
amstanhey guys, why would i get permissions denied for this one cronjob?00:12
amstanit's user cron, and when i do the exact command manually it works00:13
ayiHi, I am googling around for ways to create a failover setup with two ISPs, where one is expensive but reliable and the other is cheap but unreliable00:18
ayiIt seem the "bonding" module may achieve this, but it seems it establishes a dead gateway/route on the basis of the router responding, and not for instance an internet host00:19
ayiI'm guessing I would need to script this?00:19
ruben23how to cehck mysql version on ubuntu server..>?01:10
qman__ruben23, mysql --version01:18
jpdsruben23: dpkg -l | grep mysql01:18
jpdsayi: What kind of routers do you have?01:19
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p1l0tWhy is it when I change /etc/hostname and /etc/hosts (to make the same as hostname) that I have other issues like Network_Manager not working on my netbook lucid01:43
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ayijpds: very variable02:11
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Skaagi need to find a cool dedicated server provider in the US that supports Ubuntu Server 10.04, any suggestions?02:29
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Fudgeanyone have idea how to get hp dl380G4 fans to spin down?03:58
Psi-JackIs there a "proper" or repo method to install Sun's JDK on Ubuntu 10.04 LTS?04:18
Psi-Jacksun-java6-jdk does not seem to exist anymore as an option.04:19
Psi-JackAha, found it. It was in the partner repo.04:22
RudyValenciaHow do I make a disc of files from the command-line of my server?06:18
qman__RudyValencia, see mkisofs and cdrecord06:46
RudyValenciaWhoa, lots of options06:49
RudyValenciaI don't know what half of them are for06:49
RudyValenciaAll I want to do is store the contents of a directory to a disc.06:50
uvirtbotNew bug: #604185 in vsftpd (main) "Unable to start vsftpd with upstart if private key" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/60418507:11
=== KenjiP0p is now known as KenjiP0p|away
talcitehey guys, I have weird behaviour from portmap coming. I think it's an NFS misconfiguration. Could someone help me out?07:59
talciteI've got an internal network, 10.1.1.x, and an external network 134.117.55.x . My NFS traffic goes on 10.1.1.x (i'm pretty sure)07:59
talcitehowever, in the logs of all the NFS clients, I keep getting portmap errors saying there's unauthorized requests from (my NFS server specifically)08:00
talciteit's really weird because I can't think of any config files that tell the NFS server to use the interface08:01
talciteso I don't understand why I'm getting ypserv requests over that network.08:02
talcitethe exact error is: Jul 11 02:54:54 s1 portmap[5048]: connect from to callit(ypserv): request from unauthorized host08:04
ruben23 hi guys any suggestion a good opensource firewall apps..i mean widely used and one of the best being made.08:04
Jordan_U!firewall | ruben2308:07
ubotturuben23: Ubuntu, like any other Linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFW | An alternative to ufw is the 'iptables' command - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo | GUI frontends such as Firestarter/Gufw (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE) also exist.08:07
ruben23Jordan_U: you dont recommend firewall apps..?08:11
Jordan_Uruben23: Ubuntu comes with ufw (which, as all linux firewalls uses iptables), and it's good and well integrated.08:12
BeeBuui can't ping the system that running in UEC, anyong help me please?09:12
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BeeBuuand i can see the status is "running"~~~~09:55
CaerBeeBuu: never used UEC but servers don't necessarily respond to ping09:57
CaerIs there a way to nice a process that forks? (ppid=1) and what about threads?10:00
Caerthreads seem ok although transmission-daemon behaves strangely : it lost its nice priority after a few seconds10:05
BeeBuuCaer: but i can ssh in it10:05
BeeBuui can't10:05
CaerI can't help you, sorry.10:07
brummel444hi, bind9 doesn't log: logging channel 'debug' file '/var/log/named/named.log':  permission denied. Permissions: -rw-rw-r-- 1 bind bind 0 2010-07-11 11:33 /var/log/named/named.log. Why do i get permission denied ?10:55
joschibrummel444: probably because of the apparmor profile for bind12:21
joschibrummel444: are the permissions for /var/log/named/ correct?12:22
brummel444joschi: i solved by setting write permission to the directory. though the named.conf was set to 777 it didnt write to it.12:24
joschibrummel444: yes, the directory permissions have to be correct, too12:24
joschibrummel444: although owner bind:bind and 0750 should be enough for /var/log/named/12:25
brummel444hm.. dont understand that, because i created a named.log that was writable for all, why does the directory have to be writeable then ? a bind9 specific "feature" ?12:25
joschibrummel444: no. a posix specific feature...12:26
brummel444joschi: do you know how to update dns to listen on (a new) ppp (vpn) connection ? i always have to restart dns after i connected..12:28
joschibrummel444: that's the way bind works. you have to restart (or maybe just reload/SIGHUP?) bind for it to bind on new interfaces12:29
brummel444joschi: ok. i thought there should be some kind of update function for dns, to inform it about a new ppp interface.12:32
jpdsayi: routers> Well, you might want something like HSRP.12:45
RoyKis it possible to have bind listen on instead of specific interfaces?12:48
sander__Anyone know if UEC uses qemu?12:51
joschiRoyK: sure, but named will only listen on interfaces known at the start time and bind explicitly to them12:52
joschiRoyK: ehm, forget it. no, named can't listen on
ioIs there something similar to Landscape but free?13:05
joschiio: red hat spacewalk. but it's veeeery red hat centric ;)13:07
iojoschi: Red Hat provides Spacewalk for free but Canonical charge for Landscape? :-)13:18
joschiio: the commercial version of spacewalk is red hat satellite.13:19
iojoschi: Right.13:19
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nhckHi, I am looking for a package that allows me to playback music from my local machine on my ubuntu server. It would be nice if the server would act like a playback device so  it would be autodiscovered via upnp.14:09
jpds!info mpd14:10
ubottumpd (source: mpd): Music Player Daemon. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.15.4-1ubuntu3 (lucid), package size 174 kB, installed size 508 kB14:10
nhckhmm, i have mpd running currently, got to check how to expose it I guess?14:11
KreamHi all.14:19
KreamUsing stock Apache on 10.4. Documentroot is set to /var/www/default. The default webpage is accesible using my.site.com . I want to point my.site.com/doc to /usr/share/doc r . I also want to use the ubuntu system of enabled / disabled sites . /etc/apache2/sites-available/doc is available at http://pastebin.com/9X08QbDC . /etc/apache2/sites-available-default is available at http://pastebin.com/TUmYJTtq14:19
ioKream: The default setup forwards /doc to /usr/share/doc. Did you see cat /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default already?14:21
ioKream: You will need to manipulate the allowed/denied hostnames though, as only ::1/128 can access it by default.14:21
ioKream: And why are you making an extra site just for doc? Your site is site.com, not doc? :-)14:22
Kreamio: i know, i'm just using doc as an example14:23
Kreamthing is14:23
Kreami installed munin and it's working beautifully, but it's config is sitting in /etc/apache2/conf.d/munin14:23
nhckjpds: I am probably missing something: How do I expose mpd as an upnp media renderer?14:23
Kreamand it's www root is /var/www/munin14:23
Kreami'm going mad trying to make a munin site work in /etc/apache2/sites-available14:24
Kreamthe reason i need to do all this is i'm trying ot get redmine working, which is sitting in /var/www/redmine14:24
ioKream: I would have /etc/apache2/sites-available/www.example.com and set the DocumentRoot to /var/www/www.example.com and then off that have alises for www.example.com{munin,redmine} to /var/www/www.example.com/{munin,redmine} and then enable www.domain.com.14:29
clustyi am trying to mount cifs with automount14:31
clustyby staring at the files, i cannot figure out where do i tell autofs which host to actually mount14:31
ioKream: Or as you current setup with /var/www/{munin,redmine} place something like this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/462057/ in to your /etc/apache2/sites-available/{domain} file.14:32
ioKream: Without the 'Deny from all' line on the Redmine block. ;-)14:33
nhckAny ideas on how to expose my ubuntu box as an upnp media renderer? Thanks :-)14:36
Kreamio: thanks, puting hip waders on14:38
ioKream: No problem. :-)14:41
Kreamok by mistake, I went and asked #httpd for help and they seem to think that Ubuntu's httpd config is borked. they even have a wiki page up at http://wiki.apache.org/httpd/DebianDeb0rkification ... is what's in there useful?14:43
Kream^^^ that is my new /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default and in it xxx.xxx.com/doc works fine14:51
uvirtbotKream: Error: "^^" is not a valid command.14:51
Kreamis my new /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default and in it xxx.xxx.com/doc works fine14:51
Kreamam I missing something fundamental when I ask if I can "split" away the docs section into another snippet?14:52
nhckKream: the doc just points you to the apache docs. if you don't need it just delete it14:54
Kreamlet me clarify. I have a website at www.example.com which works fine. Under Apache2 in Ubuntu 10.4, can I have a site (that means something enabled from /etc/apache2/sites-available) that points to somewhere arbitrary? Or should all such instances be aggregated into Aliases in /etc/apache2/sites-available/000-default ?15:00
KreamI'm not mucking around with multiple hostnames etc etc15:00
Kreamahhh gods15:14
Kreami'd basically misunderstood the fundamental reason for entries in /etc/apache2/sites-availble.15:14
ruben23hi guys how to install rt-kernel on ubuntu-server15:43
ruben23guys any idea on rt kernel deployment on ubuntu server..?15:49
Kreamin dpkg --list, some packages are prefixed with rc, what does this mean?16:01
RoyKKream: google for it16:08
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uvirtbotNew bug: #604320 in net-snmp (main) "package libsnmp-perl failed to install/upgrade: error writing to '<standard output>': No such file or directory" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/60432016:56
ioKream: Release candidate. Also, did you need something?17:59
jasonmeHi. we're in the process of migrating our office to ubuntu18:38
jasonmewe have 1 ubuntu server, 25 ubuntu desktops18:38
jasonmehow can we get the 25 ubuntu desktops to actually log on to the server? instead of to their own computer?18:38
jasonmeso that <user> can login at any computer and their docs/wallpaper etc will be the same18:38
Kreamjasonme: are there going to be windows machines logging in as well?18:51
jasonmeno just ubuntu18:53
Kreamjasonme: then you'll need something like this: home directories exported from an NFS server18:55
Kreamand an NIS/YP server to authenticate over the network18:55
jasonmeschools are an example.. they dont save users documents to the hd, also wallpapers and user settings are available on any computer the user logs in from18:56
jasonmeis there a simpler option?18:57
Kreamget a big server+thin client setup18:57
Kreamyou save big as you add more desktops18:57
Kreamthat setup is LTSP18:57
Kreamit's very easy to setup18:58
Kreamwell, compared to NIS at least18:58
Kreamand everything works, nowadays... cdroms, usb drives, the works18:58
Kreamsound too18:58
jasonmeKream: thanks so much!19:05
Kreamnp share and enjoy19:08
uvirtbotNew bug: #604353 in dhcp3 (main) "can't open external .dhcp config file" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/60435319:11
nhckit doesn't seem to be easy to get ubuntu to act as an upnp media renderer20:17
ruben23hi guys any help on installing  zoiper communicator on ubuntu..20:21
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=== CaptainTrek is now known as Mithos
quentusrexAnyone know of problems with openldap and ubuntu lucid?21:47
quentusrexI am following https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/openldap-server.html and can not figure out the cause of the " main: TLS init def ctx failed: -1 "21:48
vmlintu_usually that means that something's wrong with your certificates21:49
quentusrexI tried this: gnutls-serv --x509cafile /etc/ssl/certs/cacert.pem --x509certfile /etc/ssl/certs/ldap01-test_slapd_cert.pem --x509keyfile /etc/ssl/private/ldap01_slapd_key.pem21:50
quentusrexand it seems fine21:50
quentusrexand I checked that the user openldap has read access to all 3 of the cert/key files and the user does have access21:50
quentusrexso it doesn't seem to be a permission issue, nor does it seem to be a valid certs issue21:51
quentusrexI'm feeling all out of ideas21:51
vmlintu_have you tried running slapd with "-d -1" ?21:52
quentusrexsame error message: main: TLS init def ctx failed: -121:53
quentusrexafter it loads all the ldif files21:53
vmlintu_what's the command you are using to run slapd?21:53
quentusrexslapd -h 'ldaps:/// ldapi:///' -g openldap -u openldap -F /etc/ldap/slapd.d/ -d 121:54
quentusrexand I tried: slapd -d 121:54
vmlintu_-d -1, not -d 121:55
quentusrexstill the same so far21:55
vmlintu_does it say anything else about TLS?21:55
vmlintu_it could be a few thousand lines before21:56
quentusrexstrange it won't pipe to a file.21:58
quentusrexnot even with: slapd -d -1 2>&1 > debug.log21:59
quentusrexI don't see any output with tls in the line except for the lines that define which files to load22:03
vmlintu_Just to make sure, run it with strace to see if it can actually open the files22:04
quentusrexI need to fix the documentation on that page,22:05
quentusrexthere is a typo when creating the cert22:06
quentusrexHere is what fixed the issue: mv /etc/ssl/certs/ldap01-test_slapd_cert.pem /etc/ssl/certs/ldap01_test_slapd_cert.pem22:06
quentusrexthere is a hyphen where there should have been an underscore22:07
quentusrexthanks for the help vmlintu_22:07
vmlintu_I gave up copy-pasting commands a while ago because of these little typos..22:07
quentusrexDo you know a little about desktop ldap auth?22:08
vmlintu_I prefer kerberos, but I have used also pam_ldap22:08
quentusrexI'm trying to plan out the network authentication here, but there are laptops, and desktops. And the laptops are outside the network about half the time22:08
quentusrexvmlintu_, I'm looking into kerberos as well, but first have to get ldap up and running.22:09
quentusrexIs there a way to allow for both ldap auth and local auth?22:09
quentusrexin a way that will allow changes made on local to still be around when authed with ldap?22:09
quentusrexif that makes any sense.22:10
vmlintu_is local auth meant to be used when there's no connection and ldap when there's connection?22:10
quentusrexyes, basically.22:11
vmlintu_I'd recommend using sssd for that22:11
vmlintu_when users login with sssd, it stores enough information locally so that later they can login without connection too22:12
=== Mithos is now known as EvilTrek
quentusrexSo it would store the info after a successful login?22:15
quentusrexif you login successfully while connected, you can log in when disconnected?22:15
quentusrexany advice for mounting file systems after login?22:17
quentusrexsuch as home directories?22:17
quentusrexOne small hope is that I can have the ldap/kerb auth system work from within the network and from remote22:18
vmlintu_I'm using autofs for that when users are in the local network22:18
vmlintu_with autofs you can store the share information in ldap and it mounts the correct share when it is needed for the first time22:18
quentusrexwould that work for when the device is remote?22:19
quentusrexif the dns entries resolve properly for inside and out?22:19
vmlintu_Depends on the firewalls and connection speeds22:20
vmlintu_I wouldn't use nfs with slow connections22:20
vmlintu_but autofs works with other filesystems too22:21
quentusrexdo you know if nfs would allow for file changes if there is no connection to the nfs server?22:21
vmlintu_no, it needs a working connection22:22
quentusrexvmlintu_, and thanks a ton for helping.22:22
vmlintu_for laptops I'd recommend synchronising the home directories with something like unison22:22
vmlintu_with unison you can sync file both ways when they are modified22:23
vmlintu_It's not automatic, though, so users need to activate it22:23
quentusrexI think I can be happy with a system that only automounts certain directories if there is connectivity22:24
quentusrexif not, then it is obvious you don't have access.22:24
vmlintu_with nfs you'll probably have problems if something is mounted when the connection breaks22:25
vmlintu_unmounting the nfs share with a lost connection can be a pain22:25
quentusrexyeah, I have seen that happen.22:25
vmlintu_you might have better success with samba/cifs22:25
quentusrexI am also looking into glusterfs22:26
vmlintu_If users connect to the cifs shares through nautilus, they usually behave better than nfs when connection breaks22:26
vmlintu_I really don't know much about glusterfs as I've tried it only once22:27
quentusrexwhat were your thoughts when you did test it?22:28
quentusrexI'll look into cifs this looks like what I will need22:30
vmlintu_glusterfs looked nice, but I really need kerberos or some similar way of authenticating users to the file system22:44
quentusrexwhat is the advantage of kerberos over just plain ldap for you?22:47
vmlintu_Running nfs4 with kerberos makes it possible to give access to users instead of just hosts. So once users authenticate with kerberos, they get access to their home directories.22:50
quentusrexThat is well worth it...22:50
vmlintu_Especially when running hundreds of nfs clients in network, you don't want to share whole /home to anyone who asks for it22:51
vmlintu_I'm running quite a few school networks and I must assume that every user is potentially hostile as kids try to break in22:55
quentusrexI think I might wind up using glusterfs to aggregate the bricks, then share with nfs and cifs22:55
quentusrexmaybe add something to determine if within the network and if not then use cifs only22:55
quentusrexvmlintu_, I have a school as a client, I know what you mean.22:55
=== KenjiP0p|away is now known as KenjiP0p
Psi-JackI'm curious. Ubuntu's had a lot of excelent focus on virtualization with kvm and all. But have they put into any focus about HA/HS support as well?23:40
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