
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
wgrantspm: Around?02:02
spmwgrant: yarp, sup?02:02
spmit always worries me, when a fast response is followed by a long pause. implies "zomg lots of typing problem coming right up"02:03
wgrantspm: I'm working on Soyuz ddeb support, and I'd like to confirm that there aren't already any in the DB, because if any are there then they are broken.02:04
wgrantI am hoping that 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM binarypackagefile WHERE filetype=4;' will return 0.02:04
spmhope, springs eternal...02:04
spmwgrant: sadly in this case, it does spring eternal. count == 1602:05
spmdoing a Q&D sel *; suggests they may be related in some way; all are nearly sequential libraryfile02:06
wgrantspm: SELECT person.name, archive.name, libraryfilealias.filename FROM binarypackagefile JOIN libraryfilealias ON libraryfilealias.id = binarypackagefile.libraryfile JOIN binarypackagerelease ON binarypackagefile.binarypackagerelease = binarypackagerelease.id JOIN binarypackagebuild ON binarypackagebuild.id = binarypackagerelease.build JOIN packagebuild ON packagebuild.id = binarypackagebuild.package_build JOIN archive ON archive.id = ...02:10
wgrant... packagebuild.archive JOIN person ON person.id = archive.owner WHERE binarypackagefile.filetype = 4;02:10
spmwgrant: hrm. I dunno. surely you can fit a *few* more joins in there???02:11
wgrantHeh, probably.02:12
* spm remembers fondly the 16+ join we had at #job-102:12
spmhuh. yes. nicely guessed, same pacakges. will paste...02:12
spmwgrant: http://paste.ubuntu.com/462294/02:13
wgrantCraaaaaap primary archive.02:13
wgrantAt least it's only one build.02:13
spmwgrant: so, in laymans terms - what does that actually mean/imply. that it's broken, sure - but what does that imply?02:15
wgrantOh, they were all rejected, anyway.02:15
wgrantSo there may not be any DB surgery required later on.02:15
spmlack of DB surgery is always welcome :-)02:16
wgrantspm: Basically, ddebs must always be linked to a deb, or they get lost and float around in space forever.02:16
spmchewup librarian space? or worse?02:16
wgrantStay around in the archive forever, basically.02:16
wgrantAnd chew up librarian space, I guess, yes.02:16
spmthis would be uncool on both fronts.02:17
wgrantNow, of course, ddebs have been accepted for a year or so, but the code to link them was never written.02:17
spmahhh! I see. mucch becomes clearer.02:17
wgrantBut in this case they never made it into the archive, so we are reasonably OK.02:19
lifelesswgrant: hi08:58
lifelessthis sort of VWS drives me batty:08:58
wgrantlifeless: Hi.08:58
lifeless+        self.debug("Dominating packages...")08:58
lifeless+        for name in pubs.keys():08:58
wgrantOy, 'Work in progress' :P08:58
lifelessplease see PEP8 :) - only do that when there is a significant difference mid-function08:59
lifelesswgrant: 'proposed for merging' -> instant review for you08:59
wgrantbigjools: Hi. When you have a moment, I'd like to discuss ddebs.09:02
elmowgrant: or your money back!09:02
wgrantAlso, it'd be reallly nice if launchpad-bugs-owner would stop spamming me.09:04
lifelessI think matsubara was doing something about that; I'm sure he's here somewhere ;)09:04
matsubaralifeless, wgrant: I found out why and described how to fix in the thread. I didn't do it because I don't have the permission09:06
thumperwhat is VWS?09:06
lifelessmatsubara: what permission is needed?09:06
lifelessthumper: vertical white space09:06
wgrantthumper: Vertical whitespace.09:06
wgrantmatsubara: There was a thread?09:06
lifelesswgrant: internally, I think09:06
wgrantAh, there.09:07
matsubaralifeless, I think lp admin. we just need to remove ~launchpad as the default review team IIRC09:07
wgrantNo, it was on the public one.09:07
matsubarayeah, I think it's in lp-dev09:07
lifelessmatsubara: on https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~launchpad-pqm/launchpad/devel ?09:07
lifelesshmm, we should change the owner to a steering team too.09:08
lifelessmatsubara: who should it be ?09:08
matsubaralifeless, ~launchpad-reviewers seems to be the correct choice09:08
bigjoolswgrant: ok, although I'm not sure when I will have time when you're awake09:09
lifelessmthaddon: can you change the default reviewer on lp devel, db-devel, production etc etc etc to be launchpad-reviewers? thanks.09:09
lifelessI can rt it if needed.09:10
mthaddonlifeless: just the "-devel" branches, I assume - not needed for the "-stable" branches. If so, done09:12
lifelessmthaddon: thats a great start; we can deal with future glitches as needed09:13
lifelesswgrant: ^09:13
wgrantlifeless, mthaddon, matsubara: Thanks.09:13
wgrantbigjools: Yeah, I suspected as much.09:14
bigjoolsit's probably best to send me an email09:14
AjuWhile installation of lauchpad on my development machine, I am receiving the following error:09:16
Aju* Creating database "launchpad_empty".09:16
Aju* Installing PL/PythonU09:16
Ajucreatelang: language installation failed: ERROR:  could not access file "$libdir/plpython": No such file or directory09:16
Ajumake[1]: *** [create] Error 109:16
Ajumake[1]: Leaving directory `/root/launchpad/lp-branches/devel/database/schema'09:16
Ajumake: *** [schema] Error 209:16
wgrantbigjools: Sure.09:16
AjuPlease help.09:16
wgrantAju: Install postgresql-plpython-8.409:16
AjuIt's already installed.09:16
AjuI have checked it.09:17
wgrant8.4, not just 8.3?09:17
AjuYes 8.4 ver.09:17
wgrantDo you have PostgreSQL 8.3 installed?09:17
AjuDo both versions conflict?09:18
wgrantMaybe it's using that. Do you have both postgresql-plpython-8.3 and postgresql-plpython-8.4 installed?09:18
AjuLet me check that.09:18
AjuThanks a lot, it works.09:20
AjuDo I have to run the make schema script again?09:22
AjuI have just fired the command:09:22
Ajusudo -u postgres make create09:22
wgrantYou should run 'make schema' again, yes.09:25
AjuOkay, thanks.09:25
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
AjuI am receiving the following error, while running the 'make schema' command:09:55
Aju2010-07-12 14:09:31 WARNING No permissions specified for [u'public.openidnonce', u'public.openidauthorization']09:55
AjuTraceback (most recent call last):09:55
Aju  File "security.py", line 413, in <module>09:55
Aju    sys.exit(main(options))09:55
Aju  File "security.py", line 179, in main09:55
Aju    reset_permissions(con, config, options)09:55
Aju  File "security.py", line 394, in reset_permissions09:55
Aju    con.commit()09:55
Ajupsycopg2.ProgrammingError: server closed the connection unexpectedly09:55
Aju        This probably means the server terminated abnormally09:55
Aju        before or while processing the request.09:55
Ajumake[1]: *** [create] Error 109:55
Ajumake[1]: Leaving directory `/root/launchpad/lp-branches/devel/database/schema'09:55
Ajumake: *** [schema] Error 209:55
jtvAju: we're all sprinting right now, so a bit busy!  Sounds like your postgres is having a problem.10:05
AjuOkay, thanks10:12
=== almaisan-away is now known as al-maisan
wgrantsinzui: Should the error message shown when a package is not found be adjusted?11:04
wgrantAt the moment it tells people to file bugs.11:04
wgrantBut they are inevitably rejected.11:04
sinzuiwgrant, yes in short. I ponder removing fedora and gentoo to wrong expectation11:13
sinzuiwgrant, yes in short. I ponder removing fedora and gentoo to avoid setting wrong expectation11:15
wgrantsinzui: Removing the distributions? That doesn't seem like a good idea.11:16
=== al-maisan is now known as almaisan-away
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
=== benji___ is now known as benji
pooliemthaddon, is it just me (or just this network) or are we getting a lot of 500s on the librarian?14:28
mthaddonpoolie: let me take a look14:31
mthaddonnot seeing a lot of 500s14:34
pooliemthaddon, https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad-foundations/+bug/60462014:49
_mup_Bug #604620: intermittent 404 errors on existing librarian files <Launchpad Foundations:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/604620>14:49
=== almaisan-away is now known as al-maisan
jmlthumper, I'm going to delete "19881 branches associated with bug reports" from the code.launchpad.net homepage. Objections?15:46
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
thumperjml: ^^^16:10
jmlthumper, thanks.16:10
StevenKjml: Where are you hiding?16:12
jmlStevenK, it's on the unsprint whiteboard16:12
jmlStevenK, I can't remember how to spell it.16:12
StevenKjml: But I do want to talk to you about stuff you're working on16:13
jmlStevenK, then come in and let's talk :)16:13
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
mptSo, there are now 12 bug statuses16:35
mptI'm still hopeful that one day we'll have only six :-)16:38
=== beuno is now known as beuno-lunch
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
=== beuno-lunch is now known as beuno
=== mtaylor is now known as mtaylor|afk
=== kiko` is now known as kiko
=== al-maisan is now known as almaisan-away

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