
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-classroom to: Welcome to the Ubuntu Classroom - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Classroom || Support in #ubuntu || Upcoming Schedule: http://is.gd/8rtIi || Questions in #ubuntu-classroom-chat || Event: Ubuntu User Days - Current Session: Trusted Software, Where to find it, and why - Instructor: paultag
pleia2Reminder: We have a poll about the day to collect feedback, so please fill it out after the day when you have a chance so we know how to make things better :) http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/FJ697T700:00
pleia2Next up we have ptagliamonte who will be talking about Trusted Software!00:01
paultagover here pleia2 :)00:01
pleia2Paul Tagliamonte is a member of the Ubuntu Beginners team, and loves the Red Sox more then life it's self. His 10 years as an GNU/Linux user will aid in presenting material in a digestible manner for new users. Quoting maco about paultag "and on the 19th day, paultag created elephants, then mated them with sheep to make snuffleupagus". Could not have said it better myself.00:01
paultagShalom, Aloha and Hallo! I'm Paul Tagliamonte. I've spent a few years working with the Ubuntu Beginners team, as well as the Ohio Team, and the LoCo Council. Shoutout to everyone from my LoCo, any LoCo, and all my Beginners Team buddies! love you guys!00:02
paultagWell, geez I love bragging, but let me move on to the few little qualifications I have to make, but let me keep the boring stuff to a minimum. Pay attention now, so you understand where I'm coming from later! ( This ain't no airplane safety talk! )00:02
paultagI'm here to talk about trusted software, and why it matters. This is really important for anyone switching from OSX or Windows, and ( I think ) pretty interesting to anyone who runs a Debian or Debian Derived system ( such as Ubuntu! ).00:03
paultagI had a *ton* of slides, but I lost them Thursday night. They were all done up with the new Ubuntu font, and pretty colors in the GIMP. They were almost as good as Jono. Sorry all you lernid users, guess you will just have to read :)00:03
paultagMy target audience is really aimed at the new user who has a small to medium degree of technical background who wishes to learn more about the Ubuntu software ecosystem. If you are a GNU/Linux hotshot, chances are most of this is a bit of a review. You can go and get yourself some tea while I start off :)00:04
paultagI'd like to preface what I have to say with the following bit:00:04
paultag {*} I'm not Ubuntu MOTU ( Ubuntu Package Maintainer )00:04
paultag {*} I'm not Debian Developer or Maintainer. I do, however work on the `fluxbox` package with two other guys. That hardly counts, though.00:04
paultag {*} I'm not a security professional00:04
paultag {*} I'm doing this to help new users understand the why of what we do, not an in-depth technical review of what we do00:05
paultagStuff that I present could be wrong. The issues, however, won't be the concepts. If you ask me a technical question, I will answer it to the best of my ability, but I do not want to assert that I know everything there is to know about Debian packaging. That, of course, is wildly false :)00:05
paultagSome things to know:00:06
paultagUbuntu comes from Debian. We sync our packages every six months, and we largely pull from Debian. We give lots back, but they are our "Upstream". Ubuntu users, therefore, can trust Debian developers, and repositories.00:06
paultagKeep this in mind for the next 50 minutes :)00:06
paultagSo, I'd like to start off with a quote from the philosopher Frank Zappa ( Don't laugh, he rocks! ) --00:07
paultag "Without deviation from the norm, progress is not possible"00:07
paultagUbuntu and Debian are only here because one of us hackers ( not crackers! ) thought "Humm, well this way seems better, let's try it out!". After a few applications of the evolutionary theory, the best ideas stuck around.00:07
paultagDarwin would surely be proud.  :)00:07
paultagOne of these radical changes was a bit of software called "dpkg"00:08
paultagdpkg let users install pre-compiled packages, cutting out the need for a C(++ perhaps?) compiler, and hours of time to build the system up. After all, building from source is a tad painful ( don't think the Gentoo guys have figured that out yet! )00:08
paultagThis, however had already been done before. What made dpkg different were it's new features. It tracked files in the filesystem, maintained dependencies, and "just worked".00:09
paultagAfter a bit more time had passed, the system we use today was perfected. `apt` was born. Huzzah!00:09
paultagSo, what makes the apt system so great?00:10
paultagTrust. Trust is what ties together the whole system.00:10
paultagNo, not take-it-on-faith-this-site-does-not-look-sketchy-i'll-just-install-it trust, but real trust.00:10
paultagLet's face it. Most crackers and black-hats are pretty damn good at what they do. If they can get you comfortable with exploiting your own system, they know a thing or two. If they are good enough to know how to keep the infection process subtle, chances are they will have the exploit be subtle.00:11
paultagIt's not often that a computer virus will go through and destroy the box bit-by-bit, or have lots of pop-ups, that hack has been dying out for years. More often then not, it's more effective to use your computer as part of a bot net.00:11
paultagIt's like the difference between spray painting a wall to show off how cool you are versus running a pyramid scheme from inside the building. One pisses people off, and the second makes you money while you piss people off.00:12
paultagSo, even if you had installed that shady bit of software, it might work just fine -- but also be "hacked".00:14
paultagWhen you install something on Windows, there is this natural process that one goes through. The first step is identifying what you want. Bob here is currently in the market to talk with Carroll. Carroll says "Just skype me!". If Bob can't find the Skype website, Bob googles "Skype", and clicks on the first site that looks like it might have the .exe on it.00:14
paultagBob finds the .exe from Thiston, our Third Party, and installs it.00:15
paultagEveryone still with my using my A-B-C / Third Party setup? Good? Good.00:15
paultagSee, Bob trusts Skype, but Bob sure as heck does not trust Thiston. In fact, Thiston may or may not have injected malicious code into the Skype packge to be installed. Bob does not know, after all, he just wants to talk with Carroll.00:16
paultagWell wait a minute! When did it become OK to just install anything from anywhere!?00:16
paultagBack to trust, and Ubuntu.00:16
paultagWith Ubuntu you type "sudo apt-get install skype". I'm not here to flaunt how much we've cut out of the google'ing process, or even how easy you all know it is, rather, just start to point something out. All the software comes from these big blobs called "Repositories".00:17
paultagThey are similar to the app store for an iPhone or Android00:19
paultagI can hear you all asking already "Well, fine. What's the difference between a website full of software and your special little website-repository-thing full of software?"00:19
=== Sodlig is now known as ech0tk
paultagOne key thing. Trust. I know I keep coming back to this, but that's how it works. Not just anyone can upload to the repository. A select group of highly trained and marginally insane folks known as the MOTU in Ubuntu, and Debian Developers in Debian have access to the packages.00:19
paultag[19:21] <rogerdg> What does MOTU stand for?00:21
paultag[19:21] <maco> Masters of the Universe ( Thanks, Maco! )00:21
paultagThe process for getting a package into Debian is actually quite difficult, from the outside. It requires an intensive review, and quite a bit of "book keeping". Each package is evaluated on it's suitability to be placed in the archives. License issues are evaluated ( DFSG, or Debian Free Software Guidelines for Debian, and a slightly more liberal approach for Ubuntu ), as well as a review of the source code.00:21
paultagIf the package is eligible for upload into the repositories, an enterprising dev-head in the Debian community ( or Ubuntu community requesting to upload to Debian ( being our upstream, and all ) ) will package the software with lots of data on where it came from, who it came from, how it can be distributed, as well as what it does.00:22
paultagThis template file will be uploaded for review, and sponsored. If the person doing the packaging is a Debian Developer, they are considered part of the project it's self, and may upload a package once they see that it's suitable.00:23
paultagLet's stop here for a second --00:23
paultagWhy can we trust a Debian Developer?00:23
paultag[19:23] <regi> If a software or a software update is added to the debian repository, is it also automatically included in ubuntu?00:24
paultagregi: Yup, every 6 months we sync with Debian00:24
paultagBefore I can answer that, I need to answer another question -- How can we trust a Debian Developer.00:24
paultagThe answer is a system called "GPG" or "GnuPG". ( Thanks, dad for talking this out with me last week!! ) It's a F/OSS ( Free / Open Source Software ) implementation of the PGP library. In nerd speak, it uses a symmetric key pair to assert identity. One side is public ( anyone and everyone can have a copy without it causing security concerns ) and the second is private ( super-top-secret ).00:25
paultagWhen you take your private key and "touch" a document, it leaves a "fingerprint" on it. This "fingerprint" is totally unique to your key, and can not be duplicated or forged ( by use of a one-way hashing function ).00:26
paultagIn addition, this key can be "touched" by other people, leaving their fingerprint on your key. When you "touch" someone else's key, it shows that you know them. This is called signing a key.00:27
paultagDD is a Debian Developer, by the way ( If I ever use that term, thanks jledbetter )00:27
paultagIn order to become a Debian Developer, you must have a key signature by an existing Debian Developer. To have your key signed, you must meet up in real live, and present your ID and key signature. This is a one-way relationship ( saying "Alice trusts Bob" does not say "Bob trusts Alice" ), however, most key signs are reciprocated.00:28
paultagThis builds up something known as a "Ring of Trust". This ring means that every single developer can trust the origin of anything signed by another developer.00:29
paultagSince the Debian Project is nothing but the collection of Debian Developers, the Debian project can trust the origin of any file by another developer.00:30
paultagThere is something called the "Strong set" which is a huge network that is very very tight00:31
paultagSo, why can we trust a developer?00:32
paultagIf we trust the project, and the project trusts the developer, then we trust the developer. It's as easy as that.00:32
paultagWell, what if this vetting process is compromised, after all, GPG signatures only verify identity, not trust00:33
paultag<maco> [the strong set] is the largest set of pgp keys on public servers that are all able to reach each other00:33
paultagYou can read a bit more about it http://pgp.cs.uu.nl/plot/ <-- ( thanks again maco! )00:33
paultagAnyway, back on track --00:34
paultagBack It takes about two years of quality work before you can even be considered for Debian Developer status. Before you could even start to think about compromising the system, you have to spend a considerable time and effort. This will deter most people.00:34
paultagThis does not, however, exclude the possibility. If a Debian Developer is found to be compromising the integrity of the package, they will be removed from the project. Keep in mind that the Ubuntu ecosystem is identical.00:35
paultagSo, we can ensure that this big repository is safe, and reviewed. So, when we install from this repository, we can ensure our system is safe. After all, if we trust the OS to run on the PC, we can surely trust software they provide as safe.00:36
paultagSo, let's get back to basics. Some stuff that goes on that makes this system tick:00:36
paultagHash-sums. No one in any of the systems can escape verifying the checksum of the file. When the upstream .tar.gz file ( source package ) gets imported, it's hash checksum is computed, and logged. Under *NO* conditions should the Debian developer or Ubuntu MOTU modify the .tar.gz without explaining why it was changed, in detail.00:37
paultagThe only sitution that this is done is dfsg compliance. dfsg changes are usually just removing stuff, but when a maintainer does this, it is verified as to exactly what was changed. a00:38
paultagAfter this, the dsc is created ( any patches are contained in the dsc upload files, and easily viewed as to what each does ) and "touched" by the developer.00:38
paultagWhat this all means is that all changes are documented and attributed to the developer who made them. Any changes to their changes will cause a checksum failure, and an invalid package.00:39
paultagThis means that we can be totally sure as to where a file came from, and audit the authenticity of any and all packages.00:39
paultagCan't do that with a .exe or .dmg!00:39
paultagWhen you download and install a .exe from any site other then it's author's, you are exposing your machine to a potental security risk.00:40
paultagSimilarly, installing .deb files from just anywhere is just as bad. After all, because it's not trusted by your operating system, it's not trusted by you!00:40
paultagWhen you install a package, it installs as root. This means that there is zero ( read: *NO* ) security protection or limits. Since there are package scripts that can run before and / or after install or removal, the script can run any code *at* *all*.00:40
paultagThis is useful for installing a new system service, but quite the opposite for installing a security backdoor.00:41
paultagSo, what happens when you need to install some software, but it's not in the Ubuntu repository?00:42
paultagThere are a few things you can do here. The first course of action is to check sister and parent distros for the package in question. First, check upstream. Look to Debian Testing or Debian Unstable. It's true that we are not Debian, but installing a package from upstream is a lot better then some of the other ways to get the software. This can lead to issues, but again, these issues are a whole lot better to deal with rather then rooting 00:43
paultagAfter all, it's not hard to put sshd as a dependency on a package ( that does not need it ) and set the root password in the pre/post install script!00:43
paultagIf all this fails, look to downstream. Check Mint, or any other Ubuntu branches. If it's a reputable distro, it might be compatable, and again, worth a shot.00:44
paultagLastly, look to "stranger" distros. Check out Red Hat, CentOS, Fedora, Slackware -- and try and massage the package into your system with `alien`. This can ( and will ) cause problems with long-term use, but it's OK for a quick-and-simple one-shot.00:45
paultag[19:46] <benhosmer> I'd never heard of 'alien' is this debian specific command?00:46
paultagbenhosmer: it's a command that converts 'alien' packages into Debian packages. It's not debian specific as such, because it can work both ways00:47
paultag[19:46] <Lrpbpb> not sure if it is relevant, but where do ppa come into all of this?00:47
paultagLrpbpb: PPAs are a bit better, but they still have untrusted software. Always trust the author of a PPA!00:47
paultagPPA stands for Personal Package Archive00:48
paultag( Just FYI )00:48
paultag[19:48] <benhosmer> so alien is a 'nix command?00:48
paultagbenhosmer: first of all it's *n[u|i]x, it's linUx ;)00:48
paultagbenhosmer: second of all, it should work on most GNU platforms00:49
paultagWorst comes to wost, and it's nowhere to be found. Well, uh oh. Contact the author. Developers love hearing from users.00:49
paultagSee if the author would be willing to try and get the package into Debian. There is lots out there about how to get the software into the ecosystem.00:49
paultagFailing all this, you can try to install from source. Installing from source is always dangerous, and can be overwhelming. I'd rather not get into the process in this session, it's something entirely out of the scope of this session.00:50
paultag[19:50] <ddecator> you can also file a "needs packaging" bug if you really want00:50
paultagYou sure can, thanks Dray :)00:50
ClassBotThere are are 10 minutes remaining in the current session.00:50
paultagYou can use some tools like `checkinstall` to make things easier. These tools let you follow the normal procedure of installing from source, and also keeping it in a deb format. These deps should really be not be distributed. There is a reason the process is the way it is, if you know what I mean. :)00:50
paultagLet me finish up my last little bit and I'll get to questions00:51
paultagAnother big no-no is using wget to download a script, and run it. Running wgot files is very dangerous, even more so when the files are of unknown origin. Something like the alsa script from the alsa website it's self is OK, but a script off someone's personal website for software they are not involved in is a big no-no.00:51
paultagIf you are forced to do this, please have someone look over the file. It's far too easy to compromise a machine with a shell script. About 7 months ago, someone posted a hack as a screensaver and infected a few machines because people ran malicious commands unwittingly. Try and avoid the "Look something shiny" effect with software00:51
paultagtake your time installing it, rushing anything is bad00:52
paultagOK, I have 10 minutes left, so, I'm going to open the remaining bit of this period to questions. I know what I just rattled off was a whole lot, and there is a lot of stuff that I glanced over that really is key to what we are talking about. I'd love to clarify any questions you might have :)00:52
paultag[19:53] <suprengr> QUESTION: a popular non-trusted add-on is Ubuntuzilla - why?00:54
paultag[19:54] <suprengr> ...as in why do people think its safe00:54
paultagWell, it is :)00:54
paultagthere is a peer review going on00:55
paultagif there is a site where there is this huge dump of software, and people say "Wow, that's great" and it's Open Source, it can gain a reputation00:55
ClassBotThere are are 5 minutes remaining in the current session.00:55
paultagsince the site is trusted by your web-browser ( Firefox ) you can depend on it not destroying your box00:55
paultagif you just download it from hacksite.info, it would be an issue00:55
paultag[19:54] <Lrpbpb> QUESTION: is there any way of knowing IF the system has been compromised?00:55
paultagGreat question!00:56
paultagIt really depends on how it was comprimised. There is a lot of peer-review going on, so people who check over new changes are really the first line of defense00:56
paultagIf it's a slick change that's made it in deep, it's very very hard to discover. We are lucky, however, that most professionals use GNU/Linux in their infrastructure and verify their system's integrity00:57
paultag[19:57] <maco> Lrpbpb: chkrootkit is a good start00:57
paultag[19:57] <maco> Lrpbpb: also, debsums00:57
paultagYeah, these are great ways to manage the system. Debsums will check the dpkg database on each file00:57
paultagand it will even be less prone to failure due to defers in the dpkg system00:58
paultag( if two packages provide the same file, debsums will know it's only going to be the one that's actually in there, and won't throw a false positive )00:58
paultagBut the main, and best method is to always be wary of how the system is running00:59
paultagreport any issues you find, after all, we can't ESP bug reports just yet00:59
paultagAny other questions in the last 20 seconds?00:59
pleia2thanks paultag!01:00
paultagThanks guys!01:00
paultagsure thing pleia201:00
pleia2Reminder: We have a poll about the day to collect feedback, so please fill it out after the day when you have a chance so we know how to make things better :) http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/FJ697T701:00
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-classroom to: Welcome to the Ubuntu Classroom - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Classroom || Support in #ubuntu || Upcoming Schedule: http://is.gd/8rtIi || Questions in #ubuntu-classroom-chat || Event: Ubuntu User Days - Current Session: Using Launchpad - Instructor: ddecator - Slides: http://people.ubuntu.com/~nhandler/slides/userdaylucid/UsingLaunchpad.pdf
ClassBotSlides for Using Launchpad: http://people.ubuntu.com/~nhandler/slides/userdaylucid/UsingLaunchpad.pdf01:00
pleia2Another reminder, when you're asking questions, please prefix them with QUESTION: so the instructors using classbot can easily have them posted01:00
pleia2Now we have ddecator joining us to talk about Launchpad :)01:01
pleia2Draycen DeCator is a member of the Ubuntu BugControl and Ubuntu Beginners teams. He is a Psychology student at DePaul University in Chicago. His session will cover how users can effectively use the Launchpad site, especially with regards to the Ubuntu project. Draycen is often found on IRC and is always willing to answer questions.01:01
ddecatorHello everyone, and welcome to the "Using Launchpad" session!01:01
ddecatorpleia2 was kind enough to already explain how to ask questions :)01:02
ddecatorRather than go into extreme detail for each section, I will be giving a summary of each resource Launchpad provides, then I'll be open to questions after each section and at the end of the session01:02
ddecatorThis session also has a corresponding slideshow for those of you using Lernid (which should be displaying already since ClassBot provided the URL)01:03
ddecatorIf you are not using Lernid, then you will only miss out on screenshots of certain Launchpad pages. These screenshots can help you understand what I am talking about, but you can follow along in any IRC client and still be fine. You can also download the slideshow using the provided link and follow along manually01:03
ddecatorFinally, I recommend you login to Launchpad.net now (or create an account if you need to) at this time. I will try to go fairly slow so you can see what I'm talking about on the site for you hands-on learners :)01:04
ddecatorAlright, with that out of the way, let's begin!01:04
ddecator[SLIDE 1]01:04
ddecatorLaunchpad is a site dedicated to helping projects be successful. In order to do so, the site offers many of the services needed by project leaders01:04
ddecatorThe site can be used for free if the project is open-source, or for a fee if the project is closed-source01:05
ddecatorThat being said, we're hear to learn users can actually use the site!01:05
ddecatorlearn how users*01:05
ddecator[SLIDE 2]01:06
ddecatorThe main areas of Launchpad are Project Overviews, Code hosting, Bug tracking, Blueprints, Translations, and Answers01:06
ddecatorWe will cover each of these areas one at a time, starting with...01:06
ddecator[SLIDE 3]01:06
ddecatorProject Overiews!01:06
ddecatorEvery project on Launchpad gets an overview page where the owners/maintainers can provide a description of the project, link to webpages related to the project, and link to the Launchpad tools the project uses01:07
ddecatorProject leaders must enable each of Launchpad's services if they want to use them. As a result, some projects just have an overview page that links to their bug tracker and website.01:07
ddecatorEven if that's the case, the overview page is a great resource for users who want to learn more about a project, or package, and how they can get involved01:08
ddecator[SLIDE 4]01:09
ddecatorHere is the Ubuntu project's overview page01:09
ddecatorIn the picture, I have added red arrows pointing out how you can reach the other areas of Launchpad used by the project01:09
ddecatorFor example, clicking on "Bugs" will bring you to a page listing all of the reported bugs related to Ubuntu01:09
ddecatorThe links on the right, under "Get Involved," can be used if you want to help with the project, and they are fairly self-explanatory01:10
ddecatorFor example, if you click "Ask a question," you will be brought to a page where you can fill out a question and add it to the Answers section (which we will cover later in the session)01:10
ddecatorThe overview page also gives information on versions of the project that have been released, what version is the current development focus, who owns the project, and who the top contributors to the project are01:11
ddecatorOK, are there any questions at this point?01:11
ddecatorGreat! Now that everyone is on the same page, lets go through each section listed on the overview page in order01:13
ddecator[SLIDE 5]01:13
ddecatorFirst up is the "Code" section01:13
ddecatorIf you go to a project's code section, you can see what "branches" of code are hosted for the project on Launchpad01:13
ddecatorCode branches are basically directories that contain code needed by projects. Usually there is one branch for each version/release of the software.01:14
ddecatorThese branches are created and manipulated using the Bazaar (bzr) tool01:15
ddecatorUsing bzr, users can easily pull (download) code from Launchpad, view/manipulate the code, and push (upload) the code back to Launchpad01:15
ddecatorFor more info on how to use bzr, you can run "bzr --help" in a terminal (if you have bzr installed)01:16
ddecatorLaunchpad also uses Loggerhead, which allows users to view a branch's contents from their web browser01:16
ddecator[SLIDE 6]01:16
ddecatorLoggerhead is a great tool if you want to see what files and directories are in a branch, or if you want to view the contents of a file in a branch without having to download everything01:16
ddecatorTo use Loggerhead, you can go to a project's code page, click the branch you want to view (such as "lp:firefox"), then on the branch's page you can click the "View the branch content" link, which will bring you to Loggerhead01:17
ddecatorUsing Loggerhead, you can click through directories and files and view their contents01:18
ddecatorYou may also notice that on a branch's page you can see the latest revisions near the bottom of the page01:18
ddecatorClicking "All revisions" will bring you to a Loggerhead page that shows you all of the revisions made to the branch, along with the description given by the person who made the change, and a list of what files were changed01:18
ddecatorThis tool is very helpful if you want to see when a certain change was made, who made the change, and/or how the change was made01:19
ddecatorAlright, is everybody still with me? Any questions?01:19
ddecator[SLIDE 7]01:20
ddecatorBugs is a commonly used area of Launchpad01:21
ddecatorUsers who run into a bug in a program can use Launchpad's bug tracker to let the developers know about the issue so they can fix it (if the project has decided to use Launchpad's bug tracker instead of their own)01:21
ddecatorIf you go to a project or package's bug page, you can see what bugs are open, and you can search by keyword, status, etc.01:21
ddecatorFor Ubuntu, if you run into an issue with a program you should file a bug against the package if possible instead of the "upstream" project. Sometimes bugs are due to a patch applied just on Ubuntu, or a mistake with the packaging. If the bug needs to be handled by the developers, then we can forward reports upstream01:22
ddecatorIf you have a bug, you can use Launchpad to search the current bug reports to see if it has been reported already01:22
ddecator[SLIDE 8]01:23
ddecatorIn the event that you find a bug report for your issue, you can mark the bug as affecting you by clicking the "This bug affects # people. Does this bug affect you?" link. Marking a bug as affecting you helps developers see what bugs are affecting the most users, and thus need a higher priority01:23
ddecatorYou can also subscribe to a bug report using the "Subscribe" link on the right side of the report's page01:23
ddecatorIf you do not find a report for the bug you are experiencing, you can click "Report a bug" on a project's overview page or, for Ubuntu, run "ubuntu-bug <package>" in a terminal (which adds debugging info to the report automatically)01:24
ddecatorEither option will bring you to a Launchpad page where you can fill in the details about the bug and attach files such as logs or patches01:24
ddecatorAfter a bug is reported, a triager will hopefully find your report and help make sure there is enough info for the developers. If you reported a bug or are subscribed to a bug, you will receive emails for new comments and changes to the report so you will know if more information is requested01:25
ddecatorA quick note: If you find a report for a bug you are experiencing, feel free to add a comment if you can add new information, but please avoid leaving comments that just say "I have this too" since that does not help much :)01:25
ddecatorOn Ubuntu, bug triage is largely handled by the BugSquad. Users who want to help with bug triage can learn more at the BugSquad's wiki page: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BugSquad01:26
ddecatorOK, any questions about the bugs section?01:26
ClassBotsuprengr asked: not the point in hand [except bugs=karma] but doesn't the "karma"points system smell a bit of class/caste descrimination?01:27
ddecatorGood question, karma is something a lot of users wonder about01:27
ddecatorIn reality, karma means nothing. Karma points are given to "reward" users for helping out, but some of the most involved developers only have a few hundred karma points01:28
ddecatorHaving more or less karma than someone else in no way makes you better or worse, and community members know this :)01:29
ddecatorAny other questions before we move on?01:29
ddecatorReal quick: If you want more info on how karma is determined, you can go here: https://help.launchpad.net/YourAccount/Karma01:30
ddecatorAlright, moving on01:31
ddecator[SLIDE 9]01:31
ddecatorThe Blueprints section is more helpful for project maintainers than users, but some users may find them handy01:31
ddecatorBlueprints are a way for project maintainers to keep track of what their plans are for a project, and they can mark things done as they go along01:31
ddecatorUsers who want to see what is planned for the future of a project can look to see if the project has any blueprints hosted on Launchpad01:32
ddecatorYou are even able to subscribe to blueprints so you will get emails whenever the blueprint is updated01:32
ddecatorSince blueprints are more for project maintainers than users, I don't have much more to talk about01:32
ddecatorAny quick questions about blueprints before we move on?01:33
ddecator[SLIDE 10]01:35
ddecatorA very nice and useful area of Launchpad is Translations01:35
ddecatorMost programs are written in English, so they need to be translated for non-English speakers to effectively use them01:35
ddecatorUsers are able to see how much of a project is translated via the Translations area01:35
ddecator[SLIDE 11]01:36
ddecatorThe Ubuntu Translations page shows a progress bar next to each language which tells you how much of the project has been translated to that language01:36
ddecatorUsers who are fluent in a non-English language are more than welcome to help out with translating Ubuntu01:36
ddecatorFrom the Ubuntu Translations page, you can click your language, then see what packages need translating into your language01:36
ddecatorIf you find a package that has red in the progress bar (meaning it has strings (sentences) that are untranslated), then you can click that package and you will be brought to a screen where you can translate different strings01:37
ddecatorLaunchpad will also show you some current translations so you can review them and suggest a new translation if you feel it can be improved01:37
ddecatorWhen you first go to translate, Launchpad will ask you to license your translations under the BSD license so projects can use your translations, so please do so if you want your translations to be used effectively01:38
ddecatorOK, any questions about translations?01:38
ddecator[SLIDE 12]01:40
ddecatorAnd finally, the last section is Answers01:40
ddecatorThis section allows users to submit questions to projects and, hopefully, get an answer from a maintainer or someone familiar with the project01:40
ddecatorFor Ubuntu, Answers supplements the forums and IRC01:40
ddecatorIf you have a question that is specific to a project or a package, you can go to the project's page and click "Ask a question" on the right side01:41
ddecator[SLIDE 13]01:41
ddecatorFrom there, you will be prompted to state your question. Launchpad will then suggest any questions that seem to be similar (just in case someone has already asked your question)01:41
ddecatorIf your question has not been asked, then you can provide more details and post the question01:42
ddecatorThe processes for asking a question and reporting a bug are very similar, so if you've done one then you should have no trouble doing the other01:42
ddecatorUsers are also welcome to share their knowledge and help answer questions01:42
ddecatorIf you go to the Answers section of a project, you will see a list of questions that have been asked01:43
ddecatorYou can find a question that you can answer, click the link, then leave a comment and change the status (if appropriate)01:43
ddecatorMuch like other areas of Launchpad, you can also subscribe to questions so if there are any responses you will get an email01:43
ddecatorAlright, any questions on the Answers section?01:43
ddecator[SLIDE 14]01:45
ddecatorThere are several areas where you can receive help with using Launchpad if you run into problems01:45
ddecatorOn IRC, we have the #launchpad and #ubuntu-beginners-launchpad channels (both on freenode, and the latter is relatively new, so it may be quiet)01:45
ddecatorThe Launchpad help site (which I have linked to throughout the slideshow) is also a great place to find detailed info on all areas of Launchpad01:46
ddecatorFinally, one of the best tools Launchpad offers is the "staging" site01:46
ddecatorOn the staging site, you can go through menus, make changes, and get an overall feel for how the site works without any of the changes actually being made on the main site01:46
ddecatorThis is great if you want to try contributing but aren't sure how the process works yet. You can go to a bug, change the status, leave a comment, and so on without fear of doing anything wrong01:46
ddecatorIf you're on the staging site, you will see "demo" in the background. That way you will always know if the changes you are making will be saved or not01:47
ddecatorAlright, I think that's everything I needed to talk about! The rest of the session can be used for questions, so ask away :)01:47
ClassBotThere are are 10 minutes remaining in the current session.01:50
ddecatorIf you want to report a bug using ubuntu-bug and Launchpad's staging site, you can run "APPORT_STAGING=1 ubuntu-bug <package>"01:50
ddecatorApport is the program called when you run "ubuntu-bug" and it handles collecting debugging info from your system01:51
ClassBotrogerdg asked: If a user has found a flaw in an application and wants to report it, but the bug reports say the problem has been fixed what should the user do?01:51
ddecatorVery good question!01:51
ddecatorFirst, the user should make sure their software is fully up-to-date (just in case they haven't received the update that fixes the bug yet)01:52
ddecatorIf it is, and the problem still persists, then there is likely a regression in the program01:52
ddecatorIn this case, it is best to open a new report using ubuntu-bug, then mention the previous report and mention that it may be a regression01:53
ddecatorThis is easier for developers to handle than dealing with bug reports being re-opened and getting longer and more disorganized01:53
ddecatorWe have ~6 more minutes for questions :)01:54
ClassBotThere are are 5 minutes remaining in the current session.01:55
ddecatorWe still have a few more minutes for questions, but I just want to mention real quick that everyone is welcome to PM me on IRC if they have any questions01:57
ddecatorAh, maco bring ups a good point. Bugs marked "Fix released" may be fixed in the development release, but not the stable. If the issue isn't security related, it may not be fixed in the stable release01:59
ddecatorThanks maco :)01:59
ddecatorOK, thanks to everyone for attending, I'm going to pass things on to the awesome maco and pleia2!02:00
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-classroom to: Welcome to the Ubuntu Classroom - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Classroom || Support in #ubuntu || Upcoming Schedule: http://is.gd/8rtIi || Questions in #ubuntu-classroom-chat || Event: Ubuntu User Days - Current Session: Desktop Environments: Gnome, KDE, XFCE - Instructors: maco, pleia2
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Pendulumthanks ddecator!02:02
PendulumNext up is pleia2 and maco talking about Desktop Environments: Gnome, KDE, XFCE02:03
PendulumPlease remember to fill our our survey after your last course for the day!02:03
PendulumElizabeth Krumbach is a member of the Community Council and has been using Xubuntu since she began down the *buntu road several years ago. She works as Debian Sysadmin and does upstream development in Debian.02:04
PendulumMackenzie Morgan is a senior at GWU.  She is a MOTU and a Kubuntu enthusiast.  She is the author of Gally, an open source software that teaches vocabulary and grammar for sign languages.  She's pretty much all over ubuntu IRC channels teaching others how to be just as awesome.02:05
pleia2Hi everyone! Welcome to the session on Desktop Environments.02:05
pleia2To start out, I will quickly explain what a Desktop Environment is.02:05
pleia2A Desktop Environment is the full interface, including Window Manager, panels, menus, engines, tools and applications which are put or built to work together.02:05
pleia2By default, when you install Ubuntu you will get "Gnome" as your Desktop Environment. Other options for a Desktop Environment include KDE and XFCE.02:06
pleia2I will note, as it can be confusing, but a "Window Manager" is not a "Desktop Environment", it's only a part of it. At the core, a Window Manager simply handles the behavior of the windows on your screen.02:06
pleia2As far as Window Managers go, Gnome uses Metacity, KDE uses KWin, and XFCE uses XFwm. A common example of when you may replace a Window Manager is when you use Compiz Fusion, the window manager which gives you "The Cube" and other effects in the Gnome or KDE Desktop Environments.02:07
pleia2So, why would you want to switch from Gnome, the default in Ubuntu, to a different Desktop Environment?02:08
macoYou can replace your default DE's window manager too! (I do)02:08
pleia2One popular reason is simply preference. Give another one a try! You may like you find out how customizable the panels are in XFCE, or the flashy widgets are in KDE.02:08
ClassBotsebsebseb asked: Will LXDE/Lubuntu get covered at all in this session?  I guess not or not as such, since its not properly offical just yet, but will be starting with 10.10 it seems.  Also for people that don't know LXDE/Lubuntu is in the 9.10 and 10.04 repos.02:08
pleia2sebsebseb: Not really, we're only really focusing on the 3 main official ones here02:09
pleia2Another is speed/performance. Some let you slim down your environment by loading up fewer things by default, some are faster (usually by sacrificing eye candy), some work with lighter window managers which may run better on your system.02:09
macoThe default Ubuntu desktop is what you get with an Ubuntu CD02:10
macoIf you're running one of the other desktops right now, you can also get it by installing the "ubuntu-desktop" package using apt-get or aptitude02:11
macoOr using KPackageKit on Kubuntu or Synaptic on Xubuntu02:11
macoHmm I should back up. The three main versions of Ubuntu, since sebsebseb mentioned Lubuntu already... are Ubuntu, Kubuntu, and Xubuntu02:12
macoUbuntu, as Lyz said, uses GNOME.  Kubuntu uses KDE, and Xubuntu uses Xfce02:12
macoYou can install any of them from a CD specifically containing that version, or you can install another of them right along with your current version by simply installing the *-desktop metapackage02:13
macoIt'll pull in everything that's normally included on the CD for that version and add an entry to the options on your login screen so you can pick between them02:13
macoMetapackages are just dummy packages that pull in lots of others as dependencies so you can get full sets02:13
macoIt won't replace the version you have automatically though, just add on02:14
macoThis means you end up with quite a few more applications installed since Ubuntu, Kubuntu, and Xubuntu each have their own set of default applications02:14
macoYou'll also notice that each has its own default theme and wallpaper and all that goodness.  Ubuntu's historically been the brown one, but now it's eggplant/aubergine/purple.  Kubuntu's the blue one. And Xubuntu's that funny colour that comes between blue and grey02:15
ClassBotsebsebseb asked: Its true isn't it that put simply,  a window manager is only a graphical user interface for an operating system, where as a desktop environment is the OS GUI, but also a group of apps?02:17
pleia2Pretty much, window manager is only a part of the graphical interface, primarily controling the actual windows02:17
macoIt's possible to run with just a window manager (such as Fluxbox or Enlightenment) and no desktop environment.  The window manager just makes sure the windows get drawn.02:17
macoThen you get to mix 'n match your applications02:17
pleia2< suprengr> QUESTIOM: tried KDE desktop within Ubuntu for one session... removed it.  Nowstuck with Firefox using a KDE font for disolay [menus and pafe text].  Everthing under PureGnome' has failed, [ditto re-install of Ubuntu-desktop package],, has it substituted a font somewhere I wonder?02:20
macoThat could be a problem with ~/.fontconfig I suppose. Firefox has its own font settings as well though, in Edit -> Preferences02:20
pleia2Ok, we'll move on, now, each of these comes with different software and looks different, we'll now explain a bit about them and how they differ02:21
macoOK so the default Ubuntu desktop includes 2 panels, the top one with 3 menus, and the bottom holding your windows.  It's also been a testing ground for the new notification system in Ubuntu, notify-osd02:24
macoThe introduction of the new notification system was an interesting moment for GNOME and KDE to work together.  KDE gained support for the way of producing notifications GNOME uses, and Ubuntu gained support for KDE's tray system.  What does this mean for you? It means that when you use some KDE apps in Ubuntu and some GNOME ones in Kubuntu, they blend in with their surroundings much better!02:25
macoIn Ubuntu, the GNOME web browser, Epiphany, is replaced with the cross-platform favourite, Firefox02:26
macoThe set of default apps has been changing a lot in recent years though.  For example, there was a move from Pidgin to the GNOME Empathy.  It was a rough transition, but things mostly work now (barring Empathy's poor IRC support).  F-Spot is there to manage your photos but will be replaced in 10.10 with Shotwell.02:27
ClassBotLrpbpb asked: will pitivi also be replaced, (I'm pretty sure there is a video editor from the same developer of shotwell)02:29
macoI haven't heard anything about that.  Pitivi was just recently added, replacing photo editor the GIMP02:29
ClassBotLrpbpb asked: how about banshee replacing rhythmbox?02:30
macoThat's been discussed at a few Ubuntu Developer Summits.  It was marked for "maybe" in 9.10, but the custom widgets it uses were not able to work properly with the Accessibility tools that visually impaired users need.02:31
macoI missed the last UDS, though, so best I could do right now is go read the specs and tell you what they say, but that'd take time away from this02:31
macoSo, moving on to Kubuntu, which is what I use...02:32
macoKubuntu is the pretty one with lots of nifty widgets to do all sorts of handy things.  Or sometimes just silly things, like the bouncing red ball widget.  It bounces around your desktop02:32
macoAs I said before, it uses KDE, and so you can see the Plasma Desktop it uses here:  http://kde.org/workspaces/plasmadesktop/02:33
macoThe panel, everything on the panel, and little widgets on the desktop are all part of Plasma02:33
macoStarting in 10.10, Kubuntu will include Plasma Netbook as well, and let you switch between them in the System Settings, which is like KDE's version of Control Panel02:34
macoYou can see Plasma Netbook here:  http://kde.org/workspaces/plasmanetbook/02:34
macoKubuntu includes the famous Amarok music player, probably the most popular KDE app among GNOME users02:35
macoOne of the goals of the Kubuntu team is to stay as close as reasonably possible to upstream KDE as possible, so KDE.org screenshots are actually accurate for us ;-)02:36
macoSome people think Kubuntu should have its own separate branded artwork, but the Kubuntu team has voted repeatedly that upstream provides such nice stuff, there's no reason to replace it02:36
macoThat said, Kubuntu does include OpenOffice.org instead of KOffice, but it doesn't include Firefox02:37
ClassBotsebsebseb asked: What is the big deal about Amarok,  I have never understood all the hype and I have used Desktop GNU/Linux since 2004 (Ubuntu wasn't an option when I had to pick my first distro, but it was when it was time for me to change distro)02:38
macoIn 10.10, Rekonq will be the default browser, since it's a KDE-based browser that has the advanced WebKit rendering engine, meaning you get the same beautiful web experience as a Safari or Chrome user02:38
macoRhythmbox used to be not as nice as it is now02:40
macoAmarok was more fully-featured, so it became pretty popular02:40
macoI didn't like Amarok before, because I was a GNOME user and didn't want to mix in KDE apps, and I didn't like the vertical tabs.  The new version, though, is really quite nice.  It's scriptable, and you can add in widgets right into the UI to have extra functionality, such as displaying lyrics or Wikipedia pages for the artists02:41
macoThis sounds bad, but if you've seen Windows 7, KDE 4 will look familiar.02:42
macoI must add the caveat that, as someone forced to use Win7 at work, KDE4 works better02:43
macoKDE, since version 3, has been able to do slideshow wallpapers, and in KDE4 there are window previews for the taskbar.02:43
macoOh, and on Kubuntu, you don't need Compiz to get eyecandy.  KWin has it built in.02:44
macoOther default apps in Kubuntu include KMail, KAddressBook, and KOrganizer, which you can view in one window as Kontact or use separately.  I like that they can be used separately.  Evolution in Ubuntu requires that you configure an email address to use the calendar, which I find silly.  And then there's Kopete for IM and Quassel for IRC.02:45
pleia2so, Xfce!02:46
pleia2Some examples of how Xubuntu with Xfce differs from Ubuntu: it doesn't come with Open Office, instead it comes with lighter-weight "abiword" for word processing and "gnumeric" for spreadsheets.02:46
pleia2It also still ships The Gimp by default for image editing, XChat for IRC and the window controls are still on the right ;)02:46
pleia2The default looks like this: http://people.ubuntu.com/~lyz/xfce/xubuntu04.png02:47
pleia2As mentioned above, Xubuntu uses the XFwm by default for the window manager. It uses Thunar for a basic file manager, as sorta seen here: http://people.ubuntu.com/~lyz/xfce/xubuntu06.png02:47
pleia2(it's pretty basic though)02:48
pleia2The Xfce panels have their own items you can add, but you can also use gnome panel items.02:48
pleia2You may have already started poking around the directory, but for some more screenshots of the installation and default configuration of Xubuntu you can see: http://people.ubuntu.com/~lyz/xfce/02:49
pleia2Most of what you'll find app-wise is that Xubuntu takes apps from other DEs, you can even run the gnome and kde services in the background so things launch more quickly even on Xfce02:50
pleia2For more, check out http://xubuntu.org/ and http://www.xfce.org/02:50
ClassBotThere are are 10 minutes remaining in the current session.02:50
ClassBotRay70 asked: I find KDE is just too configurable and in fact I spend so much time optimising the "nice" look, I am falling down on work I achieve faster in Gnome. Anyone else suffer KDEfussness ?02:50
pleia2That's pretty much it for the text of our session, so questions now are fine :)02:51
macoBack when I was a GNOME user, I used to look at settings menus in KDE, go "meep!" and want to hide from it.  KDE4 has vastly improved in this area, and the work by usability expert Celeste Lyn Paul on KDE is continuing that progress02:51
ClassBotsebsebseb asked: Gnome 3's Gnome Shell isn't stable yet, and people are worried about it.  If Gnome Shell doesn't really work out and Gnome 2 dies,  since XFCE is more Gnome 2 like do you two think it will be likely to get much more popular?02:52
* maco is not a psychic and does not own a TARDIS02:52
pleia2It's really hard to say, mostly these days Xubuntu gets more users because "someone told them it was more lightweight for their old computers"02:52
pleia2out of the box I can't confirm this is true, but it certainly can be slimmed down much easier than Gnome02:53
ClassBotsebsebseb asked: Which desktop environment or window manager, do you two prefer, and why?02:53
macoI prefer KDE, but I use Xmonad, not KWin, as my window manager.02:53
macoAnd I think pleia2 made it pretty clear she prefers Xfce ;-)02:53
pleia2Xfce w/ the default XFwm for me, my desktop: http://people.ubuntu.com/~lyz/xfce/xubuntu08.png (quite a bit different from the default!)02:53
pleia2I like it because it's superfast, really customizable, and I really don't need or care for bouncing ball widgets ;)02:54
ClassBotThere are are 5 minutes remaining in the current session.02:55
macoOh yeah the why... I prefer Kubntu because it doesn't force users to deal with things like GConf or text files to change a setting, and I prefer Xmonad because I like tiling window managers02:55
pleia2to be fair, I never really used Gnome or KDE, I started out with Enlightenment, went to Fluxbox and stopped at Xfce about 6 years ago02:56
macoMeanwhile I didn't like Enlightenment 17 for making using textfiles to configure stuff seemingly impossible (while also not yet having working GUIs for that stuff)02:57
macoI like that I can use a text file OR a GUI, depending on what's broken at the time ;-)02:57
macoAny more questions?02:57
macoI guess I want to point out, since pleia2 mentioned Xubuntu's file manager, that Dolphin in Kubuntu is pretty sweet. Split panes and all!02:58
* pleia2 admits to using Dolphin02:58
pleia2well, thanks for coming everyone :)02:59
ClassBotRay70 asked: Are we een going to see a "GnoDE" desktop best of all worlds :) great session guys thank you02:59
pleia2Ray70: hahaha, what happens when you lock a gnome, kde and xfce devs in a room together...03:00
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-classroom to: Welcome to the Ubuntu Classroom - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Classroom || Support in #ubuntu || Upcoming Schedule: http://is.gd/8rtIi || Questions in #ubuntu-classroom-chat || Event: Ubuntu User Days - Current Session: Choosing hardware that works with Ubuntu - Instructor: cyphermox
pleia2Ok everyone, we're on to our last session of this Ubuntu User Days!03:00
pleia2Reminder: We have a poll about the day to collect feedback, so please fill it out after the day when you have a chance so we know how to make things better :) http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/FJ697T703:01
pleia2Now we have cyphermox joining us to wrap up the day with a class on selecting hardware that will work with Ubuntu03:01
pleia2Mathieu Trudel-Lapierre is a member of the Quebec LoCo and working at Canonical as Hardware Certification engineer. When not fighting bugs, he's working on NetworkManager.03:01
pleia2oh dear!03:01
pleia2We'll wait for him to come back :)03:01
pleia2cyphermox_: welcome back, take it away :)03:04
cyphermox_Hi! :) Apparently I should have listened to this sessions better ;)03:04
cyphermox_So, first, I don't have a whole lot of material, so please don't hesitate to ask questions... and since this is my first session, please be patient and tell me if I'm too fast03:05
cyphermox_So... you want to buy a new computer that works with Ubuntu?03:06
cyphermox_Things are good, there's lots of systems that support Ubuntu real well... but there is alas quite a few that don't... and you can get into pretty terrible situations03:06
cyphermox_Some of the things you can see if you're out of luck: failure to boot, blank screen (I really don't like those), no Wifi, no Ethernet... etc.03:07
cyphermox_Some of the things you can get if you're lucky: ponies!03:08
cyphermox_So, how can you make sure the new system you're looking at will work well?03:08
cyphermox_The quick answer: try it!03:08
cyphermox_Most places are reasonably open about testing out a live CD on their demo systems (in fact, that is how I chose my work laptop, at Staples, nothing less!)03:09
cyphermox_Some will just look at you like an alien though, and just won't let you approach the nice toys03:10
ClassBotIdleOne asked: Where can I buy a USB coffee brewer?03:10
cyphermox_IdleOne: ThinkGeek!03:10
cyphermox_Most stores have very decent warranty provisions that let you try out a system for a period of time (often two weeks, sometimes up to a month). Just be sure that you make the recovery CDs if they didn't come with the box... it's long, it's painful, but it's worth it, as most will expect to see the system back in pristine shape... as pristine as it can be with a non-free OS :)03:12
ClassBotwaltercool asked: How and where can i check the ubuntu support of my "future" hardware?03:12
cyphermox_waltercool: I'm getting to that shortly, but in short: http://webapps.ubuntu.com/certification03:14
cyphermox_this is where all the stuff that I and others in the Certification team tests, and gets the Big Red Stamp Of Approval (tm) :)03:14
cyphermox_so, what about if you're not buying from a brick-and-mortar store?03:15
cyphermox_Know that then, it gets a little more complicated, since you pretty much have to deal with the warranties for sure if you want to *try* it, or you're already sure that the system you're choosing works03:16
cyphermox_Some very good places to order a machine online:03:16
cyphermox_they even sell cute Ubuntu stickers! :)03:16
cyphermox_http://www.system76.com -- also has a very decent selection03:17
cyphermox_maco mentions one advantage of ZaReason is that they also provide systems with Kubuntu and Xubuntu, while System76 only does Ubuntu03:17
cyphermox_personally, I'm just a big fan of touching a computer before I buy it :)03:18
ClassBotLrpbpb asked: Is there anyway to buy a laptop with ubuntu preinstalled (without windows, just ubuntu)?03:18
cyphermox_Another nice one is Lenovo. Many of their systems work admirably well, but there are still a few issues here and there03:18
cyphermox_Lrpbpb: yes! that's precisely what ZaReason and System76 offer, I'm sorry if I wasn't very clear before03:19
cyphermox_additionally, Dell also does this pretty well, altough lately, IIRC, there were only very few systems listed as preloaded with Ubuntu03:20
cyphermox_My favortie has got to be Dell, but again it's a matter of personal preference. Again, most of their systems will work *really* well with Ubuntu, minus a few exceptions.03:21
cyphermox_The thing is, how can you be sure something you're looking at on the web will work? Or at least, get to a reasonable level of certainty?03:21
cyphermox_Truth is, there's a couple of tricks.03:22
cyphermox_One thing to go by is Intel. They're components are very well supported (except maybe for the infamous Poulsbo bridge, but even that is somewhat changing), and perform great, too03:23
cyphermox_Intel wireless, Intel ethernet adapters, Intel anything you want will get you pretty far03:23
cyphermox_The exception to this is probably just the processor, where it really matters much less03:24
cyphermox_going back to Dell: the page to get to much of the Ubuntu compatible hardware on their site is here: www.dell.com/ubuntu  (thanks sebsebseb!)03:24
cyphermox_Then, you'll probably want to stick with Nvidia more than ATI for the graphics card, as they *tend* to get better support, especially for the proprietary drivers03:26
cyphermox_of course, it also varies as lot, so you'll have to try it, mostly03:26
cyphermox_In the case of wireless, my personal preference is to stay *FAR* away from Broadcom.... there's a number of issues at the moment, including now showing the signal strength well (at least in NetworkManager), and maybe instability03:27
cyphermox_they're not evil, because they provide drivers for their hardware, but it could use a lot of improvement.03:28
ClassBotLrpbpb asked: on graphics cards, how well supported are integrated intel cards?03:28
cyphermox_Lrpbpb: quite well! I like them a lot. There are exceptions there too, and open bugs about the issues, but it's being actively worked on, and if I'm not mistaken there is already a patch available03:29
cyphermox_intel integrated cards are, as far as I am aware, the place where the most activity happens in terms of supporting new stuff, and where the response time for fixing bugs is the smallest03:30
cyphermox_Which brings me to talk about bugs.03:31
cyphermox_One nice way to get all the more certain that your system is going to work well with Ubuntu is to look at bugs about the model of the system you're planning to buy03:32
cyphermox_In some bugs, the title will include the model, so that's a good indication that something isn't quite right, especially if the report is recent03:32
cyphermox_Reviews will usually give you a good idea of the support as well; especially if it's a report from Phoronics :)03:33
cyphermox_And if you buy a system and find that stuff doesn't work.... please! report a new bug about it. it's crucial for us to know about broken stuff so we can fix it :)03:34
ClassBotLrpbpb asked: One would assume that linux/ubuntu laptops qould be much cheaper than windows laptops (because you aren't paying for the OS). However, these laptops seem to be overpriced (as in you can get a much better one TODAY for the same amount), why would that be?03:36
cyphermox_If you're getting a system from the lists on http://webapps.ubuntu.com/certification, know that the fact that these systems are on the list means they are *certified* to work, which means you can call the excellent support people at Canonical to get help03:36
cyphermox_Lrpbpb: give me a second to type my answer :)03:36
cyphermox_Lrpbpb: I think it has to do with demand. There isn't a high demand for systems with Ubuntu (or any linux) preinstalled, so my guess is that manufacturers and resellers are pre-installing systems by the batch, and changing that pre-installed costs a technician's time, hence why the lack of difference in price.03:38
cyphermox_Lrpbpb: if you saw the same model more expensive with Ubuntu than with another OS, I wouldn't know. I'd say you should probably head to a better store, or shop online elsewhere, as that place may be evil :)03:39
cyphermox_hmm.. questions?03:41
cyphermox_I seem to have covered much of what I had planned on03:41
cyphermox_<Lrpbpb> cyphermox_: I'm not sure if you are from canonical, but does the company have any plans to begin selling ubuntu computers? Something as part of their attempt to bring ubuntu to more people?03:42
cyphermox_Lrpbpb: I am from Canonical, but I really don't know... sorry03:43
cyphermox_No more questions?03:46
ClassBotThere are are 10 minutes remaining in the current session.03:50
ClassBotThere are are 5 minutes remaining in the current session.03:55
pleia2Thanks cyphermox_, great session! :)04:00
cyphermox_thanks all :)04:00
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-classroom to: Welcome to the Ubuntu Classroom - http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Classroom || Support in #ubuntu || Upcoming Schedule: http://is.gd/8rtIi
pleia2woohoo, thanks everyone!04:00
sebsebsebThat was a good user day! :)04:01
pleia2Survey: http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/FJ697T704:01
pleia2for those of you interested, Ubuntu Developer Week starts on Monday: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDeveloperWeek04:04
pleia2and Classroom has sessions throughout the month, not just at these events, check out the schedule here: http://is.gd/8rtIi04:04
=== charlie is now known as Guest42566
=== pjarnahom is now known as pjarnahomzz
=== pjarnahomzz is now known as pjarnahom
=== pjarnahom is now known as pjarnahomzz
=== pjarnahomzz is now known as pjarnahom
=== pjarnahom is now known as pjarnahomzz
=== zkriesse is now known as MissPiggy
=== MissPiggy is now known as zkriesse
=== abhi_nav_ is now known as abhi_nav
=== pjarnahomzz is now known as pjarnahom
=== pjarnahom is now known as pjarnahomzz
=== pjarnahomzz is now known as pjarnahom
Omegahttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/UserDays links to http://www.ubuntu.com/products/mobile but the page does not exist.17:01
=== pjarnahom is now known as pjarnahomzz
=== yo2boy_ is now known as Grammar_Nazi
=== Grammar_Nazi is now known as yo2boy_
=== serrano is now known as figure002
=== figure002 is now known as 77CAAXAKA
=== 77CAAXAKA is now known as test12345677890
=== test12345677890 is now known as 77CAAXAKA
=== 77CAAXAKA is now known as serrano
=== serrano is now known as 77CAAXAKA
=== yo2boy_ is now known as yo2boy_|football
=== 77CAAXAKA is now known as figure002
=== figure002 is now known as 77CAAXAKA
=== 77CAAXAKA is now known as figure002
zkriessehello tpw_rules20:17
tpw_ruleswhen's the next class start:?20:17
zkriesseThe User Days are currently over tpw_rules20:18
zkriesselogs are on the above link20:18
jcastrotpw_rules: developerweek starts next week though!20:19
daemondogdon't suppose anyone has a klibido theme for the userlist thats more like mirc?20:26
=== yo2boy_|football is now known as yo2boy_
=== kevin___ is now known as seidos
=== Ara is now known as Guest22021

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