omry | I want to play with systemtap, my current kernel is 2.6.35-7-generic #10~lucid1-Ubuntu, will this ddeb work? : linux-image-2.6.35-7-generic-dbgsym_2.6.35-7.10_amd64.ddeb | 00:57 |
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TeTeT | apw: morning, we have an escalated case from corp services that is now in the kernel teams hands, see bug 586325 | 07:24 |
ubot2 | Launchpad bug 586325 in linux (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "[i965q] Fujitsu Siemens Esprimo E: changing resolution results in non working X (affects: 1) (heat: 14)" [Medium,Confirmed] | 07:24 |
apw | RAOF, about? t | 08:36 |
apw | RAOF, t | 08:36 |
RAOF | apw: Yo! | 08:36 |
apw | RAOF, the patch on bug 586325 ... where is it upstream ? | 08:37 |
ubot2 | Launchpad bug 586325 in linux (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "[i965q] Fujitsu Siemens Esprimo E: changing resolution results in non working X (affects: 1) (heat: 14)" [Medium,Confirmed] | 08:37 |
apw | morning, or evening :) | 08:37 |
RAOF | It's just attached to the upstream bug at the moment. | 08:37 |
RAOF | | 08:38 |
ubot2 | Launchpad bug 586325 in linux (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "[i965q] Fujitsu Siemens Esprimo E: changing resolution results in non working X (affects: 1) (heat: 14)" [Medium,Confirmed] | 08:38 |
RAOF | Ahem. Wrong window. | 08:38 |
RAOF | And a good morning to you too :) | 08:38 |
apw | RAOF, good work finding that patch | 08:38 |
RAOF | I didn't end up writing it. Once I had hardware to test on the problem was much more obvious. | 08:39 |
smb | RAOF, morning, as well. Any chance to let people try my test kernels? (nag) | 08:40 |
ikepanhc1 | good morning .eu :) | 08:41 |
* smb waves towards asia | 08:41 | |
ikepanhc1 | I can hear you on mumble, but in public area of office, so have better to keep quiet :P | 08:42 |
RAOF | smb: I still haven't run into anyone appropriate to send to that kernel. | 08:42 |
smb | RAOF, Bah, and I thought there were quite a few of the inconsistent checksum messages | 08:42 |
apw | RAOF, i see that there is a final comment in the ipstream bug that its not fixed for krandrtray if its in the bottom right | 08:42 |
apw | ikepanhc1, heh morning | 08:43 |
smb | ikepanhc1, You should do. Maybe you get a nice isolated space then ;-) | 08:43 |
ikepanhc1 | smb: sure, moving | 08:44 |
RAOF | apw: I hadn't seen that, no. Let's see if I can check that. | 08:45 |
apw | you may find like 'sleep 10; xrandr ....' in a window and shoving the cursor in the bottom right might do the same | 08:46 |
RAOF | Yeah, looks like it. | 08:46 |
smb | ikepanhc1, I actually meant if you speak up while on your normal pace you might get moved to a place where you cannot disturb anybody. Hope would be that this place would be nicer too. Though reality shows its rather the janitor's closet | 08:46 |
RAOF | Hm. I waved the cursor around, but obviously not all the way down in the bottom right. | 08:46 |
ikepanhc1 | ah? anyone hear me? | 08:49 |
jk- | 'git bisect run' <3 | 09:01 |
ikepanhc1 | apw: the bad wiki I wrote: | 09:04 |
kraut | moin | 09:05 |
RAOF | apw: Hm. I've managed to make that happen exactly once, but I'm not sure how. I have noticed another problem, though, which might resolve it - the pointer is hidden in some situations when it shouldn't be. It looks like the bounds checking is off a bit. | 09:09 |
smb | kraut, moin | 09:10 |
kraut | howdy smb | 09:10 |
apw | RAOF, ahh ok | 09:11 |
apw | can't we just zap the cursor to the top left on change | 09:11 |
RAOF | We could, perhaps. | 09:12 |
RAOF | The hardware docs however say “at least one pixel of the pointer must be on the active display”, so enforcing this constraint in the kernel seems reasonable. | 09:12 |
RAOF | You know what would be useful in the docs? Which point of the 64x64 image the GPU considers to be the “position” of the cursor :/ | 09:13 |
RAOF | Oh, no. There it is. | 09:16 |
apw | RAOF, right, but could we not enforce that by moving it, rather than unmapping it ? | 10:13 |
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hrw | hi | 11:37 |
hrw | can you look at bug 603087 and tell me does my patch has any chance to be accepted? | 11:37 |
ubot2 | Launchpad bug 603087 in linux (Ubuntu) "Allow to build just linux-libc-dev (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] | 11:37 |
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* apw talked to hrw about thsi over on #linaro | 11:59 | |
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RAOF | apw: We could move it, but then the cursor displayed position wouldn't match the position X thinks the cursor is. | 12:31 |
apw | RAOF, hrm, ok | 12:33 |
hrw | is there a way to not generate linux-headers-VER package? rules.d/ makes them if do_common_headers_indep != true but rules.d/ makes them if do_common_headers_indep == true | 12:40 |
* RAOF is somewhat freaked out about the behaviour of the cursor. | 12:40 | |
apw | hrw, no by default no as you would never want to do that | 12:45 |
hrw | apw: unless my case | 12:45 |
apw | hrw, you need to find the 5 bits and put them all in stage1 or stage2 | 12:45 |
apw | as you have for the headers ... right ? | 12:45 |
apw | you have 'headers' and everything you didn't make then needs to be made in 'rest' or whaever you called it | 12:46 |
hrw | apw: does what I want but is rather ugly | 12:47 |
apw | binary-debs doesn't look to need to change, as you turn it off in the if part | 12:50 |
apw | we should probabally make a build-arch-deps and build that the same way to clean it up | 12:51 |
smb | tgardner, Hi Tim, I was thinking on Karmic stuck in accept and in the end I think if we don't have it accepted by next Monday, I need to sit together with apw and get all changes reverted | 12:57 |
tgardner | smb, what is the rush? Do you have CVEs pending for it? | 12:58 |
smb | tgardner, yes | 12:58 |
hrw | apw: is a bit more clean | 13:07 |
apw | hrw i really don't think you shoul dneed to change any of the configuration here | 13:09 |
apw | for example changing the icommon headers to indep, might have an effect on other things | 13:09 |
apw | we should just make both adds to _deps conditional | 13:09 |
hrw | do_common_headers_indep:=false is just to not build it at all | 13:10 |
apw | but you want to buld the headers | 13:10 |
hrw | I want linux-libc-dev not linux-headers | 13:10 |
apw | thats the point of the header stage | 13:10 |
apw | then calling the stage headers is a bit mad | 13:10 |
hrw | thats just name - will rename it to stage1 | 13:10 |
apw | ok i think the way i would do it is to make an enable_stage1 and enable_stage2 | 13:11 |
apw | with something like | 13:11 |
apw | if ($(DEB_STAGE), stage1) | 13:11 |
apw | enable_stage1=true | 13:12 |
apw | elif ($(DEB_STAGE), stage2) | 13:12 |
apw | enable_stage2=true | 13:12 |
apw | else | 13:12 |
apw | enable_stage1=true | 13:12 |
apw | enable_stage2=true | 13:12 |
apw | fi | 13:12 |
apw | and for each element put it in one or the other | 13:12 |
apw | if (enable_stage1, true) | 13:13 |
apw | endif | 13:13 |
apw | and make sure each element 'headers' 'tools' 'libc' etc are added to an _dep | 13:13 |
apw | in that manner | 13:13 |
hrw | where stage1 is what I want and stage2 is normal build? | 13:13 |
apw | no where stage1 is what you need in stage1, and stage2 is the rest | 13:13 |
hrw | ok | 13:14 |
apw | and a normal build just enabled both | 13:14 |
apw | i am sure you will want to build the rest, not everything in the second phase, as you have the headers already | 13:14 |
apw | hrw, _or_ i guess we do already have a bunch of do_ variables for some things | 13:15 |
apw | to allow those to be suppressed, you could also add one of those for each | 13:15 |
apw | of the things you want to but cannot yet control | 13:15 |
apw | and then do | 13:15 |
apw | if $(DEB_STAGE, stage1) | 13:15 |
apw | do_xxx = false | 13:15 |
apw | do_yyy=false | 13:16 |
apw | endif | 13:16 |
apw | that might be the cleaner form | 13:16 |
tgardner | apw,smb, remind me of the 2 mailing lists that get notified of an ABI bump | 13:16 |
apw | given we have a few of the do_foo = true/flase already | 13:16 |
hrw | ok, will adapt | 13:16 |
smb | one is mobile | 13:16 |
apw | kernel-team, debian-installer, ubuntu-mobile | 13:16 |
apw | To: kernel-team <>, | 13:17 |
apw | ubuntu-installer <>, | 13:17 |
apw | ubuntu-mobile <> | 13:17 |
smb | right | 13:17 |
tgardner | apw, that stuff used to be in the wiki | 13:17 |
* apw will go and add it | 13:17 | |
apw | i will add a maintainer quiestion section | 13:18 |
* abogani waves | 13:40 | |
abogani | apw, I'm your personal nuisancer! :-) | 13:42 |
apw | yeah i know :) you are on my mind and indeed in this window over --> | 13:43 |
phil42 | what changed in 2.6.24-28.71-generic ? | 14:06 |
tgardner | phil42, | 14:08 |
hrw | apw: should be better | 14:38 |
apw | hrw that does look much cleaner | 14:38 |
tgardner | apw, what is the goal of these patches? | 14:39 |
apw | tgardner, linaro need to be able to bootstrap in a cross-compile env | 14:39 |
apw | that means they need to build the compiler to build the kernel, but the kernel headers are needed to build libc to build the compiler | 14:40 |
apw | so they need to be able to build a subset of the kernel package | 14:40 |
apw | they are applying similar DEB_STAGE changes as a policy | 14:40 |
tgardner | apw, ok, I guess that makes sense | 14:40 |
apw | i suspect these will go round a couple of times more yet, but they are clearer now in intent | 14:41 |
hrw | gcc and eglibc are next in queue | 14:41 |
tgardner | apw, looks like the i8042/Moorestown stuff is shaking out upstream | 14:44 |
apw | tgardner, good to hear ... was worried it'd get forgotten | 14:45 |
tgardner | apw, what is the tip-bot ? I've been meaning to ask that for awhile | 14:45 |
apw | tgardner, its a litterally a bot which is associated with the tip tree which is used to hoover | 14:45 |
apw | up lots of littl changes as little topic branches | 14:46 |
tgardner | so, just specific trees? | 14:46 |
apw | there are hundreds of branches in the tip tree | 14:46 |
tgardner | apw, ok, I see now. one tree with lots of branches. | 14:47 |
apw | yeah lots and lots of little branches | 14:47 |
tgardner | apw, who commits to tip? just Ingo? | 14:48 |
apw | tgardner, yeah as far as i know its all ingo | 14:49 |
lacostej | Hei, I am trying to compile my own ubuntu kernel (to apply a patch I want to test). I want to make sure I use the exact same config. Should I copy /boot/config-`uname -r` into debian.master/config or is the source I got from git tag already properly configured ? | 14:55 |
tgardner | lacostej, the configs that are generated for your kernel live in debian.master/config and are properly configured during the prepare build step. | 14:56 |
lacostej | is there a simple way to make sure my generated kernel won't conflict with the existing one ? e.g. by bumping the version number somewhere ? | 14:59 |
tgardner | lacostej, thats more involved. apw might be able to point at a wiki page since he's been the most recent gardener | 15:01 |
tgardner | lacostej, describes bumping the ABI | 15:02 |
lacostej | thanks a lot | 15:04 |
apw | yeah htats probabally the simplest we have at the moment | 15:09 |
apw | we have it on our list as one which we need to write | 15:09 |
hrw | apw: any suggestions what I should change to get it accepted? | 15:10 |
apw | hrw once you know it does what you want send it up and i'll have a re-look at it fresh | 15:10 |
hrw | ok | 15:10 |
hrw | doing native full build now with this patch attached | 15:11 |
apw | hrw got a link to the current patch ? | 15:46 |
hrw | apw: | 15:48 |
apw | hrw, thanks | 15:49 |
tgardner | gnarl, note sent to SRU team requesting Karmic acceptance | 15:52 |
gnarl | tgardner, Ok, thanks. I guess I will see what happens soon | 15:53 |
gnarl | apw, Oh, I forgot to get back to you and nag you to try new tooling. :-P | 15:53 |
tgardner | gnarl, did you already bang this out on a different list? | 15:53 |
gnarl | tgardner, I have not done more than arguing with Colin and Martin | 15:54 |
gnarl | tgardner, But that was on irc or the phone | 15:54 |
tgardner | gnok, then this'll drag it out into the public | 15:54 |
apw | heheh | 15:54 |
tgardner | gnarl, ^^ | 15:54 |
apw | gnok gnok, who's there | 15:54 |
gnarl | tgardner, ack | 15:54 |
gnarl | apw, gnobody | 15:55 |
apw | gnarl, we need an incantation for your maint scripts so they can find each other without needing path | 15:57 |
apw | i use the same a lot in my shell scripts | 15:57 |
=== amitk is now known as amitk-afk | ||
apw | gnarl, t | 15:57 |
gnarl | apw, Hm, I dont need that as they are in my path | 15:57 |
tgardner | apw, CDIR=`dirname $0` sort of thing? | 15:57 |
apw | yeah that sort fo thing, there is some subtlty for ./ i think | 15:57 |
apw | gnarl, its not quick | 15:57 |
apw | apw@dm$ maint-startnewreleaseII: linux-image-2.6.35-7-generic_2.6.35-7.11_i386.deb | 15:58 |
apw | II: Downloading to ... | 15:58 |
=== bjf[afk] is now known as bjf | ||
bjf | moin all | 16:04 |
cking_ | pgraner, /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/buffer_size_kb | 16:04 |
lag | pgraner: cat /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/current_tracer | 16:11 |
pgraner | apw: | 16:17 |
tgardner | sconklin, we're looking at a bug that might affect your living room laptop | 16:20 |
sconklin | awesome. Only it's not in the living room any more. Susan practically threw it at me | 16:21 |
tgardner | sconklin, bug #501715 | 16:21 |
ubot2 | Launchpad bug 501715 in ureadahead (Ubuntu) "Kernel trace buffer should be cleared and size restored after profiling (affects: 52) (heat: 280)" [High,Triaged] | 16:21 |
sconklin | tgardner: that's evil | 16:22 |
sconklin | It would also explain why it shows up on this laptop with only 1G of RAM in it | 16:25 |
cking_ | sconklin, echo 1 >/sys/kernel/debug/tracing/buffer_size_kb and see if the bug goes away | 16:26 |
sconklin | cking_: well, it hasn't reproduced yet this boot, but I can do that and see if memory use changed significantly | 16:26 |
tgardner | cnd, are you around? | 16:28 |
cnd3 | tgardner: yep | 16:29 |
cnd3 | what's up? | 16:29 |
tgardner | cnd: mumble about tracing | 16:29 |
cnd3 | ahh, can't mumble | 16:29 |
cnd3 | I'm in the car | 16:29 |
cnd3 | is irc ok/ | 16:29 |
tgardner | cnd: drive, quit talking to me! | 16:29 |
cnd3 | ? | 16:29 |
cnd3 | heh, I'm a passenger | 16:29 |
cnd3 | I'm working | 16:29 |
cnd3 | I can skype if you want | 16:30 |
cnd3 | there's just no mumble iphone client afaik | 16:30 |
apw | cnd3, how do i confirm that ftrace is off 100% | 16:30 |
cnd3 | apw, let me check | 16:30 |
tgardner | cnd: thats OK, we just had some general questions about the tracing mechanism. it can wait | 16:30 |
sconklin | cking_: that made no detectable difference in anything, including current memory use | 16:31 |
cnd3 | apw: echo 0 > /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/tracing_enabled | 16:33 |
cnd3 | there's also tracing_on | 16:33 |
cnd3 | I'm not sure of the semantics of the two | 16:33 |
apw | cnd3, and if it is on, can i tell what if anything is enabled to be recorded? | 16:33 |
gnarl | cnd3, If tracer us nop does it use up some resources? | 16:33 |
gnarl | is | 16:34 |
cnd3 | apw: let me check | 16:34 |
cnd3 | gnarl: the tracer buffer can record function tracing and trace events | 16:34 |
cnd3 | so if current_tracer is no | 16:34 |
cnd3 | nop | 16:34 |
cnd3 | you won't get function traces, but you could still get trace events | 16:34 |
gnarl | ok | 16:34 |
cnd3 | you can disable all trace events by: | 16:35 |
apw | yeah thats my worry, so what events are on | 16:35 |
apw | i need to know which ones | 16:35 |
cnd3 | echo 0 > /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/events/enable | 16:35 |
cnd3 | you can see which events are enabled: | 16:36 |
* apw pokes cnd3 | 16:37 | |
cnd3 | yeah, I was trying to figure it out | 16:37 |
cnd3 | I thought there was an easy way | 16:37 |
cnd3 | you can look inside /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/events | 16:37 |
cnd3 | it's a hierarchy of events | 16:38 |
cnd3 | each folder has an enable file | 16:38 |
cnd3 | and enabling or disabling affects all children of the folder | 16:38 |
cnd3 | and each event (leaf nodes in the tree) has an individual enable | 16:38 |
cnd3 | but I'm not sure if there's any easier way to be sure | 16:39 |
cnd3 | now, I am guessing that if you disable the ftrace buffer then you probably don't have to worry either | 16:39 |
cnd3 | I think that's what /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/tracing_on does? | 16:39 |
cnd3 | let me check the docs | 16:40 |
apw | cnd3, yeah we think we are ending up leaving ureadahead with its items turned on, and its putting tracing back to the previous value which may be on ... with a huge buffer configured ... and eating all your memory over time | 16:40 |
tgardner | apw, tracing gets restored, but the buffer size is left large | 16:41 |
cnd3 | ahhh! | 16:41 |
cnd3 | let me play for a second | 16:42 |
cnd3 | tgardner, you mean the events get turned off? | 16:42 |
cnd3 | but they're already in the buffer? | 16:42 |
apw | tgardner, so if it was on by default, with nothing enabled, then ureadahead adds some trace points to record, then 'restores' the on off state to on, and quits | 16:42 |
tgardner | cnd: the events _do_ get restored to their original values, dunno what the starting state was though | 16:42 |
apw | it'll leave the events on | 16:42 |
apw | hrm ok | 16:42 |
cnd3 | what are the events caallled? | 16:43 |
apw | i'd think they'd be off by defualt, if it works | 16:43 |
tgardner | apw, it sets events/fs/do_sys_open/enable, events/fs/open_exec/enable, events/fs/uselib/enable, and tracing_enabled after first reading their current values. | 16:43 |
cnd3 | apw, tgardner: is one of the events do_sys_open? | 16:43 |
tgardner | cnd: events/fs/do_sys_open/enable | 16:44 |
cnd3 | tgardner: so it sets them to 0 after it's done? | 16:44 |
sconklin | cking_, tgardner: I applied the startup script workaround and rebooted, and base memory usage dropped by about 100M. | 16:44 |
tgardner | cnd: no, it restores them to their original values | 16:44 |
cnd3 | tgardner: what does that mean? | 16:45 |
cnd3 | this is at boot up | 16:45 |
cnd3 | so I'd assume 0? | 16:45 |
tgardner | cnd: we could assume taht, but I don't know for sure. | 16:45 |
cnd3 | I guess you can turn them on at the command line | 16:45 |
cnd3 | so what we really need is just a way to clear out the ftrace buffer after use? | 16:46 |
tgardner | cnd: the only parameter that ureadahead doesn't restore is buffer_size_kb | 16:46 |
apw | tgardner, i think for this behaviour to be the cause it would have to be failing to restore them then | 16:46 |
apw | and we should get pgraner to run: cat `find /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/events/ -name enable` | grep -v 0 | 16:47 |
cnd3 | also, I think the buffers are preallocated | 16:47 |
apw | on the system which he cleaned up | 16:47 |
cnd3 | I guess maybe ureadahead is setting the buffer size too large and we need to reset it back to a reasonable default | 16:48 |
cnd3 | but it wouldn't show an increase in usage over time | 16:48 |
tgardner | apw, well, the restore code looks right. | 16:48 |
apw | i was more thinking some case in which it doesn't do it at all | 16:48 |
apw | if not pete simply has a little time to wait for the issue to return | 16:48 |
tgardner | apw, about the only place I can see that would happen is if the daemonize fails | 16:49 |
sconklin | well, I've applied the workaround, and I'm still running a kernel with kmemleak debugging turned on - so if it happens again maybe I'll have a clue | 16:54 |
cnd3 | sconklin: what's the work around? | 16:55 |
cnd3 | hrm, one bar of signal, I may be lost soon | 16:55 |
cnd3 | oh at&t... | 16:56 |
sconklin | cnd3: | 16:57 |
cnd3 | wth, why is the buffer size being set to 128 MB! | 16:59 |
cnd3 | that's per cpu! | 16:59 |
* cnd3 thinks the param used to be in bytes, meaning 128 kb, so maybe this was overlooked? | 16:59 | |
cnd3 | ureadahead really need to be resetting that to the defaults after it changes them | 17:00 |
tgardner | cnd: I'm working on that. | 17:00 |
cnd3 | k | 17:00 |
cking_ | if it's per CPU that explains why i7 machines are suffering | 17:01 |
cnd3 | is this something new in maverick? | 17:02 |
cnd3 | or in lucid and earlier? | 17:02 |
jjohansen | cnd3: I don't think it was ever supposed to be kb, the server team hit problems last cycle with this keeping small vms from booting | 17:02 |
tgardner | cnd: same code in Lucid at least | 17:02 |
jjohansen | cnd3: definitely in lucid | 17:02 |
tgardner | have not checked earlier | 17:02 |
cking_ | yep, we are seeing it hit hibernate on Lucid | 17:03 |
apw | cnd3, per CPU, now that would explain a fwe things | 17:03 |
cnd3 | yes, I'm 99% sure it's per cpu | 17:03 |
cking_ | cnd3, it looks like it in the code | 17:03 |
cnd3 | I'm not as sure that it preallocates though | 17:04 |
cnd3 | I just thought so | 17:04 |
apw | i suspect not as mine say 'reallocated' and lots of coutns on it | 17:05 |
apw | but it could get full up over time for sure ... and that'd be 1GB on petes machine | 17:06 |
cnd3 | I may have been thinking of the profiling buffers | 17:06 |
cnd3 | I know the profiling statistics are kept in preallocated buffers | 17:06 |
cnd3 | but those buffers are different from the ftrace event buffer | 17:06 |
apw | cnd3, if you have a chance to investigate could you look at whether the buffer size is simply a minimum | 17:11 |
apw | ie the preallocated size, as i am seeing this in my siz | 17:11 |
apw | 7 (expanded: 1408) | 17:12 |
cnd3 | sure | 17:12 |
cnd3 | I'll look right now | 17:12 |
cnd3 | what's this "7 (expanded: 1408)"? | 17:12 |
apw | that is whats in my size | 17:12 |
apw | apw@dm$ cat buffer_size_kb | 17:13 |
apw | 7 (expanded: 1408) | 17:13 |
cnd3 | I only have the maverick kernel right now though | 17:13 |
apw | so i am wondering if it can expand or not | 17:13 |
cnd3 | yeah, in maverick the semantics changed | 17:13 |
cnd3 | cat buffer_size_kb: | 17:13 |
cnd3 | 128000 | 17:13 |
gnarl | cnd3, I got both outputs for lucid on two machines... odd | 17:14 |
apw | i think its different if you set it and not, or something | 17:14 |
cnd3 | hmmm | 17:14 |
apw | or the setting is the minimum and it can expand, or, hence the question | 17:14 |
cnd3 | yeah | 17:15 |
mdz | apw, hi | 17:24 |
apw | mdz, hi | 17:24 |
mdz | apw, pgraner was just telling me that this may be related to tracing being enabled | 17:24 |
tgardner | apw, just emailed a ureadahead patch that you should experiment with. I have to take off. | 17:25 |
apw | mdz we have found a couple of scenarios where machine are very unhappy if ureadahead has left the tracing buffers expanded | 17:25 |
mdz | apw, how can I check if that's the case on my system? | 17:25 |
apw | tgardner, ta will look tommorrow | 17:25 |
mdz | perseus:[/sys/kernel/debug/tracing] cat current_tracer | 17:25 |
mdz | nop | 17:25 |
mdz | perseus:[/sys/kernel/debug/tracing] cat tracing_enabled | 17:25 |
mdz | 1 | 17:25 |
apw | mdz cat the buffer size one | 17:25 |
mdz | apw, perseus:[/sys/kernel/debug/tracing] cat current_tracer | 17:26 |
mdz | nop | 17:26 |
mdz | perseus:[/sys/kernel/debug/tracing] cat tracing_enabled | 17:26 |
mdz | 1 | 17:26 |
mdz | er | 17:26 |
mdz | 128000 | 17:26 |
apw | it will only be big if you had a ureadahead rebuild last time | 17:26 |
apw | yeah like that... the current thought is that this is 128MB per cpu | 17:26 |
apw | cnd3, is confirming what the size means currently | 17:26 |
apw | but ... we suspect this isn't a good thing generally and may be triggering OOM situations for pete doing CD reads | 17:27 |
mdz | apw, the system has been feeling memory-starved lately indeed | 17:27 |
mdz | I thought it was chromium | 17:27 |
apw | so you can set that to 0 i believe to free it up | 17:27 |
apw | see if it feels any better then | 17:27 |
mdz | apw, EINVAL | 17:28 |
apw | hrm | 17:28 |
mdz | apw, write 0 to tracing_enabled instead? | 17:28 |
apw | mdz one sec, just want to confirm how pete did it | 17:28 |
cnd3 | apw, mdz: it is per-cpu, and it is preallocated | 17:29 |
apw | <cking_> sconklin, echo 1 >/sys/kernel/debug/tracing/buffer_size_kb and see if the bug goes away | 17:29 |
apw | mdz so apparently 1 | 17:29 |
cnd3 | apw, I think it won't matter | 17:29 |
mdz | before: | 17:29 |
cnd3 | it will always set it to be at least 2 pages in size | 17:29 |
mdz | Mem: 2993 2425 568 0 13 380 | 17:29 |
mdz | after: | 17:29 |
mdz | Mem: 2993 2003 990 0 16 411 | 17:29 |
mdz | i.e. ~400MB freed | 17:30 |
apw | a fair chunk then | 17:30 |
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sconklin | apw: already tried that and saw no change. But it was not exhibiting the problem when I did it, and the problem has not happened in the last few days. It typically takes 2-4 days of use before it gets into swapping | 17:30 |
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apw | sconklin, sorry was repeating that for mdz not for you :) | 17:31 |
cnd3 | mdz, looks like you got 422 MB back ;0 | 17:31 |
cnd3 | :) | 17:31 |
mdz | yep | 17:31 |
apw | 3.29*128 MB ... erm thats an odd number | 17:31 |
cnd3 | mdz, how many processors do you have? | 17:32 |
cnd3 | including HT | 17:32 |
mdz | apw, I'm logged into a desktop session with gwibber, chromium and running, so who knows what sort of other allocations were made during that time ;-) | 17:33 |
mdz | cnd3: Core 2 Duo T7500 | 17:33 |
mdz | so 2 cores, both HT | 17:33 |
cnd3 | ok, so linux sees 4 | 17:33 |
apw | i wonder if you have to read the resst | 17:34 |
apw | cnd3, how do you find out whats in the buffer and dump it ? | 17:34 |
cnd3 | cat /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/trace | 17:34 |
cnd3 | you can use trace_pipe if you want to get rid of everything in it | 17:34 |
apw | mdz could you see if there is anything in there | 17:35 |
mdz | apw, empty | 17:36 |
cnd3 | I gotta jump off for a bit | 17:39 |
cnd3 | I'll be back after lunch | 17:39 |
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* apw wanders out to see what the sun looks like | 18:14 | |
cking_ | it's shiny and bright apparently | 18:15 |
manjo | apw, I dragged you out to the balcony | 18:16 |
osmosis | if i look at the changelog for linux-image-server ...all it says is * Lucid ABI 23 | 18:32 |
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awe | pong | 19:26 |
JFo | manjo, I'm about to send out the CFT for firewire in a bit. Is the new stack enabled in the latest released kernel or do they need to pick it up from a PPA? | 19:42 |
manjo | JFo, all the changes should be now avaiable without any ppa | 19:43 |
JFo | ok, cool | 19:43 |
JFo | manjo, in Lucid and Maverick yes? | 19:43 |
manjo | JFo, we are only focusing on Maverick | 19:44 |
manjo | JFo, no lucid | 19:44 |
JFo | cool, thanks :) | 19:44 |
=== jussi is now known as jussio1 | ||
JFo | Firewire CFT sent to everybody | 20:05 |
manjo | JFo, also there were a few audio mailing list iirc | 20:08 |
JFo | you only told me about the mythtv one | 20:08 |
JFo | so I sent to them and a ton of others | 20:08 |
abhi_nav | what is firewirestack? | 20:15 |
manjo | abhi_nav, | 20:18 |
abhi_nav | manjo, ok | 20:18 |
abhi_nav | manjo, can I ask you something ? you are free to talk? | 20:19 |
manjo | abhi_nav, sure | 20:19 |
abhi_nav | manjo, got email from bugsquag that firewire need to test. and on that wiki page it is writen that nothing to instal. i am on lucid. so how to test? | 20:20 |
manjo | abhi_nav, the call for testing went out for maverick | 20:20 |
manjo | not for lucid | 20:21 |
abhi_nav | manjo, so i need to have maverick installed? | 20:21 |
manjo | you can boot from a maveric usb stick | 20:21 |
manjo | ie live image and test | 20:21 |
manjo | abhi_nav, do you have a firewire port on your system ? | 20:22 |
abhi_nav | manjo, i dont know. i still dont knwo what firewire is. is it software or hardware. on the link give i cant find defition of firewire | 20:23 |
abhi_nav | :( | 20:23 |
manjo | abhi_nav, google is your friend :) | 20:23 |
osmosis | if i look at the changelog for linux-image-server ...all it says is * Lucid ABI 23 What does that mean? | 20:23 |
abhi_nav | manjo, I googled | 20:23 |
manjo | abhi_nav, | 20:25 |
manjo | for example | 20:25 |
abhi_nav | manjo, ok thanks I wll look at it | 20:26 |
manjo | drivers are need to make that device work in linux | 20:26 |
manjo | and we just switched from the old drivers to new driver model | 20:26 |
manjo | modules | 20:26 |
manjo | we would like to make sure that there are no regressions etc and the new modules work just as well or better | 20:27 |
abhi_nav | manjo, ok | 20:28 |
abhi_nav | manjo, i understool. | 20:40 |
abhi_nav | understood. | 20:40 |
abhi_nav | manjo, and also I come to know that I dont have it in my lappy. :) | 20:45 |
manjo | abhi_nav, thanks for trying | 20:46 |
abhi_nav | manjo, yah | 20:46 |
JFo | abhi_nav, thanks for asking though :) | 20:48 |
JFo | we are thankful that you were willing to test :) | 20:48 |
abhi_nav | JFo, :) | 20:49 |
JFo | :D | 20:49 |
jjohansen | -> Lunch | 20:55 |
manjo | JFo, modified that wiki page | 20:57 |
JFo | thanks manjo | 20:57 |
* manjo heading out for Dr appt | 20:57 | |
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