lex79 | cjwatson: can you add oxygen-icons, kdeartwork, kdetoys and kdewebdev to the kubuntu-dev set of packages, please? thanks | 00:18 |
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LorgonJortle | So how does one start helping? | 00:57 |
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evilshadeslayer | lex79: :) | 01:41 |
evilshadeslayer | ssup | 01:41 |
lex79 | :) | 01:41 |
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Damascene | hi, | 06:02 |
Damascene | any one knows what does eog uses for rotating images? | 06:03 |
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LucidFox | http://www.rilpartner.se/en/rilpoint-sharepoint-look-alike-drupal-and-mediawiki-skin <-- Okay, this is some odd licensing | 08:25 |
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LucidFox | It says GPL, but "free for personal use and non-profit organizations", and commercial users are supposed to buy the proprietary version | 08:26 |
LucidFox | but if it's GPL, isn't that unenforceable? | 08:26 |
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jussi | LucidFox: that does seem strange | 09:50 |
lool | soren: Hmm I wonder whether you forgot to push to lp:vm-builder, or whether I'm looking at the wrong location? | 09:56 |
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tumbleweed | can someone do a main lucid-proposed upload for me? It's been sitting in the sponsor queue for weeks (LP: #467278) | 11:17 |
ari-tczew | tumbleweed: on IRC you could use a phrase: bug 467278 | 11:31 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 467278 in openoffice.org-dictionaries (Ubuntu Lucid) "[SRU 10.04] South African English Dictionary still missing lots of words" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/467278 | 11:31 |
geser | lool: if you have some time for sponsoring bug #604241 then bogofilter is off your merge-list | 11:45 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 604241 in bogofilter (Ubuntu) "Merge bogofilter 1.2.2-1 from Debian unstable" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/604241 | 11:45 |
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AnAnt | this merge has been hanging for long LP 588736, is there a problem with it ? | 12:37 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 588736 in mutt (Ubuntu) "Candidate release mutt 1.5.20-9ubuntu1" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/588736 | 12:37 |
AnAnt | Hello, can someone sponsor this syncrequest: LP 604190 | 13:20 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 604190 in sl-modem (Ubuntu) "Sync sl-modem 2.9.11~20100303-5 (restricted) from Debian unstable (non-free)" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/604190 | 13:20 |
* shadeslayer was about to say go to #ubuntu-motu :P | 13:20 | |
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lool | geser: Hope you found merging easier this time around :-) | 13:29 |
lool | geser: I wonder whether we could have some Ubuntu main package as an alternate build-dep to libtokyocabinet to kill the last Ubuntu change | 13:29 |
lool | geser: uploaded | 13:30 |
bdrung | AnAnt: done | 13:49 |
AnAnt | bdrung: which one ? | 13:49 |
bdrung | sl-modem | 13:49 |
AnAnt | thanks | 13:49 |
bdrung | AnAnt: is there more? | 13:49 |
AnAnt | how about mutt ? | 13:49 |
AnAnt | LP 588736 | 13:49 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 588736 in mutt (Ubuntu) "Candidate release mutt 1.5.20-9ubuntu1" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/588736 | 13:50 |
AnAnt | it's been there for a while, I dont know why | 13:50 |
bdrung | AnAnt: standard reason: lack of manpower | 13:51 |
AnAnt | even for a package in main ? | 13:52 |
bdrung | AnAnt: yes. especially. there are more motus working on sponsoring than core-devs | 13:52 |
tumbleweed | AnAnt: look ta the sponsorship queue, it's dominated by main packages | 13:52 |
AnAnt | I see | 13:53 |
bdrung | i became core-dev to gain the ability to sponsor main packages | 13:53 |
bdrung | AnAnt: i need to write a tool that pulls the debdiffs and applied them... | 13:55 |
AnAnt | AnAnt: isn't there a MoM ? | 13:56 |
AnAnt | bdrung: isn't there a MoM ? | 13:59 |
AnAnt | crazy talking to myself ! | 13:59 |
bdrung | AnAnt: there is MoM, but it doesn't help sponsoring | 13:59 |
AnAnt | ah, I understand now | 13:59 |
bdrung | AnAnt: for sponsoring a sync request, i have to type one command and then it pulls the package, builds it, and allows me to upload it | 14:00 |
tumbleweed | bdrung: although I find I spend a lot longer reviewing the changes than finding and applying patches | 14:01 |
bdrung | tumbleweed: yes, reviewing takes the longest time | 14:02 |
bdrung | but it depends on how large the diff to debian is | 14:02 |
bdrung | tumbleweed: is the debdiff http://launchpadlibrarian.net/50037132/openoffice.org-dictionaries-lucid-sru.patch really correct? You replace the broken South African English with the British English, don't you? | 14:05 |
AnAnt | bdrung: thanks again | 14:06 |
tumbleweed | bdrung: yes it's correct | 14:06 |
tumbleweed | we did a broken workaround to use the en_GB.aff for en_ZA | 14:07 |
tumbleweed | then openoffice fixed en_ZA and broke our workaround | 14:07 |
tumbleweed | this reverts the workaround | 14:07 |
bdrung | aha, ok | 14:07 |
bdrung | tumbleweed: done | 14:21 |
tumbleweed | bdrung: thanks | 14:21 |
bdrung | tumbleweed: more SRUs to sponsor? | 14:21 |
tumbleweed | bdrung: nope :) | 14:22 |
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patrickk | why do we rush to put out a new release every 6 monthes | 16:47 |
lex79 | cjwatson: thanks :) | 16:49 |
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slangasek | superm1: have you seen Debian bug #588361 by chance? | 18:48 |
ubottu | Debian bug 588361 in wnpp "RFH: fglrx-driver -- non-free AMD/ATI r6xx - r7xx display driver" [Normal,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/588361 | 18:48 |
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hihihi100 | hi, can I ask valgrind questions in here or this room has nothing to do with it? | 19:08 |
joaopinto | hihihi100, read the topic :) | 19:09 |
hihihi100 | k | 19:09 |
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superm1 | slangasek, i haven't, but tseliot would be a better candidate to help since he's the primary one working on fglrx these days and has a working relationship with AMD about bugs now too | 20:20 |
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superm1 | slangasek, i'll propose them switching to ubuntu packaging though, it seems very sensible to me | 20:37 |
dupondje | somebody around | 21:13 |
dupondje | https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/pybootchartgui/+bug/604140 | 21:13 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 604140 in pybootchartgui (Ubuntu) "ImportError: cannot import name GObject" [Undecided,New] | 21:13 |
dupondje | seem to be a bug with pygobject | 21:13 |
dupondje | alot of python apps are crashing ... | 21:13 |
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dupondje | thx tumbleweed | 22:04 |
dupondje | :) | 22:04 |
dupondje | marked 'some' bugs as duplicate lol :) | 22:04 |
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ryan22 | i posted a notice about a new AppUpdate service for ubuntu on the devel discuss mailing list and i was just wondering what you guys thought | 23:34 |
fagan | ryan22: we all sub the list so comments are posted there | 23:34 |
fagan | no need to ask for comments | 23:34 |
ryan22 | no prob | 23:35 |
fagan | oh and most of the devs are off for the weekend | 23:35 |
ryan22 | its just i only got a direct response from the getdeb guy, who has now agreed to track the packages on the service | 23:35 |
ryan22 | im going to be prefectly honest | 23:36 |
fagan | so not much point asking until monday | 23:36 |
fagan | ryan22: I dont really follow packaging myself so I didnt read the thread myself | 23:36 |
ryan22 | the point of the service to influence ubuntu to adopt my model for the post update application process | 23:37 |
fagan | ah well im sure that someone will comment on it during the week | 23:37 |
ryan22 | i wanna show that there is a way to provide up to date applications without sacifising stability | 23:37 |
ryan22 | ;) | 23:37 |
fagan | it takes a few days sometimes to get a response | 23:37 |
ryan22 | i noticed your response on the process wiki and i think that your idea for a website to vote these applications is a great one | 23:39 |
fagan | well Mark said at the UDS that they are going to be a lot more careful anyway about their repo policy to keep things more stable for the users | 23:39 |
fagan | thanks | 23:39 |
ryan22 | well you guys can always think of my service as a "beta" | 23:39 |
ryan22 | im trying to keep it as "official" as possible in terms of process and policy | 23:40 |
* fagan goes reading his emails | 23:40 | |
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ryan22 | man the only prob with my service is now i have like 81 packages to test... | 23:45 |
ryan22 | i asked a friend for help :P | 23:45 |
micahg | ryan22: I don't know that you'd be able to host Firefox in there | 23:46 |
* micahg was going to post to the ML, but hasn't gotten around to it yet | 23:46 | |
ryan22 | on my former distro, i did host an updated version of firefox from one of the mozilla team ppas | 23:47 |
ryan22 | im avoiding applications that require core library updates in any case, just to keep things syable and simple | 23:47 |
ryan22 | *stable | 23:47 |
fagan | well we are updating firefox more now from what I can remember | 23:48 |
ryan22 | gnome applications will not be to be updated on it, for example, as they usually require 300 package updates | 23:48 |
fagan | we upgraded hardy, intrepid, jaunty and karmic to the most recent stable version I think | 23:49 |
ryan22 | so no empathy or epiphany updates :P | 23:49 |
micahg | fagan: hopefully, by the next point release, all supported versions will be on 3.6.7 | 23:49 |
fagan | ryan22: well the problem with that is the gnome stack is a lot more complicated | 23:49 |
ryan22 | ya | 23:49 |
fagan | and stuff breaks very very easy | 23:49 |
fagan | it would be unmaintainable IMO | 23:50 |
ryan22 | well i uses this system on my former linux distro, so ive worked out all the kinks | 23:50 |
ryan22 | and i know what application updates will be a pain *cough* gnome stuff *cough* | 23:50 |
fagan | ryan22: well its the customisations thats the problem | 23:50 |
fagan | we have so many things we do to make it Ubuntu | 23:50 |
ryan22 | mind stuff like banshee and rythmbox seems to update no prob with only a few packages | 23:51 |
ryan22 | well thats the point behind this | 23:51 |
fagan | well RB and banshee require bindings and up to date gtk..etc that would have to be updated too so its still to hard | 23:51 |
ryan22 | I feel that Ubuntu is an organisation stretched to its limits. It's time for them to let go and let the developers maintain and package their own applications. | 23:51 |
ryan22 | not really actually | 23:51 |
ryan22 | banshee really only requires a few ipod mono libs | 23:52 |
ryan22 | i had 1.6.0 updated perfectly on karmic | 23:52 |
fagan | and the mono stack too | 23:52 |
fagan | and thats big enough too | 23:53 |
fagan | its not really workable | 23:53 |
ryan22 | to be honest, ive never had to upgrade mono when updating banshee | 23:53 |
fagan | ryan22: if you look at the banshee ppa you will see they update mono for you when you install it | 23:53 |
ryan22 | if these updates require a such a core library update, they simply wont be updated | 23:53 |
ryan22 | but thats for hardy and older versions | 23:54 |
ryan22 | for karmic all you need to update is a few bashee and ipod mono libs | 23:54 |
ryan22 | which is pretty isolated | 23:54 |
ryan22 | youll see that alot actually in ppas | 23:55 |
fagan | I just think its unworkable because 1. its a lot of effort to keep track of the updates for the new and old versions already and 2. the ubuntu customisations each release | 23:55 |
ryan22 | hardy will usually require 12424 package updates, but karmic and lucid will barely require anything | 23:55 |
ryan22 | well this is a separate service | 23:55 |
ryan22 | and ive been doing this system for about... 5 months | 23:55 |
fagan | the other applications are fine in ppas for users that want the newer versions and cant wait | 23:56 |
ryan22 | and ive had no such problems | 23:56 |
jcastro | hi fagan, any progress on deluge? | 23:56 |
jcastro | fagan: if you don't have time to do it let me know asap pls | 23:56 |
fagan | oh jcastro im just finishing off the software properties thing first | 23:56 |
fagan | I can do it but it wont be this week or maybe next either | 23:57 |
jcastro | ok | 23:57 |
fagan | if thats too late then feel free to get someone else on it | 23:57 |
jcastro | fagan: I might have a contractor by then, I will let you know before I commit them though | 23:57 |
ryan22 | the problem is sometimes there are problems in the packages in the ppas (very rare, ive pushed like ~250 packages, and had it happen twice, but it does happen) | 23:57 |
fagan | jcastro: cool | 23:57 |
ryan22 | and its a pain keeping track and adding all those ppas | 23:57 |
ryan22 | eh | 23:58 |
fagan | ryan22: I seem to remember someone talking about searching ppas if I remember | 23:58 |
ryan22 | well right now im tracking 35 PPAs | 23:59 |
ryan22 | and im planning on doing a testing-fest every sunday | 23:59 |
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