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apw | yawn | 08:37 |
smb | Coffee! | 08:37 |
smb | Reminds me there is some in the Kitchen I forgot to bring with me | 08:37 |
RAOF | I *always* do that! | 08:38 |
smb | Must be some natures law... :) | 08:39 |
jk- | that's to tell you that you need a coffee :) | 08:44 |
cooloney | kengyu: around? my FISH man | 08:55 |
kengyu | cooloney, anything can I help, guess we move to hwe? | 09:04 |
kraut | moin | 10:03 |
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apw | https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux | 12:38 |
lag | apw: https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/lucid/+package/linux-image-2.6.32-22-generic | 12:47 |
apw | https://edge.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-security/+archive/ppa/+build/1770776/+files/linux-image-2.6.32-22-generic-pae_2.6.32-22.36_i386.deb | 12:48 |
pgraner | apw: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/461105/ | 13:26 |
lag | ubuntu-2.6$ addr2line -f -e debian/build/build-omap/vmlinux bf1baad0 | 14:11 |
lag | ?? | 14:11 |
lag | ??:0 | 14:11 |
lag | apw --^ | 14:11 |
Flek74 | Hello Ubuntu-Developers! | 14:44 |
Flek74 | I have a problem on my Ubuntu 10.04 | 14:44 |
JFo | Flek74, is it kernel related and have you opened a bug? | 14:46 |
Flek74 | I already opened an issue on launchpad | 14:46 |
JFo | ok, what is the bug number? | 14:47 |
Flek74 | maybe it is kernel related, maybe not | 14:47 |
Flek74 | ok it's bug 581847 | 14:48 |
ubot2 | Launchpad bug 581847 in linux (Ubuntu) "system crash after changing power supply (affects: 1) (heat: 69)" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/581847 | 14:48 |
Flek74 | with my probook 6545b | 14:49 |
Flek74 | I already tried to install the ubuntu mainline kernel | 14:50 |
Flek74 | It's running, with the restriction, that W-LAN isn't working anymore because it's a Broadcom device | 14:52 |
Flek74 | I know how to develop in C/C++, therefore I already tried to locate the bug. | 14:56 |
Flek74 | But it is very difficult if you didn't do anything on the kernel so far. | 14:57 |
JFo | this looks like something in the power control area of the kernel perhaps. | 15:11 |
marco74 | I also thought about this | 15:12 |
JFo | I've tagged it as such and will ask about it when manoj gets in to see what he thinks | 15:12 |
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marco74 | i already tried to compile some kernel.org-kernles | 15:12 |
marco74 | thank you | 15:12 |
JFo | no problem | 15:13 |
JFo | did you try the mainline builds? | 15:13 |
marco74 | 2.6.31, 2.6.32. 2.6.33 | 15:14 |
marco74 | also 2.6.34 from the website you meantioned | 15:15 |
JFo | any difference in behavior? | 15:15 |
marco74 | yes | 15:15 |
marco74 | 2.6.31 work, with problems in graphics and sound | 15:16 |
JFo | would you mind describing the difference and which kernel it was in on the bug? | 15:16 |
JFo | that way all who look at it can see what progression there is | 15:16 |
marco74 | you mean on lauchpad? | 15:16 |
JFo | yes, please :) | 15:16 |
marco74 | ok I'll do that | 15:16 |
JFo | thank you | 15:17 |
marco74 | the tests with the kernel.org kernel result was that all 2.6.32 kernels do not work | 15:17 |
marco74 | Therefore I also tried 2.6.31 and 2.6.32-rc* | 15:18 |
JFo | I suspect that may be due to missing ubuntu configs that are in the mainline builds | 15:18 |
marco74 | I used make localmodconfig | 15:19 |
marco74 | then i set the option with the SATA-Driver from module to an asterisk * that I was able to boot from it | 15:19 |
marco74 | because the initrd option on make-kpkg doesn't work | 15:20 |
JFo | add that information to the bug as well please, that is good to know. | 15:25 |
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jcrigby | apw: ping? | 15:47 |
apw | hi | 15:47 |
jcrigby | apw: I've been reading the AbstractedDebian wiki page and have some questions | 15:48 |
jcrigby | apw:I'm doing the packaging for the linaro kernel | 15:49 |
jcrigby | and one possibility would be to follow the directions for creating my own branch, but I really want my debian.linaro to track debian.master so copying seems like it will create more work in the long run | 15:50 |
bjf | pgraner, http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~bradf/table.html (still needs work and data specific to 'linux') | 15:51 |
tgardner | jcrigby, the point of the abstracted debian is that your debian.linaro branch should contain nothing more then configs, control.d flavour files, and ABIs | 15:52 |
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tgardner | everything else should be in debian | 15:53 |
pgraner | bjf: looking good very interesting results | 15:53 |
jcrigby | tgardner:yes, I realize that | 15:54 |
tgardner | jcrigby, so, what is it in debian.master that you wish to track? | 15:55 |
jcrigby | tgardner:as I look at the branch history it seems like the debian.master changes as often as the actual content so it seems a shame to redo that for debian.linaro | 15:56 |
tgardner | jcrigby, mostly config changes I assume ? | 15:57 |
jcrigby | tgardner:I think my actual problem is having no experience with the actual release process | 15:57 |
jcrigby | tgarder:and the abi changes | 15:58 |
tgardner | jcrigby, there are likely a lot of changelog and ABI noise that don't really have any relevance to Linaro | 15:58 |
tgardner | the only stuff that might be relevant are config changes | 15:58 |
jcrigby | tgarder:yes, so I will stop over thinking this and go ahead and make my branch and go from there | 15:59 |
tgardner | jcrigby, we'd be happy to review one you have something in place | 15:59 |
tgardner | once* | 15:59 |
jcrigby | tgardner:great, thanks | 15:59 |
smoser | hey all. I'm wondering what the suggested way of avoiding building a ramdisk would be. | 15:59 |
smoser | It appears that setting 'ramdisk = /bin/true' in kernel-img.conf will work. | 16:00 |
BenC | smoser: I'm pretty sure do_initrd = false in that same file will do it | 16:01 |
smoser | and, building on that, my guess is I can specify something that would wrap /usr/sbin/update-initramfs , not invoking it if the version based on some criteria. | 16:01 |
apw | jcrigby, ok am in a meeting now for a bit | 16:01 |
jcrigby | apw:tgardner stepped in and helped me | 16:01 |
jcrigby | no more questions for now | 16:02 |
=== bjf changed the topic of #ubuntu-kernel to: Home: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/ || Maverick Kernel Version: 2.6.35 || Ubuntu Kernel Team Meeting - July-13 - 17:00 UTC | ||
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smoser | BenC, no. it has no effect. neither that, nor ramdisk is documented in man pages installed by kernel-package | 16:07 |
smoser | but going based on http://www.tin.org/bin/man.cgi?section=5&topic=kernel-img.conf | 16:07 |
BenC | smoser: interesting...the kernel postinst checks that do_initrd value but never uses it :-/ | 16:09 |
BenC | sounds like a bug | 16:09 |
smoser | yeah. i think its just old. | 16:09 |
smoser | but that link, the documentation doesn't even suggest that this indicates whether or not a ramdiks will be built. but rather only about silencing a warning. | 16:10 |
BenC | smoser: do_initrd is supposed to do this | 16:17 |
smoser | well, even then, i'd like to do it based on criteria. and a global boolean wouldn't suffice. | 16:18 |
BenC | smoser: you can also do something like: | 16:19 |
BenC | sudo dpkg-divert --local --divert /usr/sbin/update-initramfs.orig --add /usr/sbin/update-initramfs | 16:19 |
BenC | sudo ln -s /bin/true /usr/sbin/update-initramfs | 16:19 |
BenC | but that's pretty hard core | 16:19 |
smoser | with the update-initramfs wrapper, i can check kernel characteristics of the specific kernel | 16:20 |
maks_ | we don't support !initramfs, as going down that road lots of things break | 16:20 |
smoser | maks_, thats not true. | 16:20 |
maks_ | no UUID, fun with latest md | 16:20 |
maks_ | smoser: you know nothing. | 16:20 |
BenC | maks_: it should be supported on VM's and chroots | 16:21 |
smoser | well, i know that a.) no initrd does function b.) things that break it are considered bugs and are fixed c.) we have supported images without ramdisks. | 16:21 |
maks_ | no Ubuntu has never supported that. | 16:21 |
maks_ | it happened to work. | 16:21 |
BenC | maks_: regardless of ubuntu supporting it, he wants to do it, and that's his choice | 16:22 |
maks_ | sure if he wants to shoot in his foot I won't give him a gun for that | 16:22 |
BenC | There's tons of reasons outside of your limited scope that could warrant disabling ramdisk generation | 16:22 |
smoser | as for "supported", it was a feature added to lucid EC2 and UEC images. they ship without a ramdisk. | 16:22 |
BenC | maks_: then shut it, and let me talk to him | 16:22 |
jpds | Is there another around who can help me with an ACPI issue on a Toshiba laptop? (http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1473317) | 16:23 |
BenC | smoser: exactly...I use EC2 that doesn't have ramdisk support as well | 16:23 |
smoser | (well, it does have ramdisk support, but we chose not to use ramdisks there for both speed and maintainance reasons) | 16:24 |
maks_ | lol | 16:24 |
maks_ | BenC: good. | 16:24 |
=== hrw is now known as hrw|gone | ||
* BenC is anti gun control | 16:25 | |
BenC | let 'em all have guns | 16:26 |
warewolf | guns don't kill people, apes with guns kill people | 16:26 |
TeTeT | how do I get a current or past ABI file for my kernel to be compiled in a PPA? See http://launchpadlibrarian.net/51628419/buildlog_ubuntu-lucid-i386.linux_2.6.32-24.38~lvm0_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz for details | 16:27 |
BenC | TeTeT: you should just always bump the ABI in a PPA build | 16:27 |
BenC | TeTeT: and maybe set the var that disables ABI checking | 16:28 |
TeTeT | BenC: how to do that? | 16:28 |
BenC | abi_check=false? | 16:28 |
smoser | BenC, well, it looks to me like the only functional way to do this is via 'ramdisk ='. i went looking once before (possibly lucid time frame) and saw the 'do_initrd', and believe that then it still had no affect. | 16:28 |
BenC | Can't remember, but it's in debian/rules.d/0-* IIRC | 16:28 |
BenC | smoser: I'd file a bug...kernel-img.conf should either honor do_initrd or remove it from existence | 16:29 |
smoser | well, its not documented in the man page | 16:29 |
smoser | and ignored in the post install scripts | 16:29 |
smoser | so, other than a useless variable name in a post install script, its gone from existance. | 16:30 |
maks_ | kernel-img.conf is disappearing | 16:30 |
maks_ | it is a vestige from kernel-package times as you'd know BenC | 16:31 |
smoser | maks_, would you care to share what it is being replaced with ? | 16:32 |
maks_ | why would I as you know everything smoser | 16:32 |
smoser | well, for others in the room of course. maybe if I admit to my non-omnipotence | 16:34 |
jjohansen | apw: you doing the status meeting? | 16:38 |
apw | jjohansen, have already done kernel yes | 16:39 |
apw | jjohansen, though you could talk me through where we are with AA and EC2 plan wise | 16:39 |
smoser | seriously, i'm not intending to be rude, but would like to know what the best solution to this. | 16:40 |
jjohansen | apw: already :( | 16:40 |
BenC | smoser: sounds like a hack is in order since kernel-img.conf is broken and doesn't seem to have a plan to be fixed | 16:41 |
smoser | well, even if it were functioning properly, it wouldn't get me what i'm interested in. | 16:42 |
smoser | i'd like to disable ramdisk creation, and then consumption by grub, on a per-kernel basis. | 16:42 |
smoser | but ideally, i'd like to do so in a way that will continue to work in the future. | 16:43 |
jjohansen | apw: AA just pulling together patches and updates, I have some test kernels for Bug #599450, Bug #581525 that I am testing and will push out for verification, I also need to test the userside component for Bug #581525, basically I am trying to pull together my next submission today | 16:44 |
ubot2 | Launchpad bug 599450 in linux (Ubuntu Maverick) (and 1 other project) "[apparmor] getattr handled incorrectly in 2.6.35-6.7 (affects: 3) (dups: 2) (heat: 457)" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/599450 | 16:44 |
ubot2 | Launchpad bug 581525 in apparmor (Ubuntu) "Lucid: system becomes unstable randomly, seems related with apparmor (affects: 4) (heat: 89)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/581525 | 16:44 |
jjohansen | apw: EC2, I got a nive little email from amazon about pv-ops and hope to kick off a test build of a new pv-ops kernel this morning | 16:45 |
apw | jjohansen, sounds about what i wrote :) excellent | 16:46 |
apw | hows the upstreaming looking? | 16:46 |
apw | any sign of it getting into security tree? | 16:46 |
jjohansen | apw: well I am hopeful | 16:47 |
jjohansen | it should be soon | 16:47 |
jjohansen | basically I am hoping before sprint, quick turn around next week if needed type of thing | 16:48 |
BenC | smoser: sounds like you will have to divert update-initramfs and replace it with a wrapper that checks your own config file...put that in a package, and you have something that works pretty well for your usage | 16:49 |
pgraner | jjohansen: sooner is better | 16:50 |
jjohansen | pgraner: ack | 16:52 |
kees | apw: did you get a chance to look at my i915 fix? it's really trivial, but would let me actually boot a maverick kernel again... | 17:01 |
apw | sorry no that i recall | 17:01 |
tgardner | kees, you got some heat about the constant. did you ever reconcile that with upstream? | 17:08 |
kees | tgardner: upstream wants a perfect fix; but it _was_ a constant in all versions prior. | 17:09 |
kees | tgardner: this just unbreaks it without re-breaking the piece they fixed for other hardware | 17:09 |
tgardner | kees, well, you're so good at windmill tilting lately, why don't you have a go at them about it ? | 17:10 |
kees | tgardner: I have for weeks, they're just ignoring me. | 17:10 |
tgardner | kees, ok, I'll have a look at it. | 17:10 |
kees | tgardner: but as it stands, it's a regression, and the fix is insanely trivial. | 17:10 |
tgardner | kees, I agree, but wanted to make it did not in turn introduce a regression | 17:11 |
tgardner | make sure* | 17:11 |
kees | tgardner: right, understood. if you look at the patch, it replaces two sets of constants (for G33 and non-G33) with autodetection magic. the intent was to fix this for the non-G33 case, which is nice and all, but they _added_ autodetection for G33 that is not needed and is wrong. So by making the G33 case static again, it fixes the regression they introduced without re-breaking the non-G33 case they fixed. | 17:13 |
kees | http://git.kernel.org/?p=linux/kernel/git/torvalds/linux-2.6.git;a=commitdiff;h=f1befe71fa7a79ab733011b045639d8d809924ad | 17:13 |
kees | it was this: | 17:13 |
kees | int gtt_map_size = 256 * 1024; | 17:13 |
kees | if (IS_G33) | 17:13 |
kees | gtt_map_size = 1024 * 1024; /* 1M on G33 */ | 17:13 |
kees | now it's: | 17:14 |
kees | gtt_map_size = intel_i915_get_gtt_size(); | 17:14 |
kees | and if you look in that new function, the G33 case is what's regressed. | 17:14 |
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apw | kess, the only thing thats odd is you leave in the autodetect login | 17:14 |
kees | apw: I'm happy to remove it. | 17:15 |
kees | I just want to boot maverick again. :P | 17:15 |
tgardner | kees, refresh my memory on where your patch is? | 17:16 |
tgardner | its on the k-t list, right? | 17:17 |
kees | yup | 17:17 |
kees | https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/kernel-team/2010-July/011457.html | 17:17 |
tgardner | kees, well, that just slams the previous calculation of size. what is your gmch_ctrl for that device? It looks like there is a missing case. | 17:19 |
kees | tgardner: mine reports 2M, which is wrong because half is a shadow gtt. upstream said, "yeah 1M is correct. gee, we should find someone that knows the hardware better" | 17:20 |
kees | tgardner: see https://bugzilla.kernel.org/show_bug.cgi?id=16294 | 17:20 |
ubot2 | bugzilla.kernel.org bug 16294 in Video(DRI - Intel) "[Q35 bisected] hang at init of i915 driver" [High,New] | 17:20 |
tgardner | ah, I remember taht now. | 17:20 |
kees | tgardner, apw: here's a new patch that throws the entire auto-detect section out: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/kernel-team/2010-July/011575.html | 17:22 |
tgardner | kees, how old is this laptop? it must be approaching 3 years | 17:23 |
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tgardner | I wonder if there is a way to quirk this on sub-vendor ID ? | 17:24 |
kees | tgardner: this is not my laptop; it's my all-Intel primary desktop. A very common Q35 motherboard. | 17:24 |
kees | tgardner: my Dell laptop with the ATI issues I gave up on. | 17:24 |
kees | http://www.google.com/search?client=ubuntu&channel=fs&q=intel+q35 | 17:25 |
tgardner | well, I thought the i810 was dead. little did I know... | 17:25 |
kees | it's not i810. I wish it was -- then I'd have a built-in RNG. | 17:26 |
kees | tgardner: anyway, the issue isn't trying to do the calculation correctly (I'll leave that to upstream to figure out), it's to get rid of a regression. | 17:26 |
tgardner | kees, well, lemme study it. I might be able to do both. | 17:27 |
kees | tgardner: could you maybe study it after fixing the regression? I can't test any maverick kernels without rebuilding them first. :P | 17:28 |
kees | the gtt size for G33 has been 1M since the beginning of time. | 17:28 |
tgardner | I promise I'll either find a solution or implement your patch today. OK? | 17:28 |
* kees hugs tgardner | 17:29 | |
kees | tgardner: thanks! I've literally spent days tracking this down and trying to get it fixed. | 17:29 |
tgardner | apw, does ureadahead run on every boot cycle? | 17:46 |
apw | tgardner, yes only recording when the pack is missing | 17:51 |
apw | which is cleaned up by any updated to 'main' or somethign in dpkg | 17:52 |
tgardner | apw, I guess I'm not clear on if it even loads if the pack is not missing. | 17:56 |
apw | if the pack is missing then it runs in learn about the system mode and and uses ftrace | 17:57 |
apw | otherwise it just uses the pack to load things | 17:57 |
tgardner | apw, so it loads in either casem which means tracing gets enabled. | 17:57 |
apw | hrm, ok ... not so hot | 18:01 |
* bjf running an errand, biab | 18:02 | |
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tgardner | kees, you running amd64 I assume? | 18:16 |
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kees | tgardner: yeah | 18:38 |
tgardner | kees, k, I'll have a test kernel in a bit. the dope that coded this used the wrong macros | 18:39 |
tgardner | I think. | 18:39 |
kees | tgardner: wrong macros? | 18:39 |
tgardner | I'll reply to the m-l with my patch. | 18:39 |
JFo | <-lunch | 18:45 |
* apw cracks a cold one ... its tooo hot to concentrate here | 18:50 | |
tgardner | kees, tangerine.buildd:kern/maverick/kern-64/linux-image-2.6.35-7-generic_2.6.35-7.12_amd64.deb | 18:50 |
tgardner | server will be up soon | 18:51 |
=== bjf[afk] is now known as bjf | ||
=== tgardner is now known as tgardner-lunch | ||
* bjf is back | 18:51 | |
cking | apw, you are making me drool | 19:03 |
* cking has things to attend to. Have a good weekend | 19:03 | |
* gnarl makes final uploads while reaching half of his cold one | 19:07 | |
tgardner-lunch | kees, tangerine.buildd:kern/maverick/kern-64/linux-image-2.6.35-7-server_2.6.35-7.12_amd64.deb | 19:14 |
=== tgardner-lunch is now known as tgardner | ||
jjohansen | -> Lunch | 20:32 |
mpoirier | git bisect start | 20:37 |
mpoirier | git bisect good v2.6.35-rc4 | 20:37 |
mpoirier | git bisect bad v2.6.35-rc3 | 20:37 |
tgardner | mpoirier, git log v2.6.35-rc3.. -- arch/arm/ | 20:40 |
kees | tgardner: booting it now... | 21:23 |
kees | tgardner: \o/ it worked! :) | 21:32 |
tgardner | kees, cool | 21:32 |
tgardner | kees, can I add your tested-by ? | 21:34 |
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* jjohansen heads for a walk, back on in a bit | 22:52 | |
=== bjf is now known as bjf[afk] |
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