ridin | anyway i can set "performance mode" | 00:19 |
likemindead | What's that? | 00:20 |
ridin | a fork. | 00:22 |
Sysi | fork bomb? :P | 00:23 |
ridin | maybe. | 00:23 |
ridin | so does anyone know where i can set "performance mode" in xfce like you can do in GNOME and KDE? | 00:25 |
Sysi | never heard of that | 00:25 |
Sysi | google → | 00:25 |
Sysi | cpu scaling applet? | 00:26 |
ridin | not sure | 00:27 |
_Techie_ | ridin, is thisvia cpufreq? | 00:38 |
Sysi | that applet doesn't exist currently, in 10.10 it will propably be | 00:39 |
ridin | anyway i can make shortcuts on the desktop? | 04:43 |
Raggs | ridin, try right clicking the desktop | 04:48 |
Raggs | and launchers or urls? | 04:48 |
ridin | there's nothing | 04:49 |
ridin | oh now it appears | 04:50 |
ridin | thanks | 04:50 |
Raggs | ok, np | 04:50 |
=== thoffmeyer is now known as thoffmeyer|AFK | ||
slow-motion | hi | 11:17 |
bazhang | hi | 11:18 |
* Psilocybin_Elf waves. | 11:18 | |
* slow-motion waves back | 11:18 | |
Sysi | o hai | 11:38 |
lewis1711 | hey, I am trying to make openbox the default WM in my xubuntu session. I have tried "killall xfwm4 ; openbox & exit" then saving the settings and logging back in, but xfwm seems to reassert itself everytime | 13:50 |
nicofs | how can i 1) change the resolution of my external monitor to one that's not in the drop-down-menu and 2) make said monitor hot-swappable without having to reboot each time i want to use it? | 13:50 |
Sysi | !xorg | 13:51 |
ubottu | The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution | 13:51 |
Sysi | lewis1711: 'openbox --replace && rm -rf ~/.cache/sessions/*' | 13:52 |
CuriosTiger | Any idea how to make a keyboard layout change persistent across reboots? | 13:55 |
CuriosTiger | Every time I change it in xfce's keyboard control panel, it reverts to US on reboot | 13:55 |
Sysi | have you taken US away from list? | 13:56 |
nicofs | where is the file xorg.conf? | 14:03 |
Sysi | create it | 14:03 |
nicofs | whereto? | 14:03 |
Sysi | /etc/x11/ | 14:04 |
Sysi | current setup is possible to get there somehow, i just don't know how | 14:04 |
nicofs | shouldn't there bee one already?!? | 14:04 |
CuriosTiger | Sysi: No, do I have to? | 14:05 |
CuriosTiger | nicofs: Modern versions of Xorg don't need a xorg.conf file; they instead autodetect the hardware. | 14:06 |
Sysi | when it don't work you need it | 14:06 |
CuriosTiger | However, if autodetection fails, detects something incorrectly or if you want to override the autodetected parameters, you can still create one | 14:06 |
nicofs | in the file manager: how can i search files? | 14:06 |
Sysi | use catfish, from menu | 14:07 |
CuriosTiger | I also don't get the "system default" keyboard layout that xfce refers to | 14:08 |
CuriosTiger | is it talking about the console locale? | 14:08 |
Sysi | idk, could be | 14:08 |
Sysi | it's set during installation | 14:09 |
nicofs | CuriosTiger: and how do i make it hot-swappable? | 14:09 |
Sysi | !xrandr | 14:09 |
ubottu | XRandR 1.2 is the new method of running dual screens in !X. Information/HowTo here: http://wiki.debian.org/XStrikeForce/HowToRandR12 | 14:09 |
Sysi | !info arandr | 14:09 |
ubottu | arandr (source: arandr): Simple visual front end for XRandR 1.2. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.1.2-2 (lucid), package size 31 kB, installed size 208 kB | 14:09 |
CuriosTiger | nicofs: Hot-swappable displays? In Xubuntu? | 14:10 |
nicofs | CuriosTiger: well... plug in monitor into netbook, open diplay settings manager, select monitor hit enter... like in windows... | 14:11 |
CuriosTiger | nicofs: I have no idea how to make that work. One reason I run Windows on my work laptop | 14:12 |
Sysi | for me it works, xrandr. | 14:13 |
nicofs | i'm close to giving up (x)ubuntu/linux altogether... 3G not working and no one can help, card reader not working, display resolution very complicated... i have better things to do with my time than always having to read through 20 pages of tutorial and learning new command lines for every setting... | 14:13 |
* CuriosTiger likes having a Linux environment available, but currently runs it in a virtual machine -- for those reasons, among others | 14:15 | |
nicofs | sysi: how would i start arandr? typing that into a terminal results in everything but a GUI... | 14:17 |
Sysi | not installed by default propably | 14:19 |
Sysi | i haven't used it myself | 14:19 |
nicofs | sysi: i did install it | 14:19 |
Sysi | is it giving errors? | 14:19 |
nicofs | sysi: a Traceback http://www.pastebin.org/389358 | 14:20 |
Sysi | and it's stopping to that? | 14:22 |
Sysi | seems that you have to use CLI, but it's not hard | 14:22 |
nicofs | sysi: CLI? command line interface? | 14:23 |
Sysi | that | 14:25 |
Sysi | man xrandr :) | 14:25 |
nicofs | sysi: and now i'm back to reading a manual for 20 minutes... why is it so hard to design the settings manager in a way that ALL available monitors show up? | 14:26 |
Sysi | i think gnome's screen settings are better | 14:30 |
Sysi | kde's didn't work very well but there were more options | 14:30 |
nicofs | jes... but then i'd have to use ubuntu... which is infected with that ubuntu one crap you can't get rid of... | 14:30 |
Sysi | xfce do lack some features :| | 14:31 |
nicofs | sysi: i call it more that lacking a feature when i can't plug in a monitor and set it's resolution whithout having to use CLI... that's lacking functionality and not user friendly... | 14:33 |
nicofs | those are things i expect of an operating system that tells me on it's hompage, that my computer can be "fast, fun and easier to use"... | 14:35 |
nicofs | never mind - next question: is there a task bar applet that allows me to set my CPU/fan speed? | 14:37 |
CuriosTiger | nice | 14:42 |
CuriosTiger | it seems setxkbmap in .xinitrc has no effect | 14:43 |
Sysi | nicofs: i can't really understant why people hate cli so much | 14:46 |
Sysi | it's a lot better than half of graphical tools | 14:46 |
CuriosTiger | it also seems .xinitrc gets ignored | 14:46 |
CuriosTiger | Sysi: You're comparing apples and oranges. | 14:47 |
Sysi | not really | 14:47 |
CuriosTiger | Really. | 14:47 |
Sysi | maybe a bit | 14:47 |
CuriosTiger | First off, the two are not mutually exclusive. | 14:48 |
Sysi | but comand line isn't any big monster what's gonna destroy your computer if you click wrong button | 14:48 |
CuriosTiger | Second, whether a given function is easier to perform in one or the other is a function of the nature of the function to be performed and the quality of the program that implements it | 14:48 |
CuriosTiger | Nobody said it was, but at the same time, command lines have some drawbacks that GUIs don't, particularly when it comes to multitasking. | 14:49 |
Sysi | ofc some things are better with GUI | 14:49 |
CuriosTiger | and likewise the other way around -- good luck piping the output of one GUI program into another, for example | 14:49 |
Sysi | but it's just idiotic "omfg command line, horrible" | 14:49 |
CuriosTiger | Sysi: But nobody said that. | 14:49 |
Sysi | not very far from that imo | 14:50 |
nicofs | sysi: i don't hate it - but you have to understand: i don't have time to learn all the required syntax and no capacities to memorize it. What really pisses me off is that since i first tried ubuntu years ago i have allways had this feeling, that it's not properly thougght through: yes - there is a GUI menu to set your scrreen resolution -- BUT if you want to really change settings you need to go CLI. and THEN there is this GUI tool that | 14:50 |
CuriosTiger | nicofs said it was unreasonable that he should have to bring up a CLI and go look up some command to set his monitor resolution | 14:50 |
CuriosTiger | and it is | 14:50 |
CuriosTiger | He should be able to be presented with a list of possible monitor resolutions and choose the one he wants | 14:50 |
CuriosTiger | that holds whether command-line or GUI | 14:50 |
Sysi | real issue now is that ARandr doesn't work then | 14:51 |
CuriosTiger | a GUI program that requires you to type in exact hardware parameters to set the resolution would be equally ludicrious | 14:51 |
CuriosTiger | this has nothing to do with GUI vs CLI | 14:51 |
CuriosTiger | it has to do with the fact that Xorg monitor handling STILL sucks | 14:51 |
Sysi | offtopic, i'll just make this coputer case → | 14:51 |
CuriosTiger | (if it didn't, he could just plug his monitor in and have it use the optimal resolution without any configuration at all) | 14:52 |
Sysi | life would be awesome if any computer just worked everytime | 14:52 |
Sysi | for my current experience, never happened even very close | 14:53 |
Sysi | maybe i'd need to try mac :P | 14:53 |
CuriosTiger | That's a lame excuse, though | 14:53 |
CuriosTiger | There is no REASON this couldn't "just work" | 14:53 |
nicofs | i have to admit that windows 7 worked far, far better than 10.04 - even though it hurts me to admit that because i really want linux/ubuntu to be better... | 14:54 |
Sysi | no real reason, but it still don't happen | 14:54 |
Sysi | for me, 10.04 has been a dream | 14:55 |
CuriosTiger | for me, 10.04 has been an improvement | 14:55 |
CuriosTiger | but the keyboard bug is annoying | 14:55 |
CuriosTiger | and the lack of hardware support precludes running it as a primary OS | 14:55 |
Sysi | nicofs, you could maybe fing gnome's app for screen configuration | 14:55 |
nicofs | sysi: i'd really like to avoit to get kde or gnome onto my xorg... i think i have to live with the fact that i have to manually configure that monitor everytime i want to use it - and that i have to reboot before doing so... | 14:57 |
Sysi | it's just gui for xrandr | 14:58 |
Sysi | you shouldn't need to reboot if it isn't on bios-level or very bad drivers (possibly?) | 14:58 |
nicofs | my most important issue is the 3G connection. but i have been asking for support because of that for weeks now, so i don't think it'll work... the card reader never worked and is not supported - i can live with that and i still can't manually set the cpu speed... this monitor thing is just cosmetics... | 15:00 |
Sysi | cpu-applet may be in gnome too.. | 15:02 |
nicofs | and the worst thing about it is that my netbook model is also available in a linux version where everything works... so basically everything should work in linux... | 15:03 |
Sysi | what's the model? | 15:04 |
nicofs | Acer Aspire One 532 | 15:04 |
Sysi | install xfce4-governor-plugin | 15:04 |
Sysi | thats something for cpu scaling | 15:05 |
ramrod | for more compatibility you can check out the kuki kernel for the aspire one | 15:09 |
ramrod | http://www.kuki.me/about/ | 15:10 |
ramrod | im using the kernel with crunchbang and it works really good | 15:10 |
nicofs | ok, i'll give that a try... | 15:15 |
nicofs | how can i set which kernel is booted? | 15:32 |
andy__ | hello | 15:46 |
Raggs | hi | 15:47 |
andy__ | i have this prob: my desktop used to powerup completely (loading sesion and all) in under 1 min 30 sec, now its taking double the time, and what ive noticed is that the network notification icon from the panel is taking very long to showup, as well as coky and tilda wich i have setup from the setup and startup configuration option | 15:48 |
Raggs | nicofs, this might help you http://kubuntuforums.net/forums/index.php?topic=3107328.0 | 15:48 |
andy__ | i checked that otion again and it has tracker and wicd also setup (which i didn't do) so i uncheck them but every time i reboot it checked agsin | 15:49 |
nicofs | Raggs: i don't have GRUB at startup... xubuntu is the only thing i have on this pc... | 15:49 |
andy__ | i tried modifing, deleting the files n .config/autostart but it doesn't change either after reboot | 15:50 |
andy__ | oh, and synaptc show that all wicd related apps are not installed | 15:50 |
Raggs | nicofs, i think you can set it to boot a particular kernel as well | 15:50 |
nicofs | Raggs: but how? | 15:51 |
andy__ | so my question would be, which script writes to the ~/.config/autostart/ files? | 15:51 |
andy__ | i want to see if i can stop it from autostarting applications i haven't even installed... | 15:52 |
Raggs | in etc/default/grub you will see a section that says GRUB_DEFAULT = 0 the 0 is the first kernel in the list | 15:52 |
Raggs | andy__, you can do that from the menu | 15:53 |
Raggs | what is tilda by the way? | 15:53 |
andy__ | but as i say,, when i do it from the menu, i doesnt afect the setting | 15:54 |
andy__ | once i reboot it again withall the things i unchecked checked | 15:54 |
Raggs | i am not in xfce atm | 15:54 |
Raggs | have you tried reinstalling wicd? | 15:55 |
andy__ | it just feels like there is some script or something insiting that i have wicd | 15:55 |
andy__ | but i never had wicd | 15:55 |
andy__ | thats what wierd | 15:55 |
andy__ | and i have always ketp Tracker unchecked | 15:55 |
andy__ | now its cheked and theres a new entry for wicd which i cant remove | 15:56 |
Raggs | that is strange | 15:56 |
andy__ | yup, feel like im using windows | 15:56 |
andy__ | jk | 15:56 |
andy__ | jajja | 15:56 |
andy__ | so yeah | 15:56 |
andy__ | its wierd | 15:57 |
Raggs | i hope someone can shed light on it | 15:57 |
andy__ | if not im gonna give lubuntu a try | 15:57 |
andy__ | its sound nice | 15:57 |
andy__ | anyhow, thanks Raggs | 15:58 |
Raggs | sorry i wasnt more help | 15:58 |
nicofs | is there any way to search a file in the file manager?!? | 15:58 |
Raggs | i think so, cli for sure though | 15:59 |
nicofs | hmm... who made this os so crappy? | 16:00 |
Raggs | i dont mind xubuntu myself | 16:01 |
nicofs | well it's just not "thought through"... is there any way to contact developpers? | 16:01 |
Raggs | if you want to search from cli i can help you | 16:01 |
nicofs | i would have searched for GRUB to find where to edit the boot options... still need to boot the kernel i just insalled... | 16:02 |
Raggs | nicofs, what version of grub is installed? | 16:08 |
Sysi | hold shift when starting to boot | 16:08 |
Sysi | you get to grub menu | 16:08 |
nicofs | sysi: will do - Raggs: no idea | 16:09 |
nicofs | Can anyone help with either of the following problems: 1) I can't establish a 3G connection 2) "Unable to detect available WMID devices" slows down my boot. | 16:20 |
Sysi | nicofs: what 3G modem? | 16:38 |
nicofs | sysi: Huawei EM770. It worked before... | 16:39 |
Sysi | earlier but with same ubuntu version? | 16:44 |
nicofs | sysi: yes. but even then it was all a bit "at random". sometimes it would work, sometimes only after trying several times, sometimes not at all. an when it didn't work it helped to boot ub windows dial up there and then restart ubuntu again... | 16:45 |
Sysi | bug reports are telling that it somewhat works with older kernel | 16:46 |
Sysi | https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/446146 | 16:46 |
Sysi | https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/network-manager/+bug/441177 | 16:47 |
fbxxkl | howdy everyone. Anyone have experience with Devede? I am having trouble when I turn video's to dvd iso | 16:50 |
nicofs | sysi: ok - but what do I do? wait for it to be fixed some time in the future? | 16:50 |
xubuntu771 | всем привет | 16:57 |
slow-motion | priwet | 17:12 |
xubuntu505 | cheers | 17:44 |
Aquina | Is there a way to check for packages within the system whose installed files have not been used for a long time? I don't want to check with dpkg-query -L <pkgname> and manually verify files within the fs. Is there a relibale fast way for detection? | 18:05 |
fuyao | so im back to lucid, upgraded all the way from interpid | 18:33 |
fuyao | but now my games dont work properly | 18:33 |
Aquina | fuyao I strongly recommend you to install Lucid from scratch since upgrades thend to break things. I hope you din't do that in a productive environment without prior testing. | 19:47 |
excited2 | Hello...? | 19:59 |
Sysi | !hi | 20:00 |
ubottu | Hi! Welcome to #xubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay! | 20:00 |
excited2 | Thanks. | 20:01 |
excited2 | Advice about reviving an ancient laptop? | 20:02 |
Sysi | depending how ancient | 20:02 |
excited2 | ;o) ThinkPad 240X, has USB but can't boot from it, PCMCIA eth, but no PXE either, external floppy drive seems only option. | 20:04 |
excited2 | I've a few rescue floppies that boot, but haven't yet successfully mounted anything, not ifconfig... | 20:06 |
nikolam | excited2, hmm, getting HDD out of it and connecting to desktop, install on it and get hdd back to laptop? | 20:09 |
nikolam | Maybe, attaching CD/DVD reader etc | 20:09 |
nikolam | how much RAM is in it? | 20:10 |
nikolam | since I see it can hold 64MB standars, 192MB max. Maybe it would work better with DSL (Damn small Linux) | 20:12 |
excited2 | Pulling the HD out of it? I don't think so. Scary. And probably no std interface? | 20:12 |
excited2 | And I don't have an external CD for it, just the floppy drive. | 20:13 |
excited2 | Has 192MiB RAM. | 20:13 |
nikolam | excited2, probably it is 2.5" PATA. there is cable to connect to 3.5" desktop Pata for it.. | 20:13 |
nikolam | well, did you try to boot from floppy or something | 20:14 |
nikolam | You would like to use Xubuntu? I am not sure how 192 MB will behave to eb usable. most likely, it Will work with LTS | 20:14 |
excited2 | Yes, boots rescue floppies: bootE (kernel 2.4.20), Leka (2.2.21), even an old Red Hat... | 20:15 |
excited2 | I don't mind using DSL if Xubuntu proves too heavy. Problem is how to bootstrap the installation... | 20:16 |
excited2 | Current OS is winblows 2K, so I can move files to it with a USB memory, upto 8G at a time. Should be enough. | 20:17 |
excited2 | But, not sure I can mount any of the two NTFS partitions, and then what to do? GRUB? | 20:19 |
robertzaccour | welcome to the land of zooboontoo | 21:37 |
xubuntu_user | hello? | 22:10 |
xubuntu_user | I have a little bit of a problem upgrading gwibber? | 22:11 |
=== xubuntu_user is now known as mranima | ||
mranima | i added the daily PPA and upgraded the packages but not the client. | 22:12 |
mranima | is been kept back. | 22:12 |
mranima | oh using Xubuntu 9.10? | 22:12 |
slow-motion | n8 | 23:10 |
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