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mythripk | ogra, Can you please share your tree , I suspect that you dont have necessary patches.. so for lag setting hdmimode is not taking effect | 06:00 |
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hrw | morgen | 08:21 |
lag | Morning sebjan | 08:47 |
lag | Hey hrw | 08:47 |
sebjan | morning lag | 08:47 |
lag | So | 08:47 |
lag | I noticed some odd things about the current kernel | 08:47 |
mythripk | lag, can you please share your tree , I suspect that you dont have all the HDMI patches , Thus you setting omapdss.hdmimode is not effective | 08:49 |
cooloney | lag: i download the image and dd it into my sd card | 08:49 |
cooloney | it boots from SD, as i saw x-loader and u-boot | 08:49 |
lag | Hello everyone! :) | 08:49 |
cooloney | but after u-boot loaded kernel and initrd.gz, | 08:50 |
lag | mythripk: Yes, give me 1min | 08:50 |
cooloney | uncompressing the kernel is done, nothing happened on my serial now | 08:50 |
cooloney | lag: need i connect a HDMI display to test that? | 08:50 |
cooloney | sebjan: morning, | 08:50 |
lag | cooloney: From he archive? | 08:51 |
sebjan | cooloney: morning | 08:51 |
cooloney | lag: yeah, the image is from the url you emailed me | 08:51 |
hrw | cooloney: wrong console? | 08:51 |
cooloney | hrw: oh, console=ttyO2 | 08:51 |
lag | cooloney: You need HDMI | 08:51 |
lag | Serial is turned off | 08:51 |
cooloney | lag: that's what i'm guessing. i need to order one | 08:52 |
lag | mythripk: http://kernel.ubuntu.com/git?p=ubuntu/ubuntu-maverick.git;a=shortlog;h=refs/heads/ti-omap4 | 08:52 |
lag | cooloney: Don't order an LG | 08:52 |
cooloney | lag: is that possible for me to get a working root fs which supports serial console? | 08:52 |
cooloney | lag: -:)), i know that's your display, mine is viewsonic, but i don't have HDMI cable | 08:53 |
hrw | I bought hdmi cables to <2€ | 08:56 |
hrw | s/to/for | 08:56 |
lag | cooloney: Yes: dd the card -> mount it on your PC (before inserting it into your Panda) -> open boot.scr in your favourite editor -> Delete the u-boot header -> Place in console=ttyO2,115200n8 and save it onto your PC as boot.scr.clean-> Then run: | 08:57 |
lag | sudo mkimage -A arm -T script -C none -n "Ubuntu boot script" -d boot.scr.clean /media/boot.scr | 08:57 |
cooloney | lag: actually, i saw that console=ttyO2,115200n8 in my u-boot env | 09:03 |
cooloney | lag: need i modify that? | 09:03 |
lag | cooloney: That is ignored | 09:03 |
lag | Nope | 09:03 |
cooloney | lag: oh, really. ok | 09:03 |
lag | You have to edit the boot.scr | 09:04 |
cooloney | lag: cool, got it | 09:04 |
cooloney | lag: and emmcsaveenv doesnot work in u-boot | 09:04 |
cooloney | i wanna store it into SD card if i modified something | 09:04 |
lag | The boot.scr is on the SD card | 09:05 |
cooloney | right, since i found a command named emmcsaveenv in u-boot | 09:06 |
cooloney | i assume i can rum emmcsaveenv to save my modified env values to SD card | 09:07 |
cooloney | but it does not work | 09:07 |
cooloney | sebjan: is that true? | 09:07 |
cooloney | sebjan: | 09:07 |
sebjan | cooloney: yes, that's true | 09:08 |
sebjan | cooloney: the emmcsaveenv can be used if you have a board with an emmc, so store the environment variables on emmc | 09:08 |
sebjan | cooloney: this works for a blaze (but not for a panda that does not have an emmc) | 09:08 |
sebjan | cooloney: so you cannot save the env variables to the SD card. You'll need to use the boot.scr. | 09:09 |
cooloney | sebjan: thanks, got it | 09:09 |
lag | sebjan: The kernel I tested on and subsequently did a request-pull from worked | 09:16 |
lag | But the current ti-omap4 branch does not | 09:16 |
lag | I'm in the process of diffing the teo | 09:16 |
lag | two( | 09:16 |
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lag | sebjan: Is your tree public? | 09:41 |
sebjan | lag: yes: git://dev.omapzoom.org/pub/scm/integration/kernel-ubuntu.git | 09:43 |
sebjan | lag: I did not push the syslink patches yet on it, waiting to be sure the patch is functional | 09:44 |
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lag | That's what I wanted to see | 09:44 |
lag | What tree are you testing the patches on? | 09:44 |
lag | Your own? | 09:44 |
lag | Can you paste the last 3 entries of your git log please sebjan? | 09:45 |
sebjan | lag: I just pushed my current working branch to the for-ubuntu-2.6.34 branch, for you to see (note that I may re-order my patches in this branch later) | 09:59 |
lag | Do you have a gitweb? | 10:00 |
lag | sebjan: I see what's happened | 10:07 |
lag | Unfortunately, Tim has chopped off the device_initcall(omap4_syslink_init); from the patch | 10:08 |
lag | I'll speak to him when he gets in | 10:08 |
lag | Take the patches from my tree | 10:09 |
sebjan | lag: http://dev.omapzoom.org/?p=integration/kernel-ubuntu.git | 10:09 |
lag | sebjan: http://kernel.ubuntu.com/git?p=lag/ubuntu-maverick.git;a=shortlog;h=refs/heads/ti-omap4-syslink | 10:12 |
lag | Take those two patches from my tree for now | 10:13 |
lag | I'll speak to Tim when he gets in | 10:13 |
lag | And get our kernel updated | 10:13 |
sebjan | lag: ok, I'll update my patch with the device_initcall() | 10:17 |
lag | No problem | 10:17 |
lag | I'll get it straightened out our end as soon as I can | 10:17 |
sebjan | lag: ok, thanks! | 10:17 |
lag | sebjan: np | 10:18 |
lag | sebjan: As long as they keep paying me, I'll keep fixing bugs :D | 10:18 |
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ogra | mythripk, http://kernel.ubuntu.com/git?p=roc/ubuntu-maverick.git;a=shortlog;h=refs/heads/ti-ubuntu-2.6.34 it think its mostly identical to sebjan's tree | 10:43 |
mythripk | ya i got it from lag , I checked it looks ok. | 10:46 |
lag | ogra: Try not to use cooloney's tree | 10:47 |
lag | Use the ti-omap4 branch in Maverick | 10:47 |
ogra | i thought they are the saame | 10:48 |
cooloney | ogra: no, | 10:48 |
ogra | oh, ok | 10:48 |
cooloney | ogra: rtg merged several patches from our mailist | 10:48 |
cooloney | ogra: ti-omap4 in M is the one you wanna | 10:49 |
ogra | under rtg's treeset ? | 10:50 |
lag | orga: ? | 10:56 |
ogra | lag, where exactly is that tree | 11:01 |
lag | http://kernel.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ubuntu-maverick.git | 11:02 |
lag | If I haven't made any spelling mistakes | 11:03 |
ogra | hmm. you apparently do | 11:03 |
ogra | i thought there are no unpersonalized trees | 11:04 |
lag | http://kernel.ubuntu.com/git?p=ubuntu/ubuntu-maverick.git;a=shortlog;h=refs/heads/ti-omap4 | 11:04 |
lag | ? | 11:04 |
lag | change http for git and it's the correct git URL | 11:04 |
ogra | http://kernel.ubuntu.com/git?p=ubuntu/ubuntu-maverick.git;a=shortlog;h=refs/heads/ti-omap4 | 11:05 |
ogra | ah, snap | 11:05 |
lag | ;) | 11:05 |
ogra | i dont want to check it out, mythripk just asked for our tree above :) | 11:05 |
* ogra doesnt touch git if he's not forced to ... git is masochism imho | 11:06 | |
lag | I already gave it to her | 11:06 |
ogra | ah, k, i didnt see that | 11:06 |
* ogra sees it now | 11:07 | |
ogra | sorry, i'm a bit off track today | 11:07 |
* ogra just had one of his cats dieing in his lap 2h ago | 11:07 | |
lag | :( | 11:07 |
lag | Sorry to hear that ogra | 11:07 |
ogra | trying to distract me with work | 11:07 |
ogra | its ok, better than suffering | 11:08 |
lag | Yes, much | 11:08 |
ogra | (which she was for a week) | 11:08 |
ogra | i'm happy i didnt have to put her down which i would have done tomorrow ... | 11:08 |
lag | Do you have any others? | 11:09 |
ogra | one other cat | 11:10 |
ogra | its a weird week | 11:10 |
ogra | we also have a bunch of guineapigs | 11:10 |
ogra | monday i found one of them dead in the cage | 11:10 |
ogra | at the same time the cat got sick ... vet could find anything | 11:10 |
lag | It's not your week is it? | 11:10 |
ogra | totally not | 11:10 |
lag | Well, these things are sent to test us | 11:11 |
ogra | well, the cat was special, we got her from a special shelter for mistreated animals | 11:11 |
ogra | she was never really healthy | 11:11 |
lag | Whatever doesn't kill you will make you a stronger/better person | 11:11 |
lag | I'm sure you gave her the best life she could have hoped for :) | 11:12 |
ogra | they found her near a sports airport ... she had long fur that was so filthy that it had turned into plaster | 11:12 |
ogra | so she had broken all four legs trying to get free and broke out most of her teeth trying | 11:12 |
lag | Get free from what? | 11:13 |
ogra | the plastered fur | 11:13 |
lag | How did she break her legs trying to get out of her own fur? | 11:14 |
ogra | yes | 11:14 |
ogra | it was like a plaster cocoon when they found her | 11:14 |
lag | Blimey | 11:14 |
ogra | when we got her the legs were ok again but she was shaven naked | 11:14 |
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lag | http://www.freewebs.com/fpkclan/Naked%20Cat.jpg | 11:15 |
ogra | intrestingly she fell immediately in love with me ... always bein on my side | 11:15 |
ogra | usually cats dont like me much and i dont like them much | 11:15 |
lag | I changed my search from "naked pussy" to "naked cats" which sort more results I was after | 11:16 |
lag | ;) | 11:16 |
ogra | <- dog guy | 11:16 |
lag | I want to get a dog | 11:16 |
ogra | yeah, she looked similar, the head wasnt shaven though | 11:16 |
lag | But it's a lot of responsibility | 11:16 |
ogra | i kept from getting a dog because she was scared by dogs all her life | 11:17 |
ogra | i'll get one again now | 11:17 |
lag | From the home? | 11:17 |
ogra | though i'm not happy about the price i have to pay for that | 11:17 |
ogra | either from a shelter or from a lab | 11:17 |
ogra | we have some labs around here where you can get former laboratory animals | 11:18 |
ogra | which they put down otherwise | 11:19 |
* ogra had dogs for 19years until my last one died 2 years ago | 11:19 | |
ogra | these lab animals need some person with experience, they usually have never seen the outside world | 11:21 |
ogra | you get something like a two year old puppy | 11:21 |
lag | :) | 11:22 |
* ogra loves the challenge as you might guess :) | 11:22 | |
lag | Doh | 11:22 |
lag | :( | 11:22 |
ogra | lag, can we have something like http://gitorious.org/beagleboard-validation/linux/blobs/beagleboardXM/arch/arm/mach-omap2/board-omap3beagle.c#line561 for the panda kernel ? | 13:11 |
ogra | (to have one of the LEDs bound to MMC I/O) | 13:12 |
lag | For the Beagle? | 13:13 |
lag | ogra: It's already in our kernel? | 13:16 |
ogra | in omap4 ? | 13:16 |
lag | Oh I see | 13:17 |
ogra | note the "for the panda kernel" in the sentence above :) | 13:17 |
lag | Yeah, didn't see that | 13:17 |
lag | Thought it was the remaining vomit from the URL | 13:17 |
ogra | beagle shows me when the SD is accessed, would be nice if panda would do the same | 13:17 |
lag | What does it do? Flashes on an IRQ? | 13:17 |
ogra | something like that, yeah | 13:18 |
ogra | you can override it through sysfs | 13:18 |
ogra | http://gitorious.org/angstrom/openembedded/blobs/org.openembedded.dev/recipes/angstrom/angstrom-led-config/led-config | 13:18 |
ogra | thats a similar thing from userspace | 13:18 |
lag | I see no reason why not - the two LEDs are seemingly unused | 13:18 |
ogra | right | 13:19 |
ogra | ogra@panda:~$ ls /sys/class/leds/ | 13:20 |
ogra | ogra@panda:~$ | 13:20 |
lag | Put a request in to TI | 13:20 |
ogra | apart from the fact that we dont seem to have enabled the triggers at all | 13:20 |
ogra | i see the modules though | 13:24 |
ogra | ugh | 13:25 |
ogra | looking at my dmesg i see a lot of: | 13:25 |
ogra | BUG: scheduling while atomic: mmcqd/48/0x00000002 | 13:25 |
ogra | and | 13:25 |
ogra | swapper: page allocation failure. order:3, mode:0x4020 | 13:25 |
lag | One thing at a time ogra | 13:28 |
ogra | tell that to my dmesg | 13:28 |
lag | Are you going to put a request into TI for flashing LED | 13:28 |
lag | If you do, I'm happy to test and get it into our kernel | 13:28 |
* ogra wishes it would only expose one bug at a time :) | 13:28 | |
ogra | i'll bring it up in the call today | 13:28 |
* lag can only actively work on one bug (per board) at a time | 13:29 | |
ogra | intrestingly the panda didnt crash yet ... | 13:29 |
ogra | not using X seems to help | 13:29 |
ogra | ogra@panda:~$ uptime | 13:29 |
ogra | 14:29:09 up 1 day, 1:09, 2 users, load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00 | 13:29 |
ogra | so i think the hardlocks are realted to the framebuffer driver | 13:30 |
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hrw | lag: you also do not know anything about LED subsystem and LED triggers? | 13:50 |
lag | Why do you ask? | 13:50 |
hrw | yesterday it was ogra who needed informing | 13:51 |
ogra | hrw, i just carried forward my request with the patches koen pointed me to | 13:52 |
ogra | hrw, since its kernel team job to implement it | 13:52 |
ogra | (though effectively its TI job, so i'll ask them) | 13:52 |
hrw | basically it is both | 13:53 |
hrw | TI to make LED drivers for panda and anyone (TI or kernel team) to connect them in some way | 13:53 |
persia | How do you mean "connect"? Isn7t that just a matter of having a userspace utility? | 13:55 |
ogra | no | 13:55 |
ogra | you can do it in kernel | 13:55 |
ogra | doesnt need any userspace, just sane defaults for the driver | 13:56 |
ogra | userspace can override though | 13:56 |
ogra | through sysfs | 13:56 |
rsalveti | like the common definition we have for beagle | 13:56 |
ogra | right | 13:56 |
hrw | exactly | 13:56 |
lag | hrw: Why did you ask me your previous question? | 13:59 |
hrw | lag: 14:18 < lag> What does it do? Flashes on an IRQ? | 14:01 |
hrw | lag: that made me suspicious | 14:01 |
lag | I see | 14:01 |
lag | No, the only time I've used LEDs within the kernel is directly | 14:02 |
lag | Why was it important to ask? | 14:02 |
hrw | LED subsystem was written to make use of them easier. no need to know which gpio/etc needs to be switched because driver takes care (there is gpio_leds one). | 14:04 |
hrw | so when board has leds then adding drivers makes them available for user to do anything | 14:04 |
lag | Okay | 14:05 |
hrw | triggers allow to use LEDs for many functions. there are ones which show access to mtd/sd/network, other for simple heartbeat (with regulated freq etc), other for 'default on' | 14:05 |
hrw | so you can for example build laptop, give it 6 leds and by default set them to "hdd, wifi state, battery charging, AC, user1, user2" | 14:06 |
hrw | and user can change it anyway he wants | 14:06 |
hrw | multicolor leds are exported as set of leds | 14:07 |
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gcl | davidm: ping | 15:58 |
davidm | Hi Grant | 15:59 |
davidm | gcl, did you just get my email? :-) | 15:59 |
gcl | davidm: yup, just replied. Today is a busy day, but I've got some time right now | 15:59 |
davidm | OK | 16:00 |
gcl | skype or pots? | 16:00 |
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rsalveti | hm, need to set up a package proxy, rootstock is taking too long to download the packages | 21:11 |
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GrueMaster | rsalveti: I'm using apt-mirror here. I have ~88G for lucid & maverick. Only Maverick source though. | 21:20 |
rsalveti | GrueMaster: yeah, apt-mirror would also help | 21:22 |
mpoirier | davidm ? | 21:35 |
davidm | hi mpoirier | 21:39 |
mpoirier | davidm: daisy chain issue got fixed in rc4. | 21:40 |
mpoirier | compiling a patch for revert my hack. | 21:40 |
mpoirier | we can finally move to something else | 21:41 |
GrueMaster | mpoirier: let me know when you have a package to test. | 21:41 |
mpoirier | GrueMaster: I'll touch base with you shortly. | 21:42 |
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