
=== zehrique-BRB is now known as zehrique
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
=== Mobe_ is now known as Mobe
tmztis there a faq on the npwrapper/ia32-libs/libxcb-shm0 issue06:46
ricotztmzt, is there a bug report for it?07:15
ubottuLaunchpad bug 603393 in flashplugin-nonfree (Ubuntu) "package flashplugin-installer failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1" [Undecided,New]07:32
tmztclosest I could find, that's why I asked here07:32
tmztI'm trying to verify the package is not edgers but I'm not sure how to do that07:33
tmztI can give you the output from firefox on attempting to use Flash, but it's essentially the same thing, the so is missing07:33
ricotztmzt, what is the output of "dpkg -l | grep ia32-libs"07:34
tmztii  ia32-libs                                         2.7ubuntu26+maverick~xorgedgers1.607:35
tmztah, how do I force the install from ubuntu repos then?07:35
tmztthanks, I was trying apt-cache show which seems to have the right package07:35
tmztFilename: pool/universe/i/ia32-libs/ia32-libs_2.7ubuntu25_amd64.deb07:35
ricotzyes, just "dpkg -i ..." this package07:36
tmztremoving ia32-libs forcedep from edgers, I'll try reinstalling it07:36
tmztokay, then I have to disable the edgers or just download manually07:37
tmztsame fix in the lp I think07:37
tmztinstalling http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/universe/i/ia32-libs/ia32-libs_2.7ubuntu25_amd64.deb07:38
ricotzi have uploaded an ia32-lib package to edgers including the missng lib, will be there soon07:39
tmztsure, I'll be happy to try that later07:40
tmztflash is fixed for me, nothing about libxcb-shm0 on the firefox output (terminal), the movie is loading as before07:42
Fudgehas any intel quadcore load average bugs been fixed in maverick?11:15
om26erall apps are slow to open, should I file a bug, or its famous already?11:54
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coz_hey guys... has wallpaper options for dual monitors been fixed along with  capbilites for official nvidia drivers and  unmount options for external dirves with mutliple partitions/12:23
dupondjepython is doing weird ?12:58
BUGabundobRoas tardes!13:30
artirbuon giorno!13:33
yofelmeh, aptitude 0.6 is FTBS again...13:36
yofeland icedtea has a wrong java path o.O13:38
yofel/build/buildd/openjdk-6-6b20~pre1/build/../plugin/icedteanp/IcedTeaNPPlugin.cc:1506: thread 0x7f919240f480: Error: Failed to spawn applet viewer: Failed to execute child process "/etc/alternatives/../../bin/java" (No such file or directory)13:38
virtualdgod eftermiddag, too fucking hot though13:39
bazhangvirtuald, no cursing here13:39
virtualdthat's not cursing, where i come from fucking isn't shameful13:40
yofelit's channel policy though13:40
BUGabundo!language > virtuald13:40
ubottuvirtuald, please see my private message13:40
bazhangvirtuald, it's network policy; feel free to leave if you wish13:40
yofeloh nice, firefox at least gives me an error, chromium simply says "Missing Plug-in"13:41
virtualdbeen thinking about it, since i saw they named a server after ron hubbard13:41
BUGabundodesktop couch aint that well either13:43
dupondjeyofel: dpkg-source: info: applying no-google-mock13:45
kim0Is there a problem with X in maverick, that makes it consume 60% CPU or so when switching between windows ?13:45
dupondjeits not fully ok it seems ^^13:45
yofelI'm trying to build it locally without the unit tests, as only they seemed to have failed, let's see what happens ^^13:46
=== zehrique is now known as zehrique-BRB
dupondjeand yofel already fixed ? ;)13:58
yofelwell, simply disabling the tests isn't really a fix, but it did build now :P13:59
BUGabundodamn it13:59
BUGabundodesktop couch is mad again14:00
dupondjeDrop build-dependency on google-mock/libgtest-dev and disable the test14:00
dupondje    suite at build time; google-mock hasn't built in Ubuntu and is in14:00
dupondje    universe.  This should probably be revisited once google-mock is14:00
dupondje    buildable in Ubuntu.14:00
dupondjethis is whats in changelog ... but seems its not disabled imo ...14:00
yofelhm, what failed was some boost unit test form what I saw, I simply disabled all tests in debian/rules here, I'm not sure where to look for that specific test14:01
yofelmaybe Makefile.in14:01
dupondjeyofel:  http://ubuntu.dupondje.be/aptitude.debdiff14:55
mandaracan I add a watch in Launchpad to connect with http://bugreports.qt.nokia.com issue tracker?15:24
BUGabundomandara: try #ubuntu-bugs or #launchpad15:33
mandaratried in #launchpad, will try in #ubuntu-bugs15:34
=== IdleOne is now known as IdleTwo
=== IdleTwo is now known as IdleOne
=== virtuald_ is now known as virtuald
GatoLokois maverick known to have poor xorg xorg performance or poor gtk performance?19:51
nachohey guys19:52
nachoare you experiencing slowlynes in the widgets? i.e scrolling in a textview or a treeview19:53
GatoLokoi have no problem with textview/treeview, but every time there is a progress bar, xorg uses 100% cpu19:55
zniavre_try to change your theme to clearlooks , i can remember old bug with murrine engine related to progress bar19:55
GatoLokoand a gtkperf test last longer on an athlon x2 4600+2GB+gforce 8500gt than on an athlon xp 1800+768MB+gforce4 44019:57
nachochaging the theme here seems to improve things19:58
GatoLokobig improvement here19:59
GatoLokogtkperf goes from 34/36 to 1319:59
zniavre_go to launchpad fil a bug report or in #murrine to tell to Cimi the progressbar bug comeback20:00
zniavre_maybe #ubuntu-artwork can help you also20:01
GatoLokoit isn't progress bar alone, radio buttons, check buttons, combo boxes, ....20:04
GatoLokoall tests on gtkperf have a BIG diference20:04
GatoLokoeven a 10x diference20:05
BUGabundoGatoLoko: slow as heck here too20:24
BUGabundoand firefox 3.6 is a pain20:24
BUGabundoTotal time: 23.2020:26
BUGabundolet me change themes20:26
BUGabundowhat's the fastest one ?20:26
BUGabundoHUMAN Total time:  6.9620:27
BUGabundoambience Total time: 16.1320:27
BUGabundoclearlook Total time:  5.1020:28
BUGabundodark room Total time:  5.0720:28
GatoLokoTotal time: 36,61  <-- ambiance20:28
BUGabundodust Total time: 13.9720:29
BUGabundonew wave Total time:  7.0620:30
GatoLokoTotal time: 13,08  <-- clearlooks20:30
BUGabundoRadiance Total time: 14.2720:30
BUGabundoguess I'll go with dark room :\20:30
BUGabundoDark Room with Dust bars, and unity icons: Total time:  5.1620:33
BUGabundoits stays for now20:34
BUGabundotill I get UBER bothered with all this brown20:34
BUGabundoGatoLoko: you have a faster GPU then me20:37
BUGabundoI would expect it to be faster20:37
BUGabundohow come you are so slow20:37
BUGabundowell not you, your system :p20:37
DrHalanwill there really be no gtk3 in maveric?21:36
huntHi does anyone know whether firefox 4 will be included in 10.10, since it should be released in q4 2010 it would only make sense to ship meerkat with a rc or something and then roll the final in through the updates, especially since ubuntu changed the update policy for firefox. Does somebody know about this?22:11
BUGabundohunt: ask in #ubuntu-mozillateam22:11
huntBUGabundo: thanks :)22:11
knittlhi. anybody else having insane iowait values after logging in?23:10
BUGabundonot really23:10
BUGabundoonly slow GTK23:10
BUGabundochaning theme seem to help, A LOT23:10
knittli really want to know what's slowing startup down23:10
ubottubootchart charts your machine at boot time, to install >> sudo apt-get install bootchart << the graphic is in /var/log/bootchart after the next reboot23:11
knittldesktop hangs and does not refresh for 1+ minute23:11
BUGabundosee mine bootcharts.f.bugabundo.net23:11
knittlBUGabundo: i had bootchart installed and removed it last week23:11
knittlthought maybe bootchart itself was slowing the boot process down23:12
knittlwhich theme do you recommend?23:12
knittlomg, 500 mb of bootcharts xD23:13
BUGabundoknittl: http://paste.ubuntu.com/461725/23:13
MatBoywow I love ubuntu on my new Thinkpad :)23:13
knittlBUGabundo: so normal human is fastest?23:14
knittlbut gtk isn't here really slow23:14
BUGabundoclear works23:14
BUGabundocheck gtkperf23:14
zakscottBUGabundo: thx for bootchart, never seen that.. must see my intel x25m-v's bootchart >:P23:14
BUGabundosub 10 sec?23:15
zakscottyeh lol brb23:15
knittlthroughput of my hdd is very bad23:15
knittlmount.ntfs is running till the end, let's see …23:16
knittlalso dbus-launch23:16
BUGabundoturn that disk off?23:17
knittlyes, i will try23:17
knittli'm too tired right now23:18
zakscottaw bootcharts not drawing the chart :( "valueerror: max() arg is an empty sequence"23:23
dupondjebootchart seems foobar indeed23:29
dupondjecrashing @ boot here23:29
zakscottlol ouch23:29
zakscottmine crashes on draw.py -> draw_chart()23:30
zakscottahh, its not even under development anymore really.. last bug submitted was over a year ago23:33
yofeldepends on what you mean, bootchart works fine usually and logs the boot, we use pybootchartgui to render the image23:34
yofeland that indeed seems buggy for a while now :/23:34
zakscottahh, yeh pybootchartgui seems to be the issue23:36
BUGabundocc me on any bug you file on it, please23:36
zakscottwas just going to file an issue on pybootchartgui23:41
zakscottthink the problem is actually an import error: "from gi.repository import GObject" from __init.py__ line 2723:43
yofeloh that on...23:43
yofelthat crashes apport too - see bug 60391923:44
ubottuLaunchpad bug 603919 in apport (Ubuntu) "apport-gtk crashed with ImportError in <module>()" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/60391923:44
yofelcould be a bug in pygtk actually23:45
zakscottlaunchpad.net/bootchart "doesnt use launchpad for bugs"23:46
yofelzakscott: 'ubuntu-bug pybootchartgui' please23:47
yofelor https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/pybootchartgui/+filebug23:47
yofelbut ubuntu-bug is preferred23:47
* yofel scratches head23:51
yofel   File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.6/gtk-2.0/gi/__init__.py", line 27, in <module>23:51
yofelthat path doesn't exist here...23:52
yofelI have 'glib' and 'gio' but not 'gi'23:52
yofelapt-file doesn't find it either...23:53
* yofel updates apt-file cache...23:53
yofelah, now it's there..23:54
yofelseems like python-gobject was changed23:56
zakscottfiled and cc'd: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/pybootchartgui/+bug/60414023:56
ubottuLaunchpad bug 604140 in pybootchartgui (Ubuntu) "ImportError: cannot import name GObject" [Undecided,New]23:56
yofelah, they merged python-gobject and python-gi it seems23:57
yofel    - python-gobject conflicts, replaces python-gi23:58

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