
IdleOneneeds to be banned till sober01:00
bazhangwait til after the world cup then01:01
bazhangie to unban01:01
IdleOnefine by me01:01
knomegood night :)01:08
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ubottuIn #ubuntu, bburhans said: !ed is ed is the archetypal UNIX line editor, similar to its stream editor derivative, sed. ed's Manpage can be found at http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/lucid/man1/ed.1.html05:28
ubottuText Editors: gedit (GNOME), Kate (KDE), mousepad (Xfce4) - Terminal-based: nano, vi/vim, emacs - For HTML/CSS editors, see !html - For programming editors and IDE, see !code05:31
nhandlerfunkyHat: If you do add !ed, I would suggest not including the manpage link (or have it use a variable instead of lucid)05:35
funkyHatnhandler: I don't have access to the factoids anyway05:36
nhandlerActually, it should probably just be an alias to !editors05:37
jussi!info ed06:46
ubottued (source: ed): The classic UNIX line editor. In component main, is standard. Version 1.4-1build1 (lucid), package size 57 kB, installed size 148 kB06:46
ubottuWe don't need factoids for *everything*, or ten factoids for the same thing ;)06:46
jussioh, and good  morning all06:47
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (repeated abuse from erry)09:45
ikonianot erry again09:49
bazhangyep at her worst/most hyper09:50
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (repeated abuse from erry)10:04
ikoniait's going to end in about 60 seconds10:04
jpdsikonia: Nothing ever ends.10:04
ikoniathis will10:04
gordthings end with enough application of fire10:06
bazhangI thought energy was conserved10:07
jussigord ends with his feet...10:19
knomejussi, hey jussi, you @ tre?10:24
* jussi sighs10:25
knometoo bad10:25
knomewill you even visit?10:25
knomeon friday, or so10:25
jussilets see10:26
jussiit depends on a few things10:26
knomei'm trying to arrange a car to tre on fri, so if you are, ping me :)10:26
bazhangshe refuses to listen or read anything10:29
PiciAnyone about? I need a second opinion on something.13:10
bazhangPici, what's up13:16
Picibazhang: What do you think about mahen23's youtube link he linked ~ 16 minutes ago? Remember mahen23 is globalmixmaster.13:17
bazhanglet me look13:17
PiciMaybe I'm overreacting, but I thought we told him to stop linking to random sites where the only thing there is a reference to his own website.13:19
PiciBut its early and I'm not awake.13:19
bazhangwell it does have his links in the comments on both he linked13:23
elkyIs it just me or did the mean IQ of that channel just drop more?14:36
h00kprepare for trolling in #ubuntu-offtopic, I'm ready.14:37
IdleOnemean IQ?14:37
PiciIdleOne: average.14:38
IdleOneI'm a little insulted, I would be more so if I had a more then average IQ14:39
elkyIdleOne, I meant the influx of "ready for trolling" etc14:40
IdleOneheh, he did start a spirited conversation about games14:40
IdleOnebut his intro was a little stupid14:40
elkyno, the spirited game discussion was started by someone else, he just joined in14:41
PiciReminds me of someone.14:41
IdleOneugh, then he went for the Koran14:41
elkyPici, the same person who keeps asking how to cheat on random games?14:41
Picielky: No, I meant a certain person who enters channels and announces that trollin' is their game.14:42
jpdsYeah, why not?14:42
elkyPici, ah yes. don't think it is though14:42
Picielky: Right, I know.  Just reminded me of that.14:42
elkyFairy nuff.14:42
ikoniatrollings the game14:43
h00kthat didn't last long.14:43
* ikonia says hi14:43
jpds _     _14:44
jpds| |__ (_)14:44
jpds| '_ \| |14:44
jpds| | | | |14:44
jpds|_| |_|_|14:44
jpds         14:44
ikoniayou've raised the bar14:44
ikoniaI'll come back in a moment with some "friends"14:44
* ikonia trolls elky 14:44
h00kwarn, part, ban is what I'm trying.14:44
IdleOnesh: cowsay: not found14:44
IdleOnehow can I not have cowsay14:45
IdleOne ____14:45
IdleOne< Hi >14:45
IdleOne ----14:45
IdleOne        \   ^__^14:45
IdleOne         \  (oo)\_______14:45
IdleOne            (__)\       )\/\14:45
IdleOne                ||----w |14:45
IdleOne                ||     ||14:45
ikoniaok, I'm backing away now, this is getting too serious14:45
IdleOneikonia: agreed.14:46
* IdleOne capitulates to jpds, you win!14:46
elkyamateurs. Hint: you can pipe figlet in to cowsay.14:48
elkywhat jpds did14:49
h00khow does one say what cowsay says in the channel ^o)14:49
jpdselky: No, one can't.14:49
h00kI'm a noob.14:49
elkyjpds, since when?14:49
jpdselky: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/460219/14:50
IdleOne/exec -o cowsay h00k14:50
h00kooh, the -o is the magics.14:50
h00k _________________________________________14:53
h00k/  _ _ _ _ _ _ _                          \14:53
h00k|                                         |14:53
h00k| __ _ _ __ ___ (_) __| | ___ (_)_ __ (_) |14:53
h00k| |_ _ __(_) |_ ___                       |14:53
h00k|                                         |14:53
h00k| / _` | '_ ` _ \| |/ _` |/ _ \| | '_ \|  |14:53
h00k| | __| '__| | __/ _ \ | (_| | | | | | |  |14:53
h00k| | (_| | (_) | | | | | | |_| | | | ||    |14:53
h00k| __/                                     |14:53
h00k|                                         |14:53
h00k| \__,_|_| |_| |_|_|\__,_|\___/|_|_|      |14:53
h00k\ |_|_|\__|_| |_|\__\___|                 /14:53
h00k -----------------------------------------14:53
h00k        \   ^__^14:53
h00k         \  (oo)\_______14:53
h00k            (__)\       )\/\14:53
h00k                ||----w |14:53
h00k                ||     ||14:53
h00koh wow. sorry.14:53
PiciPlease don't do that there...14:53
h00k/exec -o figlet amidoinitrite | cowsay14:53
IdleOneCCCCCCC-combo break14:53
Picier, here.14:53
jpdsPici: #define __there__14:53
Pici#define __there__ 'here'14:54
h00kyeah. nomore.14:54
* h00k ducks14:54
elky ________________________________________________14:54
elky/                        _                       \14:54
elky|   __ _ _ __ ___   __ _| |_ ___ _   _ _ __ ___  |14:54
elky|  / _` | '_ ` _ \ / _` | __/ _ \ | | | '__/ __| |14:54
elky| | (_| | | | | | | (_| | ||  __/ |_| | |  \__ \ |14:54
elky|  \__,_|_| |_| |_|\__,_|\__\___|\__,_|_|  |___/ |14:54
elky\                                                /14:54
elky ------------------------------------------------14:54
IdleOneoh loard14:54
elky  \14:54
elky   \14:54
elky       __14:54
elky      UooU\.'@@@@@@`.14:54
elky      \__/(@@@@@@@@@@)14:54
elky           (@@@@@@@@)14:54
elky           `YY~~~~YY'14:54
elky            ||    ||14:54
h00kohlol, I'm not even gonna c-c-c-combo break that beauty.14:55
Pici:P elky14:55
IdleOnewhos rgreening_ ?14:55
jpdsIdleOne: /whois14:55
elkyWill be very confused.14:55
IdleOneyeah I know that jpds, Mr.Ircommandmaster14:56
IdleOneI meant they have been here since yesterday14:56
=== rgreening_ is now known as rgreening
rgreeningI'm part of ops for Kubuntu channels14:56
bazhangyou should be +v here14:57
rgreeningthe rgreening probably is14:57
rgreeningthe rgreening_ maybe not14:57
rgreeningI log in sometimes twice14:57
elkythey should be on the same account14:58
IdleOnergreening: ahh ok np just wanted to make sure :)14:58
rgreeningI haven't registered rgreening_ as a nick... would need to do that...14:58
rgreeningelky ^14:58
IdleOnergreening: /msg nickserv group14:58
bazhangjust group it14:59
IdleOnemorning tritium15:00
=== rgreening is now known as rgreening_
=== rgreening_ is now known as rgreening
rgreeningthanks. grouped.15:00
rgreeningdoes that auto +v now for the rgreening_?15:01
IdleOneit should yes. as long as both identify15:01
rgreeningok. cool15:01
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IdleOnehmm why was reuben not forwarded here?19:42
PiciMaybe he didn't rejoin?19:43
IdleOneok so it forwards when the client is set to rejoin on kick19:44
tsimpsonyou didn't kick, you removed which we use specificity to circumvent auto-rejoin19:47
funkyHatIdleOne: actually it's simpler than that, it just forwards when they try to join20:22
bazhangcl909 seems to be dragging this out20:25

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