
=== sparkle_history is now known as sparklehistory
TakyojiBleh, I feel pathetic that I haven't taught my parents in depth of how to use a computer02:19
kermityou dont want them online02:27
kermitthey'll email you and message you and post to your facebook wall02:27
kermitand want to video chat02:27
kermitand play yahoo games02:27
TakyojiMy mother already uses Facebook. :P02:29
Takyojiall she currently uses is Firefox and Evolution.02:30
TakyojiAnd all my father uses is Evolution.02:30
Takyojiotherwise it would be a bit more beneficial for my father since he barely has an computer knowledge, and that's really the kind of thing he needs for employment in some cases.02:34
TakyojiI also have to plan an update procedure for the family desktop as well yet02:35
TakyojiI have yet to boot the 10.04 LiveCD to see if the system even functions. :P02:35
TakyojiAnyone have a spare LCD monitor they're willing to sell?02:38
tonyyarussoTakyoji: Only if you're paying enough to replace it with :P03:09
* Takyoji_ wonders if anyone is alive03:14
* tonyyarusso is03:16
tonyyarussoboring, but alive03:16
Takyoji_Is there a method to upgrade from 9.04 to 10.04?03:16
sparklehistorytonyyarusso: clincally anyways :P03:16
Takyoji_Without having to upgrade to 9.10 first?03:16
Takyoji_alright, I'll do the long way then03:17
TakyojiDidn't know they added this: http://www.liberiangeek.net/2010/06/enable-users-to-login-automatically-without-passwords-in-ubuntu-10-04-lucid-lynx/03:40
TakyojiThat makes my life simpler03:40
TakyojiBecause there was an annoying workaround that you'd have to do in order to do it with GDM03:40
TakyojiAnyone used BURG at all?05:06
Takyojiof which is basically graphical GRUB05:07
_diabloTakyoji: I've seen it, but no, never tried it07:50
TakyojiWell that was an interesting case. I upgraded the family desktop to 10.04, and when I popped in my mother's account, the cursor was invisible.07:51
_diablowhoa. weird08:10
TakyojiAnd setting the cursor via the Appearance panel didn't do anything08:10
_diabloyeah, I never update anything. I find a fresh install to be by far the cleanest way of dealing with these things08:10
TakyojiSo I had to run: sudo update-alternatives --config x-cursor-theme08:11
Takyojito basically reset the cursor theme system-wide08:11
Takyojiand of course it worked thereafter just fine08:14
TakyojiOoo, software-center seems to be getting more orderly of categorization08:23
TakyojiHowever "Office" and "Accessories" are not organized into subcategories yet..08:24
_diablohmmmm, odd08:31
TakyojiBut still, it's progress!08:32
_diablonight all08:32
TakyojiFor LPIC, do you have to go step-by-step, or just test for any level of the certification?20:18
Takyojiahh, I guess it is a prerequisite to have the prior certification.20:19
Obsidian1723Start at 120:24
Obsidian1723Honestly, all you need for Linux is the Linux+20:24
Obsidian1723I've never seen anyon e ask for a RHCE, UCP, LPICx, etc20:25
Obsidian1723The path I wsent is DCSE > Network+ > Linux+ > going for Secureity+ and then a CISSP.20:25
Obsidian1723Out of a 900 perfect score on the Linux+, I got 850.20:25
Obsidian1723With the LPICs, if you let them lapse, you must start all the way over, like with Cisco.20:26
TakyojiI could get Linux+ done any day. :P20:29
Takyojilast time I checked the objectives of it20:30
Obsidian1723Why not do it then?20:32
Obsidian1723I'm simply stating that with Linux, certs aren't really needed - except to get by HR.20:32
kermitObsidian1723: haha yeah i was juts telling a friend that20:34
kermithe suggested we go get certs togerther.. i said one cert on my otherwise non existant resume would look worse than none.20:35
Obsidian1723I've never seen anyone ask for a Linux cert.20:35
Obsidian1723certs alone = bad20:35
Obsidian1723experience alone = bad20:35
Obsidian1723both together = good20:35
Obsidian1723If push comes to shove, one vs the other, experience is better.20:36
Obsidian1723all certs do is say that you have put i nthe time and can meet a certain standard.20:36
Obsidian1723or at least you SHOULD be able to.20:36
kermiti just want to put "1983: c64 -> 1987: DOS -> 1996: linux    and on rare occation, some win" and leave the rest blank ;)20:36
kermiton my resume20:36
Obsidian1723Certs is a nice CYA for HR. "Well Jim, when Tom took down the entire network by mistake, he SAID he was a network enigeer" vs " Well Jim, Tom had an impressive resume with experience and the certs, so he should have known better."20:37
TakyojiConsidering I'm generally freelance, I'd only be able to go along the lines of a work portfolio since I haven't actually "worked" on an hourly basis within a company, yes?20:38
kermiti may go for an "i've never needed a 'job' before, so until i figure out how to properly market myself, you're going to get a steal for my services." approach.20:38
Obsidian1723more project based, yeah20:38
kermitthe trick with job hunting is to not sound arrogant, but still sound usefu20:39
Obsidian1723I use certs because then my customers can have a certified tech, and my employer can also benefit at my dayjob.20:39
TakyojiBecause my mother is just forcing me to do the ol' flippin' burgers at a fast food restaurant. xP20:39
Takyojiand I can certainly get better employment than that.20:40
Obsidian1723kermit, yeah, but more than that. The trick is to demonstrate and show that "Here is what I have done in the past. Here is what I can do for you now and in the future." Find a need and fulfill it for them.20:40
Obsidian1723Tak, maybe.20:40
Obsidian1723How old are you?20:40
kermitTakyoji: omg i'm twice as old as you20:41
Obsidian1723Well, you may get in somewhere, youth is on your side, but not experience.20:41
TakyojiI've always done freelance, I haven't had an hourly job20:41
* kermit thanks Obsidian1723 for being older20:41
Obsidian1723I'm 43. Been at this whole computer deal since the late 70s.20:41
kermitObsidian1723:  are you mark christiansen?20:42
kermithmm no he wouldnt IRC that much20:42
Obsidian1723heh I used to irc a lot more in the past. who is Mark?20:42
TakyojiI've had a couple years of web design, web development, and server administration.20:43
kermitObsidian1723: he ran an ISP until 200020:43
TakyojiPHP for at least 5 or so years now.20:44
kermitObsidian1723: do you remember twinlink, angmar, or orbis?20:44
Obsidian1723Twinlink, yeah20:44
kermiti was on there a lot in 198820:45
Obsidian1723I used to work for a local ISP back in 199620:45
kermitwere you on there?20:45
Obsidian1723I used to work for a local ISP20:45
Obsidian1723MinnNet Communications, Inc.20:46
Obsidian1723Remember Bitstream Underground and Winternet?20:47
kermiti recall the name winternet20:47
kermitminnet or muinet?20:47
kermiti was on muinet20:47
Obsidian1723old skool20:47
Obsidian1723Remember when the bums started a fire and took out the communications fo Minneapolis?20:48
kermithaha yeah20:54
Obsidian1723good times back then.21:04
kermitObsidian1723: remember when there was real competition for internet access?21:07
kermitthat was good times, in a somewhat nefarious way ;)21:07
Obsidian1723yeah, now we are looking at net netruality going away.21:09
Obsidian1723Takyoji, I'm curious.. if the Linux+ is so easy, why haven't you got one yet?21:10
Obsidian1723kermit, ever meet Mike Horwath?21:10
kermitthe name doesnt sound familiar21:10
Obsidian1723Old linux geek from back in the day. He was the admin for Visi, now IPHouse21:11
TakyojiObsidian1723: I will. :P21:12
kermiti hear visi is taking tons of interviews21:12
kermitbut not hiring anyone21:12
TakyojiOtherwise I just got out of high school a few months ago, and getting it during high school would be bit useless generally21:13
Takyojias it expires over time if I remember correctly21:13
_diablofor getting into server admin work, what should I do to even start getting into it? I've been setting up my own for a while, but don't really know things formally. Should I be aiming for A+ and such?21:13
_diablo(just graduated college with a useless degree)21:13
TakyojiIsn't A+ basic hardware components and understanding how an Windows boots?21:14
kermitthe impression i have being an admin isnt somehting you 'get into'.. its somehting you just are.21:14
Takyojihow Windows boots*21:14
_diabloTakyoji: yeah, but all the jobs that I've seen in IT require it... :(21:15
Takyojiand hardware troubleshooting21:15
_diabloor even just how to get into IT work e.g. help desk, school networking, administration21:15
_diablokermit: how did you start?21:15
kermit_diablo: i've been using linux since 1996 almost exclusively21:16
kermit i went from dos to linux, rarely using win21:16
Takyojias for Linux+, apparently you can also get LPIC-1 as well with it21:16
_diablokermit: but what do you do for work?21:16
kermit_diablo: i'm unemployeed.. i guess you'd call me a 'linux systems engineer'21:16
kermiti'll do admin or dev21:16
_diabloah, okay. fair enough21:16
kermit_diablo: i have the opposite problem as you, i have tons of skills but nothing to put on a resume for degrees/certs21:17
_diablokermit: yeah, I have no IT degree or cert... Just a fairly useless econ degree. Just graduated and looking for any job now, even mcdonald's21:18
Obsidian1723Linux+ is lifetime.21:24
kermit_diablo: no work in econ?21:24
_diablokermit: no, not really :( I don't even know where to start21:24
TakyojiI'm a bit skeptical of lifetime certifications21:25
kermit_diablo: i dont know much about college but i thought they sort of take care of job placement or push you in the right direction21:25
Obsidian1723not I.. I dont just get it ands camp on it. I get it and show that I have done XYZ since then.21:26
Takyojiat least it shows a person jumped through the basic hoop21:26
Takyojibut yes21:26
_diablokermit: yeah, not really. they're not so great lol. they have 55k ppl21:26
kermit_diablo: which school?21:27
_diablokermit: UMN21:27
* Takyoji wonders if anyone has an opinion regarding Dakota County Technical College21:29
kermit_diablo: so they just give you a degree and wave goodby?21:29
_diablokermit: yeah, basically21:46
_diabloTakyoji: no knowledge of it21:46
Obsidian1723Tak, if Linux+ was basic, mopre people wpould have it. dont underestimate it.21:47
TakyojiBy the way, what does TFTP lack that FTP has?21:54
kermitlack? its just totally different22:05
kermitIt cannot list directories, and currently has no provisions for user authentication.22:06
Obsidian1723Better to use SFTp22:21
Obsidian1723I'd onlyu really use TFTP for a PXE/Netboot environment.22:21
kermitand flashing routers22:22
TakyojiWell yea, I'd never use anything unencrypted.22:24
Takyojiexcept when TFTP is the only thing possible for a device22:24
kermityeah i imagine anyone could inject code into the receiving device fairly easily that way22:26
_diablokermit: warkitting22:41
Obsidian1723true kermit22:49
* Takyoji wonders if anyone happens to know of a decent web service out there for wardriving and mapping wireless networks23:41
Obsidian1723I just use nmap23:49
TakyojiI'm talking about aggregates though23:57
TakyojiLike WiGLE23:57

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