Agu10 | hi | 04:03 |
Agu10 | I do music composition as a hobby | 04:04 |
Agu10 | but I like to use professional or semi-pro tools | 04:04 |
Agu10 | is it OK with the programs I can find for linux? | 04:04 |
Agu10 | or do I need Windows? | 04:04 |
Agu10 | and can I run some programs in Wine and connect / sync them with the ones on ubuntu? | 04:04 |
Blank__ | Agu10, depends... i've never done composition myself | 04:14 |
Agu10 | ok | 04:14 |
Blank__ | i'm probably not the best person to help, but considering no one else seems to be saying anything... | 04:14 |
Agu10 | why do most people use a Mac for this stuff? | 04:14 |
Blank__ | you might be able to use something like rosegarden or muse | 04:14 |
Agu10 | ok | 04:15 |
Blank__ | Agu10, presumably because of the amount of programs available for it | 04:15 |
Blank__ | i personally think there's an underlying psychological trend towards mac amongst creative types, whether people know it or not | 04:16 |
Agu10 | aren't there more for windows? | 04:16 |
Blank__ | subtle marketing and of course, jobs' reality distortion field | 04:16 |
Blank__ | there might be, but people associate cost with quality | 04:16 |
Blank__ | and mac has that kind of "quality" in spades | 04:16 |
Agu10 | I've heard people saying "garage band" is really good | 04:16 |
Agu10 | :S | 04:17 |
Blank__ | yeah... no | 04:17 |
Agu10 | I personally don't know about mac | 04:17 |
Blank__ | garage band is fine for simple stuff (or so i've heard), but you'll never catch me using it | 04:17 |
Agu10 | but even professional artists prefer to use macs | 04:17 |
Agu10 | on the other hand, I don't see why the competition will refuse to make pritty designs, as apple does | 04:18 |
Blank__ | i'm also guessing that they like to make themselves look contemporary and sophisticated by using apple's stuff | 04:18 |
Agu10 | mm | 04:18 |
Agu10 | I have an ipod touch :) | 04:19 |
Agu10 | that's all I have from apple | 04:19 |
Blank__ | unfortunately apple have a very good design team - their whole ideology revolves around sugar coating things | 04:19 |
Blank__ | then charging exorbitant prices for them | 04:19 |
Agu10 | yes, that's ok, but I don't understand why they're the only ones who achieve something eye-candy | 04:20 |
Blank__ | i guess you could say that different people gravitate towards different platforms... as such the focus of each is different | 04:20 |
Agu10 | yes | 04:20 |
Agu10 | I think it's like having jewels | 04:21 |
Blank__ | linux isn't really about eyecandy as much as it is about functionality; that scares some people away | 04:21 |
Agu10 | it's the feeling it gives them of having something really expensive and pritty | 04:21 |
Agu10 | and that everybody values it in some way | 04:21 |
Blank__ | (often "functionality" includes trying to get things working at all, regardless of the platform) | 04:21 |
Blank__ | exactly | 04:21 |
Agu10 | I sometimes start to feel like that | 04:21 |
Blank__ | that's why proprietary software is so successful - it has an intrinsic value, least of all in cost | 04:22 |
Agu10 | but then I think: what a stupid thing | 04:22 |
Agu10 | for example, I have a friend that likes to buy games, even if he's not going to play them | 04:23 |
Blank__ | hmm... | 04:23 |
Agu10 | because he claims it 'feels good' | 04:23 |
Blank__ | consumerism | 04:23 |
Agu10 | yes. | 04:23 |
Agu10 | but that only happens when you have too much money to spend | 04:23 |
Agu10 | that's why you don't see many macs here | 04:24 |
Agu10 | but you get to see many in europe, for example | 04:24 |
Agu10 | there's a lot of Ipad Ads on the streets in germany, but really a lot | 04:24 |
Agu10 | from little ads in the subway, to big buildings with an ipad picture | 04:25 |
Blank__ | that's one major factor... advertising | 04:25 |
Agu10 | while there aren't any here, in Argentina | 04:25 |
Blank__ | for the most part anything else isn't heard of | 04:25 |
Agu10 | noone has seen an ipad in a store here | 04:25 |
Blank__ | so people are bombarded with ads, and that sets up a trend in their mind... | 04:25 |
Blank__ | i'm sure a lot of people would like to know about alternatives but just don't bother to research | 04:25 |
Agu10 | and those ads don't even say anything about it. it's just a picture of a futuristic device that's a touch screen | 04:26 |
Agu10 | and it shows the ipad using Youtube and facebook | 04:26 |
Agu10 | Blank__, yeah | 04:26 |
Blank__ | i also can't stand touch-only devices.. give me my keyboard :o | 04:26 |
Blank__ | on screen things are no replacement to buttons in my opinion | 04:26 |
Agu10 | I wanted to buy the iphone because it has a lot of users, which would allow me to code cool stuff for it | 04:26 |
Blank__ | tide's turning in that regard | 04:27 |
Agu10 | but then I realized of the closeness of it. don't have a mac to code for it | 04:27 |
Blank__ | yeah, i always found that requirement ridiculous | 04:27 |
Agu10 | yes | 04:27 |
Agu10 | now I'm looking into android | 04:27 |
Agu10 | specially nexus one, but I'm waiting for nexus two, or something | 04:27 |
Blank__ | the thing about android is that it's not perfect, but it's really gaining market share right now | 04:28 |
Agu10 | I'm trying to run osx in vmware at the moment LOL | 04:28 |
Blank__ | and that in itself is a downfall; older devices get left behind when new software comes out | 04:28 |
Agu10 | yes | 04:28 |
Agu10 | and it's based on linux | 04:28 |
Agu10 | and it has a lot of open source community support | 04:28 |
Blank__ | i like to think of that as a win for the community :p | 04:28 |
Agu10 | but I want to buy the google cellphone, because it's the official one, and the one to get the latest updates of firmware and everything | 04:29 |
Blank__ | i think something that fuelled the uptake of android was the fact that the iphone was locked into at&t | 04:29 |
Blank__ | people wanted something similar, on their own provider | 04:29 |
Agu10 | Blank__, I believe Google is taking advantage of OS community against Microsoft | 04:29 |
Blank__ | Agu10, good on them :p | 04:30 |
Agu10 | Blank__, well, there's no AT&T here | 04:30 |
Blank__ | yeah... i think i meant the US | 04:30 |
tucemiux | oh wow, we have visitors today | 04:30 |
Blank__ | that's where it's most popular so far | 04:30 |
Agu10 | but carriers would charge ridiculous prices for the iphone anyways | 04:30 |
Agu10 | more than buying it unlocked | 04:31 |
Blank__ | unfortunately android isn't very widely known here in australia, where there's about 40 iphones to every android phone | 04:31 |
tucemiux | my next phone is going to be an android phone, that's for surely | 04:31 |
Agu10 | Blank__, it's very popular here anyways | 04:31 |
Blank__ | in fact, probably closer to 400 | 04:31 |
Blank__ | when i got my G1 about a year ago, the shop i was at had sold just one before mine | 04:32 |
Blank__ | but they were shuffling iphones out the door every day | 04:32 |
Blank__ | the funniest thing i've noticed though, is that sometimes people stop and ask me about my phone when i'm on the train for instance | 04:33 |
Blank__ | almost everyone i talk to agrees about apple being too restrictive | 04:33 |
=== Martin_Tucker is now known as brianmc | ||
Agu10 | hi | 17:22 |
Agu10 | where can I find a puredata irc? | 17:23 |
Agu10 | hi | 17:45 |
Agu10 | I'm trying pure data, but it doesn't make any sound | 17:45 |
Agu10 | I can still watch videos with sound, and hydrogen works fine too | 17:45 |
Agu10 | I have sound on every other program I trieda, except pure data | 17:45 |
Agu10 | what should I do? | 17:45 |
eggandchips | i want to install rakarrack on my opensuse kde 11.2. i have tried before and always run into difficulties with JACK etc. What is the best way to get rakarrack going | 19:50 |
=== tucemiux_ is now known as tucemiux |
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