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lfaraone | If a fix to a pacakge only requires a no-change re-build, does it need to be "fixed" in the developement release first? (in the development release, the package FTBFS for a different reason) | 02:27 |
micahg | lfaraone: I would think | 02:29 |
micahg | oops | 02:29 |
* micahg wasn't going to write that | 02:29 | |
* lfaraone jeers at micahg. </smile!> | 02:29 | |
lfaraone | micahg: but seriously, is it a problem? | 02:36 |
micahg | lfaraone: I was going to say that I don't think so, then I remembered, that I don't know the "official" answer | 02:37 |
RAOF | It should not be a problem. The “fixed in development release” criterion is to ensure that we don't accidentally regress. | 02:38 |
micahg | lfaraone: what package? | 02:38 |
lfaraone | micahg: pyabiword. bug 601415 | 02:38 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 601415 in pyabiword (Ubuntu) "python-abiword can't be installed on lucid" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/601415 | 02:38 |
lfaraone | micahg: not sure if there's a better method than to rebuild it. | 02:39 |
micahg | ah, ok, a different one of those this morning :) | 02:39 |
lfaraone | micahg: hm? I mentioned it this morning but nobody replied. | 02:39 |
micahg | lfaraone: no, I meant one for gjs :) | 02:40 |
micahg | lfaraone: I'd ask mr_pouit if the dependency is meant to be tightly coupled like that and maybe SRU that fix | 02:41 |
lfaraone | mr_pouit: got a minute? ^^^ | 02:43 |
micahg | lfaraone: probably sleeping | 02:43 |
lfaraone | micahg: right, France. | 02:44 |
micahg | I'm trying to make a patch for a package in karmic with CDBS as a packaging system, here's the README.source: http://gpl.code.de/gitweb/?p=nfdump.git;a=blob_plain;f=debian/README.source;hb=c2ee06bf5695f77ac2cf4f78e67978ebe3bd1c6f I'm not sure what to do in this type of situation since there are no patches in this revision | 03:51 |
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dholbach | good morning | 07:24 |
dupondje | morning dholbach :) | 07:25 |
dholbach | hi dupondje | 07:25 |
dupondje | dholbach: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/pinta/+bug/603002 now build btw | 07:26 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 603002 in pinta (Ubuntu) "Sync pinta 0.4+dfsg-1 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,New] | 07:26 |
dholbach | dupondje: I'll have a look soon, first need to sort a few things out… like breakfast | 07:26 |
dupondje | totally no stress ;) | 07:27 |
bilalakhtar | Can anyone help me with point 3 of comment 11 of bug #601865 ? | 07:32 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 601865 in krename (Ubuntu) "Please merge krename 4.0.4-2 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/601865 | 07:32 |
bilalakhtar | k got it | 07:33 |
Rhonda | pfff. someone files a synrequest for my package before I get around to it myself, what the. :) | 08:12 |
dupondje | when a ftbfs just build without any change, it really needs a buildx increment? Or can it be pushed again to build ? | 08:22 |
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mr_pouit | lfaraone: I don't really know, I've only rebuilt it once or twice ;] | 08:38 |
dupondje | somebody knows ? :) | 08:42 |
RAOF | dupondje: If it's never had any published binaries, then there's a button that can be pressed to rebuild it. | 08:43 |
dupondje | RAOF: and who can press that button ? :D | 08:47 |
RAOF | I _think_ anyone with upload priviledges to the package in question, but you might still need an archive admin. | 08:47 |
dupondje | https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/bug-buddy => build fine now | 08:48 |
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Laney | yes it does, giving back now | 09:41 |
Laney | (morning all) | 09:41 |
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bilalakhtar | Hello. If I am merging using Bazaar branches, do I need to file a bug report and attach debdiffs as well? | 12:11 |
bilalakhtar | Hello. If I am merging using Bazaar branches, do I need to file a bug report and attach debdiffs as well? | 12:25 |
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EzraR | i would think you would and link the merge with the bug | 13:09 |
EzraR | or the branch rather | 13:09 |
EzraR | but not a debdiff | 13:10 |
Laney | not sure a bug is required | 13:11 |
nigelb | Nope, bug not required unless its in a packageset and bugs are part of that team's workflow | 13:12 |
micahg | I'm trying to make a patch for a package in karmic with CDBS as a packaging system, here's the README.source: http://gpl.code.de/gitweb/?p=nfdump.git;a=blob_plain;f=debian/README.source;hb=c2ee06bf5695f77ac2cf4f78e67978ebe3bd1c6f I'm not sure what to do in this type of situation since there are no patches in this revision | 13:13 |
bilalakhtar | Hello, people! I myself prefer merging using Bazaar branches. Should I do that? or should I go the old-fashioned M-o-m way? | 13:13 |
bilalakhtar | I know I can go in both ways. Which one is better? | 13:14 |
nigelb | bilalakhtar: bazaar | 13:14 |
directhex | hand-packaging then plain ol' dput. anything else is voodoo! | 13:14 |
tumbleweed | you still have to dput with UDD | 13:14 |
bilalakhtar | And, if I choose the Bazaar method, will I need to create debdiffs and attach them to bug reports? | 13:14 |
bilalakhtar | directhex: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DistributedDevelopment/Documentation/UploadingAPackage | 13:14 |
nigelb | not necessary, but you can if only if you want to | 13:14 |
nigelb | most people have embraced UDD | 13:15 |
bilalakhtar | nigelb: thanks | 13:15 |
bilalakhtar | nigelb: I am going to become one of those "most" who have embraced UDD :) | 13:15 |
nigelb | bilalakhtar: everyone is. Also packages.ubuntu.com for maverick isnt ready yet | 13:16 |
bilalakhtar | nigelb: why? whats the matter? why error comes? | 13:18 |
nigelb | Rhonda: what exactly was the problem with packages.ubuntu.com? I remember you talking to sabdfl about it. | 13:19 |
Rhonda | nigelb: Go to the page and follow the maverick link | 13:19 |
bilalakhtar | nigelb: isn't packages.ubuntu.com based on packages.debian.org ? | 13:19 |
nigelb | bilalakhtar: it is, but there is some kind of index file | 13:20 |
nigelb | Rhonda: ahhh | 13:20 |
Rhonda | nigelb: If you are a canonical employee, there is an internal RT ticket about it that cjwatson created with my instructions for the fix. | 13:20 |
nigelb | Rhonda: nah, I'm not an employee :) | 13:20 |
bilalakhtar | Rhonda: ok, can you briefly explain why is the problem coming? | 13:20 |
bilalakhtar | plesae? | 13:21 |
bilalakhtar | *please | 13:21 |
Rhonda | bilalakhtar: The config.sh.sed.in file creates the config.sh file. Through the VCS I was only able to update the config.sh.sed.in file - _not_ the generated one. | 13:21 |
Rhonda | That last part is missing. | 13:21 |
bilalakhtar | ohk | 13:21 |
cjwatson | Rhonda: elmo asked me to ask you if you'd tried to go through djpig first | 13:23 |
VK7HSE | Thank you to all involved in merging xine-lib ... Bug #603059 | 13:23 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 603059 in xine-lib (Ubuntu) "Please Merge xine-lib (main) from Debian unstable (main)" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/603059 | 13:23 |
cjwatson | Rhonda: (our sysadmins try to avoid using root for managed services unless they need to) | 13:24 |
Rhonda | cjwatson: Sure, several times, IRC pings, mails, real life proxies, … | 13:24 |
Rhonda | cjwatson: Doesn't look very much "managed" to me, to be honest. :) | 13:24 |
bilalakhtar | VK7HSE: good to see you here | 13:24 |
cjwatson | Rhonda: OK, I'll follow up with that | 13:24 |
nigelb | cjwatson: oops, you were on it. I just poked elmo about it. Sorry about that. | 13:26 |
VK7HSE | bilalakhtar: hi & thanks ;) | 13:26 |
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Rhonda | bilalakhtar, nigelb, cjwatson: http://git.debian.org/?p=webwml/packages.git;a=blobdiff;f=config.sh.sed.in;h=b8ecc8;hp=c75039;hb=b675bd;hpb=e36780 - crafted the diff for the file through the webinterface. ;) | 13:32 |
Rhonda | even shorter! http://git.debian.org/?p=webwml/packages.git;a=blobdiff;f=config.sh.sed.in;hb=b675;hpb=e3678 | 13:34 |
nigelb | Rhonda: is intrepid supposed to be missing there? | 13:35 |
Rhonda | Yes, it's discontinued. | 13:35 |
nigelb | Ah. | 13:36 |
Rhonda | EOLed April 30 2010 | 13:36 |
* Rhonda hands nigelb helpfully https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases | 13:36 | |
* nigelb goes "ah" again | 13:37 | |
Rhonda | This is one of the parts that I consider exceptional well and prominently documented in the ubuntu wiki, btw. | 13:39 |
Rhonda | … not that other parts aren't well done in there, mind you. | 13:40 |
VK7HSE | Ok before I head to bed ... can anyone review Bug #602981 as the broken dep. has been merged into maverick so thsi should now build without error ??? | 14:15 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 602981 in me-tv (Ubuntu) "Please Sync me-tv 1.3.0-1 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/602981 | 14:15 |
Laney | VK7HSE: did you actually test that it does? | 14:16 |
VK7HSE | it builds here just fine ;) | 14:16 |
aboudreault | hi. If I have a debdiff file... how can I apply it on the first deb, which has been used to produce the debdiff? | 14:30 |
Laney | by using patch(1) | 14:32 |
aboudreault | ha.. yeah, that's just what I realized.. | 14:32 |
aboudreault | will do a simple dpkg-source -x, and then apply the patch as normal. | 14:32 |
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micahg | cjwatson: can you please accept gjs into lucid-proposed? gnome-shell is uninstallable at the moment | 14:58 |
cjwatson | micahg: done | 15:01 |
micahg | cjwatson: thanks | 15:01 |
micahg | siretart: are you around/available? | 15:02 |
sebner | micahg: I think we should have ask that already yesterday :P | 15:02 |
micahg | sebner: yes, I thought someone would have processed it with the rest of the SRUs yesterday | 15:02 |
lfaraone | cjwatson: for the same reason, could you take a look at pyabiword in lucid-proposed? it's blocking... well, python-abiword from being installed. | 15:05 |
cjwatson | lfaraone: I don't see pyabiword in the lucid-proposed unapproved queue. | 15:05 |
lfaraone | cjwatson: apologies, I accidentally dputted to my local repository rather than Ubuntu. Reuploaded. | 15:07 |
siretart | micahg: sort of. what's up? | 15:19 |
micahg | siretart: wanted to ask you if you know about the status of xine-plugin upstream | 15:20 |
siretart | micahg: is there a particular problem? | 15:23 |
micahg | siretart: it seems dead, so since it's a xul rdepend I was considering dropping it | 15:23 |
siretart | micahg: I guess the status is like the rest of xine, mainly one single developer with not enough time :-( | 15:24 |
kreuter | persia: are you around? | 15:31 |
micahg | siretart: do you think it's popular enough people would scream? | 15:32 |
cjwatson | lfaraone: done. I marked the bug invalid for maverick, hope that's ok | 15:33 |
cjwatson | oh, wait, it'll probably need copied into maverick at some point, won't it? | 15:33 |
cjwatson | lfaraone: please fix up the bug status to whatever is desirable based on your understanding | 15:34 |
siretart | micahg: TBH: no idea. but if you remove it, please check the launchpad bugs for it to close the respective bugs | 15:35 |
micahg | siretart: ok, I'm just wondering how much maintainance we'll need for the xulrunner major version changes | 15:38 |
siretart | micahg: I think it would be best to discuss this with darren | 15:42 |
siretart | micahg: please join #xine on oftc | 15:42 |
siretart | he does most of the work in both upstream and keeping the packages in shape for debian | 15:43 |
micahg | siretart: k, when's a good time generally in there to chat about this, I have to leave soon | 15:43 |
siretart | I guess any time | 15:43 |
micahg | siretart: k, thanks, I'll try over the weekend then | 15:43 |
lfaraone | cjwatson: that's fine, thanks. | 15:47 |
lfaraone | cjwatson: it won't need to be copied over, since maverick has a later version. | 15:48 |
aboudreault | Instead of sending a patched version of a software that needs security updates, can we send the appropriate bug fix release ? like 5.6.1 --> 5.6.4 ? | 15:51 |
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aboudreault | hmm... nvm.. I think it will be more work than just adding the 2 fixes. | 15:55 |
Rhonda | Hmm. Do I need to join ubuntu sponsors team to be "allowed" to subscribe ubuntu archive for the process? | 15:58 |
Rhonda | syncrequest that is | 15:58 |
Rhonda | It's currently subscribed to ubuntu-sponsors. | 15:58 |
cjwatson | lfaraone: oh, I must have misread | 16:00 |
cjwatson | Rhonda: for your own bug, or when sponsoring somebody else's? | 16:00 |
siretart | Rhonda: congrats! :-) | 16:01 |
Rhonda | huhm | 16:03 |
Rhonda | cjwatson: Someone else opened the syncrequest. Found the wiki page on the SponsorsQueue what to do with handing it over to ubuntu-archive, though I don't see how to unsubscribe ubuntu-sponsors somehow. :) | 16:04 |
Laney | You need to be a member of the team to do that | 16:05 |
Rhonda | That was my impression too somehow :) | 16:05 |
Laney | team admins can add you - I think persia and TheMuso are who you want | 16:05 |
Rhonda | I'm not too sure wether I really want to get added in general. %-) Just doing my first steps … | 16:06 |
cjwatson | doesn't really matter anyway, you can just subscribe ubuntu-archive and not bother unsubscribing sponsors | 16:06 |
ScottK | Rhonda: You have to be a member of the team to unsubscribe it. It doesn't generate any bugmail, so you might as well join. | 16:48 |
reya276 | Hey I'm trying to create a .DEB file for a driver using an application called Debreate and is asking me where should the files be installed? | 17:13 |
reya276 | it is giving me a choice of /bin, /usr/bin, /usr/local/bin and the defualt selected which is /usr/share/%project_name% | 17:14 |
reya276 | the driver I'm trying to built the .DEB from is this http://linuxwacom.sourceforge.net/ | 17:15 |
reya276 | oh I can also create a custom directory where the files should be install | 17:16 |
reya276 | should it be /usr/lib since this is a driver install | 17:18 |
Rhonda | ScottK: I'll consider it, thanks for the update. | 18:05 |
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micahg | BlackZ: sorry, I should have noted it on the merge page | 19:22 |
micahg | BlackZ: I can take care of the upload though, thanks for the merge | 19:23 |
BlackZ | micahg: no problem: AFAIK there's not any comment on MoM which regards me | 19:24 |
BlackZ | (for that merge) | 19:24 |
micahg | BlackZ: right, I forgot again :) I'm learning :) | 19:24 |
* micahg can learn how to sponsor as well :) | 19:24 | |
BlackZ | micahg: I read newly your e-mail few time ago and I noticed that before doing the merge, sorry | 19:25 |
BlackZ | ops, after* | 19:25 |
micahg | BlackZ: it's ok, I have plenty to do :) | 19:25 |
micahg | and I wasn't the previous uploader | 19:25 |
BlackZ | micahg: yeah, but you wanted to take the merge according to your e-mail sent to devel-discuss | 19:25 |
micahg | BlackZ: it's ok, I was going to wait until I discuss the package w/the Debian maintainer as we might drop it, but I'll upload your merge over the weekend | 19:26 |
BlackZ | micahg: nice, thanks for your time | 19:28 |
micahg | BlackZ: thank you :) | 19:28 |
dupondje | There are so many merges/syncs to be done in universe ... half of the MoM has a bugreport | 19:29 |
BlackZ | dupondje: yeah, there's a lot of work to do | 19:29 |
micahg | dupondje: not too many, only 180 out of > 10k | 19:29 |
BlackZ | micahg: heh | 19:30 |
* micahg is updating the merges I'll do :) | 19:30 | |
dupondje | it just annoys me I need to make a bugreport for every sync etc :) wish I could do it myself but ok :) | 19:31 |
BlackZ | dupondje: go for MOTU if you have enough experience | 19:31 |
dupondje | when do you have 'enough experience' ? :) | 19:33 |
azop | win 12 | 19:34 |
BlackZ | dupondje: if you have any doubt "if you have enough experience" ask to another MOTU if you have (preferably somebody who sponsored some of your work), if they think yes, I think they could add an endorsement for your MOTU application too | 19:36 |
micahg | BlackZ: I just realized, I can't upload xine-plugin, so I unassigned myself | 19:37 |
BlackZ | micahg: if you haven't the upload permissions for that too, you can't for sure | 19:37 |
statik | hello friendly motus, anyone around who feels like sponsoring a simple version update of a python GUI app? https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~statik/ubuntu/maverick/magicicada/zero-one-two/+merge/29596 | 19:41 |
dupondje | to hot for merges today :) damn :D | 19:51 |
hyperair | how many verifications are needed to replace the verification-needed tag with verification-done in a SRU? | 20:11 |
sebner | hyperair: one afaik | 20:12 |
hyperair | ah okay =) | 20:13 |
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LLStarks | neversfelde, do you have a minute? | 20:52 |
neversfelde | sure | 20:52 |
LLStarks | minitube still does not install any of its dependencies | 20:53 |
neversfelde | well, it should install all dependencies | 20:53 |
LLStarks | it doesn't | 20:53 |
neversfelde | speaking abot missing libxine1-ffmpeg? | 20:53 |
LLStarks | http://pastebin.com/i3HfSMQs | 20:54 |
LLStarks | it needs more than just that | 20:54 |
LLStarks | no backend is installed | 20:55 |
neversfelde | yes, probably, debian made gstreamer packages a dependency and uptream prefers the use of gstreamer, so I think we sould sync. I have to talk to them before | 20:56 |
neversfelde | LLStarks: really? | 20:56 |
LLStarks | yeah, does work until installing phonon-backend-gstreamer gstreamer0.10-ffmpeg gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad | 20:57 |
LLStarks | *doesn't | 20:57 |
neversfelde | LLStarks: or just install libxine1-ffmpeg | 20:58 |
neversfelde | I got several reports, that it is working | 20:58 |
LLStarks | it's only suggested though | 20:58 |
LLStarks | lemme try | 20:58 |
LLStarks | it should be a dependency. | 20:58 |
neversfelde | LLStarks: I think we will sync it and then it is | 20:59 |
neversfelde | unfortunately I have no time till mid of August to speak to the debian maintainer and upstream | 20:59 |
neversfelde | from my point of view it would be better to stay with current verson and use phonon, but uptream prefers gstreamer | 21:00 |
LLStarks | if gnome, use gstreamer. if kde, use xine. | 21:00 |
neversfelde | mhh | 21:01 |
neversfelde | LLStarks: I have no problem, if you could speak to upstream and debian, I am all tied up with exams at the moment | 21:02 |
LLStarks | i might be able to | 21:03 |
neversfelde | sp if you do, please put me in cc | 21:03 |
LLStarks | sp? | 21:03 |
neversfelde | s/sp/so | 21:04 |
LLStarks | will do | 21:05 |
neversfelde | thanks in advance | 21:05 |
shadeslayer | hmm.. just fyi kadu doesnt need a merge | 21:10 |
shadeslayer | someone else took it over from me.... i dont remember the nick before i changed the status :P | 21:11 |
shadeslayer | it was ari- something... | 21:11 |
shadeslayer | ari-tczew << | 21:11 |
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Laney | where's an udt script which actually dputs? | 21:15 |
shadeslayer | hey i need some help with fprint-demo | 21:30 |
shadeslayer | currently working on merging it | 21:30 |
shadeslayer | debian released a completely new package .. its a git snapshot... how do i proceed with the merge? | 21:31 |
Laney | shouldn't make a difference | 21:32 |
shadeslayer | Laney: as in? do i package the new version? | 21:32 |
Laney | if you assess that we want it in ubuntu sure | 21:33 |
Laney | presumably they took a snapshot for a good reason | 21:33 |
shadeslayer | probably :) | 21:35 |
shadeslayer | Laney: our package was copied over from intrepid | 21:35 |
shadeslayer | so i guess its time for a update :D | 21:35 |
shadeslayer | Laney: so .. i take the same original tarball , extract it and move the debian folder over right? | 21:36 |
shadeslayer | and then merge | 21:36 |
Laney | same as any other merge | 21:37 |
Laney | dunno what you mean about moving the debian folder | 21:37 |
shadeslayer | Laney: hmm.. since the source has changed,ill need to use the new sources... | 21:37 |
shadeslayer | the ones from debian | 21:38 |
Laney | look at the changes ubuntu made previously and decide if you still need to make them again | 21:40 |
shadeslayer | ok.. | 21:40 |
micahg | shadeslayer: you can use grab-merge | 21:41 |
shadeslayer | micahg: which is totally eww... | 21:41 |
* shadeslayer doesnt like grab-merge | 21:41 | |
shadeslayer | or rather.. idk how to use it properly :P | 21:42 |
micahg | shadeslayer: why, it does most of the work for you, just need to check the files that conflict and list what was kept from the Ubuntu changes | 21:42 |
shadeslayer | micahg: too many files and stuff... in this case there is a new upstream snapshot | 21:42 |
* tumbleweed finds the best way to use grab-merge is to get the relevent source paackages. After that, I delete its merge attempt and merge myself | 21:42 | |
micahg | shadeslayer: it applies the Ubuntu diff to the new Debian build | 21:42 |
micahg | s/build/source | 21:43 |
shadeslayer | micahg: hmm.. i might give it a try.. but im sure ill be banging my head over this later :P | 21:43 |
micahg | shadeslayer: up to you, good luck, or you can always try the udd method | 21:44 |
shadeslayer | micahg: udd method? | 21:44 |
micahg | !udd | shadeslayer | 21:45 |
micahg | ugh | 21:45 |
micahg | shadeslayer: distributed development with bzr | 21:45 |
tumbleweed | shadeslayer: wiki.ubuntu.com/udd | 21:45 |
shadeslayer | ok | 21:45 |
* micahg thought there was a factoid | 21:45 | |
shadeslayer | micahg: what i usually do is pull-lp-source,pull-debian-source and look at MoM report | 21:46 |
shadeslayer | and take it from there | 21:46 |
micahg | shadeslayer: grab-merge does that for you | 21:46 |
shadeslayer | tumbleweed: This page does not exist yet. You can create a new empty page, or use one of the page templates. | 21:46 |
shadeslayer | micahg: yes i know,but it also creates loads of other files idk about :P | 21:46 |
tumbleweed | shadeslayer: sorry, UDD :) | 21:47 |
shadeslayer | tumbleweed: thank :D | 21:47 |
tumbleweed | shadeslayer: not loads of other files, just an automated merge, and two debdiffs | 21:47 |
* shadeslayer tries grab-merge | 21:48 | |
shadeslayer | tumbleweed: http://pastebin.com/xL09mt0e | 21:49 |
shadeslayer | the list of files genrated | 21:49 |
shadeslayer | im just going through it once | 21:50 |
tumbleweed | shadeslayer: so, that is: previous debian source, current debian source, current ubuntu source, d->d debdiff, d->u debdiff, report | 21:50 |
tumbleweed | oh, and the automated merge | 21:51 |
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shadeslayer | tumbleweed: poke | 22:30 |
shadeslayer | do we use dh_desktop and dh_icons ?? or are they depreceated? | 22:30 |
ScottK | shadeslayer: Why do you ask? | 23:03 |
shadeslayer | ScottK: ok so im merging fprint-dem | 23:03 |
shadeslayer | *o | 23:03 |
ScottK | Do we carry those as a diff from Debian? | 23:04 |
shadeslayer | ScottK: yes | 23:04 |
shadeslayer | ScottK: we have dh_icons and dh_desktop in our rules file | 23:04 |
shadeslayer | but debian doesnt ship any | 23:04 |
ScottK | One of those (I think dh_icons) does nothing at all anymore. | 23:04 |
shadeslayer | ok so that can be removed | 23:04 |
ScottK | Check and see I remember the right one. | 23:04 |
ScottK | There's a warning in the build log. | 23:05 |
shadeslayer | ScottK: dh_desktop is deprecated | 23:05 |
ScottK | I'd look back in the changelog and see why we added them. My guess is they aren't relevant anymore, but I didn't actually look at the package. | 23:05 |
shadeslayer | ScottK: dh_icons isnt i think | 23:05 |
ScottK | OK. Then that one we may want to keep. | 23:06 |
shadeslayer | ScottK: we added dh_icons to install the icons | 23:06 |
shadeslayer | that was a ubuntu specific change | 23:06 |
ScottK | There was some resistance to that in Debian. | 23:06 |
ScottK | OK. Keep that one. | 23:06 |
shadeslayer | hehe.. ok,the rest of the diff is pretty much ok,i need to apply the debian changes | 23:07 |
shadeslayer | and merge changelogs | 23:08 |
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