
ubottuIn #ubuntu, macfire said: ubottu md5 is wrong, i re-download ubuntu00:06
soulproI've updated my firmware and joined freenode.net on port 8001 but i'm still unable to join #ubuntu.  Is anyone available to help?05:04
mneptoksoulpro: were you forwarded to the test-connection channel?06:42
mneptokif so, did you folow the instructions in the /topic?06:42
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bazhangsoulpro, #ubuntu-read-topic is where you were forwarded, correct?08:27
bazhangsoulpro, while you are in that channel you need to read the instructions in the channel topic; after you have fixed your router issue, type test me in that channel08:28
ikoniahow odd that blendermaster completley changed his attitude in here and resolved his ban09:07
ikoniaevery time he joined this channel to discuss his ban it claimed he didn't want to discuss it and never wanted to rejoin09:07
bazhangjungli is still trolling/harassing09:07
ikoniais he ?09:07
ikoniawhere  ?09:07
bazhangyep. joins -ot then randomly highlights folks with different nonsense, even though they are clearly not active09:08
ikoniaI don't see anything in my logs, however maybe a quiet word with him to make it clearer ?09:10
ikoniait may just be an oversite09:10
ikoniait's quite common with a lot of Indian irc users (not intending to discriminate)09:10
ikoniait just seem to be how they user IRC09:10
bazhanghe knows quite clearly. there has been zero change, minus the brief moment when he was trying to get unbanned.09:14
ikoniaother than my random hilight, I've not seen it09:17
ikoniabut I've not been active the last few days09:17
bazhangwonder if that is asustek (Indian`)09:39
ikoniait's in the right ip range09:40
bazhangJordan_U, hi09:59
Jordan_UGoogle translate leads me to believe that jackmux is a troll.09:59
bazhangJordan_U, I'm aware, I can read Mandarin10:00
Jordan_Ubazhang: Even better :)10:00
bazhang<jackmux> 辣妹10:01
knomethat is? :P10:22
bazhangLa Mei, or Hot chick/babe10:23
bazhanghis first message upon entry10:23
Mamaroksoulpro: do you still need help?10:24
Mamarokelse please part this channel10:24
Mamarokbazhang: ^10:26
bazhangMamarok, I'm in #ubuntu-read-topic ; he is not responding there either10:29
Mamarokso we should remove him10:29
Mamarokcould some op remove soulpro, please?11:41
Mamaroktopyli: thanks :)12:26
Mamarokbazhang: some day I will hit eagles on the head really hard, maybe he then will understand something...14:07
bazhangMamarok, heh14:08
Mamarokhe was told repeatedly to not give support since he never ever learned something, and that is driving me nuts14:08
bazhangeven the !skype factoid mentions the partner repo; why he would suggest going directly to skype homesite is beyond me14:09
Mamarokyeah, really14:10
bazhangjungli is trying to get another cloak (as blockcold)14:10
jpdsbazhang: Nice.14:10
ikoniabazhang: I'm not comfortable with jungli (as blockoid) calling you a liar15:02
ikoniain relation to this "changing my behaviour" promise15:02
bazhangikonia, I PM'd staff about his recently having been stripped of two cloaks and gave his background15:03
bazhangthey are all pretty well onto him at this point15:03
ikoniayup - but then calling you a liar doesn't sit well15:03
bazhanghe just said 'not true' didn't directly call me a liar15:04
ikoniawhat bazhang said is not true15:04
ikoniathat is calling you a liar15:04
bazhangno matter, they denied him. he has said far worse than that.15:05
ikoniayes, but this "I've changed" behaviour is now clearly not true15:05
ikoniait's only my personal opinion, but I'm voicing it15:05
bazhangright; the momentary change was to get unbanned and now he is back to skirting the limits15:06
ikoniatrying to push it as I see15:06
bazhangas long as he does not cross the line, then he is fine.15:08
ikoniato be honest, no15:08
ikoniaif he continues to push it, he's done15:08
bazhangwell on his current trajectory, yes.15:08
ikoniahe'll get warned about it, but I'm not prepared to allow him to mock the chance he's been given15:08
bazhangif he stays it or re-corrects, is what I meant15:09
ikoniaI have no issue with him if he can stop trying to test people or be an issue15:10
Patero-ngcan someone test me manually15:21
bazhangPatero-ng, were you in #ubuntu-read-topic ?  and did you try the test me command there?15:21
Patero-ngye it said m i usiung my reel nickname wtf15:21
bazhangPatero-ng, mind returning to that channel and trying again?15:23
bazhangPatero-ng, you're not there now15:23
Patero-ngur not15:24
bazhangah its a straight ban for spam flooding15:24
Patero-ngdid I flood that channel15:25
bazhang#ubuntu-offtopic ?15:25
Patero-ngI got banned there15:25
Patero-ngit was unfair tou I was speaking of the dangerous of using easy to setup software15:25
bazhang#ubuntu: 2010-06-30T19:10:31 <Patero-ng> ending heartbeat to master.urbanterror.net15:26
bazhangand a bunch more such in #ubuntu15:26
bazhang#ubuntu-offtopic was something entirely different15:27
Patero-ngdont remember why I got banned but I usualy speak about dangers that no one wants to hear but that R reel15:27
Patero-nganyway test me15:27
bazhangPatero-ng, test you for what?15:27
Patero-ngthat channel said to come here for manual test the exploit on my router15:28
bazhangPatero-ng, and I asked you to return to the channel  #ubuntu-read-topic15:28
Patero-ngI needed to reconnect15:29
Patero-ngit hadless people when I was there a 1min ago15:29
bazhangfollow the instructions the bot gives you there15:29
Patero-ngso what does it do15:31
Patero-ngit test all routers or all ubuntu installs15:31
bazhangas far as I can see you were not forwarded to that channel Patero-ng , just banned for flooding above15:33
Patero-ngwhat channel15:33
Patero-ngwas typing my txt but someone somewhere was blocking all my msgs15:33
Patero-ngI was asking questions15:33
Patero-ngthen I got mad and started flooding to see if that server will kick me and everyone will know I was beeing blocked for no reason15:34
ikoniahow about your stupid behaviour in #ubuntu-offtopic15:36
Patero-ngI never do stupid things15:37
Patero-ngmay have been another conspiracy15:38
ikoniaI don't really want to progress this with you as I don't believe your intention is to contribute to any ubuntu channels, you a.) rant about conspiracy theory b.) make stupid comments about making yogurt in support channels, c.) flood the channels15:38
ikoniaI don't have confidence your intention is to participate in the channels without being a problem15:39
Patero-ngthat yogurt stuff was radom, but I usualy very informative and yes is conspiracy theory that should be look upon15:39
ikoniayou're not informative15:39
ikoniayour contibution consists of ranting about conspiracy15:40
ikoniabased on that I'm not goint to remove your ban as I don't believe your intention is to participate. Another operater may feel different about it15:40
Patero-ngis useless anyway some people want to silence me so is the same as been banned15:41
bazhangPatero-ng, well, please /part the channel as you do not wish to resolve this at the moment15:41
ikoniaPatero-ng: the only blocking that happened was when you flooding the channel, an IRC bot called foodbot muted you on a temporary basis to stop you flooding the channel15:42
ikoniano-one else muted you15:42
Patero-ngmany people get blocked too not ust me and is common15:43
ikoniano they don't15:43
Patero-ngI got a screenshoot of someone saying I keep seeing msgs to patero but I don't see pateron's 111s15:43
ikoniaPatero-ng: I can assure you - people don't get blocked15:43
Patero-ngI type i see my txt public but no one else can just some ops or some specific people15:43
ikoniaPatero-ng: as I explained you where temporarly muted by the floodbots to stop you flooding15:44
Patero-ngI think ikonia works for the nwo15:44
ikoniathen this conversation is over. Please leave the channel15:44
bazhangPatero-ng, that is not necessary; you were never banned from #ubuntu only muted for flooding which is normal15:45
Patero-ngI don't have much against ubuntu anywey as is opensource but I want to clear out threats of methodology by asking questions publicly like in townhalls15:46
Patero-ngI am more aggresive on hardware or security15:46
bazhangPatero-ng, that has nothing to do with ban resolution here. please /part the channel15:46
bazhanghe was only muted momentarily from what I can gather; checked the +q in #ubuntu and did not see him15:50
ikoniahe's a regular ranter15:50
ikoniaI've seen him use another nick also15:50
bazhangah okay. patero-ng only showed those two entries15:51
jpdsDatabaseError: file is encrypted or is not a database16:32
jpdsERROR 2010-07-10T16:32:16 supybot Exception id: 0xbe40916:32
jpdsStupid, stupid, stupid, sqlite.16:32
jpdsbackups/databases/201006140001/ubuntu.db: SQLite 2.x database16:41
jpdsbackups/databases/201006140001/ubuntu-tn.db: SQLite 3.x database16:41
ikoniafeeing your pain16:44
jpdsWell, the heat is getting more on my nerves.16:58
bazhangis puregnome still problematic to recommend (ie psychocats how to)17:39
IdleOnethe one on help.ubuntu.com should be fine17:39
IdleOnetaken from psychocats17:40
bazhangok. just remembering that Pici !forget puregnome17:40
IdleOneyes because the factoid or rather the command on the factoid was incomplete and left a lot of kubuntu on the system17:41
bazhangok thanks. will give the direct link instead17:41
IdleOnejussi: preferred not linking directly to the psychocats page,17:42
IdleOnesaid it would be better if we had a ubuntu url to give17:42
IdleOnehence help.ubuntu.com/PureGnome17:42
bazhangwell that horse is out of the barn17:42
bazhangno such page17:44
bazhangwe should put the factoid back with that in it then?17:45
IdleOnebazhang: I have tested it myself and worked fine. I had to re-install nvidia drivers but that was expected. I have also recommended to a few people and have not gotten any bad feedback17:46
IdleOne+1 from me17:46
bazhangIdleOne, thanks much!17:46
bazhangheads up on DrManhattan17:47
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=== IdleTwo is now known as IdleOne
topyliohh dear, lots of spam joining on #freenode18:29
bazhangtime to set +r ?18:30
IdleOneI think it might be a good idea18:30
IdleOnethen again seems services is catching them18:31
bazhangrww reading the logs to make fun of people in -ot is not nice nor appropriate imo18:34
jpds+r is always a good thing.18:35
ikoniaare we being spammed again ?18:50
bazhangscary amount of spamflooder joining freenode and then ##linux18:52
bazhangerr #freenode18:52
IdleOneikonia: not in #u, yet18:52
bazhang<Jungli> baba /join #ubuntu-hi  trying to create random channels in ubuntu namespace19:36
ikoniait may be worth discussing this with the council20:08
Jordan_Ugrandma in #ubuntu is likely a troll.21:59
ubottuJordan_U called the ops in #ubuntu (grandma)22:07
IdleOnemaco: has it22:08
IdleOneikonia: still keep an eye on -women though I am not convinced they are not a troll22:11
macoi think just clueless, though i missed the start of stuff in #ubuntu22:11
ikoniathe irc "real" name suggests not clueless, and troll22:11
IdleOneI smell troll22:15
IdleOnethe questions are to specifically non sensical22:15
IdleOneif that makes any sense22:15
macoit does, but then again i could also see it being a matter of multiple topics discussed in #ubuntu piling into confusion22:16
IdleOnecould be22:16
ikoniashe seems to be aware of tools like emacs22:21
macoyeah thats odd22:21
IdleOneabsolutely and without any doubt22:23
humanflyidling for now22:34
FlannelHi humanfly, how can we help you?22:34
humanflyi must take meds22:34
Flannelhumanfly: Alright, but what can we do for you in this channel?22:35
humanflyi'll step out22:37
IdleOneDid you expect anything else from a human fly?22:39
mneptoki'm a human fly. i spell it f-l-y. i go "buzz buzz buzz" and it's just because i'm a human fly. and i don't know why. i got 96 tears and 96 eyes.22:44
macoIdleOne: uh oh....wonder what thisll be22:49
guntberthi, who manages the floodbots in #ubuntu-proxy-users?22:56
ubottuAlanBell called the ops in #ubuntu-women ()22:56
guntbertthe sentences "Try again joining #ubuntu, you've been granted...." could be made easier to follow: "Try again joining #ubuntu (type /join #ubuntu) , you've been granted...."22:58
guntberteerily quiet here today :-) - I'm off23:19
ubottuIn ubottu, serrano said: What is your name?23:36
ubottuIn ubottu, serrano said: What is Ubuntu?23:36
ubottuIn ubottu, serrano said: What is the best IRC client?23:38
ubottuIn ubottu, serrano said: What is you name?23:42
topyli-ot ops awake? i'm leaving grandma there and going to bed. looks trollish23:45

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