hackel | Any idea on when we might see ff4b1 in mozilla-security? | 00:22 |
micahg | hackel: you won't | 00:27 |
micahg | hackel: it will be in the dailies this weekend, probably another week or 2 before I set up a beta PPA | 00:28 |
hackel | Ohh, cool I thought 3.5 beta was in security last time, but a separate ppa is good too. Would be much appreciated by all, thank you. :) | 00:29 |
micahg | hackel: if you subscribe to the mailing list, I'll send an update as things happen | 00:29 |
bobby | micahg, Javascript is still broken, even after the latest xulrunner update. | 01:38 |
micahg | bobby: probably won't get an update till this weekend | 02:02 |
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LLStarks | dang, chris isn't around | 08:57 |
LLStarks | need to ask him something | 08:57 |
LLStarks | anyone around familiar with the firefox sru policy? | 08:57 |
LLStarks | sup fta | 09:10 |
fta | hi | 09:10 |
BUGabundo_remote | morning, Turtles | 09:34 |
=== fta__ is now known as fta | ||
vish | hmm , why cant i find firefox in SC :s | 09:49 |
vish | oh , wait! it is titled "Safe & Easy browser...." | 09:51 |
fta | BUGabundo_remote, --enable-tabbed-options | 10:22 |
* BUGabundo_remote wonders what fta is talking about | 10:26 | |
BUGabundo_remote | you do know I'm blond, right? | 10:27 |
BUGabundo_remote | you need to throw me a tiny bit more details, then a single line | 10:27 |
fta | well, i expected a tabbed options UI, but it's weird, try it ;) | 10:28 |
BUGabundo_remote | ahh | 10:30 |
* BUGabundo_remote launches a new profile | 10:30 | |
BUGabundo_remote | $ chromium-browser --temp-profile --enable-tabbed-options | 10:38 |
BUGabundo_remote | either I'm doing it wrong | 10:38 |
BUGabundo_remote | or I don't see anything diff | 10:38 |
fta | BUGabundo_remote, it's new in today's version | 10:39 |
fta | but it's still in-progress, not sure what they have in mind here | 10:39 |
BUGabundo_remote | sorry | 10:39 |
fta | r51813 has it | 10:39 |
BUGabundo_remote | dbus broken here | 10:39 |
BUGabundo_remote | stuff is lagging like hell | 10:40 |
BUGabundo_remote | I have to kill most apps just to get my desktop | 10:40 |
BUGabundo_remote | Installed: 6.0.460.0~svn20100708r51813-0ubuntu1~ucd1~karmic | 10:40 |
fta | karmic? | 10:40 |
BUGabundo_remote | fta: debian... karmic ppa is the only that works | 10:56 |
BUGabundo_remote | anyone knows who can I talk about dbus/gcong? | 10:56 |
BUGabundo_remote | *gconf | 10:56 |
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gnomefreak | firefox keeps crashing | 13:12 |
gnomefreak | nevermind it just miniized for no reason and open the wrong home page. | 13:13 |
gnomefreak | what is central time? -500 | 13:41 |
gnomefreak | and i figure out how to use date to get it. | 13:46 |
* gnomefreak be back | 13:46 | |
=== fta_ is now known as fta | ||
fta | damn, my connection is still unstable. | 14:06 |
fta | gave me the opportunity to write a nick recovery script for xchat | 14:07 |
BUGabundo_remote | lol | 14:27 |
BUGabundo_remote | you nerd | 14:27 |
fta | BUGabundo_remote, why? should i just sit on my hands and complain instead? | 14:36 |
fta | jcastro, hi, just read your last blog post, i don't really get your point. do you want to just forget about our efforts and push to have the upstream binaries in the 1st line? | 14:52 |
jcastro | fta: I'm kind of thinking somewhere in the middle. | 14:53 |
mdeslaur | argh, no upstream binaries | 14:54 |
jcastro | fta: so ideally we just make said upstreams ubuntu developers | 14:54 |
mdeslaur | It would be really great if upstreams produced real ubuntu packages, built on ubuntu, and integrated in the software centre....but...that's not going to happen | 14:55 |
mdeslaur | actually I take that back, we should do everything we can to make that happen | 15:08 |
jcastro | mdeslaur: right | 15:10 |
jcastro | mdeslaur: that's kind of what I am getting it in my blog post, but it ended up being 5404 pages long | 15:11 |
mdeslaur | jcastro: I was going to blog about how packaging isn't the problem, unstable ABI, rapid release schedules, and linux fragmentation is the problem...but... | 15:14 |
jcastro | yeah, I ran out of text box | 15:15 |
jcastro | but you're right about that | 15:15 |
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jcastro | mdeslaur: my perspective is something like this "I meet a new upstream at say a conference, they want to get in the distro but are not expert packagers" = long hard pain | 15:16 |
jcastro | if they're lucky I can find a motu and/or DD to help them | 15:16 |
jcastro | if not then ... | 15:17 |
mdeslaur | jcastro: so, they can produce the binaries, but are having difficulties packaging them up? | 15:17 |
mdeslaur | jcastro: or difficulties packaging them up for a bunch of different distros? | 15:17 |
jcastro | right, so they go quick and maybe do that or throw it up in a PPA and don't bother | 15:17 |
jcastro | mdeslaur: I think they see the packaging guide and the corresponding policy docs and just glaze over | 15:18 |
mdeslaur | jcastro: I still glaze over when I look at them | 15:18 |
jcastro | right, and you're an expert! | 15:19 |
mdeslaur | I could rant for hours on how packaging is too complex, and non standardized | 15:19 |
mdeslaur | this would be a good discussion over some beer :P | 15:22 |
jcastro | indeed | 15:22 |
fta | imho, that won't work | 15:29 |
fta | and it would limit innovation | 15:29 |
fta | ie, no lcd filter & no plugin finder in firefox, no app indicator everywhere, etc. | 15:30 |
fta | not to mention the security nightmare, catching all embedded libs shipped by random obscure upstreams | 15:31 |
fta | and also, most upstream target only 1 dist with its (often old) toolchain | 15:32 |
mdeslaur | fta: hah! I was thinking about "limiting innovation" also | 15:39 |
mdeslaur | fta: upstream build one binary for the lowest common denominator | 15:40 |
fta | yep | 15:40 |
fta | jcastro, jfyi, nda in the package name of the ubuntu font made me run away from it. i guess i'll wait until it's really out | 15:58 |
jcastro | fta: we're fixing that (someone reported a bug) | 16:01 |
fta | jcastro, good. for the records, i'm not scared by NDAs (i've signed quite a few over the years as part of my job), but i don't see how the concept applies here | 16:03 |
mdeslaur | fta: you do know "nda" means "New Design Approval", right? :) | 16:04 |
fta | lol | 16:04 |
fta | so it's even more confusing | 16:04 |
BUGabundo_remote | LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL | 16:05 |
fta | http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KU1qSSZDPws | 16:07 |
fta | BUGabundo_remote, http://nexusonehacks.net/nexus-one-hacks/how-to-install-ubuntu-on-your-nexus-oneandroid/ | 16:08 |
fta | lol, that guys installs ubuntu over android using W7 | 16:10 |
fta | -s | 16:11 |
BUGabundo_remote | I have debian on my magic :D | 16:12 |
lfaraone | micahg: is there anything I can help with re Browse / pyxpcom / hulahop? | 16:17 |
micahg | lfaraone: no, I just need time which I'm severely lacking ATM, thanks, I'll let you know when there's something to test | 16:18 |
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jdstrand | chrisccoulson: hi! | 18:47 |
chrisccoulson | hi jdstrand, how are you? | 18:47 |
jdstrand | chrisccoulson: so my little cacao endeavor did not work | 18:47 |
jdstrand | chrisccoulson: oh good. you? :) | 18:47 |
chrisccoulson | jdstrand - oh, how come? | 18:48 |
chrisccoulson | yeah, i'm good thanks. been busy tidying the house today though | 18:48 |
jdstrand | chrisccoulson: I don't think I can adjust the overrides in release, since it is frozen forever | 18:48 |
chrisccoulson | ah, thats a bit of a pain | 18:48 |
jdstrand | chrisccoulson: so what we have to do is build it in the ppa, then I can copy over the bits to main for next time | 18:48 |
jdstrand | chrisccoulson: the versioning kinda stinks though, cause jaunty and karmic have the some version | 18:49 |
chrisccoulson | ok, makes sense. do you want to do that, or do you need me to do anything? | 18:49 |
jdstrand | chrisccoulson: I can do it | 18:50 |
chrisccoulson | ok, thanks :) | 18:50 |
jdstrand | meh, I need to adjust it for jaunty - maverick | 18:51 |
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asac | chrisccoulson: ho ... when are we getting ffox 4 :) | 20:18 |
asac | in ppa? | 20:18 |
micahg | asac: I hope to get to it this wekeend | 20:18 |
asac | great | 20:18 |
asac | thats awesome stuff :) | 20:19 |
micahg | asac: then , I have to make it all in one so I can make a beta ppa with the first beta | 20:19 |
asac | i saw demos that made me cry!! | 20:19 |
asac | of joy :) | 20:19 |
micahg | awesome :) | 20:19 |
asac | micahg: yeah great. beta1 is out :) | 20:19 |
micahg | asac: I'm hoping it'll rival chrome in the final release | 20:20 |
micahg | asac: I wanted to ask you about enigmail, do we sync that from Debian? and should the locales stay a separate package? | 20:20 |
micahg | asac: also, I think chris is taking a couple days off | 20:21 |
asac | heh | 20:21 |
asac | is 3.6 rollout finished? | 20:21 |
micahg | asac: not yet, jaunty/karmic waiting for openjdk TCK test | 20:22 |
asac | micahg: i have no strong opinion on whether we should take debian enigmail or not | 20:22 |
asac | they took my enigmail and improved that, so it shoyuld be fine | 20:22 |
asac | we cant sync though ... we need to change build depends | 20:22 |
asac | as they have icedove-dev | 20:22 |
micahg | asac: k, so as long as they're using the same packaging, we can pull from tehm? | 20:22 |
micahg | asac: right | 20:22 |
asac | or we introduce a icedove-dev package that pulls in thunderbird-dev | 20:22 |
asac | but we probablz would have to add some magic to the build system somwhere | 20:23 |
micahg | asac: I can make thunderbird-dev provide icedove-dev | 20:23 |
asac | maybe try if just building the package would work | 20:23 |
asac | micahg: i am not sure thats enough | 20:23 |
asac | you could try in ppa | 20:23 |
micahg | asac: that's what we were going to do for firefox/iceweasel so we can sync more | 20:23 |
asac | or pbuilder ... but the behaviour might be different there | 20:23 |
asac | sure ... makes sense | 20:24 |
micahg | asac: BTW, I can upload our packageset now :) | 20:24 |
asac | micahg: ++ rock on! | 20:24 |
fta | asac, micahg: i don't see why 4.0/linux should be different from our 3.7... did a mega patch land or something? | 21:04 |
chrisccoulson | hi asac, how are you? | 21:16 |
chrisccoulson | (sorry, i took a swap day today) ;) | 21:16 |
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micahg | fta: it's not, I haven't had time to do the merge, if you have time, feel free :) | 21:29 |
LLStarks | sup chrisccoulson | 22:31 |
chrisccoulson_ | hi LLStarks | 22:32 |
LLStarks | please tell me that i'm wrong: http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=9562437&postcount=15 | 22:32 |
chrisccoulson_ | asac - what are your thoughts about uploading the FF security beta's to maverick for testing (ie, 3.6.7build1)? | 22:33 |
chrisccoulson_ | LLStarks, well, we won't rush to upgrade every release to 4.0 when it comes out (unless 3.6 is rapidly approaching EOL) | 22:33 |
chrisccoulson_ | but i can't predict that far in the future ;) | 22:34 |
LLStarks | 3.6 EOL is Fall 2011 IIRC | 22:34 |
micahg | LLStarks: the stable PPA will have it :) | 22:34 |
micahg | LLStarks: should be more like Spring 2011 | 22:34 |
LLStarks | 3.5 just EOL'd didn't it? | 22:34 |
chrisccoulson_ | LLStarks, not yet | 22:34 |
micahg | LLStarks: no | 22:34 |
LLStarks | i'm still confused, so 4.0 proper won't ever be in -security, but more likely that 4.0.1 or 4.1 will? | 22:35 |
micahg | LLStarks: right, 4.1 will probably be | 22:36 |
micahg | LLStarks: I shouldn't say that | 22:36 |
chrisccoulson_ | LLStarks, it all depends on timing that we can't predict yet | 22:36 |
LLStarks | i see. | 22:37 |
micahg | LLStarks: our hope is 3.6.x will last until hardy/karmic are EOL, then Lucid would get whatever is the current stable release | 22:37 |
micahg | after the 3.6 EOL | 22:37 |
chrisccoulson_ | yeah, hopefully. we don't want to go through this pain again for hardy and karmic ;) | 22:37 |
LLStarks | i've been scouring the mozilla wiki for EOL schedules. | 22:37 |
chrisccoulson_ | that would be unfortunate | 22:37 |
LLStarks | no luck. | 22:37 |
micahg | LLStarks: no, 3.6 should go EOL 6 months after 4.0 release | 22:38 |
LLStarks | 3.6 series or 3.6.0? | 22:38 |
micahg | 3.6.x or more correctly 1.9.2.x | 22:39 |
LLStarks | gotcha. | 22:39 |
micahg | LLStarks: like I said, we'll have the PPA for the people that can't wait for the update :) | 22:39 |
LLStarks | k | 22:39 |
LLStarks | is 2.0 just a relabeled 1.9.3.x or a separate branch? | 22:39 |
micahg | LLStarks: renamed 1.9.3 | 22:40 |
LLStarks | but not mozilla 2, right? | 22:40 |
micahg | LLStarks: the changes were too great to keep it in 1.9.x | 22:40 |
micahg | LLStarks: yes, Gecko 2 | 22:40 |
LLStarks | ok | 22:41 |
chrisccoulson_ | heh, i disappear for a single day and we get a new bug status ;) | 22:42 |
LLStarks | ? | 22:42 |
micahg | chrisccoulson: that came on Wed w/the rollout | 22:42 |
chrisccoulson_ | micahg - oh, i never noticed that then ;) | 22:45 |
micahg | chrisccoulson_: there was a discussion on the bugsquad list as well as u-d-d | 22:45 |
chrisccoulson_ | micahg - yeah, i just noticed your mail | 22:46 |
chrisccoulson_ | i tend not to read anything on u-d-d though ;) | 22:46 |
micahg | chrisccoulson_: I'll have to remember that ;) | 22:46 |
micahg | chrisccoulson_: I want to reply to that Ubuntu AppUpdate post explaining that Firefox cannot be offered in it because of branding issues | 22:47 |
micahg | and that we already provide stable updates | 22:48 |
chrisccoulson_ | micahg - yeah, feel free. i just had a read of that too | 22:50 |
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chrisccoulson_ | right, i'm going to watch a little bit of TV now :) | 22:51 |
micahg | chrisccoulson_: k, enjoy :) | 22:51 |
LLStarks | bug 333799 | 22:51 |
ubot2 | Launchpad bug 333799 in firefox-3.5 (Ubuntu) (and 3 other projects) "Firefox uses en-GB by default instead of en-US (affects: 4) (dups: 2) (heat: 42)" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/333799 | 22:51 |
LLStarks | it's now using gb, us, au, and ca | 22:52 |
micahg | LLStarks: using them all at the same time? | 22:52 |
LLStarks | i'm not sure | 22:52 |
jcastro | micahg: I am surprised no one had set up an AppUpdate-like thing with PPAs already | 22:52 |
LLStarks | they all appear in the language tab | 22:53 |
jcastro | micahg: and just snag useful bits from other ppa's on lp | 22:53 |
LLStarks | and i am getting british spelling suggestions | 22:53 |
micahg | jcastro: I was planning on making a tool, but I don't think I'll have time this cycle | 22:53 |
LLStarks | canada and australia are both commonwealth countries | 22:53 |
LLStarks | so i'm not sure | 22:53 |
micahg | LLStarks: yeah, you can just change your dictionary to en-US and it shoudl remember it | 22:54 |
LLStarks | it's en-gb upon installation | 22:54 |
LLStarks | and i'm american | 22:55 |
LLStarks | i selected america when i installed | 22:55 |
LLStarks | i'm about to do reinstall of ubuntu today for unrelated reasons, so i'll see if the bug persists. | 22:56 |
LLStarks | all of the langpacks are in /usr/lib/firefox-3.6.6/extensions | 22:57 |
LLStarks | and aren't easily removable | 22:57 |
micahg | LLStarks: right, that's why it's a triaged bug :) | 22:58 |
LLStarks | okay | 22:58 |
micahg | LLStarks: upstream doesn't have an en-US langpack which is part of the issue | 22:58 |
LLStarks | i was just referencing it and describing new behavior associated | 22:58 |
micahg | LLStarks: I know, I found it annoying too | 23:02 |
LLStarks | Damn spellchecker. It's "realize", not "realise". | 23:02 |
micahg | LLStarks: depends on the locale ;) | 23:02 |
LLStarks | i know | 23:03 |
LLStarks | that's why i'm lamenting | 23:03 |
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