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umaruNeither my Desktop (Evolution) sync or phone Funambol sync seems to be working for my contacts. Nothing is showing up on one.ubuntu.com x.x05:15
duanedesignhello umaru05:17
duanedesignumaru: contact sync is down for maintenance. Should be back up in the next couple of days05:17
umaruoh i see, ok, guess it was just a bad time for me to migrate my contact syncing05:17
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GeorgiusChipaca: Hi John, just a reminder on UbuntuOne and Python 2.5 ...08:55
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GeorgiusChipaca: any progress on python 2.5 ?11:48
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augustinhi all13:30
augustini'm struggling with Ubuntu One, and following the FAQ (in particular, the steps to uninstall/reinstall) didn't fix the problem (token rejected).13:31
augustinis there something more in-depth, or is it accepted that U1 just doesn't work for some people? I'm using a fresh 64-bit Lucid install13:32
ryeaugustin, hello, what version are you running?13:32
augustinhello rye, thank you for helping13:32
ryeaugustin, ok, when you attempt to authorize you get the web page, you add your machine but your files are not being synced, right?13:33
augustinexactly, and cat ~/.cache/ubuntuone/log/oauth-login.log ends with a denied access13:34
augustini followed this: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuOne/FAQ#How do I completely remove and reinstall the Ubuntu One client software?13:34
augustin(sorry for the broken link)13:34
augustini'm also unable to delete some previously sync'ed folders (without files in them) from the web interface, but i assume it's another problem...13:35
ryeaugustin, ok, could you please go to https://one.ubuntu.com/account/machines/ and verify that you have the tokens there. The tokens that are used by syncdaemon can be found in Applications / Accessories / Passwords & Encryption Keys (seahorse)13:35
ryeaugustin, let's fix the general sync issue first then we'll move to web interface13:35
augustinit's the same token on the web and in the Pass & Keys program13:36
ryeaugustin, the token entry that syncdaemon is using is called UbuntuOne token for https://ubuntuone.com, the part that is displayed in the web interface is oauth_token=... part13:36
augustinyes, and they match13:37
ryeaugustin, ok, could you please open a bug report against ubuntuone-client with ubuntu-bug ubuntuone-client then make it private and we will use it to attach the log files13:37
augustini'm afraid i'm not familiar with how to do that13:38
ryeaugustin, in order not to use public pastebin13:38
augustini could manually obfuscate the keys, if it makes it simpler13:38
ryeaugustin, just run $ ubuntu-bug ubuntuone-client  in the terminal and it will gather the info about the installation13:38
ryeaugustin, .. and will post the bug report to the launchpad13:38
augustinin progress13:39
augustinso i should report a new bug, right?13:41
augustinrye (sorry, forgot to prefix the previous message)13:41
ryeaugustin, yes, in case we'll find that this is a known issue then it will be just marked as a duplicate13:42
augustinit most likely is, i've tried looking at a few bugs in launchpad, they seemed to apply, and none of the solutions worked13:42
augustinok, done and privatized13:44
ryeaugustin, great, let me take a look...13:45
ubot4augustin: Error: Bug #601892 is private.13:45
augustinhow can i "invite" you to see it?13:46
augustinrye i've subscribed you, but it's weird, it says that i have subscribed like 50 people13:49
augustini haven't... not willingly =)13:49
ryeaugustin, that's ok, so, could you please open the terminal and run u1sdtool --status ?13:51
augustinshould i paste the result over there?13:51
augustinrye (sorry, dammit...)13:52
ryeaugustin, that can go to http://paste.ubuntu.com13:52
ryeaugustin, i will need the URL of the pasted text though :)13:53
augustini assumed you would ;)13:53
augustinrye http://paste.ubuntu.com/459454/13:53
ryehm, okay...13:54
ryeaugustin, could you please re-run that line and paste the current status - it looks like syncdaemon has just started13:54
ryeaugustin, syncdaemon = application that actually is in charge of syncing the files, seen in the processes as ubuntuone-syncdaemon13:55
augustinit says "connection: Not User With Network" "description: ready to connect" and "queues: WORKING_ON_BOTH"13:55
ryeaugustin, okay, could you please run u1sdtool --connect ?13:56
ryeaugustin, and now run u1sdtool --status13:56
augustinrye i did twice and it changed, so i'll wait a bit to make sure it's stabilized13:57
augustinrye: http://paste.ubuntu.com/459457/13:57
ryeaugustin, hm13:58
ryeaugustin, it is now synchronizing the files13:58
augustini'll check13:58
augustinrye: the test.txt file i put in the Ubuntu One folder is still not there13:59
augustinthere being the web interface showing the files13:59
ryeaugustin, you can check the metadata / content queue using u1sdtool --waiting-meta / u1sdtool --waiting-content to see how many files it needs to process to catch up13:59
augustinthat text file is 5 octet ^^13:59
augustinthere's an awful lot of files there14:00
augustinrye: from previous shares that i'd like to remove, incidentally14:00
ryeaugustin, ok, just to make sure you can find the info on that u1sdtool utility - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RomanYepishev/UbuntuOne/ClientControl14:01
augustinrye: i have tried a few times to remove the selected folders using the command line, but it's as if i was not doing anything14:02
ryeaugustin, so you have some UDF that you want to remove? I.e. folders outside of ~/Ubuntu One or that are the shares from other people?14:03
augustinrye: yes, my ~/Videos and ~/Documents14:04
ryeaugustin, "it's as if i was not doing anything" - the request was queued in the metadata queue and it is not immediately processed therefore no visible changes were there14:04
ryeaugustin, ok, there is a trick that can make it go faster, u1sdtool --disconnect14:04
ryeaugustin, this will disconnect syncdaemon so that it will not attempt to process the folders14:05
augustinok, it seems now my test file has been uploaded14:05
augustinand my Videos folder removed14:05
ryeaugustin, by the way, just to make sure, have you deleted anything in the web interface from Videos and Documents folders?14:05
augustinwhat that means is i should manually play with the waiting-meta, waiting-content, etc. when something seems to be stuck, right?14:05
augustinrye: i can't remember, i don't think so14:05
augustinrye:  but i couldn't deleted the folders themselves, the option was not present, only "share"14:06
augustinand for the record, i used to sync the folders using right-click from Nautilus14:06
augustinso, just for the record14:07
augustinrye: i've selected all the folders i'd like to backup, and they total 410 files and 366 MB14:08
augustinrye:  what is the expected time for this to be backed up?14:08
augustinrye: should i panick if it takes longer than 30 min ? 1 hour ? my network connection is very fast (40 Mbps upload)14:09
ryeaugustin, 2 seconds per file for initial MakeFile and then it is limited by your bandwidth for upload, so that would be ~ 15 minutes + the time to transfer that 366 MB14:12
augustini'll go progressively14:12
augustindir by dir14:12
augustini'll get back to you if anything gets stuck and i cannot fix it by using the commands14:13
ryeaugustin, but now your syncdaemon is disconnected14:13
augustinrye: thank you very very much for taking the time to walk me through this14:13
ryeaugustin, to reconnect you will need to do u1sdtool --connect (if you have executed u1sdtool --disconnect)14:13
augustinno, i hadn't yet14:13
ryeaugustin, it was one of the things i wanted you to do ... ah, ok14:13
augustinrye: i just deleted all my shared folders, and it cleared the content queue14:14
ryeaugustin, by the way, there is a project by our syncdaemon people to provide more info abou the upload process14:14
ryeaugustin, https://launchpad.net/~chicharreros/+archive/ppa14:15
augustinrye: is that supposed to be a more verbose client for when you upload?14:16
ryeaugustin, it shows the queues in the GUI mode and has the buttons to control syncdaemon + some additional features14:16
augustinrye: it's really missing from the main client, at least according to everything i saw on the forums...14:17
augustinrye: so, in the end, what was causing the rejection of my token?14:17
ryeaugustin, i am currenlty trying to reproduce this problem in the vm with the live servers so assigning myself to the bug report14:20
augustinrye: one last thing, if i may14:28
augustinrye: i have successfully synchronized my Desktop and Documents folder, however, there isn't the green "tick" mark on them14:29
augustinthe mark is present on the Ubuntu One folder, as well as on the files inside the Desktop and Documents folder14:29
augustinwait, scratch that, only for the Documents folder14:29
augustinand for the files in a subfolder of Desktop (but not on the subfolder itself)14:30
augustinthat's a bit confusing ^^14:30
ryeaugustin, the code to provide check marks on the folders is not entirely accurate, this is bug #44084814:33
ubot4Launchpad bug 440848 in ubuntuone-client "UbuntuOne sync status emblems should apply to folders as well as files (affects: 5) (dups: 1) (heat: 30)" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/44084814:33
augustinrye: ah ok, sorry about that... i'll go and add that it affects me. Unless that's extraneous?14:34
ryeaugustin, that would be helpful, I really want this to be implemented in a reliable way14:41
augustinrye: i did =) how can i help with the other project?14:42
ryeaugustin, the other = ?14:44
augustinrye: sorry, the GUI to control the syncdaemon, https://launchpad.net/~chicharreros/+archive/ppa14:45
ryeaugustin, I believe only by using, requesting features and reporting bugs. The team plans to add more features to it but they do not really like to say that this is GUI for syncdaemon :)14:55
augustini'll install it on my non-work machine, when i get home14:55
augustinrye: and i'll try to feed you guys with bugreports =)14:55
kklimondahonk, I'm even afraid to ask - is contact syncing with phone broken again? what does 511 return code even mean?14:59
ryekklimonda, checking15:02
ryekklimonda, successfully synced contacts just now, checking what can also be wrong15:03
kklimondabah, nothing like using a custon phone os, a beta sync tool and unstable server... so many points of failure :/15:04
Georgiuskklimonda: Salut, just tried beta sync on Conboy on Maemo 5 and did not encounter any problems15:06
Georgius(Nokia N900 obviously)15:07
ryekklimonda, syncml server is separate from tomboy api so that might not be an indication of the failure15:07
kklimondarye: I get "com.funambol.syncml.spds.SyncException: Server responded 511 to command SyncHdr" in my phone logs..15:07
ryekklimonda, yes, will sync the logs now to see whether I can find anything15:08
AtluxityI have lost the bug-number for the bug that affected me, and I cant seem to navigate the bugtracker to find it back, could someone help me with that?15:11
ryeAtluxity, just a moment, will get back to you as soon as I finish with previous request15:12
augustinAtluxity: maybe i didn't do it correctly, but the launchpad page for atluxity shows no bug subscribed/commented/reported/assigned15:12
ryeaugustin, affected me too does not appear there15:13
Atluxityaugustin, it was not me who reported it15:13
ryeHEY, why is affected bugs link ?15:13
augustini knew i'd be wrong, but i tried anyway =)15:13
AtluxityI tried too15:14
ryeAtluxity, try this search - https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntuone-client/+bugs?field.searchtext=&orderby=-importance&field.status%3Alist=NEW&field.status%3Alist=INCOMPLETE_WITH_RESPONSE&field.status%3Alist=INCOMPLETE_WITHOUT_RESPONSE&field.status%3Alist=CONFIRMED&field.status%3Alist=TRIAGED&field.status%3Alist=INPROGRESS&field.status%3Alist=FIXCOMMITTED&assignee_option=any&field.assignee=&field.bug_reporter=&field.bug_supervisor=&field.bug_commenter=&fie15:14
Atluxityo rly?15:14
Atluxityi'll try15:14
ryeAtluxity, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntuone-client/+bugs?field.affects_me=on15:15
AtluxityThere are currently no open bugs.15:16
ryeAtluxity, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntuone-client/+bugs?field.affects_me=on15:19
AtluxityThere are currently no open bugs.15:19
ryeAtluxity, or https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntuone/+bugs?field.affects_me=on15:19
ryeAtluxity, to get more projects involved15:19
Atluxitynope, not their either...15:20
Atluxitydid I get a mail when I marked it as affected?15:21
ryeAtluxity, no, that does not trigger an e-mail, do you remember what it was about, I keep the cache of most issues so I may come up with the relevant info15:21
Atluxityit affected about 3-4 people15:21
Atluxityit was about some error in the translation with Norwegian bokmaal15:22
Atluxitymade the ubuntuone preferences freeze15:22
hemanthare there any cli api for ubuntuone?15:22
ryehemanth, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RomanYepishev/UbuntuOne/ClientControl - for u1sdtool ?15:23
ryeAtluxity, due to translation error? what locale are you using ?15:23
Atluxity(at least i think that is what you are asking for)15:24
hemanthrye, thanks checking it out, just want to automate backup to cloud15:24
ryeAtluxity, bug #57161615:24
ubot4Launchpad bug 571616 in ubuntuone-client (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "ubuntuone-preferences freezes with Norwegian locale (affects: 7) (dups: 2) (heat: 81)" [High,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/57161615:24
ryehemanth, well, whatever goes to Ubuntu One folder is synced to the servers15:24
Atluxityrye, thanks alot! :D15:25
ryekklimonda, are you using funambol client ?15:25
ryeAtluxity, you are welcome!15:25
hemanthrye, can i do --delete-folder and sync again?15:25
kklimondarye: yes15:26
ryehemanth, --delete-folder can be used only for User-Defined folders, i.e. not ~/Ubuntu One, which is always there, are you trying to remove all the files/folders from your ubuntuone account?15:26
hemanthrye, not all only one particular tgz will keeps changing from a cron15:27
ryehemanth, hm, if you remove the file locally then it will be removed remotely. Ubuntu One folder is not a special filesystem but is simply a folder on your machine that is monitored by a special daemon15:30
hemanthrye, ya i have observed that, i have a server which has ubuntu install it, how do i go about adding that machine to my account or rather syncing it with an ubuntuone account15:32
hemanthrye, unlike my desktop, i don find a ~/Ubuntu One folder15:34
hemanthserver is karmic! could that be the issue?15:37
ryehemanth, headless usage is not supported at the moment officially15:46
hemanthrye, okies will upgrade15:47
eklemHi, Any chance of Ubuntu One supporting HTC Legend?15:54
ryeeklem, are you talking about contact sync or file sync ?15:57
eklem@rye contact sync. I see that a lot of HTC-phones are supported, but none of the Androids15:59
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ryeeklem, ah, you mean android phones, the changes that are required to run android phones will be applied once we receive the updated source from Funambol, currently it is possible to get Funambol android client and start synchronizing pointing at ubuntuone syncml service but there are some issues with that and additional handling for android phones is required, as I have been told.16:04
ryekklimonda, are you able to fetch client log from your device?16:05
kklimondarye: sure16:07
eklem@rye Thanks!16:08
ryekklimonda, could you please open a bug against ubuntuone-servers and attach that log to it?16:08
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kklimondarye: can I make it private? I'm not sure how safe it is (as I can see raw xml in log)16:12
kklimondaah, it's set to private by default16:14
kklimondarye: bug 60193216:15
ubot4kklimonda: Bug 601932 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/601932 is private16:15
ryekklimonda, i will look into the issue in 2 hours, need to get afk right now, this is Funambol on Android, right?16:28
augustinrye: thanks again for your help, earlier, i'm gonna leave now. Bye!16:59
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newboon2ageapachelogger: may i ask a few questions about your (pre)alpha ubuntuone-kde instructions you posted on the kubuntu-dev mailing list?  https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/kubuntu-devel/2010-June/004436.html21:47
duanedesignrye: looks like you had  a busy day :) /me is reading scrollback21:52
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newboon2ageapachelogger: it looks like the same time i started my inquiry you stepped away from irc.  I'll leave a message to say mostly it seems like its 'just working'. but one point in your instructions were missing22:06
newboon2ageapachelogger: there must be some packages that have to be installed before step one of your instructions because on a new install of Kubuntu i ran step one and i got an error, basically the main.py the patch was for wasn't there.22:07
newboon2ageapachelogger: i solved it by just installing all the ubuntuone packages kpackagekit allowed me to and then running the patch again.22:08
newboon2ageapachelogger: but it would be better for me to ask you which packages (in addition to ubuntuone-kde) need to be installed/will work with ubuntuone-kde?22:10
newboon2ageapachelogger: after running the patch i went to System Settings, ran the ubuntuone settings and that took me to Ubuntu One and prompted me to add this machine to the account.  I did that.22:13
newboon2ageapachelogger: then i started the ubuntuone notifier, told it to connect to Ubuntu One.  I checked and found all the files from Ubuntu One showed up on the kubuntu (wubi install) computer.  Yeah!!!  I didn't try Dolphin integration yet.22:15
newboon2ageapachelogger: The second and last question i have is in your instructions you refer to 'KCM'.  What is KCM?  Thanks ahead of time for your hard work on this project and for taking the time to respond to questions.22:17
newboon2ageapachelogger: i got the second question answered over on the Kubuntu channel:  KCM is an acronym for KDE Configuration Module, each "applet" that you find in "System Settings" is a kcm.23:02

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