hoosiers83 | how do i get kde to remember window size and position? firefox, directories (i.e. home), etc | 00:06 |
ridin | i'm not on kde so i can't look it for you, but type in "windows" in the kick-off launcher | 00:07 |
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hoosiers83 | nope. nothing there | 00:09 |
Reallycool | my kde has been having issues with suspend/wakeup, it often takes a long time to suspend, a long time to wake up, or crashes on wakeup. Any ideas of what could be causing this? | 00:38 |
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Reallycool | my kde has been having issues with suspend/wakeup, it often takes a long time to suspend, a long time to wake up, or crashes on wakeup. Any ideas of what could be causing this? | 01:04 |
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lucas_ | oi | 01:20 |
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havane31 | hello | 02:12 |
havane31 | i am looking for a grub manager for kubuntu 10.04 | 02:13 |
havane31 | i can t find it with kpackagekit | 02:13 |
portage | sudo apt-get install grub2 | 02:15 |
havane31 | i don t need grub only a grub manager | 02:16 |
havane31 | to change some setting with a gui | 02:16 |
portage | i dont know | 02:20 |
havane31 | ok | 02:22 |
portage | you must configure files in /etc/grub.d | 02:22 |
portage | read /etc/grub.d/README | 02:22 |
portage | this is text based configuration | 02:23 |
havane31 | i prefer to do it with a gui | 02:24 |
havane31 | i am not a grub expert | 02:24 |
havane31 | i have found startup manager | 02:26 |
havane31 | i gonna test it | 02:26 |
havane31 | thanks portage | 02:26 |
portage | good luck | 02:28 |
BluesKaj | I changed my user password in the cli , but the wallet didn't register the change , i need to change it to the same pw ...any suggestions? | 02:33 |
portage | i think u can change wallet pw | 02:35 |
BluesKaj | yeah , just found it | 02:36 |
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jillsmitt | hello everybody | 03:38 |
jillsmitt | i am a new kubuntu user | 03:39 |
Tazzypillar | Hello | 03:40 |
Tazzypillar | (does anybody know how I can use synaptic in kde? Or whatever equivalent there is) | 03:40 |
maco | Tazzypillar: kubuntu includes kpackagekit | 03:41 |
maco | kickoff -> computer -> kpackagekit | 03:41 |
maco | jillsmitt: howdy | 03:41 |
Tazzypillar | oh yeah | 03:41 |
jillsmitt | maco: hi | 03:41 |
TeslaTony | Synaptic is also usable, but unless it's already installed, don't bother installing it. Command-line apt also works | 03:41 |
Tazzypillar | Okay, in that case how can I use kpackageit to get rid of the old linux kernels I have? | 03:41 |
Tazzypillar | I'm sorry, Im new to kde and Kpackageit is one of the things I'm having more trouble with | 03:42 |
jillsmitt | may i delete all gtk software and gtk library from kubuntu and how it will be work then without gtk? | 03:42 |
TeslaTony | Don't apologize for being new. If everyone knew what they were doing all the time, we wouldn't have this channel | 03:43 |
maco | Tazzypillar: search for "linux-image" in the search box in kpk and hit the X next to the ones you want to get rid of, then hit apply | 03:43 |
maco | !purekde | jillsmitt | 03:43 |
ubottu | jillsmitt: If you want to remove all !Gnome packages and have a default !Kubuntu system follow the instructions here « https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PureKDE » | 03:43 |
jillsmitt | maco: thank you | 03:43 |
Tazzypillar | Ah, i see | 03:43 |
Tazzypillar | okay, thanks | 03:43 |
Tazzypillar | and that'll also get rid of them in grub? | 03:45 |
cato37 | is there a good program that removes duplicate files? | 04:07 |
jillsmitt | maco: i want to use amarok but it has gtk dependency | 04:39 |
maco | it shouldnt... | 04:39 |
jillsmitt | how to install it without gtk libs? | 04:39 |
maco | it shouldnt depend on anything gtk | 04:40 |
maco | amarok is on the kubuntu cd | 04:40 |
maco | and there is NO gtk on that | 04:40 |
jillsmitt | it depends | 04:40 |
jillsmitt | i can give you a screenshot of kpk window | 04:40 |
jillsmitt | if it helps | 04:40 |
maco | huh. weird. | 04:40 |
maco | Depends: libgtk2.0-0 | 04:40 |
maco | when did that happen... | 04:40 |
jillsmitt | i cant belive | 04:41 |
maco | yeah that is quite odd... i wonder why | 04:41 |
maco | i just left a message for amarok's release manager asking why that's there | 04:41 |
jillsmitt | thanks, when did they answer? | 04:42 |
jillsmitt | or will they... | 04:43 |
maco | well its still sleepy time in her country | 04:44 |
maco | but i expect she'll wake up in about 4 hours | 04:45 |
jillsmitt | her, nice =) | 04:45 |
jillsmitt | when her answer you request, how can i'll know what can i do to install it without gtk? | 04:45 |
maco | you can try doing a dpkg -i --force-depends to make it ignore dependency issues | 04:46 |
maco | but i make no guarantees of amarok actually working after you do that | 04:46 |
maco | (and youd want to go and install all the /other/ dependencies manually first) | 04:46 |
jillsmitt | or i install juk for a time and wait amarok dependencies has been fixed | 04:47 |
maco | that works | 04:47 |
maco | im guessing theres a plugin or something thats using tk | 04:47 |
maco | *gtk | 04:47 |
jillsmitt | gstreamer maybe | 04:48 |
maco | mmm kubuntu defaults to xine | 04:48 |
jillsmitt | but gstreamer in dependencies too | 04:48 |
maco | was "her, nice =)" because you're a her too? cuz there's an Ubuntu Women Project that has a channel #ubuntu-women | 04:48 |
jillsmitt | no =) | 04:48 |
jillsmitt | male | 04:49 |
maco | oh ok. well if youre interested anyway, http://women.ubuntu.com (excuse the ancienty web design, its being redone) | 04:49 |
jillsmitt | did you made it? | 04:50 |
maco | no, its about 2 years older than my UW involvement | 04:50 |
maco | Melodist: haha ok your nicks rock | 04:50 |
Melodist | huh? | 04:51 |
Melodist | oh damn! | 04:51 |
Melodist | Oh sorry about this D: | 04:51 |
maco | im just smiling at "melodist" and "rhapsodist" | 04:51 |
maco | yay musicians | 04:51 |
Melodist | i don't know why it's taking so long for my nicks to ping out, I'm restarting quite a bit to fix burg ;w; | 04:51 |
Melodist | heheh, I also have symphonist | 04:52 |
maco | :) | 04:52 |
jillsmitt | every nick finished by "ist"? | 04:52 |
Melodist | Except for my main one, yeah | 04:53 |
jillsmitt | try communist =) | 04:53 |
Melodist | Nah, these are all musical ists | 04:53 |
jillsmitt | oh, i see | 04:53 |
Melodist | argh ;o; | 04:53 |
Melodist | Why isn't burg workiiing | 04:53 |
jillsmitt | my wifi with kubuntu does not work | 04:54 |
jillsmitt | i dont know why... | 04:54 |
Melodist | there | 04:59 |
Melodist | hope it'll work now | 04:59 |
Rhapsodist | :I | 05:06 |
Rhapsodist | Okay, can anyone help me with Burg? | 05:06 |
burr__ | nope | 05:23 |
burr__ | anyone know a way that i can rip the first five seasons of house? | 05:24 |
burr__ | i have three ripping programs, and none of them have worked | 05:24 |
jillsmitt | maco: if i want nvidia proprietary drivers, what commands can do this? | 05:24 |
maco | jockey-kde can install them | 05:24 |
jillsmitt | maco: thanks | 05:25 |
jillsmitt | maco: it is in the system settings, right? | 05:25 |
maco | i guess *shrug* | 05:26 |
maco | the hardware driver manager or something it might be called? | 05:26 |
maco | i havent used it | 05:26 |
jillsmitt | yes, it called "Hardware Drivers" in the "System" sub-menu | 05:27 |
jillsmitt | it downloads driver tree times | 05:45 |
jillsmitt | oh third was last | 05:45 |
jillsmitt | my splash screen has very low resolution now | 05:53 |
jillsmitt | is there something i can do to fix it? | 05:53 |
Tazzypillar | jillsmitt | 05:56 |
Tazzypillar | I have a fix~ | 05:56 |
jillsmitt | cool, tell me please | 05:56 |
Tazzypillar | Nvidia or ATI? I dont think it makes a difference, but | 05:56 |
jillsmitt | nvidia | 05:56 |
Tazzypillar | http://idyllictux.wordpress.com/2010/04/26/lucidubuntu-10-04-high-resolution-plymouth-virtual-terminal-for-atinvidia-cards-with-proprietaryrestricted-driver/ | 05:58 |
Tazzypillar | this should work | 05:58 |
Tazzypillar | Now I have a question; does anyone know how to make my text input cursor stop jumping around mid sentence? | 05:59 |
Tazzypillar | It's making me want to throw things now. | 05:59 |
jillsmitt | Tazzypillar: i cant understand what i need to do (from article) | 06:02 |
Tazzypillar | :o | 06:04 |
Tazzypillar | It has some commands | 06:04 |
Tazzypillar | like starting at apt-get install v86d or something of that sort | 06:05 |
Tazzypillar | Did you scroll down? | 06:05 |
Tazzypillar | because it takes awhile to get to the point | 06:05 |
jillsmitt | yes but there are logs and more | 06:05 |
jillsmitt | is this a [Fix/Workaround] commands? | 06:06 |
Tazzypillar | Yeah | 06:07 |
Tazzypillar | logs?_? | 06:07 |
Tazzypillar | i'm pretty sure you only need to run the commands like it says, just make sure to change the dimensions on the screen for what your screen has | 06:08 |
jillsmitt | wait a sec, i think i understand | 06:08 |
Tazzypillar | o: | 06:10 |
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New_user | Hello fellow users | 07:10 |
=== New_user is now known as Krezkey | ||
jillsmitt | hello | 07:10 |
Krezkey | Anyone here that is a wiz with network problems ? | 07:11 |
Krezkey | Network management got disabled on my kubuntu 10.04 lts, and have no idea how it happened or how to fix it. | 07:12 |
Krezkey | hello jillsmitt | 07:13 |
jillsmitt | hi | 07:13 |
Krezkey | hope someone can help | 07:14 |
jillsmitt | wait and someone will help | 07:14 |
Krezkey | I know, there are a bunch of great people in these rooms. | 07:14 |
Krezkey | brb | 07:16 |
Krezkey | room seems dead tonight | 07:26 |
burr__ | hi krezkey | 07:29 |
burr__ | is the manager widget gone? | 07:29 |
Krezkey | there is network in system window | 07:29 |
mcurran | Has anyone created a workaround for the desktop icons being moved around after restart when you use a top panel? | 07:30 |
Krezkey | forgive me , I am still new to this OS | 07:30 |
burr__ | but do you still have the widget in your system tray? | 07:31 |
Krezkey | yes it shows my wired connection. left click on it popup says not managed,right click popup says network management disabled | 07:32 |
Krezkey | btw Hi burr_ | 07:34 |
Krezkey | and thanks for trying to help | 07:34 |
mcurran | anyone know what I'm taking about> | 07:35 |
burr__ | there's a .cfg file | 07:35 |
burr__ | i can't remember what it is | 07:35 |
burr__ | you have to gksudo kate and then open it | 07:35 |
burr__ | and change network managed = false to network managed=true | 07:36 |
Krezkey | now you are talking way out of my understanding | 07:37 |
Krezkey | I know what sudo is, but what is gksudo | 07:38 |
burr__ | let me figure out what its called, then i can help you | 07:38 |
burr__ | dunno | 07:38 |
burr__ | i only started a few weeks ago | 07:38 |
burr__ | i don't know the difference | 07:38 |
burr__ | but i know sudo won't work | 07:38 |
Krezkey | thats what you typed above, thats why I asked | 07:38 |
burr__ | because some guru told me how to do this | 07:39 |
Krezkey | oh, ok | 07:39 |
burr__ | actually | 07:41 |
burr__ | you should probably join #ubuntu and ask there | 07:41 |
burr__ | theres a lot more people who know a lot more than me | 07:41 |
Krezkey | ok, hey anything is worth a try. Thanks for giving it a shot. | 07:42 |
burr__ | no problem | 07:42 |
jillsmitt | maco: vlc dependencies is also... | 07:45 |
jillsmitt | deps containes libglade | 07:46 |
jillsmitt | The QtSQL driver 'QMYSQL' is required by your current Akonadi server configuration and was found on your system. | 08:00 |
jillsmitt | what can i do? | 08:01 |
jillsmitt | solved | 08:05 |
jillsmitt | i need any SIP softphone programm for KDE | 08:30 |
jwc44 | Kubuntu has been used. If you see the screen and run smplayer voice heard. What is the problem? Are you a codec issue? | 08:34 |
peter__ | PIME Y | 08:44 |
peter__ | taradox | 08:44 |
Tazzypillar | Hello, how can I install individual packages like kdebase-dev and kdebase-workspace-dev? | 09:19 |
jillsmitt | Tazzypillar: maybe it is `sudo apt-get install packagename` | 09:26 |
Tazzypillar | Yeah, but I was hoping I could do it through something like synaptic | 09:27 |
nikoz | эээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээ | 10:10 |
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Guest98471 | sorry not to report this through the proper means, but I'm left with a pretty simple irssi and not much more ;) | 10:32 |
Guest98471 | Has somebody else noticed that there's libqt4-webkit beta2 packages missing in maverick now? | 10:32 |
Mamarok | Guest98471: hm, why don't you use the default IRC clients in KDE, Konversation or Quassel? | 10:32 |
Mamarok | Guest98471: Questions about Maverick should go to #ubuntu+1 | 10:33 |
Guest98471 | (and therefore one is left uninstalled all packages of kde and console only) | 10:33 |
Guest98471 | Mamarok... read up ;) | 10:33 |
Mamarok | Guest98471: still, this channel doesn't hadnle Maverick at all | 10:33 |
Guest98471 | Mamarok: could you please tell me how to switch windows/channels in irssi ... | 10:33 |
Guest98471 | I'm trying my best, you know | 10:33 |
Guest98471 | lets try if /join is enough and I don't have to switch window... | 10:34 |
Mamarok | Guest98471: Alt+1 (2, 3, etc till 0) | 10:35 |
aorr | hi, i normally use my own java chat to connect freenode. but today it's giving me an error, can you check if it works pls? http://unciclopediaf.tripod.com | 10:37 |
Mamarok | aorr: no, but you could try to give the error you gert. Also, why do you use Java chat when you can have proper cleints that come with KDE? | 10:38 |
Mamarok | clients* | 10:38 |
aorr | i like java | 10:39 |
hp | ciao | 10:46 |
hp | !list | 10:46 |
ubottu | This is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot » | 10:46 |
slow-motion | hi | 11:18 |
jillsmitt | i have ktorrent, but it does not works | 11:25 |
jillsmitt | i use wireless network | 11:25 |
avihay | could be that the network is blocked, or the torrent is dead | 11:26 |
jillsmitt | avihay: i am trying to kill -9 ktorrent (pid) but it still alive | 11:33 |
jillsmitt | zombie | 11:33 |
avihay | humm, a bad case of un-dead infestation... sounds scary | 11:34 |
avihay | try signal 7, I think that's terminate | 11:35 |
jillsmitt | no effect | 11:35 |
jillsmitt | avihay: http://paste.org/pastebin/view/20439 | 11:37 |
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afief | When I try to run qtcreator I get "IBusInputContext::createInputContext: no connection to ibus-daemon" anybody knows what's going on? | 13:20 |
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thoomee | hello everybody | 14:11 |
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hoosiers83 | i asked yesterday but no solution.... is there a way for kde to remember window size and position? i.e. firefox wont remember to open maximized, directories will open on either side, wont stay centered | 14:30 |
Dragnslcr | hoosiers83- in the window menu (far left button in the window frame), Advanced -> Special Window Settings | 14:35 |
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That_Guy_Will | so...if I'm trying to change my screen res from 800 x 600 to 1024 x 768, i would edit the Section "Screen" part in xorg.conf, yeah? | 15:08 |
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T34 | I'm having trouble with my wifi card afer I put the computer to sleep | 15:24 |
T34 | I'm not able to connect to my wireless router after a sleep session | 15:25 |
T34 | Is this problem familiar to anyone? | 15:25 |
T34 | The only way I'm able to connect is if I physically disconnect my wifi adapter and then reconnect it to the computer again | 15:26 |
T34 | This is quite inconvenient | 15:27 |
BluesKaj | T34, maybe the wallet manager needs your password afterwards , I don't bother with sleep mode , but in lucid my wifi needs wallet pw after each boot. | 15:27 |
T34 | I've set up my wallet so that I don't have to enter any password at all | 15:27 |
T34 | The password is blank | 15:27 |
BluesKaj | I tried that but mine won't accept blamn | 15:28 |
BluesKaj | err blank | 15:28 |
T34 | Okay, I always had to enter the password at each login, so I just changed the password to blank which worked on my system | 15:29 |
T34 | for some reason this is not an issue at all in GNOME | 15:29 |
T34 | A friend of mine had the very same problem, and he managed to solve the problem by creating a script which removes a special file that stores the state of the network adapter | 15:31 |
T34 | A removal of that in addition to restarting the network system solved his issue | 15:31 |
T34 | And I'm out of luck, since my comp doesn't store that state in some file (not that I have found at least) | 15:32 |
T34 | The script was basicly something like this: sudo stop network manager | 15:33 |
T34 | sudo rm /path/to/special/file.state | 15:33 |
T34 | sudo start network manager | 15:33 |
T34 | All the threads that I've found on the net are ment for obsolete distro versions, so the instructions given there doesn't apply to my system | 15:34 |
T34 | I'm not able to get my microphone working either | 15:38 |
T34 | Sound playpack works like a charm, but capture seems impossible. | 15:39 |
T34 | :( | 15:39 |
T34 | I | 15:39 |
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T34 | I've tried all sorts of solutions (ALSA, OSS, JACK), and right now I'm using PulseAudio | 15:39 |
T34 | What is recommended for capture? | 15:39 |
T34 | JACK seems to be somewhat more incompatible with differens audio applications | 15:40 |
T34 | Just a few programs seem to support that solution | 15:40 |
hasan | #perl | 15:50 |
hasan | join #perl | 15:50 |
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TME | salut | 15:52 |
jledbest | how can I turn off the notification popups in the bottom left? | 15:57 |
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jledbest | nevar! | 16:00 |
Senang | what's the channel for 10.10? | 16:17 |
Senang | oh nm ubuntu+1 duh.. | 16:19 |
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Idhan | if I have two ubuntu computer (under the same router), how can I make a ssh connection using the computer name instead of the a ip? I always get "could not resolve hostname" | 16:24 |
sona | Idhan: check out /etc/hosts | 16:27 |
Idhan | sona: thank you | 16:28 |
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eagles0513875 | hey guys i need some help with nvidia driver. on the latest 2.6.32-23 kernel i cannot install the nvidia-current driver as it has problem with the kernel objects any ideas how i can remedy the situation | 17:04 |
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lamacand | help create new greyed out? | 18:13 |
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Daughain | Anyone know if there are blackberry drivers for linux out yet? | 18:50 |
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Fleck | hey, my friend installet kubuntu today, has kde startup sound, but no sound in vlc, flash in firefox... | 19:41 |
Fleck | any ideas? | 19:41 |
urgen | welcome to kubuntu | 19:42 |
urgen | :-) | 19:42 |
Fleck | ;p | 19:42 |
urgen | I think there is a bug, but the maintainers refuse to admin because they say it is a configuration issue | 19:42 |
urgen | anyway | 19:42 |
urgen | I didn't take good notes but but did manage to get sound working for a while until, for some reason it shuts off | 19:43 |
urgen | then Ihave to reboot | 19:43 |
Fleck | ;/ | 19:43 |
blain | i have no problem with sound | 19:44 |
urgen | kubuntu? | 19:44 |
blain | yes | 19:44 |
urgen | even in wine? | 19:44 |
urgen | :-) | 19:44 |
blain | i refuse to use gnome | 19:44 |
blain | i don't use wine | 19:44 |
blain | i rather use a VM for full compatebility | 19:44 |
urgen | ya I should | 19:45 |
blain | and my cpu does full virtualizatoin | 19:45 |
blain | cpu/board | 19:45 |
Fleck | i have sound too, but i have card with hardware mix so... | 19:45 |
urgen | I'm on a cheap acer using alsa | 19:45 |
urgen | and pulseaudio | 19:46 |
blain | ah | 19:46 |
blain | i had acer back in the day | 19:46 |
urgen | part of why I picked ubuntu | 19:46 |
blain | until the day i found a bug in their firmware | 19:46 |
urgen | no one else would even try to support | 19:46 |
blain | oki | 19:46 |
blain | hang on | 19:47 |
blain | https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting | 19:47 |
urgen | :-) you watching cup? | 19:49 |
blain | yeah through a stream | 19:51 |
blain | why | 19:51 |
Idhan | how can I edith a mouse theme on kde?? | 19:59 |
Idhan | *edith | 20:00 |
Idhan | * | 20:00 |
Idhan | *edit | 20:00 |
ridin | idhan, hold | 20:01 |
ridin | oh, i can't get into kde right now, sorry | 20:01 |
blain | why not :/ | 20:01 |
ridin | idhan, try searching "appearance" or "mouse" in the kick off | 20:01 |
Idhan | ridin: ok | 20:02 |
XXY | hallo??? | 20:22 |
dorkface | Hi all. I want to set my window manager to do the following behavior: When I am using the console program "konsole", NEVER EVER steal the focus while I am in the window. If the focus is anywhere else, behave normally. How would I do this? | 20:23 |
XXY | oh... hi | 20:23 |
dorkface | hey | 20:23 |
XXY | I'm not verry good in English!!! | 20:24 |
dorkface | !language | 20:24 |
ubottu | Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly. | 20:24 |
dorkface | doh :) | 20:24 |
XXY | ok | 20:25 |
Dragnslcr | dorkface- open Konsole, then in the window menu (far left button in the window frame), go to Advanced -> Special Window Settings. On the Workarounds tab, you can set the focus stealing level | 20:32 |
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dorkface | Dragnslcr: hmm...I did as you said, but applications still seem to be stealing focus :/ | 20:35 |
dorkface | Dragnslcr: I verified that it is "active" by exiting out of the settings, re-clicking on "special window settings -> workarounds", and saw that the "focus stealing prevention" was still checked | 20:37 |
crashev | there is something broken with java in lucid lynx 32bit, when trying to run javaws I get: Bad installation. Error invoking Java VM (execv): No such file or directory <- anyone knows how to fix this ? | 20:42 |
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Zhenya | hi guys! I am having trouble with usb devices mounting. It takes anywhere from 10min-hour for it to recognize the device | 21:11 |
BenPA | hi all ... I cannot find the answer to this issue ... I installed wicd on my dell 1545n and have installed 3 different distros ... Linux Mint 9 , Kubuntu 9.10 and 10.04 ... I uninstalled knetworkmanager but keep having the issue of somehow the wireless holding my IP and also making reference to WPA and not grabing my IP automatically from my router which is WEP. I have to ... not always .. do sudo ifdown -a then ifup with | 21:14 |
BenPA | connection id for it to connect | 21:14 |
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kubuntuman-usa-3 | Hey is there anyway to dock the kopete messenger to the side of your screen? | 21:30 |
derdon | good evening! | 22:00 |
derdon | are there any alternative applications to amarok? I'd like to have an audio player which uses Qt as well as a seperate library to manage my music | 22:01 |
ridin | derdon: smplayer uses qt | 22:05 |
perfectpete216 | Hey guys, I could use some help | 22:10 |
derdon | ridin: ok, I'll take a look at it | 22:12 |
perfectpete216 | I just got a copy of Linux Format and it came with a tri-boot live DVD of Ubuntu flavors, and when I work in the Kubuntu live, the plasma desktop resets with the widgets in the original place. Do they have patches for this? Is this fixable? | 22:12 |
derdon | ridin: "SMPlayer intends to be a complete front-end for MPlayer" (quoted from smplayer's webpage) | 22:13 |
derdon | ridin: I don't want to have a replacement for mplayer | 22:13 |
derdon | ridin: I need an audio player | 22:13 |
ridin | ah, i just searched qt in the ubuntu software center | 22:14 |
ridin | ok, i'm not sure | 22:14 |
derdon | hm | 22:14 |
derdon | I could search for a good qt client for MPD or XMMS2 | 22:16 |
perfectpete216 | Could anyone help me? | 22:17 |
perfectpete216 | Nevermind. I'm just gonna wait for Mint KDE, this is ridiculous. | 22:18 |
avihay | if <perfectpete216> would have waited for 2 mor min, he would have gotten his answer | 22:20 |
avihay | more* | 22:20 |
Reallycool | my kde has been having issues with suspend/wakeup, it often takes a long time to suspend, a long time to wake up, or crashes on wakeup. Any ideas of what could be causing this? | 22:23 |
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avihay | is it a kde issue or ubuntu issue? | 22:30 |
Reallycool | Both, a kubuntu issue | 22:31 |
Reallycool | well | 22:31 |
Reallycool | KDE, it works fine in GNOME | 22:31 |
avihay | well, suspend doesn't work on my computer, atall | 22:31 |
avihay | and hibernate works reasonably fast, when it feels like working and not crashing my computer | 22:32 |
avihay | so it's a kde issue | 22:32 |
Reallycool | yeah | 22:32 |
Reallycool | so no solution? | 22:40 |
Reallycool | from what I can tell, I'm the only person with this problem | 22:42 |
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Reallycool | I guess I'll just try it in fedora and see if the problem continues, I'm getting nowhere, here | 22:44 |
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=== jt|away is now known as jtheuer_ | ||
MeanderingCode | hello all | 23:04 |
MeanderingCode | why might krfb refuse uninvited connections when set to accept them? | 23:04 |
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caleb_ | apply | 23:06 |
MeanderingCode | caleb_: if that's for me, i did apply | 23:08 |
caleb_ | mmm ¿local or remote connection? | 23:10 |
caleb_ | local network or remte | 23:10 |
MeanderingCode | local | 23:11 |
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=== jt|away is now known as jtheuer_ | ||
melissawm | is g77 not available in kubuntu 10.04? | 23:58 |
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