Dustin_ | ScottL: i got network manager and managed to connect to the network, but it keeps disconnected and reconnecting me about every 10 seconds | 00:12 |
ScottL | Dustin_, hmmm, that i'm not so sure about, you might ask around on #ubuntu | 00:13 |
ScottL | Dustin_, i use a wired connection and plug into a router so it handles DHCP and i don't need to configure gnome-network-admin so it already works for me | 00:14 |
ScottL | therefore i don't know much about network-manager except how to get a ubuntu studio installation to install it | 00:15 |
ScottL | you can also try the application wicd if you can manage a network connection at all | 00:15 |
rebirth | i forgot to click to include the ubuntu studio software when i installed. is there anyway to install it all at once now? | 05:20 |
holstein | hey rebirth | 05:22 |
holstein | there are a few meta packages | 05:22 |
holstein | if you go to synaptic | 05:22 |
holstein | and search ubuntustudio | 05:22 |
holstein | you should see them, and be able to read about them | 05:22 |
holstein | OR | 05:23 |
holstein | you can do sudo apt-get install ubuntustudio-audio ubuntustudio-audio-plugins ubuntustudio-graphics | 05:24 |
holstein | !vanilla | 05:25 |
ubottu | To install Ubuntu Studio on top of a vanilla Ubuntu install, read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuStudio/Installation | 05:25 |
holstein | the packages are listed there | 05:25 |
rebirth | thanks | 05:25 |
holstein | :) | 05:25 |
rebirth | ubottu: this is ubuntu studio, just not with any of the software, that is different than vanilla ubuntu no? | 05:26 |
holstein | ubottu is a bot | 05:26 |
ubottu | Yes, I can confirm that I am a bot. http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots for all information. | 05:26 |
rebirth | i see | 05:26 |
holstein | rebirth: the packages are all the same | 05:26 |
holstein | same repos | 05:26 |
holstein | i did it that way | 05:29 |
holstein | last time i installed | 05:29 |
holstein | i was installing maverick to test | 05:30 |
holstein | and the installer was failing | 05:30 |
holstein | SO i waited and installed the meta-packages later | 05:30 |
rebirth | i think i will just install them one by one and get to know them that way | 05:52 |
holstein | sure | 05:53 |
holstein | you doing audio? | 05:53 |
holstein | mostly? | 05:53 |
rebirth | yeah | 05:53 |
holstein | https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuStudioPreparation | 05:53 |
holstein | theres a must-haves section there | 05:53 |
holstein | JACK is the trick | 05:54 |
holstein | have you used JACK yet? | 05:54 |
rebirth | is Ardour better than Audacity? | 05:55 |
rebirth | no | 05:55 |
holstein | hmmm | 05:55 |
holstein | i think it is | 05:55 |
holstein | but they are really just different | 05:55 |
rebirth | oh yeah.. Ardour is more of a sequencer i guess | 05:56 |
rebirth | i'm going to install that one | 05:56 |
holstein | you might be interested in http://opensourcemusician.libsyn.com/ | 05:56 |
holstein | theres an IRC channel too | 05:56 |
holstein | #opensourcemusicians | 05:56 |
holstein | ardour doesnt do MIDI yet | 05:56 |
holstein | it will very soon :) | 05:57 |
holstein | ardour is more of a multitrack DAW | 05:57 |
holstein | and ardour is more for editing a single audio file | 05:57 |
holstein | you can use both for either though | 05:57 |
rebirth | you mean audacity is more for editing a single audio file? | 05:58 |
holstein | i call audacity a gateway drug :) | 05:58 |
holstein | rebirth: YEHA | 05:58 |
holstein | yeah* | 05:58 |
holstein | woops | 05:58 |
holstein | and audacity is more for editing a single audio file** | 05:58 |
rebirth | i'm just going to be recording some accoustic guitar and vocals, but i may want to add software instrument tracks alter | 05:58 |
holstein | ^^ | 05:58 |
rebirth | later* | 05:58 |
holstein | i say, go with what works at first | 05:59 |
holstein | audacity is easy | 05:59 |
holstein | but JACK + ardour | 05:59 |
rebirth | i need to learn about JACK | 05:59 |
holstein | is quite full featured | 05:59 |
holstein | jack is great | 05:59 |
holstein | you got it installed? | 06:00 |
rebirth | no | 06:00 |
rebirth | *doing now* | 06:00 |
holstein | apt-get it if you want | 06:00 |
holstein | and i'll try and help you get it running | 06:00 |
rebirth | sudo apt-get jack? | 06:01 |
rebirth | (i'm pretty new to linux in general) | 06:01 |
holstein | no worries | 06:02 |
* holstein looking | 06:02 | |
holstein | i think you need jackd | 06:02 |
holstein | try | 06:02 |
holstein | sudo apt-get install jackd | 06:02 |
holstein | YEAH | 06:02 |
holstein | thats it | 06:02 |
rebirth | done | 06:04 |
holstein | cool | 06:04 |
holstein | SO | 06:04 |
holstein | in the audio section | 06:04 |
holstein | you should see jack control? | 06:04 |
holstein | or qjackctl | 06:04 |
rebirth | launched it | 06:05 |
holstein | cool | 06:05 |
holstein | look at | 06:05 |
holstein | http://qjackctl.sourceforge.net/qjackctl-ss1.html | 06:05 |
holstein | so we can talk about the screenshots | 06:05 |
holstein | and i know we are looking at the same thing :) | 06:05 |
holstein | you should see the very first picture | 06:05 |
holstein | thats what should launch | 06:06 |
holstein | thats qjackctl | 06:06 |
holstein | "jack control" | 06:06 |
holstein | this is kind of a GUI front-end to run JACK | 06:06 |
rebirth | yeah | 06:06 |
holstein | SO | 06:06 |
holstein | click on 'set-up' | 06:07 |
rebirth | ok | 06:07 |
holstein | that should get you to the 2nd picture | 06:07 |
holstein | on that link | 06:07 |
holstein | rebirth: is this your internal soundcard? | 06:07 |
rebirth | no i'm using an maudio ozone | 06:07 |
holstein | do you have an external interface? | 06:07 |
holstein | AH | 06:07 |
holstein | USB right? | 06:08 |
rebirth | yup | 06:08 |
holstein | open a terminal | 06:08 |
holstein | and run lsusb | 06:08 |
holstein | and see if you see it there | 06:09 |
rebirth | i see it | 06:09 |
rebirth | it's been working for playing music in amarok so far | 06:09 |
holstein | AH | 06:09 |
holstein | good :) | 06:09 |
holstein | that means it should work with JACK then | 06:10 |
holstein | SO | 06:10 |
holstein | in that setup window | 06:10 |
holstein | you see the driver section | 06:10 |
holstein | that should already be set to alsa | 06:10 |
holstein | the entry for 'interface' | 06:10 |
rebirth | ahh yes | 06:11 |
holstein | to the right of hw:0 or whatever | 06:11 |
holstein | theres a little dropdown menu | 06:11 |
holstein | you should look there | 06:11 |
holstein | and see if you seed the ozone | 06:11 |
holstein | if you dont | 06:11 |
holstein | we might have to get some more advanced techs in here ;) | 06:11 |
rebirth | wait, the drop down menu next to interface or the > next to it? | 06:11 |
holstein | the ">" | 06:12 |
holstein | but look in both | 06:12 |
holstein | im not sure | 06:12 |
holstein | i have a firewire interface | 06:12 |
holstein | and its different | 06:12 |
rebirth | fyi, in amarak the audio settings are set to "pulse audio" | 06:12 |
rebirth | that seemed to make it work | 06:12 |
holstein | still should work with JACK | 06:13 |
holstein | AFAIK | 06:13 |
rebirth | i have the options: "hw: 0" "plughw: 0" "/dev/audio" and "dev/dsp" | 06:13 |
holstein | hmmm | 06:14 |
holstein | well, you could just try them all | 06:14 |
holstein | and see if one is the ozone | 06:14 |
holstein | but i think it would say | 06:14 |
rebirth | it's set to default now | 06:14 |
holstein | i have an maudio transit | 06:14 |
holstein | and it says in the '>' menu | 06:15 |
holstein | maudio something obvious | 06:15 |
rebirth | oh, in the > menu it says ozone! | 06:16 |
rebirth | as "hw:1" | 06:17 |
holstein | AH | 06:17 |
holstein | that should be it then | 06:17 |
* holstein is google-ing | 06:17 | |
holstein | it looks like the ozone should work fine | 06:17 |
holstein | SO | 06:17 |
holstein | now you got the driver and device chosen | 06:18 |
holstein | there are a couple other settings there | 06:18 |
rebirth | alsa is the driver right? | 06:18 |
holstein | yeah | 06:18 |
holstein | thats the one you should try first | 06:18 |
holstein | do you have the real time kernel? | 06:18 |
rebirth | ermm | 06:19 |
holstein | run uname -a | 06:19 |
holstein | in the terminal | 06:19 |
holstein | it'll say -RT or -generic somewhere | 06:19 |
rebirth | rt | 06:19 |
holstein | cool | 06:19 |
holstein | theres a realtime checkbox | 06:20 |
holstein | you can check that | 06:20 |
rebirth | what does that mean exactly? | 06:20 |
holstein | if its unchecked | 06:20 |
holstein | realtime? | 06:20 |
rebirth | yeah | 06:20 |
holstein | just priority | 06:20 |
holstein | can help you get lower latency | 06:20 |
holstein | SAY | 06:20 |
holstein | you got you guitar plugged in | 06:20 |
holstein | and you want effects | 06:21 |
rebirth | realtime is checked already | 06:21 |
rebirth | will mic work? | 06:21 |
holstein | there could be a couple miliseconds | 06:21 |
holstein | between when you hit the string | 06:21 |
rebirth | oh i see | 06:21 |
holstein | and when you hear the effected sound | 06:21 |
holstein | the RT stuff can help | 06:21 |
rebirth | cool | 06:21 |
holstein | yeah | 06:21 |
holstein | OK | 06:21 |
holstein | you see frames/period | 06:22 |
holstein | and periods/buffer | 06:22 |
rebirth | it says my latency is 46.4 msecs btw | 06:22 |
holstein | those are the settings that we tweak | 06:22 |
holstein | usually | 06:22 |
rebirth | yeah i see em | 06:22 |
holstein | if you change those | 06:22 |
holstein | you'll see the latency change | 06:23 |
holstein | you dont need to go crazy with the settings | 06:23 |
holstein | i would leave it at 46 for now | 06:23 |
holstein | and just know that you can tweak if you need lower latency | 06:23 |
rebirth | which? | 06:23 |
holstein | 46.4 ms | 06:23 |
holstein | just what you got | 06:23 |
rebirth | oh gotcha | 06:23 |
holstein | whatever the settings are | 06:23 |
holstein | SO, hit OK | 06:24 |
holstein | and then close that or whatever | 06:24 |
holstein | and go back to the main qjack panel | 06:24 |
holstein | and hit start | 06:24 |
rebirth | ok | 06:24 |
holstein | and see if it runs :) | 06:24 |
rebirth | uh oh error | 06:24 |
holstein | yeah | 06:25 |
holstein | hehe | 06:25 |
rebirth | could not connect to JACK server as client | 06:25 |
holstein | SO | 06:25 |
holstein | close qjack | 06:25 |
holstein | open a terminal and run | 06:25 |
holstein | sudo qjackctl | 06:25 |
holstein | and try starting it again | 06:25 |
rebirth | no error this time | 06:26 |
holstein | OK | 06:26 |
holstein | so hit the stop button | 06:26 |
holstein | and close that | 06:26 |
holstein | and lets check some permissions | 06:27 |
holstein | run sudo adduser rebirth audio | 06:27 |
holstein | OR | 06:27 |
holstein | whatever your username is ^^^ | 06:27 |
rebirth | uh, i was playing music in amarok and after i quit jack it started playing agian but it was all distored lol | 06:27 |
holstein | the user your logged in as | 06:27 |
holstein | lol | 06:27 |
holstein | yeah, pulse-to-JACK | 06:28 |
holstein | thats a whole different thing | 06:28 |
holstein | it can be done though | 06:28 |
holstein | i just havnet really needed it | 06:28 |
rebirth | so i'll need to reconfigure amarok to use jack also? | 06:29 |
holstein | not sure | 06:29 |
holstein | for now | 06:29 |
rebirth | ok let me do the last step | 06:29 |
holstein | think of JACK as a patchbay | 06:29 |
holstein | and something that you dont really use casually | 06:30 |
rebirth | it says i'm already a member of audio | 06:31 |
holstein | dammit | 06:31 |
holstein | hmmm | 06:31 |
holstein | its a permissions issue | 06:31 |
holstein | because it runs sudo | 06:31 |
holstein | rebirth: did you add yourself to that group after install? | 06:36 |
rebirth | never ran that command before | 06:36 |
holstein | i thought ubuntu just came that way | 06:36 |
holstein | hmmm | 06:36 |
rebirth | if i want to be a member of that group than what's the problem? | 06:37 |
holstein | if you already are, then its something else | 06:37 |
holstein | rebirth: do me a favour | 06:38 |
holstein | log out and back in | 06:38 |
rebirth | reboot? | 06:38 |
holstein | you can if you want | 06:38 |
holstein | but just logging out will do | 06:38 |
holstein | just in case | 06:38 |
rebirth | ok brb | 06:38 |
rebirth | holstein: i am back | 06:40 |
holstein | rebirth: try qjack again | 06:41 |
holstein | as a normal user | 06:41 |
holstein | and see if it starts | 06:41 |
holstein | without error | 06:41 |
rebirth | sorry, how do i do that again? | 06:41 |
holstein | lauch jack control | 06:41 |
holstein | and hit the start button | 06:41 |
rebirth | no didn't start | 06:42 |
holstein | hmmm | 06:42 |
rebirth | can i leave the group and rejoin it? | 06:44 |
holstein | sure | 06:44 |
holstein | but you dont need to | 06:44 |
rebirth | i was wondering if that would fix it | 06:44 |
holstein | OK | 06:46 |
holstein | you'll have to log out again BUT | 06:47 |
holstein | add yourself to the disk group | 06:47 |
holstein | sudo adduser *you* disk | 06:47 |
holstein | maybe that is needed to access USB devices | 06:47 |
rebirth | do that now? | 06:48 |
holstein | yeah | 06:48 |
rebirth | sudo adduser <username> disk | 06:48 |
holstein | its not going to hurt anything either way | 06:49 |
holstein | my USB device just worked | 06:49 |
holstein | but i had already added myself to the disk group | 06:49 |
rebirth | done. | 06:49 |
holstein | try it again | 06:49 |
rebirth | ok | 06:49 |
holstein | and then you can logout | 06:49 |
holstein | if it fails | 06:49 |
holstein | and back in | 06:50 |
rebirth | failed | 06:50 |
rebirth | ok brb againm | 06:50 |
rebirth | holstein: still failed :-( | 06:53 |
holstein | dammit | 06:54 |
holstein | well | 06:54 |
holstein | run sudo qjackctl | 06:54 |
holstein | and let me show you something | 06:54 |
holstein | and you can go to #jack | 06:54 |
holstein | or try here again | 06:54 |
holstein | sometime tomorrow maybe | 06:54 |
holstein | when smarter folk are around | 06:54 |
holstein | im sure its something easy | 06:54 |
rebirth | huh it failed as sudo | 06:55 |
holstein | OH | 06:55 |
holstein | but it ran earlier right? | 06:55 |
rebirth | yeah | 06:55 |
holstein | rebirth: im fading :/ | 06:57 |
holstein | i dont want to leave you hanging | 06:57 |
holstein | but its late | 06:57 |
rebirth | no it's alright | 06:57 |
holstein | you gonna be around tomorrow nite? | 06:57 |
rebirth | thanks for you help i'll try to jack channel | 06:57 |
holstein | im around about this time usually | 06:57 |
rebirth | yeah | 06:58 |
holstein | and the guys in #opensourcemusicians really helped me a lot | 06:58 |
rebirth | i've got enough to play with now anyway | 06:58 |
holstein | good luck | 06:58 |
rebirth | thanks man | 06:58 |
* holstein to bed :) | 06:58 | |
holstein | laterx | 06:58 |
rebirth | nite | 06:59 |
rebirth | i looked in the msg log and it said something about realtime | 07:00 |
rebirth | so i disabled realtime and it worked | 07:00 |
rebirth | if you are still there | 07:00 |
rebirth | holstein | 07:00 |
karan | i wanna put studio on 10.10 | 15:29 |
fbxxkl | howdy everyone. Anyone have experience with Devede? I am having trouble when I turn video's to dvd iso | 16:48 |
holstein | fbxxkl: im not familiar | 17:02 |
holstein | but what is the trouble? | 17:02 |
fbxxkl | well when I turn my avi/mkv files into ISO's about halfway through the movies video and audio becomes a bit out of sync | 17:11 |
fbxxkl | holstein: ^^ | 17:13 |
holstein | i had that issue | 17:13 |
holstein | in windows | 17:14 |
holstein | and i havnet gotten around to doing any video in linux yet | 17:14 |
holstein | well, anything to speak of | 17:14 |
holstein | i read several interesting posts about it | 17:15 |
holstein | back then | 17:15 |
holstein | you could try and make sure you have similar settings for your audio and video encoders | 17:15 |
fbxxkl | ah | 17:16 |
fbxxkl | I will play aroudn with ti | 17:16 |
fbxxkl | thanks | 17:16 |
holstein | this is where i landed | 17:16 |
holstein | in windows | 17:16 |
holstein | http://www.virtualdub.org/ | 17:16 |
holstein | seemed to help | 17:16 |
holstein | theres all kinds of info there | 17:16 |
holstein | good luck | 17:17 |
holstein | its a drag | 17:17 |
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