
lex79apachelogger:  kdepimlibs is finally building \o/00:16
shadeslayersomeone stop apachelogger from triaging bugs :S00:17
lex79apachelogger: tomorrow you should retry a ton of packages...00:18
shadeslayerapachelogger: on kmail bug triage spree?00:21
jcgshi, does anyone know when ldconfig creates symlinks and when it doesn't, because i just ran it on a private directory, expecting it to create a link libtest.so.1 to libtest.so.1.0.0 and it didn't. is that what it's supposed to do?01:08
shadeslayeranyone around?01:32
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
=== hrw|gone is now known as hrw
apacheloggerdang is lex gone already?08:12
apacheloggerrendering that konqueror about picture takes noticable long08:17
apacheloggeras if it was super sized and needs to be scaled down :S08:18
apacheloggerimpending news everyone!08:24
apacheloggerqt FTBFS on armel08:24
apacheloggerNCommander: are you already onto that?08:24
* apachelogger abandons all hope for the armel package chain and continues looking at issues08:25
Trouble[08:30] [Notice] -NickServ- You are now identified for Trouble.08:30
TroubleHehe :-p08:30
TroubleYou can say that again08:31
apacheloggerlaunchpad hates me \o/08:35
apacheloggerlazr.restfulclient.errors.HTTPError: HTTP Error 401: Unauthorized08:35
apacheloggerkdebase ia64, ppc retried08:37
apacheloggeron general note: armel FTBFS qt4-x11 and sparc FTBFS kde4libs08:37
apacheloggerkdebase-runtime retried on i & p too08:38
apacheloggerkdeaccessibility retried on i & p08:39
jussiDear Kubuntu Update. please dont kill my PC when I restart. Sincerely. Jussi. 08:39
apacheloggerkdegames retried on i386, amd64, ia64, ppc08:42
apacheloggerkdemm retried on ia64, ppc08:43
apacheloggerfirst level of tree retried08:44
apacheloggerkdebase-workspace retired on ia64, ppc08:45
apacheloggerkdebindings retried on ia64, ppc08:46
apacheloggerkdewebdev retired on i386, amd64, ia64, ppc08:47
apacheloggerkdesdk retried on i386, amd64, ia64, ppc08:48
apacheloggerkdenetwork retired on i386, amd64, ia64, ppc08:49
apacheloggersecond level of tree retried08:49
apacheloggerkdetoys i386, amd64 scheduled for build, others cannot be retried because kdebase-workspace is condition to them and only i386 and amd64 are built for workspace08:51
apacheloggersame for kdeartwork08:52
apacheloggersame for kdeutils08:52
apacheloggerkdeedu retried on i386, amd64, others pending builds from kdebindings08:53
apacheloggerkdeadmin i386, amd64 scheduled for build, others cannot be retried because kdebindings is condition to them and only i386 and amd64 are built for workspace08:54
apacheloggerthird level of tree retried08:54
apacheloggerkdeplasma-addons pending builds from kdeedu08:55
apachelogger---tree retried---08:55
TroublePffft, what's happened to Sun Java in Maverick :-s09:06
* Trouble re-installs kubuntu-restricted-extras09:12
TroubleLet's give this new-fangled openjdk another go09:12
apacheloggeris it just me or does krunner not support protocols anymore?09:13
Quintasanapachelogger: it is not just you09:23
bilalakhtarSomeone, please help me with http://launchpadlibrarian.net/51744908/buildlog_ubuntu-maverick-i386.krename_4.0.4-2ubuntu1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz09:23
apacheloggerin #ubuntuone you need to honk to get help09:23
apacheloggermost strange :P09:24
apacheloggertells you who is controlling u1 though :P09:24
yofelTrouble: tell me if it works for you, I don't have luck with java, maverick and the web, sun-java6 made firefox segfault, so I installed openjdk which doesn't segfault firefox but gives me an error message, chromium can't find it, arora tells me to download java and rekonq doesn't even want to start...09:24
apacheloggerbilalakhtar: retry09:24
apacheloggerQuintasan: you are always so mean :'(09:28
apacheloggershadeslayer: plasma's locationrunner.cpp contains similar code to what rekonq should be doing09:31
* apachelogger hugs Nightrose for being awesome09:41
* Nightrose hugs apachelogger because he's apachelogger09:42
apacheloggerI am all apachelogger today ^^09:43
* Nightrose is listening to Ice Dance by Chris Babson09:43
Nightrose^ awesome song09:43
* Nightrose wonders what made apachelogger think she's awesome atm09:44
Nightrose(not that i disagree... :P)09:44
apacheloggerNightrose: that thought just poped up ^^09:45
Nightrosehehe ok09:45
Quintasanapachelogger: :<09:46
Quintasangood news09:46
Quintasanproject-neon-qt.deb now takes 142mb instead of 1,5 kb09:47
apacheloggerkubotu: script add news m.reply "Good news everyone!"09:47
kubotuokay then :)09:47
apacheloggerkubotu: news09:47
kubotuGood news everyone!09:47
apacheloggerQuintasan: supersizeme09:47
apacheloggeris that with lzma?09:47
* apachelogger is wondering why that beastie is soooo large09:47
Quintasanapachelogger: everything packed into a one, large file?09:48
apacheloggeryeah, but that large09:48
apacheloggerisnt the source like about the same size?09:48
Quintasansource is ~300mb09:48
apacheloggerok then09:48
Quintasantar gzipped09:48
apacheloggerdo you have debug symbols stripped btw?09:48
apacheloggersince when is qt source so large/09:48
apacheloggerlast time I uploaded qt it was < 150 fo rsure09:49
apachelogger        if (KProtocolInfo::isHelperProtocol(url.protocol())) {09:49
apachelogger            //kDebug() << "helper protocol" << url.protocol() <<"call external application" ;09:49
apachelogger            match.setText(i18n("Launch with %1", KProtocolInfo::exec(url.protocol())));09:49
apachelogger        } else {09:49
QuintasanI belive my rules do not mention stripping09:49
apachelogger            //kDebug() << "protocol managed by browser" << url.protocol();09:49
apachelogger            match.setText(i18n("Go to %1", url.prettyUrl()));09:49
apachelogger        }09:49
apacheloggernow that code is mad09:49
apacheloggerQuintasan: ppas will strip to /dev/null unless you either tell it to not strip at all or strip to a dbg package yourself09:49
apacheloggernow back to the beauty of code09:50
apacheloggeractually, the code is pretty beautiful, well except for not using i18nc09:50
apacheloggerthere is some rather annoying assumption made09:50
apacheloggersee, kde protocols can either be helpers or not, helpers would be protocols that start an own application to handle the argument09:51
apacheloggerwhereas non-helpers are such that can be handled by a kio slave (for example)09:51
apacheloggerthing is, I am not sure the assumption that one can always launch the executable string of a helper is true09:52
apacheloggerespecially not considering KProtocolInfo::exec will return the whole stupid string with placeholders not replaced09:53
apacheloggerso what you get for apt:firefox is -> "Launch with apturl %u"09:53
Quintasanapachelogger: http://pastebin.com/sCn8SExV <-- should I add override_dh_strip?09:53
apacheloggerdespite that bogus %u, it is still od09:53
apacheloggeryou enter apt:firefox in this case indicating that you want to install firefox using apt09:54
apacheloggerand krunner tells you to "Launch with apturl"09:54
Quintasanapachelogger: besides, do we need stripping to another dbg package?09:54
apacheloggerthat is not perfect UX at all09:54
Quintasanwhat the hell09:54
Quintasanapachelogger: hello09:54
Quintasanno times for monologues09:54
apacheloggerQuintasan: well, not everyone will want to have dbg symbols?09:54
apacheloggereverytime I start talking I end up in a monolog bcause my supremacy prevents you from following me09:55
apacheloggerit is the lonely life of a genius :(09:55
Quintasandh_strip --dbg-package=project-neon-qt-dbg09:55
Quintasanis that enough?09:56
* apachelogger starts crying and runs to Nightrose09:56
apacheloggerQuintasan: ought too be09:56
* Nightrose holds apachelogger09:56
* apachelogger feels better already09:56
Quintasanapachelogger: configure mentions -no-separate-debug-info09:56
apacheloggerqt will build .debug symbols files by default IIRC09:57
apacheloggerwith that configure tag you prevent that so stripping can take place09:57
apacheloggeryou could also remove that configure setting and use other means to get the .debug files packaged09:57
Quintasanno thanks09:57
Quintasanstrip is better09:57
Quintasanapachelogger: do I have to create an install file for dbg package?09:58
Quintasanwell, I have to but I wonder how do I know where are the dbg files09:58
apacheloggerwith stripping you do not need to09:59
apacheloggerthere is nothing for dh_install to do09:59
apacheloggerdebug symbols will be added to the package by dh_strip09:59
Quintasanapachelogger: so I should just add an entry in control, right?10:00
apacheloggerand the other package should have an appropriate install file10:01
Quintasanapachelogger: well, project-neon-qt.install -> debian/tmp/opt/project-neon/*10:02
Quintasanthat's all10:02
Quintasantestbuilding once again10:05
Quintasanapachelogger: well, I think the rest will go just fine10:05
Quintasanapachelogger: I was wondering if it is possible to build packages in LP using repos other than main10:06
apacheloggerQuintasan: sure, you just need to configure other deps10:06
apacheloggeryou should however carefully consider 10:06
apacheloggerin most cases you should not do this, but instead copy packages you need10:07
Quintasancopying would be better10:07
Quintasanthat way we can use a version known to work10:07
Quintasanand provide all bleeding edge features10:07
Quintasanso users can crash their systems in various ways10:08
* Quintasan would never expect that many people like running unstable builds of everything10:08
Quintasanthe thrill of that something may break any second without any reason10:08
=== amichairo is now known as amichair
* Trouble kills plasma-desktop again and runs without it because it keeps running like a dog10:37
apacheloggerQuintasan: where else would we get our rush from?10:46
apacheloggerQuintasan: !!!!!!10:54
apacheloggerthis is epic10:55
Quintasanhow can something be this epic that u take away my attention form Heroes of Newerth?10:56
QuintasanIt'd better be epic or I just lost my seriall killer streak for nothing10:56
Quintasanapachelogger: You are asking for Trouble 10:57
apacheloggerQuintasan: http://people.ubuntu.com/~apachelogger/screencasts/tfa.ogv10:58
apacheloggerTrouble: http://people.ubuntu.com/~apachelogger/screencasts/tfa.ogv :P10:58
TroubleWhy is apachelogger asking after me??10:58
apacheloggerhttp://people.ubuntu.com/~apachelogger/screencasts/tfa.ogv http://people.ubuntu.com/~apachelogger/screencasts/tfa.ogv http://people.ubuntu.com/~apachelogger/screencasts/tfa.ogv http://people.ubuntu.com/~apachelogger/screencasts/tfa.ogv10:58
TroubleBeat me to the joke!!10:58
apacheloggerNightrose: ^^^10:58
apacheloggerlook what I did to your product10:58
Quintasanoh god10:59
* Nightrose is too afraid to watch10:59
Quintasanso much win10:59
apacheloggertold ya10:59
Quintasankubotu: order cookies for apachelogger 11:00
* kubotu slides a whole bunch of world's finest cookies down the bar to apachelogger.11:00
apacheloggerif only quassel were using plasma for the chatview :D :D :D11:00
Quintasanapachelogger: make it so it leaks mem11:01
Quintasanthat would be trollface-worth11:01
apacheloggerstupid javascript does not give me a heap11:01
apacheloggermaybe plasma takes care of the leaking11:01
Quintasanhey guys, I have and awesome plasmoid for you11:01
Quintasanafter few seconds channel is full of FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU-11:01
* apachelogger never got disappointed by plasma regarding memleaks :P11:01
apacheloggersrsly though, this is awesome11:02
apacheloggershadeslayer: http://people.ubuntu.com/~apachelogger/screencasts/amarokNplaydget.ogv11:07
Quintasanapachelogger: what are thos icons in the upper right corner?11:09
apacheloggerlikeback or whats it called11:11
apacheloggerfeedback feature thingy for pre-releases & git11:11
apacheloggerkmess also uses it IIRC11:11
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apacheloggerQuintasan, shadeslayer: I think I will do a hello world intro and then do a poll whether to continue with trollface of playdget12:18
apacheloggerintro will be at least 15 minutes I estimate, and if a lot of people have no idea of programming going for trollface and playdget will not work out timewise I am afraid12:19
TroubleWhy didn't someone warn me Maverick would be buggy before I upgraded! :-D12:41
TroubleI feel cheated!12:41
* Trouble demands a refund!12:42
Quintasanapachelogger: stripping (:O) works fine12:51
QuintasanI think it's ready to upload12:51
Riddell /win 2112:52
Riddellhow are we all doing?12:53
QuintasanRiddell: hiho12:53
jjesse-droidbored in airport12:55
Quintasanjjesse-droid: do you own a motorola droid or it's just android's generic suffix? :P12:55
Riddellenjoy it while it lasts jjesse, won't be too long before we're all reminising about how nice it was to be able to fly around the world12:56
jjesse-droidQuintasan yes I have a devoid the Nick is how I seperate where I'm chatting from12:58
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jjesse-droidion my netbook I'm jjesse-netbook12:58
Quintasanjjesse-droid: I wish Milestones didn't have signed bootloaders12:58
Quintasanlucky Droid users12:58
jjesse-droidits easier for me plus don't get Nick collisions 12:59
QuintasanI just ssh to my irc machine and that's it :P12:59
jjesse-droidI'm not that smart13:00
Quintasanbut hey, doing ctrl+a-d is impossible on droid I think13:02
jjesse-droidI think it is13:03
jjesse-droidthough I do haves13:03
jjesse-droid though I do have a nice SSH client on the phone13:04
Quintasansheytan: \o13:04
sheytanQuintasan hi, what's up? :)13:06
sheytani'm only for a while here :)13:06
Quintasansheytan: well, I will need testers for Project Neon soon13:07
sheytanwhat is it? :D13:07
Quintasannightly builds of KDE and Amarok13:07
sheytanSorry, i can't today :(13:08
Quintasansheytan: well, it's not today13:08
QuintasanI don't think we will get it working this week :P13:09
sheytantomorrow afternoon sure ;)13:09
sheytanOh :D13:09
sheytanso this 'soon' is not so soon :D13:09
sheytanok, have to go :)13:11
sheytanbye :)13:11
ScottK4.4.92 is fully built on i386.14:14
shadeslayerScottK: on amd 64  too i think14:14
ScottKshadeslayer: kdeplasma-addons is still building14:15
shadeslayerScottK: http://pastebin.com/VubmsyxZ14:15
shadeslayerScottK: all the major stuff is done ;)14:15
shadeslayermy you boon too shirt arrived :)14:16
shadeslayerScottK: can you help me with rbot?14:16
shadeslayerits FTBFS :P14:16
* ScottK tries to avoid things having to do with languages that start with R.14:17
ScottKIn any case, if it's not Kubuntu/KDE, you should ask on #ubuntu-motu14:17
CIA-33[muon] jmthomas * 1149045 * trunk/playground/sysadmin/muon/src/ (5 files in 2 dirs) Add clear() functions to the Depends and Technical Details tabs to prevent stale pointers after cache reloads. Fixes a crash encounterable after installing something and then pressing upgrade14:17
shadeslayerScottK: ok,but on a side note,it seems that the package builds in pbuilder but not in the archiv builders :S14:17
shadeslayerwhich.. i have never encountered :S14:18
ScottKshadeslayer: Ask me on #ubuntu-motu and give me a link to the build log.14:18
ScottKRiddell: Based on my testing and my discussions with agateau, I'm pretty confident plasma-widget-menubar should go in to the netbook default as we discussed.  There's a pending MIR that's going to need to get approved.14:54
steveireI got a build failure report which seemed to be a reuslt of cmake not being available on a SPARC chroot. Is that known?14:57
=== jtechidna is now known as JontheEchidna
RiddellScottK: looks like we need to override /usr/share/kde4/apps/plasma-netbook/init/00-defaultLayout.js in k-n-d-s14:59
JontheEchidnasteveire: sparc is busted. It will most likely be removed as a platform for this release. (It was only a community supported port before)14:59
ScottKRiddell: Sounds right.15:00
ScottKsteveire: I'd not waste any time on sparc.  It's just waiting for feature freeze (and it's still broken) to die.15:00
Riddellsteveire: maybe cmake didn't compile on sparc, we don't want to spend time on obscure architectures though, i386 amd64 and arm keep us busy enough15:00
ScottKRiddell: It didn't.15:00
shadeslayerJontheEchidna: around? need to report a bug with muon :D15:01
JontheEchidnashadeslayer: shoot15:02
steveireOk. Is there some way I can not get build failures like that then?15:02
ScottKsteveire: Not really.  You just have to ignore them.15:02
ScottKYou could probably come up with a mail filter regex involving build failure mails for sparc ...15:02
shadeslayerJontheEchidna: when you upgrade tons of packages,like about 150,and muon starts downloading them,when the connection drops midway muon displays a error for each package,so that totals about 150 errors :P15:02
JontheEchidnayeah, I was afraid that might happen15:03
shadeslayerJontheEchidna: yeah,so my suggestion is,make it not display more than 5 warnings at a time,if that can be done :)15:04
JontheEchidnaI'll have to compress the warnings/errors, and display all of them in one dialog at the end15:04
ScottKRiddell: kbackup is sitting in source New.  I can't believe it didn't get packaged before.  I'd appreciate it if you'd put it on the list for your archive day tomorrow.15:06
Riddellsource new /is/ the list for my archive day :)15:07
shadeslayerRiddell: welcome back :D15:07
Riddellthanks shadeslayer, good to be back15:09
shadeslayerRiddell: what happened?15:09
Riddellthe sun didn't set and lots of people had hair in primary colours 15:09
shadeslayerRiddell: to your internet connection :D15:10
Riddellshadeslayer: oh dunno, they like to change the IP address occationally15:11
shadeslayerRiddell: oh your on a static ip? 15:11
Riddellno I'm not, that's the problem.  today it's host-84-9-233-104.dslgb.com15:12
shadeslayerbtw the quality of the shirts on shop.ubuntu need to be improved :S15:13
CIA-33[libqapt] jmthomas * 1149067 * trunk/playground/libs/libqapt/src/worker/worker.cpp SVN_SILENT: Style fix15:14
CIA-33[libqapt] jmthomas * 1149070 * trunk/playground/libs/libqapt/src/worker/ (worker.cpp worker.h) We can forward-declare this include15:17
txwikingerJust FYI https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBugDay/2010071215:23
* shadeslayer looks15:24
shadeslayertxwikinger: finally :D15:25
macoshadeslayer: very thin fabric, isnt it?15:25
macoyeah def dont want my kubuntu shirt getting wet while it's on me15:25
shadeslayermaco: apart from that the quality of the print feels cheap :(15:25
shadeslayerseeing from the fact that i paid 18 pounds for it15:25
macoheh youdont want to know what shipping to .us is15:26
CIA-33[libqapt] jmthomas * 1149073 * trunk/playground/libs/libqapt/src/worker/worker.cpp The worker timeout was a bit too high. Lowering it should help avoid potential problems with non-responsiveness on the worker's part15:26
shadeslayeri fear itll wash off after 5-6 cleaning cycles15:26
shadeslayermaco: you definitely dont want to know the shipping rates to india than15:26
macoRiddell ordered one delivered to his place for lower shipping and then brought it with him when he visited the US to hand to me cuz it was cheaper that way round15:27
macooy... yeah....15:27
shadeslayeri shipped mine to UK.. and then someone got it for me from there15:27
shadeslayermaco: hehe :D15:27
macowhen i tried doing that to have it go to Riddell's house, it told me it could only ship to billing address :(15:27
macoso i had to get him to order it15:27
macoi paid him back by buying him lunch as he wouldnt take cash15:28
shadeslayermaco: well... it has a option to change billing addresses now15:28
macooh well thats handy15:28
shadeslayerRiddell: allergic to money? :P15:29
shadeslayermaco: but its my first FOSS $DISTRO shirt... so,looks pretty cool15:30
macoi have an ubuntu shirt, but its a freebie, not actually my size15:30
macoplus, its gnome15:30
macooh hm wait. duhhh forgot to count the UDS shirts15:30
macothose fit :)15:30
macoi have one of those "ask me about ubuntu" shirts you get in conference packs, and its like a men's large, and i'm a women's small....15:31
shadeslayermaco: i have a ubuntu shirt.. not a kubuntu one.. :P15:31
* shadeslayer ducks15:31
shadeslayerill get the kubuntu logo printed on the back :P15:32
shadeslayerill get it printed so big the ubuntu logo looks teeny tiny :P15:32
shadeslayertxwikinger: hehe.. the last link ( the bigger picture ) points to compiz :P15:37
ScottKtxwikinger: You might mention to triagers that the current k3b is available in lucid backports so people can test.15:38
shadeslayertxwikinger: also,can you set the row color of the bug i touched to green? i cant seem to do it correctly :D15:38
txwikingerScottK: Yes will do15:45
txwikingerScottK: done.. \15:48
txwikingershadeslayer: done.. I also changed the instruction.. somehow they were wrong15:48
shadeslayertxwikinger: thanks :D15:48
CIA-33[muon] jmthomas * 1149083 * trunk/playground/sysadmin/muon/src/DetailsTabs/MainTab.cpp Hide knotify progress notifications. They were shown to be confusing, since KIO says that the job is "completed" regardless or not of whether it was completed successfully.15:53
shadeslayerQuintasan: hehe.. why?16:19
ScottKshadeslayer: If you have to ask, you'll never understand.16:30
shadeslayerScottK: can you set bug 596926 to some importance level? ( i think medium is good )16:30
ubottuLaunchpad bug 596926 in k3b (Ubuntu) "k3b crashes on clicking Settings > Configure k3b" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/59692616:30
shadeslayerScottK: hehe :D16:30
rbelemagateau, ping16:31
agateaurbelem: pong, sorry for the inactivity on reviewboard16:31
rbelemagateau, np :-)16:31
agateaurbelem: akademy usually turns me into an offline human being16:32
rbelemagateau, do you have time to take a look at the patch? :-)16:32
agateaurbelem: probably tomorrow16:33
agateaurbelem: i am catching up with email right now16:33
rbelemagateau, i think we are almost there \o/16:33
CIA-33[muon] jmthomas * 1149093 * trunk/playground/sysadmin/muon/src/ (MainWindow.cpp MainWindow.h) When we receive fetch errors or commit errors, save them in a queue that is presented to the user in a messagebox after the operation is finished. <- shadeslayer16:33
agateaurbelem: good16:33
JontheEchidnaoh, and apachelogger ^16:33
rbelemagateau, tomorrow i will be offline, but wednesday i will be back :-)16:36
agateaurbelem: ok16:37
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: me likes ++16:37
ScottKagateau: I see plasma-netbook fell off your autojoin list again.16:38
agateauScottK: true16:38
agateauit's not in my trunk setup16:38
* agateau connects16:38
rbelemapachelogger, do you know if the maverick package chain still broken?16:39
apacheloggershould be good now16:39
apacheloggerrbelem: are you going to testbuild?16:39
rbelemapachelogger, yep :-)16:39
rbelemapachelogger, i'm updating my pbuilder now16:39
rbelemhey ScottK 16:44
ScottKHey rbelem16:45
rbelemScottK, i will test today if kdm-plasma is working16:45
ScottKrbelem: Excellent.16:45
shadeslayerScottK: btw bug 472888 doesnt look like a k3b,right?16:46
ubottuLaunchpad bug 472888 in k3b (Ubuntu) "kubuntu karmic can't read data DVDs" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/47288816:46
shadeslayermore of a util-linux bug16:46
ScottKshadeslayer: I'm probably not the best person to ask.16:46
shadeslayerhmm .. ok16:46
shadeslayeranyone else?16:46
* agateau pulls the maverick trigger on his laptop16:46
rbelemScottK, and i will make the changes to the build system to it build out of kde-base-workspace16:46
* ScottK looks at txwikinger (since he's mr bug day)16:46
* ScottK nods16:47
shadeslayertxwikinger: https://launchpad.net/bugs/47288816:47
ubottuLaunchpad bug 472888 in k3b (Ubuntu) "kubuntu karmic can't read data DVDs" [Undecided,New]16:47
* shadeslayer loves the ubuntu font and autohinting16:47
txwikingershadeslayer: yes .. change it back to util-linux and ask the reporter to test it with lucid16:49
shadeslayertxwikinger: ok16:49
=== hrw is now known as hrw|gone
shadeslayertxwikinger: done16:52
Tm_Tuh, is there yet any release of new ubuntu font?16:53
shadeslayerTm_T: apart from the PPA?16:53
Tm_Twhat ppa?16:54
shadeslayerTm_T: one sec16:54
txwikingerprivate ppa16:54
txwikingerall ubuntu members have access to that ppa 16:54
shadeslayerTm_T: that ppa :D16:55
txwikingerit appears in the list of private ppas if you are an Ubuntu member16:55
txwikinger(All Kubuntu members are automatically also Ubuntu members!)16:55
yofelhm, k3b in lucid-backports is broken: bug 60391316:55
ubottuLaunchpad bug 603913 in k3b (Ubuntu) "package k3b-data 1.91.0~rc2-0ubuntu3 failed to install/upgrade: Versuche, »/usr/share/locale/bg/LC_MESSAGES/k3bsetup.mo« zu überschreiben, welches auch in Paket k3b-i18n 0:1.0.5-1ubuntu1~hardy1 ist" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/60391316:55
txwikingeryofel: is this bug reproducible?16:56
ScottKJontheEchidna: ^^^16:56
yofeltxwikinger: yes, sec16:56
=== 45PAAUK9J is now known as oxymoron
JontheEchidnaLooks like it was broken before lucid-backports16:58
yofeltxwikinger: here's my full log http://paste.ubuntu.com/462589/16:58
oxymoronhttp://www.spotify.com/uk/blog/archives/2010/07/12/linux/ - Someone exciting to hack it so it works for Free users and not only Premium? :P16:58
JontheEchidnaThough shouldn't update-manager have automagially removed k3b-i18n when it became orphaned on distribution upgrade?16:58
JontheEchidnalike, back in jaunty days16:59
ScottKJontheEchidna: Nope.16:59
yofelodd thing is, k3b-data 2.0.0-0ubuntu1 from maverick upgrades fine, 2.0.0-0ubuntu1~lucid1 fails16:59
ScottKBackports don't have translations stripped.17:00
ScottKJontheEchidna: You have to ask mvo to add specfic removals to update-manager.17:00
JontheEchidnaScottK: so, should I upload a ~lucid2 that conflicts/replaces k3b-i18n?17:01
ScottKJontheEchidna: Yes.  Please.17:01
JontheEchidnaScottK: Uploaded, should be in queue in a few minutes. I'm off to lunch now17:04
ScottKJontheEchidna: Thanks.17:05
ScottKJontheEchidna: Accepted.17:07
ScottKyofel: Fix is on the way.17:07
shadeslayerryanakca: will there be a new kubuntu wiki theme soonish?17:09
apacheloggeroxymoron: go premium :P17:17
apacheloggerhack done17:17
* apachelogger likes how it is built using Qt17:17
nixternalahh, shedding my councils...feels like a gian weight has been lifted17:17
nixternalgiant weight, not weight gain :p17:18
apacheloggernixternal: you are not making sense :P17:18
nixternalwhat's new17:18
* apachelogger hugs nixternal17:18
nixternaljust put in my resignation for both the CC and the DMB17:19
shadeslayernixternal: CC,DMB?17:19
nixternalcommunity council and the developer membership board17:19
apacheloggernixternal: are you short of time?17:19
apacheloggerI mean, more than usual :)17:20
nixternalno, just need to move on and find new adventures17:20
nixternalI have nothing but time17:20
apacheloggernixternal: you could do something useful :P17:20
apacheloggerlike rewrite khc17:20
nixternalit is on my todo list honestly17:20
shadeslayerapachelogger: +117:20
* apachelogger just heared thunder when he hit send Oo17:20
apacheloggernixternal: mine too17:20
nixternalwe should find some time and brainstorm17:21
* apachelogger is all available as long as google pays him money to make the you bun too one come to the kay dee eee17:21
nixternaltell google to pay me too...i need money17:21
apacheloggerkubotu: google plz send them money @ nixternal17:22
kubotuResults for plz send them money @ nixternal: 1. Funny spam email :: Richard A. Johnson: http://blog.nixternal.com/2009.01.27/funny-spam-email/ | 2. Richard A. Johnson - Consulting: http://www.nixternal.com/consulting | 3. MS Bing the default search engine in Firefox of Ubuntu? | Risto H ...: http://risto.kurppa.fi/blog/2010/02/ms-bing-the-default-search-engine-in-firefox-of-ubuntu/17:22
apacheloggeryou ae all over the intartubs!17:22
nixternalfor the past week I have been doing carpentry type work and it has been fun17:22
* apachelogger is afraid his widgetcraft talk is not done ^^17:22
apacheloggerand it is insanely hot17:22
nixternaltis why i was offline...i ripped out the power and started fresh :)17:22
apacheloggernixternal: oh dear oh dear ^^17:23
nixternalno fires yet17:23
Mamarokhey nixternal :)17:23
nixternalthis weekend all i did was have my b-day party and drink to much...dunno why my party was this weekend since i still have a bit over 2 weeks until my b-day17:24
nixternalhowday Mamarok 17:24
MamarokI have a question about the Kubuntu feedback widget: since Lucid is LTS, shouldn't the feedback possibility be maintained?17:24
oxymoronapachelogger: Going premium isnt a solution and goes against what Spotify was meant for in the beginning. A free music streaming library with advertisement ;)17:24
apacheloggergo apply for job and fix their client then17:25
nixternalMamarok: it should be, but i was afk for a bit...something i need to add to my todo list?17:25
nixternaloxymoron: slacker radio > *17:25
apacheloggernixternal: you had bday? congrats17:25
nixternalmy bday is a couple of weeks away17:25
apacheloggeris that so?17:25
apacheloggerdid I know about it?17:25
nixternalmy family gets together and celebrates both of my sisters and my b-day the same time17:25
Mamarokwell, currently it says there is no survey available17:26
nixternalmy sister had her 40th b-day last week, so it was more for her than anyone else17:26
oxymoronapachelogger: Maybe I will :P17:26
oxymoronnixternal: Slacker radio?17:26
apacheloggerwell, we are getting constantly older, so who cares ;)17:26
* apachelogger needs to get planning a party 17:26
apacheloggerI forgot all about my own bday ^^17:26
nixternalyeah...i love slacker and last.fm....they are both web based as their is no freely available api (anymore) and they have rockin' android clients/widgets17:27
nixternalyeah, gonna be 14 this year17:27
apachelogger14 \o/17:27
Mamaroknixternal: currently it says there is no survey available17:29
oxymoron21 myself, I feel like I am going old soon when 20+ :D17:29
Mamarokoxymoron: wait till you are my age, you will see that with totally different eyes :)17:29
apacheloggernixternal: did you see my plasmoid madness?17:30
Mamarokbut that will be way in the future17:30
nixternalMamarok: hrmm, ok..i will add that to my todo list....today i need to work on trying to make some money :)17:30
nixternalapachelogger: no i didn't17:30
Mamaroknixternal: no problem, take your time17:30
apacheloggeryou are missing out :P17:30
apacheloggernixternal: you should attend my widgetcraft talk :O17:30
nixternalwhen and where?17:30
apachelogger#ubuntu-classroom in 1.517:30
=== hrw|gone is now known as hrw
nixternalmake sure you ping me so I know to watch :)17:31
apacheloggerI shall do so17:31
oxymoronMamarok: Hehe :P I guess so :P But I feel quite young anyway and looks younger than I am :P Then I am in good health so I dont mind :P17:33
yofel*sigh* s/launchpad/timeout_page/17:35
oxymoronMamarok: May I ask, do you have any tips to combine job/studies, family/girlfriend and hobbies? :) For the moment its hard to find an apartment, making my mind for continue my studies and then I need to be more with my gf (Distance relationship)17:36
Mamarokoy, that is sometimes hard to work out, but keep in mind that studies are important, the more you wait the less likely you will actually do it17:37
Mamarokand what distance?17:37
Mamaroka few km or thousands?17:37
oxymoronMamarok: I have studies 2 years already, but missed some last term because of a depression last autumn. Now its hard to get back to studies again. Sometimes it feels like I just want to skip it and take my girls hand and travel to utopia :P17:39
oxymoronMamarok: Uhm 342 kilometres :P17:39
MamarokOK, let's take that to -offtopic :)17:40
* shadeslayer follows Mamarok to ot17:40
=== hrw is now known as hrw|gone
rbelemapachelogger, the build finished17:56
rbelemapachelogger, http://paste.ubuntu.com/462603/17:56
plan_richhey! what about the README.kde-at in the qt-kde git repo? i cant find it any more 18:03
Riddellplan_rich: we have nothing to do with the qt-kde git repo18:04
plan_richy but i use kubuntu and have to compile it to compile kdelibs and kdebase...18:04
Riddellyou don't have to compile it, you could just use packaged Qt, we are involved in Qt packages, but we aren't involved in Qt git branches18:05
plan_richwell my specific problem is: 'Could NOT find QtCore.'18:10
Riddellgot libqt4-dev installed ?18:11
plan_richwhat packet contains QtCore?18:11
apacheloggerkubotu: order cookies for markey18:21
* kubotu slides a whole bunch of world's finest cookies down the bar to markey.18:21
apacheloggerrbelem: uploading then18:21
nixternalmmm, just had gumo and jumilaya for lunch18:22
rbelemcool! thanks apachelogger :-)18:22
apacheloggeris that a space craft?18:22
shadeslayerapachelogger: found this http://amarok.kde.org/blog/archives/757-KDE-4.1.0-+-Kubuntu-Ninjas.html18:26
shadeslayerthe original ninja team \o/18:26
shadeslayerScottK: rbot fixed :)18:27
* Mamarok drags markey out of the kitchen so he can grab his cookies18:29
markeyapachelogger: awww thanks *nomnom*18:30
markeynow I have melon and cookies18:30
apacheloggermarkey: I bet you did not get no cookies from them chakra people :P18:34
markeythat's actually correct :)18:36
Mamarokapachelogger: I have been baking shortbread yesterday :)18:36
Riddellshadeslayer: as far as I can tell we're unlikely to get a stable kdepim 4.5 for maverick so I'm going to branch your bzr commit of kdepim-runtime 4:4.4.85-0ubuntu1 and revert our main bzr branch to 4.4.518:39
shadeslayerRiddell: ok.. np18:39
shadeslayerthat reminds me.. have to backport to lucid :P18:39
Riddellshadeslayer: backport which?18:40
shadeslayerRiddell: kdepim and kdepim-runtime18:40
shadeslayerRiddell: they are in the ninja ppa for maverick18:40
Riddellshadeslayer: you didn't put kdepim packaging in bzr18:40
shadeslayerRiddell: because i was fixing it :)18:40
RiddellI branched kdepim-runtime into ~kubuntu-members/kdepim-runtime/ubuntu4.518:40
Riddellso when you're done with kdepim do a    bzr push lp:~kubuntu-members/kdepim/ubuntu4.518:41
Riddellnow the tricky part, getting kde-l10n to use kdepim 4.4 translations18:43
shadeslayerthat would be apachelogger :P18:43
shadeslayerRiddell: btw kdepim is usable here.. dunno why the devs think it isnt18:44
RiddellI think it's the upgrade from existing users which is problematic18:44
apacheloggerabout to talk about widgeting in #ubuntu-classroom18:57
* apachelogger pokes nixternal18:57
nixternalyo yo18:58
shadeslayerapachelogger: go go19:02
shadeslayerQuintasan: he has only trollface lined up :S19:06
shadeslayerno playwidget :(19:07
CIA-33[libqapt] jmthomas * 1149145 * trunk/playground/libs/libqapt/src/backend.cpp TODO: Comment cleanup19:18
CIA-33[muon] jmthomas * 1149146 * trunk/playground/sysadmin/muon/src/FilterWidget.cpp Sort our categories before inserting them in to the model, rather than relying on the model to sort them. In some languages "All" may not be on the top, alphabetically19:28
Quintasanno, seriously19:43
Quintasanshadeslayer: wtf is going on with ISP this week? first you, then Riddell and now me19:43
Quintasanwhy the hell they had to do maitnance in the middle of the damn day?19:43
shadeslayerQuintasan: i got flooded out :P19:44
ScottKIt's always the middle of the day somewhere.19:44
shadeslayernot maintainence :P19:44
QuintasanScottK: but hell, 16-20 is the middle of the day in poland19:44
shadeslayerapachelogger: got to sleep .. bye :D19:59
shadeslayerawesome session tho19:59
Quintasanapachelogger: hey, ur plasmoid leaks mem20:01
apacheloggerQuintasan: you are not telling the truth!!!!20:01
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: there, too much content for one hour20:01
Quintasanapachelogger: trollface.jpg20:02
apacheloggernext time I shall do a motivational talk only20:02
Quintasanapachelogger: >implying that making people go to work motivates them20:02
apacheloggerit is just to difficult to communicate real guidance in one hour esepcially with people with different existing knowledge 20:02
apacheloggertime to continue watching the midnight episode20:03
nixternalapachelogger: good talk!20:07
jussican we have power button by default on large screens?20:12
CIA-33[muon] jmthomas * 1149166 * trunk/playground/sysadmin/muon/src/ (4 files in 2 dirs) Port MainTab to straight C++. Good-bye .ui!20:45
Quintasanapachelogger: how do I make trollface to work in amarok?20:50
Quintasanapachelogger: bsides, how do you record ur movies? when I record them they are soooooooo slow20:57
Quintasankubotu: !package recorditnow maverick21:05
Quintasan!package recorditnow maverick21:06
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)21:06
Quintasan!package recorditnow21:06
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about package recorditnow21:06
Blizzzapachelogger: is it possible to fire up ajax requests within js plasmoids?21:09
apacheloggerno clue how ajax works :P21:10
apacheloggerbut in general you can do just about anything javascripty21:10
apacheloggerand if that is not enough you can stack the qtscriptbindings (as for example used by amarok) and expose almost all of Qt API for your use21:10
arch0njwCheers, everyone!  I find myself with some spare time on my hands and I would love to get into the code of KDE a la Kubuntu.  What is the best place to start (other than here)?21:10
apacheloggerQuintasan: install it using plasmapkg21:11
Blizzzbasically it  is an asynchronous http request 21:11
apacheloggerthen in .kde/share/kde4/services there should be an appropriate desktop file21:11
Quintasanapachelogger: it doesnt show up in the menu21:11
apacheloggerrename that to amarok-context-applet-trollface.desktop21:11
apacheloggerthen you need to add two entries to the bottom of it21:11
apacheloggerthen restart21:12
apacheloggerand it should be there21:12
apacheloggermaybe run kbuildsycoca4 before that21:12
CIA-33[muon] jmthomas * 1149176 * trunk/playground/sysadmin/muon/src/DetailsTabs/ (ChangelogTab.cpp MainTab.cpp) Don't leak our KTemporaryFiles for package changelogs and screenshots.21:12
apacheloggerarch0njw: well, do  you want to do application development in general?21:12
apacheloggerif so you should ask in #kde-devel since we try to do as much in KDE as possible21:13
arch0njwapachelogger: ok. I can hop over there. I've been reading here (https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/GettingInvolved/Development) and it looks like there are some starting points. But I work best with a real issue to resolve -- which means getting into the real code. I'll pester kde-devel as you suggest.21:14
apacheloggerarch0njw: well, KDE tries to maintain a junior job list in their bugzilla, maybe ask for that21:15
apacheloggerarch0njw: but in my experience it is best if you get started with something you are interested in21:15
apacheloggersomething that annoys you, something that you want fixed/implemented/improved...21:16
arch0njwapachelogger: that is good advice.  Heh... so dive straight into Akonadi and make it work properly? ;)  I think I need to find the wading end of the pool first.21:16
arch0njwapachelogger: the tutorials and junior jobs sounds like a good place for me to get my bearings and reckon the water temperature.21:17
apacheloggerthe akonadi people are always looking for new contributors21:17
apacheloggerin fact they are sort of urging for more people ^^21:17
Quintasandamn, he makes me feel lazy21:17
* Quintasan goes to update recorditnow and bring Qt to order21:18
apacheloggerso although akonadi is a very large beast of code you can learn a lot and have a lot of people who are willing to teach you21:18
arch0njwQuintasan: who, me?  If so, don't worry.  I recently got axed -- so I have some spare time21:18
apacheloggerQuintasan: better rewrite it in a sensible language first :P21:18
apacheloggerthat python wrapping is nothing but horrible IMHO21:19
arch0njwapachelogger: Quintasan:  oh, snap!21:19
Quintasanarch0njw: well, I'm still a student, being a student == holidays == being lazy all the time21:19
apacheloggerin fact, last I used the Qt thingy it was rather unresponsive21:19
Quintasanapachelogger: how the hell Qt can be rewritten is more sensible language?21:19
apacheloggerit is in pyqt21:19
arch0njwapachelogger: I think an easy starting point to get my bearings would be good.  You know... like a bug fix.  Once I have that bearing I'll gladly tackle Akonadi.  I do not fear the deep end of the pool... only drowning others as I learn.  ;)21:19
QuintasanQt is not in PyQt21:19
apacheloggerarch0njw: akonadi probably also has easy bug fixes ;)21:20
apacheloggerarch0njw: or you could try yourself on kdepim 4.521:20
Quintasanapachelogger: it's pythons fault for being crap21:20
apacheloggerthere are surely a lot of things to fix :D21:20
apacheloggerQuintasan: hence I said rewrite in a more sensible language not using a more sensible toolkit :P21:20
arch0njwapachelogger: actually, that's where I'm wondering if the problem really is.  The annoyance I'd love to see fixed is the failure of Akonadi to start properly when Kontact is started.21:20
apacheloggerarch0njw: that is akonadi, or rather mysql most of the time21:21
arch0njwapachelogger: I have tried what feels like a gagillion steps to hack it back into shape with configuration, but it is starting to smell like something isn't right with the synchronization of when things start.21:21
apacheloggerthere are a lot of reasons why akonadi would fail to start21:21
apachelogger90% of them are related to mysql21:21
QuintasanWHAT THE HELL?21:21
QuintasanJoschy(joschy-snapshot-23-02-10 attached)21:22
arch0njwapachelogger: indeed, I, have, noticed... {pain}21:22
Quintasanlol @ adding svn code as a dependency21:22
Quintasanmore lulz at adding it to source tree21:22
apacheloggerarch0njw: one could always switch to postgresql ... also last I was poking them with my sonic screwdriver they were claiming support for sqlite was being consider21:22
apacheloggerQuintasan: this is sweet21:23
Quintasanapachelogger: what?21:23
arch0njwapachelogger: interesting.  But the killer thing is that I start Kontact, Akonadi barks, I close contact and then restart it... and then I get access to my address book, etc.21:23
arch0njwapachelogger: it is like Akonadi isn't starting fast enough and Kontact isn't waiting long enough.21:23
Quintasanapachelogger: how the hell I'm supposed to package that?21:24
apacheloggerQuintasan: you are not21:24
apacheloggerQuintasan: write mail to upstream21:24
apacheloggergo all sadly and tragic ;)21:24
apacheloggerand a bit of whining will help too21:24
apacheloggerarch0njw: that should be fixed in an update?21:24
apacheloggerare you on lucid?21:24
Quintasanit's stupid, adding svn code as a build dependency just because he needs more uploading services21:25
apacheloggerI raised the error timeout to 5 minutes or so21:25
arch0njwapachelogger: Indeed I are on the Lucid Lynx.  It is mostly lucid.21:25
apacheloggerthen it is not timing21:25
apacheloggerwhat I could imagine is that at logout your akonadi does not terminate properly and leaves the database in dirty state which apparently causes problems at next startup21:26
Tm_Tapachelogger: is it intended that ubuone crashes with segfault when exiting?21:26
apacheloggerQuintasan: of course it is, it is upstream ;)21:26
apacheloggerTm_T: yes21:26
apacheloggernot exactly21:26
apacheloggersomething in Qt 4.7 or KDE 4.5 is causing it21:26
apacheloggerand since I do not have appropriate builds to precisely debug either I cannot exactly tell who is at fault21:27
apacheloggerbut I am quite confident that it is not ubuntuone but something in the destructors underneath it, where apparently one dtor tries to access stuff that was already nuked by another one21:27
apacheloggervery ugly situation21:27
arch0njwapachelogger: interesting.  Sounds like I have some mining in the troubleshooting wiki to do... assuming that issue is documented.21:27
Tm_Tapachelogger: Qt 4.621:28
Tm_Tapachelogger: http://paste.ubuntu.com/462682/21:28
apacheloggerarch0njw: you need to read your error logs ;)21:28
apacheloggerarch0njw: I doubt searching will help much, because people constantly get the cause wrong, which is probably the fault of the dialog though21:29
arch0njwapachelogger: heh.  I'll finish that "read your error logs" with a "more thoroughly".  Most of it is senseless to me since I don't know alot about the various parts.21:29
apacheloggerfor example we have a bug report that is about "resource agents not found" while indeed in all but one case presented there this error is caused by something failing prior to the resource agent stuff21:29
arch0njwapachelogger: which is not to say that the Rosetta Stone decoding will not happen ;)21:30
apacheloggerarch0njw: I recommend you get yourself a user where you can break akonadi and look for yourself ;)21:30
apacheloggerI myself like to explore things by trial and error :)21:30
arch0njwapachelogger: definitely tried that.  feel like i'm running a bit in circles.  But, hey, if at first you don't succeed...21:31
Quintasanapachelogger: few Sirs here and there and I will get my small package back :P21:31
QuintasanQt build21:32
Quintasanuploaded to PPA21:32
apacheloggerarch0njw: in a bash terminal -> akonadi[tab] -> a whole lot of binaries to try do things with ;)21:32
apacheloggerQuintasan: you are the evil21:32
QuintasanI am the mastah!21:32
apacheloggerso you can hear the drums?21:33
steveire_Please don't play with random akonadi resources or agents. The server will start those.21:33
apacheloggersteveire_: in a testing account :P21:33
Quintasanapachelogger: drums?21:33
steveire_All you should need is akonadictl and akonadiconsole21:33
apacheloggersteveire_: that said, I would find it appropriate to not have them in the standard bin location21:33
apacheloggerlike kde got libexec for the special stuff21:34
steveire_Interesting idea21:45
QuintasanRiddell: who do I poke for more space in PPA? The Qt itself is taking 50% :O22:23
RiddellQuintasan: you have to ask a question at answers.launchpad.net/launchpad I thik22:24
yofelany chance to get k3b 2 in karmic? (To answer #2 of bug 599061)22:35
ubottuLaunchpad bug 599061 in k3b (Ubuntu) "cannot see/select hidden directories/files" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/59906122:35
rbelemhey guys, do you know why kdebase-workspace-dev is not installing /usr/include/kephal/screens.h anymore?23:32
rbelemScottK, ^23:45

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