=== shadeslayer is now known as evilshadeslayer [01:31] Hey got a question [01:32] And no it's not about a cloak [01:32] lol [01:32] Was wondering if anyone here had an idea on how to get MootBot in #ubuntu-beginners-wiki [01:36] In #ubuntu-eg, EgyParadox said: !ubuntu-eg is The Ubuntu Egyptian LoCo team, for more information visit: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EgyptTeam [01:36] I never can remember the contact person for that bot... [01:36] well the page says to look at the #ubuntu-scribes but there's like, one person there [02:11] zkriesse: What was your question (if you didn't get an answer) [02:15] zkriesse: Maybe that one person is the person to ask. [02:21] nhandler: he didn't, and the question was who to ask to get MootBot in #ubuntu-beginners-wiki [02:21] unless jpds is right, which is entirely possible :) [07:51] yeah, he was asking in the -meeting channel , probably thought the ops would notice the Q from there .. [07:51] Is there anyone here who could maybe help me get MootBot in my channel its #ubuntu-beginners-wiki (Ubuntu Beginners Team Wiki channel) [10:21] rww: poke? [10:21] o/ [10:22] got time for a quick PM? [10:22] nigelb: sure, but I'm going to bed in about 10 minutes [10:22] yeah, it's crazy o clock for us [10:22] * pleia2 yawns === IdleOne is now known as IdleTwo === IdleTwo is now known as IdleOne [22:15] are webchat users banned from #ubuntu? (before I recommend that to someone who cannot install any software at the moment) [22:24] guntbert: no, they are redirected to another channel then given access [22:25] ts2: thx, I just tested it :-)