czajkowski | boooo | 00:56 |
doctormo | Evening gents | 03:50 |
nhandler | Hey doctormo | 03:51 |
doctormo | Enjoying this education conference :-D | 03:52 |
doctormo | what are you up to this evening nhandler? | 03:52 |
nhandler | doctormo: Working on taking some ClassBot code to automate a section of the UWN | 03:52 |
doctormo | nice | 03:53 |
doctormo | nhandler: Does this mean an easier time to organise our classes? | 03:55 |
nhandler | doctormo: The script I'm working on will automate the Upcoming Meetings section of the UWN. The classes/meetings will still be organized on icals | 03:56 |
dholbach | good morning | 07:24 |
ddecator | morning dholbach | 07:24 |
dholbach | hey ddecator | 07:25 |
kim0 | Morning everyone :) | 07:29 |
dholbach | hey kim0 - how are you doing? | 07:30 |
kim0 | dholbach, enjoying this fine day sir :) | 07:30 |
kim0 | How about yourself | 07:30 |
dholbach | I must say I'm quite a bit tired :) | 07:31 |
dholbach | but I went for a run this morning, so I'm a bit more awake now | 07:31 |
dholbach | I hope the breakfast will fix the rest :) | 07:31 |
kim0 | hehe :D | 07:32 |
ddecator | morning kim0 :) | 07:33 |
kim0 | ddecator, Morning :) | 07:33 |
dholbach | akgraner, pleia2, nhandler: if you find out who added the UDW slots to the calendar initially, please tell them to not make them a recurring event of something else - it's what crashed lernid | 08:08 |
dholbach | bug 603248 (and | 08:08 |
ubot2 | Launchpad bug 603248 in python-vobject (Ubuntu) (and 3 other projects) "lernid crashed with ParseError in stringToDateTime() (affects: 2) (dups: 1) (heat: 20)" [Undecided,New] | 08:08 |
ubot2 | bug 12415 in Import/Export "Import of Google Calendar ICAL file fails with "year is out of range" parse error" [Normal,New] | 08:08 |
dholbach | I'll recreate the event in the calendar now | 08:08 |
dholbach | I hate it when I feel like I could be replaced with a script :) | 08:15 |
=== \vish is now known as vish | ||
dholbach | damn, lernid still crashes | 08:31 |
pleia2 | dholbach: if you're still adding, I think you want to add Event: Ubuntu Developer Week | 08:31 |
dholbach | pleia2: where do I add that? | 08:32 |
pleia2 | in the Description | 08:32 |
pleia2 | all you want is: | 08:32 |
pleia2 | Event: Ubuntu Developer Week | 08:32 |
pleia2 | Instructor: dholbach | 08:32 |
dholbach | aha | 08:32 |
dholbach | the old one didn't have that either | 08:32 |
pleia2 | and if there are helpers, Helpers: akgraner | 08:32 |
* dholbach tries that | 08:32 | |
pleia2 | look at the User Days ones on Saturday :) | 08:32 |
dholbach | I'll try that, let's see if we get it fixed now :) | 08:33 |
pleia2 | and "Where" should be the only place you put a location (there is no Location:) | 08:34 |
pleia2 | "Where" should just be #ubuntu-classroom on | 08:34 |
pleia2 | (ClassBot reads that, so it knows it's #ubuntu-classroom rather than the spanish classroom or something) | 08:35 |
dholbach | does it understand "#ubuntu-classroom and #ubuntu-classroom-chat on" | 08:35 |
dholbach | that's in there right now | 08:36 |
pleia2 | I don't think so | 08:36 |
pleia2 | -chat might confuse it | 08:36 |
dholbach | so "#ubuntu-classroom on"? | 08:36 |
pleia2 | yep | 08:36 |
dholbach | or just " #ubuntu-classroom"? | 08:36 |
pleia2 | #ubuntu-classroom on | 08:36 |
dholbach | thanks | 08:36 |
dholbach | we should have a script that does this :) | 08:37 |
pleia2 | pull Agenda: too, not sure what Classbot will do with that (it should just ignore it, but we haven't throughly tested) | 08:37 |
dholbach | too easy to get wrong, too much manual work | 08:37 |
dholbach | ok | 08:37 |
pleia2 | yeah, I agree | 08:37 |
pleia2 | I only get it right because I've done so much testing, all stuck in my head now ;) | 08:38 |
dholbach | and for the time being at least documented :) | 08:38 |
dholbach | pleia2: ok, so you need to do it! :-P | 08:38 |
pleia2 | lol | 08:38 |
pleia2 | I can doublecheck things tomorrow (both the schedule and the syntax) and fix anything that's astray :) | 08:39 |
pleia2 | should get some sleep now | 08:39 |
dholbach | do it or document it ;-) | 08:39 |
dholbach | pleia2: yeah, I was wondering why you were still awake :) | 08:39 |
dholbach | pleia2: good night :) | 08:39 |
pleia2 | yeah, or that | 08:39 |
pleia2 | thanks, have a nice day :) | 08:40 |
dholbach | thanks :) | 08:40 |
* dholbach hugs pleia2 | 08:40 | |
dholbach | I hope it'll work now :) | 08:40 |
* pleia2 hugs | 08:41 | |
pleia2 | good luck! | 08:41 |
dholbach | thanks | 08:43 |
dholbach | ok, still no dice | 08:48 |
* dholbach dives into the code :-( | 08:48 | |
dholbach | hola randa_ | 09:19 |
randa_ | hi dholbach | 09:19 |
AlanBell | is it just me, or is looking a bit light on logos at the top? | 09:24 |
nigelb | hola folks | 09:55 |
nigelb | AlanBell: something is missing. I'm guessing the ubuntu logo | 09:56 |
qense | Was it already using the new logo? | 09:58 |
AlanBell | no, don't think so | 09:58 |
qense | Maybe a good time to fix that now. | 09:59 |
nigelb | I think they are fixing it now | 10:04 |
nigelb | Riddel's blog post is awesome btw | 10:04 |
dholbach | akgraner, pleia2, nhandler: whoever added the recurring ubuntu app developer events in september, please tell them not to use those recurring events, I deleted them - it kills python-vobject | 10:13 |
* dholbach creates an account for upstream bug tracker | 10:15 | |
czajkowski | aloha | 10:26 |
dholbach | hi czajkowski | 10:27 |
czajkowski | folks liked the ubuntu cds i gave out yesterday | 10:27 |
czajkowski | few even trying the live cd | 10:27 |
czajkowski | seems matthew barker fropm canonical will also be here | 10:27 |
nigelb | rocking :)} | 10:29 |
czajkowski | anyone got the link the open source cartoon made ? | 10:35 |
vish | hehe , today's new fun trivia dholbach just accepts hugs without any questions :p | 11:08 |
dholbach | :) | 11:08 |
nigelb | when? what? where? | 11:17 |
vish | nigelb: there was a flash group hug in -desktop , and d-holbach was mentioned in the hug , but he wasnt in that room , someone just popped into -devel and hugged d-holbach , and dam! no questions asked d-holbach hugged back :D | 12:05 |
nigelb | vish: when you say dholbach and hugs, I remember that video from one of the uds's | 12:13 |
vish | nigelb: me too! :) | 12:13 |
nigelb | gah, what the heck, I decided to hold an Ubuntu hour :) | 12:31 |
paultag | nigelb: :) | 12:32 |
paultag | nigelb: grats, my friend | 12:32 |
nigelb | paultag: :) | 12:32 |
paultag | Man, I'm bored. | 14:00 |
dholbach | paultag: I wish I had your problems | 14:00 |
qense | paultag: When sending that mail to our LoCo, please also elaborate a bit about what tasks a LoCo can have. Some of the fiercest resistance against opening up is coming from a few moderators who feel Ubuntu NL == forums. | 14:00 |
paultag | I'm working at Boston College. I am almost done with a degree in Comp-Sci, and I do research in algorithms for fun. | 14:00 |
paultag | Guess what they have me doing? Writing up text for a website | 14:01 |
paultag | dholbach: :/ | 14:01 |
paultag | qense: You got it :) | 14:01 |
qense | thanks! | 14:01 |
nigelb | dholbach: me too! | 14:02 |
nigelb | paultag: hahaha | 14:02 |
paultag | it sucks nigelb | 14:02 |
paultag | I have a degree in comp-sci, not english | 14:02 |
nigelb | paultag: Its much more intersting to write the functionality of the site | 14:02 |
paultag | nigelb: they asked me to write a progress tracker for recovering servers | 14:03 |
paultag | nigelb: I had it done in less then a day | 14:03 |
nigelb | paultag: give them some time | 14:03 |
nigelb | they pr | 14:03 |
paultag | nigelb: I said "What's next?" They told me they thought it would take me the whole summer, so I should just work on teh website | 14:03 |
nigelb | they probably never had a kid just out of college who started speaking C before english | 14:04 |
paultag | nigelb: I guess so. So here I am, sitting at my desk, writing about frak I don't know | 14:04 |
nigelb | heh | 14:04 |
nigelb | don't reveal your weakness :p | 14:04 |
czajkowski | just to note: mojitos and cider do not mix at all | 14:05 |
paultag | qense: sorry it's taking too long RE email, we're down two loco council members for a few days. | 14:05 |
paultag | And that there is council person #1 | 14:05 |
paultag | down and out because of Cider. I thought you were irish czajkowski? | 14:05 |
qense | paultag: Doesn't matter. It's almost World Cup final anyway, so it's not like much people are payinga ttention. | 14:05 |
nigelb | heh | 14:06 |
paultag | qense: true! | 14:06 |
czajkowski | paultag: yummy english cider | 14:06 |
nigelb | Germans are hunting for octopus recipies I heard | 14:06 |
paultag | czajkowski: I could use a stiff glass right about now | 14:06 |
paultag | nigelb: >:( | 14:06 |
czajkowski | evil mojitos | 14:06 |
czajkowski | feckin mint | 14:06 |
qense | The octopus said Spain, but during the Europa Cup it was right all the times, except for the finale! | 14:06 |
qense | Lets hope that pattern will repeat itself this time. | 14:07 |
paultag | :) | 14:07 |
qense | They're already preparing the homeboats in Amsterdam. | 14:07 |
czajkowski | off again | 14:07 |
czajkowski | bye | 14:07 |
nigelb | qense: probably that is a pattern/ | 14:07 |
paultag | later czajkowski :) | 14:07 |
qense | by czajkowski! | 14:07 |
qense | If you actually pay attention czajkowski isn't even that hard to spell! | 14:07 |
paultag | Whoh, wait, what? | 14:07 |
paultag | I can't even pronounce that | 14:08 |
nigelb | paultag: amen | 14:08 |
paultag | If I ever met czajkowski, I would just cough and say kowski | 14:08 |
nigelb | or Laura | 14:08 |
qense | Laura is probably better. | 14:08 |
paultag | true | 14:08 |
qense | The cz is probably a ts(j) sound | 14:09 |
paultag | aye | 14:09 |
paultag | somepeople can't pronounce my name :) | 14:09 |
nigelb | its a cha sound | 14:09 |
paultag | Tagliamonte, it's not that bad if you slow it down | 14:09 |
nigelb | ha, I have trouble with Nigel all the time | 14:10 |
nigelb | pronounciation and spelling | 14:10 |
qense | My first name is Sense! It is so hard to tell people it is not the English word! | 14:10 |
qense | Although Jono is always trying really well. | 14:10 |
Pendulum | paultag: polish spelling of Tchaikovsky | 14:10 |
nigelb | qense: its more like sensay right? | 14:10 |
qense | Pendulum: is she familiy? | 14:10 |
paultag | Pendulum: my last name? | 14:11 |
Pendulum | no, how to pronounce czajkowski | 14:11 |
nigelb | paultag: Pendulum meant laura's last name | 14:11 |
paultag | Ahhhhhhhh | 14:11 |
paultag | Pendulum: that makes a lot of sense | 14:11 |
qense | nigelb: The last 'e' is pronounced like the the letter 'a' in the British pronunciation of 'above'. | 14:11 |
qense | paultag: No! My parents made Sense! hah | 14:11 |
qense | ahem | 14:11 |
qense | bad joke | 14:11 |
paultag | Ha!!! | 14:11 |
qense | paultag: Polish write 'Tchaikovsky' like 'Laura'? :S | 14:12 |
qense | ah | 14:14 |
qense | nvm | 14:14 |
nigelb | I'm off for the day from work. catch y'all when I get home | 14:42 |
paultag | l8r sk8r | 14:50 |
nhandler | dholbach: No clue who did that. The learning calendar really shouldn't have : a) recurring events or b) All day events (they should be set to go from 00:00 to 23:59 instead). | 15:08 |
dholbach | nhandler: I hope vobject upstream fixes it | 15:08 |
jono | hi all | 15:53 |
paultag | 'lo jono | 15:53 |
kim0 | jono, morning jono | 15:54 |
jono | hey :) | 15:54 |
dholbach | hey jono | 15:54 |
jono | hey dholbach | 15:55 |
dholbach | jono: I can't make our 1-on-1 next week | 15:55 |
dholbach | jono: just replied | 15:55 |
* kim0 has 50+ tabs open and reading like crazy :) | 15:58 | |
nigelb | kim0: irc? | 15:58 |
kim0 | nah browser | 15:58 |
nigelb | ah | 15:58 |
kim0 | if it were irc, I'd be a bot | 15:58 |
nigelb | then I may be a bot | 15:59 |
kim0 | lol :D | 15:59 |
jcastro | jono: you removed your menu bar right? (the old app,places,system menu) | 15:59 |
jussi | kim0: I have somewhere close to 150 channels.... | 16:00 |
kim0 | jussi: ehum :) | 16:00 |
kim0 | I think that's really too much eh | 16:01 |
nhandler | I have ~100. I found the cost/benefit ratio of being in more channels not advantageous | 16:01 |
jono | jcastro, yep | 16:01 |
jcastro | I start with ~15, and over the course of weeks it turns into over 50, that's when I know to restart the client | 16:01 |
paultag | +1 | 16:01 |
jcastro | jono: can you try to add the menu bar back? Tell me if that works pls. | 16:01 |
paultag | God forbid I boot up xchat | 16:01 |
jussi | nhandler: see thats where you need quassel's chat mointor :D | 16:01 |
paultag | I overran the c char * that they used to store channels | 16:02 |
jono | jcastro, hang on, I have a call about to start | 16:02 |
jcastro | oh no worries | 16:02 |
paultag | turns out it's a malloc(sizeof(char)*300) :/ | 16:02 |
jcastro | jono: whenever you get a chance | 16:02 |
jcastro | it's not urgent | 16:02 |
jono | what is the applet for the main menu again? | 16:02 |
jcastro | "menu bar" | 16:02 |
jono | GNOME Menu Bar is my current one | 16:02 |
jono | ok works fine for me | 16:02 |
jcastro | "main menu" is the logo with the down arrow | 16:02 |
jcastro | hmm, thanks! | 16:03 |
nhandler | jussi: What does the chat monitor do again? | 16:03 |
nigelb | paultag: that beats all of us | 16:03 |
nigelb | nhandler: gives you preview of all channels you're in | 16:03 |
paultag | nigelb: not channels, chars | 16:03 |
paultag | nigelb: nhandler beats me without a doubt | 16:03 |
nigelb | paultag: you had a channel name bigger than that? | 16:04 |
nhandler | nigelb: Yeah, that wouldn't help me | 16:04 |
paultag | nigelb: they are all on the same line | 16:04 |
paultag | nigelb: #foo,#bar,#baz | 16:04 |
nigelb | ahh | 16:04 |
nigelb | nhandler: I think its nice | 16:04 |
paultag | nigelb: idiot programmer imho | 16:04 |
nigelb | paultag: haha | 16:04 |
nigelb | paultag: you can submit a patch | 16:04 |
paultag | I filed a bug, but to no avail so far | 16:04 |
paultag | nigelb: I don't care enough for xchat | 16:05 |
paultag | nigelb: I'll just start using irssi more | 16:05 |
nigelb | irssi++ | 16:05 |
kim0 | can anyone using irssi heavily share his auto-start scripts (especially notification stuff) .. I wanna play/switch to it | 16:09 |
* nigelb doesn't use notification | 16:10 | |
nigelb | kim0: do you have iphone? | 16:10 |
nigelb | if so there is some script for it | 16:10 |
kim0 | nigelb, nah Android | 16:11 |
kim0 | but I meat PC notifications | 16:11 |
kim0 | like jumping tray icons and so on :D | 16:11 |
nigelb | kim0: nhandler had some stuff for it | 16:12 |
nigelb | kim0: | 16:12 |
kim0 | cool checking it out | 16:13 |
pleia2 | jono: User Days still isn't showing up in Lernid and it's tomorrow, how do I get this fixed? :) | 16:33 |
nigelb | I wonder if we could get rid of the need for config files | 16:33 |
pleia2 | or give the classroom team access | 16:35 |
paultag | GRRRR, user days :( | 16:35 |
paultag | I just lost my slides | 16:35 |
nigelb | LOL | 16:35 |
pleia2 | I'm not even sure jono is the right person to be bothering about this :\ | 16:35 |
paultag | I have my stuff backed up, but the images are gone | 16:35 |
nigelb | its on his server I think? | 16:35 |
paultag | I spent hours on them | 16:35 |
paultag | >:( | 16:35 |
pleia2 | paultag: aww :( | 16:35 |
pleia2 | nigelb: I think so | 16:36 |
nigelb | pleia2: I remember doing a config file for last time | 16:36 |
paultag | pleia2: lucky I backed up the text, but loosing those images is a shot in the gut | 16:36 |
nigelb | I started using git at work | 16:36 |
paultag | w00t! | 16:36 |
paultag | git rocks so hard | 16:36 |
paultag | nigelb: I use it 100% ( unless doctormo comes up with a crazy idea and wants to use bzr ) | 16:36 |
nigelb | Yes, bzr is more awesome, but awesomeness is tied into LP, so can't use it that well | 16:36 |
paultag | nigelb: nah, github rocks. | 16:37 |
dholbach | pleia2: I have no idea - they look just like the UDW entries | 16:37 |
dholbach | pleia2: might be worth mailing ~mbudde | 16:37 |
nigelb | paultag: github rocks | 16:37 |
dholbach | pleia2: (the lernid maintainer) | 16:37 |
paultag | nigelb: I track whube on it | 16:37 |
paultag | nigelb: :) | 16:37 |
nigelb | paultag: but what I meant is that the awesome features of bzr are built into LP | 16:37 |
paultag | nigelb: Yeah | 16:38 |
pleia2 | dholbach: thanks, I'll do that :) | 16:40 |
jussi01 | dinner + beer is a good thing :D | 16:40 |
paultag | jussi01: mmm, what kind of beer? | 16:40 |
jussi01 | paultag: only the best finnish beer for me, Olvi! | 16:40 |
paultag | jussi01: mmm, sounds good. What kind of beer is it? | 16:41 |
nigelb | jussi01: I see you're enjoying weekend | 16:41 |
paultag | jussi01: ale / ipa / stout etc :) | 16:42 |
jussi01 | paultag: sorry, looked elsewhere for a sec. pale lager. | 16:42 |
paultag | *shudder* pilsner | 16:42 |
paultag | jussi01: ah, nice :) | 16:42 |
jussi01 | | 16:43 |
nigelb | paultag: git makes it eassy for an office environment when you want thinks private and lets you host it on your own :) | 16:43 |
paultag | nigelb: you can do the same for bzr... | 16:43 |
nigelb | paultag: wait, you wan? | 16:43 |
paultag | nigelb: and LP is open source, so if you even wanted an internal LP instance | 16:43 |
nigelb | there are far more sucessful instances of git than bzr :p | 16:44 |
paultag | nigelb: because git is braindead to use | 16:44 |
paultag | nigelb: bzr takes some arguing :) | 16:44 |
jussi01 | git is very cool | 16:44 |
nigelb | I wanted something very easy to use | 16:44 |
paultag | it's my vcs of choise | 16:44 |
nigelb | naturally cve and svn got ruled out :p | 16:44 |
paultag | erm choice | 16:44 |
paultag | nigelb: cvs ? | 16:44 |
nigelb | s/cve/cvs | 16:45 |
paultag | just making sure there was no fancy new vcs :) | 16:45 |
nigelb | I love what linus says about cve :P | 16:45 |
nigelb | grr | 16:45 |
nigelb | CVS! | 16:45 |
paultag | nigelb:wtoo many vulns ;) | 16:46 |
paultag | it's mussle memory, eh? | 16:46 |
paultag | grrr, god I hate this lag. | 16:46 |
nigelb | yeah | 16:46 |
* jussi shares a peice of connection speed with paultag | 16:46 | |
paultag | jussi: thanks :/, I'll need it. | 16:47 |
jussi | paultag: I am getting scared of when I move - have to go to 3G only :( | 16:47 |
paultag | jussi: oh noes! | 16:47 |
nigelb | jussi01: when are you moving? | 16:47 |
jussi | about 3 weeks | 16:47 |
paultag | jussi: hope you have some neighbors with wifi where you go :) | 16:47 |
* dholbach calls it a day - have a good WE - see you soon again | 16:48 | |
paultag | later dholbach :) | 16:48 |
jussi | paultag: my nearest neighbour will be over 300m away... ;) | 16:48 |
paultag | whoh! | 16:48 |
paultag | NICE! | 16:48 |
nigelb | dholbach: have fun! | 16:48 |
paultag | jussi: totally worth it | 16:48 |
dholbach | thanks guys | 16:48 |
jussi | paultag: yup | 16:48 |
qense | bye | 16:48 |
jussi | paultag: and the house is still only 20 mins from the main cetre of Oulu, and 5 mins from a shopping centre :D | 16:49 |
paultag | jussi: how did you manage that? | 16:50 |
jussi | paultag: motorway is only about 3km | 16:52 |
nigelb | jussi: getting ready for settling down? | 16:52 |
jussi | nigelb: yeah, getting married in sept so all related I suppose | 16:52 |
nigelb | jussi: :) | 16:52 |
nigelb | jussi: congrats in advance (again) | 16:52 |
paultag | jussi: grats :) | 16:53 |
jussi | so, who wants to see a pic of said house :D? | 16:53 |
paultag | o/ | 16:54 |
jussi | | 16:54 |
jussi | its a log house, so thats nice :) | 16:54 |
paultag | jussi: nice! That's really cool :) | 16:54 |
jussi | yeah, its a pretty nice place | 16:55 |
jussi | on 2Ha, so that makes it even better | 16:56 |
doctormo | paultag: Use bzr for what? | 16:57 |
paultag | doctormo: project versioning | 16:57 |
doctormo | paultag: Explain some more please. | 16:58 |
scott-work | jussi: that house is a log cabin (of sorts)! that's freaking cool! | 16:58 |
paultag | doctormo: explain what? Nothing to explain -- you prefer bzr over git | 16:58 |
* scott-work always wanted a log cabin in the woods | 16:58 | |
paultag | doctormo: so when we collaborate, I don't care, so we end up using bzr | 16:59 |
jussi | scott-work: yeah, our 2HA is mostly birch forest, but the surrounding land is farmland | 16:59 |
jussi | oh, and you all need to see this, its taken from near the gas station about 3km from the house :D | 17:00 |
paultag | jussi: nice :) | 17:00 |
doctormo | paultag: I don't really like git :-P plus it's half perl, that's freeky. | 17:00 |
scott-work | lol @ doctormo | 17:00 |
paultag | bah | 17:01 |
paultag | doctormo: it works better, and I love the branches in git | 17:01 |
doctormo | paultag: Git is faster, bzr is easier to use and has a project management concept with it's intergration of launchpad. | 17:01 |
nigelb | jussi: its worth the distance and being only on 3g | 17:01 |
paultag | doctormo: I don't think it's easier :/ | 17:02 |
doctormo | paultag: Even if wanted to try and get GC to use git for instance, it wouldn't fit because it doesn't understand 'projects' | 17:02 |
jussi | nigelb: certainly is. | 17:02 |
paultag | doctormo: you should try using it for about a month | 17:02 |
doctormo | paultag: I have no projects I want to be in that use it. | 17:02 |
jussi | Ive an option for a different wireless technology as well, but its expensive and not very fast (up to 2Mb/s) | 17:03 |
paultag | doctormo: so migrate one to git and try it for a while | 17:03 |
nigelb | I liked git better than bzr for project stuff | 17:03 |
doctormo | paultag: And what in return will you offer? | 17:03 |
jussi | lets start a flamewar... oh wait... moving on... | 17:03 |
paultag | doctormo: Humm. I'll say Basil your goofy way and call it Coriander | 17:03 |
paultag | doctormo: for a month | 17:03 |
paultag | doctormo: bbl, think about it :) | 17:04 |
doctormo | You also have to say biscuits and jam, you can't use p&j as a phrase and you have to ware a monocle for at least 3 days. | 17:06 |
* JFo goes shopping for monocles | 17:06 | |
doctormo | bye! | 17:06 |
pleia2 | jono: we need updated for User Days, how do we accomplish this? | 17:31 |
jono | pleia2, just give me a few mins, I need to finish an urgent mail and then I will ping you and we can get it sorted | 17:32 |
jono | thanks | 17:32 |
jono | :) | 17:32 |
pleia2 | thank you :) | 17:32 |
jono | :) | 17:32 |
* nigelb hugs jono | 17:33 | |
* jono hugs nigelb | 17:34 | |
nigelb | jono: can we move that file to some place controlled by canonical where classroom team can have access? that way we don't have thse bottlenecks? | 17:36 |
pleia2 | yeah, I have access to strontium and neodymium already, so either of those would be easy | 17:38 |
pleia2 | just need to add a couple others | 17:38 |
paultag | Oh doctormo | 17:44 |
jcastro | ground control to doctormo | 17:46 |
jcastro | ground control to doctormo | 17:46 |
nigelb | LOL | 17:46 |
jcastro | take your protein pills and put your helmet on! | 17:46 |
paultag | major tom to ground control.... | 17:46 |
jcastro | This is ground control to doctormo, you've really made the graaaaaaade | 17:46 |
paultag | Hahaha! | 17:46 |
jono | nigelb, sure, I would like to move it away from my server | 17:48 |
nigelb | jono: we'll get things done and can you do an apache re direct for us? | 17:48 |
nigelb | that way you're happy and we're happy :) | 17:49 |
JFo | dangit, now I have to listen to that jcastro | 17:49 |
* JFo queues up rhythmbox | 17:49 | |
paultag | oh bowie. | 17:49 |
jcastro | JFo: I have some questions for you! wanna mumble later? | 17:49 |
JFo | sure | 17:49 |
JFo | :) | 17:49 |
jcastro | did you guys fix the print screen key yet? | 17:49 |
jono | nigelb, well we need to know where to host it | 17:50 |
jono | and who gets access | 17:50 |
nigelb | jono: pleia2 has access to servers. classroom management team will have access | 17:50 |
jono | nigelb, ok cool | 17:50 |
nigelb | classroom management team = nhandler, cjohnston, and pleia2 :) | 17:50 |
nigelb | jono: we just want access to be given to nhandler and cjohnston too so we don't get bottlenecked | 17:51 |
nigelb | Once you finish this UDW, I'll work with mbudde and you to get things done :) | 17:51 |
JFo | jcastro, not sure | 17:55 |
JFo | could be breakage from upstream | 17:55 |
JFo | did you file a bug? :) | 17:55 |
jcastro | JFo: it's open already | 17:56 |
jcastro | I was just giving you smack | 17:57 |
JFo | ah | 17:57 |
jono | pleia2, ok, are the events in the calendar | 18:12 |
jono | ? | 18:12 |
jono | pleia2, can you email me an event block (see for how to create one) and I will add it | 18:13 |
nigelb | jono: can I patebin you? | 18:14 |
pleia2 | jono: sent | 18:14 |
jono | thanks | 18:14 |
nigelb | gah, she's faster :) | 18:14 |
pleia2 | thanks nigelb :) | 18:15 |
nigelb | pleia2: you rock :) | 18:15 |
jono | pleia2, added | 18:16 |
jono | but no events show | 18:16 |
nhandler | jono: While you are here, think you could implement | 18:18 |
ubot2 | Launchpad bug 533279 in lernid "Remove need for .lernid configuration files (affects: 2) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,Confirmed] | 18:18 |
nhandler | The ical URL is: | 18:18 |
jono | nhandler, I don't hack on Lernid anymore | 18:18 |
jono | you will need to speak to the maintainers | 18:18 |
* nigelb goes to check | 18:18 | |
nhandler | jono: That isn't a change to the code. That is just a workaround involving a config flie | 18:18 |
jono | nhandler, I don't understand what the change is? | 18:19 |
nigelb | nhandler: bug jcastro instead. He has commit access ;p | 18:20 |
pleia2 | nhandler: that is the calendar link I gave him | 18:20 |
nhandler | pleia2: Yes, but the .lernid file in that comment would basically add an "event" that extends the entire year, so sessions that are not part of true events would show up under it | 18:20 |
pleia2 | jono: I think maybe there needs to be an empty line between [Ubuntu User Days] and homepage = | 18:21 |
pleia2 | nhandler: ah, gotcha | 18:21 |
pleia2 | but Homepage comes up ok in lernid.. hrm | 18:21 |
jono | pleia2, shouldnt matter | 18:22 |
jono | it is a problem with the calendar | 18:22 |
pleia2 | nhandler, nigelb can you debug? I need to get back to work | 18:22 |
nhandler | pleia2: Let me make sure I have lernid installed :) | 18:23 |
pleia2 | jono: thanks for adding it :) | 18:23 |
jono | aha | 18:23 |
jono | found it | 18:23 |
jono | one sec | 18:23 |
jono | fixed | 18:23 |
jono | it didn't have :00 for the seconds in the times | 18:23 |
jono | you said 09:30 | 18:24 |
jono | not 09:30:00 | 18:24 |
pleia2 | ah, oops :) | 18:24 |
pleia2 | thanks | 18:24 |
jono | that is a bug | 18:24 |
jono | all working now :-) | 18:24 |
jcastro | jono: mumbles? | 18:24 |
jono | jcastro, sure | 18:24 |
jono | one sec | 18:24 |
jcastro | oops | 18:24 |
jcastro | I meant JFo | 18:24 |
jono | ahhh cool | 18:24 |
jono | np | 18:24 |
jono | :) | 18:24 |
jcastro | oh hey, your gimp bug is fixed | 18:24 |
jcastro | also | 18:24 |
jcastro | UNE on monday, not this week, no didrocks | 18:24 |
nhandler | jono: Can you add ? | 18:25 |
jcastro | this mutter bug is affecting the menu. :( | 18:25 |
JFo | jcastro, sure | 18:25 |
jono | nhandler, what problem does this solve? | 18:25 |
jono | the user experience of Lernid is to allow people to select an event | 18:25 |
jono | selecting Ubuntu Classroom is not useful in my view | 18:25 |
jono | I agree we need to move the config away from my server but I don't believe this is the solution | 18:26 |
jcastro | | 18:26 |
jono | although... | 18:26 |
jono | we could have the entry as All Sessions I guess | 18:26 |
jono | let me add that | 18:26 |
nhandler | jono: It allows lernid to be used for all Classes. Including the one-off ones that we organize. Like I said in the bug, it isn't perfect, but it is a workaround until the bug is fixed | 18:27 |
jono | nhandler, I added it but it doesn't show sessions | 18:28 |
nhandler | Hmm...Neither is the UUD event | 18:28 |
jono | the others events work for me | 18:29 |
jono | just not all sessions | 18:29 |
jono | nhandler, I have removed it - do some testing and I can always add it later | 18:30 |
nhandler | Hmm...UDW works, UUD still won't give me a schedule :( | 18:31 |
nhandler | Quiting and restarting lernid fixed that | 18:34 |
jcastro | jono: can you doublecheck you have the latest appmenu-gtk? (check with lp vs. what you have installed just in case your mirror is behind) | 19:24 |
jcastro | 0.1.1-0ubuntu1 | 19:26 |
nigelb | I sincerely hope that one day Robbie will learn to send mails correctly :p | 19:29 |
jcastro | hey nigelb | 19:32 |
jcastro | if this week you have another slow week then I think we should post again to -devel asking for more help | 19:32 |
nigelb | jcastro: yes | 19:35 |
nigelb | Also, I'll pick up this week | 19:35 |
nigelb | work gave me laptop for until mine comes back | 19:35 |
jcastro | nigelb: well, the idea is for a team based effort, heh | 19:40 |
nigelb | jcastro: yes, I intend to do and then say how easy it is and encourage others to do | 19:41 |
* jcastro nods | 19:41 | |
nigelb | like dholbach did last week or week before | 19:41 |
jcastro | leading by example ftw | 19:41 |
nigelb | exactly! | 19:42 |
jcastro | <-- lunching | 19:48 |
=== scott-work is now known as hot-sales-woman | ||
=== hot-sales-woman is now known as scott-work | ||
nigelb | yay, one person marked time for ubuntu hour | 20:33 |
nigelb | so I won't be alone :) | 20:33 |
paultag | nigelb: woot | 20:55 |
jcastro | it's megadeth friday! | 21:02 |
scott-work | jcastro: do you like the latest megadeth? i think i miss dave when he was out of his mind on drugs. | 21:32 |
scott-work | it's a slipknot friday for me | 21:32 |
jcastro | scott-work: mostly, It'll depend on how well the songs stand up live | 21:32 |
jcastro | scott-work: How The Story Ends is my fave | 21:33 |
scott-work | jcastro: ah, i'm old school, i still think peace sells... is their best | 21:34 |
scott-work | jcastro: but i had just left the sheltered life at home to go to college in '87 and discovered metal at that time, it holds a special place for me | 21:35 |
scott-work | like metallica's ride the lightning | 21:35 |
jcastro | ftw | 21:35 |
jcastro | <-- phone | 21:36 |
scott-work | seeing 'ftw' cracks me up, because when i see it i think of motley crue and nikki sixxs writing it on his arm in concert, he didn't mean 'for the win' though ;) | 21:38 |
jono_ | Technoviking, around? | 22:27 |
jcastro | end o week, cheers everyone: | 22:38 |
popey | pleia2: Penn & Teller on BBC now! | 22:42 |
pleia2 | :D | 22:43 |
pleia2 | yeah, I caught them before they skipped town for a bit | 22:44 |
popey | they must have been coming here :) | 22:45 |
JFo | someone told me I reminded them of Penn the other day popey. I'm trying to remember where... and why :) | 22:53 |
popey | I think the same thing! | 22:54 |
JFo | oh dear | 22:54 |
* popey huggles JFo | 22:55 | |
JFo | heh, thanks | 22:55 |
JFo | been a rough week | 22:55 |
AlanBell | JFo: when I saw pleia2's blog my first thought was that she was standing with you! | 22:59 |
JFo | where? | 22:59 |
JFo | AlanBell, do you have a link to it? | 22:59 |
AlanBell | | 22:59 |
JFo | thanks | 22:59 |
popey | | 22:59 |
AlanBell | the hair is too long | 22:59 |
JFo | yep, just a bit though | 23:00 |
AlanBell | I saw the pic before reading the words and figured it was at some linux conference or other | 23:01 |
JFo | hah! | 23:01 |
JFo | that is too funny | 23:01 |
JFo | well, it is beer'o'clock | 23:01 |
popey | \o/ | 23:01 |
JFo | I must go and have one or three | 23:01 |
* AlanBell has just returned from the pub | 23:01 | |
JFo | see you all later :) | 23:01 |
popey | emjoy | 23:01 |
popey | -typos | 23:01 |
AlanBell | o/ | 23:02 |
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