jenkins | night all | 00:33 |
=== ZachK_ is now known as zkriesse | ||
=== Zeike is now known as brandonj | ||
=== hemanth is now known as g33k | ||
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nisshh | jenkins: ill be doing some work on the dev manual in a little while, ill make a branch up and turn it into the trunk so you can also start working on it | 10:51 |
jenkins | cool nisshh sounds great | 10:53 |
nisshh | ok | 10:54 |
jenkins | I will be afk quite a bit today | 10:55 |
nisshh | jenkins: ok, just work on it when you like | 11:02 |
nisshh | im setting it up so the whole team can commit to the trunk anyway | 11:03 |
jenkins | thats good | 11:05 |
nisshh | yea | 11:05 |
nisshh | jenkins: just so you know: | 11:32 |
nisshh | jenkins: thats the new trunk, which is owned by the whole dev manual team, not just me this time | 11:32 |
nisshh | it also has the sample app in it | 11:32 |
nisshh | godbyk: ping | 11:37 |
nisshh | godbyk-android: | 11:37 |
nisshh | godbyk-android: ping | 11:37 |
jenkins | nisshh: branch is great, kevin will not be up for 2-3 hours yet. | 11:39 |
nisshh | jenkins: ok, cool, i need godbyk to teach me how to create and edit stuff like the /terminal command and such, unless you know how to do that? | 11:40 |
jenkins | nisshh: have a look at the ubuntu-manual.cls file line 512 | 11:43 |
nisshh | ok | 11:43 |
jenkins | what do you want to change about it? | 11:43 |
jenkins | I have never done it before but I can't be ahrd | 11:43 |
nisshh | jenkins: i dont want to change anything really, but i just though we might be creating commands and stuff in the future so i thought i should learn | 11:46 |
jenkins | ok i see | 11:46 |
c7p | jenkins, flan under which license is the quickshot released ? | 12:00 |
jenkins | c7p: GNU General Public License version 3, please point out that it is not worth forking/using as a code base at the moment as it is still mid rewrite | 12:02 |
c7p | so for now it's only for the purposed of the manual ? | 12:03 |
jenkins | no we are working for multiproject support this release, I think we said that in the e-mail i liked to you | 12:03 |
nisshh | jenkins: is the new version going to be easier to use | 12:04 |
c7p | ok, i'm just writing an introduction about the UM project and the quickshot in greek so i can motivate them to learn more | 12:04 |
jenkins | thats the idea, cool. | 12:05 |
jenkins | when you are done can you link me it please, I will have a read using google translate. | 12:05 |
c7p | ok :) | 12:05 |
jenkins | thanks :), feel free to post it on the forum when you are done, I would jsut like to see peoples response | 12:06 |
c7p | jenkins: do you have the ML url handy? if not don't mind I'll find it on google | 12:15 |
jenkins | c7p | 12:16 |
c7p | ok ty :) | 12:16 |
c7p | should I add the link or quote the message ? | 12:18 |
jenkins | up to you, which ever you like | 12:18 |
c7p | jenkins: | 12:35 |
c7p | i can clarify any paragraph if you can't make out google's translation | 12:37 |
jenkins | nope thats great, | 12:38 |
jenkins | we shall see what people think | 12:38 |
c7p | ok | 12:40 |
jenkins | thanks c7p | 12:41 |
jenkins | :) | 12:41 |
jenkins | see you later all | 12:41 |
semioticrobotic | does anyone use Back In Time for backups? | 16:50 |
semioticrobotic | having a issue I can't solve | 16:50 |
dutchie | ooh, backups | 16:50 |
semioticrobotic | indeed sir | 16:50 |
nisshh | semioticrobotic: sorry, cant help you, i use a bash script that uses rsync | 16:51 |
dutchie | must get round to sorting them | 16:51 |
semioticrobotic | well, Back In Time uses rsync as well | 16:51 |
semioticrobotic | I just prefer the GUI | 16:51 |
nisshh | yea | 16:51 |
nisshh | some do some dont | 16:51 |
semioticrobotic | maybe my issue is an rsync issue | 16:51 |
semioticrobotic | not entirely sure | 16:51 |
semioticrobotic | every two days, Back In Time does a complete backup | 16:51 |
semioticrobotic | regardless of changes, regardless of hardlinks, etc. | 16:52 |
semioticrobotic | it just backs everything up from scratch ... and it's killing my drive (not to mention using more space than I have) | 16:52 |
nisshh | semioticrobotic: its your back in time settings im guessing, you should be able to change when it does what type of backup | 16:53 |
semioticrobotic | I've tweaked them twice | 16:53 |
semioticrobotic | (over the past four days) | 16:53 |
semioticrobotic | but this hasn't solved the problem ... not yet, anyway | 16:53 |
nisshh | semioticrobotic: i would think that every 2 days is far too much | 16:53 |
semioticrobotic | right | 16:54 |
semioticrobotic | because a single full backup of my stuff takes 4+ hours | 16:54 |
nisshh | yea | 16:54 |
semioticrobotic | I don't mind doing that once, on initial backup to a fresh drive | 16:54 |
nisshh | changes only would be what you want | 16:54 |
semioticrobotic | precisely | 16:54 |
semioticrobotic | and that's what I have it set to do | 16:54 |
semioticrobotic | once very hour | 16:54 |
semioticrobotic | *every | 16:54 |
semioticrobotic | I save all backups for a year | 16:54 |
semioticrobotic | and it quits if the drive has less than 1GB free | 16:55 |
semioticrobotic | neither of those conditions have been met | 16:55 |
nisshh | yea, maybe it has a default setting of full backups every 2 days, you should be able to change that | 16:55 |
semioticrobotic | yes, I think so! | 16:55 |
semioticrobotic | nisshh: Do you think a script would be better than this piece of software? | 16:55 |
semioticrobotic | keep in mind that I'm somewhat n00bish | 16:56 |
semioticrobotic | but would be willing to consider other options | 16:56 |
nisshh | semioticrobotic: well, if you know enough about rsync, then yes | 16:56 |
semioticrobotic | I've just migrated from Mac OS X, and this is the only issue that has me thinking of going back | 16:56 |
nisshh | semioticrobotic: there are heaps of example rsync backup scripts on the net | 16:56 |
nisshh | semioticrobotic: yea, scripts are the way to go for something like backups | 16:57 |
semioticrobotic | are they easy to set up and run automatically? | 16:57 |
semioticrobotic | (Back in Time uses cron for its scheduling) | 16:57 |
nisshh | semioticrobotic: create your script and run it manually once to make sure it works, then add it as a cron job | 16:57 |
dutchie | !info rsnapshot | 16:57 |
dutchie | hmm | 16:57 |
nisshh | dutchie: real smooth :) | 16:58 |
semioticrobotic | :) | 16:58 |
semioticrobotic | dutchie: just looked it up ... reading now | 16:58 |
dutchie | hello manualbot | 16:59 |
dutchie | !info rsnapshot | 16:59 |
dutchie | !ping | 16:59 |
manualbot | pong | 16:59 |
dutchie | oh well | 17:00 |
nisshh | meh | 17:00 |
semioticrobotic | dutchie: hmmm, well, I know this decreases my cred, but I'll need to admit that this looks just a little too complicated for my current skill set | 17:00 |
dutchie | fair enough | 17:00 |
semioticrobotic | sorry :/ | 17:01 |
nisshh | semioticrobotic: give it a go, you can do it | 17:01 |
semioticrobotic | something to work up to, of course :) | 17:01 |
semioticrobotic | nisshh: Well, while I appreciate your confidence, I'm not so sure :) | 17:02 |
nisshh | semioticrobotic: meh, well, maybe one day youll try it | 17:02 |
semioticrobotic | nisshh: of course, I'll continue to read and tinker .. but when it comes to backups, I like to be sure I'm absolutely comfortable with the solution I've implemented | 17:04 |
nisshh | semioticrobotic: yea, good point, are you really backup consious are you? | 17:05 |
semioticrobotic | nisshh: Yes. I keep several external volumes filled with irreplaceable files | 17:07 |
semioticrobotic | nisshh: and I want them backed up consistently and thoroughly | 17:08 |
nisshh | yea | 17:08 |
nisshh | work files im guessing? | 17:08 |
semioticrobotic | i just can't believe someone hasn't implemented a more n00b-proof backup solution for Ubuntu by now | 17:08 |
semioticrobotic | yes | 17:08 |
semioticrobotic | on the whole | 17:09 |
nisshh | yea, well, rsync is pretty damn easy | 17:09 |
semioticrobotic | I have a 6GB research library -- 900 books and 2000+ articles -- that I've compiled over the last decade | 17:09 |
semioticrobotic | I would be devastated if they were lost | 17:09 |
nisshh | oooh, id like to read those | 17:09 |
nisshh | semioticrobotic: as well as my backup script i also have 3 external drives i mirror too | 17:10 |
dutchie | there is a thing | 17:10 |
dutchie | deja dup | 17:10 |
nisshh | plus my raid array | 17:10 |
semioticrobotic | dutchie: I looked at deja dup, too, but I forget why I ruled it out ... | 17:10 |
dutchie | i've heard of it being discussed for the default install, so it must be fairly noob-proof | 17:10 |
semioticrobotic | will look into it again | 17:10 |
semioticrobotic | yes, it is | 17:10 |
semioticrobotic | actually, I think I remember now | 17:11 |
semioticrobotic | Deja Dup only restores enture snapshots | 17:11 |
semioticrobotic | *entire | 17:11 |
semioticrobotic | I don't think it can do per-file restores | 17:12 |
semioticrobotic | and when I only want to retrieve a single file (or pdf, something like that), it's a hassle | 17:12 |
dutchie | how does it store them? tarballs? | 17:13 |
semioticrobotic | um, let me check | 17:13 |
semioticrobotic | dutchie, not sure | 17:14 |
semioticrobotic | just looking at the Launchpad page now | 17:15 |
dutchie | never mind | 17:15 |
semioticrobotic | deja dup uses duplicity | 17:16 |
semioticrobotic | (as its backend) | 17:16 |
semioticrobotic | well, thanks for the help and suggestions, folks | 17:17 |
semioticrobotic | I'm sure I'll figure something out | 17:17 |
semioticrobotic | (in the meantime I've filed a question on Launchpad ... we'll see where it goes) | 17:25 |
daker | hi | 17:45 |
nisshh | daker: hey | 17:46 |
* nisshh is compiling his own kernel :) | 19:00 | |
=== Zeike is now known as brandonj | ||
jenkins | evening all, how are we? | 21:54 |
jenkins | quite here tonight | 21:56 |
c7p | yap | 21:57 |
dutchie | o/ | 21:57 |
jenkins | hello dutchie and c7p | 22:01 |
c7p | hey jenkins | 22:02 |
jenkins | godbyk: ping | 22:21 |
c7p | in about an hour godbyk should be available | 22:25 |
jenkins | k thanks | 22:26 |
dutchie | daker: did you ping the other day? | 22:26 |
jenkins | hey daker great to here how quickly you will be able to do the quickshot site, where are you putting the branch? | 22:26 |
daker | dutchie, i don't remember | 22:27 |
jenkins | dutchie: that may have been me, no worries now | 22:27 |
daker | jenkins, there is no branch :) | 22:32 |
jenkins | daker: cool if you don't mind can you do it under the quickshot project page :) please | 22:32 |
daker | sure | 22:32 |
jenkins | thanks, just checked you are in the quickshotdevs team | 22:33 |
c7p | jenkins: could you help me to find what's the error on ? | 22:37 |
jenkins | sure let me look | 22:37 |
jenkins | found it | 22:38 |
jenkins | where is the latest tex file? in the branch? | 22:38 |
c7p | i am not sure | 22:38 |
c7p | i will send you lattest on mail | 22:38 |
jenkins | cool | 22:39 |
jenkins | hmm not what i thought | 22:44 |
jenkins | in case you have missed any of my other reminders, collaboration meeting on saturday 10th 8pm utc, if you are coming please add yourself to the list. , you can also add agenda items there. If everyone can add the pros and cons for docbook or mallard as the content pool . Thanks :) | 22:46 |
jenkins | still trying to work it out c7p | 22:46 |
c7p | what's the uDocs ? | 22:49 |
daker | jenkins, | 22:49 |
jenkins | daker: \o/ :D | 22:50 |
jenkins | c7p: sorry where is that written? | 22:50 |
c7p | jenkins: | 22:50 |
daker | i think it's Ubuntu Doc Team | 22:51 |
daker | no ? | 22:51 |
c7p | "uDocs, Manual, and Learning teams collaboration meeting" | 22:51 |
jenkins | c7p: i think i must have leaned on the keyboard with that open | 22:51 |
daker | jenkins, | 22:56 |
jenkins | wow you have added alot how much, more needs doing? | 22:57 |
daker | what ???!!!! | 22:59 |
jenkins | c7p: I really can't find what is causing the error, it is usually an extra \ that causes that error. | 22:59 |
jenkins | daker: you have added a lot of files all ready, how much more needs to be done before it is complete? | 23:00 |
jenkins | sorry for the bad wording | 23:00 |
daker | it will be complete for this week end | 23:01 |
jenkins | thats great! | 23:01 |
daker | if you want to run the website | 23:02 |
jenkins | can I tweet the screenshot you sent? if i crop out the web browser. | 23:02 |
daker | i'll make one for you | 23:03 |
jenkins | it would be great if you could show me how to set it up I have no clue | 23:03 |
jenkins | thanks | 23:03 |
* jenkins notes daker uses the same theme as jenkins | 23:04 | |
daker | humpreybc too | 23:04 |
c7p | jenkins: no problem, I can't find it either :P, kevin should be back in a few minutes so it's no big deal | 23:05 |
jenkins | its really strange I must be missing something | 23:05 |
c7p | I typed the make ubuntu-etc command on my system, and on the log file there isn't any word error | 23:06 |
jenkins | hmm wierd | 23:08 |
godbyk | jenkins, c7p: pong | 23:13 |
c7p | hi kevin | 23:14 |
jenkins | hey godbyk, I forgot what I was going to say. How are you? busy i guess | 23:14 |
godbyk | not too bad. just got back from a meeting. | 23:15 |
godbyk | (seems all I do these days is attend meetings. makes it hard to get stuff done.) | 23:15 |
jenkins | can someone please confirm they got my meeting reminder on the mailing list? | 23:15 |
daker | i got it | 23:16 |
jenkins | thanks, | 23:17 |
godbyk | c7p: the error in the log file on the builds site was the \dasho thing I mentioned to you earlier. | 23:17 |
jenkins | I am determind to do it I will organise meetings until we decide/ get people from every team | 23:17 |
godbyk | I haven't rebuilt the PDFs since. | 23:17 |
c7p | ok nice | 23:18 |
godbyk | jenkins: have people from other teams committed to showing up yet? | 23:18 |
jenkins | err nope :( , I have flooded irc enough on this channel and the docs one | 23:18 |
jenkins | well not on the pad some on the thread but not much since | 23:20 |
jenkins | kevin, what do you dislike about the nexus one? I am tempted to get one once I start work | 23:21 |
godbyk | jenkins: My biggest gripe is actually with T-Mobile's crappy service coverage in my area. The phone (and Android) is pretty nice, I think. | 23:24 |
godbyk | The 2.2 release fixed all my gripes, I think. | 23:24 |
godbyk | I haven't had time to dink with it much since upgrading, though, so I don't know if it got them all or not. | 23:24 |
jenkins | cool, I am going to have to think about if I can justify the cost | 23:25 |
daker | jenkins, | 23:25 |
c7p | godbyk, are you available at this time ? | 23:26 |
jenkins | thanks daker, any idea how to tweet a photo :$ | 23:26 |
dutchie | jenkins: | 23:27 |
dutchie | or one of the myriad similar sites | 23:27 |
daker | tweetpic | 23:27 |
daker | create an account on tweetpic | 23:27 |
godbyk | c7p: sure, I can give you a few minutes before I have to dive back into other code. (so much code!) :) | 23:28 |
c7p | ok :) thx | 23:28 |
c7p | check this | 23:29 |
jenkins | thanks daker , should be up soon | 23:29 |
c7p | concerning the first item on the list, topo fixed the issue manually if it is ok with you we can overcome this way | 23:30 |
dutchie | night all | 23:30 |
dutchie | i will be back a week sunday | 23:31 |
c7p | for more about the topo's way : | 23:31 |
jenkins | bye dutchie | 23:32 |
c7p | night dutchie | 23:32 |
godbyk | see ya, dutchie | 23:32 |
jenkins | daker: tweeted and facebook'd | 23:32 |
godbyk | c7p: what are some of the glossary entries that were messed up before? | 23:35 |
c7p | godbyk: actually it's their page refferences , | 23:36 |
daker | good night | 23:39 |
c7p | night daker | 23:39 |
jenkins | night daker | 23:40 |
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