
jcastropleia2: around?03:29
pleia2jcastro: yep03:32
jcastrothose ubuntu women marketing materials look quite amazing!03:32
jcastrois there a plan for shirts?03:33
pleia2yeah, Troy did a really amazing job03:33
macotroy's awesome03:33
macooh oh can i go update the shirt design i made with the new logos then?03:33
pleia2I've been talking to Cathy Malmrose of ZaReason about some resellers she uses for t-shirts03:33
pleia2maco: please do! :)03:33
jcastrocount me in for 4-5 shirts!03:34
jcastrohave you talked to someone at zazzle?03:34
jcastrothey do the mozilla store iirc03:34
pleia2akgraner had some shirts printed up by zazzle, I don't know anything about the quality, etc of those03:34
macopleia2's been talking to actual high quality printers local to her03:34
macowhich reminds me: please no cafepress03:34
macoink fade :(03:35
pleia2maco: do you know how they are for other things, like coffee mugs?03:35
pleia2I am not too keen on them for clothes, but I was wondering about other items03:35
jcastropleia2: gnome and mozilla use zazzle03:35
jcastrothey appear to be quite awesome, no idea on price or specifics tho03:35
macoall i have from cafepress is at  shirt03:36
macoa t shirt03:36
pleia2price seemed high to me at zazzle03:36
pleia2but we'll spec out some ideas03:36
jcastroyeah :-/03:36
jcastroI have like 4 tshirt stores local to me, so if you run into a dead end lmk03:36
jcastroI happen to live within a mile of like all 4 of them03:36
jcastrodunno how I got so lucky, hah03:37
pleia2the california team got our shirts from a local place, but the women's t-shirts are actually see-through03:37
macojcastro: do you have SVGs of the new logos?03:37
pleia2I am thankful for the donation, but I have to wear another shirt under mine when I wear my CA T :)03:37
macoubuntu, xubuntu, kubuntu, ubuntu studio, uw, and edubuntu are all on the shirt design i made03:37
macojcastro: have you seen that?03:37
jcastromaco: links please!03:37
jcastrono I don't have svgs03:37
macojcastro: http://wiki.ubuntu-women.org/Ideas/TShirtDesigns03:38
jcastro(if you want svgs perhaps ask ken wimer?)03:38
macobut of course all the logos have to be replaced now03:38
macoand i guess the font where it says ubuntu women03:38
jcastrothe vines are cool!03:38
macopleia2: the ubuntu font for that you think?03:38
jcastrooh hey, I thought about something today03:39
macojcastro: thanks03:39
doctormomaco, jcastro: would you like svg versions?03:39
macodoctormo: yes please03:39
jcastrodoctormo: not me personally, but she does03:39
macojcastro: do you see an easter egg on that design?03:39
doctormomaco:what was the original made in?03:39
macodoctormo: inkscape03:39
jcastroI see the debian swirl if that's what you mean03:39
macojcastro: yep :)03:39
jcastromaco: I got you beat!03:39
macodoctormo: well, i mean...paper and pencil...and then inkscape03:39
jcastromaco: ok I lie, emma jane's got you beat, she gave us hand made blankets for a wedding gift03:40
jcastrowith hidden debian swirls!03:40
doctormomaco: Ah so what happened to the svg versions? are they lost int he sands of time or just with someone else?03:40
jcastromaco: remind me later and I'll take a picture03:40
macoi didnt have a tablet yet at the time, so i drew on paper, then scanned and did an autotrace in inkscape, then manually cleaned it up03:40
macodoctormo: on my hard disk03:40
macodoctormo: the wiki just wouldnt display svg right or something so i uploaded a png03:41
pleia2maco: yeah, I'd go with the new ubuntu font03:41
macodoctormo: hey wait there's a *link* to the svg!03:41
jcastrohey so anyway I did a komen walk a few months ago and they have like, teams of people03:41
jcastroand I was thinking it'd be cool to have an ubuntu logo with the pink ribbon03:41
doctormomaco: OK, so you don't need an svg, you already have one? Just trying to make sure before I retrace this design.03:41
jcastrobut I have not thought this through, I only thought about it a few hours ago03:42
macodoctormo: i need svgs of the new logos so i can modify my existing svg of that design to have the new ones03:42
macodoctormo: because those are the old colourful logos03:42
pleia2I am not sure if xubuntu ever got around to making a new logo03:42
macoweren't they the first after ubuntu to do so?03:42
* pleia2 's only input was "Make sure it still has the mouse, we love the mouse, I use xubuntu because of the mouse"03:42
pleia2they never settled on one03:43
macoi thought cody pulled one out of the hat immediately03:43
doctormomaco: So a new logo for ubuntu women hasn't been created yet, or hasn't been put up for download in svg?03:43
pleia2maco: there were a few drafts, no decision03:43
macodoctormo: we have svg for UW. i dont know where to find SVG for kubuntu or ubuntu or xubuntu or ubuntu studio03:43
macoi imagine the ubuntu branding page has an ubuntu one *somewhere*03:43
macodid studio get a new logo?03:43
doctormomaco: cool, link me to the new svg for uw and I'll put it in my collection.03:44
macoive only seen png versions for kubuntu though :-/03:44
macoi'll have to bother jonathan later03:44
pleia2doctormo: http://www.ubuntu-women.org/img/ubuntu-women-community-identity/03:44
pleia2(they're also available here, but it's 160M of stuff and contains tons of other design elements: https://code.launchpad.net/~troy-sobotka/+junk/ubuntu-women-community-identity )03:45
macoin particular http://www.ubuntu-women.org/img/ubuntu-women-community-identity/ubuntu-women-cof.svg03:45
jcastroany ideas for a breast cancer ubuntu shirt?03:47
* jcastro jumps up and down for attention03:47
macojcastro: would munnies go to the breast cancer people? cuz putting the pink ribbon there without donating is icky03:47
jcastrothe way I've seen it work is people make their own shirts03:48
jcastroand walk/run in events and the money goes to the charity03:48
paultaghey jcastro03:48
jcastrobut it would be cool if there was an "official" shirt that had X% going to the fund, like other organizations do03:48
paultagjcastro: are we doing a coders for brest cancer thing or something?03:49
paultag+1 jcastro03:49
paultagjcastro: my grandmother just got thru fighting brest cancer, I'm here to help03:49
duanedesignwith the ubuntu new ubuntu logo you could replace the small circle of fiends at the end with the pink ribbon03:49
jcastropaultag: no I was just thinking outloud, I did a walk a few months ago03:49
paultagjcastro: ahha03:49
jcastrobut it came up in my head today03:49
paultagjcastro: I'm down to help if you need it03:49
jcastrobecause my wife was like "there's some party on friday and miss michigan will be there but you need to dress up and pay money"03:49
jcastroand I was like "screw that"03:49
macooooh apparently i organized things on my hard drive at some point03:50
jcastrothen today I was wearing the cancer shirt and she was like "you could have just worn that?"03:50
macoinstead of being on ~/Desktop/ the vine design is in ~/Pictures/designs/UW/ surprisingly03:50
jcastrothen she tells me the entire event is a breast cancer fundraiser03:50
jcastroso now all my family thinks I'm too lazy/cheap to go to a fundraiser because I was never paying attention03:50
macooh oh03:51
macoyou just referred to jill as your wife! weeeeeeeeee!03:51
paultagOh noe!!!!03:51
jcastromaco: it's been a month!03:51
jcastropaultag: miss ohio is there too! (Her step brother is miss michigan's boyfriend)03:51
jcastroso anyway, I'm wearing this susan komen shirt today03:51
paultagjcastro: Wa wa wee wa, how old?03:51
jcastroand I was like "we can so do an ubuntu team"03:52
jcastrosort of like how leann and dustin wear ubuntu shirts when they do marathons03:52
jcastrowe could do ubuntu shirts during the komen marches around the country03:52
jcastropaultag: 25ish I guess?03:52
paultagjcastro: but seriously, can we do something for breast cancer?03:53
jcastroso yeah, I think so03:53
duanedesignjcastro: the susan komen logo looks like a pink ribbon/ person03:54
jcastroduanedesign: yeah, so, circle of friends them. :D03:54
paultagthe pSoF03:54
jcastroCircle is spelled with a C paultag03:54
paultagwow, bad mistake03:55
jcastroit's ok, you have an ohio education03:55
paultagjcastro: I grew up in Boston!03:55
paultagjcastro: but my University would be proud03:55
Pendulumokay, I hate to be a bit of a naysayer here, but if you're going to do an official Ubuntu breast cancer shirt, are you going to have a problem if people start designing their own in support of other causes?03:55
paultagjcastro: at least it's not michigan state03:55
maconow we know what doctormo's progeny have to look forward to for education!03:55
duanedesignit has the circle at the top. if you added two more circles you would almost have an ubuntu loogo03:55
jcastroPendulum: I have no idea how it works, I am thinking outloud03:55
Pendulumor what're you going to do if they start bringing their causes to you and saying "do one of this too"03:55
Pendulumhow do you cut it off?03:55
paultagPendulum: run it through the community, I guess03:56
jcastro"ubuntu users for the erradication of non-metal music"03:56
duanedesignjcastro: sometimes just making something pink is enought o associatte it with breast cancer03:56
paultagjcastro: ubuntu user for the promotion of electro-anarcho-punk-funk-rock-folk03:56
macopunk funk?03:57
macowait i wanna hear this03:57
jcastrowe did do the ubuntu one music store proceeds for the lynx03:57
paultagMan, I'll have to do some digging03:57
Pendulumpersonally, while I support breast cancer research, I feel like it's a big fundraiser thing when a lot of other just as deserving issues get ignored (for the record, my grandmother has breast cancer and will for the rest of her life)03:57
pleia2of course the trademark situation has to be taken into account, I'm even somewhat shy to offer ubuntu women shirts via a store like zazzle because of it03:57
macopleia2: yeah, thats something we have to go talk to canonical lawyers about right? because thered be $ happening03:58
macojono said talk to lawyers, he cant bless it03:58
jcastroPendulum: yeah, it's a weird topic. tbh it wasn't until I learned of a relative who I didn't even know dying from it I would have been obivious03:58
pleia2maco: yeah, elky went through some pain when she worked at a store selling ubuntu, they couldn't sell ubuntu shirts03:58
pleia2s/selling ubuntu/selling ubuntu pcs03:58
macopleia2: i thought it was "she couldnt get a discount on shirts and got annoyed"?03:58
paultagmaco: this is a rad track http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ME9cHn6j88o&feature=related03:59
macothey said she'd have to buy them at the canonical store online and mark them up03:59
pleia2no, her only option was paying full price from the canonical store and passing along that to the customers, they couldn't make any03:59
macooh, no markup allowed? dang03:59
jcastrowhy not make your own like locos do?03:59
paultagmaco: that or this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JPallS7LMlE <-- but this is remixed mainstream03:59
macojcastro: the issue is using the ubuntu logo03:59
pleia2I think selling loco shirts for profit is a somewhat grey area03:59
paultag+1 pleia203:59
jcastrooh, I see, for profit04:00
paultagpleia2: imho if it's for a loco it's cool, but for personal gain is a bit off without going through Canonical04:00
paultagpleia2: I think Canonical has the same view04:00
macojcastro: well even if UW puts no markup, zazzle's making a profit by selling 'em for us, see?04:00
* jcastro nods04:00
Pendulumjcastro: for the record, my grandmother isn't actually dying of it, but she was 87 when diagnosed and they opted for conservative treatment because surgery and then chemo or radiation probably had at least as good a chance of killing her as the cancer does04:00
macohowever i think a small markup for UW might be interesting to fund some of the group initiatives...04:01
jcastrook, I'll ask internally about how things like this work04:01
pleia2I don't actually know where canonical would come down on these things, but I do keep it in mind, especially when we start talking about using the logo beyond "team" stuff04:01
jcastropleia2: it's a tough road I am sure04:01
jcastroon one hand you want people to do awesome thing04:01
jcastroon the other you want to make sure that "ubuntu members for killing babies" isn't possible04:02
pleia2but then all of a sudden the ubuntu logo is promoting pro-life marches ;)04:02
paultagover my dead body :(04:02
* nigelb yawns04:02
nigelbmorning folks04:02
pleia2hey nigelb, all ready for User Days? :D04:02
nigelbpleia2: oh yes04:02
nigelbthough I just realized today is second saturday04:03
nigelbwhich means banks are closed and no way for me to get some stuff done04:03
macooh dang.04:03
pleia2guess you'll have to stay home with us04:03
macoi have to figure out what im gonna say04:03
macoand umm what time my thing is04:03
macoand umm...also write some ruby and scheme (and i dont know those languages! plz help me!)04:04
Pendulummaco: you're after me04:04
Pendulumso I think you're at 6PM Eastern04:04
macoruby was due 2 weeks ago and scheme was due wednesday and im stuck :(04:04
nigelbI'm glad she remembers she's taking a session :p04:04
Pendulumand I should go to bed so I can be awake in 6 hours :(04:04
nigelbruby should be ok04:04
nigelbscheme = compiler design or something?04:05
macoi cant figure out how to access member variables of a class instance04:05
macono, scheme is a lisp04:05
nigelbpaultag should know04:05
macoi did compiler design a year ago04:05
nigelbIm still yet to figure out what time it starts04:06
nigelbha! its at 3 pm04:07
nigelbI guess I'm the only one with a comfortable time zone :D04:07
* nigelb nudges pleia2 :p04:08
duanedesignjcastro: http://ln-s.net/7E8304:08
jcastrohahah that's awesome04:09
duanedesign:) tux fights breast cancer04:09
nigelbmaco: might wanna join #ubuntu-classroom-backstage before you take your session :)04:17
nigelbmaco: what do you want us to introduce you as?04:41
macoum mackenzie?04:43
macodont introduce me as sarah or something...04:43
nigelbI mean a short paragraph about you04:44
paultagsec, darn internet04:50
nigelbpaultag: I got one for you :D04:52
pleia2one internet?04:53
nigelbpleia2: oh no, intro04:54
pleia2oh, that :)04:54
nigelbpleia2: I'm taking the freedom of making stuff up for maco coz she's lazy to write her own04:54
pleia2make one up for me too, I still need to write my class04:55
nigelbsure :)04:56
nigelboh yay mango in the morning04:57
doctormomaco, pleia2: http://imagebin.ca/view/KtcTtfl.html04:59
pleia2doctormo: wow, that's pretty!05:00
nigelbdoctormo: can you write a few sentences about you on http://ubuntu-classroom.ietherpad.com/1 ?05:00
doctormonigelb: Sure thing05:00
macodoctormo: beautiful!05:00
* nigelb lols @ doctormo's intro05:01
doctormonigelb: Anything I've missed?05:04
doctormopleia2: Any responses for the loco interview?05:06
nhandlerdoctormo: Any chance of you using your artistic talent to create a tshirt design for Ubuntu Chicago ? We have everything in Chicago, just no artists05:06
pleia2doctormo: none yet, but there don't tend to be for these05:07
pleia2and thanks for doing the interview :)05:07
doctormomaco: would it be horrid to add in a foss flower? http://doctormo.org/wp-content/uploads/2010/06/floss1-248x300.png05:08
doctormonhandler: What kind of tshirt and what would you want it to show off/symbolise?05:08
nhandlerdoctormo: It is probably worth waiting on nixternal (he has the most artistic talent out of all of us). But http://loco.ubuntu.com/teams/ubuntu-chicago is really the only artwork we have besides http://www.flickr.com/photos/kgelster/4181006489/in/faves-nhandler/ . We are just trying to come up with some shirt that looks decent enough for us to wear at events05:11
macodoctormo: ask pleia2. she's our lizard05:11
pleia2I'll just make something up05:12
pleia2most of our ideas are pretty basic "logo and words" - this one was pretty, eye-catching, showing ubuntu and lots of flavors, lots of ways to get involved and stuff05:12
pleia2since the goal of the project is to inspire and encourage05:13
doctormopleia2: Could I add a foss logo to the vine design? something small?05:13
pleia2yeah, I think it's fine05:13
macoi'm glad doctormo understood that the logos were meant to be the flowers on the vine05:14
maconigelb: ever read the hitchhikers guide?05:14
doctormomaco: It helps that you named the layer: [flowers] ;-)05:14
maco"take me to your lizard"05:14
nigelbmaco: ahhh05:14
macodoctormo: oh did i?05:14
* maco pats past-me on the head05:14
doctormomaco: Heh, almost as good as "I call my cat The Lord"05:14
macopleia2: im a kubuntu user. you think i was gonna make a design that just had ubuntu logo? pfffffffffft05:15
pleia2plus, blue is prettier05:15
macolike when i did that kubuntu/kde session filling in for celeste05:16
nigelbxubuntu blue i prettier than kubuntu05:16
nigelbkubuntu is a lot of eyewash05:16
maco"why do all the girls like kde?" "because its prettier than gnome!"05:16
* nigelb runs. Fast.05:16
pleia2nigelb: +105:16
macoand then pleia2 going "hey! i like gnome!"05:16
pleia2no no, I like xfce :)05:16
macooh. ok maybe you said "i dont like kde" then :P05:17
pleia2yeah probably05:17
nigelbpaultag: quoting you "fluxbox is for kids"05:17
pleia2paultag: actually, I have 4 computers at home - 1 has xfce, 1 has gnome, 2 have fluxbox05:17
paultagpleia2: that's my package :305:17
pleia2<3 u05:17
pleia2gnome on the netbook is nice because it's easy clicky for wifi and stuff05:17
paultagpleia2: you can run GNOME on Fluxbox05:18
paultagjust ditch compiz and metacity05:18
pleia2paultag: actually... both the fluxbox machines are debian05:18
paultagpleia2: that's my baby right there05:18
paultagpleia2: testing?05:18
paultagor stable05:18
pleia2stable, so not yours yet05:19
pleia2one of the machines is my firewall+lots of other stuff I consolidated into one machine05:19
pleia2the other is my million year old laptop05:19
paultagUgh, I can't write about myself05:19
pleia2just make stuff up, that's what I do05:20
pleia2include superpowers05:21
macoand on the 19th day, paultag created elephants!05:21
macoand then mated them with sheep to make snuffleupagus05:21
paultagOh man05:21
paultagI actually really want to use that05:21
* nigelb LOLs05:21
doctormoCan anyone give me the new beta of the ubuntu font? I can't seem to get it because I won't put my launchpad password into my apt list file.05:21
macodoctormo: your lp password doesnt go in there.....05:22
paultaggoddamnit doctormo05:22
paultagdoctormo: it's not your darn lp password05:22
macodoctormo: a long hash thingy goes in there05:22
paultagdoctormo: I told you this, it's a unique hash05:22
macoits an auth key05:22
paultag+1 maco05:22
paultagyou can reset it doctormo05:22
doctormopaultag: *shrug*05:22
paultagdoctormo: it's not even a hash of your password, SHAZBOT05:22
doctormopaultag: Where is the big red button that says GO05:22
paultagno need :)05:23
doctormopaultag: Oh you'll just send me the ttf by email?05:23
macodoctormo: cant download the deb through lp?05:24
paultagno doctormo05:24
paultagdoctormo: that's bad :(05:24
paultagdoctormo: because you won't get updates05:24
doctormoBesides I can't jump into sysadmin mode while I'm in art mode, can someone send it me before I have to ditch art mode?05:24
paultagdoctormo: just download it off the ppa over http05:24
paultagdoctormo: just hit your ppa via http05:24
paultagdoctormo: and download the .deb05:24
paultagdoctormo: fsck it I'll send you a deb, but _not_ the ttf05:25
* maco wouldnt know what to do with it if handed a ttf05:25
macoi think i would run "find / -name *.ttf" to see where the rest of them are05:25
paultagmaco: somewhere in /usr/ I think05:25
paultag/usr/share/fonts or something05:25
macowell i might try locate, but i think you have to know the actual file name not just *.ttf with that05:26
macoso i think id try locate, get it wrong, and resort to a slow find05:26
doctormoWait I think I may have found something05:26
paultagk doctormo05:26
paultagdoctormo: I just sent it, so bah05:26
nigelbAlanBell: ping, poke, and everything else that hurts05:27
paultagOK. I need sleep05:27
pleia2night paultag05:27
paultagnight nigelb. My stuff is in order. Be sure to include the maco quote05:27
doctormoubuntu-private-nda-fonts - wow, they should have just called it: copy-and-die.deb05:27
paultagnight pleia2 :)05:27
paultagdoctormo: darn skippy05:27
paultagdoctormo: 'night!05:27
nigelbpaultag: LOL05:27
doctormothanks paultag, you get cudos anyway!05:27
nigelbpaultag: you want it as a quote or integrated in?05:28
paultagnigelb: either way works, I think it will set the tone of how I'm going to present stuff05:28
paultagit's just goofy enough to be right05:28
paultagthanks maco :305:28
macodoctormo: plotical? im guessing you mean political05:28
maco(i just changed it on etherpad. tell me if i changed wrongly)05:29
pleia2plotical is funnier05:29
jcastrodoctormo: the "nda" in the name is a bug, we're fixing that05:32
doctormojcastro: I figured it was just something like that, I just wanted to be funny.05:32
jcastroit's a fair question!05:32
doctormopleia2: I agree, it is funnier, I wonder how I can make a plotical blog.05:33
macoyou gues!05:37
macoi spelled "snuffleupagus" right!05:37
maco(but not guys. and which one is only four letters, hmmm???)05:38
nigelbmaco: its like in maths05:38
macooh golly05:38
nigelbI can get differentiation and integration right05:39
nigelbbut miss 3+205:39
macoim going to cringe every time i have to say maths05:39
macobecause in the US it's singular05:39
macothough actually Keybuk, who is british, agrees that math is more right than maths05:40
macobecause you don't abbreviate something and then keep the plural s05:40
* nigelb grns05:40
macoif you're removing ematic from the middle of mathematics, you're going to need an apostrophe to make up for it: math's05:40
maco(besides that, ths is an annoying sound to try to make)05:41
doctormomaco, pleia2: wallpaper version: http://imagebin.ca/view/mogKjena.html05:52
macoi like the big logo off to the side like that (like i put it :P) because it makes space for the text05:55
pleia2nice :)05:57
doctormoSo many errors in that last version! so sorry: http://imagebin.ca/view/kXHOY5SI.html05:58
AlanBellnigelb: hi07:41
nigelbAlanBell: we need your intro :)07:42
AlanBellerm it is asking for a password07:43
ddecatorAlanBell: make sure the /1 is at the end of the URL (i ran into the same thing)07:43
AlanBellgot it, thanks07:44
jussishamelessly stolen from a community member: Why did the programmer die in the shower? The shampoo said lather, rinse, repeat. :D07:48
jussiand good morning!07:49
ddecatormorning jussi!07:49
jussimorning ddecator07:50
jussioh, did we all know it is Nelson Mandela Day on July 18? http://en.mandeladay.com/About.aspx07:52
nigelbAlanBell: Love the intro including the poke at Kubuntu :p08:04
nigelbAlan and his family all use Ubuntu, however the chickens in the garden seem to prefer Kubuntu. :p08:04
AlanBellyou thought I was joking!08:09
AlanBellmaco: ^^08:09
nigelbjussi: ^^08:09
vishdoctormo: apart from the ubuntu logo [the smaller one in the center] being rotated , looks neat!08:11
jussisigh :P08:11
vishrotated in the sense , wrongly positioned..08:11
jussichromium is just evil sometimes08:12
ddecatorAlanBell: that is amazing, haha08:19
vishmaco: hmm ,you'd probably get a comment.. the ubuntu logo is wrong.. in doctormo's one.   you could pay some attention to non-kubuntu stuff ;p09:29
macovish: whats wrong? its not rotated funny or anything...09:30
macoits just *tiny*09:30
nigelbwhich is also wrong :p09:30
vishmaco: the logo is the wrong direction , the COF09:30
macohmm?oh  it is slightly rotated09:31
macoit wasnt in the one he showed before was it?09:31
vishmaco: it was.. thats where i first noticed09:31
macoin the first one he posted?09:31
vishyeah , in the scrollback , both versions09:32
macowait but relative to the vine its right09:32
nigelbflimsy excuse09:33
macothe text is following the vine. it looks like the logo is oriented to match up with the text and follow the vine09:33
nigelbeverything else is not related to the vine09:33
nigelbif its related to the vine, it should be tilted a bit more09:33
macowell im sure he's asleep now so deal later09:34
nigelbthe buttom dots must be in the same line which must be paralel to the vine09:34
nigelbqense: morning!10:45
nigelbits User days!10:45
qensehey nigelb!10:45
nigelbqense: can you an intro for yourself here http://ubuntu-classroom.ietherpad.com/110:45
qensewill do!10:46
* nigelb hugs qense :)10:46
* qense hugs nigelb10:47
qenseIt's warm here!10:47
qenseAlmost 30 degrees Celsius already!10:48
qensenigelb: How's my introduction?11:15
Pendulumqense: he lost power. I can look at it if you'd like11:16
qensePendulum: If you could, please.11:17
Pendulumlooks good to me :)11:17
qensePendulum: Wait, how do you know he lost power?11:17
qensePendulum: Thanks!11:17
Pendulumhe sent me a text11:17
duanedesignmorning all11:25
Pendulumhi duanedesign11:26
qenseEnglish speakers! Can you say 'a central place from where you fetch the applications you want'?11:29
qensefrom where doesn't sound really good11:29
Pendulumit's completely gramatically correct, although I think most people would say "from which"11:30
duanedesigna central place where you11:31
duanedesignalthough Pendulums version sounds classier :)11:31
qenseI'll go with Pendulum's suggestion. Thanks!11:32
duanedesignbetter get lernid fired up...11:32
qenseHow stable is Lernid today?11:33
duanedesignqense: seems good. i am on Maverick FWIW.11:36
Pendulumqense: one person had a bug (usernames showing up as <???>), but otherwise people seem to be fine with it11:36
qenseI'm too.11:36
qenseIf there is an emergency with Lernid, I can lend my programming skills if needed! :D11:37
duanedesignqense: how is Ubuntu Wanted development coming along?11:44
duanedesigni had an old UDS post stuck in my blog pueue so I got to blog abbout that UDS session recently11:45
qenseduanedesign: I haven't given it much attention lately, to be honest. Lack of time.11:46
qenseand energy11:46
duanedesignqense: i understand how it can be :)11:48
qenselunch time, I'm off12:13
paultagheyya czajkowski15:15
qensehi czajkowski15:15
nigelbw00t user days!15:17
nigelb'lo czajkowski :)15:18
czajkowskiseen the log on myname15:19
* czajkowski wallops pa15:19
* nigelb wonders what czajkowski is talking about15:20
qensetree chopper!15:21
czajkowskilog from yesterday in here  14:0715:22
* nigelb goes to check15:22
paultagczajkowski: heyya sweetie :)15:23
paultagczajkowski: see now don't you feel bad for wolloping me?15:23
czajkowskipaultag: no ~I ever feel bad for walloping you.  It;'s you for feck sake15:23
akgranerGood Morning!15:37
Pendulummorning akgraner15:38
akgranerPendulum, how are ya?15:39
Pendulumtired, but I just opened up a can of Dr Pepper so that should go away for a while ;-)15:39
akgraner:-)  I had visitors this week :-)  Now I am getting caught up on a million things15:40
* nigelb waves to akgraner 15:40
Pendulumakgraner: not going to attend User Day then? :P15:40
nigelbakgraner: you've learned the disappearing act finally! Its a relief :)15:40
akgranerhey nigelb I'll work on your interview something today15:40
akgranersometime even15:40
akgranernigelb, yeah - but now I feel a little guilty :-) so it's a trade off15:42
Pendulumakgraner: take the time for your self. you deserve it15:43
nigelbakgraner: NO! Its a good thing you're staying away for some time and getting rest.15:43
nigelbBut if you're not taking rest, well, rather you spend the day in bed on IRC :p15:43
akgranerOh it's just what happens when you get out of balance  - then figure out how to balance things back up - no biggie - I think it happens to everyone at some point...:-)15:46
nigelbheh :)15:47
doctormopleia2: hello?16:52
Pendulumdoctormo: I think she's still asleep17:02
Pendulumshe only went to bed 6 hours ago17:02
doctormoah ok17:18
doctormoeverything going ok you think Pendulum?17:18
IdleOnesession is going great dude17:18
Pendulumdoctormo: yep :) btw, are you using classbot or do you need me to feed you questions?17:31
doctormoPendulum: need feeding17:31
doctormoPendulum: Can you get a list of all past questions?17:34
Pendulumit gives me all questions starting with the oldest17:35
Pendulumdo you want me to start feeding them now?17:35
Pendulumor do you want to wait and ask for questions at some point?17:36
Pendulumdoctormo: ^^17:36
doctormoI'll have a set time in a few, thanks Pendulum17:36
Pendulumdoctormo: no more questions in the queue, do you want to put out another call for questions?17:47
vishdoctormo: in case you missed my ping last night: <vish> doctormo: apart from the ubuntu logo [the smaller one in the center] being rotated , looks neat!17:57
vishthe rest of the logos are correctly positioned.. in the sense, not aligned to the vine , but this one is the only deviant..17:58
doctormovish: Symbolism!18:00
vishheh ;p18:00
vishdoctormo: hmm , are we allowed to rotate like that.. iirc we are not allowed under the guidelines..18:06
vishoh well..18:06
doctormovish: I don't think so, but in this case it's not being used as a symbol trademark, it's being used in artwork and falls under fair use and other free speech protections.18:14
paultagdoctormo, you can't alter something under fair use18:15
paultagunless it's for satire18:15
vishdoctormo: well , its one of the guidelines "YOU MUST NOT... Place the brandmark at an angle"18:15
vishbut i know squat about legalities :D18:16
doctormopaultag: Don't think think it's satire? I do.18:16
* vish too fails to see the satire here ..18:17
vishif all the brands were at angles.... maybe.18:17
=== IdleOne is now known as IdleTwo
=== IdleTwo is now known as IdleOne
nigelbIdleOne: pick a number and stay there18:45
IdleOneWhy you yelling at me ?18:46
IdleOneI'm always nice to you and you yell at me :(18:46
* IdleOne cries18:46
doctormovish: Actually you don't think I'm making a statement about Ubuntu being off kilter to the rest of the community :-P18:51
paultagdoctormo, well that would be satire18:52
paultagdoctormo, eat your own words!18:52
nigelbIdleOne: haha18:52
vishIdleOne: nigelb is ol'yeller ;p18:52
* nigelb kicks vish 18:52
paultagsounds like my ex-wife18:52
IdleOnevish: you know what happened to ol' yeller right?18:53
nigelbIdleOne: he turned into you?18:53
IdleOne*growl* *bark* *growl*18:54
vishIdleOne: we can just tell nigelb he is being sent to a magical farm? :D18:54
nigelbhence proved18:54
IdleOnenotice I did not bite18:55
nigelbbarkin dogs dont bite18:55
nigelbIdleOne: heh, anyways, hows the weekend treating you18:57
IdleOnenigelb: slow start, still sitting here having coffee :)18:57
doctormoHello nigelb18:57
nigelbheya doctormo18:57
nigelbhow did the session go?18:57
IdleOnebut got a msg from nhandler bout userdays and was like OH Cool!18:58
nigelbyou wanna take a sesion?18:58
nigelbyeah, why not18:58
Pendulumnigelb: you're evil :P18:58
doctormonigelb: It went well I think, my wife woke me up 10 mins before the session so I was a bit panniked at the start.18:58
IdleOneyou mean maco's sessions?18:58
nigelbIdleOne: yeah18:58
IdleOnehonestly don't think I am ready.18:59
nigelbyou're an OP18:59
IdleOneheh being an op and giving a session are very different18:59
IdleOneI'll be glad to help out and answer questions but would not want to lead the session19:00
nigelbIdleOne: I'll make you a deal19:00
nigelbI'll give you the text from last session19:00
nigelbjust add some personalization and you can run with it19:01
IdleOnebrb my usb coffee cup refiler upper device is broken19:01
nigelbusb coffee cup refiller? wow19:01
IdleOnenigelb: it is a imaginary device that I wish someone would invent19:06
nigelbIdleOne: ha19:06
doctormonigelb: Get me $10k and I'll do it.19:06
IdleOneit would add to my lazyness but make me more productive on irc19:06
IdleOnedoctormo: make it and I will get you 100K :)19:07
nigelbdoctormo: I can get you $10 and you can imagine the k19:07
IdleOnenigelb: IF I agreed to do this session how much time do I have to prepare?19:07
nigelbPendulum: what time is yours?19:07
nigelbits after yours right?19:08
PendulumIdleOne: until 6 tonight19:08
paultagIdleOne, I have some notes19:08
Pendulummine's 5-6 ET19:08
paultagIdleOne, I was putting stuff together if I was needed19:08
paultagIdleOne, I can forward it to you19:08
IdleOneSee now if I say no I am going to feel bad.19:08
nigelbthats the trick19:09
nigelbwe're all a team you see19:09
IdleOnealright send me the info but if this turns to a disaster I am blaming nigelb19:09
paultagIdleOne, I can back you up on the session, but I'd rather not type for two hours straight19:09
nigelbIdleOne: it won't :)19:09
IdleOnetwo hours?19:09
paultagIdleOne, let me dropbox it over. No real notes, just bullets of stuff to cover19:10
IdleOnethis is a two hour session19:10
nigelbIdleOne: the seesion after is paultag 's19:10
paultagIdleOne, my session si the one after maco's19:10
paultagIdleOne, so I would have done two hours19:10
IdleOnescared me19:10
paultagsec IdleOne19:10
paultagIdleOne, http://dl.dropbox.com/u/1202331/beginning-irc19:11
paultagthat's actually a virus19:11
IdleOneyour telling me19:12
paultagyou should go to my session if you were not wary :319:12
pleia2yeah, paultag's session last time was one of my favorites19:13
paultagOh gee, thanks :D19:13
* pleia2 uses it to smack people who claim linux is foolproofly secure19:13
IdleOneugh I just bit off my own foot19:13
paultagpleia2, me too :)19:14
paultagpleia2, I whipped up a nice deb to mess with my buddy who was real "zomg linux is unbreakable, just try it!" two years back. I rooted his machine ( depended on sshd, and changed the root pw in the preinst )19:15
paultagpleia2, as soon as he smacked talked me again, I Just started opening porn on his display19:15
paultagexport DISPLAY=:0.119:15
paultagshe shaped up quickly19:15
paultagerm he19:16
paultagdon't know how the s got in there19:16
qensepaultag: export DISPLAY=:0.1 did the trick, probably19:17
paultagqense, yeah, and started firefox http://shady-url.com/shady-content.png19:17
qenseThat's the she19:17
qenseWhat you said earlier.19:18
paultagthis is going right over my head, I typo'd "she"19:19
paultaghe is a he, I think19:19
vishpaultag: what was your session last time?19:19
paultagvish, same one as this year -- trusted software, where to find it, and why19:19
paultagI've reworked some of my mistakes19:20
paultagI had slides and lots of fun examples19:20
paultagbut I lost them two nights ago19:20
paultagwork laptop was acting up, so I wiped it19:20
IdleOneok working on this.19:20
paultagIdleOne, you just saved me :)19:20
paultagIdleOne, thank you19:21
IdleOneI might need to message you paultag for some info but I think I should be ok19:21
paultagsure thing IdleOne19:21
nigelbIdleOne: awesome.  thanks :)19:21
* nigelb glares at vish19:21
vishnigelb: i quote  <Pendulum> nigelb: you're evil :P19:22
nigelbvish: that's for a different reason19:22
vishnigelb: but still evil ;)19:22
nigelbmy recruiting may be a bit aggresive but so what19:23
nigelbI get the results19:23
nigelbme and pleia2 filled up the calender pretty fast when we teamed up to do it19:23
qense<nigelb> qense: You're going to give an UserDay session or else a cute kitten will die!19:24
qenseYou blackmailed us!19:24
paultagI was asked politely19:24
nigelbqense: haha19:24
paultagand as a result I said OK :)19:24
nigelbdifferent people different tricks19:24
nigelbisn't that what sales and recruiting is all about19:24
nigelbfor the record, I got vish to do a session at UDW19:25
nigelbso I still claim victory19:25
vishnigelb: i just think you are a bit scared of paultag  ;)19:25
qensenigelb should become salesperson!19:25
nigelbvish: nope.  paultag is nice.19:25
nigelbqense: nah.  I like developing way better.19:25
vishnigelb: for the record , mpt got me to do it ;)19:26
paultagvish, nigelb is scared of me19:27
nigelbvish: yes, I knew you wouldn't refuse that way19:27
qensevish: You're important!19:27
nigelbpaultag: only when you talk about root-ing my system19:27
paultagvish, I watched nigelb come into the community, after all19:27
paultagnigelb, heh, you never know >:D19:27
* nigelb remembers talking to paultag in #ubuntu-beginners-dev for the first time19:28
qenseAlmost 10% of the Ubuntu Local communites Launchpad team seems to come from the Indian LoCo. :O19:31
vishnigelb: looks like a lot of indian names in the classroom this time19:31
qenseUbuntu is really big in India, it seems.19:32
qenseTamil-Nadu is a large Ubuntu user, isn't it?19:32
qenseYou should do an Indian Ubuntu User Day!19:32
nigelbwhich language? :p19:32
nigelbwe'd have to do 22 differnt ones19:33
qenseEnglish? :P19:33
nigelbwell, this one is english19:33
qenseWait! There already is an English UbuntUserDay!19:33
nigelbI'm trying to get small events organized19:33
nigelblike an ubuntu hour last saturday of this month19:34
qenseWhen I compared distributions using Google Trends the language that turned out to be most used when searching for Ubuntu was Indonesian.19:34
vishqense: usually there are a few indian folks in user days.. probably the ones this time are being more chatty19:34
nigelbthere was good advertizzement in the loco channel19:34
qensevish: Most of the people that chatted during my talk seemed to be Indian.19:34
vishnigelb: did you get the mails about the yahoo event clash with the Ubuntu hr?19:34
nigelbvish: damn! what event? when?19:35
vishnigelb: read , the mailing list. there is a  Yahoo Open Hack event  , 24 and 2519:36
vishnigelb: some are asking for the dates to be shifted to 2519:36
vishdate rather19:36
nigelbvish: 25 is weekday right?19:36
vishsunday i think19:36
nigelbI cant do sunday19:37
nigelbI guess next week then19:37
nigelbvish: re-sent19:43
nigelbvish: you wanna come down for a weekend?19:43
doctormomaco: Could you link the main wallpaper image to deviantArt too on your blog?20:02
macodoctormo: flickr gets not happy if you hotlink... am i able to hotlink from dA?20:03
macoer well, flickr's hotlink policy is "must link it back to flickr"20:03
doctormomaco: I'll host it on my blog if you like, I don't mind.20:11
doctormomaco: http://doctormo.org/wp-content/uploads/2010/07/uw-wallpaper-vine.png20:14
macodoctormo: link updated20:15
pleia2doctormo: will you be at the docs collab meeting in ~40 minutes over in #ubuntu-manual?20:18
doctormopleia2: I should be20:20
pleia2ok cool20:20
nigelbpleia2: Pendulum: ok, im off for real now20:23
pleia2night nigelb :)20:23
paultaggtfo nigelb20:23
paultagnigelb, get sleep!!!!!20:24
nigelbpaultag: haha, you alwys were brutal :p20:24
paultagnigelb, and so will you if you don't get sleep20:24
=== paultag is now known as muzha
akgranerpopey, do you all from the EMEA membership board will send out the welcome to new members?  If it was sent I missed it sorry - but if it hasn't been sent I'd like to include it in UWN this weekend?20:50
qenseI'm off, bye everyone!21:49
=== muzha is now known as paultag_
paultag_maco, poke22:09
paultag_maco, 01:00 UTC, DarkwingDuck just had a family emergency -- he was talking about KDE and GNOME with pleia2. Since IdleOne is covering your IRC session, can you make that?22:11
macoyeah i guess... does he have notes somewhere?22:11
paultag_maco, he said they were on paper :(22:11
macodoes he have a scanner?22:12
paultag_maco, he just left, his father in law was in a bad car wreck22:12
paultag_maco, pleia2 will talk for 40 minutes, I'm sure. You should be able to freestyle :)22:12
macooh ouch22:12
macook yeah22:12
pleia2hang on, I have the etherpad that I put together22:23
pleia2maco: just forwarded you my script with the parts that DD was supposed to handle22:23
pleia2maco: care to join #ubuntu-classroom-backstage ?22:24
popeyakgraner: tbh we never have sent out announcements22:45
popeyakgraner: i guess we should, I'll figure out who was approved this week and let you know22:46
akgranerpopey, thank you!22:47
=== paultag_ is now known as paaultag
=== jono is now known as Guest41776

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