
EzraR-mpersia: are you around?01:08
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evilshadeslayertumbleweed: poke02:12
evilshadeslayertumbleweed: bug 60383102:12
ubottuLaunchpad bug 603831 in fprint-demo (Ubuntu) "Please Merge fprint-demo from debian" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/60383102:12
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joaopintois REVU actively used lately ?09:34
AnAntHello, I need help with an apport script, I want to get the value of a config variable, so I did this:11:04
AnAnt    SLModemdDevice = command_output(['sh', '-c', '[ ! -r /etc/default/sl-modem-daemon ] || (. /etc/default/sl-modem-daemon ; echo $SLMODEMD_DEVICE)'])11:04
AnAntis that correct ?11:04
AnAntalso, is there a way to test some apport functions directly in a python shell ? I tried , import apport ; command_output('ls') ; but that gave the following error:11:06
AnAntNameError: name 'command_output' is not defined11:06
geserwhen you use "import apport" then you need "apport.command_output('ls')"11:06
geseror use "from apport import *" then "command_output('ls')" works11:07
tumbleweed(although command_output is in apport.hookutils not apport)11:11
AnAntah, ok11:37
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ari-tczewtumbleweed: ping13:40
tumbleweedari-tczew: hi, is LP: #414247 good to go?13:41
ari-tczewtumbleweed: do you mean bug 414247 ?13:42
ubottuLaunchpad bug 414247 in firmware-addon-dell (Ubuntu) "Please upgrade firmware-addon-dell to 2.2.9 version" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41424713:42
tumbleweedari-tczew: yes13:42
ari-tczewtumbleweed: I'm not sure to coolbhavi package. Some things are not included.13:42
ari-tczewtumbleweed: could you look at bug 602450 ?13:51
ubottuLaunchpad bug 602450 in python-xattr (Ubuntu) "Sync python-xattr 0.4-5 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/60245013:51
tumbleweedari-tczew: my question on that is should I look at it or unsubscribe sponsors?13:52
ari-tczewtumbleweed: hmm, not yet. I'd like to see a feedback from sponsor, who is expierenced with python packages.13:53
tumbleweedin that case I'll look. If there's anything I know about, it's python13:54
tumbleweedxattr sync looks good13:55
joaopintoanyone with experience with ruby apps packaging ?14:07
joaopintothis app Makefile is using /usr/local/lib/site_ruby for a ruby module (or whatever it's called), I have no idea on the expected place for ruby14:08
ari-tczewjoaopinto: look for motu ruby on launchpad14:21
joaopintook, tks14:21
evilshadeslayerari-tczew: btw you took on kadu right14:22
evilshadeslayerari-tczew: it doesnt need a merge :P14:22
ari-tczewevilshadeslayer: I didn't look at kadu yet.14:26
evilshadeslayerari-tczew: doesnt need merging.. not from what i interpreted14:26
ari-tczewevilshadeslayer: why?14:28
evilshadeslayerari-tczew: well,we the ubuntu package has a added dep,and debian doesnt ship with that dep14:28
ari-tczewevilshadeslayer: so ubuntu should ship that dep.14:29
ari-tczewso it;s needs merging14:29
ari-tczewit;s due to new kde IIRC - that said debfx14:29
Laneyyou should rather understand why and whether we need to keep it14:30
evilshadeslayerari-tczew: uh wait,youve got it the wrong way :P14:30
evilshadeslayerari-tczew: we *do* ship that dep14:30
evilshadeslayerari-tczew: debian *doesnt*14:30
evilshadeslayerbuild dep14:30
ari-tczewevilshadeslayer: so why you want to drop it?14:31
evilshadeslayeri dont want to drop it...14:31
evilshadeslayerthats why it doesnt need a merge14:31
ari-tczewevilshadeslayer: I don't understand you.14:35
evilshadeslayeri dont understand my self sometimes:P14:35
ari-tczewQtWebKit is no longer part of libqt4-dev so all packages using it need to build-depend on libqt4-webkit-dev.14:35
evilshadeslayerari-tczew: do you mind if i took a look at kadu?14:36
ari-tczewevilshadeslayer: I think that we should ship that B-D.14:37
evilshadeslayerari-tczew: ok lemme look a it,and ill get back :)14:37
Laneywould be nice if that changelog had more detail14:46
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ScottKWhat ari-tczew said about QtWebKit is exactly correct.  We're using a newer version of Qt than Debian, so we need to add this, whereas they don't.14:55
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ari-tczewkadu ftbfs: error: 'fchmod' was not declared in this scope :(17:36
coolbhaviari-tczew, include #include <sys/stat.h> in the ftb file17:43
ari-tczewcoolbhavi: already exist17:44
coolbhavior check if the header if already included is properly linking on to the compiler17:44
ari-tczewcoolbhavi: how can I check it?17:45
coolbhaviari-tczew, maybe something like this: gcc -include /path/to/directory/containing/header_name/header_name.h -o myoutputfile myoutputfile.c and you can compile and check again17:53
ari-tczewcoolbhavi: you are doing a lot work for Ubuntu. I encourage you to present here more frequently. In team we can do more and more.17:54
coolbhaviari-tczew, sure!17:54
evilshadeslayerari-tczew: yeah i got involved with rbot.. seems debian released a new package17:55
ari-tczewevilshadeslayer: what is rbot?17:56
evilshadeslayerari-tczew: one sec17:56
evilshadeslayer!info rbot17:56
ubotturbot (source: rbot): IRC bot written in ruby. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9.14-2ubuntu1 (lucid), package size 459 kB, installed size 1608 kB17:56
evilshadeslayer^^ for eg17:56
evilshadeslayerevilbot: hi17:56
evilbothowdy, evilshadeslayer!17:56
evilshadeslayerari-tczew: hmm?17:57
ari-tczewevilshadeslayer: nothing ;p don't care17:58
evilshadeslayerthe current version doesnt work in ubuntu17:59
evilshadeslayerwas fixed in latest release17:59
coolbhavievilshadeslayer, rbot ftb'd on my PPA due to missing rake and some modules17:59
evilshadeslayercoolbhavi: yeah im fixing those :P17:59
evilshadeslayeridk how but it doesnt ftbfs in debian18:00
coolbhavievilshadeslayer, build environments are different18:00
evilshadeslayerprobably build deps get pulled in properly there18:01
evilshadeslayercoolbhavi: rbot fixed :)18:16
evilshadeslayerjust going through patches18:16
coolbhavievilshadeslayer, It required module tweaking and b-d on rake I guess :)18:17
evilshadeslayercoolbhavi: had to add a few more build deps18:17
evilshadeslayercoolbhavi: rake, rubygems, libgettext-ruby1.818:17
coolbhavievilshadeslayer, thats what i meant i think :)18:18
evilshadeslayeryeah .. was just telling you which ones i added ;)18:18
coolbhavirock on :)18:19
evilshadeslayeryeah.. will have to drop patches18:21
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ari-tczewcoolbhavi: am I correct with following command? gcc -include /usr/include/sys/stat.h -o main main.cpp18:28
coolbhaviari-tczew, try out on trial and error mate you ll stick!18:28
ari-tczewcoolbhavi: only errors in output ...18:30
coolbhaviari-tczew, try linking with ftb file18:30
coolbhaviand see18:30
coolbhaviif the header is included on recompilation18:31
ari-tczewI don't understand. No idea how to fix it.18:36
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ari-tczewif package doesn't have a patchsystem and I'm preparing a merge, can I patch files directly?19:04
evilshadeslayerthe patch will appear in diff.gz..19:06
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ari-tczewtumbleweed: I thought that if you'll join MOTU, then you'll doing less, but I see that you're active. I'm glad. thanks!19:29
Rorananyone up for a merge?19:29
Roranhttps://edge.launchpad.net/~rohangarg/+archive/experimental/+packages << merge from there.. after it builds19:29
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tumbleweedari-tczew: yeah I thought I'd do less too. Dunno what happened :P19:31
* evilshadeslayer looks at tumbleweed19:32
ari-tczewtumbleweed: what do you think about upgrade libsmbios?19:33
tumbleweedari-tczew: yes, it's borken and needs to be fixed. I saw the merge bug, looks like it needs work19:34
tumbleweedI have an SRU patch for when we have maverick sorted out19:34
evilshadeslayerok rbot built and needs love19:35
tumbleweedevilshadeslayer: you don't like the review queue? :)19:38
evilshadeslayertumbleweed: i can upload to revu for merges too? :)19:38
evilshadeslayersweet :D19:38
tumbleweedno, I meant ubuntu-sponsors19:38
ari-tczewevilshadeslayer: revu is for new packages19:38
evilshadeslayerari-tczew: yeah19:38
ari-tczewtag: needs-packaging19:39
evilshadeslayerari-tczew: thats why i was surprised :P19:39
evilshadeslayertumbleweed: uh.. well.. sure.. ill file a bug19:39
ari-tczewevilshadeslayer: can't you use a 1 nickname?19:39
evilshadeslayerari-tczew: ah.. i was registering a nick for the bot :P19:40
keesScottK: around?  I'd like to try to figure out why we're seeing different results with drkonqi.  :P19:40
evilshadeslayerbut all of them were taken :P19:40
BlackZevilshadeslayer: if you have not the upload rights you have *always* to file a merge bug19:40
evilshadeslayerBlackZ: yes.. im filing it19:40
keesScottK: ah, nm, I installed rekonq and see what you're seeing now.  seems like it's different from kate somehow.19:41
tumbleweedhi BlackZ: haven't seen much from you on the review queue recently19:42
BlackZtumbleweed: I'm busy with exams, however I'm working on some merges now19:42
evilshadeslayerBlackZ: can i point to the PPA instead of attaching a debdiff?19:43
tumbleweedBlackZ: good :)19:43
tumbleweedevilshadeslayer: no, please post the diffs, it makes life easier for the reviewer19:44
evilshadeslayertumbleweed: ok..19:44
ari-tczewor use bazaar19:44
tumbleweedyeah, that too (although I still find the diff workflow faster)19:44
BlackZevilshadeslayer: it would be better to attach a debdiff in the bug as a patch: 1. this will indicate the sponsors there's a patch; 2. the work of the sponsors will be facilitated19:45
BlackZevilshadeslayer: also, according to our policy for the merges, you have to attach two debdiffs to the bug report (if you just attach the debdiff of versiondebian -> versiomerged that's not a big deal)19:47
tumbleweedyes, the ubuntu -> ubuntu diff can be massive. If it's more than a few screenfulls, nobody will read it anyway19:48
evilshadeslayerBlackZ: im attaching diff of our current ubuntu packaging and new ubuntu packaging,since this is a new upstream release19:48
ari-tczewI miss for archive admins :(19:50
BlackZevilshadeslayer: if you're doing a version-upgrade the debdiff aren't suitable19:50
evilshadeslayeri know ;)19:50
BlackZsince they can be too big (of size)19:50
ari-tczewMoM would looks cleaner after ACKed syncs19:50
evilshadeslayeryeah i pasted a 5 MB debdiff once19:50
BlackZyou could use your PPA (if you have one) for that19:51
tumbleweedor a branch19:51
tumbleweedevilshadeslayer: is this something debian doesn't have? or something debian is lagging behind in?19:51
evilshadeslayertumbleweed: whut?19:52
tumbleweedevilshadeslayer: why are we getting a new version, not syncing from debian?19:52
evilshadeslayertumbleweed: were merging from debian since a sync would not work,we need extra deps to make the package not FTBFS19:52
tumbleweedevilshadeslayer: in that case, you post a diff between the current debian version and your fixes19:53
tumbleweedthat diff should be small19:53
BlackZevilshadeslayer: so it's not a version upgrade19:53
BlackZevilshadeslayer: if that fixes a bug, it's a bug fix ;)19:53
evilshadeslayertumbleweed: ok.. that would mean just the changelog,control and rules files19:54
evilshadeslayerBlackZ: well19:54
evilshadeslayerBlackZ: idk if it fixes any bugs :P19:54
evilshadeslayerbut it will make rbot work :P19:54
tumbleweedlet my pot on my bot developer hat and say "use ibid" :)19:55
evilshadeslayeribid ?? :P19:55
tumbleweedlaunchpad.net/ibid (it's in the repos)19:55
evilshadeslayertumbleweed: i like my ruby bot :P19:56
BlackZevilshadeslayer: if it's a bug, report a bug and attach your debdiff19:56
BlackZthen subscribe ubuntu-sponsors and wait19:57
* evilshadeslayer has to upload kdegames after this19:57
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evilshadeslayerBlackZ: tumbleweed so i just post the changes i did to debian packaging right?20:00
evilshadeslayerin the bug report20:01
tumbleweedevilshadeslayer: as a debdiff20:01
BlackZevilshadeslayer: if that's the first modify in ubuntu for the package, yes20:04
BlackZotherwise you have to modify the *currently* ubuntu package for include your modify20:04
evilshadeslayerBlackZ: that will make the debdiff huge20:05
BlackZevilshadeslayer: why? if that will happen, just do a clean to the debdiff20:05
evilshadeslayerBlackZ: because debian has a new version and packaging has changed alot20:06
BlackZevilshadeslayer: I don't understand: are you doing a merge?20:06
BlackZevilshadeslayer: ah, then yes: just do as you said (remember to flag it as a patch)20:07
BlackZevilshadeslayer: obviously it must be a debdiff20:08
evilshadeslayeryeah ok :)20:09
evilshadeslayerBlackZ: http://pastebin.com/jLWK7aRN << i get that in the debdiff,but i didnt modify that20:18
evilshadeslayeri think  its the doing of debuild -S -sa20:18
evilshadeslayerdue to that it makes a file debian-changes-0.9.15+post20100705+gitb3aa806-1ubuntu1 in debian/patches  http://pastebin.com/VwyDt1zU20:19
BlackZevilshadeslayer: does the package use quilt 3.0 ?20:19
BlackZevilshadeslayer: so is there a patch in debian/patches auto-generated during the build?20:20
evilshadeslayerhttp://pastebin.com/VwyDt1zU << thats the one20:21
BlackZevilshadeslayer: you should check what's happened there; maybe the problem is a patch20:23
tumbleweedmost likely it's an issue with clean not cleaning up enough20:23
BlackZevilshadeslayer: ever if you didn't modified nothing outside the debian directory20:24
BlackZtumbleweed: yeah20:24
evilshadeslayerBlackZ: since i was not sure,i pulled clean debian sources again and modified the stuff again20:24
evilshadeslayerbut it still created the patch20:25
evilshadeslayeruh wait20:29
evilshadeslayerdoh... debian ships that patch20:29
tumbleweedevilshadeslayer: it's still a bug20:30
evilshadeslayerso how do we fix it?20:30
* tumbleweed has a look20:30
evilshadeslayermaybe debian did want to modify that file?20:30
ari-tczewcan I run 2 builds both on pbuilder?20:32
evilshadeslayerari-tczew: afaik no20:32
evilshadeslayerari-tczew: if you have two different base tarballs then yes20:33
tumbleweedevilshadeslayer: they used to have a line in their clean rule to remove that file, but it's gone20:33
ari-tczewI want to build two differents packages, so differents tarballs and .dsc20:33
evilshadeslayertumbleweed: mv debian/rbot/usr/share/rbot/plugins/$${PL}.rb debian/rbot/usr/share/rbot/plugins/$${PL}.rb.disabled; \20:33
evilshadeslayerari-tczew: base tarball of pbuilder :P20:34
evilshadeslayeruh wait20:34
tumbleweedevilshadeslayer: no, rm -f lib/rbot/pkgconfig.rb20:34
evilshadeslayertumbleweed: where does it clean that file in debian/rules?20:34
evilshadeslayeruh.. no such stuff here20:35
tumbleweedevilshadeslayer: "used to"20:35
evilshadeslayertumbleweed: so they delibrately removed it?20:35
tumbleweedlooks like it was an accident20:35
tumbleweedthey forgot to B-D on rake, too (and possibly other things)20:36
evilshadeslayerso i add that to clean right20:43
evilshadeslayeruh waut20:43
evilshadeslayertumbleweed: see debian/clean20:43
evilshadeslayerwhats that file?20:44
tumbleweedevilshadeslayer: oh I missed that. man dh_clean20:44
tumbleweedonly problem is that dh_clean gets called before this file is created20:44
evilshadeslayerthen were missing dh_clean20:44
tumbleweedno, cdbs calls dh_clean for you20:45
evilshadeslayeroh ok20:45
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evilshadeslayertumbleweed: so we still have to add that command manuall in clean: ?20:47
tumbleweedyes, so we might as well delete debian/clean20:50
evilshadeslayertumbleweed: i can remove the patch as well then right?20:53
evilshadeslayerthe debian series patch that is auto generated20:54
tumbleweedevilshadeslayer: yes20:54
evilshadeslayertumbleweed: http://pastebin.com/kEpkj0fp20:55
evilshadeslayerim attaching that20:55
tumbleweedI thought you were going to delete that debian-xxx patch?20:55
evilshadeslayeri did20:55
tumbleweeddid you?20:56
evilshadeslayertumbleweed: debdiff of debian package with new ubuntu package20:56
evilshadeslayernot old ubuntu package and new ubuntu package :)20:56
tumbleweedoh i see it was in the debian source too. nm20:56
tumbleweedevilshadeslayer: to make your reviewer's life easier, you can remove the debian-changes-0.9.15+post20100705+gitb3aa806-1 section of the debdiff20:58
tumbleweedit'll get deleted when the reviewer bulids the ubuntu source package20:58
evilshadeslayertumbleweed: ah ok :)20:58
tumbleweedplease forward that patch to debian20:58
tumbleweed(but don't send them our changelog or maintainer-changes20:58
evilshadeslayerhehe :P20:58
evilshadeslayerof course not20:59
tumbleweederr, what was I saying, it won' tget deleted20:59
evilshadeslayerfirst lemme upload with the correct stuff to ubuntu and will forward later20:59
tumbleweed(with source format 1, it would get deleted, but with 3, because it's a quilt patch it has to be manually deleted)21:00
evilshadeslayertumbleweed: ok,i cant remove the debian-changes stuff from debdiff,since ill be posting this debdiff as is and ask the reviewer to apply it to current debian packaging21:10
tumbleweedevilshadeslayer: I can't understand that21:11
evilshadeslayertumbleweed: ill ask the reviewer to download the debian package and apply this debdiff on top of it21:11
evilshadeslayerso,i cant remove the debian-changes stuff21:11
tumbleweedevilshadeslayer: that's the normal way merges are handled, yes21:11
tumbleweedno, don't remove that, I was wrong (as I said)21:12
evilshadeslayerok :P21:12
evilshadeslayerbug 60410221:13
ubottuLaunchpad bug 604102 in rbot (Ubuntu) "Please merge rbot from debian unstable" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/60410221:14
evilshadeslayertumbleweed: ^^21:14
tumbleweedevilshadeslayer: did you forward th epatch to debian?21:14
evilshadeslayertumbleweed: im going to21:14
evilshadeslayerbut just in a few secs21:14
tumbleweedplease link to the bug when you do21:14
evilshadeslayertumbleweed: ok,should i mail it to them or upload it somewhere?21:14
tumbleweedevilshadeslayer: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Debian21:15
tumbleweedevilshadeslayer: btw merge bugs are normally titled with this format: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/Merging#File a merge bug21:16
tumbleweedand you need to subscribe ubuntu-sponsors if you want it to show up in the sponsorship queue21:17
evilshadeslayertumbleweed: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-universe-sponsors ??21:21
tumbleweedevilshadeslayer: no, just ubuntu-sponsors21:21
evilshadeslayerah ok21:22
tumbleweeduniverse and main sponsors were merged into one21:22
tumbleweedgreat. Now we'll give debian a few days to pick up your fix, otherwise we go with your merge21:23
evilshadeslayertumbleweed: :P21:23
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evilshadeslayertumbleweed: btw i cant find a build log on that page21:30
tumbleweedevilshadeslayer: which page?21:30
evilshadeslayertumbleweed: http://packages.qa.debian.org/r/rbot.html21:31
tumbleweedevilshadeslayer: that's because it's an arch all package. It was built on the maintainer's PC21:31
evilshadeslayertumbleweed: he just uploaded the .deb?21:32
tumbleweeddebian does binary uploads for one arch, and the buildd farm builds the rest (if necessary)21:32
tumbleweedyes, he really should have tested in pbuilder :)21:32
evilshadeslayertumbleweed: i could not imagine debian could be this lazy/callous :P21:33
evilshadeslayeroh also, should i add my self to debian changelog as well?21:33
evilshadeslayerdocumenting the changes21:33
tumbleweedevilshadeslayer: no, don't touch the changelog21:34
evilshadeslayeruh alright21:34
joaopintouh, Debian accepts direct .deb uploads ?21:39
evilshadeslayertumbleweed: uh.. i used reportbug .. but .. it sent the mail and all... but i didnt get a chance to attach a patch :P21:49
evilshadeslayeri didnt even get a bug number21:50
tumbleweedevilshadeslayer: you'll be e-mailed th ebug number21:50
tumbleweedthen you can attach the patch21:50
evilshadeslayeroh ok21:50
tumbleweedevilshadeslayer: btw submittodebian makes it all easier21:50
evilshadeslayerwell the page said to use reportbug :P21:50
tumbleweedevilshadeslayer: submittodebian is a wrapper around reportbug21:51
evilshadeslayerhmm didnt see that21:51
evilshadeslayertumbleweed: http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=58865721:59
ubottuDebian bug 588657 in rbot "The current rbot packaging has missing build deps and needs a patch to correct it" [Important,Open]21:59
evilshadeslayertumbleweed: i just send a mail to the specified bug address with the patch?21:59
tumbleweedevilshadeslayer: yes, but while you are there, let's do a few more things22:01
evilshadeslayeruh ok22:01
evilshadeslayertumbleweed: what needs to be done?22:02
tumbleweedok, so, you filed the bug as important, but you can actually raise it to serious22:02
tumbleweedyou should also add the tag "patch"22:03
evilshadeslayertumbleweed: i have no idea how to do this :P22:03
tumbleweedcc your email to control@bugs.debian.org, and start it with this http://paste.ubuntu.com/461747/22:05
evilshadeslayertumbleweed: just that part of pastebin in the body?22:07
tumbleweedevilshadeslayer: yes, the bug control server follows instructions in the mail body. It'll stop when it gets to thanks.22:09
tumbleweedoh, if you want to mark the bug as coming from debian, you can add this in too:22:09
tumbleweeduser ubuntu-devel@lists.ubuntu.com22:09
tumbleweedusertag 588657 + origin-ubuntu maverick22:09
evilshadeslayeranything in subject? apart from " Patch for rbot "22:09
tumbleweed...coming from ubuntu, I mean22:09
evilshadeslayersent :D22:10
evilshadeslayertumbleweed: hmm.. somethings wrong.. where do i add the upstream url again?22:14
evilshadeslayerto LP bugs22:14
tumbleweed"also affects distribution"22:14
evilshadeslayertumbleweed: and i put the bug link right?22:15
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evilshadeslayerdoesnt work :(22:15
evilshadeslayertumbleweed: you try22:16
tumbleweedyou chose Debian as the distribution?22:16
evilshadeslayertumbleweed: done :D22:18
evilshadeslayernow i wait :P22:18
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