
cjohnstonafter doing apt-get dist-upgrade yesterday, every time I login to ubuntu I click my user, enter my password and hit enter. After hitting enter the screen goes blank and then comes back with a login screen... Any idea whats going on? I initially did not have to login each time my system boots02:32
cjohnstonusing failsafe gnome it worked tho02:37
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uaawhat is the version of mlterm that is going to be in Ubuntu?06:12
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damascenewhat is the version of mlterm that is going to be in Ubuntu?06:46
DanaG1argh, stupid unity....07:27
DanaG1gave no indication of launching an app I clicked... so I tried again with a dobule-click.07:28
DanaG1And ended up with 3 copies of Pidgin running.07:28
DanaG1And the search box doesn't let me even try to search -- I can't type into it!07:28
DanaG1Unity fails.07:30
DanaG1In fact, it won't even get keyboard focus!07:31
BUGabundo_remotebom dia08:40
Ian_corneIs there a fglrx driver yet with support for 2.6.35?10:15
Ian_corneGuess not :)10:51
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hrwhmm.. lucid on laptop.. /me -> #ubuntu12:05
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DaekdroomAw naw.13:15
DaekdroomWine sound support is currently broken13:15
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Andre_Gondimwhere are the xorg.conf file at maverick?19:17
h00k!xorg | Andre_Gondim19:17
ubottuAndre_Gondim: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution19:17
h00koop, that doesn't help19:17
h00kAndre_Gondim: It isn't present by default, settings are automatically detected19:17
bazhangAndre_Gondim, there isnt one unless you create it19:18
h00kAndre_Gondim: but, if you put things in /etc/X11/xorg.conf, it will override what is detected19:18
Andre_Gondimh00k, thanks ;)19:18
Sensivaxorg.conf can be automatically generated by X --configure in single user mode19:20
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knittlno sound in flash, what can i do?20:04
DrHalan1knittl: are you using adobe flash or something else?20:17
knittlDrHalan1: flashplugin-nonfree20:18
knittlin the past it helped to purge and then reinstall20:18
DrHalan1and other sound works fine?20:18
DrHalan1also simultanous?=20:18
knittlvlc + rhythmbox + totem20:20
knittleverything works20:20
knittlonly flash sucks …20:20
knittlin sound preferences the firefox-bin alsa-plugin stream flickers all the time20:23
DrHalan1lol okay20:23
DrHalan1if you only need video you can also use gnash or lightspark20:24
knittli need sound …20:25
knittli have video20:25
knittlvideo works, sound doesn't20:25
patdk-wkbut do you have, action?20:25
knittlwhat do you mean by action?20:26
knittli also get error messages from flash movies20:30
knittlin a popup20:30
DrHalan1what do they say?20:34
knittlundefined variable in frame blah20:34
knittland others20:35
knittlit's not even working when all other apps are closed20:35
DrHalan1sounds really strange20:42
knittlusing adobe-flashplugin instead does not change anything about the sound issues20:42
DrHalan1and reinstall didn't work at all?20:42
knittlit worked in the past20:42
knittlbut now it doesn't :-/20:42
DrHalan1flashplugin-nonfree = adobe-flashpluing20:42
knittlthey do different things during install20:43
DrHalan1flashplugin-nonfree should be a transitional package that depends on the other...20:51
DrHalan1no wait its called flashplugin-nonfree and flashplugin-installer here20:52
knittlis there any way i can debug it myself?20:52
DrHalan1are you using maverick? or where is your adobe-flashpluign coming from?20:56
knittli'm using maverick, this is ubuntu+1, isn't it?20:56
DrHalan1im not really sure how to debug flash20:57
knittlmaybe it's pulse and not flash, which is failing20:57
DrHalan1could be20:58
DrHalan1or nspluignwrapper if you're using 64bit20:58
DrHalan1gnash is no alternative fro you?20:58
knittl32 bit here20:59
knittlDrHalan1: well, nonfree worked for most of the pages in the past20:59
DrHalan1yeah sure its the original flash20:59
DrHalan1but if it doesn't work i always fallback to the free alternative like gnash and swfdec21:00
DrHalan1nowadays theres also lightspark which supports the newer flash features21:00
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DrHalan1anyone else haveing problems with the message filters in evolution?21:43
aaronwballAnyone mind if I ask a question regarding troubleshooting wireless on the new maverick a2?21:53
knittlALSA plug-in [plugin-container]22:35
knittlstill flashing22:35
knittland not playing any sound22:35
knittllol, i removed flash* and youtube still plays22:40
knittlwithout sound)22:40
DrHalan1knittl: sure because flash is loaded in ram22:46
DrHalan1you have to restart your browser to see cahgnes22:46
knittlDrHalan1: i did22:47
DrHalan1mh then something is wrong...22:47
knittl$ find .mozilla -name libflashplayer.so22:47
knittlok, now it won't play flash movies anymore22:48
knittl$ find .mozilla -name libflashplayer.so -delete # :D22:48
knittlwhat's the best way to install it? using the missing plugin button from within firefox?22:48
knittllet's see when i have to install it again22:51
knittlseems firefox was using those old files22:56
knittlthey don't exist anymore22:56
knittland now i got a normal player (no debug version)22:56
knittlso error popups are no longer :)22:56
DrHalan1awesom :D23:00
DrHalan1are you using evolution with mesasge filters knittl?23:00

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