15:40 |
* dipankar hopes power stays this time | 15:40 | |
dipankar | dfarning, you around? | 15:50 |
kandarpk | very unproductive session today! | 15:52 |
dipankar | neeraj__, you online? | 16:12 |
neeraj__ | dipankar, yes | 16:13 |
dipankar | neeraj__, how much have you covered? | 16:13 |
neeraj__ | i have downloaded ubuntu-sugar-logviewer-acitivty | 16:14 |
neeraj__ | using git clone | 16:14 |
neeraj__ | now inside mailine there is an debian folder and log.viewer folder | 16:15 |
dipankar | neeraj__, I don't think you are assigned logviewer as it is assigned to me :) | 16:15 |
neeraj__ | err.. in the mail its assigned to me | 16:16 |
neeraj__ | anyways | 16:17 |
neeraj__ | have u done this | 16:17 |
neeraj__ | if yes then which step did u followed? | 16:17 |
neeraj__ | *what* | 16:17 |
dipankar | neeraj__, please see the latest e-mail : I have the following | 16:20 |
dipankar | Neeraj | 16:20 |
dipankar | sugar-memorize-activity | 16:20 |
dipankar | sugar-pollbuilder-activity | 16:20 |
dipankar | :) | 16:20 |
dipankar | What I have done neeraj__ ?? | 16:20 |
neeraj__ | ohh missed that :( | 16:22 |
neeraj__ | anyways.. I am asking like for logviewer activity | 16:22 |
dipankar | no worries neeraj__ | 16:22 |
neeraj__ | I used git clong git:... command | 16:22 |
neeraj__ | now it created a mainline folder, inside which there were two folders | 16:23 |
neeraj__ | debian and log.activity | 16:23 |
neeraj__ | Now if someone want to put it into git/collab-mint | 16:23 |
dipankar | see neeraj__ When we are cloning a git repo to our local repo, we are creating a 'clone'/replica from where you may want to branch into other options | 16:23 |
neeraj__ | what he should do.. | 16:23 |
neeraj__ | ok | 16:26 |
dipankar | The correct command to use is | 16:26 |
dipankar | <dipankar> We have to use the git remote add origin PATH_TO_REMOTE_GIT_REPO command | 16:26 |
dipankar | <dipankar> luke: dipankar: okay. so add the remote git location to your local repository and push up to it. use "git remote add origin PATH_TO_REMOTE_GIT_REPO" (origin here is a name, you could call it hot-forking-action for all git cares), then "git push --all origin" to push all local refs to origin. | 16:26 |
* dipankar will be back in 2 minutes | 16:27 | |
* dipankar is back | 16:28 | |
dipankar | neeraj__, dfarning : guys I think I have found the proper method | 16:28 |
dipankar | of packaging. | 16:29 |
dipankar | kandarpk, I think I have found the proper way of packaging | 16:29 |
dipankar | neeraj__, kandarpk : I am going for dinner. | 16:29 |
kandarpk | dipankar: great | 16:29 |
kandarpk | dipankar: we'll be waiting | 16:30 |
neeraj__ | dipankar, k. waiting for you t | 16:30 |
dipankar | I will come back in 30 minutes. Till that time if you can, please go through the log : http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2010/07/01/%23ubuntu-sugarteam.html | 16:31 |
dipankar | after time tag -15:00- | 16:31 |
dipankar | the whole repository usage is explained step by step by Luke | 16:32 |
dipankar | Brb | 16:32 |
* dipankar is away: I'm not here | 16:32 | |
* lfaraone is here. | 17:08 | |
kandarpk | lfaraone: Hi | 17:11 |
kandarpk | lfaraone:I am listing the issues, so that you can have a look when you come back : | 17:13 |
kandarpk | 1) instead of using apt-get, we used git clone to get the package, can't that be done ? | 17:14 |
kandarpk | 2) if we use git clone, put the debian folder extracted from initial_debianisation, modify the required files, how do we test the build ? | 17:16 |
lfaraone | kandarpk: get the package debianized source from git.debian.org, or from sugarlabs without the debian/ folder? | 17:17 |
lfaraone | kandarpk: "package source" means to me "upstream source from sugarlabs plus debian/ folder." | 17:17 |
neeraj | lfaraone, hi | 17:18 |
neeraj | so here we will download the upstream source from sugar labs | 17:19 |
neeraj | and add the debian folder, make necessary changes and then add that into repository on git/collab-mint | 17:19 |
lfaraone | neeraj: to get the upstream source, you're downloading a tarball from download.sugarlabs.org , or cloning a git repository from git.sugarlabs.org? | 17:19 |
neeraj | git clone | 17:20 |
* dipankar is back | 17:21 | |
neeraj | from git.sugarlabs.org | 17:21 |
kandarpk | lfaraone: on doing git clone git://git.sugarlabs.org/read/mainline.git read | 17:21 |
kandarpk | the package did not had debian folder | 17:21 |
dipankar | lfaraone, hi | 17:21 |
lfaraone | kandarpk: right. | 17:22 |
lfaraone | hello dipankar | 17:22 |
kandarpk | lfaraone: I placed the debian folder from initial_debianisation in it | 17:22 |
dipankar | lfaraone, The main problem is getting the source only | 17:23 |
kandarpk | lfaraone: then modified the required files, and generated the control file | 17:23 |
kandarpk | lfaraone: how can I test the build now ( to see if all dependencies are there ) ? | 17:24 |
kandarpk | git-buildpackage required pristine-tar | 17:25 |
ankurkk | hello lfaraone , kandarpk how much i missed? | 17:25 |
lfaraone | ankurkk: nothing. | 17:25 |
kandarpk | ankurkk: nothing | 17:25 |
* dipankar is back (gone 00:54:12) | 17:26 | |
lfaraone | kandarpk: well, there are two ways to do it (generate the upstream tarball): via a get-orig-source rule, or using git-buildpackge tagging. I'm trying to determine which is the most straigthforward for us to use at the moment. | 17:26 |
ankurkhurana_ | sorry got disconnected. :( Rain play havoc with net connectivity . | 17:27 |
ankurkhurana_ | hello lfaraone , kandarpk how much i missed? | 17:27 |
lfaraone | kandarpk: which package, by the way? | 17:27 |
lfaraone | 12:25 ankurkk$ hello lfaraone , kandarpk how much i missed? | 17:27 |
lfaraone | 12:25 lfaraone$ ankurkk: nothing. | 17:27 |
lfaraone | 12:25 kandarpk$ ankurkk: nothing | 17:27 |
kandarpk | read-activity | 17:27 |
kandarpk | lfaraone: great minds think alike :) | 17:28 |
ankurkhurana_ | lfaraone, i was working on jigsaw puzzle activity , i downloaded the source using git clone. | 17:28 |
* lfaraone will be right back. | 17:28 | |
ankurkhurana_ | lfaraone, take your time :) | 17:29 |
kandarpk | ankurkhurana_: whats your question about ? | 17:29 |
ankurkhurana_ | well i dont have the tar ball of the source code. | 17:30 |
kandarpk | ankurkhurana_, | 17:30 |
kandarpk | that is what I've asked Luke | 17:31 |
kandarpk | so, please be patient | 17:31 |
ankurkhurana_ | so i wanted to know what the standard procedure of naming that package like sugar-NAME-activity | 17:31 |
ankurkhurana_ | and version as well | 17:31 |
ankurkhurana_ | as i dont have a tarball so i guess we can use --upstream-version | 17:32 |
ankurkhurana_ | and some things regarding changelog as well | 17:32 |
ankurkhurana_ | i will wait for luke to return | 17:32 |
kandarpk | ankurkhurana_: let him first clear the tarball related query, that is what most of us aren't very comfortable about | 17:33 |
dfarning | kandarpk, good. it looks like Luke has few minutes can you ping me when you have an answer to the tarball question? | 17:37 |
kandarpk | dfarning: sure | 17:37 |
dfarning | thanks | 17:37 |
lfaraone | kandarpk: you'll have to generate the upstream tarball by creating a get-orig-source rule. | 17:44 |
kandarpk | lfaraone: can you please provide some links/info where I can read about that | 17:45 |
=== ankurkhurana_ is now known as ankurkk | ||
lfaraone | kandarpk: sure, I'm writing a debian/rules snippet right now. | 17:50 |
kandarpk | lfaraone: thanks | 17:50 |
ankurkk | lfaraone, what will be the name of rep. sugar-jigsaw-puzzle-activity or sugar-jigsaw_puzzle-activity | 17:51 |
lfaraone | ankurkk: sugar-jigsawpuzzle-activity. | 17:52 |
lfaraone | ankurkk: we typically avoid package names with _ in them. (I'm not even sure if it's allowed by the policy) | 17:52 |
ankurkk | lfaraone, will keep that in mind :) | 17:53 |
kandarpk | lfaraone: once we have the tarball, will we be able to test the package on our system ? | 17:53 |
lfaraone | kandarpk: to generate the upstream tarball, add http://sprunge.us/XQQQ to the end of your tarball and replace PACKAGE_NAME and UPSTREAM_GIT with their respective values. | 17:53 |
lfaraone | kandarpk: I don't see why not. | 17:53 |
kandarpk | lfaraone: I didn't get that. | 17:55 |
lfaraone | *to the end of your debian/rules | 17:55 |
lfaraone | kandarpk: sorry, I misspoke :) | 17:55 |
kandarpk | lfaraone: Ok. :) | 17:56 |
kandarpk | lfaraone: after that we can use git-buildpackage ? | 17:57 |
dipankar | lfaraone, Sorry I lost track. To get the upstream tarball, we have to change the debian/rule file? | 17:57 |
lfaraone | kandarpk: after that, you should use git-import-orig as usual. | 17:57 |
lfaraone | dipankar: well, you write in the rules file how you want to create the tarball from git. | 17:58 |
lfaraone | There may be a better solution. I'm asking on the mailing list, but that's what I've been doing myself. | 17:58 |
kandarpk | lfaraone: ok. | 17:58 |
lfaraone | dipankar, kandarpk, does what the get-orig-source rule does make sense? | 17:59 |
ankurkk | lfaraone, so i guess the steps are:- create a git rep , inport intial_deb debian folder in it. add the text you have given to end of rules file | 18:00 |
ankurkk | then use get-orig-source ? | 18:00 |
dipankar | lfaraone, I still am confused b/w the method you are telling now and the command 'git-import-dsc --prinstine-tar PATH/TO/DSC' | 18:00 |
dfarning | lfaraone, so we just 1)create a dir 2) run git init 3) add the debian/ dir skelton 4) and modify the rule file with the above snippet 5) modify debian/ as need. 6) build the package -- and the proper git repo will be pulled in as part of the build process? | 18:00 |
kandarpk | lfaraone: Not much, but thought we could look it up | 18:01 |
kandarpk | dfarning: you missed git clone | 18:02 |
lfaraone | dipankar: we use git-import-dsc only when importing an *existing* debian package to git. | 18:02 |
lfaraone | dfarning: any time between steps 4 and 6 you run "fakeroot debian/rules get-orig-source", then import the newly created upstream tarball with "git-import-orig --pristine-tar ../sugar-NAME-activity_VERSION.orig.tar.gz" or something similar. | 18:04 |
lfaraone | dfarning: although we really should get upstream to make regular tarball releases. | 18:04 |
lfaraone | dfarning: does that make sense? | 18:07 |
ankurkk | dfarning, i havent yet set up the repository , and filed an ITP. | 18:07 |
ankurkk | i am having question right now | 18:07 |
ankurkk | should i ask them now or postpone it till ew are clear on packaging | 18:08 |
kandarpk | lfaraone: how do we add the URL in watch file ? | 18:08 |
dfarning | lfaraone, ok I think I got it the same command that regenerate the control file will create the tarball.... then we git-import-orig as normal? | 18:08 |
ankurkk | lfaraone, dfarning in http://www.debian.org/devel/wnpp/#l1 i figured out the right command is | 18:10 |
ankurkk | reportbug --email ankur@seeta.in wnpp | 18:10 |
dipankar | oh ankurkk, | 18:10 |
dipankar | thats not the way | 18:11 |
dipankar | ankurkk, check out the email method of filing | 18:11 |
ankurkk | okay ,can you provide few pointers, | 18:11 |
ankurkk | dipankar, ok | 18:11 |
ankurkk | let me check it .Have you filed the ITP ? | 18:11 |
lfaraone | dipankar: personally, I like reportbug, but email may be easier for you. | 18:11 |
dipankar | ankurkk, not right now | 18:12 |
dipankar | ankurkk, I still have to file the ITP | 18:12 |
lfaraone | dfarning: to regenerate the control file we do "DEB_MAINTAINER_MODE=1 fakeroot debian/rules clean". The DEB_MAINTAINER_MODE says "I'm not a build daemon. Do some things that are not allowed to occur during autobuilds (like debian/control magic)" | 18:12 |
ankurkk | lfaraone, do you have time right now to help me out on that. | 18:12 |
ankurkk | okay i wil wait | 18:12 |
dipankar | lfaraone, we can't use the reportbug on ubuntu | 18:12 |
ankurkk | well dipankar | 18:12 |
lfaraone | dipankar: reportbug --bts=debian :D | 18:13 |
ankurkk | i think we can, using -B tag and changing some things in bashrc | 18:13 |
lfaraone | ankurkk: exactly. | 18:13 |
dfarning | lfaraone, ok I think I got it. | 18:13 |
lfaraone | Personally, I set "alias reportbug='reportbug --bts=debian'" in my ~/.bashrc | 18:13 |
lfaraone | dfarning: yeah. it's slightly more complicated, and there may be a more elegant (read: cleaner but complex) way to do this by using git tagging, but I don't know it :) | 18:14 |
kandarpk | lfaraone: how do we add the URL in watch file ? | 18:17 |
kandarpk | it has to be in some uscan format | 18:18 |
lfaraone | kandarpk: do "man uscan" to learn more. | 18:19 |
kandarpk | *tried | 18:19 |
lfaraone | kandarpk: here's what I used for sugar-terminal-activity: http://sprunge.us/fgHg | 18:20 |
* lfaraone will be back later, I've been forced to go on a walk at the beach. | 18:20 | |
dfarning | kandarpk, I am pretty sure I understood what luke said:) I'll try to recreate a gettingstarted guide which shows the correct steps in order for you by the time you wake up:) | 18:25 |
kandarpk | dfarning: I too got most of it :) | 18:25 |
kandarpk | dfarning: just the git-import-orig "as normal" wasn't clear | 18:26 |
dfarning | kandarpk, good. I must go to lunch... It gets to be a long morning when you start at 5 am. | 18:27 |
kandarpk | dfarning: I old you, you wake up very early today | 18:28 |
kandarpk | *told | 18:28 |
dfarning | :) I'll test and write up the steps.... I don't want to lead you wrong if I am wrong:( | 18:29 |
kandarpk | dfarning: how long will you take ? | 18:29 |
kandarpk | *considering waiting | 18:29 |
kandarpk | to have your lunch and come back | 18:30 |
dipankar | dfarning, enjoy your lunch | 18:30 |
dfarning | kandarpk, dipankar it will probobly take 90 minutes -- 60 minute to clear head during lunch and 30 minutes to test and write down the correct steps. | 18:31 |
dipankar | dfarning, I may be heading to bed. | 18:31 |
dipankar | dfarning, so I will meet you tomorrow morning directly :) | 18:31 |
dfarning | dipankar, ok then I will see you in the morning when you also have a clear head:) | 18:32 |
kandarpk | dfarning: you'll be back in 60 min ? | 18:32 |
dipankar | dfarning, :) Good night :) | 18:32 |
kandarpk | dipankar: good night | 18:32 |
dfarning | kandarpk, i will try | 18:32 |
* dipankar is out for night | 18:33 | |
kandarpk | ok. | 18:33 |
ankurkhurana__ | dfarning, well have a good lunch.i guess i would be sleeping when you come back aftert lunch. | 18:35 |
ankurkhurana__ | bye | 18:35 |
ankurkhurana__ | tc | 18:35 |
Manusheel | kandarpk and neeraj: Hi Kandarp and Neeraj. Around? | 19:14 |
kandarpk | Manusheel sir: Hi | 19:14 |
Manusheel | kandarpk: Kandarp, did you get a chance to create an upstream tarball using get-orig-source rule as guided by Luke? | 19:15 |
kandarpk | Manusheel sir, I am trying that right now | 19:16 |
kandarpk | but without success | 19:16 |
Manusheel | kandarpk: Sure. Any errors/messages that you would like to share? | 19:16 |
kandarpk | Manusheel sir: yes | 19:17 |
kandarpk | Manusheel sir: I'll list the steps so that dfarning too can look at them later | 19:17 |
Manusheel | kandarpk: Sure. | 19:18 |
Manusheel | kandarpk: Why don't we put them in a document side by side too. | 19:18 |
Manusheel | ?* | 19:18 |
Manusheel | kandarpk: We'll share a brief document with the other team members so that the explanation process from our side gets minimized. | 19:19 |
kandarpk | Manusheel sir: putting the steps in pastebin, can be collected later, if required | 19:19 |
Manusheel | kandarpk: Absolutely, Kandarp. Good idea. | 19:19 |
Manusheel | neeraj: Hi Neeraj. Around? | 19:40 |
dfarning | kandarpk, just got back -- had a couple of phone calls. | 19:51 |
kandarpk | dfarning: np | 19:51 |
dfarning | kandarpk, which package are you working on I'll start that one two. | 19:51 |
kandarpk | dfarning: http://pastebin.org/383886 | 19:52 |
kandarpk | read activity | 19:52 |
kandarpk | dfarning: there is some problem in creating branch upstream | 19:53 |
dfarning | kandarpk, I think you skip steps 3,4,5 and just do a git init --- but not sure I must try it. | 19:56 |
kandarpk | dfarning: *I am trying it now | 19:57 |
dfarning | kandarpk, If I understood correctly the snippet that we added to rules pull in the source code from the git repo when we run debain/rules | 20:00 |
kandarpk | dfarning: it is doing that | 20:00 |
kandarpk | dfarning: the tar file should be outside read dir ? | 20:02 |
kandarpk | or along with debian folder | 20:02 |
dfarning | kandarpk, yes outside it think | 20:03 |
dfarning | I think | 20:03 |
kandarpk | dfarning: because it is being created in directory having debian folder | 20:03 |
kandarpk | the script places it in .. | 20:04 |
kandarpk | that is parent directory of rules | 20:04 |
dfarning | kandarpk, I am trying to catch up:) | 20:04 |
kandarpk | http://pastebin.org/383895 | 20:05 |
kandarpk | ls inside read gives: | 20:08 |
kandarpk | debian sugar-Read-activity_87.orig.tar.gz | 20:08 |
kandarpk | dfarning: anything conclusive ? | 20:16 |
dfarning | ok I just changes of the stuff in debian and ran fakeroot debian/rules get-orig-source | 20:22 |
dfarning | kandarpk, as you said it put the tarball in the same dir as the debian/ dir. | 20:22 |
dfarning | kandarpk, did you try building the package and seeing if it worked. | 20:23 |
kandarpk | dfarning: It didn't return any errors | 20:23 |
kandarpk | I mean this command: | 20:24 |
dfarning | what command do you run to build it | 20:24 |
kandarpk | DEB_MAINTAINER_MODE=1 fakeroot debian/rules clean | 20:24 |
dfarning | kandarpk, I just ran git-buildpackage and got the following error | 20:29 |
dfarning | Repository does not have branch 'upstream' for upstream sources. If there is none see | 20:29 |
dfarning | file:///usr/share/doc/git-buildpackage/manual-html/gbp.import.html#GBP.IMPORT.CONVERT | 20:29 |
dfarning | on howto create it otherwise use --upstream-branch to specify it. | 20:29 |
kandarpk | dfarning: same here | 20:30 |
kandarpk | told you upstream was not being created | 20:30 |
kandarpk | dfarning: git checkout -b upstream --track origin/upstream | 20:30 |
kandarpk | this command is intended to make upstream branch | 20:31 |
kandarpk | but it too fails | 20:31 |
kandarpk | fatal: git checkout: updating paths is incompatible with switching branches. | 20:31 |
kandarpk | Did you intend to checkout 'origin/upstream' which can not be resolved as commit? | 20:31 |
dfarning | kandarpk, I am reading file:///usr/share/doc/git-buildpackage/manual-html/gbp.import.html#GBP.IMPORT.CONVERT | 20:34 |
dfarning | kandarpk, try git-import-orig --pristine-tar -u ''87'' --upstream-branch master sugar-read-activity_87.orig.tar.gz | 20:39 |
kandarpk | dfarning: just two minutes | 20:40 |
kandarpk | dfarning: http://pastebin.org/383916 | 20:44 |
kandarpk | many errors reported | 20:44 |
kandarpk | dfarning: can you please let me know the steps which are to be followed form : | 20:46 |
kandarpk | http://pastebin.org/383886 | 20:46 |
kandarpk | in correwct order | 20:46 |
dfarning | kandarpk, I am going to try to start from the beginning again. but must take kids to swimming lessons first. | 20:48 |
kandarpk | dfarning: sure :) | 20:48 |
kandarpk | dfarning: its 1:20 AM here as well | 20:49 |
dfarning | I'll save my result for us to ask lfaraone about | 20:49 |
kandarpk | so I too should go to bed now | 20:49 |
dfarning | kandarpk, ok I will see you in the morning. | 20:49 |
kandarpk | dfarning: ok, bye | 20:50 |
lfaraone | dfarning: afternoon. | 22:53 |
dfarning | lfaraone, how was the beach? | 22:53 |
lfaraone | dfarning: sandy. | 22:54 |
lfaraone | dfarning: how was your lunch? | 22:54 |
dfarning | lfaraone, I take it you are a geek:) | 22:54 |
dfarning | lfaraone, it was yummy:) | 22:54 |
dfarning | lfaraone, quick question how do I fix the following error? | 22:55 |
dfarning | dpkg-source: info: use the '3.0 (quilt)' format to have separate and documented changes to upstream files, see dpkg-source(1) | 22:55 |
dfarning | dpkg-source: unrepresentable changes to source | 22:55 |
dfarning | dpkg-buildpackage: error: dpkg-source -i -I -b sugar-read-activity-87 gave error exit status 1 | 22:55 |
dfarning | debuild: fatal error at line 1340: | 22:55 |
dfarning | lfaraone, I am looking at mkdir debian/source ; echo '3.0 (quilt)' > debian/source/format ; dch 'Switch to dpkg-source 3.0 (quilt) format' | 22:56 |
lfaraone | dfarning: well, you can get rid of the error by using the '3.0 (quilt)' format to have separate and documented changes to upstream files. See http://wiki.debian.org/Projects/DebSrc3.0#Howtoconvertasourcepackage.3F | 22:56 |
lfaraone | dfarning: right. | 22:56 |
lfaraone | dfarning: but the underlying problem could have many causes. Usually, it's because some translation files were added or some other such things. | 22:57 |
lfaraone | dfarning: what files does it list as a problem? (ideally, paste the entire log to a suitable pastebin.) | 22:57 |
dfarning | lfaraone, http://pastebin.org/384028 note this is _after_ changing to quilt (3.0) | 23:00 |
lfaraone | dfarning: coolio. looks like a real fun time over there. | 23:08 |
lfaraone | dfarning: give me a sec. | 23:08 |
dfarning | lfaraone, Yes, it is pretty fun. | 23:08 |
dfarning | thanks | 23:08 |
lfaraone | dfarning: lines 26 to the end of http://git.debian.org/?p=collab-maint/sugar-terminal-activity.git;a=blob;f=debian/rules;h=52d023a4d135e8ad5ee5694666cc940a470ba359;hb=228cd650b8f4488699bf201aaf23bdd192ff6983 | 23:10 |
dfarning | lfaraone, do I delete those lines? | 23:14 |
lfaraone | dfarning: do, you add them to your rules file. | 23:15 |
lfaraone | *no | 23:15 |
lfaraone | dfarning: the "clean" rule ensures that those extra files are expunged properly. | 23:16 |
dfarning | sorry, It took me a while to figure out that we were looking at your package that work rather then mine the failed:) | 23:16 |
dfarning | lfaraone, Hey cool it finally worked! | 23:19 |
lfaraone | dfarning: awesome. which package? | 23:21 |
dfarning | thanks, I am going to eat supper and write up a getting started walk through. | 23:21 |
dfarning | read | 23:21 |
lfaraone | dfarning: okay. please do add it to the exising S/GSG on the Debian wiki. | 23:22 |
dfarning | lfaraone, it actually barfed at signing but I need to fix my key. | 23:22 |
lfaraone | dfarning: by the way, read is packaged at http://git.debian.org/?p=collab-maint/sugar-read-activity.git;a=summary | 23:39 |
dfarning | lfaraone, cool, now that I have struggle through this one I'll compare what I have to what jonas has. | 23:42 |
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