lfaraone | dogi: ping | 00:49 |
satellit__ | dfarning: for read : http://bugs.sugarlabs.org/ticket/1900 (Evince API has changed) | 01:16 |
dfarning | satellit__, ok thank I added that to our tasks list. And since read is one of the big four it should get some love. | 01:19 |
satellit__ | : ) hope you get it fixed ... | 01:19 |
satellit__ | big blocker for e-books..... | 01:20 |
* satellit__ evince will work but no sugar journal integration. will read from 2nd USB the e-book downloads | 01:22 | |
lfaraone | dfarning: did you get a chance to make that change? | 01:22 |
lfaraone | dfarning: (alternatively I can add a table to the wikipage) | 01:22 |
dfarning | I just added to my personal task list which I forward to manu so he can make assingments. | 01:23 |
lfaraone | dfarning: sorry, I mean the topic change. | 01:23 |
lfaraone | dfarning: I think actually now a better idea would be to add a table element "review" to Sugar/tasks so people can request review there. | 01:24 |
dfarning | lfaraone, I agree. | 01:24 |
lfaraone | dfarning: I'll make a note about using the OLPC-style syntax, "r?" == needs review, "r+~lfaraone" == approved by lfaraone, "r-~lfaraone" == issues found by lfaraone. | 01:25 |
dfarning | lfaraone, how are the reviews looking? | 01:52 |
lfaraone | dfarning: currently looking at connect. | 01:54 |
dfarning | lfaraone, great. | 01:55 |
lfaraone | dfarning: dip and I talked about work remaining on flipsticks last night, irc has no pushes (although probably should be named xoirc?), jigsaw puzzle does not contain a debian folder in git, nor does sliderpuzzle. | 01:57 |
lfaraone | I have to see what kandarp did re my review with poll (it would be awesome if they could send mail tome or the list when they're done) | 01:57 |
lfaraone | Memorize and log are in queue. | 01:58 |
dfarning | lfaraone, looks like something went wrong with jigsaw and slide:( | 01:58 |
dfarning | lfaraone, I will request that everyone send a please review note to the list. | 01:59 |
lfaraone | dfarning: yes, the ".git" folder was not removed from the get-orig-source'd upstream tarball before import. This was mentioned in a list email, and can be fixed manually or by adding a stanza to the get-orig-source rule. | 01:59 |
lfaraone | dfarning: either list or wiki is fine, they work equally well for me. (wiki has the added benefit of looking at it at a glance to see what needs review) | 02:00 |
dfarning | ok I just saw your note on the tasks page about reviews. | 02:02 |
lfaraone | dfarning: which activities depend on abiword, by the way? it currently FTBFS in Maverick. https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/603214 | 02:47 |
dfarning | lfaraone, The big one is write. Others might be jigsaw and slider | 02:50 |
lfaraone | dfarning: mk. well, someone should look into that build failure. I can sponsor the upload if the issue is ubuntu-specific, otherwise a bug report against debian (pref. with patch) would be in order. | 02:51 |
dfarning | lfaraone, I think the problem is actually python-abiword | 02:51 |
dfarning | lfaraone, that is kandarp's task. | 02:52 |
lfaraone | dfarning: okay. it's already packaged. (and that's what FTBFS, not abiword, sorry) glad to know somebody's on it :) | 02:52 |
* lfaraone will be back around 23h45 EST (1hr45m) | 02:59 | |
dipankar | dfarning, good morning | 03:29 |
dipankar | lfaraone, you around? | 03:29 |
lfaraone | dipankar: yes. | 03:29 |
dipankar | lfaraone, I am facing an odd problem | 03:30 |
dipankar | lfaraone, just a sec. | 03:30 |
dipankar | lfaraone, when I tried to import the original tar ball into the local repository, I get this error : http://paste.ubuntu.com/461853/ | 03:33 |
dfarning | dipankar, good morning | 03:33 |
dipankar | dfarning, how was your day? | 03:33 |
lfaraone | dipankar: decent, thanks. yours? | 03:33 |
* dipankar had a *rough day | 03:34 | |
lfaraone | dipankar: oh, sorry about that. | 03:34 |
lfaraone | dipankar: when you cloned the branch, did you do "gbp-clone ..." or just "git clone ..."? | 03:34 |
dipankar | lfaraone, nah, I was about to ask that to you. :P | 03:34 |
dipankar | lfaraone, I used git clone. | 03:34 |
dfarning | dipankar, That sucks. is today going to be better? | 03:34 |
dipankar | dfarning, I found lfaraone online finally. So I guess it should be good | 03:35 |
dfarning | dipankar, :) | 03:35 |
dipankar | dfarning, yesterday I was so badly stuck :(. Also you two weren't online. :( | 03:36 |
lfaraone | dipankar: okay. try recloning using gbp-clone. | 03:36 |
dipankar | lfaraone, right away. | 03:36 |
lfaraone | ("gbp-clone --pristine-tar git+ssh://path/to/repo") | 03:36 |
dipankar | lfaraone, ok, now its done | 03:41 |
dipankar | lfaraone, what was the mistake with 'git clone'? | 03:42 |
lfaraone | dipankar: well, it doens't copy over all the branches, just master. gbp-clone copies over everything you need. you could do it manually with git clone and some branch commands, but gbp-clone is easier. | 03:43 |
dipankar | lfaraone, ok. <sorry> Here is my next problem: I am unable to find the homepage of latest log activity. | 03:44 |
lfaraone | dipankar: what pages have you found? | 03:44 |
dipankar | lfaraone, I searched a lot for the v23. But I could find this one : http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Log_Viewer | 03:45 |
lfaraone | dipankar: okay. you could probably use the download page on download.sl.o or the git page on git.sl.o without problems if you can't find a proper homepage for it. | 03:46 |
dipankar | lfaraone, usually I find proper information from pages like here: http://activities.sugarlabs.org/en-US/sugar/addon/4056 . But this activity seems to have no proper page. | 03:48 |
lfaraone | dipankar: well, like I said, you could either use the download page on download.sugarlabs.org or the source code page on git. | 03:50 |
dipankar | lfaraone, ok. I had a doubt that our alioth git repository is named logviewer while the activity is Log, will that pose a problem? | 03:51 |
dipankar | *I don't think so, but I may be wrong | 03:51 |
lfaraone | dipankar: well, not from a technical standpoint, but it might be a good idea to rename it at some point. | 03:51 |
lfaraone | dipankar: if you ssh into git.debian.org and go to /git/collab-maint you can move the folder sugar-logviewer-activity.git to sugar-log-activity.git | 03:52 |
dipankar | lfaraone, just like in terminal. | 03:52 |
lfaraone | dipankar: yes. | 03:53 |
dipankar | lfaraone, I also found that the copyright file for the Log Activity is not according to the format you specified. I guess I need to change that too. | 03:53 |
dipankar | lfaraone, ? | 04:00 |
lfaraone | dipankar: I don't remember, how was it non-conforming? | 04:00 |
dipankar | lfaraone, I think you didn't get my question. Just a second | 04:02 |
lfaraone | dipankar: last I saw was "22:53 dipankar$ lfaraone, I also found that the copyright file for the Log Activity is not according to the format you specified. I guess I need to change that too." | 04:03 |
dipankar | lfaraone, See the format of these two: http://git.debian.org/?p=collab-maint/sugar-logviewer-activity.git;a=blob;f=debian/copyright;h=9c160f1307bd87edffcd0eb0ba4ea42cb5c28c50;hb=a5c5370c8c89f9d11bd72888c6833f8ecdf45404 | 04:05 |
dipankar | and http://git.debian.org/?p=collab-maint/sugar-flipsticks-activity.git;a=blob;f=debian/copyright;h=39990edfb49f51a9c88a05219b1b1fb78959305a;hb=b7ef04dfb225ff531a20115c15b6506be0a1280f | 04:06 |
dipankar | lfaraone, I meant Jani debianized way back in 2007, so the format different from current one | 04:06 |
lfaraone | dipankar: well, the other format Jani used is accepted, but the new format is clearer. | 04:08 |
lfaraone | dipankar: eventually the new format will become standard. therefore, we encourage its use. | 04:08 |
lfaraone | dipankar: it's a low-priority item compared to everything else, as long as all authors are covered in the existing file | 04:09 |
dipankar | lfaraone, Ok I got it. So for now, my task is to import the original tar ball into repo, make changes in the debian/changelog, commit the changes and push them to alioth? | 04:11 |
lfaraone | dipankar: yep. | 04:12 |
dipankar | lfaraone, I also wanted to ask whats the difference b/w the commands: | 04:12 |
dipankar | 1. DEB_MAINTAINER_MODE=1 fakeroot debian/rules clean | 04:13 |
dipankar | 2. fakeroot debian/rules clean | 04:13 |
dipankar | * 1st one might be incorrect | 04:13 |
lfaraone | dipankar: 1 cleans and regenerates control from control.in, second does not. | 04:14 |
dipankar | lfaraone, I am getting this error in o/p : http://paste.ubuntu.com/461875/ | 04:16 |
lfaraone | dipankar: Where do you see the error? | 04:16 |
dipankar | lfaraone, while running the fakeroot ... clean | 04:17 |
dipankar | lfaraone, I think it is something related to debian/control.in file | 04:17 |
lfaraone | dipankar: in the text you pasted I do not see the error. On which line do you see it? | 04:17 |
dipankar | lfaraone, oops, I meant those msg lines: 2 and 3 | 04:18 |
dipankar | lfaraone, * sorry. they are neither errors or warnings I guess | 04:18 |
lfaraone | dipankar: they're warnings, but they can be safely ignored. | 04:20 |
dipankar | lfaraone, ohk. I am pushing the changes up in a few minutes | 04:21 |
dipankar | lfaraone, I have uploaded the changes : http://git.debian.org/?p=collab-maint/sugar-logviewer-activity.git;a=summary | 04:27 |
lfaraone | dipankar: cool, I'll look at them in a bit. | 04:27 |
lfaraone | (I have quite a review queue) | 04:27 |
lfaraone | dfarning, manusheel_, btw, I won't be here tomorrow morning, I have church to do. | 04:28 |
dipankar | lfaraone, I am filing the ITP. As soon as I get the acknowledgement e-mail, I will add the 'Closes: BUGNO.' in the changelog | 04:28 |
dipankar | lfaraone, I know (the review queue) | 04:28 |
dipankar | :P | 04:28 |
dfarning | lfaraone, ok | 04:29 |
dipankar | lfaraone, okay. BTW you weren't available today morning too. is it due to that server thing? | 04:30 |
manusheel_ | lfaraone: Sure. Thank you for informing us. | 04:32 |
lfaraone | dipankar: it's a Saturday, I'm technically not at work today. I had plans for this morning. I apologize if that prevented you from getting some work done. | 04:41 |
dipankar | lfaraone, No worries. I had no information about that :) I will keep that in mind from now on. Thanks for helping me out. | 04:43 |
lfaraone | dipankar: Heh, mk. I usually don't work on weekends, but if I have free time I might stop by. | 04:46 |
* dipankar likes lfaraone's helping nature :) | 04:46 | |
lfaraone | thanks, dipankar. | 04:46 |
dipankar | lfaraone, Its nearing 0000 hrs there. I guess you would be heading to bed. | 04:47 |
lfaraone | yep, ttyl dipankar. | 04:49 |
dipankar | lfaraone, good night :) | 04:49 |
kandarpk | lfaraone: good night | 04:50 |
lfaraone | night all. | 04:50 |
kandarpk | *will be back in 60min. | 05:50 |
neeraj_ | kandarpk, dipankar any activity on which I can work now? | 07:36 |
manusheel_ | neeraj: I would like you to start with Write activity. | 07:39 |
kandarpk | neeraj_: if you feel confident, try one from lower table. | 07:39 |
neeraj_ | manusheel_, ok I will start with write | 07:41 |
manusheel_ | neeraj: Yes, that would be great. | 07:42 |
manusheel_ | kandarpk: Can you send me the link of the table again? | 07:42 |
manusheel_ | Wish to bookmark it. | 07:42 |
kandarpk | wiki.debian.org/Sugar/tasks | 07:43 |
manusheel_ | kandarpk: Thanks. | 07:43 |
kandarpk | manusheel_sir: no problem :) | 07:44 |
neeraj_ | manusheel_ sir write activity is based on abiword, I think we are facing some problem with it? http://git.sugarlabs.org/projects/write | 07:44 |
manusheel_ | neeraj_ : I think that issue has been resolved. Right, Kandarp. If not, we can focus on Record. | 07:46 |
manusheel_ | kandarpk, dipankar, have we committed the changes made in abiword? | 07:47 |
manusheel_ | I heard the issues have been fixe. | 07:47 |
* dipankar is working on review from Luke will get back in 5 minutes | 07:47 | |
manusheel_ | fixed* | 07:47 |
manusheel_ | Sure, dipankar. | 07:47 |
kandarpk | manusheel_ sir: sir, poll activity had dependency on pyabiword | 07:48 |
manusheel_ | neeraj_ : Ok. | 07:48 |
kandarpk | *only poll activity | 07:48 |
manusheel_ | kandarpk:Ok. Did you find any major issue? | 07:48 |
kandarpk | manusheel_ sir: the activity was working fine, and I dont think the package needs to be rebuild | 07:49 |
kandarpk | if pyabiword is changed | 07:49 |
* dipankar is back. | 07:50 | |
dipankar | hello to all | 07:50 |
kandarpk | manusheel_ sir: some activities fail to start when pyabiword can't be installed on the machine | 07:50 |
kandarpk | manusheel_ sir: but we dont need to rebuild those packages | 07:51 |
manusheel_ | kandarpk: Ok. Thanks. That should be very helpful. | 07:51 |
manusheel_ | So, we can move towards packaging write. | 07:51 |
dipankar | manusheel_, Sir I still have to work out the dependencies by debugging. AFAIK, flipsticks/log doesn't have dependency on pyabiword. | 07:51 |
kandarpk | manusheel_ sir: I think neeraj_ can give it a try | 07:52 |
kandarpk | manusheel_, sir: some people worked on pyabiword, I think | 07:52 |
kandarpk | it was there in the mailing list | 07:53 |
manusheel_ | dipankar: Yes, log and flipsticks don't have pyabiword as the dependency. | 07:54 |
kandarpk | manusheel_ sir: else we can ask ankur to try pyabiword now, and see if it works | 07:54 |
manusheel_ | kandarpk: Sure, let Neeraj give it a try. | 07:55 |
manusheel_ | kandarpk: Ankur is working on 3 packages already as informed to me by Dipankar. | 07:56 |
kandarpk | manusheel_ sir: but he is facing problems with pyabiword in most of them | 07:56 |
kandarpk | manusheel_ sir: maybe he can check if pyabiword has been fixed or not | 07:56 |
manusheel_ | kandarpk: Ok. Sure. Can you check this with Ankur. | 07:57 |
manusheel_ | I did send an e-mail to him. | 07:57 |
manusheel_ | dipankar: Did Ankur get back to you? | 07:57 |
dipankar | manusheel_, Sir, I am having an error while building package for the log activity: http://paste.ubuntu.com/461914/ | 07:57 |
dipankar | manusheel_, No Sir. I have no info regarding Ankur's Status | 07:58 |
manusheel_ | kandarpk: I would let Neeraj give a try to Abiword and PyAbiword. | 07:58 |
manusheel_ | Important for us. | 07:59 |
manusheel_ | dipankar. Interesting. | 07:59 |
manusheel_ | You are getting a whole bunch of warnings too. | 07:59 |
kandarpk | manusheel_ sir : hmmm, it will save time if he succeeds | 07:59 |
neeraj_ | kandarpk, dipankar have we uploaded any documentation anywhere on web listing all the steps which we need to follow while building using git | 08:00 |
manusheel_ | kandarpk: That is absolutely true. However, I am not sure about the progress at Ankur's end. Didn't hear from him today. Wish if you can touch base with him, and ask him on it. | 08:00 |
dipankar | neeraj_, Ankur did send a documentation | 08:01 |
dipankar | neeraj_, please check your mail box | 08:01 |
kandarpk | manusheel_ sir: Ok sir. | 08:01 |
dipankar | neeraj_, as a suggestion: there is no particular way of working on git: every time I find a new problem and a different solution. | 08:01 |
neeraj_ | dipankar, yeah.. got it, sorry i forgot.. | 08:01 |
manusheel_ | dipankar: dpkg-buildpackage: error: fakeroot debian/rules binary gave error exit status 2 | 08:02 |
manusheel_ | Error while doing a make. | 08:02 |
dipankar | kandarpk : Please see if you ever had the problem. | 08:02 |
dipankar | manusheel_, I think the error is triggered by this line : cp: cannot stat `./Log.activity': No such file or directory | 08:02 |
manusheel_ | kandarpk: This is the log Dipankar is referring to - http://paste.ubuntu.com/461914/ | 08:02 |
neeraj_ | kandarpk, wish if u could suggest what should I write in version number.. only 71 will do? http://git.sugarlabs.org/projects/write/repos/mainline | 08:03 |
kandarpk | manusheel_, dipankar : I am going through it | 08:04 |
manusheel_ | dipankar: Ok. I see. Yes, Log.activity seems to be the issue here. Let us check. | 08:04 |
neeraj_ | I am confused because the last release is not committed | 08:04 |
dipankar | manusheel_, Sir, I think it is due to the improper install script | 08:04 |
manusheel_ | dipankar, kandarpk: activityname.activity is a very important file for any sugar activity. | 08:04 |
manusheel_ | We cannot ignore it. | 08:04 |
manusheel_ | dipankar: Check the install script. | 08:05 |
manusheel_ | neeraj_ : In that case, look at activity.info file of the release that has been committed. | 08:06 |
manusheel_ | That should work. | 08:06 |
kandarpk | neeraj_: I think version 70 is available | 08:06 |
manusheel_ | The version number is specified over there. | 08:06 |
dipankar | manusheel_, Sir, I am not sure though. : For reference to the tree : please check here: http://git.debian.org/?p=collab-maint/sugar-logviewer-activity.git;a=tree | 08:06 |
neeraj_ | kandarpk, ok | 08:07 |
manusheel_ | dipankar: Yes, log.activity is missing. | 08:07 |
manusheel_ | Not sure, why it didn't get install. | 08:08 |
manusheel_ | dipankar: Please write an e-mail to Luke and David, and copy me on it. | 08:08 |
dipankar | manusheel_, YES! finally. | 08:08 |
kandarpk | dipankar: you haven't appended anything to debian/rules ? | 08:08 |
dipankar | manusheel_, Sir I checked the debian/install | 08:09 |
dipankar | the line Log.activity /usr/... | 08:09 |
dipankar | I changed it to | 08:09 |
dipankar | activity /usr/... | 08:09 |
dipankar | and it worked. | 08:10 |
kandarpk | dipankar: great | 08:10 |
manusheel_ | dipankar: Great. Yes, you did Log.activity/usr before? | 08:10 |
dipankar | kandarpk, manusheel_, Sir, I guess I have to rename the 'activity' folder to 'Log.activity' | 08:10 |
manusheel_ | dipankar: No. I don't think so. | 08:10 |
dipankar | manusheel_, sir, why so? | 08:11 |
manusheel_ | dipankar: activity folder and log.activity file are two different entities altogether. | 08:11 |
manusheel_ | activity folder has the icon and info file. | 08:11 |
dipankar | yes. | 08:11 |
manusheel_ | dipankar: You should really read about Sugar activity development tutorial. Let me send it across to you. | 08:11 |
manusheel_ | Will also send it to Kandarp. | 08:11 |
manusheel_ | dipankar: That will be very helpful. | 08:12 |
* dipankar is going to Lunch. | 08:12 | |
manusheel_ | In understanding the structure and details. | 08:12 |
dipankar | manusheel_, Sir, I think I got what you are trying to say. The development tutorial will be handy. | 08:13 |
* dipankar is away: I'm not here | 08:13 | |
neeraj_ | kandarpk, around? | 08:29 |
kandarpk | neeraj_ : yes | 08:29 |
neeraj_ | u mentioned a change in rule file after fi.. | 08:29 |
kandarpk | neeraj : yes, let me see what it was | 08:30 |
kandarpk | cd $(SOURCE_DIR) && rm -rf .git* | 08:30 |
neeraj_ | kandarpk, while building sliderpuzzle, ankur didn't made that change and the activity build was successful | 08:31 |
* dipankar is back (gone 00:18:13) | 08:31 | |
kandarpk | neeraj_: it will build, but the tar file will have .git folder in it | 08:31 |
dipankar | kandarpk, did you receive the developer's guide from Manu Sir? | 08:32 |
kandarpk | dipankar: not yet | 08:32 |
neeraj_ | kandarpk, dipankar in change log, we will just use initial release in every package? | 08:34 |
dipankar | yup. neeraj_ . 'Initial release' | 08:34 |
=== neeraj_ is now known as neeraj | ||
dipankar | kandarpk, here is the link to the developer's guide: http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Developers_manual | 08:38 |
kandarpk | dipankar: thanks. | 08:38 |
dipankar | alsroot, hi, you online? I wanted to ask something regarding activities | 08:41 |
neeraj | manusheel sir, write activity is failing to start | 09:40 |
neeraj | the reason is same.. abiword problem.. | 09:41 |
manusheel | neeraj: Can you send me an e-mail with the logs? | 09:41 |
neeraj | ok | 09:41 |
manusheel | neeraj: We should get the Abiword issue resolved soon. | 09:41 |
manusheel | neeraj: I would like you to start with the Record activity. | 09:42 |
manusheel | ankur: Hi Ankur. Around? | 09:42 |
ankur | manusheel, yes sir , just came | 09:43 |
manusheel | ankur: Dipankar informed me that you were also facing Abiword issues. | 09:44 |
manusheel | Did you open a ticket for them? | 09:44 |
ankur | manusheel sir, yes . I was facing the issue with them with slideer and jigsaw puzzle . | 09:45 |
manusheel | neeraj: Please go through the activity structure of Record too. | 09:45 |
manusheel | ankur: Great. | 09:45 |
ankur | no i havent filed ticket for them as it was a one issue which is bothering both tha activities | 09:45 |
manusheel | ankur: We should try and arrive at a good conclusion on this issue. | 09:46 |
ankur | and it wasn't decided whether kandarp was supposed to go for debugging it | 09:46 |
ankur | or me | 09:46 |
ankur | as of then | 09:46 |
ankur | kandarp was supposed to work on pyabiword issue | 09:46 |
ankur | while i was given some packages to push | 09:46 |
ankur | well | 09:46 |
ankur | there were 3 packages from which i was suppose to choose , and they were all supposed to b pushed | 09:47 |
ankur | david asked me to push them starting with irc | 09:47 |
manusheel | ankur: What were the 3 packages? | 09:47 |
manusheel | ankur: Was this task assigned to you at IRC? | 09:47 |
ankur | manusheel, well they were XO irc, etoys | 09:47 |
ankur | and one more | 09:48 |
ankur | manusheel, yes sir | 09:48 |
ankur | on irc only | 09:48 |
manusheel | ankur: In such a case, please send me an e-mail about the tasks assigned to you. | 09:49 |
ankur | manusheel, sir , vijit sir also asked me take a look at this .http://paste.ubuntu.com/461960/ | 09:49 |
ankur | manusheel sir, i will keep that in mind | 09:50 |
ankur | as i updated pyabiword issue in my tasks wiki page | 09:50 |
manusheel | ankur: Yes, Ian fixed it for SoaS. | 09:50 |
manusheel | ankur: Let us touch base with Ian over e-mail then. | 09:51 |
manusheel | ankur: His e-mail id is "I.T. Daniher" <explodingmind@gmail.com>, | 09:51 |
ankur | manusheel sir, i am not sure about somethings . Is pyabiword maintained by sugar developers? | 09:51 |
ankur | or it is maintained by different developers all together? | 09:52 |
manusheel | ankur: Kindly send Ian an e-mail and copy me, David, Kandarp and Luke on it. | 09:52 |
manusheel | ankur: It is maintained by a Marc Maurer and Martin Dengler as far as I remember. | 09:52 |
ankur | manusheel sir , i will do it . will search over the issue first so that i get right questions to ask | 09:52 |
manusheel | ankur: Absolutely. | 09:52 |
manusheel | ankur: Marc has worked in Sugar before. | 09:53 |
manusheel | Not sure, about Martin. | 09:53 |
ankur | manusheel sir i just saw your mail about the activities. | 09:53 |
ankur | do i need to send an on record mail about it? | 09:53 |
manusheel | ankur: Let me know the third package apart from e-toys and xoirc. | 09:54 |
manusheel | Also, is Ishan working with you on them? | 09:55 |
ankur | the third one is chat record | 09:55 |
ankur | well i have told him to study on git first and create accounts on alioth and join mailing list as of now | 09:55 |
ankur | he is not working on those activities | 09:56 |
ankur | if you say i can leave one for him to startover | 09:56 |
manusheel | ankur: No Ankur. Not right now. | 09:56 |
manusheel | He needs to work a bit on ppa. | 09:56 |
manusheel | ankur: Is the third activity, chat or record? | 09:56 |
ankur | well he mentioned something like this you can start over on any of them . | 09:57 |
manusheel | ankur: Work on chat. Neeraj is looking after Record for today. | 09:58 |
manusheel | neeraj: Did you start with Record? | 09:58 |
manusheel | neeraj: Please send me an update on your progress at 5:00 pm today. | 09:58 |
ankur | manusheel, i would get started on chat as of now then. | 09:59 |
neeraj | sir, not yet.. I will do that later.. at present I am just trying to locate the bug by tracing the files path given on log | 09:59 |
manusheel | neeraj: Ok. | 10:00 |
ankur | neeraj, i saw your email. | 10:00 |
ankur | it is the same error everyone else is getting | 10:00 |
manusheel | ankur: Great. Please send me an update on your progress at 10:00 pm today. | 10:00 |
neeraj | Sir for today's and yesterday night work I will send u a mail.. But if u r talking about previous week progress report then I have already sent that :) | 10:00 |
manusheel | neeraj: I was referring to the status of Record activity packaging. | 10:01 |
ankur | the issue is that python-abiword is not installed by default and it can't be installed from synaptic as due to some unresolvable dependencies | 10:01 |
manusheel | Never mind. You can do this after studying logs. | 10:01 |
neeraj | manusheel sir: ok | 10:01 |
manusheel | neeraj: Great. | 10:01 |
ankur | manusheel sir, i am trying to study the pyabiword issue as well.I will mail you the details on chat activity as soon as i am don with it.HOpe it wont take up much time | 10:02 |
ankur | XO irc was giving some prblems due to version tagging | 10:03 |
ankur | manusheel sir, well when will david be coming back to irc ? | 10:05 |
ankur | manusheel, sir it seems that pyabiword is fixed | 10:15 |
manusheel | ankur: Great. | 10:15 |
ankur | neeraj, try sudo-apt-get install python-abiword and then try to run write | 10:15 |
manusheel | That is neat to hear. | 10:15 |
manusheel | ankur: Sorry, any questions for David? | 10:16 |
manusheel | Missed your last message. | 10:16 |
ankur | well , not for now :) | 10:16 |
neeraj | ankur, doing.. I just installed abiword :( | 10:16 |
manusheel | ankur and neeraj: What we should do is read about Abiword and PyAbiword and understand the fix. | 10:16 |
neeraj | great | 10:17 |
neeraj | its working now :) | 10:17 |
ankur | i have to make changes to my git version as well after updateing dependencies | 10:17 |
ankur | manusheel, but isnt it fixed now? | 10:17 |
manusheel | ankur: Since, Abiword and PyAbiword is important for both your activities, you should send us a documentation on Abiword, PyAbiword and the fix. | 10:17 |
manusheel | ankur: The idea of this round of tasks for packaging is to get into the details. | 10:18 |
ankur | manusheel sir, i did not fix it :( | 10:18 |
neeraj | I think we should edit the dependency so that both of these gets installed while installed write | 10:18 |
neeraj | that will do.. | 10:18 |
ankur | i just happened to install it and it worked | 10:18 |
manusheel | ankur: Yes, so you should touch base with Ian. I did send you his e-mail. Try and understand the fix. | 10:18 |
manusheel | ankur: Also, copy me and Luke on the e-mail. | 10:18 |
ankur | manusheel sir, will do that . | 10:19 |
manusheel | ankur: We need to understand things as we proceed to tasks. Next time, if there is an issue on Abiword and PyAbiword, I'll be asking you to fix it. | 10:19 |
manusheel | :-) | 10:19 |
ankur | manusheel sir, sure.I will dive into them to understand how they work. | 10:21 |
ankur | do i need to check out there code as well | 10:21 |
ankur | ? | 10:21 |
manusheel | ankur: Yes. | 10:21 |
manusheel | You should. | 10:21 |
manusheel | ankur: Understanding the programming and algos side by side should be done too. | 10:21 |
manusheel | However, you should not ignore the other 3 packages assigned to you too. | 10:22 |
ankur | manusheel sir, will do it :) | 10:22 |
manusheel | ankur: Try to keep a balance between the assigned tasks and understanding tasks. | 10:22 |
manusheel | Whenever you get sometime, you should get to the code. | 10:22 |
manusheel | Understand the programming part. | 10:22 |
ankur | well , i needed to ask, abiword will be maintained by us in the future? | 10:23 |
manusheel | ankur: Please look into this task of understanding Abiword and PyAbiword once you complete the packaging tasks. Yes, Ankur. The ownership will come to us if there is an issue. | 10:24 |
manusheel | ankur: Wherever possible, we atleast need to understand how a dependency interact with Sugar, its bindings | 10:24 |
manusheel | and its working. | 10:24 |
manusheel | ankur: If we can understand the package that would be great too. | 10:24 |
manusheel | ankur: However, for now, please first complete the packaging tasks. This task has to be done not at the cost of packaging tasks too. We need good momentum at this juncture too. | 10:25 |
ankur | manusheel, sir i will package the activites first then get into the code | 10:26 |
manusheel | ankur: Great. Please do. And, send me a documentation on your understanding of Abiword and PyAbiword and the code fix. | 10:26 |
ankur | manusheel sir , will do it :) | 10:27 |
manusheel | ankur: Great. Looking forward to your e-mail at 11:00 pm on the updates. | 10:27 |
ankur | will mail you on it sir :) | 10:28 |
manusheel | ankur: Thanks Ankur. Good luck. | 10:28 |
ankur | thank you sir :) | 10:28 |
dfarning | neeraj, good morning | 11:51 |
neeraj | dfarning, good morning.. :) | 11:51 |
dfarning | neeraj, how are you? | 11:51 |
neeraj | I am good..thanks for asking... | 11:52 |
neeraj | how r u feeling this morning? | 11:52 |
dfarning | neeraj, very good. | 11:53 |
neeraj | :) dfarning, I was working on write activity, after packaging it when I installed it then it was failing to start. | 11:53 |
dfarning | neeraj, is there a message in the log | 11:53 |
neeraj | then ankur and me tried to solve it and ankur found that after installing python-abiword and abiword , the problem got solved | 11:54 |
neeraj | dfarning, yes we did looked at the log | 11:54 |
neeraj | it was giving import error .. abiword.. | 11:55 |
neeraj | So i was asking what change should I make in the control file so that both abiword and python-abiword get installed along with write activity.. | 11:55 |
neeraj | I hope you are getting what I am trying to say :) | 11:56 |
dfarning | neeraj I think that you can just add python-abiword to the control.in file. | 11:57 |
neeraj | dfarning, ok | 11:57 |
neeraj | I will build it again and send u the deb file.. | 11:57 |
dfarning | neeraj, Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, ${python:Depends}, EXTRA_DEPENDENCIES | 11:58 |
neeraj | Also I was filing ITP, but go confused whose name should I write in upstream author | 11:58 |
neeraj | yes dfarning i got it.. :) | 11:58 |
neeraj | http://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/Activities/Write | 12:00 |
dfarning | neeraj, tomeu is listed as the owner of the upstream git repo.... So he is the person to contact/blame with write related problems:) | 12:03 |
neeraj | dfarning, ok :) | 12:03 |
dfarning | neeraj, upstream author has two goal 1) giving credit and 2) knowing who to blame. Since all of the orginal authors are missing we fall back to the blame:( | 12:05 |
neeraj | dfarning, write is working fine now :) | 12:13 |
dfarning | neeraj, great. | 12:21 |
neeraj | sending u the deb file | 12:22 |
dfarning | neeraj, are you test in debian? I have not gotten debian to work on my local computer | 12:23 |
neeraj | dfarning, I have not installed sugar on debian yet.. | 12:23 |
neeraj | I am sending this file to kandarp for testing on debian | 12:23 |
dfarning | neeraj, so it is working on ubuntu that is really cool. | 12:24 |
neeraj | dfarning, :) I was working on record activity | 12:25 |
neeraj | but I am again facing the same error which i was facing in memorize.. | 12:25 |
neeraj | At present I am going through logs as lfaraone suggested a solution for that problem to kandarp | 12:26 |
dfarning | neeraj, can you send the error to pastebin? | 12:27 |
neeraj | dfarning, wait a min.. I will have to regenerate it.. | 12:28 |
dfarning | neeraj, awesome write works just fine on lucid. | 12:32 |
neeraj | dfarning, :).. here is the error which I am getting in recored activity http://paste.ubuntu.com/462015/ | 12:40 |
dfarning | neeraj, you will want to update to the quilt (3.0) format. notice like 33 refers to source format 1.0 | 12:43 |
neeraj | dfarning, sorry I didn't got u.. | 12:45 |
dfarning | neeraj, use the follow command mkdir debian/source ; echo '3.0 (quilt)' > debian/source/format ; dch 'Switch to dpkg-source 3.0 (quilt) format' | 12:45 |
dfarning | neeraj, there is more information at http://wiki.debian.org/Projects/DebSrc3.0 | 12:45 |
neeraj | http://paste.ubuntu.com/462021/ | 12:48 |
dfarning | neeraj, you need to delete sugar-record-activity_82.orig.tar.gz from the dir. | 12:52 |
dfarning | hey ishan how are you | 12:53 |
ishan | fine thank you | 12:53 |
neeraj | dfarning, i used git rm -force command before running git-buildpackage | 12:53 |
dfarning | neeraj, did you commit? | 12:54 |
dfarning | ishan, what is your plan for the day? | 12:54 |
neeraj | debcommit -m'initial commit' yes | 12:54 |
dfarning | neeraj, line 35 is saying that sugar-record-activity-82/sugar-write-activity_82.orig.tar.gz is looks like a binary file and since quile 3.0 is source only. it throws an error | 12:56 |
dfarning | ishan, feel free to use the primary chanel. Ir is helpful for eveyone to have an idea what everyone else is doing:) | 12:57 |
dfarning | ishan, any questions about python? | 12:57 |
ishan | okay | 12:58 |
ishan | not yet | 12:58 |
dfarning | ishan, did you learn java in school? the transition to python is pretty easy. | 13:00 |
ishan | dfarning,no i learned C++ | 13:00 |
dfarning | neeraj, did you find the problem? | 13:16 |
dfarning | kandarpk, good morning. | 13:16 |
kandarpk | dfarning: good morning | 13:16 |
neeraj | dfarning, not yet.. I will get back to u in 5-10 min.. | 13:17 |
dfarning | kandarpk, are you having a relaxing weekend? | 13:17 |
neeraj | trying another method.. | 13:17 |
kandarpk | dfarning: sort of :) | 13:17 |
manusheel | ishan: Hi Ishan. | 13:22 |
manusheel | Around? | 13:22 |
ishan | yes sir | 13:22 |
dfarning | kandarpk, let's this back to the public channel so others can see about the other sugar stuff you and doing. it will help make all the pieces fall together:) | 13:23 |
ishan | manusheel,Hi sir | 13:23 |
manusheel | ishan: Did you get a chance to study the packaging documentation provide by Dipankar (ppa). | 13:23 |
dfarning | kandarpk http://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/Machine/sunjammer it is one the the Sugar labs servers | 13:23 |
manusheel | ishan: ?* | 13:23 |
ishan | manusheel:no documentation has been given yet | 13:23 |
ishan | presently he has asked me to learn python | 13:24 |
manusheel | ishan: Ok, Ishan. Thanks for informing me about it. Yes, you should study python first. | 13:24 |
dfarning | kandarpk_ we access sunjammer the same way we access the build vm via ssh. | 13:25 |
manusheel | ishan: I am glad that Dipankar provided you the right pointers. | 13:25 |
dfarning | kandarpk, all of the documentation work will be hosted on sunjammer at api.sugarlabs.org | 13:25 |
=== kandarpk_ is now known as kandarpk | ||
kandarpk | Ok. | 13:27 |
dfarning | I will grant you access to the configuration file for both sphynix and the other documentation generation tool. | 13:27 |
dfarning | kandarpk, I can't grant you root because it is a primary sugarlabs server. | 13:28 |
manusheel | dfarning, kandarpk: Great. Kandarp, please document a complete understanding of sunjammer and getting access to it. | 13:28 |
kandarpk | dfarning: that way, I'll only need to submit files, rest of HTML generation will be handled by the server ? | 13:29 |
dfarning | kandarpk, can you send be the full names and ssh pubkey of those who need access. | 13:29 |
dfarning | kandarpk, yes. I will help you write and autogeneration script so the the documentaion is regenerated every day | 13:30 |
kandarpk | dfarning: manusheel sir would know better who is going to be involved along with me | 13:30 |
kandarpk | dfarning: I'll mail my keys to you | 13:30 |
dfarning | kandarpk, | 13:30 |
manusheel | kandarpk: Yes. Anurag, Ayush, Ekansh, Aman and Diksha will also be provided the access. Aman and Diksha are getting comfortable with Sugar, and Ekansh and Anurag knows the web dev part. They can be helpful in case of any issues. | 13:33 |
kandarpk | manusheel sir: what would be my role ? | 13:33 |
manusheel | kandarpk: You'll be leading the project both for Sphinx and Epydocs. Aman and Diksha will help us in certain documentation tasks. | 13:35 |
manusheel | kandarpk: You have been the one hacking and getting into the details of Sphinx. Thanks for figuring a number of things out. | 13:35 |
dfarning | kandarpk, can you describe what I need to do to get syhix running on sunjammer? | 13:36 |
manusheel | kandarpk: I'll be personally involved in the project too, and will be making sure that we have the requisited documentation of all classes, variables, methods and functions. | 13:36 |
manusheel | kandarpk; David is asking you about the steps to install Sphinx via command prompt. | 13:36 |
manusheel | The steps are the same that I think you have documented too. | 13:37 |
kandarpk | I think so. | 13:37 |
kandarpk | dfarning: You need python to run sphinx | 13:37 |
dfarning | kandarpk, running:) | 13:38 |
kandarpk | Ok, I'll just check the command to install sphinx | 13:38 |
kandarpk | dfarning: sudo apt-get install python-sphinx | 13:39 |
dfarning | kandarpk, IF you have steps written down you can just mail them to me. | 13:39 |
kandarpk | dfarning: sure | 13:39 |
dfarning | kandarpk, and also a copy of the sphynix dir on your test machine. | 13:40 |
kandarpk | dfarning: the directory I make on the server ? | 13:41 |
dfarning | kandarpk, do you need to run jhbuild before generating the documentation? | 13:41 |
kandarpk | dfarning: No. | 13:41 |
dfarning | kandarpk, yes didn't you need to create some conf and .rst files | 13:41 |
kandarpk | dfarning: sphinx-build -b html sourcedir builddir | 13:42 |
kandarpk | dfarning: yes, we are required to make .rst files, and python source codes | 13:42 |
manusheel_ | kandarpk: Yes, we do need to run jhbuild. How will we get source files of Sugar? | 13:42 |
manusheel_ | kandarpk: Sugar-jhbuild keeps on changing with the commits. | 13:42 |
kandarpk | manusheel sir: if we have a folder having all the source codes | 13:43 |
manusheel_ | kandarpk: What we need is an update shell script that updates the required changes in sync with the changes in sugar jhbuild. | 13:43 |
kandarpk | manusheel_ sir: Ok. | 13:44 |
dfarning | kandarpk, we want that folder to update itself automatically everyday to reduce your maintaince burden. | 13:44 |
manusheel_ | dfarning: Sorry to interupt. Please continue with the discussion. | 13:44 |
kandarpk | dfarning, manusheel_ sir: that means we need to develop a script that generates HTML pages as the source changes over time | 13:45 |
kandarpk | ? | 13:45 |
manusheel_ | kandarpk: Yes. And, that should not be very difficult. | 13:45 |
manusheel_ | kandarpk: What we basically need to do is the following - | 13:46 |
dfarning | kandarpk, yes.... that is pretty easy if you can tell me the step you use to update and generate the docs manually. | 13:46 |
kandarpk | dfarning: I'll mail you the steps required | 13:46 |
manusheel_ | dfarning: Let us send you the documentation. Kandarpk, let us send the documentation to David right away. | 13:46 |
manusheel_ | Kandarpk, great. | 13:47 |
dfarning | kandarpk, I can start getting sunjammer set up for you this morning. Everyone is already better at packaging than I am:) | 13:49 |
kandarpk | dfarning: sent the documentation | 13:49 |
kandarpk | manusheel_ sir, dfarning : the automatically generated pages will help only if docstrings are in proper reST format | 13:50 |
kandarpk | and we'll need to check if some new files are added | 13:51 |
manusheel_ | kandarpk: Yes, Kandarp, that can be done using diff command. | 13:53 |
manusheel_ | Very much like git diff. | 13:54 |
manusheel_ | For the additions, we'll have to do add doc strings manually and add their descriptions too. | 13:54 |
kandarpk | manusheel_ sir: we need to add the file names in the .rst file so that it too is used while html creation | 13:55 |
manusheel_ | kandarpk: Yes, that is absolutely correct. And, that part shouldn't be hard too. | 13:55 |
kandarpk | manusheel_ sir: ok. | 13:55 |
dfarning | kandarpk, sorry phone call:( | 13:56 |
neeraj | dfarning, look at line 3 http://paste.ubuntu.com/462050/ | 13:56 |
kandarpk | neeraj : use git commit -a | 13:57 |
kandarpk | neeraj :sorry, cant test write-activity right now, not using debian | 13:57 |
neeraj | kandarpk, what should I write in it? | 13:58 |
kandarpk | neeraj : oh, I thought you were commiting changes | 13:59 |
dfarning | neeraj, that is a lfaraone level question. I don't understant git-import-orig well enough to answer | 14:01 |
kandarpk | neeraj: the orig tarball got created without any problem ? | 14:02 |
neeraj | kandarpk, yes | 14:02 |
manusheel_ | kandarpk: Did we send the documentation steps to David? | 14:03 |
kandarpk | manusheel_ sir: yes sir | 14:03 |
manusheel_ | kandarpk: Great. | 14:03 |
dfarning | kandarpk, in step two of the documentation stuff you made a directory called ~/sphinx. Can you compress the contents of that dir and send it to me? | 14:03 |
kandarpk | dfarning: sure | 14:04 |
dfarning | kandarpk, you allready have everything running it there so no need for me to set it all up again. | 14:05 |
dfarning | kandarpk, I'll just uncompress your tarfile. | 14:05 |
manusheel_ | dfarning: Thanks David. Can you please share each step that you are taking at the server end. We wish to document it for reference, and making sure that we can do it in case of any urgent requirements. | 14:06 |
kandarpk | dfarning: to see the output, goto docs->html->index.html | 14:06 |
dfarning | manusheel_, sure | 14:07 |
manusheel_ | dfarning: Thank you. | 14:07 |
kandarpk | manusheel_ sir, dfarning : you can insert the source in final html pages | 14:08 |
dfarning | kandarpk, that can be useful | 14:09 |
kandarpk | dfarning, manusheel_ sir : to see that, goto Source->activity.invite on index.html | 14:09 |
dfarning | kandarpk, you mentioned that the docstrings must be in ReST. Will it work to go through and change them one and a time push them upstream as patches? | 14:11 |
manusheel_ | kandarpk: Kindly add this in the current documentation, update the version number to 2, and send me an e-mail on it with the revised document. | 14:11 |
kandarpk | dfarning: yes that will do | 14:12 |
manusheel_ | kandarpk: This is good news indeed. Inserting source will be helpful. | 14:12 |
kandarpk | manusheel_ sir: it had a problem | 14:12 |
dfarning | kandarpk, ok good. | 14:12 |
manusheel_ | kandarpk: Can you elaborate on the problem/ | 14:12 |
kandarpk | manusheel_ sir: the source had to be present separately | 14:13 |
dfarning | kandarpk, I see that the sources are in the ./src dir. how did you get them there? | 14:13 |
kandarpk | manusheel_ sir: we cannot place it right after the docstring | 14:13 |
manusheel_ | kandarpk: I remember you informed me about it. That is fine, Kandarp. | 14:13 |
kandarpk | dfarning: copied from jhbuild | 14:13 |
kandarpk | manusheel_ sir: you can see how it looks in the mail I sent you | 14:14 |
manusheel_ | kandarpk: We can keep it separately for now, and add a feature request for Sphinx dev team in their bug tracker. | 14:14 |
dfarning | kandarpk, ok got it. | 14:14 |
kandarpk | manusheel_ sir: I would have updated the online documentation, but I wasn't able to place a hyperlink to the source | 14:15 |
manusheel_ | kandarpk: Not sure, why I didn't receive your e-mail. Can you resend it. | 14:16 |
manusheel_ | kandarpk: No worries. | 14:16 |
kandarpk | manusheel_ sir: so I placed the source at the end of the module explanation | 14:16 |
manusheel_ | kandarpk: Sure, that would be good for now. | 14:16 |
neeraj | dfarning, after certain hit and trial I was able to build record successfully. debcommit was failing. So i used git commit command | 14:16 |
manusheel_ | kandarpk: If you can send me an e-mail with explanation on this subject, I'll ask the web team to help you out. | 14:17 |
dfarning | neeraj, great | 14:17 |
neeraj | dfarning, please check ur inbox | 14:17 |
kandarpk | manusheel_ sir: I am not very sure how to elaborate the problem | 14:19 |
kandarpk | manusheel_ sir: I think you will get an idea once you see the documentation | 14:19 |
manusheel_ | kandarpk: I think we are good for now. Sure, Kandarp. | 14:20 |
dfarning | kandarpk, what is the current url for the test documentation uutput? | 14:20 |
manusheel_ | kandarpk: We'll ask the web dev team to look deep into this matter. | 14:21 |
kandarpk | dfarning: let me check | 14:21 |
manusheel_ | Not a major issue. They should be able to arrive at a good conclusion soon. | 14:22 |
kandarpk | dfarning: http://seeta.in/sugar/api/documentation/desttemp/html1/index.html | 14:23 |
kandarpk | dfarning: it does not have the source code part. | 14:23 |
manusheel_ | kandarpk: You can create a version of Sphinx documentation with the source code part. That will expedite matters with the web dev team or Sphinx team. | 14:25 |
manusheel_ | In case, we need to submit a feature request. | 14:25 |
kandarpk | manusheel_ sir: ok | 14:25 |
kandarpk | manusheel_ sir, dfarning : may I leave now ? | 14:26 |
kandarpk | I'll be back in 40 min | 14:26 |
kandarpk | if it is ok ? | 14:26 |
dfarning | kandarpk, fine by me:) It will take me a couple of hours to understand the documentation process and get the automatic build scripts setup. | 14:27 |
manusheel_ | kandarpk: Sure. Take a break. | 14:28 |
kandarpk | dfarning: the documentation I sent you wont take more than 15 min to understand | 14:28 |
kandarpk | manusheel_ sir, dfarning : thanks, I'll be back soon. | 14:28 |
=== op_amp_ is now known as op_amp | ||
ankur | good morning dfarning :) | 16:17 |
ankur | good evening op_amp and kandarpk | 16:17 |
kandarpk | ankur: good evening | 16:18 |
op_amp | ankur: good evening :) | 16:18 |
ankur | kandarpk, well did you have some prblems related to tagging before? | 16:18 |
dfarning | ankur, kandarpk, ankur good morning again. | 16:18 |
dfarning | I was off studying the documentation stuff kandarpk sent me. | 16:19 |
kandarpk | dfarning: it is evolving with time | 16:19 |
kandarpk | have tried to include codes now | 16:20 |
kandarpk | *in some better way | 16:20 |
dfarning | kandarpk, have you tried pointing the src directly at the install dir created my jhbuild? | 16:21 |
kandarpk | dfarning: no, but I think it asks for relative path | 16:22 |
ankur | kandarpk, have you worked on tagging before? i was having some issues and it seems that they were due to some what related to tagging | 16:22 |
=== op_amp is now known as neeraj | ||
kandarpk | dfarning: let me try | 16:22 |
kandarpk | ankur: error in 1st step ? | 16:22 |
dfarning | kandarpk, that will save a step of moving the source files around. | 16:23 |
ankur | well yes , downloading the source code was giving me some problem | 16:23 |
ankur | well let me paste the error | 16:23 |
kandarpk | something like v22 not match ? | 16:23 |
ankur | it was something like this | 16:23 |
ankur | error: pathspec 'v8' did not match any file(s) known to git. | 16:23 |
ankur | yes kandarpk | 16:24 |
neeraj | ankur, kandarpk which activity/package | 16:24 |
ankur | dfarning, Actually a chat Repository already exist in collab-maint | 16:24 |
ankur | created by jonas | 16:24 |
neeraj | k.. got it :) | 16:24 |
ankur | so should i delete it before proceeding? | 16:25 |
kandarpk | ankur: can you send me the link where the package is present | 16:25 |
kandarpk | ankur: dont delete that! | 16:25 |
ankur | kandarpk, i am not deleting that | 16:25 |
ankur | as of now | 16:25 |
ankur | :) | 16:25 |
ankur | kandarpk, here is the link | 16:26 |
ankur | http://git.sugarlabs.org/projects/irc/repos/mainline | 16:26 |
kandarpk | ankur: please replace version in changelog from 8 to | 16:26 |
kandarpk | 8+git20100609.fa8d0cf6 | 16:27 |
ankur | kandarpk, well can you elaborate on this :) | 16:27 |
kandarpk | ankur: replace it in git-import-orig as well | 16:28 |
kandarpk | ankur: neeraj knows about it | 16:28 |
neeraj | kandarpk: I have just knw that u replaced the version number with version+gitdate.commitid | 16:29 |
kandarpk | neeraj: yes | 16:30 |
neeraj | I don't knw why we did that in first place.. | 16:30 |
kandarpk | neeraj: ok. | 16:30 |
kandarpk | neeraj, ankur : by doing so, it fetches the changes made by the last commit | 16:30 |
neeraj | I also looked into the irc logs. I guess the date is 8th july when luke told u about this but I didn't understood it completely :) | 16:30 |
ankur | *will be back in 15 min | 16:32 |
kandarpk | dfarning: we can provide any path to source in conf.py | 16:37 |
kandarpk | dfarning: not necessarily ../src | 16:38 |
dfarning | kandarpk, that is what I thought. | 16:38 |
dfarning | kandarpk, does it screw anything else up because the structure of install is more complicated than src? | 16:38 |
kandarpk | dfarning: I provided : | 16:39 |
kandarpk | /home/kandarp/sugar-jhbuild/install/lib/python2.6/site-packages/sugar | 16:39 |
kandarpk | dfarning: I had copied all the folders from there and placed in ../src | 16:39 |
dfarning | kandarpk, nice | 16:40 |
dfarning | kandarpk, with regard to all of the different .files. is there a why to say tell sphyix to create the documentation for graphics.* rather than identify each module separately. | 16:45 |
kandarpk | dfarning: I didn't found anything like this | 16:47 |
dfarning | kandarpk, ok, I'll look | 16:47 |
kandarpk | dfarning: I too am giving it a try | 16:48 |
ankur | dfarning, i read today's log and it seems that i goofed something up while uploading as my the slider and jigsaw doesnot contain a debian folder | 16:51 |
ankur | :( | 16:51 |
dfarning | ankur, does the correction luke gives make sense? | 16:52 |
ankur | well i am trying to figure that out what he meant | 16:53 |
ankur | well what git folder i didn't delete , i guess i missed something | 16:53 |
ankur | here | 16:53 |
dfarning | ankur, were these imported as tarballs or imported from an upstream git repo | 16:54 |
ankur | well they were imported from upstream git repo | 16:55 |
kandarpk | ankur: .git would be present in your .orig tarball | 16:55 |
ankur | i suppose i used this command git rm --force sugar-sliderpuzzle-activity_8.orig.tar.gz | 16:56 |
ankur | won't it do the trick? | 16:57 |
ankur | oh | 16:57 |
ankur | sorry | 16:57 |
ankur | one min | 16:57 |
dfarning | kandarpk, can you send me you ssh public key? | 17:03 |
dfarning | kandarpk, should I use 'kandarpk' as your username | 17:03 |
kandarpk | dfarning: 2 min | 17:04 |
manusheel_ | dfarning: Can I send you the ssh keys of the other members, whom we would like to give access too? | 17:06 |
ankur | kandarpk, well what method would be the most suiatable one in case i want to push my rep once again to git ? | 17:06 |
kandarpk | dfarning: my user name is kandarp | 17:07 |
kandarpk | ankur: just push it as usual | 17:07 |
dfarning | manusheel_, yes, I'll set them up this after noon. | 17:07 |
kandarpk | ankur: it will add the commits you have made after pushing for the first time | 17:07 |
manusheel_ | dfarning: Thank you. Will send you the keys along with desired usernames. | 17:08 |
manusheel_ | dfarning: We can go ahead with setting up the username for Kandarp right now. | 17:09 |
kandarpk | dfarning: sent my ssh public key | 17:11 |
kandarpk | manusheel_ sir: copied you on the mail | 17:11 |
dfarning | manusheel_, yes, I think that after I install sphinx, kandarpk can set up everything like he wants it in his home dir on sunjammer and then I can move is as necessary. | 17:12 |
dfarning | kandarpk, got it. one minute | 17:12 |
kandarpk | dfarning: you can use kandarpk as my user name :) | 17:13 |
kandarpk | if you haven't created my account yet | 17:13 |
manusheel_ | dfarning: Thanks David. That would be very helpful. | 17:14 |
dfarning | kandarpk, which do you prefer.... It is important to be consistant across all systems or things get confusing | 17:14 |
kandarpk | dfarning: kandarpk will be good | 17:15 |
dfarning | ok | 17:15 |
kandarpk | dfarning: once my account gets set up, how can I log into sunjammer from some other computer ? | 17:16 |
dfarning | kandarpk, 'ssh sunjammer.sugarlabs.org' | 17:17 |
kandarpk | dfarning: but that would require my ssh keys, wont it ? | 17:17 |
dfarning | kandarpk, yes that is why i am adding your pubkey to authorizedkeys | 17:18 |
kandarpk | dfarning: I mean logging into sunjammer from computer other than the one I am using right now | 17:19 |
dfarning | kandarpk, you will only be able to log in from computers with you ssh key. | 17:20 |
dfarning | kandarpk, however, you can have the same key on more than one computer. | 17:20 |
kandarpk | ok. | 17:20 |
dfarning | kandarpk, can you try to log in? | 17:28 |
kandarpk | dfarning: sure | 17:28 |
kandarpk | dfarning: Permission denied (publickey). | 17:29 |
dfarning | kandarpk, what is the username on your local computer? | 17:34 |
kandarpk | kandarp | 17:34 |
=== neeraj_ is now known as neeraj | ||
dfarning | kandarpk, ok since you asked for 'kandarpk' on sunjammer you will have to log on with 'kandarpk@sunjammer.sugarlabs.org' | 17:35 |
kandarpk | ok | 17:35 |
kandarpk | dfarning: successfully logged in | 17:36 |
kandarpk | :) | 17:36 |
dfarning | kandarpk, ssh assumes that you want to use the same username as your local account unless you say differently | 17:36 |
dfarning | kandarpk, of now you are in your home dir on sunjammer it behavies the same as you home dir on your local computer. | 17:37 |
kandarpk | dfarning: ok. | 17:38 |
kandarpk | dfarning: how can I send my files across ? | 17:38 |
dfarning | kandarpk, I like to use sftp with filezilla. command line grurus like to scp:) | 17:39 |
kandarpk | dfarning: how do I use filezilla ? | 17:49 |
kandarpk | I've added my private key, hostname : sunjammer.sugarlabs.org, : user: kandarpk | 17:49 |
kandarpk | anything for password and port ? | 17:50 |
dfarning | kandarpk, I think the port is auto detected and you don't need a password | 17:50 |
kandarpk | dfarning: | 17:52 |
kandarpk | Status:Connection established, waiting for welcome message... | 17:52 |
kandarpk | Response:220 Welcome to the Sugar Labs FTP service. | 17:52 |
kandarpk | Command:USER kandarpk | 17:52 |
kandarpk | Response:530 Non-anonymous sessions must use encryption. | 17:52 |
kandarpk | Error:Could not connect to server | 17:52 |
dfarning | kandarpk, you must select sftp for the protocal 'Secure FTP' | 17:53 |
dfarning | kandarpk, and you will find a dir called public_html in your home folder. anything in that folders will be publically available at http://people.sugarlabs.org/kandarpk | 17:58 |
dfarning | kandarpk, hmmm at least it should be.... | 17:59 |
kandarpk | dfarning: you too tried that out :) | 17:59 |
dfarning | kandarpk, I need to ask bernie why that is not working. | 17:59 |
dfarning | kandarpk, what does the sphnixext stuff do?? | 18:01 |
kandarpk | dfarning: some modules had docstrings in some different form | 18:03 |
kandarpk | *other than rest | 18:03 |
kandarpk | like it started with a heading | 18:03 |
kandarpk | heading | 18:03 |
kandarpk | ---------------- | 18:03 |
kandarpk | there the autodoc extension was failing | 18:04 |
dfarning | kandarpk, will the prefered solution be to convert all the docstrings to ReST | 18:04 |
kandarpk | dfarning: preferably | 18:05 |
kandarpk | dfarning: installing sphinxext resolved the issue, though | 18:05 |
kandarpk | dfarning: have a look at graphics->animator.py | 18:06 |
kandarpk | class Animation | 18:07 |
kandarpk | here do_frame's docstring starts with | 18:07 |
kandarpk | Parameters | 18:07 |
kandarpk | ---------------- | 18:07 |
kandarpk | autodoc was failing here | 18:07 |
dfarning | kandarpk, then lets leave out the sphnixext stuff and convert the unusual strings to proper ReST. the sooner we establish consistancy in documentation the better. | 18:09 |
kandarpk | dfarning: but headings sre represented like this in ReST | 18:10 |
dfarning | hhhm so it is proper ReST? | 18:11 |
kandarpk | dfarning: ok, it is not ReST, but the output has been formatted in a better way | 18:12 |
kandarpk | dfarning: we can leave sphinxext out | 18:12 |
dfarning | kandarpk, ok, we can add it later if it is much better. I don't like to add stuff from svn to a production machine without a good reason. | 18:13 |
kandarpk | dfarning: ok, sure | 18:14 |
dfarning | kandarpk, have you selected the full path for the html output? I'll point sphinx.sugarlabs.org at it for convenience | 18:15 |
kandarpk | dfarning: I didn't select full path | 18:15 |
dfarning | kandarpk, ok just let me know that output path when you get it. | 18:16 |
kandarpk | dfarning: I'll check if absolute path can be set | 18:17 |
dfarning | kandarpk, ah sorry the relatative path is fine, I can figure out the rest:) | 18:17 |
kandarpk | dfarning: ok, the path is set during sugar-quickstart | 18:18 |
kandarpk | dfarning: and is relative to the working directory | 18:19 |
dfarning | kandarpk, did you figure out how to upload the files? I can upload it for you I am eagar to see it work:) | 18:19 |
kandarpk | dfarning: dont know how to set the protocol | 18:19 |
kandarpk | can't find any such option | 18:20 |
kandarpk | dfarning: by the way, sphinxext provides a convenient way to write docstrings | 18:21 |
kandarpk | just trying out without using it | 18:21 |
dfarning | kandarpk, go under file->site manager and create a new site | 18:21 |
kandarpk | dfarning: ok | 18:22 |
dfarning | kandarpk, the servertype is the protocall | 18:22 |
kandarpk | dfarning: dont have protocol as an option | 18:23 |
kandarpk | it has like unix, dos, cygwin ... | 18:24 |
kandarpk | dfarning: ok, I was looking uder advanced tab | 18:25 |
dfarning | kandarpk, yes it is under the basic tab | 18:25 |
dfarning | of general | 18:25 |
dfarning | or general | 18:25 |
kandarpk | dfarning: what is logontype ? | 18:25 |
kandarpk | normal ? | 18:26 |
dfarning | normal... that will have ssh handle the longon | 18:26 |
dfarning | user name is kandarpk | 18:26 |
dfarning | and the passwork is blank | 18:27 |
kandarpk | dfarning: connected | 18:27 |
dfarning | kandarpk, the left pane is your local computer and the right pane is you home dir on sunjammer | 18:27 |
kandarpk | hmm | 18:28 |
kandarpk | just uploading to public_html | 18:28 |
dfarning | kandarpk, I think that you will want to upload your dir '2' to your home on sunjammer. | 18:29 |
dfarning | kandarpk, then rename '2' to something you will remember in six months:) | 18:30 |
kandarpk | dfarning: 2 is version number :) | 18:30 |
kandarpk | I increased it from 1 | 18:30 |
dfarning | kandarpk, ok:) | 18:30 |
kandarpk | dfarning: I was adding to public_html | 18:31 |
kandarpk | so that you can give your review | 18:31 |
kandarpk | on the changes | 18:31 |
kandarpk | dfarning: will that be ok ? | 18:32 |
dfarning | kandarpk, I can 'sudo su kandarpk' to look at your work. For consistancy let's make a folder called sphinx in your home dir which contains all of you documentation work. | 18:35 |
dfarning | kandarpk, I can 'sudo su kandarpk' to look at your work. For consistancy let's make a folder called sphinx in your home dir which contains all of you documentation work. | 18:35 |
dfarning | kandarpk, I can 'sudo su kandarpk' to look at your work. For consistancy let's make a folder called sphinx in your home dir which contains all of you documentation work. | 18:35 |
dfarning | oops | 18:35 |
kandarpk | dfarning: :) | 18:35 |
dfarning | then we can more the dir to /srv when we put it into production. | 18:36 |
dfarning | kandarpk, actually it will get moved to /srv/www-sugarlabs/ where all of the other sugar web services are located. | 18:37 |
kandarpk | dfarning: ok | 18:37 |
ankur | dfarning, i uploaded the slider once again .I will upload the remaining activities once it is reviewed by you and Luke. as if there any mistakes i will try to rectify them on the other packages . | 18:38 |
ankur | and change it in this as well | 18:38 |
kandarpk | dfarning: how will I be able to review the HTML pages ? | 18:38 |
dfarning | kandarpk, I will setup apache so that everyone can see /home/kandarpk/sphinx/docs from the url sphinx.sugarlabs.org | 18:40 |
kandarpk | dfarning: ok | 18:40 |
kandarpk | dfarning: http://people.sugarlabs.org/kandarpk still doesn't exist | 18:41 |
dfarning | kandarpk, that way the only change we need to do to go into production is modify the apache vhost path from /home/kandarpk/sphinx/docs to /srv/www-sugarlabs/sphinx/docs | 18:42 |
dfarning | kandarpk, yes I will have to ask bernie about that.... and he is on vacation. | 18:42 |
kandarpk | dfarning: ok | 18:43 |
dfarning | kandarpk, how are you coming moving the docs dir? I have apache ready to test:) | 18:54 |
kandarpk | dfarning: wont take very long | 18:54 |
kandarpk | dfarning: file transfer going on | 18:55 |
dfarning | kandarpk, it looks like you have an extra 2 in the path. | 18:57 |
kandarpk | dfarning: I thought it will be better to keep desired pages untouched | 18:58 |
kandarpk | dfarning: I'll copy this dir and work on that | 18:58 |
dfarning | kandarpk, ok | 18:59 |
dfarning | kandarpk, I created a docs dir in your sphinx dir:) now anything you put in sphinx/docs is available at api.sugarlabs.org | 19:08 |
kandarpk | dfarning: nice, thanks | 19:09 |
kandarpk | 5KB transfer left :) | 19:10 |
kandarpk | dfarning: trasfer finished | 19:11 |
kandarpk | dfarning: you can have a look. | 19:15 |
kandarpk | dfarning: I've added source code option under activity | 19:16 |
kandarpk | dfarning: please remove the pages after reviewing them | 19:21 |
kandarpk | *they need some more work right now | 19:21 |
dfarning | kandarpk, looks good. go ahead and leave them up.... they are not hurting anything and someone might see the progress you are making and offer to help:) | 19:24 |
kandarpk | dfarning: ok, great | 19:25 |
dfarning | kandarpk, are you going to be tonight:) | 19:27 |
dfarning | kandarpk, to bed tonight? | 19:27 |
kandarpk | dfarning: dont feel like. | 19:28 |
dfarning | kandarpk, lets set up jhbuild and point line 21 of conf.py at sugar-jhbuild/install | 19:31 |
kandarpk | dfarning: we'll need to point it to sugar-jhbuild/install/lib/python2.6/site-packages/sugar | 19:34 |
kandarpk | if that is where all source files are | 19:34 |
dfarning | kandarpk, ok that look right | 19:35 |
kandarpk | dfarning: and the source codes will be visible only if we provide reative path | 19:36 |
kandarpk | *relative | 19:36 |
ankur | dfarning, well i cant find the version of xo irc | 19:38 |
ankur | it seems that it was initial release | 19:38 |
ankur | i will rename my activity as sugar-irc-activity-1 | 19:38 |
ankur | is it alright? | 19:38 |
dfarning | kandarpk, ok the goal is to spend a little time setting things up correctly so we can write a simple script which 1) runs jhbuild and 2) run sphinx. | 19:39 |
dfarning | ankur looking | 19:39 |
kandarpk | dfarning: just 4-5 lines need to be modified for now | 19:40 |
dfarning | ankur are you looking at http://activities.sugarlabs.org/en-US/sugar/addon/4029 | 19:40 |
dfarning | kandarpk, nice that will make it easy | 19:41 |
ankur | dfarning, i was looking at http://git.sugarlabs.org/projects/irc/repos/mainline | 19:41 |
kandarpk | dfarning: but as we are using relative paths, it might cause problem if either source or our ReST file location changes | 19:41 |
ankur | dfarning, i looked at the link you gave | 19:42 |
ankur | orignally i looked at it only, but then through wiki i was guided to the page i of which i gave the link | 19:42 |
dfarning | ankur it seems to lead us to the git.sl.org page you were on | 19:43 |
ankur | NEWS is empty/no version mention in mainline/and initial commit is written as such | 19:43 |
dfarning | ankur http://git.sugarlabs.org/projects/irc/repos/mainline/blobs/master/activity/activity.info says it should be version 6 | 19:45 |
kandarpk | dfarning: can you change api location from sphinx/docs to sphinx/docs/html ? | 19:45 |
dfarning | kandarpk, we can just rerun sphinx whenever we move something. | 19:45 |
ankur | dfarning, then how come it has no mention on the wiki page as well as sugarlabs page | 19:45 |
ankur | ? | 19:45 |
kandarpk | dfarning: rerunning sphinx wont help :( | 19:46 |
ankur | well wont someone like to update once they upload there activity? | 19:46 |
kandarpk | as we need to manually provide/make ReST files | 19:46 |
ankur | dfarning, i can alsways ask my question later on, will ask you in evening. | 19:47 |
ankur | as of now i am using 6 as version no. will it be okay? | 19:47 |
dfarning | kandarpk, I would contact mel chua on #sugar she looks like she has worked with it lately | 19:47 |
kandarpk | dfarning: ok | 19:48 |
dfarning | kandarpk, oops ^^ was meant to ankur | 19:48 |
ankur | dfarning, okay should i contact to mel chua? | 19:48 |
kandarpk | dfarning: ok, got confused | 19:48 |
dfarning | ankur looks like she is afk but you can leave her a message. | 19:49 |
kandarpk | dfarning: the location, can that be changed ? | 19:50 |
dfarning | kandarpk, yes | 19:50 |
ankur | dfarning, what is her nick? mchua_afk ? | 19:50 |
dfarning | ankur yes | 19:50 |
ankur | dfarning, as i wont be whole night on irc , should i leave her a message with my email id? | 19:51 |
dfarning | ankur yes that will work. | 19:51 |
dfarning | kandarpk, I made the change to apache to point to docs/html . | 19:52 |
kandarpk | dfarning: thanks, now I can directly work on sphinx/docs | 19:53 |
dfarning | kandarpk, can you mkdir the docs/html/ dir so I can restart apache? | 19:53 |
dfarning | kandarpk, +1 | 19:53 |
kandarpk | done | 19:53 |
dfarning | kandarpk, ok it is working. | 19:54 |
kandarpk | dfarning: thanks | 19:55 |
dfarning | kandarpk, I am going to lunch.... I was enjoying working with you and forgot to eat:) | 19:55 |
dfarning | kandarpk, I'll be back in an hour or so. | 19:55 |
kandarpk | dfarning: thanks for the compliment :) | 19:55 |
kandarpk | dfarning: I might ot be available till then | 19:55 |
kandarpk | have a great day | 19:56 |
kandarpk | *not | 19:56 |
kandarpk | dfarning: please mail me the location of jhbuild when you come back | 20:07 |
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