=== rackIT_AFK is now known as rackIT | ||
hggdh | ddecator: support added in your wiki. Also, please do ping me when you are to be interviewed by the board | 01:49 |
ddecator | hggdh: tyvm, i just got the email, and i will definitely ping you :) | 01:54 |
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel | ||
duanedesign | hggdh: i got an email my bug control membership was going to expire. I would like to get my membership renewed. | 02:09 |
BUGabundo | duanedesign: doesn't it give you a link to renew? | 02:30 |
duanedesign | BUGabundo: no. It says "To prevent this membership from expiring, you should get in touch | 02:33 |
duanedesign | with one of the team's administrators: | 02:33 |
BUGabundo | aahh | 02:33 |
duanedesign | thanks though :) | 02:33 |
yofel | you get that link only for public teams, BC requires admin approval | 02:45 |
hggdh | duanedesign: will do | 02:57 |
duanedesign | hggdh: thank you \o/ | 02:58 |
hggdh | ddecator: my pleasure, keep on, sir | 02:58 |
hggdh | duanedesign: done | 03:01 |
duanedesign | woot, thank you much | 03:01 |
=== d1b is now known as d-b | ||
=== d-b is now known as d1b | ||
Takyoji | Would anyone be willing to assist me with reporting a bug that's most likely relevant to X11, which makes the system nearly unuseable, whereas you can't even get to a virtual terminal, because the screen goes black and flashes this display on a 1 second interval: http://i15.photobucket.com/albums/a368/takyoji/IMG_0507.jpg | 06:47 |
Takyoji | which either happens after so many minutes that the system is on, or if you try previewing any complex screensavers. | 06:48 |
Takyoji | It's NEVER occurred in any prior versions of Ubuntu at all; and I recently upgraded the system to 10.04 | 06:49 |
Takyoji | Therefore, what logs would be most suitable for disclosing in a bug report? | 06:49 |
micahg | Takyoji: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Debugging | 06:49 |
Takyoji | For 'ubuntu-bug xorg', can I still perform that command after the system has been restarted? | 06:51 |
Takyoji | (considering I can't get into a virtual terminal (via, Ctrl+Alt+F# key) or anything at all) | 06:52 |
micahg | Takyoji: idk, you can definitely start that day | 06:54 |
micahg | *way | 06:54 |
giantpune | hi, i have a little bug in ubuntu 10.0.4. is this the correct place to report it? | 07:15 |
micahg | giantpune: ubuntu-bug package <--- we can help you figure out which package if necessary | 07:16 |
giantpune | this one should be easy to track down. i just tried to enable the "extra" desktop visual effects. it said it had to install the nvidia driver to enable them. while installing the driver, there is a progress window that pops up and the name of the progress window is still the default "untitled window" | 07:18 |
micahg | giantpune: xprop | grep CLASS should tell you which program | 07:18 |
giantpune | ill run that in a sec. it is pestering me to restart right now | 07:19 |
abhi_nav | hello | 07:32 |
abhi_nav | anyone free to guide me filing a bug? | 07:33 |
micahg | abhi_nav: sure | 07:33 |
abhi_nav | micahg, I have launchdpad account. bug is 50% of the time when i start my computer all windows's TITLE bar is not there. title bar the one where min,max,and close button are. so i need to agin logout and login. this start to hapend after installing carodock. i need to open it with -c optioons if i run it with -o option then all title bars are gone and lots of graphics problem | 07:35 |
micahg | abhi_nav: ubuntu-bug cairo-dock? | 07:35 |
abhi_nav | micahg, means? I need to know how to and where to file this bug? | 07:36 |
micahg | abhi_nav: we file bugs with ubuntu-bug PKGNAME | 07:36 |
abhi_nav | micahg, yes yes i just run the program. but it give error that the problem cannot be reported. this is nota geniune ubuntu package | 07:37 |
micahg | abhi_nav: then Ubuntu isn't the right place to report it | 07:37 |
abhi_nav | micahg, ok. then what should i do? | 07:37 |
micahg | abhi_nav: are you running a PPA version of cairo-dock? | 07:37 |
abhi_nav | micahg, i per I remember I think I downloded its .deb | 07:38 |
abhi_nav | micahg, or may be yes ppa | 07:38 |
abhi_nav | micahg, I went to their web site that I remember for sure. | 07:38 |
micahg | abhi_nav: take a look here: https://edge.launchpad.net/cairo-dock | 07:39 |
abhi_nav | micahg, ok | 07:39 |
abhi_nav | micahg, I went here: http://www.glx-dock.org/ | 07:40 |
abhi_nav | micahg, I am reporting bug now on launchpad. | 07:42 |
Takyoji | micahg: Thank you for your assistance, the bug has been reported: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xorg/+bug/604192 | 07:44 |
ubot2 | Launchpad bug 604192 in xorg (Ubuntu) "Screen goes blank and flashes vertical stripes on 1s interval (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] | 07:44 |
micahg | Takyoji: no problem | 07:44 |
Takyoji | Is it still possible to find mentorship for triaging bugs? | 07:44 |
micahg | Takyoji: sure, have you signed up yet? | 07:45 |
Takyoji | Via the mailing list? | 07:45 |
micahg | Takyoji: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BugSquad/Mentors | 07:46 |
=== Look is now known as Guest21658 | ||
Takyoji | ahh, alright; again, thank you. | 07:47 |
kermiac | nigelb: you poked me? (a bit over 16hrs ago) | 07:47 |
nigelb | kermiac: well don't mind. | 07:47 |
nigelb | I was looking for an instructor for uud, but did get hold of someone | 07:48 |
kermiac | nigelb: ok mate :) I just got home from an outing with the family. Glad you got it sorted mate | 07:48 |
nigelb | kermiac: heh :) | 07:48 |
abhi_nav | micahg, when i run cairo-dock -l degub that goes into infinite loop. also if i do ctrl c and stop it but then i cant show all the lines from starting. is there any way to redirect all its output to any debug.txt file? | 08:01 |
micahg | abhi_nav: should that be debug? | 08:01 |
micahg | abhi_nav: add 2>&1 | tee debug.txt | 08:02 |
abhi_nav | micahg, yes they told on their launchpad page | 08:02 |
abhi_nav | ok | 08:02 |
abhi_nav | micahg, 'add' command not found | 08:02 |
micahg | abhi_nav: not 'add', I meant add the rest of that to your command :) | 08:03 |
abhi_nav | micahg, you mean cairo-dock -l 2>&1 | tee debug.txt | 08:03 |
abhi_nav | ?? | 08:03 |
micahg | do you need the for degub in there? | 08:03 |
abhi_nav | micahg, yes | 08:04 |
micahg | *s/for/word | 08:04 |
abhi_nav | micahg, they told me to add debug.txt | 08:04 |
micahg | abhi_nav: is the flag -l or -ldegub? | 08:04 |
abhi_nav | micahg, or should i just file witout debut.txt? | 08:04 |
micahg | -l degub | 08:04 |
abhi_nav | -l debug | 08:04 |
micahg | cairo-dock -l debug 2>&1 | tee debug.txt | 08:04 |
abhi_nav | micahg, hey sorry. it was my mistake correct commadn is: cairo-dock -l debug > debug.txt then i need to stop it with ctrl c and now i am uploading it. :) | 08:06 |
micahg | abhi_nav: that works too if all the output is to STDOUT | 08:06 |
abhi_nav | micahg, ok | 08:07 |
abhi_nav | micahg, there is new bug in launchpad. i cannot double click in that debug.txt? it forcefully takes me to anyother random folder and forces me to open any file there but not debug.txt its in /home/abhijit | 08:09 |
micahg | abhi_nav: I don't understand | 08:10 |
abhi_nav | micahg, for that i need to shift debug.txt from /home/abhijit to /home/abhijit/Document then only i uploaded | 08:10 |
micahg | abhi_nav: no, you shouldn't have to do that | 08:11 |
abhi_nav | micahg, now bug successfully filed. | 08:11 |
micahg | abhi_nav: just navigate to the folder w/the file | 08:11 |
abhi_nav | micahg, but need to just now | 08:11 |
abhi_nav | micahg, it was not allowing me to clck on debu.txt | 08:11 |
micahg | abhi_nav: what browser? | 08:12 |
abhi_nav | micahg, ok. now the bug is new by default thould i change it to something else? | 08:12 |
abhi_nav | micahg, firefox | 08:12 |
micahg | abhi_nav: what version? | 08:12 |
abhi_nav | micahg, 3.6.6 | 08:12 |
abhi_nav | micahg, this is bug number: 604204 | 08:13 |
micahg | abhi_nav: is this bug 558674 | 08:13 |
ubot2 | Launchpad bug 558674 in gtk+2.0 (Ubuntu) "Open file dialog malfunctions in lucid (affects: 10) (heat: 85)" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/558674 | 08:13 |
abhi_nav | micahg, no no it is 604204 | 08:14 |
micahg | abhi_nav: not the one you filed, the one you were experiencing when clicking the file | 08:14 |
abhi_nav | micahg, yes yes yes exactly | 08:14 |
abhi_nav | micahg, this bug affects me | 08:16 |
micahg | abhi_nav: ok, you can mark it as such in launchpad | 08:16 |
abhi_nav | micahg, yes I marked. now tell me what to do with status of the bug i file? should i change it? | 08:17 |
micahg | abhi_nav: no, why? | 08:17 |
abhi_nav | micahg, its status is new. should i change it to confirm etc? | 08:17 |
micahg | abhi_nav: no | 08:17 |
abhi_nav | micahg, ok. thanks | 08:17 |
abhi_nav | micahg, did you all get the email for the bug i filed? or it is jut i got the email? | 08:28 |
micahg | abhi_nav: jshould be just you | 08:28 |
abhi_nav | micahg, ohh ok | 08:28 |
Takyoji | So for contacting the bugsquad mentorship group, I have to contact the group owner? | 09:05 |
Takyoji | (since that's the only option that I can find on the page) | 09:05 |
* Takyoji pokes micahg, wondering if they're still active at the moment | 09:06 | |
micahg | Takyoji: did you read the page I gave you? | 09:07 |
Takyoji | Yes, I read the page. | 09:07 |
Takyoji | "Finally, request membership on the bugsquad-mentorship group on Launchpad" | 09:07 |
micahg | Takyoji: on the page, you just click join | 09:08 |
ddecator | Takyoji: click "Join this team" | 09:08 |
Takyoji | So simply joining the Launchpad group is sufficient, or do I still have to contact the owner, or? | 09:09 |
micahg | Takyoji: no, it requests membership, still needs to be approved | 09:09 |
Takyoji | Because the wording on the wiki about that step is a bit vague. | 09:09 |
ddecator | Takyoji: the admins will receive an email when you attempt to join (your membership needs to be approved) | 09:09 |
Takyoji | ahh, alright. Someone should rephrase the wiki accordingly then, to imply clicking "Join the team" to 'send a request' to the team. | 09:11 |
micahg | ddecator: maybe link request membership to the launchpad docs on how to join a team | 09:11 |
ddecator | Takyoji: someone else was confused about that earlier as well, so we will soon | 09:11 |
Takyoji | (just so future others don't get confused) | 09:11 |
ddecator | micahg: oh, that could work.. | 09:11 |
Takyoji | and just to make sure, I'm simply asking for mentorship, rather than becoming a mentor [yet] | 09:12 |
ddecator | Takyoji: right :) | 09:12 |
* Takyoji leaves for the night | 09:30 | |
old-804lts | hi, i am having some problems with 8.04lts after an update, is this the right place to ask ? | 09:56 |
micahg | old-804lts: support is in #ubuntu, we can help you file a bug | 09:56 |
micahg | old-804lts: which update? | 09:56 |
old-804lts | i was over at #ubuntu but its kind of crowded currently. i just ran the update manager and all kinds of problems resulted. | 09:57 |
old-804lts | how do i file a bug ? | 09:59 |
micahg | old-804lts: depends on what's wrong | 09:59 |
old-804lts | Ok, my system is 8.04lts. after running the update manager recently, various things dont work no more. most importantly, the gui crashes -partially- meaning when i try to log off and the logoff screen is supposed to come up, the icon-bar on top of the screen and also on the bottom vanish. i can still to alt-tab to check on already running programs but thats it. shutdown only possible by powerbutton. | 10:05 |
micahg | old-804lts: you can take a look at this debugging X page: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Debugging, but someone in #support might be familiar with the issue if it's due to an upgrade | 10:09 |
micahg | old-804lts: oops | 10:09 |
micahg | old-804lts: I meant #ubuntu, not #support | 10:09 |
* micahg really needs to go to sleep | 10:10 | |
old-804lts | micahg: lol. thank you. i'll try that. goodnight ! | 10:10 |
micahg | old-804lts: good luck | 10:11 |
old-804lts | thnx. bye | 10:11 |
=== abhi_nav_ is now known as abhi_nav | ||
BUGabundo | morning | 11:58 |
abhi_nav | Matthieu Baerts? | 12:27 |
^arky^ | Can anyone find a solution for bug 64383 | 13:30 |
ubot2 | Launchpad bug 64383 in file-roller (Ubuntu) (and 2 other projects) "UDF not properly recognised (affects: 5) (heat: 36)" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/64383 | 13:30 |
vish | abhi_nav: he will be available in #cairo-dock | 13:51 |
vish | abhi_nav: mattbe is his nick | 13:51 |
abhi_nav | vish, oh yah thanks | 13:51 |
^arky^ | hi vish, howz the week going so far | 13:55 |
^arky^ | usb-creator broken anyone reproduce this bug 604271 | 13:55 |
ubot2 | Launchpad bug 604271 in usb-creator (Ubuntu) "frontend.py: No source selected. (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/604271 | 13:55 |
vish | abhi_nav: and also , asking the question in full form will help you get quicker ans ;) | 13:56 |
vish | ^arky^: stilll sleepy :D | 13:56 |
abhi_nav | vish, ok :) | 13:56 |
^arky^ | vish, must be a great weekend then ! | 14:00 |
=== BUGabundo is now known as BUGa_IT_Crowd | ||
devildante | can someone help me debug bug 604090? | 14:16 |
ubot2 | Launchpad bug 604090 in linux (Ubuntu) "Packard Bell Easynote doesn't boot with Ubuntu 10.04 (affects: 1) (heat: 8)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/604090 | 14:16 |
penguin42 | devildante: What do you actually see on screen? | 15:35 |
devildante | penguin42: Actually, I'm not the one to have this bug. I just wanted some advice on how to gather information when boot fails. | 15:37 |
penguin42 | devildante: I wonder if he's hitting bug 566379 | 15:39 |
ubot2 | Launchpad bug 566379 in linux (Ubuntu Lucid) (and 1 other project) "[i855] X doesn't start with kernel 2.6.32-21 unless passing i915.modeset=1 (affects: 48) (dups: 10) (heat: 271)" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/566379 | 15:39 |
devildante | i'll ask him if it works | 15:41 |
* penguin42 actually needs to update my dads laptop from 8.04 and I think it has the same chipset | 15:42 | |
micahg | penguin42: keep in mind, hardy upgrades aren't enabled by default until the .1 release | 15:43 |
penguin42 | micahg: Oh, I hadn't realised that - when is .1 due? | 15:43 |
micahg | penguin42: July 29 | 15:44 |
penguin42 | micahg: Is this a case of actually expecting things to break or it just being a gap to give people a chance to test it? | 15:45 |
micahg | penguin42: idk, probably a bit of both I would think | 15:45 |
* penguin42 might just do a reinstall on his laptop; It's currently KDE 3.x and I doubt he's going to like KDE4 so I'll probably switch him to Gnome | 15:47 | |
micahg | penguin42: I hear Kubuntu 10.04 really rocks | 15:47 |
penguin42 | micahg: I don't like KDE4 - but it's a personal thing I guess | 15:48 |
micahg | penguin42: I didn't either, but I haven't looked at it since 4.0 :) | 15:48 |
penguin42 | micahg: I give it a chance every so often, probably look at it every 6 months or so for a day | 15:49 |
penguin42 | devildante: The other relevant one might be bug 511001 | 16:01 |
ubot2 | Launchpad bug 511001 in xserver-xorg-video-intel (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "[i855] Lucid Freeze shortly after X startup (needs KMS blacklist?) (affects: 29) (dups: 1) (heat: 193)" [High,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/511001 | 16:01 |
devildante | penguin42: aren't these two bugs the same? | 16:04 |
devildante | just that it affects different packages? | 16:06 |
penguin42 | they seem confusing to me - one seems to say it needs mode setting, the other seems to say it doesn't work with it | 16:18 |
yofel | wasn't modesetting disabled for all 8* cards as it didn't work right? | 16:19 |
yofel | or maybe I'm confusing that with yet another issue | 16:19 |
penguin42 | yofel: Yeh I think so, but if you look at one of those bugs it seems to suggest it only worked for him if KMS was enabled which is even odder | 16:21 |
njin | Can someone triage this, it freeze system, for me is not medium but is hight, also present in 20100711. | 18:03 |
njin | Thanks. | 18:03 |
njin | 6039199 | 18:04 |
njin | ops 603919 | 18:04 |
micahg | njin: bugs are 6 digits at the moment | 18:04 |
njin | :) | 18:04 |
micahg | bug 603919 | 18:04 |
ubot2 | Launchpad bug 603919 in apport (Ubuntu) "apport-gtk crashed with ImportError in <module>() (affects: 18) (dups: 1) (heat: 94)" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/603919 | 18:04 |
njin | yes | 18:04 |
micahg | njin: I think someone will get to fix it Monday morning | 18:05 |
yofel | that one... | 18:06 |
micahg | yofel: anything you can do or does it need to wait for pitti? | 18:06 |
yofel | the oddest thing about that bug is that everyone seems to have that, just I don't | 18:06 |
yofel | no, I don't have any upload rights for apport, and I don't think it's an apport bug actually | 18:07 |
njin | yofel: You have the last build ? | 18:07 |
yofel | micahg: can you reproduce that? (Open a python shell, run 'import gi' or 'from gi.repository import GObject') | 18:07 |
yofel | njin: yes, I'm running KDE though, but if I try to reproduce that bug.. I can't | 18:08 |
micahg | yofel: I'm on Lucid, the bug's on maverick IIRC | 18:08 |
yofel | ah ok | 18:08 |
yofel | it is | 18:08 |
* micahg can fire up test drive | 18:08 | |
njin | It is present in Ubuntu and Xubuntu | 18:10 |
yofel | yeah, it's some pygtk issue I think. Well, gi is part of python-gobject now | 18:10 |
micahg | 1hr till the ISO d/ls | 18:11 |
yofel | well, someone will take care of it tomorrow anyway, it seems to be frequent enough | 18:12 |
yofel | oh btw, if someone wants to use/test it: simple script to set a bug status to expired on LP: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~yofel/+junk/lp-scripts/files (DON'T use the experimental one) | 18:13 |
vish | micahg: hi , the duplicate dictionaries bug can be fixed for maverick? | 18:17 |
micahg | vish: yeah, it will be, I need to file bugs for the remaining duplicates | 18:17 |
vish | micahg: awesome! | 18:17 |
abhi_nav | vish, you are from which city? | 18:26 |
vish | abhi_nav: chennai | 18:33 |
abhi_nav | vish, ohh ok :) | 18:33 |
yofel | meh, the retracer thinks that duplicates of bug 603919 are dups of bug 433087 all the time, even though the only thing the crashes have in common is that they are module import failures. | 18:51 |
ubot2 | Launchpad bug 603919 in apport (Ubuntu) "apport-gtk crashed with ImportError in <module>() (affects: 34) (dups: 21) (heat: 246)" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/603919 | 18:51 |
ubot2 | Launchpad bug 433087 in apport (Ubuntu) "apport-gtk crashed with ImportError in <module>() (affects: 13) (dups: 2) (heat: 114)" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/433087 | 18:51 |
yofel | micahg: mind to take a look at bug 196493? I'm not sure what to do with that | 19:07 |
ubot2 | Launchpad bug 196493 in ubuntu (and 1 other project) "Launch web browser keyboard shortcut loads directory listing for home folder (heat: 3)" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/196493 | 19:07 |
hggdh | yofel: unless I am completely wrong, this is *not* a bug for us -- the OP is using upstream's FF, not one build by us | 19:15 |
* hggdh wonders what the hell he is doing here, during a weekend, and with the World Cup finals to start... | 19:16 | |
micahg | hggdh: +1, that seems pretty clear from the upstream bug as well | 19:16 |
yofel | heh | 19:16 |
yofel | ok, I agree too, just wanted to make sure | 19:17 |
hggdh | yofel: please nicely point to the OP that there is nothing we can do here, and close ;-) | 19:17 |
yofel | will do | 19:17 |
hggdh | yofel: BTW, this is probably a WONTFIX | 19:20 |
yofel | hm... I wanted to use Invalid, but won't fix fits the situation better. | 19:23 |
* yofel vanishes to root for the netherlands... | 19:24 | |
old-lts | Hi, was here a few hours ago, fixed the problem i had, but would like to file a bug: the update manager installed some updates. afterwards the system behaved erratic, logoff window vanished, programs did not run anymore and so forth. reason was : update manager does not check if there is enough space available on the system. (ubuntu 8.04LTS) | 20:18 |
yofel | urgh, no space left... that's not easy to check | 20:21 |
yofel | there should be a bug about that somewhere on launchpad I think | 20:22 |
old-lts | yofel: yes, took me some hours to figure out. | 20:24 |
yofel | the general rule is that it's your responsibility to make sure there's enough space left, newer releases notify the user in case there's little space left somewhere | 20:26 |
yofel | something like gentoos sandbox installs would be nice IMO | 20:29 |
old-lts | yofel: ok. when you say newer releases, what version do you mean ? | 20:29 |
yofel | not sure, I think karmic and lucid have it, haven't used gnome in a while, and I disable those as soon as I see them ^^ | 20:30 |
old-lts | yofel: hmm. i would have thought that something like this would be put in 8.04LTS too... ok. well. i suppose its a mood point as the new LTS is out, and i will probably move over sometime, too. | 20:35 |
old-lts | yofel: thank you for your time. goodbye | 20:37 |
Nafallo | old-lts: considering it's a feature of newer gnome versions I wouldn't expect it to just appear in an old release. | 20:37 |
old-lts | Nafallo | 20:37 |
Nafallo | hi btw | 20:37 |
old-lts | Nafallo: hi, clicked too fast...... but shouldnt it be fixed in a LTS release ? i understand its not an issue since karmic... | 20:38 |
yofel | it's not really a bug | 20:40 |
yofel | it's your fault if you run out of space, we now help you a bit with that, that's all | 20:40 |
Nafallo | old-lts: I would argue that it shouldn't. changing old releases except for critical bugs and security fixes shouldn't be the focus. with this particular feature it would require backporting a big chunk of changes in a big upstream. there is a new LTS out which has this feature as well. | 20:41 |
old-lts | yofel: just found Bug #95260, marked invalid, probably for the same reason you just mentioned. | 20:42 |
ubot2 | Launchpad bug 95260 in update-manager (Ubuntu) "Not enough free disk space (heat: 2)" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/95260 | 20:42 |
old-lts | Nafallo: yes, i see. | 20:42 |
old-lts | lol does that mean i was faster than the bot ? | 20:43 |
Nafallo | no, that means the bot got triggered by you mentioning the bug :-) | 20:43 |
old-lts | Well thank you both. have a nice day ! | 20:43 |
yofel | no, the bot was triggered by the 'bug #XXX' in your message ;) | 20:43 |
yofel | !me | 20:44 |
ubot2 | Hi! I'm #ubuntu-bugs's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots | 20:44 |
old-lts | :-) thanks. bye ! | 20:44 |
Nafallo | ooho. ubot2 is here! nice! :-D | 20:46 |
* Nafallo hosts the bot ;-) | 20:46 | |
penguin42 | Nafallo: Thank you! | 21:03 |
zus | any moentors avaialble today? | 21:07 |
zus | mentors^^ | 21:07 |
micahg | zus: I'm available for occasional questions, but not full fledged mentoring | 21:09 |
* ddecator as well | 21:09 | |
zus | yeah its sometimes hard to tell when im online for any legnth of time to get things going | 21:10 |
stlsaint | ddecator: ping | 21:17 |
ddecator | stlsaint: pong | 21:17 |
stlsaint | ddecator: do i just keep checking the site to see when i get assigned? | 21:18 |
ddecator | stlsaint: they'll email you. most likely tomorrow (they're usually gone on weekends) | 21:19 |
stlsaint | that sucks :P | 21:28 |
hggdh | well, we *do* like weekends, and we *do* have a life elsewhere ;-) | 21:32 |
hggdh | some of the times, at least | 21:32 |
ddecator | hggdh: i would hope so :p | 21:33 |
stlsaint | hggdh: i wasnt suggesting that everyone should work *all* the time and i was saying it sucks cause i forgot that the weekend had come and i understand people are gone!! | 21:35 |
abhi_nav | !weekend | 21:36 |
ubot2 | It's a weekend. Often on weekends the paid developers and a lot of the community may not be around to answer your question. Please be patient, wait longer than you normally would or try again during the working week. | 21:36 |
yofel | btw, the soccer world cup final is still going on, so a few more people are absent right now :P | 21:36 |
stlsaint | holy crap i get it! people are gone im not wigging out here! THANKS! | 21:36 |
hggdh | stlsaint: I know :-) | 21:37 |
hggdh | yofel: like mesself, one eye at the game, one eye here | 21:37 |
yofel | +1 :D | 21:37 |
* ddecator is cheering for holland, just not watching the game | 21:38 | |
trinikrono | :D | 21:43 |
hggdh | raining yellow cards in the game... | 21:48 |
yofel | well, the german commenter already said at the beginning that this game won't finish with 22 players | 21:49 |
yofel | he was right... | 21:49 |
penguin42 | has anyone seen a bug where at the end of installation as it tries to reboot it gets hung with a load of cdrom io errors? | 21:58 |
penguin42 | it almost looks like it has a bunch of IO outstanding as it does the eject | 21:59 |
trinikrono | hey guys what packages deals with unounting a volume from gnome | 22:08 |
trinikrono | *unmounting | 22:08 |
stlsaint | trinikrono: i think its in the base utilis... | 22:08 |
stlsaint | mount/unmount | 22:09 |
zus | any mentors avaialbe? (yet/now?) | 22:23 |
micahg | !weekend > zus | 22:24 |
ubot2 | zus, please see my private message | 22:24 |
zus | thanks | 22:25 |
zus | ill book mark these pages and try tomorrow then. | 22:26 |
micahg | zus: if you have specific questions, feel free to ask | 22:26 |
hggdh | and we will help | 22:26 |
zus | nothing specific, just dont know where to begin, ya know | 22:27 |
zus | and the one page im looking at now, i didnt have a problem, so i dont know how to adress it and move on. | 22:28 |
hggdh | zus: give us a specific question | 22:28 |
zus | if i try to recreate the bug, and i have no issues, then do i change the status from new to what? and for response he /she didnt put if he was using 10.04 or anything | 22:30 |
penguin42 | zus: If he doesn't have enough information then ask for what's missing and put it as incomplete; just because you can't reproduce it doesn't mean it doesn't exist however | 22:43 |
hggdh | zus: Please read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BugSquad/KnowledgeBase -- look at how to triage, Status, etc | 22:46 |
zus | how do i delete a comment from a post i asked a question in the wrong tab,.. | 22:47 |
yofel | you can't delete comments | 22:48 |
yofel | not even edit them | 22:48 |
trinikrono | ddecator: bug 517729 | 22:49 |
ubot2 | Launchpad bug 517729 in usb-creator (Ubuntu) "Doesn't really work on 1GB drive (affects: 1) (heat: 28)" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/517729 | 22:49 |
zus | thats too bad. | 22:50 |
* maxwellian laughs, "xfce4-volumed is taking 50 - 60% cpu constantly after starting Firefox. Huh??" :) | 22:59 | |
maxwellian | You go little go, get you some. | 22:59 |
maxwellian | er, little guy | 23:01 |
zus | sorry had to run afk. | 23:14 |
shadeslayer | hey i see loads of proposed members at https://edge.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-bugcontrol/+members#proposed , should i apply for membership? | 23:18 |
shadeslayer | or will i be waitlisted like the others till eternity :P | 23:19 |
micahg | shadeslayer: aren't you a dev? | 23:19 |
shadeslayer | micahg: nooooo | 23:19 |
* shadeslayer will apply as soon he thinks he is capable | 23:19 | |
shadeslayer | micahg: member yes,dev no | 23:19 |
penguin42 | (Does anyone know an apparmour irc channel with any activity, I asked a question on I think the oftc servers 10 hours ago and there hasn't been any other activity at all) | 23:22 |
yofel | shadeslayer: see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBugControl for the procedure | 23:22 |
shadeslayer | ok | 23:23 |
shadeslayer | was already looking at that :) | 23:23 |
hggdh | shadeslayer: applications are usually reviewed in one week. We are considering cleaning up the backlog on applicants, BTW -- most of them are leftovers | 23:23 |
shadeslayer | hggdh: ah ok... was just a bit concerned looking at the sheer number :P | 23:24 |
shadeslayer | hggdh: btw https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/Status needs a new entry .. Opinion | 23:27 |
micahg | shadeslayer: not yet, we're not officially using it yet | 23:27 |
shadeslayer | micahg: its not official? ... oh right im using edge | 23:27 |
micahg | shadeslayer: no, it's out there, we're just not using it yet, see discussions on ubuntu-bugsquad and ubuntu-devel-discuss | 23:28 |
shadeslayer | micahg: im following bugsquad ML,there was a discussion about a default reply,but "were not using it yet" .. does that mean its not appropriate to set a bug status to opinion ? | 23:29 |
micahg | shadeslayer: that's a matter of *opinion* | 23:29 |
* micahg ducks | 23:29 | |
shadeslayer | agj | 23:29 |
shadeslayer | gah.. | 23:29 |
shadeslayer | :P | 23:29 |
* micahg looks up the message | 23:30 | |
micahg | shadeslayer: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-bugsquad/2010-July/002431.html | 23:31 |
shadeslayer | micahg: ok,i just set opinion on bug 579588 | 23:32 |
ubot2 | Launchpad bug 579588 in kubuntu-website "Outdated information on Support page. (affects: 1) (heat: 8)" [High,Opinion] https://launchpad.net/bugs/579588 | 23:32 |
shadeslayer | i think its the classic example of opinion | 23:32 |
micahg | shadeslayer: no, that is not the correct use of it | 23:33 |
shadeslayer | micahg: uh,why? we can still report bugs with ubuntu-bug | 23:33 |
micahg | shadeslayer: but take that up with the Kubuntu people as that's not a project this channel works with | 23:33 |
micahg | shadeslayer: needing details flushed out isn't opinion | 23:34 |
micahg | shadeslayer: I should clarify, the kubuntu website is something this channel doesn't deal with, we love Kubuntu :) | 23:34 |
shadeslayer | micahg: i was torn between incomplete and opinion,and opinion seemed a more logical | 23:34 |
shadeslayer | micahg: hehe... im a kubuntu member only :P | 23:35 |
micahg | shadeslayer: well, both processes should probably be described | 23:35 |
micahg | shadeslayer: kubuntu member is an ubuntu member | 23:35 |
shadeslayer | micahg: i know.. infact we get more bonus points in some respects :P | 23:35 |
yofel | shadeslayer: the difference there is that incomplete is incomplete whereas opinion counts as closed | 23:36 |
shadeslayer | ill poke someone on #kubuntu-devel about it | 23:36 |
shadeslayer | yofel: opinion counts as closed? :o | 23:36 |
shadeslayer | i thought opinion == needs a debate | 23:36 |
micahg | shadeslayer: yes, it's a closed state like Invalid, Fix Released, Won't Fix | 23:37 |
hggdh | shadeslayer: Opinion is still in discussion... | 23:37 |
yofel | exactly, it's for when we want to close a bug, but someone else disagrees with that... or something like that... | 23:37 |
hggdh | so I personally am refraining to add it in until a consensus arrives. | 23:37 |
shadeslayer | ok,seems i made a mistake with this bug then :) | 23:37 |
hggdh | shadeslayer: Opinion should be restricted to bugs where we will not fix (whatever the issue is) but the community has string positions, and keep on discussing the issue | 23:39 |
shadeslayer | that seems a good way to describe it | 23:39 |
shadeslayer | hggdh: that we do not consider a issue but the community does | 23:40 |
shadeslayer | hggdh: but.. does that mean the bug can be opened again in the future? | 23:40 |
hggdh | shadeslayer: this is one of the things we want to clarify. I do not see any reason why it could not be reopened, but I would like it to require special access | 23:43 |
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