jbailey | jussi, pong | 13:58 |
jussi | jbailey: is this channel still in use? | 13:58 |
jbailey | Not noticeably. | 14:00 |
jbailey | Doko still logs into it. | 14:00 |
jbailey | I don't follow Ubuntu development enough these days to know if anyone other than he is doing toolchain stuff. | 14:00 |
jbailey | I vaguely doubt it. Hiring a toolchain person would've been news. | 14:00 |
jbailey | In practice, between me, lamont, and doko on this channel most questions could probably be answered, though. | 14:01 |
jussi | jbailey: yeah, you were the only one on the access list though. I had staff add the ubuntuirccouncil account. | 14:03 |
jussi | perhaps if we forward the channel to #ubuntu-devel and we can unforward it if it becomes necessary? | 14:04 |
jbailey | jussi, What problem are you trying to solve? | 14:04 |
jussi | jbailey: we have a logged channel without a topic, without an access list. | 14:05 |
jbailey | I'm slightly miffed that you didn't bother just emailing me to say "Hey, please add ubuntuirccouncil" | 14:05 |
jbailey | I don't care about the result so much as that you didn't bother chatting first. | 14:06 |
jbailey | jussi, Why is that a problem? | 14:06 |
jussi | jbailey: we a creating channels page which explains how channels in the ubuntu namespace should be set up. also, we have been asked by canonical to add an entrymsg to all logged channels (for legal reasons). | 14:08 |
jussi | jbailey: I apologise for not waiting longer after pinging you before contacting staff. | 14:09 |
jbailey | jussi, All good. Just something to keep in mind when dealing with people. =) | 14:09 |
jbailey | So, in the end this channel could either exist or not. | 14:10 |
jbailey | If it's forwarded to #ubuntu-devel, I won't hang out on it. | 14:10 |
jussi | jbailey: Ive no problem with it existing, but if it does, it should have a topic | 14:10 |
jbailey | The channel was created because those of us who care about the toolchain don't need to chat often, but when we do, it's nice to not have to piece out the conversation from other threads. | 14:10 |
jbailey | We have certain policies here, like that it's OK to paste any amount. | 14:11 |
jbailey | So often logs and such would get pasted. | 14:11 |
jussi | jbailey: sure. if you could add those items to the topic so all know that, it would be great. | 14:11 |
=== jbailey changed the topic of #ubuntu-toolchain to: Werd-up, yo. Toolchain conversations happen here. Paste away. | ||
jussi | Ive set an entry message as per what canonical have asked us to, you can see it by exiting and rejoining the channel. | 14:12 |
jbailey | jussi, Fab. Easy enough. | 14:14 |
jussi | jbailey: thanks a lot for your help. Once again, sorry for not waiting longer - we usually would converse with the owner first. | 14:15 |
jbailey | lamont, Want to be an owner of this channel? | 14:15 |
lamont | sure, layon | 14:16 |
jussi | jbailey: may I also suggest setting chanserv guard on? that way the topic is not lost if everyone exits the channel. | 14:16 |
lamont | I mean, that's 2 conversations in less than 6 months in this channel... :-D | 14:16 |
jussi | :D | 14:16 |
jbailey | jussi, Chanserv guards annoy me because ,m like now, I have to figure out where it's talking to me. | 14:17 |
jbailey | I don't think we ever all leave, though. | 14:17 |
jussi | right, just a suggestion :) | 14:17 |
jbailey | Between LaMont and Ubuntulog, we're pretty set. | 14:18 |
jussi | In anycase, ill leave you all to your silence. :) Have fun! | 14:18 |
jbailey | "Hello darkness, my old friend..." | 14:18 |
jussi | hehe | 14:18 |
jussi | laters | 14:18 |
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