
* abogani waves08:14
aboganiAre there anyone interested to review and eventually upload -lowlatency and -realtime kernels?08:17
aboganiSorry wrong channel! :-)08:19
=== jussi is now known as Guest7125
=== jussi01 is now known as jussi
scott-workdaily image failed to build last night13:24
scott-workcd image was looking for http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntustudio-dev/ubuntu-seeds/platform.maverick/13:24
scott-workwhich doesn't exist and i don't think it ever did13:24
scott-worki'll wait a day and see if the problem persists or if this affects other distributions and it gets attention by others13:25
jussiscott-work: have you been running listadmin recently?  seems as though theres been a lot of spam for me to deal with...14:19
scott-workjussi: i think the last time i ran it was late last week14:39
scott-workbut yeah, i leave that terminal up on my computer to help remind me and i tend to do it several times a week14:40
scott-workjussi:  have you been running listadmin as well?   that would probably explain why sometimes i get metric tonnes of spam and others not so much ;)17:01
scott-workTheMuso: would you be available in fifteen minutes to answer a few questions about me creating a few SRU's?17:32
scott-worki have the wiki documentation but parts are still unclear to me17:32

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