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MTeck-ricersinzui: ?05:27
MTeck-ricersinzui: accident I take it?05:28
alopenerpHello who is on duty ?06:54
alopenerpI have a paid project on launchpad but i cannot push or create a private branch on my project. I know that this is a bug and last you fixed it from here.06:55
alopenerpmmmh too ealry in the morning i guess...07:02
wgrantalopenerp: It's also the weekend -- and a weekend before the entire LP team has a sprint, so lots of people will be flying.07:05
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alopenerpwgrant: what is that sprint ?07:53
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purveshCan some one help me to Set Guideline for my team?10:50
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idnarhow do I use bzr-pipeline with Launchpad or some other remote repository?13:15
idnars/repository/code publishing location/13:16
idnaroh, sync-pipeline, I guess13:16
idnarwhat about pushing a portion of a pipeline as a branch, instead of bzr send?13:17
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mandaracan I add a watch in Launchpad to connect with http://bugreports.qt.nokia.com issue tracker?15:09
mandarawant to connect two bug reports15:09
mandarawhen I want to add link from upstream bug http://bugreports.qt.nokia.com/browse/QTBUG-12101 I get: "Launchpad does not recognize the bug tracker at this URL"15:31
mandarahere is the bug in Launchpad: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/qt4-x11/+bug/50782315:32
ubot5Launchpad bug 507823 in qt4-x11 (Ubuntu) "can't build stickman example: Cannot find file 'animations/chilling' (affected: 1, heat: 24)" [Undecided,Confirmed]15:32
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dspstvcould someone help me understand why this build failed:16:25
dspstvthis throwws not much via google:16:27
dspstvmake: *** [build] Error 916:27
dspstvdpkg-buildpackage: error: debian/rules build gave error exit status 216:27
StevenKYou don't have libjack-dev in your Build-Depends16:29
dspstvStevenK: arggi had jackd16:39
dspstvthanks for the heads up16:39
sarhani have problem with projcets translation18:35
sarhanno body here?18:35
sarhanbrass la7nina 3awnouni :'(18:36
MaWaLesarhan:  you have to speak english18:37
sarhanyes i know18:37
sarhani speak english18:37
sarhannot chineese18:37
sarhanso can you help MaWaLe  ? i can translate projects with open permission18:38
MaWaLei don't think so for the last sentance ;)18:38
sarhani can't *18:38
sarhanproblem with my keyboard18:38
MaWaLesarhan:  all you have to do is to be subscribed to LP and you have to be connected18:39
sarhani am connected18:39
MaWaLenext, the project you intend to help to must have a translation branch18:39
sarhani trayed with cairo-dock it has a translation branch18:39
sarhanno body here? :P18:40
sarhanlex79,  hello18:52
sarhanlex79,  i need you help plz are you here?18:52
lex79sarhan: yes18:53
sarhanthank you18:53
sarhani have problem with lp18:53
sarhani can't translate any thing18:53
lex79I'm not a lp developer btw18:53
sarhani search an user18:53
lex79why you can't translate?18:54
sarhanthat's why i am here18:54
sarhani didn't know why18:55
lex79uhm strange18:56
sarhanno solution?18:57
MaWaLelex79:  he's subscibed and connected and he tried to translate an open project but he cannot18:58
MaWaLehe shows me some screenshots and i didn't understand the problem18:59
lex79yes I saw18:59
lex79me too :(18:59
lex79sarhan: did you try with another project?18:59
MaWaLei didn't also found a declared bug about it18:59
sarhanmany projects18:59
sarhanbut no one works18:59
sarhanlaunchpad devs hate me?18:59
lex79no LP devs here that can help you?19:00
lex79btw it's saturday19:00
sarhani don"t find that's why i asked you19:00
MaWaLelex79:  saturday fever :p19:00
lex79yeah :D19:01
MaWaLelex79:  are we supposed to do the same thing :p19:01
lex79MaWaLe: indeed :)19:01
lex79well try to write your problem in the mailing list maybe19:01
lex79maybe someone can help you19:02
sarhanok :(19:02
MaWaLelex79:  personnally, i think that sarhan have to do it by himself19:02
sarhanthink for your help19:02
MaWaLehe knows his problem more than us ;)19:03
sarhannot sure19:03
MaWaLelex79:  he have to be subscribed to this lists19:04
sarhanlaunchpad-users@lists.launchpad.net : i am already suscribed here19:04
MaWaLei think that the dev list is the right one19:05
sarhani can find a dev here : #launchpad-dev ?19:05
lex79sarhan: did you try to logout from LP and login again? :)19:05
sarhanoh i will tray19:06
lex79sarhan: yes maybe ask also in that chan19:06
MaWaLelex79:   maybe also a cookies problem19:06
MaWaLesarhan:  as lex79 said, try to logout, clean your cache and next try again19:07
sarhannot work19:07
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zookoHow should I go about getting these two bugtrackers merged into one: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/bugtrackers/tahoe-trac https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/bugtrackers/tahoe-lafs.org-tahoe-lafs22:03
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dspstvhi again23:03
dspstvso i finally had a succesful build, but when m friend tries to install the .deb he gets errors related to incompatible versions of a lib, the deb suggests a version he can't get23:04
dspstvthe deb is for karmic and he says he is using karmic23:04
dspstvwhere else can i look for the problem?23:04
dspstvor, how can i troubleshoot this?23:04
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