godbyk | dutchie: drat! I'm not a member, but I'd love to test it with our manual a bit. | 00:25 |
dutchie | out of folks in here, humphreybc, zkriesse, jussi, h00k, pleia2, issyl0, AlanBell and I think nisshh are members | 00:27 |
dutchie | one of those is bound to be happy to help | 00:28 |
godbyk | dutchie: you're not a member yet? I'm surprised. | 00:28 |
dutchie | feel free to add to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/dutchie :) | 00:29 |
godbyk | I need to update my wiki page sometime: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KevinGodby | 00:29 |
godbyk | looks like everyone who pinged me earlier is offline now. I hate that. :) | 00:33 |
dutchie | i should be offline | 00:34 |
dutchie | it's gone half past midnight | 00:35 |
dutchie | but it's the last day of my last ever term at school tomorrow \o/ | 00:40 |
godbyk | awesome! congrats! | 00:42 |
dutchie | i went to the pub with my maths teacher this afternoon :) | 00:42 |
daker | dutchie: \o/ | 00:50 |
dutchie | you are unlikely to see me much for a week or two due to holidays and whatnot | 00:51 |
godbyk | dutchie: sure thing. | 00:52 |
daker | dutchie: tell humphreybc to design the mockup for bugs.u-m.o | 00:52 |
daker | \o/ | 00:53 |
dutchie | 00:52:58 < daker> dutchie: tell humphreybc to design the mockup for bugs.u-m.o | 00:53 |
dutchie | and with that, i am going to bed | 00:54 |
dutchie | i will be around friday (hungover) a little bit | 00:54 |
dutchie | then away for a week sat-sat | 00:54 |
humphreybc | blah | 00:54 |
humphreybc | I've been avoiding doing that | 00:54 |
humphreybc | creating forms in photoshop is time consuming | 00:55 |
dutchie | maybe if you used the gimp... | 00:55 |
humphreybc | daker: did you get the quickshot site? | 00:55 |
dutchie | ok, bed now | 00:55 |
dutchie | goodnight | 00:55 |
humphreybc | dutchie: then it would be four times as time consuming | 00:55 |
daker | euh did you sent something ? | 00:55 |
humphreybc | daker: yes | 00:56 |
humphreybc | to your email | 00:56 |
daker | oki | 00:56 |
humphreybc | the quickshot PSD | 00:56 |
daker | kk | 00:56 |
daker | received | 00:57 |
h00k | someone said me | 01:23 |
h00k | Yeah, I'm a Member | 01:23 |
humphreybc | does anyone know how to get the RSS feed from my blog just for a certain tag? | 01:26 |
humphreybc | I'm adding my blog to planet ubuntu | 01:26 |
humphreybc | http://humphreybc.wordpress.com/category/ubuntu/ | 01:27 |
humphreybc | want to add that category | 01:27 |
humphreybc | I just need an rss link for it | 01:27 |
humphreybc | http://humphreybc.wordpress.com/category/ubuntu/feed/ maybe? | 01:28 |
godbyk | humphreybc: looks like that works. | 01:29 |
humphreybc | okay | 01:29 |
humphreybc | I can have a look at other peoples things too | 01:29 |
humphreybc | yeah | 01:31 |
humphreybc | that should work | 01:31 |
jenkins | o/ | 09:05 |
thorwil | \o | 09:11 |
jenkins | collaboration meeting on saturday 10th 8pm utc, if you are coming please add yourself to the list. http://pad.ubuntu-uk.org/collaborationmeeting , you can also add agenda items there. | 09:15 |
thorwil | a bit late for me and i doubt i would have anything to add ... you guys will get it right :) | 09:34 |
jenkins | If everyone can add the pros and cons for docbook or mallard as the content pool http://pad.ubuntu-uk.org/prosandcons | 10:46 |
c7p | hey thorwil, are you around ? | 11:02 |
c7p | do anyone know what's tha paper size of the manual ? | 11:06 |
jenkins | c7p: it depends on the language | 11:06 |
c7p | let's say for the English manual | 11:06 |
jenkins | I *think* english us is us letter, english uk is a4 letter | 11:07 |
c7p | ok thx :) | 11:08 |
jenkins | np | 11:10 |
c7p | jenkins: when do you go on camping ? | 11:14 |
c7p | go camping* | 11:14 |
jenkins | I have been c7p it was fun :) . I was very tired | 11:14 |
c7p | :p oh cool, but you where almost every time online | 11:14 |
jenkins | I went on friday lucnh time and came back sunday evening | 11:15 |
jenkins | only a short camp really close by | 11:15 |
c7p | nice :) | 11:16 |
c7p | so I can make the thread that i was talking about | 11:17 |
jenkins | yea sure thing | 11:18 |
thorwil | c7p: now i am. i will have to adjust the page size of lulu_el once godbyk can give me the dimensions. that also means that the page count must be known | 11:35 |
c7p | the standard paper size in Greece is A4 | 11:40 |
c7p | so i guess a4 | 11:40 |
thorwil | c7p: lulu's approximation of that, yes | 11:42 |
jenkins | dutchie: ping | 11:58 |
jenkins | if I have a variable called "res" which is res = "'disper', '-c', '-r', '1024x768'" , how do i use subprocess.Popen to open it? I have tried subprocess.Popen([str(res)]) and subprocess.Popen([res]) but they don't work. Any suggestions? | 11:59 |
jenkins | nisshh: ping ^ | 11:59 |
nisshh | jenkins: woah, sorry i didnt expect anyone to ping right now | 12:16 |
jenkins | nisshh: no worries | 12:16 |
nisshh | jenkins: hmm, i dunno, im not that good with python, can you explain a bit more | 12:16 |
nisshh | jenkins: can you pastebin your code? | 12:17 |
jenkins | basicaly depending on on someones graphics card the command used to change the resolution is assigned to a variable. That variable in the example is res | 12:17 |
nisshh | yea | 12:18 |
nisshh | this is for quickshot im guessing? | 12:18 |
jenkins | normally i would do subprocess.Popen(['disper', '-c', '-r', '1024x768'"]) but I need it to be the variable in the middle there. yes for quickshot, just sorting out a pastebin | 12:19 |
nisshh | jenkins: iv got to go eat dinner, but ill be back a bit later, ill help you out then if i can | 12:19 |
jenkins | ok cool see you later | 12:19 |
nisshh | cya | 12:19 |
jenkins | example http://paste.ubuntu.com/460592/ gedit hello works for everyone hence I have used that instead | 12:23 |
jenkins | basically I need subprocess to open the gopen variable | 12:31 |
nisshh | jenkins: so, what does that code do? | 12:36 |
jenkins | it should do the command "gedit open" like you would in a bash shell | 12:37 |
nisshh | ah, so it sort of executes shell commands, through python? | 12:37 |
jenkins | if you do import subprocess; subprocess.Popen(['gedit', 'hello']) thats what I am trying to do but with variables. yep shell commands through python | 12:38 |
nisshh | right | 12:38 |
nisshh | jenkins: whats wrong with the code you first tried, from what iv experimented with it should work | 12:43 |
jenkins | what code? | 12:43 |
nisshh | jenkins: 18:59:16 < jenkins> if I have a variable called "res" which is res = "'disper', '-c', '-r', '1024x768'" , how do i use subprocess.Popen to open it? I have tried subprocess.Popen([str(res)]) and subprocess.Popen([res]) but they don't work. Any suggestions? | 12:43 |
nisshh | THAT^^^ | 12:43 |
nisshh | code | 12:43 |
jenkins | does not work for me in my pastebin example | 12:44 |
nisshh | jenkins: 1 sec ill brb | 12:45 |
nisshh | jenkins: does it spit out an error? or something else? | 12:51 |
jenkins | nisshh: the error is http://paste.ubuntu.com/460600/ and the file is http://paste.ubuntu.com/460601/ | 12:54 |
nisshh | jenkins: remove the 'hello' part and just try gedit on its own | 12:56 |
jenkins | ok gedit works but all the commands have several parts to them | 12:58 |
nisshh | jenkins: right, maybe remove the space after the comma, i dont think that will matter but yea, and remove the str maybe | 12:58 |
nisshh | jenkins: what you want to do is cut the code down to minimum and add bits on until it errors again | 12:59 |
nisshh | then you will be able to solve each error in turn | 12:59 |
jenkins | I have just worked out that I can use os.system() instead of subproecss, there is a differnce between the two I will have to work out what it is | 13:02 |
nisshh | jenkins: ok, no probs | 13:03 |
jenkins | thanks nisshh, not sure why but I think subprocess is better, so it would be good if it would work | 13:04 |
godbyk-android | Put [] around the rhs of the gopen line | 13:04 |
godbyk-android | Then pass gopen to popen without [] or str. | 13:05 |
jenkins | so like this? subprocess.Popen([gopen]) | 13:06 |
godbyk-android | Remove the [] | 13:09 |
jenkins | that did not help is this right? gopen = "'gedit', 'hello'" | 13:10 |
godbyk-android | and put them around the gopen = ["blah", "blah"] line | 13:11 |
godbyk-android | (sorry. On my phone. Typing is slow.) | 13:11 |
jenkins | thanks godbyk-android it works now | 13:11 |
godbyk-android | No problem | 13:12 |
godbyk-android | It appears that I woke up for a 7 am irc meeting that's not happening. | 13:13 |
godbyk-android | :-( | 13:13 |
thorwil | godbyk-android: would you feel better to just hold the meeting with me? | 13:14 |
jenkins | i hope that the meeting on sat is able to happen, we need people from all teams to come | 13:21 |
godbyk | jenkins: I'll be there (I hope). | 13:32 |
godbyk | Well, since I'm awake, I guess I'll take a shower and find some breakfast. | 13:33 |
godbyk | be back in a bit. | 13:33 |
ChrisWoollard | Afternoon All. | 13:50 |
jenkins | hello ChrisWoollard | 13:52 |
ChrisWoollard | Obviously it is quiet at this time of day | 13:52 |
ChrisWoollard | Hello Jenkins | 13:52 |
ChrisWoollard | Jenkins. Are you in England? | 13:52 |
jenkins | ChrisWoollard: I am indeed | 13:52 |
ChrisWoollard | Where in the country? | 13:53 |
jenkins | banbury | 13:53 |
jenkins | north of oxford | 13:53 |
ChrisWoollard | I was thinking of the nursery rhyme | 13:54 |
jenkins | yep, there is now a bronze horse in banbury because of the nursery rhyme | 13:54 |
ChrisWoollard | Are you a student or do you work :) | 13:55 |
jenkins | I am a student, | 13:55 |
ChrisWoollard | I am in London myself (and work). | 13:56 |
jenkins | I will be working from august, as I am on placement | 13:57 |
ChrisWoollard | That's good. | 13:57 |
jenkins | yea it will be fun, just not as much time to hang out on irc :P | 13:57 |
ChrisWoollard | At my workplace we have had quite a lot of work placement students/ | 13:57 |
ChrisWoollard | The decent ones now actually have proper jobs with us. | 13:58 |
jenkins | thats what I am hoping to get a job with them after my degree | 13:59 |
ChrisWoollard | What | 14:00 |
ChrisWoollard | Sorry. pressed enter by mistake. | 14:01 |
ChrisWoollard | Do you know what you have to do yet? | 14:01 |
jenkins | not exactly, I know i am working on gas engines that are used for power generation. Big engines! | 14:01 |
ChrisWoollard | Ok. That sounds interesting. | 14:02 |
jenkins | they are the size of small cars and weigh 7-10 tons | 14:02 |
ChrisWoollard | What are you studying? I assumed computer science or something. But now I am not sure. | 14:02 |
jenkins | Mechanical engineering | 14:03 |
ChrisWoollard | Nice | 14:04 |
jenkins | I would like to do some computer since stuff but i find programming lessons boring, we had one on matlab it sucked. | 14:05 |
ChrisWoollard | I have no idea what matlab is? | 14:05 |
jenkins | its for doing engineering/practical math calculations, with nice graphs | 14:06 |
ChrisWoollard | Ok. Sounds a bit complicated. | 14:07 |
* jenkins goes to water the garden | 14:09 | |
ChrisWoollard | laters | 14:09 |
jenkins | later | 14:09 |
* jenkins is doing a better job at watering himself than the garden | 15:01 | |
flan | jenkins, for reference, I usually become available for random questions at the start of the current hour. | 15:42 |
jenkins | ok thanks flan | 15:44 |
jenkins | collaboration meeting on saturday 10th 8pm utc, if you are coming please add yourself to the list. http://pad.ubuntu-uk.org/collaborationmeeting , you can also add agenda items there. If everyone can add the pros and cons for docbook or mallard as the content pool http://pad.ubuntu-uk.org/prosandcons | 17:24 |
nisshh | jenkins: your like an icecream van advertising with a megaphone :) | 17:25 |
jenkins | nisshh: thats the idea :) | 17:44 |
jenkins | bbl | 17:44 |
jenkins | hello again | 18:52 |
daker | hi | 19:20 |
zkriesse | hello daker | 19:22 |
daker | qs website will available next week | 19:22 |
daker | be* | 19:22 |
=== jussi is now known as jussio1 | ||
godbyk | Hey, c7p. In the .tex file you emailed me yesterday, there's a bug. Search for '\dasho' and replace it with '\dash ' (i.e., remove the o or put a space between \dash and the o). | 21:40 |
c7p | godbyk: ok fixed | 21:42 |
godbyk | thanks. | 21:43 |
godbyk | c7p: I've just uploaded a copy of the PDF to http://builds.ubuntu-manual.org/builds/ubuntu-manual-el.pdf if you'd like to check it over. | 21:44 |
godbyk | Let me know of any bugs you find. | 21:44 |
godbyk | I *think* the glossary page numbers are correct now, but could you double-check for me? | 21:44 |
godbyk | Feel free to leave any notes here. | 21:45 |
godbyk | I'll be back in a bit. I need to read a couple book chapters. | 21:45 |
c7p | ok i am not sure if i can stay for long today, cause i go to wake up early tomorrow, but tomorrow we will do whatever you want | 21:46 |
c7p | but will try :) | 21:46 |
Guest42801 | the revision number and date need to take care, and i think the glossary problem still affects some linke (page 131 shoud be 132) | 21:49 |
Guest42801 | the index worls fine though :D | 21:49 |
Guest42801 | *works | 21:49 |
c7p | yap the pg 131 ref bug still exists | 21:51 |
c7p | and pg 28 (maximize) | 21:52 |
Guest42801 | and the two blank pages before the index are still there | 21:56 |
c7p | so here we have the todo list : http://pad.ubuntu-uk.org/3sIwez7O8A | 22:02 |
=== ZachK_ is now known as zkriesse | ||
c7p | godbyk g2g cu tomorrow, insult Guest42801 (topo) if he is around, in case there is something that have to be done | 22:19 |
c7p | night/morning/evening all | 22:20 |
jenkins | flan: I think humphreybc is going to buy www.quickshot.org | 22:39 |
jenkins | I wonder how many hits we will get :P It will be harder to get to the top of google | 22:49 |
jenkins | I am excited to see the site in all its glory | 22:50 |
jenkins | has and e-mail subjected "8/7/2010......REMINDER......REPLY ASAP....." hit anyone's spam box today? it is bcc'd so I don't know if it was sent to a mailing list or not. It claims the e-mail sent to them may be spam. | 23:02 |
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