dipankar | lfaraone, hi. how you doing? | 04:02 |
lfaraone | dipankar: good. I'm currently reviewing flipsticks and will update with a mail to the list shortly. | 04:03 |
lfaraone | dipankar: so far, it's very good. there are just a few omissions which I'll note. | 04:03 |
lfaraone | dipankar: specifically, COPYING is being installed in the /usr/share/sugar/activities/FlipSticks.activity/ folder of your resulting package. | 05:30 |
lfaraone | dipankar: to remove it, you should add an install/sugar-flipsticks-activity:: rule to debian/rules which does "rm -f debian/sugar-flipsticks-activity/usr/share/sugar/activities/FlipSticks.activity" | 05:31 |
dipankar | lfaraone, so rules is kinda of shell script. I thought it was something else | 05:32 |
lfaraone | dipankar: it's a make file. | 05:33 |
dipankar | ok | 05:33 |
lfaraone | dipankar: stuff that goes inside the individual make rules is executed in a shell. | 05:33 |
lfaraone | dipankar: to define a make rule, you give the rule name, then on each line you wish to have belong to that rule you indent using tabs. (not spaces!) | 05:34 |
dipankar | lfaraone, ok. | 05:35 |
dipankar | so lfaraone , it should be like the following: | 05:37 |
dipankar | rem_COPYING: | 05:37 |
dipankar | (tab)rm -f debian/sugar-flipsticks-activity/usr/share/activities/FlipSticks.activity | 05:38 |
dipankar | ? | 05:38 |
lfaraone | dipankar: well, you're appending to the existing install rule for s-f-a, so you should title your rule "install/sugar-flipsticks-activity::", per the page I linked in the review email. | 05:38 |
lfaraone | dipankar: other than that, you're golden. | 05:39 |
dipankar | lfaraone, that means some set of rules are already defined for writing the rules file? | 05:39 |
lfaraone | dipankar: when you include cdbs, it defines a number of rules. | 05:39 |
dipankar | lfaraone, ok. | 05:41 |
lfaraone | dipankar: by the way, it looks like ankur was having the same issue you were yesterday due to the presence of ".git" in the upstream tarball. http://git.debian.org/?p=collab-maint/sugar-sliderpuzzle-activity.git;a=summary | 05:45 |
lfaraone | dipankar: if he comes online and I'm not here, can you talk to him and explain how we fixed the problem? | 05:46 |
dipankar | lfaraone, no problem at all. | 05:46 |
dipankar | lfaraone, I will tell Ankur to remove it through file roller | 05:47 |
lfaraone | cool. I'll be back in 15, be here for a few minutes, then head out for the night. let me know if you have additional troubles, dipankar. | 05:47 |
dipankar | lfaraone, btw did you figure any other method for the same? | 05:47 |
lfaraone | dipankar: yeah, to remove it in the get-orig-source rule. The proper way to do that I am working out. | 05:47 |
kandarpk | lfaraone: could you please get pollbuilder activity tagged ? | 06:01 |
kandarpk | I worked on it yesterday, but it has previous version. | 06:01 |
kandarpk | lfaraone: a.sl.o page : http://activities.sugarlabs.org/en-US/sugar/addon/4074 | 06:03 |
lfaraone | kandarpk: hmmm. try changing the version in changelog to "26+git20100521.d4def0b6-1" and running get-orig-source. | 06:05 |
lfaraone | that way we're manually specifying the git commit to use. | 06:06 |
kandarpk | lfaraone: I am not on my PC right now, will get back to you if I face any problems performing the above mentioned step | 06:07 |
lfaraone | kandarpk: cool. I'm off, sleep. | 06:07 |
kandarpk | lfaraone: thanks | 06:07 |
kandarpk | lfaraone: Good night | 06:07 |
* dipankar is away: I'm not here | 06:20 | |
* dipankar is back (gone 00:05:59) | 06:26 | |
ankur | hello, | 06:39 |
ankur | lfaraone, around? | 06:39 |
=== ankur_ is now known as ankur | ||
=== ankur_ is now known as ankur | ||
=== ankur_ is now known as ankur | ||
=== ankur_ is now known as ankur | ||
=== ankur_ is now known as ankur | ||
=== ankur_ is now known as ankur | ||
=== ankur_ is now known as ankur | ||
=== ankur_ is now known as ankur | ||
* dipankar is away: I'm not here | 07:33 | |
* dipankar is back (gone 00:00:01) | 07:33 | |
Manusheel | kandarpk: Hi Kandarp. | 07:57 |
Manusheel | dipankar: Hi Dipankar. | 07:57 |
kandarpk | Manusheel sir: Hello sir | 07:57 |
dipankar | hello, Manusheel Sir | 07:58 |
dipankar | how are you? | 07:58 |
Manusheel | kandarpk: How did the connect activity come along? | 07:58 |
Manusheel | dipankar: Very well, thank you. | 07:58 |
Manusheel | dipankar: Did you get a chance to read Luke's memo? | 07:58 |
kandarpk | Manusheel sir: sir, David asked me to leave that for now, so I build pollbuilder | 07:58 |
dipankar | Manusheel, yes Sir, I am working on that only | 07:59 |
Manusheel | kandarpk: Ok. | 08:00 |
Manusheel | kandarpk: How are you finding the pollbuilder activity? | 08:00 |
Manusheel | dipankar: Great. Neat effort in flipsticks activity. | 08:00 |
Manusheel | Keep it up. | 08:00 |
ankur | Manusheel: sir , i filed ITP yesterday , but haven't got any confirmation email.Should i wait till tommorow to file it again? | 08:00 |
kandarpk | Manusheel sir: Sir, it was working ok, didnt try much | 08:00 |
ankur | Manusheel: good morning | 08:01 |
Manusheel | ankur: Good afternoon Ankur. Kindly send a reminder e-mail to Luke at 5:30 pm, India time. | 08:01 |
Manusheel | ankur: In the meantime, build the ITP for sugar-sliderpuzzle-activity. | 08:02 |
dipankar | Manusheel, Thank You Sir. Also my ITP has been acknowledged. -> http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=588400 | 08:02 |
Manusheel | kandarpk: Will we be able to package the poll builder activity successfully today? | 08:02 |
Manusheel | dipankar: Neat. Let me go through it. | 08:03 |
kandarpk | Manusheel sir: I packaged it yesterday, was running fine on my system, | 08:03 |
kandarpk | but couldn't push it becaue of some issue with the version | 08:03 |
Manusheel | kandarpk: Ok, can you elaborate on the issue? | 08:04 |
kandarpk | Manusheel sir: lfaraone has told me a workaround, so will try pushing it today | 08:04 |
ankur_ | dipankar: are you sure we have to file the ITP copyrights that way. | 08:04 |
Manusheel | kandarpk: Ok. Great. | 08:04 |
ankur_ | Luke told me to list all the copyrights we encounter in all the files. | 08:04 |
kandarpk | Manusheel sir: the version we need to mention had to be the same as mentioned in the NEWS file | 08:04 |
dipankar | ankur_, I didn't get your point... | 08:05 |
ankur_ | i sent an documentation , please see if i was wrong or if we are missing something here | 08:05 |
Manusheel | kandarpk: We should follow activity.info file. | 08:05 |
Manusheel | The version number over there is the correct version. | 08:05 |
kandarpk | Manusheel sir: I'll get back to you on this | 08:05 |
kandarpk | sorry, have to leave urgently | 08:06 |
Manusheel | kandarpk: Sure. | 08:06 |
Manusheel | No worries. | 08:06 |
Manusheel | dipankar: Neat work. Just reviewed the ITP. | 08:06 |
ankur_ | dipankar: got my point? | 08:06 |
=== ankur_ is now known as ankur | ||
Manusheel | dipankar: Good work. | 08:06 |
dipankar | ankur, I showed the ITP mail to Luke before sending it to bugs@ | 08:06 |
dipankar | Manusheel, Thank You Sir | 08:07 |
ankur | well , then it is okay, he told me to list all the copyright holders | 08:07 |
ankur | http://paste.ubuntu.com/460504/ | 08:07 |
dipankar | ankur, what you are talking about is debian/copyright file. | 08:07 |
ankur | i tried to file something like this | 08:07 |
ankur | well | 08:07 |
dipankar | ankur, sorry, I guess Luke will be able to clear your doubts | 08:08 |
dipankar | ankur, Luke sent me the ITP for s-terminal-a. I referred to that while filling mine | 08:09 |
ankur_ | dipankar: i think i might have been confuesd as well | 08:10 |
ankur_ | so i dont know. | 08:10 |
ankur_ | Manusheel sir , can you guide us on this | 08:10 |
ankur_ | ? | 08:10 |
Manusheel | ankur_: Can you elaborate on the issue? | 08:11 |
dipankar | ankur_, here is the Luke's version: http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=587777 | 08:12 |
ankur_ | Manusheel: while filing an ITP request do we need to mention all the copyright holders? | 08:12 |
dipankar | ankur_, It was there on wiki : Sugar/tasks | 08:12 |
=== ankur_ is now known as ankur | ||
Manusheel | ankur_: You should. | 08:12 |
ankur | i mean i am thinking that i might have confused it with luke | 08:12 |
ankur | dipankar: it is quite possible that it might not have any other copyright holders. | 08:13 |
dipankar | ankur, good point. :) | 08:13 |
ankur_ | Manusheel , dipankar shared a document with you 10 min ago. | 08:15 |
ankur_ | sorry i shared a doc | 08:15 |
dipankar | ankur_, I got only license : GPLv2 | 08:15 |
ankur_ | dipankar: you filed ITP through email or reportbug? | 08:15 |
ankur_ | how did you find that? | 08:15 |
dipankar | ankur_, though e-mail | 08:15 |
ankur_ | i filed through terminal | 08:16 |
ankur_ | :( | 08:16 |
dipankar | ankur_, filing through e-mail is easy. | 08:16 |
dipankar | ankur_, we might use terminal later on. | 08:16 |
=== ankur_ is now known as ankur | ||
ankur | dipankar: i will be going now, i suppose i will be leaving now | 08:18 |
ankur | sry | 08:18 |
ankur | double writing | 08:18 |
ankur | bye | 08:18 |
=== ankur_ is now known as ankur | ||
Manusheel | neeraj: Hi Neeraj. | 11:53 |
Manusheel | Around? | 11:53 |
neeraj | Hi sir, | 11:54 |
neeraj | yes | 11:54 |
Manusheel | neeraj: Are you working on Memorize packaging? | 12:08 |
Manusheel | neeraj: Kandarp told me that he is looking after poll activity. Were you working on it yesterday? | 12:08 |
Manusheel | neeraj_: Around? | 12:12 |
neeraj_ | Manusheel sir, yes | 12:44 |
neeraj_ | I was working on memorize activity | 12:45 |
neeraj_ | Me and kandarp sir were facing the sme error.. He discussed it with lfaraone , and solved the problem. I will complete the memorize one tonight | 12:46 |
neeraj_ | also, I have not started poll activity yet. Tomorrow I build the package first time using git. I will work/discuss poll activity with kandarp sir in evening. | 12:48 |
Manusheel | neeraj_ : Great to hear. | 13:16 |
Manusheel | neeraj_ : Let us try and arrive at a good conclusion on these 2 tasks soon. | 13:16 |
Manusheel | neeraj_ : Please let me know if you face any issues. | 13:16 |
kandarpk | lfaraone: the idea of changing the version in changelog to "26+git20100521.d4def0b6-1" and running fakeroot debian/rules get-orig-source didn't help | 15:59 |
kandarpk | it just creates a tarball "sugar-poll-activity_26+git20100521.d4def0b6.orig.tar.gz" | 16:00 |
lfaraone | kandarpk: yes, that's correct. the tarball should contain the commit d4def0b6. | 16:00 |
lfaraone | kandarpk: which, as http://git.sugarlabs.org/projects/poll tells you, is the most recent commit. (and was committed the same day that 26 was released) | 16:01 |
kandarpk | lfaraone: how do I do that ? | 16:01 |
lfaraone | kandarpk: get-orig-source figured it out automatically. | 16:02 |
lfaraone | kandarpk: the rule looks at the package version and determines if there is a git commit ID provided to the version. (following the "VERSION+gitDATE.COMMIT" format) | 16:03 |
lfaraone | kandarpk: if it finds it, it builds a tarball of the contents of the repository as of that commit ID. | 16:03 |
lfaraone | kandarpk: keep in mind you may still have to remove the .git folder from the original tarball, since I don't think the rule I gave you does that automatically. | 16:04 |
kandarpk | lfaraone: you mean the tarball being created is correct, I need to rename it ? | 16:05 |
lfaraone | kandarpk: no, you don't need to rename it. just use it as it is with that name and version number. | 16:05 |
kandarpk | lfaraone: ok. | 16:06 |
lfaraone | kandarpk: (that way it's clear what you used as the basis for the source, since upstream did not tag their commits properly) | 16:06 |
lfaraone | kandarpk: but you should inspect the tarball with file-roller and ensure that it does not contain a ".git" folder before you import. | 16:06 |
kandarpk | lfaraone: ok, thanks. | 16:06 |
kandarpk | lfaraone: I placed "cd $(SOURCE_DIR) && rm -rf .git*" in rules | 16:09 |
lfaraone | kandarpk: ah, then you're golden. | 16:09 |
Ian_Daniher | posted fix for write to the mailing list. | 16:13 |
Ian_Daniher | it's slightly inelegant but full-functioning. | 16:14 |
kandarpk | lfaraone: do I need to rename the directory as well ? | 16:15 |
lfaraone | kandarpk: only if you want to :) | 16:15 |
kandarpk | great. :) | 16:15 |
lfaraone | Ian_Daniher: installing python-abiword works if you use aptitude, just not apt-get. https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/pyabiword/+bug/601415 | 16:16 |
lfaraone | Ian_Daniher: aptitude tries to make it work, but tells you it's technically broken. | 16:16 |
Ian_Daniher | lfaraone: okay, good to know. | 16:16 |
Ian_Daniher | lfaraone: but aptitude isn't what our customisation uses, IIRC | 16:17 |
lfaraone | Ian_Daniher: interesting. it should be. aptitude is the official package manager of Debian and the breakfast of champions. | 16:18 |
Ian_Daniher | lfaraone: ...? | 16:18 |
Ian_Daniher | lfaraone: what's apt-get then? | 16:19 |
lfaraone | Ian_Daniher: supported, but it's dep-resolving fu is weak when it comes to broken situations. | 16:19 |
Ian_Daniher | lfaraone: oh, I half-confused aptitude and synaptic. not 100% sure what our customisation uses afterall. | 16:20 |
Ian_Daniher | lfaraone: I'll know for sure when dfarning getsback to me about our server. | 16:20 |
kandarpk | lfaraone: debcommit -m'initial commit' is giving error | 16:20 |
kandarpk | http://paste.ubuntu.com/460673/ | 16:20 |
kandarpk | I ran "git add debian/ " before running this command | 16:21 |
lfaraone | kandarpk: don't use debcommit. use "git commit' | 16:22 |
lfaraone | *" | 16:22 |
lfaraone | kandarpk: and you should remove the orig.tar.gz from the current directory, or move it somewhere else. | 16:23 |
kandarpk | lfaraone: Ok. | 16:23 |
Ian_Daniher | lfaraone: got your msg. should I alias aptitude to apt-get? | 16:25 |
lfaraone | Ian_Daniher: sure. the syntax is sliiightly different however. | 16:25 |
Ian_Daniher | lfaraone: fair enough. | 16:27 |
kandarpk | lfaraone: git commit reports no change detected | 16:30 |
kandarpk | http://paste.ubuntu.com/460675/ | 16:30 |
lfaraone | kandarpk: okay. did you make any changes? | 16:30 |
kandarpk | lfaraone: I added debian folder | 16:30 |
lfaraone | kandarpk: run "git rm -f sugar-poll-activity_26+git20100521.d4def0b6.orig.tar.gz; git commit -m 'Remove duplicate upstream tarball'" | 16:31 |
lfaraone | kandarpk: give me the url of "git log master | curl -F 'sprunge=<-' http://sprunge.us" and "git status | curl -F 'sprunge=<-' http://sprunge.us" | 16:31 |
kandarpk | ok | 16:31 |
* lfaraone will depart on an airplane shortly, so I may disappear without warning. | 16:32 | |
lfaraone | (for real this time) | 16:32 |
kandarpk | *installing curl | 16:33 |
kandarpk | lfaraone: http://sprunge.us/GVDH | 16:33 |
kandarpk | http://sprunge.us/FgaA | 16:34 |
lfaraone | kandarpk: okay. what does "git add debian/" followed by "git status" show you? | 16:34 |
kandarpk | nothing added or commited but untracked file present | 16:35 |
kandarpk | *added to commit | 16:36 |
kandarpk | http://paste.ubuntu.com/460681/ | 16:36 |
lfaraone | kandarpk: okay, it looks liek it's already been committed... | 16:37 |
lfaraone | kandarpk: push up your work and I'll take a look in a few hours when I get on the ground. | 16:38 |
kandarpk | lfaraone: ok, thanks a lot :) | 16:38 |
kandarpk | I just need to run git push git:..... ? | 16:39 |
lfaraone | kandarpk: yes, if you've already created the repo | 16:40 |
* lfaraone is out. | 16:40 | |
ankur | lfaraone, around? | 16:58 |
kandarpk | ankur: around ? | 17:02 |
kandarpk | dfarning: Hi | 17:10 |
kandarpk | long time! | 17:10 |
dfarning | kandarpk, hello yes almost 24 hour:) | 17:11 |
dfarning | kandarpk, something on one of them AC's other projects needed my full attention. | 17:12 |
dfarning | s/sof them/of/ | 17:13 |
dfarning | kandarpk, how are you coming? | 17:14 |
kandarpk | dfarning: sorry. my PC is getting older. | 17:16 |
ankur | hello dfarning :) | 17:17 |
ankur | good morning | 17:17 |
dfarning | ankur, hello | 17:20 |
kandarpk | dfarning: for pushing do I need to run 'git push --all <url of remote git repo>' | 17:28 |
kandarpk | immediately after git-buildpackage --git-ignore-new ? | 17:28 |
dfarning | i don't think you need the --all flag. but the rest is correct. | 17:29 |
kandarpk | dfarning: ok, thanks | 17:30 |
neeraj | kandarpk, around? | 18:12 |
kandarpk | neeraj: Hi | 18:12 |
neeraj | kandarpk, hi.. hw was ur day? | 18:12 |
kandarpk | neeraj: it was good, how about you ? | 18:13 |
neeraj | the error which we were facing while running buildpackage command was solved by removing the orig.tarball file.. | 18:13 |
dfarning | kandarpk, ankur, neeraj, How are thing going. | 18:32 |
ankur | well we were trying to sort out some issues | 18:32 |
ankur | dfarning: i installed the slider puzzle | 18:32 |
kandarpk | dfarning: will push poll-activities and file the ITP in a few minutes | 18:32 |
kandarpk | *activity | 18:32 |
ankur | but it is not showing in my xephyr | 18:33 |
dfarning | kandarpk, cool good work. | 18:34 |
dfarning | ankur, what do you mean it is not showing in xepher? | 18:34 |
kandarpk | dfarning: the best part, the activity is working as intended :) | 18:34 |
ankur | well slider puzzle is not being shown under list of activity view | 18:35 |
dfarning | kandarpk, :) | 18:35 |
ankur | i installed it thrice | 18:35 |
ankur | is it a problem with activity or is it a problem with my packaging | 18:35 |
ankur | well i used the same method as jigsaw ppuzzle | 18:35 |
kandarpk | dfarning: developers of poll include Activity Team, should I include it in the ITP->Upstream Author ? | 18:36 |
ankur | and it was showing under activities , but it had some adiword problem so it didnt run | 18:36 |
dfarning | kandarpk, yes that would be good. | 18:36 |
dfarning | ankur, ok xepher is a specific term for a window manager which runs within and existing xsession. it it not specific to sugar:) | 18:38 |
kandarpk | dfarning: sorry for interrupting, but one of the developers has nickname jasg (jorgesaldivar@gmail.com) | 18:40 |
dfarning | kandarpk, yes | 18:40 |
kandarpk | dfarning: any idea about his full name ? | 18:40 |
ankur | oh , well the activity is not opening under emulator( i am confused with specific term to call when running under gnome sesssion and sugar session) | 18:41 |
dfarning | kandarpk, jorge saldivar | 18:41 |
dfarning | ankur, :) | 18:41 |
dfarning | ankur, are you currently working on slider? | 18:42 |
ankur | dfarning: yes :) | 18:42 |
ankur | i packaged and i pushed it into git . | 18:42 |
dfarning | ankur did it seem to package correctly? | 18:43 |
ankur | but forgot to test before | 18:43 |
ankur | dfarning: well yes , if you say i can package it one more time to start from scratch | 18:43 |
ankur | but it packaged fine at that tmie | 18:43 |
ankur | no problems it gave | 18:43 |
dfarning | ankur, can you send me a copy of the .deb and I will test it here? | 18:43 |
ankur | dfarning: yes sure , in a minute :) | 18:44 |
ankur | dfarning: while uploading i noticed that deb file is unnaturally small. | 18:46 |
ankur | are deb file are of same size as source file or they can be smallr? | 18:46 |
dfarning | ankur, That sounds like a place to start debugging:) They are usually about the same size. | 18:47 |
ankur | well i think i need to package again . | 18:48 |
ankur | i get back to you again after i package | 18:48 |
kandarpk | dfarning: when I try to push into alioth, getting the following error: | 18:59 |
kandarpk | $ git push --all git+ssh://git.debian.org/git/collab-maint/sugar-poll-activity.git | 19:01 |
kandarpk | Password: | 19:01 |
kandarpk | Password: | 19:01 |
kandarpk | Password: | 19:01 |
kandarpk | Permission denied (publickey,keyboard-interactive). | 19:01 |
kandarpk | fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly | 19:01 |
dfarning | kandarpk, that looks like a problem with your ssh key. | 19:02 |
neeraj | kandarpk, sir try kandarpl-guest.alioth.debian.org | 19:02 |
kandarpk | dfarning: do I need to SSH into alioth first ? | 19:02 |
neeraj | that might help | 19:03 |
dfarning | kandarpk, I would try just to make sure it works | 19:03 |
neeraj | kandarpk sir, yes you hve to add ssh key on alioth a/c | 19:03 |
kandarpk | dfarning: it does work, I created a repo there | 19:03 |
dfarning | kandarpk, what about the '--all' is that necessary? | 19:04 |
kandarpk | dfarning: dipankar used this command for pushing | 19:05 |
dfarning | kandarpk, there is no sugar-poll-activity on git.debian.org | 19:07 |
kandarpk | dfarning: I dont know why it isn't in the list | 19:07 |
kandarpk | http://git.debian.org/?p=collab-maint/sugar-poll-activity.git;a=summary | 19:07 |
kandarpk | use the url to access it | 19:08 |
dfarning | ok I see that, try without the --all | 19:09 |
kandarpk | ok | 19:09 |
dipankard | kandarpk, hello | 19:10 |
dipankard | neeraj, told me you were looking for me | 19:10 |
kandarpk | dipankard: hi | 19:10 |
kandarpk | dipankard: do I need to ssh into alioth before pushing ? | 19:11 |
dipankard | nope | 19:11 |
dipankard | kandarpk, just use the command git push --all | 19:11 |
kandarpk | dipankard: I created my repo a little while ago | 19:11 |
kandarpk | can that be a problem ? | 19:12 |
dipankard | are you able to see that repo? | 19:12 |
kandarpk | dipankard: not in the list, but can access it directly using the url | 19:13 |
kandarpk | http://git.debian.org/?p=collab-maint/sugar-poll-activity.git;a=summary | 19:13 |
dipankard | kandarpk, then wait for sometime | 19:13 |
kandarpk | ok | 19:13 |
dipankard | what url are you using for upload? | 19:13 |
dipankard | *upload/pushing | 19:13 |
kandarpk | $ git push --all git+ssh://git.debian.org/git/collab-maint/sugar-poll-activity.git | 19:14 |
dipankard | looks alright to me | 19:14 |
kandarpk | dipankard: it isn't accepting the password | 19:15 |
kandarpk | Password: | 19:15 |
kandarpk | Password: | 19:15 |
kandarpk | Password: | 19:15 |
kandarpk | Permission denied (publickey,keyboard-interactive). | 19:15 |
kandarpk | fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly | 19:15 |
dipankard | try git+ssh://kandarpk@git.debian.org/git/collab-maint/sugar-poll-activity.git | 19:16 |
kandarpk | kandarpk-guest ? | 19:17 |
dipankard | yeah | 19:17 |
ankur | dfarning: the package built successfully | 19:17 |
ankur | it installed this time as well | 19:17 |
ankur | but it also requires abiword | 19:18 |
ankur | it seems that none of my packge are gonna work now | 19:18 |
ankur | as both depends on abiword | 19:18 |
kandarpk | dipankard: fatal: I don't handle protocol 'mailto:git+ssh' | 19:19 |
dipankard | hmm.. | 19:19 |
dipankard | oops that was to access ssh | 19:19 |
dipankard | sorry kandarpk, my mistake | 19:19 |
dfarning | ankur, that is great that it works, Can you create Itp for each package and push them. As soon as our table of packages is complete, we will start debugging. And abiword/pyabiwork is at the top of that list. | 19:20 |
neeraj | kandarpkguest@alioth.debian.org | 19:20 |
neeraj | *kandarpk-guest | 19:20 |
ankur | well i filed ITP for slider yesterday | 19:20 |
neeraj | try this | 19:20 |
ankur | will file for jigsaw now and push it as well | 19:20 |
kandarpk | neeraj: I can log into alioth using SSH | 19:21 |
neeraj | kandarpk, Ok.. | 19:21 |
ankur | dipankard: what was the email method of filing ITP | 19:22 |
ankur | it is good if it gives resopnse in 5 min | 19:22 |
ankur | terminal method took | 19:22 |
dipankard | ankur, search wnpp + Debian + ITP on google | 19:22 |
ankur | 24 hrs | 19:22 |
ankur | :P | 19:22 |
dipankard | ankur, then see the new entry by email | 19:23 |
ankur | dfarning: last thing | 19:24 |
dfarning | ankur, yes? | 19:24 |
ankur | as i wanted to push my newly built package to git | 19:24 |
ankur | i will be following the method given on the tutorial | 19:24 |
ankur | will i have to delete the rep | 19:24 |
dfarning | ankur, yes. | 19:24 |
ankur | or i can reflect the changes | 19:25 |
ankur | in git | 19:25 |
ankur | without removing all | 19:25 |
dipankard | kandarpk, I suggest writing an e-mail to Luke and David about the problem | 19:26 |
dipankard | oh, dfarning hi | 19:26 |
dipankard | dfarning, how are you doing this morning? | 19:26 |
dfarning | dipankard, find thank you. | 19:26 |
dipankard | dfarning, what about my package : flipsticks ? | 19:27 |
dipankard | dfarning, sorry I was off all day. I promise I will join with full force tomorrow | 19:28 |
dfarning | I would suggest writing an email to the olpc-deb mailing list and luke of jonas will respond. | 19:28 |
dfarning | dipankard, no problem I was also gone. | 19:28 |
dfarning | dipankard, it looks like luke gave flipsticks a review on the ml | 19:29 |
dipankard | dfarning, yup | 19:29 |
dipankard | dfarning, I thought there was some dependency error.. :( | 19:30 |
kandarpk | dipankard: can you let me know what all do I need to do with the copyright file | 19:30 |
dipankard | kandarpk, I myself am confused with the copyright file | 19:30 |
dipankard | kandarpk, how about I send an e-mail after I figure that out tmorrow | 19:31 |
kandarpk | dipankard: sure | 19:31 |
* dipankard says good night to all. heads to bed | 19:32 | |
dfarning | dipankard, as soon as you get those problems fixed it will be accepted in to debian. As soon as we work through the package table on the tasks page we will shift to debugging for a while. | 19:32 |
dipankard | dfarning, ohk. I will continue tomorrow. :) I am feeling very sleepy | 19:32 |
dipankard | :) | 19:32 |
ankur | dfarning: i tried to push | 19:34 |
ankur | but | 19:34 |
ankur | ankurkhurana@ankurkhurana-desktop:~/sugar/slider2/sugar-sliderpuzzle-activity-8$ git push git+ssh://ankurkkhurana-guest@git.debian.org/git/collab-maint/sugar-sliderpuzzle-activity.git master | 19:34 |
ankur | Everything up-to-date | 19:34 |
ankur | ^^The mesage given by git | 19:35 |
ankur | is there anythig to remove everything else that was pushed before | 19:36 |
ankur | ? | 19:36 |
kandarpk | dfarning: Bug#588462, reply to my ITP | 19:37 |
kandarpk | how should I use it ? | 19:37 |
kandarpk | changelog ? | 19:37 |
dfarning | ankur, yes, you can loginto git.debian.org via ssh and remover sugar-sliderpuzzle-activity.git manually and repush | 19:38 |
dfarning | kandarpk, looking | 19:38 |
dfarning | kandarpk, What is the reference to #588462 ? | 19:41 |
kandarpk | dfarning: reference ? | 19:41 |
dfarning | kandarpk, ok I see it is the ITP. | 19:42 |
dfarning | kandarpk, I would just go through add try to fix the stuff luke identified. | 19:46 |
kandarpk | dfarning: doing that only :) | 19:47 |
kandarpk | dfarning: stuck with copyright file | 19:47 |
=== jussi is now known as jussio1 | ||
ankur | dfarning: package uploaded again :) | 19:49 |
dfarning | ankur, Nice | 19:49 |
ankur | dfarning: here was my copy of itp : http://paste.ubuntu.com/460504/ | 19:50 |
ankur | i already filed it yesterday , but after talking to dipankar i was confused if that was the right way to do so particularly with copyright section | 19:51 |
ankur | I did as luke told me but i might have confused it | 19:51 |
ankur | so it will be really great if you can check it out | 19:51 |
ankur | well i have got the acknowledgement for this ITP alreaady | 19:51 |
dfarning | ankur, I don't understand the copyright part of package yet:( | 19:52 |
ankur | dfarning: ok , me neither :) | 19:52 |
ankur | but after talking to luke what i figured out was that we have to list copyright of each and every modules seperatley | 19:53 |
ankur | dfarning: i will be going to sleep after wraping up some work | 19:53 |
ankur | in 5 min | 19:53 |
ankur | i think we will be working on pyabiword tomorrow :) | 19:54 |
ankur | good night dfarning :) | 19:54 |
dfarning | ankur, please just push and file the ITP ion the morning. Luke or jonas will explain if anything is wrong. | 19:54 |
dfarning | ankur, good night and thank you. | 19:54 |
ankur | dfarning: okay i will push and file before going to sleep. | 19:54 |
dfarning | ankur, and add the link to the ITP on the tasks table:) | 19:55 |
ankur | dfarning: will do that:) | 19:56 |
ankur | in btw , my internet got fixed today.... | 19:56 |
dfarning | ankur, It will be nice to have that table ful so we can move on to other things | 19:57 |
dfarning | ankur, what did they have to do? | 19:57 |
ankur | Well i have Lan connection , they replaced out the whole wire, it got damaged due to rain . | 19:57 |
ankur | well it is monsoon(rainy season here ) and we have rains through these one two months .... | 19:58 |
ankur | dfarning: apart from copyright , can you see if there is something else wrong with the ITP | 19:59 |
kandarpk | dfarning: I am leaving now, please let lfaraone know about the problem I faced while pushing | 20:02 |
kandarpk | output's here : http://paste.ubuntu.com/460752/ | 20:02 |
ankur | dfarning, i submitted the ITP request and uploaded the package. | 20:52 |
dfarning | ankur, great. | 20:53 |
ankur | dfarning, i will try to be here tommorow as well but i think i will not be available tomorrow. | 20:53 |
ankur | i will try to come back as possible | 20:53 |
ankur | will that be fine | 20:53 |
ankur | ? | 20:53 |
ankur | and will update the getting started wiki page tomorrow as well :) | 20:54 |
ankur | dfarning, good night :) , feeling really sleepy now | 20:54 |
dfarning | Ok, yes, that will be fine, I'll send a status email tonight. | 20:54 |
dfarning | ankur, good night | 20:55 |
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