
nigelbmaco: poke?04:10
* maco runs04:10
macooh you were grabbing me for the person pleia2 just smacked down?04:11
* pleia2 eyeroll04:11
nigelbI figured lyz was working on the etherpad04:11
pleia2I r multitasking04:11
nigelband maco is distracted :p04:12
* nigelb is not sure about the conversation in the other room04:20
nigelbbut then I think all webchat users are potentially spammer04:20
pleia2nah, she's cool04:21
pleia2has been around for a few weeks :)04:21
nigelbah, ok :)04:22
=== daker_ is now known as daker
czajkowskipleia2:  I did where?15:13
pleia2czajkowski: it's a "geeknic" not a "geeknick"18:04
=== IdleOne is now known as IdleTwo
=== IdleTwo is now known as IdleOne
=== daker_ is now known as daker
AlanBell"pleia2" is a geeknick22:45

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