
kandarpkdfarning: Hi01:38
dfarningkandarpk, good morning:)01:38
kandarpkgood morning :)01:39
kandarpkdfarning: any leads from where I left yesterday ?01:39
dfarningkandarpk, I just sent a working walk though to the ML01:40
kandarpkdfarning: thats perfectly ok01:41
kandarpkdfarning: where you successfully able to test the package ?01:43
dfarningkandarpk, I am installing it now.01:45
kandarpkdfarning: yeah, just saw your report on the mailing list01:45
kandarpkdfarning: I think the clean rule wasn't there last night ?01:48
dfarningkandarpk, yes, that fixes a minor build error.01:50
kandarpkdfarning: why were *.mo or *.linfo files causing build errors ? ?01:51
dfarningkandarpk, I am not sure.  got a lot of build errors related to .mo files and asked luke for help.01:54
kandarpkdfarning: just saw your mail to the design team01:54
dfarningkandarpk, do you want to try packing it.... I have see most possible errors today so I can help if anything goes wrong.01:55
kandarpk*I am taking some time learning to report on these lists :(01:55
dfarningkandarpk, it just takes time.01:55
kandarpkdfarning: sure, will you be around 20 minutes from now ?01:56
kandarpkI've some woork01:56
dfarningkandarpk, yes, i'll take my dog for a walk and be back in 20-30 minutes.01:56
* lfaraone is off to dinner, I'll see questions when I get back.02:31
dfarningkandarpk, lfaraone good evening.02:33
kandarpkdfarning: good evening02:33
dfarningkandarpk, ready to try packaging read?02:34
kandarpkdfarning: yes02:34
dfarningkandarpk, great.02:34
kandarpkdfarning: goint through your mail02:35
kandarpkdfarning: how do I generate a PGP key ?02:40
dfarningkandarpk, http://aplawrence.com/Basics/gpg.html02:42
kandarpkgit-import-orig --pristine-tar -u ''87'' sugar-Read-activity_87.orig.tar.gz02:46
kandarpkRepository does not have branch 'upstream' for upstream sources. If there is none see02:46
kandarpkon howto create it otherwise use --upstream-branch to specify it.02:46
dfarningkandarpk, did you just get an error about a gpg key then reran the command?02:49
dfarningkandarpk, try deleting the contents of the directory and starting the process over.02:51
kandarpkdfarning: sure02:51
kandarpkdfarning: I've to go somewhere very urgently02:55
kandarpkand was getting the pgp error again02:55
dfarningkandarpk, when you get back we can fix it.02:55
kandarpkdfarning: will catch up later in about 2hrs02:56
dipankardfarning, hello :)03:13
dipankardfarning, nice guide.03:13
dfarningdipankar, hello thanks.03:17
dfarningdipankar, if you try it we can identify possible mistakes together.03:18
dipankardfarning, I just have a doubt before starting.03:19
dipankardfarning, you started with a completely empty repository03:20
dfarningdipankar, yes an empty dir.03:20
dipankardfarning, were you able to do that?03:20
dfarningto create an empty get repositotry all you need to do is run git init in an empty dir.03:21
dipankardfarning, don't you need to 'add .' before running git init03:28
dfarningdipankar, you run add prior to performing a commit.03:29
dipankardfarning, oh yes..03:30
dfarninggood morning neeraj03:50
dfarninghow are you03:51
dipankardfarning, how did you manage to get the copyright of packages?03:52
dfarningi skipped the legal stuff and just focused on the technical stuff for this time.03:55
dipankardfarning, clever stuff.03:56
dipankardfarning, I have an idea.03:57
dfarningdipankar, yes?03:57
dipankardfarning, why not clone the git repo from sugarlabs, make changes in the files as required.03:57
dipankardfarning, this way the legal stuff, will get handled automatically.03:58
dipankardfarning, also use the cloned repo to create the upstream orig tarball03:58
dfarningdipankar, I am not sure why lfaraone chose to do it the way he did.04:00
dipankardfarning, ohk. :)04:00
dipankardfarning, I got why Luke chose the way.04:01
dipankardfarning, There is no Debian folder in the sugarlabs git repository04:01
dipankardfarning, so no use of cloning the repo to our machine04:02
dfarningdipankar, yes, that is correct.04:02
kandarpkdfarning, neeraj, dipankar : Hi04:42
dipankardfarning, in the 'dependencies' step : how can I find the required dependencies?04:42
dipankarkandarpk, hi04:42
dfarningdipankar, finding dependencies is based on experience and iterations of build, install, and test until you now longer get buildtime or runtime errors.04:45
dfarningkandarpk, hello04:45
kandarpkdfarning: is it possible to just git clone, place the debian folder in the package, generate the control file, commit the changes, and push the package into the repo ?04:47
kandarpk*if we don't need to test the build04:47
dipankardfarning, I guess you mentioned about 'package' runtime dependencies04:48
dipankardfarning, What about the build dependencies?04:48
dfarningkandarpk, i don't think so, the core of packaging is the tarball, i could not get it to work with the pristen-tarball step.04:49
dfarningdipankar, if there are missing dependencies you will get errors in the logs. These errors are usually pretty easy to track down.04:51
dipankardfarning, ok.04:54
neeraj hi all04:54
dipankarhey neeraj :). Good morning04:54
dipankarankur, good morning04:54
ankurhi all04:54
ankurhi dipankar04:54
neerajdipankar, good morning04:54
dfarningneeraj, and ankur good to see you.04:54
ankursry i am late today, wasnt able to wake up on time :(04:55
neerajkandarpk, were you able to discuss the build/git clone issue with luke04:55
ankurwell dfarning , good guide on04:55
ankurpackaging :)04:55
neeraj*reading usr list mail04:55
dipankardfarning, did you get this error : debian/rules:64: *** missing separator (did you mean TAB instead of 8 spaces?).  Stop.04:56
kandarpkneeraj: dfarning has listed the steps involved on ubuntu-sugarteam mailing list04:57
kandarpk*see inbox04:57
kandarpkdipankar: thats the error in rules04:58
kandarpkdipankar: please replace the spaces before each line with a tab04:58
dipankarkandarpk, I got that (already). I have used tabs only.04:58
kandarpkdipankar: that happened maybe because we copy-paste the code04:59
dipankarkandarpk, but the error is still coming04:59
kandarpkthats strange04:59
kandarpkdipankar: I too was getting this error04:59
kandarpkwhich was later resolved04:59
dfarningdipankar, kandarpk yes, that was a cut and paste error.05:00
kandarpkdipankar: check line 64, there you may have space instead of tab05:01
dipankarkandarpk, dfarning I removed the line and wrote the same thing again with tab.05:01
dipankarbut I am still getting the problem05:01
kandarpkdipankar: can you place the contents of rules in pastebin ?05:02
dipankarkandarpk, Let me check the lines again05:03
dfarningdipankar, you have to replace all of the spaces with a single tab on every line that is indented.05:03
dipankardfarning, ohk.05:03
dfarningdipankar, the parser for make files is very primitive.05:04
dipankardfarning, I didn't know a single space will cause so much of  a problem :P05:05
kandarpkdipankar: search for makefile05:06
dfarningkandarpk, did you get the package to build and install correctly?05:07
kandarpkdfarning: I could not do that, working on a different system05:07
dfarningkandarpk, ok.05:08
kandarpkdfarning: the error I faced earlier was maybe because I didn't have a PGP key05:08
=== ankurkhurana_ is now known as ankur
kandarpkdipankar: you will need a pgp key to run the commands, so keep that handy05:08
kandarpks/to run the commands/for the commands to work properly/05:09
dfarningkandarpk, yes and there several places that you have to set your email address to match the address for your key.05:09
kandarpkdfarning: hmmm.05:10
kandarpkdfarning: did the package build successfully on your system ?05:10
dfarningkandarpk, yes, built, installed and tested fine05:11
kandarpkdfarning: ok, then it should work on mine too, if I dont make any mistakes05:12
dfarningkandarpk, yes.05:12
dipankarguys new error:05:14
dipankardipankar@dipankar-laptop:~/work17/sugar-flipsticks-activity-6$ fakeroot debian/rules get-orig-source05:14
dipankar/usr/share/cdbs/1/rules/buildcore.mk:58: parsing sugar-flipsticks-activity_6.orig.tar.gz ...05:14
dipankarParsing sugar-flipsticks-activity_6.orig.tar.gz...05:14
dipankartar czvf sugar-flipsticks-activity_6.orig.tar.gz sugar-flipsticks-activity-605:14
dipankartar: sugar-flipsticks-activity-6: Cannot stat: No such file or directory05:14
dipankartar: Exiting with failure status due to previous errors05:14
dipankarmake: *** [sugar-flipsticks-activity_6.orig.tar.gz] Error 205:14
kandarpkdipankar: the name of your package doesn't match flipsticks05:14
ankurgood morning manusheel sir05:14
manusheelankur: Good morning Ankur.05:15
kandarpkdipankar: I was getting the error when the tar had read instead of Read05:15
dipankarmanusheel, Sir Goodmorning05:15
kandarpkdipankar: there can be other reasons too.05:16
manusheeldipankar: Good morning Dipankar.05:16
kandarpkmanusheel sir: Good morning05:16
manusheelkandarpk: Good morning Kandarp.05:16
dipankardfarning, whats your opinion on the error?05:16
dfarningdipankar, what is the name of your tarball file.05:17
manusheelkandarpk, dipankar, ankur, neeraj: We should make sure that we understand the packaging via git correctly, study David's memo in detail and complete the packaging of activities systematically at our end. Also, we need to document the steps for every activity that we package. In that manner, we'll be able to remember the steps.05:18
dfarningdipankar, there should be a .orig.tar.gz at the end05:19
manusheeldfarning: Thank you for writing the steps so very clearly. Appreciate your support.05:19
dfarningmanusheel, you are welcome.05:19
kandarpkmanusheel sir: dfarning has spent his entire day figuring this out. :)05:19
dipankardfarning, it is there :)05:20
kandarpkdeserves all appreciation from our end05:20
manusheelkandarpk: Yes, Kandarp. This is what we should learn from David. True qualities of a hacker and an engineer.05:20
manusheelkandarpk: We should look at the logs and see how David conducted the process of arriving at the steps. Many a times, the documentation available to us will be insufficient, and in that case, we'll have to follow a similar approach.05:22
kandarpkmanusheel sir: that is what I too was thinking about05:24
dfarningdipankar, can you paste your debian/rules file05:24
kandarpkmanusheel sir: the final result isn't as important as the approach dfarning took to reach there05:24
dipankardfarning, sure. just a minute05:24
dfarningmanusheel, kandarpk I expect that we will be spending hours debuggin together over the next year:)05:25
manusheelkandarpk: Approach is indeed important. At the same time, we should also learn how to arrive at final result successfully.05:25
dipankardfarning, the debian/rules file : http://paste.ubuntu.com/459684/05:25
manusheeldfarning: Absolutely. It is going to be an interesting experience for all of us. The learning curve is simply great.05:26
neerajdfarning, this is sugar-memorize-activity http://git.sugarlabs.org/projects/ubuntu-sugar-memorize-activity/repos/mainline right?05:26
kandarpkdfarning: I would like to learn how you figured out the steps involved once I complete the packaging05:26
dfarningkandarpk, you all will be experts before long:)05:27
dfarningneeraj, are you looking for the upstream_url ?05:27
manusheeldfarning, neeraj, dipankar, kandarpk, neeraj: I am heading out to a meeting with the Sugar pilot team in Delhi. Will be back at IRC in 2 hours.05:27
dfarningthat is git://git.sugarlabs.org/ubuntu-sugar-memorize-activity/mainline.git05:28
manusheelPlease give me a call in case of any help or requirement. Thank you.05:29
ankurdfarning,  i read this on Luke tutorial. I am litte confused about capitalisation05:29
ankurIn control.in and copyright, replace NAME_OF_ACTIVITY with the activity name. This is what comes in between the "sugar-" and "-activity", but capitalized. In our case, use "Colors".05:29
ankurbye manusheel sir.05:29
ankurso in my case it will05:29
neerajdfarning, yes05:30
ankurbe sugar-Jigsawpuzzle-activity?05:30
dfarningdipankar, I think you also have to change PACKAGE_NAME in line 23 to sugar-flipsticks-activity05:30
neerajAlso what should be the name of directory which I will create for initializing (git init)05:31
ankurneeraj , sugar-memorize-activity-version05:31
dipankardfarning, Thanks.05:31
dfarningankur, ankur I did not fully understand that part either.... I just kept trying names until something worked.05:32
dfarningankur, if you use the wrong name you will get a error message.05:32
ankurdfarning, thanks , will try different combinations :)05:33
dipankardfarning, nopes. still the same error:05:34
dipankardipankar@dipankar-laptop:~/work17/sugar-flipsticks-activity-6$ fakeroot debian/rules get-orig-source05:34
dipankartar czvf sugar-flipsticks-activity_6.orig.tar.gz sugar-flipsticks-activity-605:34
dipankartar: sugar-flipsticks-activity-6: Cannot stat: No such file or directory05:34
dipankartar: Exiting with failure status due to previous errors05:34
dipankarmake: *** [sugar-flipsticks-activity_6.orig.tar.gz] Error 205:34
ankurdfarning,  and in control.in file we are supposed to leave jonas name there as it is or wa that an example?05:34
kandarpkdipankar: was rules file to be changed ( as in the guide ) ?05:34
dipankarkandarpk, I mean according to Luke's guide no.05:36
kandarpk*I dont remember changing the PACKAGE_NAME there05:36
dfarningkandarpk, I would leave jonas' name on top and put yours below it.05:36
dfarningkandarpk, he will be the person reviewing and approving.05:36
kandarpkdfarning: are you pushing the package ?05:36
ankurdfarning, thanks .05:37
dfarningkandarpk, we need to file the copywrite files.  I did not get to that yet.05:37
dfarningdipankar, can you post the results of ls -la05:38
kandarpkdfarning: ok05:38
dipankardfarning, checked that, I guess it is correct:05:38
dipankardipankar@dipankar-laptop:~/work17/sugar-flipsticks-activity-6$ ls -la05:38
dipankartotal 2005:38
dipankardrwxr-xr-x 4 dipankar dipankar 4096 2010-07-06 10:03 .05:38
dipankardrwxr-xr-x 3 dipankar dipankar 4096 2010-07-06 09:41 ..05:38
dipankardrwxr-xr-x 3 dipankar dipankar 4096 2010-07-06 10:02 debian05:38
dipankardrwxr-xr-x 7 dipankar dipankar 4096 2010-07-06 08:01 .git05:38
dipankar-rw-r--r-- 1 dipankar dipankar   45 2010-07-06 10:03 sugar-flipsticks-activity_6.orig.tar.gz05:38
dfarningdipankar, something is wrong with the orig.tar.gz file. it looks really small.05:39
dipankardfarning, it is also not opening in 'file roller'05:40
ankurdfarning, are Source and Package in control.in files are different? i mean i checked toolkit package from ppa.there were two different names :Source: sugar-toolkit-0.88 and python-sugar-toolkit-0.8805:40
dfarningdipankar, for UPSTREAM_GIT you want to use the url of the source repo on git.sugarlabs.org rather than the git.debain.org05:41
dipankardfarning, ok.  I get it.05:42
dfarningankur, yes the source and the package can have different name.05:42
dfarningankur, I would look at how lfaraone pacakged terminal.05:42
ankurin our case , should we have python , and can you elaborate what is the major difference between them if possible05:42
ankurdfarning, okay , will download that05:43
dipankardfarning, I changed the UPSTREAM_URl to  'git://git.sugarlabs.org/flipsticks/mainline.git'05:45
dipankardfarning, but still the same error05:45
* dipankar is very confused right now!!!05:45
ankurdipankar, i hope single quotes are not there :)05:45
dfarningankur, you can browse terminal at http://git.debian.org/?p=collab-maint/sugar-terminal-activity.git;a=tree05:46
dipankarankur, I meant without single quotes!05:46
dfarningdipankar,  try deleting the local tar.gz and .git files and run the command again05:47
ankurdfarning,  i am trying that :)05:47
dipankardfarning, Here is the result:05:49
dipankardipankar@dipankar-laptop:~/work17/sugar-flipsticks-activity-6$ git status# On branch master05:49
dipankar# Initial commit05:49
dipankar# Untracked files:05:49
dipankar#   (use "git add <file>..." to include in what will be committed)05:49
dipankarnothing added to commit but untracked files present (use "git add" to track)05:50
dipankardipankar@dipankar-laptop:~/work17/sugar-flipsticks-activity-6$ fakeroot debian/rules get-orig-source05:50
dipankartar czvf sugar-flipsticks-activity_6.orig.tar.gz sugar-flipsticks-activity-605:50
dipankartar: sugar-flipsticks-activity-6: Cannot stat: No such file or directory05:50
dipankartar: Exiting with failure status due to previous errors05:50
dipankarmake: *** [sugar-flipsticks-activity_6.orig.tar.gz] Error 205:50
ankurdipankar, i think there might some problem with debcommit.I dont know but it can be that....05:50
dipankarankur, commit stage later.05:51
dipankarankur, I am not committing anything right now05:51
ankurdipankar, oh i see......05:51
dipankarankur, Just making a original tar ball from the sugarlabs upstream05:51
ankurdipankar,  i needed to add dependencies in control file.Can you help me out with that05:52
dipankarankur, It can be done with checking only. :) I still have to do that. I won't be the right person to ask about that. ;)05:53
dfarningdipankar, in line 64 and 67 of debian/rules it looks like you have 2 tabs instead of one.... that might cause a problem05:54
dipankardfarning, Please paste your debian/rules file.05:54
dipankardfarning, I want to compare them and make the changes05:55
dfarningankur, it is trial and error... but most simple activites will just need the default dependancies.05:55
kandarpkdipankar: are the spaces in lines 55-60 tabs ?05:56
dfarningdipankar, http://paste.ubuntu.com/459691/05:56
kandarpkI think they are spaces and thats why your tarball isnt creating05:57
kandarpkdipankar: you have to use tab for indentation if you haven't done so05:58
dipankardfarning, thanks now its working05:59
dipankarkandarpk, thanks for the advice05:59
* dipankar doesn't like the debian/rules file.06:00
kandarpkdipankar: were they spaces or reducing two tabs to one worked ?06:00
ankurdfarning, do i need to worry about watch file as of now?06:00
dipankarkandarpk, I changed two tabs to one.06:01
dfarningankur, not now, as there is no upstream tarball to watch.06:01
dipankarkandarpk, similar to python programming. Indentation matter. If only I got that python hint06:01
* lfaraone waves.06:04
kandarpklfaraone: hi06:05
dfarninghey lfaraone we are making progress.06:05
ankurwell i got my own share of errors here :(06:08
ankurankurkhurana@ankurkhurana-desktop:~/sugar/sugar-jigsawpuzzle-activity-8$ fakeroot debian/rules get-orig-source06:08
ankurdebian/rules:26: /usr/share/cdbs/1/rules/utils.mk: No such file or directory06:08
ankurdebian/rules:27: /usr/share/cdbs/1/class/python-sugar.mk: No such file or directory06:08
ankurdebian/rules:28: /usr/share/cdbs/1/rules/debhelper.mk: No such file or directory06:08
ankurdebian/rules:47: *** missing separator.  Stop.06:08
dipankarankur: this has just been discussed right now. Let me help you with that06:08
ankuri was going thru abv, error doesnt similar .........06:09
ankurso i asked06:09
ankurwell, it's great that ...06:10
dipankarlfaraone, Hi. How you doing?06:10
ankurhi lfaraone06:10
lfaraoneankur: okay, so the error tells you you're missing a file. what do you think you are missing?06:10
lfaraonedipankar: fine, thanks.06:10
ankuri think i have not installed some of the packages i needed to install06:10
lfaraoneankur: that's probably correct.06:11
ankurlfaraone,  any hints?06:12
kandarpkankur: http://wiki.debian.org/Sugar/GettingStartedGuide06:13
lfaraoneankur: well, look at the error message. there are three major portions: the file the error occured in, the line number, and the error itself.06:13
lfaraoneankur: in the error itself, there is the error that occured (File not found) and the file that could not be found.06:14
kandarpkmight help, it has some dependecies listed06:14
lfaraoneankur: what do all those files share in common?06:14
lfaraone(in terms of their path, just by looking at them)06:15
ankurlfaraone, one min  ,trying06:15
ankurlfaraone,  well all these files were supposed to included in order to compile rules file.They are all missing from  cdbs folder06:17
ankurit has something to do with debian build system (not installed,may be).06:18
ankuri probably dont have debhelper installed.06:19
lfaraoneankur: I think the issue is that you're missing cdbs.06:19
ankurlfaraone,  you are right.I just checked out . installing cdbs now.......06:21
ankurlfaraone, what does standard version signify in control.in. you used 3.9.0 in terminal activity. is that common to all.Do we all need to write that? in initial_deb folder06:22
ankurit was 3.8.406:22
ankurichanged it to 3.9.0 in my activity folder.06:23
lfaraoneankur: Standards-Version is the version of the Debian Policy Manual your package complies to.06:32
lfaraoneankur: 3.9.0 was the version released very recently, so the template didn't have it yet.06:33
ankurlfaraone,  thanks :)06:34
dipankarlfaraone, just curious. How come you are up so late?06:35
lfaraonedipankar: I'm in California, which is on the opposite side of the country from where I usually am. There is a three hour time diference.06:36
ankurlfaraone, one more thing , after @cdbs@ what is the standard formatof adding dependencies..06:39
ankur@cdbs@ dependency1 dependecy 206:39
ankurlike that06:39
dipankarlfaraone, I thought you returned to Washington :)06:39
dipankarlfaraone, +1 what ankur is asking06:39
lfaraoneankur: @cdbs@, dep1, dep206:40
ankurlfaraone,  and happy independence day(though belated), i am late but came to know yesterday that it was  on 4 of july :)06:41
dipankarlfaraone, how to get those dependencies? dfarning told to do it by trail and error06:41
lfaraoneankur: thanks.06:41
lfaraonedipankar: that is correct.06:42
dfarningdipankar, + experience :)06:42
lfaraonedipankar: basically, leave them the default (none), try to build the package, note what fails, add a package to the deps, try, see what fails... :)06:42
ankurwe will have regenrate control file everytime i suppose06:43
lfaraoneankur: yes.06:43
dipankardfarning, lfaraone, Then it will take sometime for me,06:43
ankurlfaraone,  still there?06:51
lfaraoneankur: usually it's safe to assume I am. And if I'm not, I'll see your message the next day :)06:52
lfaraoneankur: (you can "/whois lfaraone" and find if I set an /away message.)06:52
ankurwell i have this question , we copy the orig.tar.gz file outside my source folder?06:52
ankurwell i have this question , do we copy the orig.tar.gz file outside my source folder?06:53
lfaraoneankur: yes, and then you import it iusing "git-import-orig"06:53
ankurbefore giving git-buildpackage command06:53
lfaraoneankur: that's right.06:54
ankurwell i followed the documentation given by david, i am getting some eeror in last step06:55
lfaraone... okay.06:55
ankurlfaraone, ^^ i have pasted log file in above link06:56
lfaraoneankur: I saw. which line is the source of the fatal error?06:57
ankurthey were not able to run debuild command06:57
ankurlfaraone,  did you recieve my msg, i mean am i online?06:58
lfaraoneankur: yes.06:59
lfaraoneankur: okay. that's the final message, but what errors occured earlier in the output?06:59
ankurwell in line 33 i suppose , they  were not able to change source code . i mean orig tar ball07:00
dfarninglfaraone, is this a case where we need to use quilt (3.0)?07:04
lfaraoneankur: right, dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to sugar-jigsawpuzzle-activity-8/sugar-jigsaw-activity_8.orig.tar.gz: binary file contents changed07:07
lfaraoneankur: that's becasue you still have the tarball in the repository itself. delete the file ("git rm --force sugar-jigsaw-activity_8.orig.tar.gz) and you're good.07:07
lfaraonedfarning: quilt would prevent this error from showing I thik, but the error is not solved by that :)07:08
dfarninglfaraone, ok I am off to bed.07:10
ankurwell lfaraone , i am getting same error again07:10
ankurdfarning, good night :)07:10
ankurlfaraone,  how about if i come in evening , i have some visitors.so i will meet you in morning(your).07:12
ankuri have got to go now bye07:13
ankurtake care07:13
lfaraonenight dfarning07:13
lfaraonedfarning: I finished python-box2d which is required by python-elements which is required by sugar-physics-activity. hopefully -elements will be an easier job than -box2d, since that was a real PITA.07:34
Manusheellfaraone: Neat work.07:38
dipankarlfaraone, I am pasting the output of git-buildpackage: http://paste.ubuntu.com/459717/07:41
dipankarlfaraone, I guess the build dependencies will be checked now07:41
* dipankar is out for lunch08:01
=== jussi is now known as Guest7125
=== jussi01 is now known as jussi
dipankardfarning, goodmorning14:02
* dipankar says hello to all14:09
neerajdipankar, good evening :)14:10
=== ankur_ is now known as ankur
dipankarankur, you are still having the ping problem14:14
dipankarankur, I would recommend checking your hardware.14:16
dipankarankur_, <dipankar> ankur, you are still having the ping problem14:16
dipankar<dipankar> ankur, I would recommend checking your hardware.14:16
neerajdipankar, there is problem in mtnl.. I am also facing this problem at my uncle's place..14:17
neerajI mean it might be in ur area but mtnl's service is really bad in many parts of delhi :(14:17
neeraj*might be working properly14:17
=== ankur_ is now known as ankur
neerajsee :P14:18
dipankarI remember times when I used to face the connection problem with mtnl. :P14:19
dipankarso where have you guys reached?14:19
dipankarI am at the build dependency check14:19
* dipankar is taken forcefully off from laptop. Will get back in an hour14:20
* dipankar is away: I'm not here14:20
dfarningneeraj, good morning.  I just have a few minutes to check in.14:26
dfarninggood morning kandarpk15:09
kandarpkdfarning: good morning15:10
dfarningkandarpk, how are you doing this morning?15:11
kandarpkdfarning: I am good15:12
kandarpkcouldn't devote much time though15:12
kandarpkhere for next 4-5 hrs15:13
dfarningkandarpk, do you know how the others are doing?15:13
dfarningready to file the ITP soon? and push your work for review?15:14
kandarpkdfarning: most of them were spending time on packaging15:14
kandarpkusing git15:14
* dipankar is back.15:15
kandarpkdfarning: I am not able to log into alioth.debian using ssh15:15
* dipankar is back (gone 00:55:10)15:15
dipankardfarning, good morning15:16
dfarningkandarpk, are you using the the correct login followed by -guest ?15:16
kandarpkdfarning: yes15:16
kandarpkdfarning: do you see ssh key submission at the bottom of your account page ?15:17
kandarpkI didn't had that option15:17
kandarpkso directly opened editsshkeys15:18
kandarpkdfarning: it asks for password thrice,15:20
kandarpkPermission denied (publickey,keyboard-interactive)15:20
kandarpkis reported15:20
dfarningkandarpk, hmm i just went the the edit keys page and it presented a place to enter a pubkey.15:22
kandarpkdfarning: no, not there15:22
kandarpkon my account page15:22
* dipankar is away: I'm not here15:22
kandarpkdipankar said there is an option at the bottom of the page to submit ssh key15:23
kandarpkdfarning: my key isn't getting registered, I think15:23
dfarningkandarpk, I can go to My Page -> Account Maintaince -> Shell Account information to modify my key.15:25
kandarpkdfarning: I dont have any such option there15:26
kandarpksending you the email of the page15:26
dfarningkandarpk, have you tried updating or resetting the page?15:33
kandarpkdfarning: yes, I can only submit my key by directly going to editsshkeys.php15:34
dipankardfarning, I think there is some account problem15:36
* dipankar is back (gone 00:13:41)15:36
dfarningkandarpk, what is the full url to editsshkeys.php15:36
dipankarkandarpk, are you getting the FORGE logo after you log into the account?15:38
kandarpkdipankar: yes15:38
dipankarkandarpk, a FORGE logo appears on the left top corner of the page.15:39
kandarpkdipankar: bottom right in my case15:39
dipankarkandarpk, nope. on the top left15:40
dfarningkandarpk, I would suggest that you contact the site admin and ask them to reset your accout15:41
kandarpkdipankar: on top left I have alioth.debian logo15:41
dfarningyou can do that at http://alioth.debian.org/tracker/?func=add&group_id=1&atid=20000115:41
dipankarkandarpk, I think that you have a problem with account15:41
dipankarkandarpk, dfarning has suggested the right method15:42
dipankardfarning, hello.15:42
dfarningdipankar, how are you?15:43
dipankardfarning, I am doing great. How are you?15:43
dfarningdipankar, good15:43
dfarningdipankar, how is you package coming?15:44
dipankardfarning, I was about to ask about that15:44
dipankardfarning, The original tar ball steps and regenerating the control file are going fine15:45
dipankardfarning, the git-buildpackage is not taking place, which I think is due to the absence of build dependencies15:45
dfarningdipankar, can you post the error log?15:46
dipankardfarning, just a sec. I am running the command once again15:46
dipankardfarning, here is the o/p of the command: http://paste.ubuntu.com/459866/15:47
dipankardpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to sugar-flipsticks-activity-6/sugar-flipsticks-activity_6.orig.tar.gz: binary file contents changed15:48
dfarningdipankar, I think that you have to run commit again.  you have changed something since you last commited.. probobly deleted the tar.gz file15:51
dipankardfarning, ok. Let me check15:51
kandarpkdfarning: getting the error again15:53
kandarpkpristine-tar: committed Read-Activity_87.orig.tar.gz.delta to branch pristine-tar15:53
kandarpkgpg: skipped "Kandarp Kaushik <kandarp@seeta.in>": secret key not available15:53
dipankardfarning, I have everything intact. I can't find anything weird in the listing15:54
dfarningdipankar, what is the output of git status?15:55
dipankardipankar@dipankar-laptop:~/work17/sugar-flipsticks-activity-6$ git status15:55
dipankar# Not currently on any branch.15:55
dipankarnothing to commit (working directory clean)15:55
dfarningdipankar, what is the output of ls -la?15:56
dipankardipankar@dipankar-laptop:~/work17/sugar-flipsticks-activity-6$ ls -la15:57
dipankartotal 98015:57
dipankardrwxr-xr-x 8 dipankar dipankar   4096 2010-07-06 10:29 .15:57
dipankardrwxr-xr-x 3 dipankar dipankar   4096 2010-07-06 20:16 ..15:57
dipankardrwxr-xr-x 2 dipankar dipankar   4096 2010-07-06 10:29 activity15:57
dipankar-rw-r--r-- 1 dipankar dipankar   7461 2010-07-06 10:29 activity.py15:57
dipankar-rw-r--r-- 1 dipankar dipankar     61 2010-07-06 10:29 AUTHORS15:57
dipankar-rw-r--r-- 1 dipankar dipankar  18002 2010-07-06 10:29 COPYING15:57
dipankardrwxr-xr-x 3 dipankar dipankar   4096 2010-07-06 10:29 debian15:57
dipankardrwxr-xr-x 8 dipankar dipankar   4096 2010-07-06 20:21 .git15:57
dipankar-rw-r--r-- 1 dipankar dipankar      8 2010-07-06 10:29 .gitignore15:57
dipankardrwxr-xr-x 2 dipankar dipankar   4096 2010-07-06 10:29 icons15:57
dipankar-rw-r--r-- 1 dipankar dipankar   3903 2010-07-06 10:29 kinematic.py15:57
dipankardrwxr-xr-x 3 dipankar dipankar   4096 2010-07-06 10:29 lessons15:57
dipankar-rw-r--r-- 1 dipankar dipankar   2707 2010-07-06 10:29 lessons.py15:57
dipankar-rw-r--r-- 1 dipankar dipankar   6104 2010-07-06 10:29 messenger.py15:57
dipankar-rw-r--r-- 1 dipankar dipankar   7406 2010-07-06 10:29 model.py15:57
dipankar-rw-r--r-- 1 dipankar dipankar  32365 2010-07-06 10:29 montage.py15:57
dipankar-rw-r--r-- 1 dipankar dipankar    449 2010-07-06 10:29 NEWS15:57
dipankardrwxr-xr-x 2 dipankar dipankar   4096 2010-07-06 10:29 po15:57
dipankar-rw-r--r-- 1 dipankar dipankar    117 2010-07-06 10:29 README15:57
dipankar-rw-r--r-- 1 dipankar dipankar   2222 2010-07-06 10:29 screen.py15:57
dipankar-rwxr-xr-x 1 dipankar dipankar    822 2010-07-06 10:29 setup.py15:57
dipankar-rw-r--r-- 1 dipankar dipankar 845864 2010-07-06 10:29 sugar-flipsticks-activity_6.orig.tar.gz15:57
dipankar-rw-r--r-- 1 dipankar dipankar      0 2010-07-06 10:29 sugar-flipsticks-activity_6.orig.tar.gz.cdbs-config_list15:58
dipankar-rw-r--r-- 1 dipankar dipankar   6598 2010-07-06 10:29 theme.py15:58
dipankar-rw-r--r-- 1 dipankar dipankar    132 2010-07-06 10:29 TODO15:58
dipankaroops -- sorry, will use paste next time15:58
dfarningdipankar, i think you need to rm -rf sugar-f*15:58
dipankardfarning, but it was done while running the command .. debian/rules git-orig-import.16:00
dipankardfarning, I think there is the line in the script16:00
dfarningdipankar, try deleting those files and see what happens16:00
dipankardfarning, now the copyright file problems :(16:02
dfarningdipankar, what is the error this time?16:02
dfarningkandarpk, it looks like you problem is related to your gpg key not being installed on the machine you are developing on.16:04
dipankardfarning, here is the op : http://paste.ubuntu.com/459871/16:05
dfarningdipankar,  the problem is on line 243.16:07
dipankar* I so so hate the rules file!16:07
dipankardfarning, so a dependency error ?16:07
dfarningdipankar, yes.  have you installed sugar on the machine you are working on?16:08
dipankardfarning, I have sugar installed16:08
kandarpkdfarning: 'gpg --list-keys' gives output :16:10
kandarpkpub   2048R/4AE3FF0B 2010-07-0616:10
kandarpkuid                  Kandarp Kaushik (key for debian packaging) <kandarp@seeta.in>16:10
kandarpksub   2048R/2DA59FA9 2010-07-0616:10
dfarningdipankar, I have to think about this.16:11
dipankardfarning, ohk.16:12
dfarningkandarpk, is your private key on this computer?16:12
kandarpkdfarning: yes16:13
dfarningkandarpk, I would try deleting everything in the working dir execpt the debian dir (including the .git dir) and start from the beginning. and look for the first error that happens.16:17
kandarpkdfarning: I did that thrice16:18
kandarpkevery time the same error is being reported16:18
kandarpk$ git-import-orig --pristine-tar -u ''87'' sugar-Read-activity_87.orig.tar.gz16:18
kandarpkUpstream version is 8716:18
kandarpkInitial import of 'sugar-Read-activity_87.orig.tar.gz' ...16:18
kandarpkpristine-tar: committed Read-Activity_87.orig.tar.gz.delta to branch pristine-tar16:18
kandarpkgpg: skipped "Kandarp Kaushik <kandarp@seeta.in>": secret key not available16:18
kandarpkgpg: signing failed: secret key not available16:18
kandarpkerror: gpg failed to sign the tag16:18
kandarpkerror: unable to sign the tag16:18
kandarpkgit returned 12816:18
kandarpkCouldn't tag "upstream/87"16:18
kandarpkImport of sugar-Read-activity_87.orig.tar.gz failed16:18
* dipankar is away: I'm not here16:22
dfarningkandarpk, what is the output from gpg --list-secret-keys16:25
kandarpksec   2048R/4AE3FF0B 2010-07-0616:26
kandarpkuid                  Kandarp Kaushik (key for debian packaging) <kandarp@seeta.in>16:26
kandarpkssb   2048R/2DA59FA9 2010-07-0616:26
dfarningkandarpk, maybe luke knows more16:30
kandarpkdfarning: neither ssh working nor gpg :(16:30
kandarpklfaraone: around ?16:31
dfarningkandarpk, yes they are frustrating.16:34
dfarningi have to go for a while16:34
kandarpkdfarning: for how long ?16:34
lfaraonekandarpk: somewhat.16:36
kandarpklfaraone: facing a wierd problem16:36
lfaraonekandarpk: well, first, the tarball shouild be named sugar-read-activity_87.orig.tar.gz, not sugar-Read-activity_87.orig.tar.gz16:37
kandarpklfaraone: thats because I named the package as such16:38
kandarpkshould I change it ?16:38
lfaraonekandarpk: okay. Debian package names usually do not contain upper-case letters.16:38
kandarpklfaraone: I'll try out your suggestion, you please try to figure out if something else could be wrong16:39
lfaraonekandarpk: your more immediate problem is that git is not figuring out your gpg key automatically. Tell it your key explicitly with "git-import-orig --pristine-tar --keyid=4AE3FF0B -u 87 sugar-read-activity_87.orig.tar.gz".16:40
kandarpklfaraone: do I need to replace package_name in rules file ?16:45
dipankarlfaraone, hi, how you doing?16:47
* dipankar is back (gone 00:28:15)16:50
* dipankar is away: I'm not here16:51
* dipankar is back (gone 00:00:01)16:51
kandarpkgit-import-orig --pristine-tar --keyid=4AE3FF0B -u 87 sugar-read-activity_87.orig.tar.gz18:00
kandarpkbut now key is not found while git-buildpackage18:01
kandarpkdpkg-genchanges: including full source code in upload18:01
kandarpkdpkg-buildpackage: full upload (original source is included)18:01
kandarpkNow signing changes and any dsc files...18:01
kandarpk signfile sugar-read-activity_87-1.dsc Kandarp Kaushik <kandarp@seeta.in>18:01
kandarpkgpg: skipped "Kandarp Kaushik <kandarp@seeta.in>": secret key not available18:01
kandarpkgpg: /tmp/debsign.tPjXu3WL/sugar-read-activity_87-1.dsc: clearsign failed: secret key not available18:01
kandarpkdebsign: gpg error occurred!  Aborting....18:01
kandarpkdebuild: fatal error at line 1261:18:01
kandarpkbernie: around ?18:20

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