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lfaraone | If a pacakge was introduced to Ubuntu during Lucid development but was dropped because one of its sub packages dep'd on pyxpcom, can we restore it in a SRU if we only remove that subcomponent? | 01:33 |
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micahg | lfaraone: ping | 05:33 |
lfaraone | micahg: pong, I'll be around for a little while. | 05:34 |
micahg | lfaraone: do you mind if I merge tuxguitar or do you want to do it? | 05:34 |
lfaraone | micahg: go ahead. | 05:34 |
micahg | lfaraone: thanks | 05:34 |
lfaraone | micahg: apprecate the check. | 05:37 |
micahg | lfaraone: no problem, I should have worded it differently | 05:37 |
lfaraone | micahg: no worries. at first I was wondering "uh, did I accidentally take a bug saying I'd merge it and then forget about it? /me goes to check assigned bugs" | 05:38 |
micahg | lfaraone: no, you merged it last :) | 05:38 |
micahg | lfaraone: I'm just wondering why there's a debian-changes patch now in the merge | 05:39 |
lfaraone | micahg: package was updated to use quilt, it was extracted automatically from the direct-to-source change made. | 05:41 |
micahg | lfaraone: k, can I drop it then? | 05:41 |
lfaraone | micahg: well, do you think the patch that it includes should be dropped? (is it unnecc. or included in the new debian version?) otherwise, keep it in and just rename it to something sensible following the patch taggign guidelindes. | 05:42 |
lfaraone | *guidelines | 05:42 |
micahg | lfaraone: well, it makes the changes in the package twice, so I guess I should revert the change outside the debian dir | 05:44 |
micahg | maybe I'm not used to source format 3 | 05:46 |
micahg | k, I guess I'll leave it like this then | 05:48 |
micahg | nm, the debdiff shows ok | 05:55 |
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micahg | wgrant: ping | 09:12 |
wgrant | micahg: Hi. | 09:14 |
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micahg | wgrant: I was wondering if you'd be able to set up the Mozilla package set on multidistrotools | 09:15 |
wgrant | micahg: Ah, sorry, I forgot about that email. I'm a bit behind at the moment. | 09:15 |
wgrant | How shall I define that set? | 09:15 |
micahg | wgrant: k, no rush, just wanted to make sure you got it :), it's an actual package set | 09:15 |
wgrant | Hmm. I wonder if I can get that out of LP easily. | 09:16 |
micahg | wgrant: you can pull it up with the ubuntu-archive-tools edit-acl script | 09:17 |
wgrant | True. | 09:17 |
wgrant | micahg: http://qa.ubuntuwire.org/mdt/mozilla.html should work now. Sorry for the delay. | 09:41 |
micahg | wgrant: awesome, thank you :) Now I have one page for my stuff | 09:42 |
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bmh1980 | hi | 10:36 |
bmh1980 | i've uploaded 3 packages (brscan, brscan2 and brscan3) to revu. this packages are sane driver for brother scanners. it would be great if someone could review them. | 10:36 |
ari-tczew | I'm a Ubuntu member. How can I request an e-mail adress? | 10:58 |
BlackZ | ari-tczew: it's an alias and its creation is automatic after 2 days (about) you're added to ~ubuntumembers | 10:59 |
BlackZ | ari-tczew: it's yourLPusername@ubuntu.com | 10:59 |
ari-tczew | could I get other alias instead myLPusername ? | 11:00 |
Laney | no | 11:00 |
ari-tczew | why? is it a problem? | 11:00 |
BlackZ | ari-tczew: please read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuEmail | 11:00 |
BlackZ | ari-tczew: I'm not sure, but I think you can't; you can change your LP username and wait 2 days about for the alias change | 11:01 |
ari-tczew | stupid procedures and bureaucracy | 11:02 |
wgrant | It... minimises bureaucracy. | 11:03 |
wgrant | It's automatic. | 11:03 |
ari-tczew | ok so, stupid procedures, zero flexible | 11:05 |
ari-tczew | is it not possible to create new alias manually? | 11:06 |
Laney | what if someone with that alias makes a launchpad account and becomes a member? | 11:08 |
ari-tczew | with my name and surname? | 11:08 |
ari-tczew | I think that I'm only with this full name on this world | 11:09 |
ari-tczew | I want to have name.surname@ubuntu.com | 11:09 |
ari-tczew | like ttx has got | 11:09 |
wgrant | Canonical employees are somewhat special like that. | 11:10 |
wgrant | Ubuntu Members just get the LP username alias. | 11:10 |
ari-tczew | aha, so I'm ordinary worker - get alias from LP username or gtfo | 11:11 |
Laney | grr @ NBS | 11:11 |
BlackZ | ari-tczew: rename your LP ID :) | 11:12 |
ari-tczew | BlackZ: not planned | 11:13 |
Laney | If anyone wants some fun no-change rebuilds: http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/NBS/libavutil49 | 11:13 |
ari-tczew | who is responsible to @ubuntu.com management? | 11:13 |
wgrant | The Canonical sysadmins. | 11:14 |
wgrant | rt@ubuntu.com, if you feel like arguing. | 11:14 |
ari-tczew | thanks | 11:14 |
AnAnt | Hello, can someone sponsor this syncrequest: LP 604190 | 12:10 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 604190 in sl-modem (Ubuntu) "Sync sl-modem 2.9.11~20100303-5 (restricted) from Debian unstable (non-free)" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/604190 | 12:10 |
sebner | AnAnt: taking a look | 12:14 |
sebner | AnAnt: ACKed | 12:18 |
AnAnt | thanks | 12:18 |
sebner | yw | 12:18 |
sebner | hoi bdrung :) | 12:18 |
bdrung | hi sebner | 12:18 |
* bdrung is melting. | 12:18 | |
sebner | bdrung: haha, you are not the only one :P | 12:19 |
bdrung | 37 °C outside and 28 °C in my room | 12:19 |
sebner | bdmurray: 37??? Wow, in Austria the highest is 33° currently | 12:20 |
geser | 30°C in my room currently, yesterday I even had 32°C :( | 12:20 |
bdrung | sebner: i am living in berlin, germany | 12:21 |
geser | sebner: btw since when can you ACK sync requests for packages in restricted? | 12:22 |
* wgrant is amused at the reversal; early last year it was 46°C here for a couple of days, but now my room is sitting just below 7°C. | 12:22 | |
geser | wgrant: isn't that a little bit cold for a room temperature? | 12:24 |
wgrant | geser: Yes :( | 12:24 |
geser | wgrant: broken heating? offer to host some buildds in your room to heat it up | 12:26 |
wgrant | geser: No heating to this part of the house. | 12:26 |
AnAnt | great idea, winter buildds | 12:26 |
wgrant | And my T400 isn't excellent at generating heat, so buildds sound good :P | 12:27 |
bdrung | wgrant: do you want to build a big package to find a build failure? | 12:27 |
sebner | bdrung: I knew ;) | 12:28 |
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bdrung | sebner: you knew? | 12:29 |
sebner | geser: w00ps, I didn't notice. I'm sorry would you mind fixing? | 12:29 |
sebner | bdrung: that you are from berlin, yes | 12:29 |
* sebner -> dinner | 12:29 | |
AnAnt | this merge has been hanging for long LP 588736, is there a problem with it ? | 12:34 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 588736 in mutt (Ubuntu) "Candidate release mutt 1.5.20-9ubuntu1" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/588736 | 12:34 |
AnAnt | should I ask mutt be reviewed on -devel or -server ? | 12:35 |
AnAnt | or here ? | 12:36 |
BlackZ | AnAnt: it's in main, so -devel | 12:37 |
AnAnt | sebner: ah, you're a MOTU ? | 12:37 |
sebner | AnAnt: yeah, sorry also to you, didn't check as you asked here | 12:51 |
AnAnt | no probs | 12:52 |
shadeslayer | tumbleweed: wow.. debian was fast :P | 13:09 |
shadeslayer | they fixed bugsy | 13:09 |
shadeslayer | debbug #588657 | 13:10 |
shadeslayer | tumbleweed: i guess ill have to do all the stuff again,right? | 13:19 |
shadeslayer | merge from new debian package | 13:19 |
AnAnt | sebner: ok, so should I ask again here that it gets sponsored ? | 13:19 |
sebner | AnAnt: by a core-dev yes | 13:19 |
sebner | AnAnt: or rather in -devel | 13:19 |
AnAnt | ok, thanks | 13:20 |
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tumbleweed | shadeslayer: can't you just sync the new package? | 13:35 |
shadeslayer | tumbleweed: ill have to check... | 13:35 |
shadeslayer | right now ... alot is broken in maverick with new kde 4.4.92 packages :P | 13:36 |
shadeslayer | so im trying to fix that | 13:36 |
tumbleweed | BlackZ: here's my powerpc build log: http://people.ubuntu.com/~stefanor/tmp/xorp_1.6-3_powerpc.build | 14:26 |
tumbleweed | no clue why -lcurses failed on buildd but not on my porterbox. anyone? | 14:27 |
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slytherin | lool: Any plan to merge gst-plugins-bad0.10 from Debian? And now that zbar is built, I believe the plugin should be enabled again. | 15:36 |
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geser | james_w: I'm adding your "import-bug-from-debian" script to u-d-t. Which license do you choose for that script? | 17:50 |
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james_w | geser: does u-d-t have multiple licenses? | 19:00 |
geser | james_w: yes, some scripts are GPLv2 only, some GPLv2+, some GPLv3 only and some GPLv3+ | 19:04 |
james_w | GPL2+ is fine with me | 19:05 |
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micahg | what do I do if there's an armel failure on my upload? | 23:42 |
shadeslayer | micahg: fix it? :P | 23:43 |
micahg | shadeslayer: I don't know how, it's a segfault on install of a dependency | 23:43 |
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shadeslayer | micahg: can you post build log? | 23:44 |
shadeslayer | idk alot of armel fixing,but maybe i can help | 23:44 |
micahg | shadeslayer: https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/tuxguitar/1.2-5ubuntu1/+build/1863907/+files/buildlog_ubuntu-maverick-armel.tuxguitar_1.2-5ubuntu1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz | 23:44 |
shadeslayer | micahg: well.. i think you will have to fix /var/lib/dpkg/info/ca-certificates-java.postinst: line 40 << | 23:47 |
shadeslayer | the postinst script | 23:47 |
shadeslayer | so you get to fix 2 packages :P | 23:47 |
micahg | shadeslayer: :) | 23:47 |
* micahg takes a closer look | 23:47 | |
shadeslayer | btw any idea why ruby-pkg-tools conflicts with irb? | 23:48 |
micahg | shadeslayer: I don't | 23:51 |
micahg | shadeslayer: I don't know why it's segfaulting | 23:51 |
* micahg guesses more searching is needed | 23:51 | |
maxwellian | micahg: I'm interested in learning about packaging, but your pbuilder output shows that you're downloading like 200 megs of packages for this build...do you have to do that every time you build a package? | 23:52 |
maxwellian | I killed pbuilder the first time I tried to run it for this reason. :\ | 23:52 |
micahg | maxwellian: that's from the archive | 23:52 |
maxwellian | From the archive on your machine? | 23:52 |
micahg | maxwellian: pbuilder will cache teh .debs it downloads, so if you only have to download a package once unless it's updated | 23:53 |
micahg | maxwellian: no, the Ubuntu Archive builder | 23:53 |
maxwellian | micahg: So I don't have to set up a proxy to do the caching if I use pbuilder, then? | 23:54 |
micahg | maxwellian: not if it's just machine | 23:54 |
micahg | *one machine | 23:54 |
shadeslayer | maxwellian: you can just make a mirror of your own | 23:55 |
maxwellian | Hmm, okay that's a bit of a relief. But since it's a chroot, it can't use the archive of my normal install, I guess? | 23:55 |
shadeslayer | maxwellian: nope | 23:55 |
maxwellian | So there will be a bit of work to be done when I get started, since I won't have any packages in the chroot. | 23:56 |
maxwellian | Although in THAT case a proxy might be useful, since my normal install and the chroot can share it? | 23:56 |
shadeslayer | maxwellian: usually when you start out with pbuilder,you will have to download alot of stuff | 23:57 |
tumbleweed | maxwellian: yes, I run a proxy | 23:57 |
shadeslayer | then as time progresses .. you get a pbuilder of size 1 GB :P | 23:57 |
tumbleweed | if you test multiple architectures, you can share the arch: all packcages | 23:57 |
shadeslayer | like me :P | 23:57 |
maxwellian | tumbleweed: Thanks for the tip about testing multiple archs, but that's way over my head atm. :) | 23:58 |
tumbleweed | maxwellian: I mean, there are more savings to be gained than just between your host and your pbuilders, but they are probably quite small | 23:59 |
maxwellian | shadeslayer: Man, I guess I'm gonna have to upgrade my laptop at some point then...or get rid of my Windows partition. | 23:59 |
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