=== mordred_ is now known as mtaylor | ||
micahg | I'm getting a message to renew my membership in the #launchpad-dev team, this seems weird since it's an open team | 03:58 |
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk | ||
nigelb | micahg: we'll have to wait for people to wake up in prgue | 05:26 |
jml | nhandler, micahg: I don't know why. | 09:56 |
micahg | jml: should I file a bug? | 09:56 |
jml | micahg, I don't know, really. | 09:57 |
jml | micahg, it's certainly worth an email to the launchpad-dev list | 09:57 |
micahg | jml: k, will send one later today | 09:58 |
jml | ta | 09:58 |
* jml is off | 09:58 | |
wgrant | https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~vcs-imports/dak/trunk is still failing, yet branching locally works fine. | 10:07 |
wgrant | This seems somewhat odd. | 10:07 |
thumper | wgrant: could be different versions of bzr-git/dulwich | 11:26 |
thumper | wgrant: or a corrupt local repo from an older version | 11:27 |
wgrant | thumper: Hmm. | 11:29 |
wgrant | Hm. | 12:37 |
wgrant | I think the new linter might actually not utterly suck. | 12:38 |
wgrant | This is good. | 12:38 |
lifeless | so who is here already? | 13:06 |
wgrant | Morning lifeless. | 13:11 |
wgrant | How's Prague? | 13:11 |
lifeless | hot | 13:12 |
wgrant | Heh, so I've heard. | 13:12 |
lifeless | 30'c today I hear. | 13:14 |
jml | hello | 13:29 |
dhastha | need help: I am going to do mini project for my college in launchpad translation (Native support for OpenOffice.org translations format in Launchpad Translations). If i install launchpad locally, is there any affect to my localhost | 13:34 |
dhastha | will my apache work properly? | 13:35 |
jml | dhastha, I'm not sure I understand the question. | 13:38 |
jml | dhastha, it will probably not break your current Apache set up. | 13:38 |
wgrant | It won't coexist happily with an existing PostgreSQL setup, but it can be made to afterwards. | 13:39 |
dhastha | jml, once a time i tried to install lauchpad locally, it was interrupted. After that if i run php, it shows download the file instead of running php | 13:40 |
wgrant | It may try to install apache2-mpm-worker, which will cause the removal of libapache2-mod-php5, since PHP is not threadsafe. | 13:41 |
wgrant | But you could tweak rocketfuel-setup to not try to install that, and just use prefork. | 13:42 |
jml | fwiw, I have three branches ready for review: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~jml/launchpad/more-login-helpers/+merge/29595; https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~jml/launchpad/docs-for-interaction/+merge/29632; https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~jml/launchpad/branch-sample-data-unit-tests/+merge/29652 | 13:42 |
dhastha | wgrant, how to install launchpad using prefork? | 13:43 |
jml | lifeless, my plane is scheduled to arrive at 1800, fwiw | 13:43 |
wgrant | dhastha: It's somewhere in rocketfuel-setup. | 13:44 |
wgrant | You'll need to change that. | 13:44 |
dhastha | wgrant, is there any possible to install both apache2-mpm-worker, libapache2-mod-php5. | 13:51 |
lifeless | jml: cool | 13:52 |
dhastha | wgrant, because i need php as well as launchpad. How can i run both? | 13:53 |
wgrant | dhastha: No. But Launchpad doesn't actually require apache2-mpm-worker, so it is safe to alter your version of the installation script to install install apache2-mpm-prefork. | 13:53 |
wgrant | s/install install/instead install/ | 13:53 |
lifeless | also <3 the canonical sysadmins who have an Ubuntu network here already | 13:55 |
lifeless | jml: I'd be delighted to catch up in the evening if you like | 13:56 |
wgrant | Is it just Launchpaddery going on, or is there something else there as well? | 13:56 |
lifeless | epic for one week | 13:56 |
lifeless | platform team for one week | 13:56 |
lifeless | serialised | 13:56 |
wgrant | Ah. | 13:56 |
lifeless | some folk are double-billing it | 13:57 |
dhastha | wgrant, where can i get open office's custom GSI/SDF format? | 13:59 |
lifeless | no idea | 13:59 |
wgrant | dhastha: You should probably ask OpenOffice.org people. | 14:00 |
lifeless | dhastha: you might like to have your launchpad test environment be a vm - e.g. as per https://dev.launchpad.net/Running/VirtualMachine | 14:00 |
wgrant | dhastha: Have you talked to the Launchpad Translations developers about this? | 14:00 |
dhastha | wgrant, No. i cant find any Launchpad Translations develpers. But i informed once a time in this channel. someone replied me. | 14:03 |
lifeless | hmm, is there a bug about big diffs not showing in MPs - (not that they are truncated, but that no alternative is offered) | 14:04 |
wgrant | lifeless: There's no download link presented? | 14:04 |
lifeless | oh | 14:04 |
lifeless | its at the *other end* | 14:05 |
lifeless | I'll file a bug | 14:05 |
lifeless | scrolling up 3000 lines (or home, and then down *just the right amount* is really fiddly - and its annoying to get partway through areview before dinign out its truncated | 14:06 |
wgrant | It should probably notify you at the top that it's truncated, too... | 14:06 |
lifeless | exactly | 14:07 |
lifeless | I have to wonder why we truncated anyway though. | 14:08 |
lifeless | thats a different conversation | 14:08 |
lifeless | right, filed | 14:20 |
lifeless | bug 604277 | 14:20 |
_mup_ | Bug #604277: polish for huge mp-diff experience <Launchpad Bazaar Integration:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/604277> | 14:20 |
jml | heh | 14:21 |
lifeless | jml: I seem to recall that differing postgres versions results in a freaking huge diff | 14:22 |
lifeless | jml: but maybe its always terrible? | 14:22 |
jml | lifeless, huge diff for the sampledata? | 14:22 |
lifeless | yeah | 14:22 |
jml | lifeless, it's pretty much always terrible | 14:22 |
wgrant | It shouldn't be. | 14:22 |
wgrant | It never used to be, until 8.4 came along. | 14:23 |
lifeless | wgrant: it has in the past been terrible too | 14:23 |
jml | wgrant, it did used to be. | 14:23 |
wgrant | Hm, not while I was watching. | 14:23 |
jml | I've got to go catch my flight. | 14:24 |
jml | lifeless, I'd really appreciate a review of more-login-helpers and branch-sample-data-unit-tests | 14:25 |
lifeless | jml: I'm chewing through mail looking for urgents; I need to update my draft talk to be a real talk. Then I'm all over the reviews. | 14:25 |
dhastha | Is there any launchpad translation developer? | 14:33 |
lifeless | there are a few | 14:34 |
lifeless | most of them will be offline right now as we're having a get together next week and people will be travelling (or in their weekends) | 14:34 |
lifeless | A great way to contact devs is the launchpad-dev mailing list | 14:35 |
dhastha | lifeless, k thank you | 14:35 |
wgrant | jml: So, launchpad-dev is currently bugging lots of us to contact you guys to renew our memberships. Since it's an open team, could someone flip the switch that lets us renew them ourselves? | 14:42 |
lifeless | neh | 14:43 |
lifeless | I've made it auto renew. | 14:43 |
lifeless | enjoy. | 14:43 |
lifeless | renewing for mailing list memberships is bong. | 14:43 |
wgrant | Ah, even better. | 14:44 |
* lifeless embugginates | 14:44 | |
wgrant | Thanks. | 14:44 |
lifeless | lol | 14:44 |
lifeless | look at https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad | 14:44 |
lifeless | thats one hell of a title | 14:44 |
wgrant | The fact that it's broken in Chromium, or something else? | 14:45 |
lifeless | worked for me | 14:45 |
lifeless | I have rev 49890 of chromiu, | 14:45 |
wgrant | 51881 here. The 'There are' appears to the right of the search box, so it looks like the main content of the page is just 'currently no open bugs filed against Launchpad itself. | 14:46 |
lifeless | hmm | 14:48 |
lifeless | bug 604289 | 14:50 |
_mup_ | Bug #604289: on open teams / mailing lists 'renewal' doesn't make much sense <Launchpad itself:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/604289> | 14:50 |
lifeless | https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad shows bug 603020 in the hot bugs list for me | 14:51 |
lifeless | ah | 14:52 |
lifeless | its private. | 14:52 |
wgrant | Ah. | 14:52 |
lifeless | and I can't move it to ubuntu because you can't sensibly edit cross-pillar | 14:52 |
wgrant | You can edit cross-pillar easily. | 14:53 |
wgrant | You just can't change it to a different type of pillar. | 14:53 |
lifeless | thats what I mean | 14:53 |
wgrant | Not even through the API. | 14:53 |
wgrant | The restriction appears to be entirely baseless. | 14:53 |
lifeless | patches desired | 14:53 |
lifeless | https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/malone/+bug/604290 should you choose to take it on. | 14:57 |
_mup_ | Bug #604290: reassigning bugs to different pillar types is hard? impossible? <Launchpad Bugs:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/604290> | 14:57 |
* wgrant is currently in the depths of Soyuz. | 14:58 | |
* lifeless throws in a lifeline | 14:58 | |
* mwhudson is in prague | 15:11 | |
lifeless | mwhudson: I'm just grabbing my power adapter | 15:11 |
mwhudson | lifeless: then hotel bar? how long have you been here? | 15:12 |
lifeless | mwhudson: yes, then hotel bar | 15:12 |
lifeless | since 2pmish | 15:12 |
mwhudson | lifeless: cool, i'm going to shower but see you there in a bit | 15:12 |
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha | ||
and471 | with launchpadlib, I want to get the title of a bug, I use bug.title, however this gives me the number and the project it affects | 17:17 |
and471 | how do I get just the title the user gave? | 17:17 |
and471 | for example for this bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/network-manager/+bug/498478 | 17:17 |
_mup_ | Bug #498478: network manager applet should use new libdbusmenu (indicator applet) <network-manager (Ubuntu):Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/498478> | 17:17 |
and471 | the title would just be 'network manager applet should use new libdbusmenu (indicator applet)' | 17:18 |
cody-somerville | and471, are you sure you have a bug or a task? | 17:38 |
and471 | cody-somerville, I obtained the bug/task from a collection obatined from assigned_bugs = me.searchTasks(assignee=me) | 17:39 |
and471 | cody-somerville, is there a btter way? I need to have a collection of the bugs a user is assigned to | 17:39 |
and471 | *better | 17:39 |
cody-somerville | and471, that returns tasks, not bugs | 17:40 |
cody-somerville | and471, but calling .bug.title on the task will return what you're looking for | 17:40 |
and471 | cody-somerville, thanks, I am trying to test but launchpad isn't responding atm :/ | 17:41 |
and471 | cody-somerville, in the mean time | 17:42 |
and471 | cody-somerville, could you explain the difference between a bug and a task so I don't make this mistake again? | 17:42 |
cody-somerville | a task connects a bug to a product | 17:42 |
and471 | cody-somerville, thanks, and thanks for your time and help | 17:44 |
cody-somerville | no problem | 17:44 |
and471 | cody-somerville, just quick, is there a convenient property of a bug, that will give you the url a user would type into their browser (ie. https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/network-manager/+bug/498478) | 17:48 |
_mup_ | Bug #498478: network manager applet should use new libdbusmenu (indicator applet) <network-manager (Ubuntu):Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/498478> | 17:48 |
and471 | cody-somerville, or should I just substitue the bug id into bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/ID? | 17:49 |
and471 | *substitute | 17:49 |
cody-somerville | thats what I do | 17:50 |
and471 | ok | 17:51 |
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk |
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