judax | nyavuz: I typically use dist-upgrade all the time, have you added the sources to kde 4.5? | 00:00 |
nyavuz | judax yes i added source kde 4.5 | 00:01 |
nyavuz | i did | 00:01 |
judax | nyavuz: go for it, you should be fine | 00:01 |
nyavuz | judax but dont have kde 4 newspaper activity :) i wanna use it : | 00:03 |
judax | donaldbrasco: sorry, I know there are lots of apps that manage media, bulk rename and organize, but I don't personally use them | 00:03 |
judax | nyavuz: ah, very nice | 00:04 |
nyavuz | judax :) | 00:04 |
donaldbrasco | judax: thanks anyway, I'll keep searching :) | 00:04 |
nyavuz | ah 2 | 00:04 |
nyavuz | judax and other thing before iam install my dvb card driver here, after update dont work with new kernel 2.6.32-23-generic | 00:06 |
nyavuz | if later again have a kernel update i am re install dvb card driver?? | 00:06 |
nyavuz | judax tnx for help :) | 00:07 |
judax | nyavuz: yes, you probably will have to reinstall that driver with a new kernel | 00:07 |
nyavuz | judax tnx a lot :) | 00:08 |
judax | nyavuz: have fun! | 00:08 |
nuovodna | when will be available kde 4.4.92 for lucid ? | 00:10 |
maco | zegenie_: oh? i thought it was instead of that zooming in and out thing that you'd set a desktop to be a certain activity and so you could have a certain widget set on desktop/activity 1 and a certain other set on #2 etc | 00:10 |
nyavuz | judax (: i am dont understand linux but i am so like it , a bit difficult but really funnny operating system | 00:11 |
judax | nyavuz: just a little bit different way of doing things, you will be an expert before you know it! | 00:12 |
nyavuz | i think same as you (: yes , | 00:13 |
judax | nuovodna: http://www.kubuntu.org/node/157 | 00:14 |
nuovodna | judax: i m referring to kde rc2 not rc1 | 00:14 |
judax | nuovodna: ah, ok, sorry | 00:15 |
nyavuz | judax again tnx for help,, i am reinstall dvb card , and hope with new kernel automatic install mantis dvb card on kubuntu , now i need reboot comp. | 00:15 |
nyavuz | good night for now | 00:15 |
nuovodna | judax: ;) | 00:15 |
judax | nyavuz: good night | 00:15 |
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blain | is there a package manager in kde that shows the package tree? | 00:25 |
burr__ | im having a problem with panels -.- | 00:42 |
burr__ | how do i make panel spacers invisible? | 00:46 |
mikisid | hi all how can i install gui for clam antivirus? | 00:53 |
djbig | hi | 00:55 |
burr__ | can anyone help? | 00:57 |
lucas_ | Boa noite! | 01:47 |
lucas_ | Alguém na linha? | 01:47 |
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Meatyboy | Howdy | 04:12 |
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JohanSJA | any both Ubuntu and Kubuntu user here? I wish to see how they differ. | 04:29 |
dan_____ | so I just installed freeciv from the package manager. But, I can't seem to find it in the menu. Any guesses as to what that might mean? | 04:59 |
jerry_ | need some help guys, i can't enable my desktop effects in kubuntu 10.04 | 05:45 |
jerry_ | error: Failed to activate desktop effects using the given configuration options. Settings will be reverted to their previous values. Check your X configuration. You may also consider changing advanced options, especially changing the compositing type. | 05:46 |
thenappy | hi every body | 05:58 |
thenappy | so z can u help me | 05:58 |
thenappy | i wan install skype in ubuntu | 05:58 |
thenappy | plz someone help me | 05:59 |
AzureDragon | Hey, I've got a weird audio bug. Sound works to begin with, but after only a few minutes of being logged in any new applications that I launch don't have sound. If I lanch Amarok a few minutes after I login for example, it gives me a Phonon error saying the sound device is not working. | 06:27 |
AzureDragon | But anything that was lanched beforehand still functions just fine. | 06:27 |
AzureDragon | anyone got any ideas? | 06:28 |
poyntz | when I try to install new splash screens using the GUI install fails. is there anyway to fix this? | 06:31 |
poyntz | i tried installing kpackagekit but the program doesn't work in kde 4.4 anyway i don't think. either that or all the reps are out of date :/ | 06:39 |
* AzureDragon solved his own sound problem. :D | 07:01 | |
Shadow_sun | Добрый день! Тут есть кто-то из Украины? | 07:45 |
maco | !ru | Shadow_sun | 07:46 |
ubottu | Shadow_sun: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке / Pozhalujsta posetite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke | 07:46 |
jussi | Im trying to convert flv to swf on kubuntu, anyone have any idea on how? | 08:37 |
bazhang | ffmpeg -i input.flv -acodec copy -vcodec copy output.swf may well work jussi | 08:39 |
jussi | bazhang: thanks. :D I think I just found same thing on the forums :) | 08:39 |
jussi | bazhang: hrm, that does strange things. I also have wmv of the vid, is it the same or similar command to do it from wmv? | 08:49 |
bazhang | jussi, not sure, never tried it with ffmpeg (need an ffmpeg with all the supporting codecs) works fine with jdong's PPA of handbrake though | 08:50 |
bazhang | ie wmv to mp4 etc | 08:50 |
deusr | hi | 08:56 |
deusr | anyone know tell me if the driver sis 671/771 is engaged the effects of kubuntu? | 08:56 |
bazhang | xserver-xorg-video-sis deusr this? | 08:57 |
deusr | bazhang: want to see the contents of xorg? | 09:03 |
bazhang | deusr, are you setting a custom one? | 09:03 |
deusr | bazhang: I try to activate and says he can not, ask to check the xorg, but this board is védeo sis I said | 09:05 |
bazhang | http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=347451&page=2 there is a sample xorg.conf here deusr | 09:09 |
deusr | bazhang: I know what I need to put in xorg to enable desktop effects in KDE | 09:13 |
bazhang | deusr, did you check that link? | 09:14 |
deusr | I read everything | 09:15 |
bazhang | deusr, you know what you need? problem fixed then? | 09:16 |
amichair | anyone know how to get rid of video tearing on TV when using TwinView? or in which channel someone might know? | 09:16 |
bazhang | amichair, twinview is dual screens? such as in xrandr? | 09:17 |
bazhang | !xrandr | 09:17 |
ubottu | XRandR 1.2 is the new method of running dual screens in !X. Information/HowTo here: http://wiki.debian.org/XStrikeForce/HowToRandR12 | 09:17 |
amichair | bazhang: yes, it's nvidia's dual screen thing | 09:17 |
deusr | bazhang: I'm still reading the forum | 09:19 |
amichair | doesn't look like xrander12 is supported on my board | 09:21 |
gunsofbrixton | hi, are kde 4.5 rc2 packages coming? | 09:32 |
liquidat | hej there... | 10:21 |
fanti | why does the java build-tool 'ant' depend on gcj while sun-java6-jdk is already installed? | 10:21 |
liquidat | fanti: Are the alternatives set? Maybe it is a file depedency and not a package dependency (is that even possible with deb/apt-get?)? | 10:32 |
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thefish | i have nvidia twinview set up and "almost" working with kubuntu 1004, but the secondary display has no background, i dont get r-click menus, and i cant place widgets on it - anyone have any ideas where to look? | 11:44 |
thefish | ^ i can drag windows to it fine though | 11:44 |
hrw | morning | 11:47 |
hrw | someone know where in Kubuntu I can really configure printers? SystemSettings->Printers do not work | 11:48 |
Andrew9 | hrw: they do, i installed two printers. no problems at all | 11:49 |
hrw | Andrew9: not in 10.10 | 11:50 |
hrw | I have printer connected to one machine and need to configure few others to use it | 11:51 |
Andrew9 | hrw: it's an early beta so you should expect a lot of problems.. | 11:51 |
hrw | Andrew9: I know, but I do not know why I have a feeling that if soemthing is not working in ubuntu then there is nearly no docs for it | 11:52 |
hrw | since 6.10 cups web interface asks for password but no information which exactly method is needed to get it working (for example) | 11:52 |
Andrew9 | hrw: linux operating systems can be very expensive. maybe you don't pay with your money but you pay with your time. so you should know if you really need to waste your time on that.. | 11:56 |
slow-motion | hi | 11:57 |
hrw | Andrew9: tell me something new please - I use Debian since 1999, Ubuntu since @canonical (so few months) | 11:57 |
Torch | hrw: using pre-release distros and then complaining about lack of documentation doesn't go well together. | 12:00 |
starslights | hi Torch, has the workaround i give you, has helped your friend with kernel and nvidia problem fixed ? :p | 12:01 |
hrw | Torch: there is no docs for that for 10.04 either | 12:02 |
Torch | starslights: you must be mistaking me for somebody else. i have no friend with kernel and nvidia problems... | 12:02 |
starslights | sorry m8, yep, it was another guy :/ i appologize | 12:03 |
starslights | i have right see the log ;) | 12:04 |
hrw | bug 331192 hits again | 12:06 |
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dado_ | buongiorno | 13:21 |
Tazzypillar | Hello! I am new to KDE and wanted to ask..where exactly do I change my desktop background? xD;; | 14:04 |
nuovodna | is there any packages for menubar plasmoid for KDE 4.4.90 ??? | 14:04 |
Tazzypillar | I also wanted to know if there was anything like DockBarX for KDE; to make only application icons show up like in Windows 7 | 14:05 |
nuovodna | Tazzypillar: for a plasmoid similar "DockBarX" i suggest you plasma-widget-smooth-task | 14:06 |
nuovodna | it s a great plasmoid! | 14:06 |
Tazzypillar | Where do I get it? u: | 14:06 |
Tazzypillar | I'm /really new/ | 14:06 |
nuovodna | Tazzypillar: if you wann change desktop background u can right click mouse on desktop and change as u want | 14:07 |
nuovodna | you can install smooth-tasks using kpackagekit | 14:07 |
Tazzypillar | Ah | 14:08 |
Tazzypillar | Okay, thanks~~ | 14:09 |
nuovodna | Tazzypillar: have you solved? | 14:18 |
Tazzypillar | yes! | 14:19 |
Tazzypillar | this is very nice :D | 14:19 |
Tazzypillar | thanks so much~ | 14:19 |
dex | Hello. Anyone got experience of using b43 driver (bcm4318)? Having some trouble with it. | 14:23 |
Tazzypillar | One question, nuovodna; is there anyway i can pin applications to the applet? | 14:24 |
Tazzypillar | oh, it's widget | 14:25 |
Tazzypillar | Sorry, I'm still used to gnome | 14:25 |
BluesKaj | Tazzypillar, yes just right click on the app in the kmenu and choose , add to panel | 14:33 |
Tazzypillar | Ah, alright | 14:34 |
Tazzypillar | THanks~ | 14:34 |
Tazzypillar | And another one(i'm sorry i'm being so bothersome), the only real problem i've had with KDE so far is with KDEwallet and my wireless; the wireless asks me for my password while it's connecting and KDE asks for my password for...lots of things | 14:35 |
Tazzypillar | any way I can make the security relax a little? | 14:35 |
BluesKaj | yeah Tazzypillar , i thought I would give the new gdm 2.30.2 a try on maverick . Nice , but tnot my cuppa tea. | 14:36 |
MaVe | wtf | 14:36 |
gunsofbrixton | Tazzypillar: you could change the password to blank... | 14:36 |
nuovodna | Tazzypillar: you can use kwalletmanager to set up the wallet behaviour | 14:37 |
BluesKaj | Tazzypillar, yeah the wifi wallet pw request seems to not take the settings one chooses | 14:37 |
Tazzypillar | Ah | 14:38 |
Tazzypillar | well i can't set the password to blank, this isn't really my internet | 14:38 |
gunsofbrixton | Tazzypillar: your kwallet password | 14:39 |
BluesKaj | nuovodna, I've tried to make the wifi pw not bother me each time by choosing always allow , but the setting doesn't seem to register | 14:39 |
gunsofbrixton | yeah the wifi pw thing is a pain in the butt :) | 14:39 |
nuovodna | BluesKaj: here seems to work (kde 4.4.90 on lucid) | 14:40 |
BluesKaj | i think the wallet s nothing but a PITA anyway | 14:40 |
Tazzypillar | AH | 14:41 |
Tazzypillar | Ah* | 14:41 |
Tazzypillar | and if I set the kwallet password to blank | 14:41 |
Tazzypillar | Do I still need it to log in? | 14:41 |
BluesKaj | nuovodna, I recentlu updated to 4.4 as well, but no difference , still the same here | 14:42 |
BluesKaj | 4.5 | 14:42 |
Tazzypillar | oh gawd, i dont even know if i have the latest version of KDE | 14:42 |
Tazzypillar | how do I check that? i'm running lucid right now | 14:43 |
Tazzypillar | so | 14:43 |
BluesKaj | nuovodna, sorry I meant 4.4.5 | 14:43 |
nuovodna | BluesKaj: perhaps with 4.5 series they have fixed | 14:44 |
Tazzypillar | How do I find out if I have 4.4 or 4.5? | 14:45 |
Tazzypillar | also; how are they different ;w; | 14:45 |
BluesKaj | nuovodna, here's the repos I used to upgrade kde , deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/kubuntu-ppa/ppa/ubuntu lucid main...do you have one thatwill bring me up to date ? | 14:45 |
nuovodna | BluesKaj: kde 4.5 is not the final version is in release candidate phase now. You can try it using this ppa https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-ppa/+archive/beta | 14:46 |
nuovodna | if you wait some days the kubuntu devs will update to 4.4.92 ( KDE 4.5 RC2) | 14:47 |
Tazzypillar | So uh, what's different between KDE4 and 4.5? | 14:48 |
nuovodna | kde 4.5 is kde4 !!! ;) | 14:48 |
nuovodna | 4.5 is the new 4.x release | 14:49 |
nuovodna | it will be official released in the beginning of august | 14:49 |
Torch | http://techbase.kde.org/Schedules/KDE4/4.5_Feature_Plan | 14:50 |
Tazzypillar | Ooooh, I see | 14:53 |
Tazzypillar | So it's not like the jump between Gnome2.3 and Gnome 3, correct? | 14:54 |
Torch | Tazzypillar: we haven't seen yet what that jump will actually look like | 14:54 |
BluesKaj | well, nuovodna , I'm presently updating so we'll see what happens .I'm in a gambling mood today :) | 14:54 |
Tazzypillar | True | 14:54 |
Torch | Tazzypillar: but it's not like you're missing massive new features and earth-shattering innovations if you don't upgrade today. | 14:55 |
nuovodna | BluesKaj: good luck!! :) | 14:55 |
BluesKaj | Tazzypillar, I was under the impression that gnome 3 would be the default on maverick. I was disappointed | 14:55 |
MaVe | maverick | 14:55 |
Tazzypillar | So was I, BluesKaj | 14:58 |
Tazzypillar | I'm going to go for Gnome3 when Maverick comes out anyway, though | 14:58 |
Tazzypillar | So I don't mind | 14:58 |
BluesKaj | the talk over at #ubuntu was that gnome3 is the default desktop manager ...guess I was mistaken | 14:58 |
MaVe | try not to nickalert me | 14:58 |
MaVe | :x | 14:58 |
Tazzypillar | Maybe it will be for linuxmint | 14:58 |
Tazzypillar | oh thats | 14:59 |
Tazzypillar | wow, that's unfortunate | 14:59 |
Tazzypillar | anyway, linux mint might do Gnome3, though i doubt it | 14:59 |
Tazzypillar | but i can hope D: | 15:00 |
Torch | Tazzypillar: maybe you can hope for gnome somewhere else though, and not here in #kubuntu | 15:01 |
Tazzypillar | true | 15:01 |
BluesKaj | nuovodna, heh, I have 48 conflicts after upgrading to 4.5.... oops | 15:02 |
BluesKaj | now we'll see if this thing will reboot | 15:02 |
BluesKaj | brb | 15:02 |
Tazzypillar | Okay; new question, is there any way to make the smooth task applet use the icons I have set as favorites? | 15:06 |
BluesKaj | well, the dumb wallet still wants my pw to connect wifi...I see NM was kept back in the upgrade so the problem won't go away until the suspended packages are upgraded on the repos/server | 15:07 |
igorsn | hello ! | 15:09 |
Torch | BluesKaj: did you do a dist-upgrade? | 15:09 |
BluesKaj | and I'm still running kde 4.4.5 | 15:09 |
BluesKaj | no Torch , just a kde upgrade | 15:10 |
Torch | BluesKaj: after adding the repo for 4.5 you'll need to do a dist-upgrade | 15:10 |
Torch | (a dist-upgrade is NOT an upgrade to a new kubuntu version) | 15:11 |
BluesKaj | dist-upgrade used to install the version of the OS iirc | 15:12 |
Torch | BluesKaj: no. | 15:12 |
BluesKaj | next | 15:12 |
Torch | BluesKaj: no | 15:12 |
Torch | BluesKaj: it's used to pull in dependencies | 15:12 |
Torch | BluesKaj: if you upgrade KDE you'll need that or you'll get no end of blocked pacakges | 15:13 |
Torch | BluesKaj: resulting in an incomplete update | 15:13 |
Torch | BluesKaj: the name is misleading | 15:13 |
BluesKaj | sudo do-release-upgrade is the new command for upgrading to the next release | 15:14 |
Torch | BluesKaj: look, i don't want to argue about this, i was trying to help you. | 15:15 |
BluesKaj | I'm aware , but i remember when we use sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade | 15:15 |
Torch | BluesKaj: if you don't want support, that's fine with me ;-) | 15:15 |
bazhang | !dist-upgrade | 15:15 |
ubottu | A dist-upgrade will install new dependencies for packages already installed and may remove packages if they are no longer needed. Please see !upgrade for the proper way to upgrade to a new version of Ubuntu. | 15:15 |
Pici | BluesKaj: People used to do that in conjunction with modifying /etc/apt/sources.list with the new release name, but thats not really the supported method anymore, although it might still work. | 15:16 |
Torch | Pici: as long as ubuntu don't break apt and dpkg, this is guaranteed to work | 15:16 |
BluesKaj | yeah, that's what I was trying to say Pici , thanks | 15:16 |
BluesKaj | Pici, yeah, it doesn't work in conjunction with changing the repos to the new OS , tried that afew dists ago and ended up as Torch says with no end of probs ...I still think erroneously about dist-upgrade as a "distro-upgrade" | 15:20 |
* Torch just updated his notebook like that a couple of days ago. | 15:20 | |
Torch | works fine. | 15:20 |
Pici | BluesKaj: Thats why I made the factoid, lots of people still think that. | 15:20 |
nuovodna | BluesKaj: how kde 4.5 works ?? | 15:20 |
BluesKaj | nuovodna, not there yet :) | 15:21 |
nuovodna | kk | 15:21 |
BluesKaj | Torch, upgrading kde as we speak, no probs yet | 15:22 |
BluesKaj | this dist-upgrade is confusing for a lot of ppl , why wasn't it changed to something less so. | 15:25 |
BluesKaj | ? | 15:25 |
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Torch | BluesKaj: all this is debian stuff | 15:27 |
Torch | BluesKaj: you can't just go around and change that | 15:27 |
BluesKaj | yeah Torch , but I think that's almost unforgiveable, ppl can really screw their systems because of that oversight , or is it just neglect ? | 15:29 |
Torch | BluesKaj: people shouldn't use the command line if they're not competent enough to do so. | 15:29 |
BluesKaj | Torch, that's not a fair statement , being compliant is one thing but using a command that used to do one and changing it to do something else is wrong. | 15:31 |
Torch | BluesKaj: huh? no one changed anything. | 15:31 |
Torch | BluesKaj: apt-get dist-upgrade does what it has always done on debian. | 15:31 |
BluesKaj | this is kubuntu, notdebian | 15:31 |
Torch | BluesKaj: it's a debian-based distro | 15:32 |
Tazzypillar | Is there any way to get the applications pinned to my panel to work with the smooth task widget? | 15:32 |
BluesKaj | no matter | 15:32 |
Misterio | !debian | Torch | 15:32 |
ubottu | Torch: Ubuntu and Debian are closely related. Ubuntu builds on the foundations of Debian architecture and infrastructure, with a different community and release process. See https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/installation-guide/i386/what-is-debian.html - Remember, !repositories meant for Debian should NOT be used on Ubuntu! | 15:32 |
Tazzypillar | so I don't have the applets hanging out on my windows twice, i mean | 15:32 |
* Torch gives up and goes back to coding. | 15:33 | |
BluesKaj | Tazzypillar, do you mean as quick launches and showing in the taskbar simultaneously ? | 15:34 |
Tazzypillar | That would probably be optimal, yeah | 15:34 |
BluesKaj | Misterio, good point ,I think ppl just drop in here to show off their linux chops and troll around looking to correct others mistakes rather than helping | 15:35 |
BluesKaj | Tazzypillar, did you add a taskbar widget ? | 15:36 |
Tazzypillar | yeah, smooth taskbar | 15:36 |
Tazzypillar | the one that's just icons instead of the text boxes | 15:37 |
Tazzypillar | it works well except even if I have an icon on the panel it makes its own icon | 15:37 |
BluesKaj | that's what a taskbar does, it shows what's being used ...sorry Tazzypillar idon't understand the problem | 15:38 |
Tazzypillar | Um, okay uhh, how to explain | 15:39 |
Tazzypillar | you know how on windows 7 you can pin the launchers to the task bar? | 15:39 |
BluesKaj | yes | 15:39 |
Tazzypillar | and if you click on it it won't make an icon to show you it's being used | 15:39 |
BluesKaj | it highlights the icon instead | 15:40 |
Tazzypillar | Well, that's basically what I want, and it mostly works except the widget isn't meant to use pinned icons from the panel | 15:40 |
Tazzypillar | yeah, exactly | 15:40 |
Tazzypillar | So what I have is the icons I pinned to the panel | 15:40 |
Tazzypillar | and then the icons of the apps which are being used | 15:40 |
Tazzypillar | which right now means I have eight icons where I could have four | 15:41 |
BluesKaj | Tazzypillar, sorry i dunno , maybe someone elase knows how , if it can be done . | 15:41 |
Tazzypillar | Alright | 15:41 |
gunsofbrixton | Tazzypillar: I'd ask in #kde | 15:50 |
Tazzypillar | okay | 15:52 |
Tazzypillar | thanks | 15:52 |
daniel__ | hi | 16:00 |
daniel__ | how can i know if the graphic's drivers are installed right = | 16:01 |
daniel__ | ? | 16:01 |
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solifugus | dumb question, perhaps, but how can I get a snapshot of an application window? | 17:21 |
slinker1 | prtscr button? | 17:21 |
James147 | slinker1: ksnapshot (launched via print screen button) | 17:22 |
TeslaTony | A screenshot? | 17:22 |
James147 | solifugus: ^^ | 17:22 |
James147 | solifugus: once launched it allows you to take a screen shot of the whole screen, the window under the cursor or a region of the screen | 17:23 |
TeslaTony | Or just trim with Gimp | 17:23 |
solifugus | cool.. thanks | 17:24 |
James147 | TeslaTony: its easier to take a shot of just a window... then editing a shot after :) | 17:24 |
James147 | TeslaTony: any cleaner and quicker :D | 17:24 |
TeslaTony | I'm a fan of making my life difficult | 17:25 |
James147 | :D | 17:25 |
marlin | does anyone know how to use "keep" backup? | 17:37 |
marlin | does anyone know how to use "keep" backup? | 17:39 |
James147 | marlin: launch it and add a directory then start the deamon :S | 17:41 |
marlin | Thanks james... I can backup and restore just fine. The problem that I have is what if i reload the system. And i need to restore from a backup. there is no choice to import from a different hard drive | 17:42 |
Plasmastar | Hi, my kubuntu installer crashed last time I attempted to install Kubuntu. I pulled it out of a sleep like mode before it happened. Any way to prevent this from happening? | 17:43 |
marlin | Plas.. try to update hardware drivers | 17:43 |
Plasmastar | I got it on once, but apparently unhibernating Windows can cause problems. :) | 17:45 |
marlin | any thoughts on that James? | 17:45 |
Plasmastar | afk | 17:45 |
James147 | marlin: there is an option to "Use a custom back up directory" i suggest using that :S | 17:46 |
marlin | I copied the backup from a hard drive to a thumb drive. I browsed to the thumb drive and the "next" was greyed out | 17:47 |
James147 | marlin: sorry, not sure never used it before and I cant seem to get it to backup anything to test it | 17:52 |
marlin | Any other backups that you like? gui? | 17:52 |
James147 | marlin: try "luckybackup" | 17:53 |
marlin | great name! LOL are you lucky or....... not?? | 17:53 |
marlin | I will try that thanks James | 17:55 |
marlin | later | 17:55 |
KDesk | hi, do you know where to find package for kde 4.5 RC2 ? | 18:30 |
ridin | i'm not sure, someone said it's in the ppa | 18:30 |
slinker1 | http://www.kubuntu.org/node/157 | 18:31 |
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James147 | KDesk: I think they are still being built they will eb anounced at http://www.kubuntu.org/news when they are ready | 18:32 |
James147 | slinker1: ^^ thats rc1 not 2 but that ppa will be used for RC2 when its built | 18:32 |
slinker1 | oh sorry didnt see the 2 | 18:32 |
KDesk | James147: ah, ok, thanks for the info. | 18:33 |
James147 | so if you add the ppa from the link above you will be prompted for an update when RC2 is ready | 18:33 |
KDesk | Is the RC1 like a release candidate, not many problems? | 18:34 |
James147 | I am not have any major problems with it | 18:34 |
James147 | but its never recomended to upgrade till its released | 18:34 |
slinker1 | what james said but no issues here wither | 18:35 |
James147 | and the fact its called RC... means it 'is' a release candidate so yea, its 'like' a release candidate :D | 18:36 |
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solifugus | Using this Quassel, does anyone know how to connect to irc.freenode.net? | 18:42 |
solifugus | I'm stuck on kubuntu irc | 18:42 |
bazhang | solifugus, you are on freenode now | 18:43 |
bazhang | solifugus, try /join #channel | 18:43 |
ridin | i recommend xchat as your irc client | 18:43 |
ridin | i hate quassel -_- | 18:43 |
James147 | solifugus: setting > networks... but freenode is there by default | 18:43 |
solifugus | ok.. little confused as to why it says kubuntu irc | 18:43 |
James147 | solifugus: its just a name quassel gives it :S | 18:44 |
solifugus | ridin: quassel is doing one thing nice for me--making it clear where someone said something to me.. | 18:44 |
James147 | solifugus: look at settings >network to change it | 18:44 |
solifugus | I got it now.. I was trying irc commands and they weren't working... | 18:45 |
solifugus | I mean, to connect to freenode.. the gui way works.. and i guess i was here already, too | 18:45 |
starslights | hello, i have a question about a folder under lucid LVM, i have running rkunter and it said a sucpicius file are found in "/dev/shm/ecryptfs-xxxxxxxxxPrivate" it's a ASCII text with only the number 1 in the text file, so i just want to know if it's a false positive,, thanks for any help :P | 18:52 |
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judgen | I know you guys and gal's know more than me on this topic, so i want to find a default gtkrc-2.0 rc anyone got one? that is able to post it to a pastebin. As amiwm reverts back to fail if not present. | 19:34 |
judgen | all kubuntu users have one appearantly, but i do not. | 19:36 |
judgen | so all revert back to gtk default in amiwm | 19:36 |
georges-albert | clear | 19:57 |
er | www.hardimpact.tk | 20:03 |
maco | er: whats that? | 20:04 |
er | one site to game cod4 | 20:04 |
maco | what does that have to do with kubuntu tech support? | 20:04 |
er | nothing sory | 20:05 |
gizmobay_ | hi | 20:15 |
ubuntu | Hey | 20:41 |
ubuntu | How can I find files and folder in Kubuntu 10.04 with a gui program? | 20:41 |
ubuntu | I cannot find "find files/folders" in the startmenu. | 20:41 |
James147 | ubuntu: open dolphin: crtl+f (or use the search bar at the top for a nepomuk search) | 20:42 |
ubuntu | ok, thank you! | 20:44 |
solifugus | How can I get rid of the ugly desktop window/box thingy on the upper left? | 20:48 |
solifugus | Wait.. there was an X and that did it. | 20:48 |
solifugus | (just not where expected) | 20:48 |
=== paul_____ is now known as Snowhog | ||
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nebulas | help ! | 21:26 |
nebulas | How to Fix Ubuntu logo as restart gives me a black screen to fix it irritates me a lot | 21:26 |
slinker1 | video card? | 21:26 |
slinker1 | http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1469475 | 21:26 |
slinker1 | try there fixed up my nvidia splash | 21:27 |
nebulas | geforce 6600TD | 21:27 |
slinker1 | using nvidia driver? | 21:28 |
sleepwlker | Hello Kubuntu users! | 21:28 |
slinker1 | on that page are two fixes for nvidia worked well for me ymmv | 21:28 |
slinker1 | hiya sleepwlker | 21:28 |
sleepwlker | Ok | 21:28 |
sleepwlker | So I've got a few questions | 21:29 |
sleepwlker | I just installed a 2nd gig of RAM on my dad's laptop | 21:29 |
sleepwlker | cause he thought it needed more | 21:29 |
slinker1 | ok shoot | 21:29 |
sleepwlker | butI think what would really boost it's performance is using Kubuntu | 21:30 |
sleepwlker | I don't think my dad would get entirely away from his windows XP though | 21:30 |
sleepwlker | so I need to know | 21:30 |
blain | why it's not possible to connect to a wireless network which ssid is not broadcasted? | 21:30 |
sleepwlker | How much HD space does the Kubuntu partition take up? | 21:30 |
FloodBotK2 | sleepwlker: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 21:30 |
blain | sleepwlker 20gb | 21:30 |
blain | to be safe | 21:30 |
blain | you can later increase it | 21:30 |
sleepwlker | But 20GB is the minimum? | 21:31 |
sleepwlker | Hmm | 21:31 |
sleepwlker | If he doesn't like the Kubuntu | 21:31 |
sleepwlker | I can just reformat the partition | 21:31 |
FloodBotK2 | sleepwlker: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 21:31 |
slinker1 | i am using 15 gigs with virtualbox winxp vixta 7 images all apps and some data | 21:31 |
sleepwlker | and make it FAT32 again right? | 21:31 |
sleepwlker | and he can then use that for Windows file type storage | 21:31 |
blain | well 10gb will be enough | 21:31 |
blain | he can later extend the partition yes | 21:31 |
blain | but that works better with ntfs | 21:31 |
blain | instead of fat32 | 21:32 |
blain | you will use the space you free for 3 partitions | 21:33 |
sleepwlker | 3 partition? | 21:33 |
sleepwlker | partitions* | 21:33 |
blain | yeah | 21:34 |
blain | swap, /, /home | 21:34 |
blain | on top of lvm | 21:34 |
blain | but won't be seen if he boots into windows afterwards | 21:35 |
sleepwlker | What is lvm? | 21:35 |
sleepwlker | Linux Virtual Machine? | 21:35 |
blain | no | 21:35 |
blain | !lvm | 21:35 |
ubottu | Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto | 21:35 |
blain | forget RAID | 21:35 |
sleepwlker | Alright | 21:36 |
blain | lvm gives you more freedom if you need to expand partitions | 21:36 |
sleepwlker | Well I think his harddrive is only 60GB | 21:36 |
blain | using chunks of disks | 21:36 |
sleepwlker | And I think Windows + Files are taking up like 30 right now | 21:36 |
blain | defrag | 21:36 |
sleepwlker | I'm deleting everything of mine off of his laptop | 21:36 |
blain | and then free up 15gb | 21:36 |
sleepwlker | and getting rid of programs | 21:36 |
blain | using the kubuntu cd during installation | 21:36 |
blain | don't free in windows | 21:37 |
dietess | hello | 21:37 |
sleepwlker | So if he has a 60GB harddrive | 21:37 |
sleepwlker | And I install Kubuntu | 21:37 |
sleepwlker | he should have 40GB left afterwards | 21:38 |
sleepwlker | For Windows that is | 21:38 |
blain | sure | 21:39 |
dietess | Help: What program(in shell) is to hot load kernel into ram and to load into it | 21:40 |
blain | sleepwlker http://inetpro.org/pastebin/8390 | 21:41 |
blain | modprobe? insmod? | 21:41 |
dietess | somthing as k*** | 21:41 |
sleepwlker | Also, the only difference between Ubuntu and Kubuntu is the GUI right? | 21:42 |
dietess | Help: What program(in shell) is to hot load kernel into ram from disk in linux(from bash as example) and to load into it | 21:42 |
blain | thats a big differnece sleepwlker | 21:42 |
sleepwlker | Really? | 21:43 |
blain | the GUI is what you work with | 21:43 |
sleepwlker | I know | 21:43 |
sleepwlker | but how much different is the GUI on Ubuntu? | 21:43 |
blain | i mean it depends on what you do | 21:43 |
blain | but it's like | 21:43 |
blain | the monitor is what you see from the pc | 21:43 |
blain | so it shouldnt be the cheapest part | 21:44 |
blain | hang on | 21:44 |
sleepwlker | I just googled Ubuntu | 21:44 |
sleepwlker | I think my dad would be more comfortable with a Kubuntu | 21:45 |
sleepwlker | Kubuntu seems more like Windows than Ubuntu is | 21:45 |
blain | yeah it's more similar to wdinwos | 21:45 |
blain | snake documentary on TV, brb | 21:46 |
slinker1 | hehe | 21:48 |
blain | back | 21:54 |
sleepwlker | Welcome back | 21:55 |
blain | thank you | 21:57 |
sleepwlker | Damn | 21:58 |
sleepwlker | I love visual studio | 21:58 |
sleepwlker | but it installed so many little components | 21:58 |
sleepwlker | that taking them all out | 21:58 |
sleepwlker | is a pain in the ass | 21:58 |
FloodBotK2 | sleepwlker: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 21:58 |
blain | linux is like that | 21:58 |
blain | dependencies | 21:58 |
sleepwlker | Is there a good C/++ IDE for Linux? | 21:58 |
blain | eclipse? | 21:59 |
sleepwlker | The only IDE I have in my Linux partition is Netbeans | 21:59 |
olskolirc | i installed openoffice.org 3 and i can't find it in my office menu list - im on Intrepid Kubuntu how do I fix this | 21:59 |
sleepwlker | I thought Open Office came preinstalled with Kubuntu | 22:00 |
blain | olskolirc did you install using the repository? | 22:00 |
olskolirc | no blain i couldn't find it or the pgp key | 22:01 |
sleepwlker | Fromw hat I have learned in my very inextensive using of Linux | 22:02 |
sleepwlker | is that most things can be found in packages | 22:02 |
sleepwlker | and it is not wise to install something not in a repository package | 22:03 |
olskolirc | i wanted openoffice.org 3 sleepwwlker | 22:03 |
sleepwlker | So your Kubuntu came with Open Office | 22:05 |
sleepwlker | but it wasn't V3 | 22:05 |
sleepwlker | is that what youare saying? | 22:05 |
sleepwlker | Hmm | 22:07 |
sleepwlker | The same thing that makes Java great | 22:07 |
sleepwlker | is also its greatest weakness | 22:07 |
sleepwlker | So sad | 22:07 |
blain | marine@tesla:~$ apt-cache policy openoffice.org-writer | 22:08 |
blain | openoffice.org-writer: | 22:08 |
blain | Installed: 1:3.2.0-7ubuntu4.1 | 22:08 |
blain | Candidate: 1:3.2.0-7ubuntu4.1 | 22:08 |
FloodBotK2 | blain: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 22:08 |
blain | seems version 3 to me | 22:08 |
sleepwlker | Lols | 22:08 |
sleepwlker | The stupid FloodBot always attacks me when I type too fast | 22:08 |
sleepwlker | Cause I type at up to 80 WPM | 22:08 |
sleepwlker | It's frustrating | 22:09 |
blain | yeah, you're like a sleep walker | 22:09 |
sleepwlker | 10/infinity Visual Studio components uninstalled | 22:09 |
sleepwlker | Hopefully I can get my dad's HD space to be between 30 and 35 free gigs | 22:10 |
sleepwlker | then I can try to convince him to let me install a Kubuntu partition | 22:11 |
blain | dont forget to defrag first | 22:11 |
sleepwlker | Ohyeah | 22:11 |
sleepwlker | What I really want to do | 22:11 |
sleepwlker | is reformat this little pile of crap | 22:11 |
sleepwlker | because I'm fairly certain he has never reformatted it | 22:12 |
blain | unless there are serious problems | 22:12 |
blain | there's no neeed to format | 22:12 |
sleepwlker | He's been using this thing for atleast 6-8 years | 22:12 |
sleepwlker | I'm sure hes built up all kinds of viruses and spywares and crap | 22:12 |
sleepwlker | I think I'll keep the .NET stuff | 22:13 |
sleepwlker | Incase he everneeds any to run any .NET apps | 22:13 |
sleepwlker | Wow | 22:15 |
sleepwlker | I still had WampServer and MySQL installed | 22:16 |
sleepwlker | Those are from so long ago it's not funny | 22:16 |
sleepwlker | but yet it says they've been used frequently | 22:16 |
sleepwlker | wtf? | 22:16 |
sleepwlker | Bullshit | 22:17 |
sleepwlker | I deleted tonsof stuff | 22:17 |
sleepwlker | and it says I went down in free space | 22:17 |
sleepwlker | Wtf man | 22:17 |
blain | wtf? | 22:17 |
sleepwlker | Alright | 22:18 |
sleepwlker | I'm gonna start the defrag now I guess | 22:18 |
sleepwlker | Only 60GB so hopefully it won't take all day | 22:18 |
sleepwlker | This compy has like | 22:18 |
sleepwlker | 250 on it I think | 22:18 |
sleepwlker | and it takes forever | 22:18 |
FloodBotK2 | sleepwlker: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 22:18 |
sleepwlker | GTFO ME | 22:19 |
blain | ROTFL | 22:19 |
sleepwlker | Man | 22:22 |
sleepwlker | on my Linux partition | 22:22 |
sleepwlker | my DL speed is so much faster | 22:22 |
sleepwlker | but it is kind of unstable | 22:22 |
FloodBotK2 | sleepwlker: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 22:22 |
blain | that's weird | 22:25 |
blain | must be some kind of overhead | 22:25 |
sleepwlker | 12% defragged | 22:25 |
sleepwlker | Gonna install some bug fixes and whatnot for my Linux | 22:25 |
sleepwlker | Damn | 22:43 |
sleepwlker | I don't think he's gonna let me put a linux partition in | 22:44 |
sleepwlker | D: | 22:44 |
blain | sure it will | 22:44 |
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=== akoma1s_ is now known as akoma1s |
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