
=== irvy is now known as irv
coz_hey guys...doesn anyone know if some of the lucid bugs are fixed in marverick yet?/ like wallapper options for dual monitors.... capablities for installing official nvidia drivers... nad right click unmount on mulitple paritions on external drives?01:50
bjsniderthere's no lucid bug installing the nvidia driver01:51
coz_bjsnider,  mm I cant seem to install official nvidia drivers on lucid01:52
coz_bjsnider,  at least not withouth blacklisting neuveau01:52
bjsniderthe nvidia installer won't work, but it has been disabled by canonical on purpose, so it doesn't wreck things. the nvidia driver is installable01:52
coz_bjsnider,  mm I will have to look into this then01:53
bjsniderinstall the recommended driver through jockey01:53
coz_bjsnider,  no01:53
bjsniderin the name of all that is right in the world01:53
coz_bjsnider,  the recommended driver  has a memory leak01:53
coz_bjsnider,  nvidia-common is not a good version of the nvidia driver01:53
bjsniderand it is the same driver01:54
coz_bjsnider,  right it is not a good driver01:54
bjsniderthe libs and kernel module are pre-built01:54
coz_bjsnider,  I much prefer the official driver installation procedure to test different drivers01:54
bjsniderif it is not a good driver why do you want to install it?01:54
coz_bjsnider,  the need to install different version on different systems with different cards is essential for best performance01:55
bjsniderdid you miss the nvidia sticky post about using the distribution packages? that is the official method01:55
coz_bjsnider,  limiting the choices to 2 orr 3  is not sensible01:55
coz_bjsnider,  I have been using ubuntu since day one01:55
coz_bjsnider,  I am not interested in the ubuntu version offered01:55
coz_at least for nvidia drivers01:56
bjsniderthe very first sentence says use the distribution's packages01:57
coz_bjsnider,  yeah I have never had issues with updates01:57
yofelany reason why we can't ship a few more versions?01:58
yofelIt's not like we're actually fixing bugs in the drivers01:58
coz_without the ability to install official nvidia drivers ..ubuntu becomes useless in my circimstance because I need to test drivers for clients machines01:59
coz_and I never use the ones offered by ubuntu02:00
coz_rather I never install via jockey02:00
coz_this works but creates problems down the road   http://www.ubuntugeek.com/howto-install-nvidia-drivers-manually-on-ubuntu-10-04-lucid-lynx.html02:02
DinkDoes the Unity doc on the left have a config file one can edit to add custom application/launcher ?02:24
DinkI have several wine application I would like to put there02:29
bjsnideryofel_, it is not too hard to package additional version of the blob, just go ahead and set up a ppa and toos them in there. but lucid already includes the 195 and the x-updates ppa has the 256, so i don't know what the point would be04:19
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=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
=== Fudge is now known as Guest5778
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Fudgewhens alpha2 scheduled?07:49
SwedeMike10 days ago.07:50
Fudgealpha3 im sorry lol im using alpha2 :$07:51
Fudgeok 14 August cheers for that07:53
Fudgeany idea how to recompile vmware modules on maverick?08:10
VigoFudge: Sorry , I do not do much VM stuff.08:12
FudgeVigo  thanks anyway08:23
om26eris there any shorkey for preferences in thunderbrid (not using it)10:20
joejoehi, i am not able to upgrade properly to the maverick, the update fails with following message http://pastebin.com/m8SgTagg12:56
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=== Yahweh is now known as poutine
dholbachhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDeveloperWeek starting in 12 minutes in #ubuntu-classroom16:48
djbeenie_anyone know of a linux live cd that will grab all the hd information, how many core procs, HD's and size, memory and so on and on?16:49
Picidjbeenie_: That question is more on-topic for ##linux16:49
LucidFoxsomething is definitely wrong with my GTK17:00
LucidFoxafter upgrade17:00
LucidFoxhalf the widgets are white17:00
LucidFoxButtons are always white no matter which theme I try17:01
LucidFoxAny ideas, or am I better off doing a clean reinstall?17:02
LucidFoxFor once, I'm tempted to try the 64-bit version17:12
LucidFoxafter spending almost five years on 32-bit17:13
LucidFoxsince I'll be doing a clean reinstall anyway17:13
LucidFoxI wonder also17:17
LucidFoxcan 64-bit Wine run both 32-bit and 64-bit Windows applications?17:17
LucidFoxor at least just 32-bit?17:18
skydromejust wanted to see what ff4 looked like and got this17:20
skydrome/usr/bin/firefox-4.0: 175: Syntax error: end of file unexpected (expecting "fi")17:20
yofeloh 4.0 is there?17:26
yofelah, updating package manager is fun... 'sudo aptitude install aptitude' XD17:28
* yofel goes installing ffx417:29
billybigriggeryofel, installing from mozilla daily?17:31
skydrome4.0b2 is the version, havent tried 4.0b1 dont really care that much17:34
yofelskydrome: about that error, open /usr/bin/firefox-4.0 in an editor, and add a new line containing 'fi' at the bottom17:40
yofel<Hanmac> i can not start the /usr/bin/firefox-4.0 because someone miss a "fi"17:41
yofel<micahg> Hanmac: yes, the builds are being respun to fix that17:41
skydromeexcellent :)17:41
skydromebut still not launching17:42
yofelit does here17:45
skydromeit did the profile transfer but never launched17:47
yofelmeh, http://yofel.dyndns.org/pics/ext/ffx4_addons0.png :(17:49
h00kSo, the daily maverick installer on my netbook is hosed :(18:27
h00kwell, the installer worked okay, but it is reporting everything as crashing once at the desktop18:27
DinkWhen I try to run a wine app after it has been placed in the unity "doc" I get the following in my logs "kernel: [65468.497241] Skipping EDID probe due to cached edid" and it never starts18:36
yofelh00k: even that apport crashed? if yes then that's known18:36
charlie-tcah00k: Seems to be an issue today. I have so many apport crashes, it is unusable18:36
yofelfix underway18:36
yofelbug 60391918:37
ubottuLaunchpad bug 603919 in apport (Ubuntu) ""python packages" crashed with ImportError in <module>()" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/60391918:37
h00kYeah, it's...phew. I am wondering if I should hang on and grab updates if I can, or just daily install when that's fixed18:38
DinkI had the same issue it was barely useable. I grabbed the d-i and used it to install netbook.18:39
yofelh00k: can you install 'gir1.0-glib-2.0' and see if that helps?18:39
Dinkyofel, after that installation things have been better. I noticed it in todays update.18:40
yofelah, so it's already out, good :)18:40
h00kyofel: I'll check that now.18:40
DinkI do notice though at times things hang a bit when I go between the application menu and main screen18:41
yofelh00k: or simply update python-gobject, that will pull it in18:41
ugayofel: remember the qt webkit thingie?18:43
ugastrange thing is that I have another box with karmik+ppa. Same numbered packages were updated...18:44
uga... and it all went smooth. It seems ppa packages were linked against webkit beta118:44
h00kyofel: doing python-gobject now18:44
h00kAlso, on this reinstall, btrfs seems to be working smoothly.  it didn't take 12 hours to install.18:44
DinkAnother thing I have a javaws app that does not show up on the doc when it is ran. Is that normal?18:44
yofelh00k: does btrfs work with grub2 now?18:45
h00kyofel: I don't know, I just made a 200mb /boot with ext218:45
h00ki could try it!18:45
* h00k boots from USB18:46
ugaoh ,is it stable already? (btrfs support)18:46
ugaI mean at least upstream, I don't mean in the distro18:46
* h00k shrugs18:47
yofelIIRC it was supposed to be not experimental anymore in 2.6.35, not sure if that's actually the case18:48
ugah00k: I don't want to go the reiser4 way. I've had reiser4 partitions for a while, and see now...18:48
h00kuga: they've come back to kill you?18:48
yofelthen again, ext4 wasn't experimental in jaunty too...18:48
* yofel shudders...18:48
ugah00k: almost. Now that the guy went to prison, nobody wanted to develop anymore, and the fact that it was never fully accepted by the kernel people...18:49
ugaso I wanted to know if they already accepted btrfs as something working and "complete" ;)18:49
h00kAs far as I know, it was supposed to be that way, as yofel said18:49
ugathanks, then it's good enough for me18:50
ugayofel: I've been using ext4 for quite a while here18:50
ugaand I migrated everything to it as soon as I figured out how to make grub work on it18:50
ugait's called "backups" :P18:51
h00kokay, going through the installer18:52
h00k"Your root file system is a btrfs file system.  This is not supported by the boot loader used by default by this installer.  You should use a small /boot partition with another file system, such as ext3."18:54
h00kyofel: ^18:54
yofelok, thanks18:54
mirakI created an init script for a daemon that is not supposed to run as root. this dameon creates a pidfile in /var/run/foo.pid . Since /var/run should be only writtable by root, can I touch the file and chown it in the init script before start ?18:55
ugamirak: wouldnt' it have been easier by just touch, su to another user and ask? =)19:14
ugabtw, yes, it should work (tm)19:14
ugabut you won't be able to delete the file19:15
* uga notes his english is getting worse, worse, worse, worse...19:16
cixaanyone have any tips on what thinkpad i should get? i have looked at the x301 and the t410. i run maverick now on an r5119:21
mirakuga, what ?19:22
ugamirak: you asked if you could create a file under /var/run and later be writeable by a script running by another user, right?19:23
ugaI said the answer is yes, but it'd have been quicker if you just tested ;)19:23
uga(or so I intended to write, in a very poor english)19:23
ugajust that, the script won't be able to delete it, if not run as root19:24
mirakuga, seems the right way is to create a folder writable by the user19:24
miraktouch && chown works too19:25
mirakI did that19:25
ugathe other option is setuid, but I never liked that19:25
yofelcixa: that's more something for #ubuntu-offtopic, I'm using an t510 right now (my r61 broke :/ )19:26
ugamirak: not sure but I think it'd have been much harder using policykit19:26
Daijoubuguys i get an error when i try to update19:29
Daijoubucan someone help please :)19:32
ugaDaijoubu: sounds like somebody forgot updating python-minimal in that mirror19:33
ugathere's no much you can do, I think, until somebody updates that19:33
Daijoubuok i will switch to the main server19:33
ugaas far as the package version is there, ys19:33
Daijoubuweird... software sources doesn't want to start now19:35
mirakuga, ? it runs as root, so i guess it can work ...19:41
mirakuga, I mean init.d is launched by root19:41
Daijoubuuga thanks that worked :)19:52
bp0when is launchpad going to be fixed20:17
Picibp0: If its broken, then #lauchpad would be a good place to talk about it.20:25
bp0you'd think that20:27
rippshmmm... new cairo is out. Let's hope it fixes some crap instead of making it worse.21:07
* penguin42 gently wonders about bringing my main desktop upto maverick21:15
* charlie-tca will upgrade next week to maverick on his main system21:19
* penguin42 has put a squid on it so that all my updates on my VM are getting cached through it, and hopefully my other machine will 21:22
duffywhy next week, whats happening next week..its still gonna be alpha .21:23
charlie-tcaNext week is after Ubuntu Developer Week21:23
duffywell I wouldnt, personally..21:23
charlie-tcaI can break it then21:23
yofelnext week is that magical somewhere in the middle of devel time point where things start to get worse :P21:24
charlie-tcabut it is my time21:24
penguin42having said that I'm off this week, which means I can either break it and see it, or it means I do have a chance to fix it21:25
VigoCan I safely remove kernel 2.6.35-6.9 or should I keep it in for testing and bug squishing?21:26
penguin42Vigo: If you run the janitor it should clean out all but the last one or two21:27
Vigopenguin42: Thank you.21:28
guntbertVigo: always keep at least a 2nd working kernel21:28
Vigoguntbert: Yes, and always make a backup BEFORE doing such stuff,,,,21:29
penguin42anyone running lubuntu in maverick? I've just had it do something *very* odd21:29
VigoI am trying all sorts of packages and such in this testing,,,,21:30
Vigopenguin42: I have not run Lubuntu yet on this box, what occurred?21:32
guntbertVigo: choosing another kernel is not really an issue to threaten your system - but for trying a lot I'd recommend a virtualization environment (virtual box,...)21:32
penguin42Vigo: Well it's logged in, but when I started a terminal the terminal appeared in the middle of the screen and slowly moved down until it went off the bottom, and the panel is now constantly flickering - very odd21:32
Vigoguntbert: I agree, I am using 3 HDDs all some flavor of *nix on each.21:33
Vigopenguin42: That is odd, any reports of that issue on the LXDE site?21:34
penguin42not checked yet21:34
Vigopenguin42: On one of the Linux Forums there is a report of that, is a Xorg thing, still looking though...21:36
penguin42Vigo: URL?  It does seem repeatable21:36
Vigopenguin42: Is an OpenBox WM also,,21:38
Vigobut here> http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-newbie-8/resizing-virtualbox-with-lxde-inside-doesnt-restretch-wallpaper-741903/21:39
penguin42Vigo: What makes you say that sounds anything like what I just described?21:40
penguin42that seems to be corruption or wallpaper related21:40
Vigopenguin42: I am running Debian 5 on one drive, LXDE, Crunchbag and other WMs on it,  I have not yet had that error or issue ,,still looking21:43
Vigopenguin42: This may shed some light on it: http://wiki.lxde.org/en/LXTerminal21:45
penguin42no, it's a bug, not a feature of LXTerminal21:46
yofelpenguin42: doesn't happen on my eeePC21:46
penguin42yofel: Hmm curiours21:47
Vigopenguin42: Line 6 of LXDE site may explain it a bit: http://blog.lxde.org/?p=73921:47
penguin42no, it doesn't21:48
VigoThey did a sweet rewrite of the site,21:49
Vigopenguin42: Are you using Alltray with it?21:52
penguin42not that I know21:53
Vigopenguin42: Have you hacked the XPanel at all?21:55
penguin42no, please stop guessing!21:56
VigoTime to make a fresh backup. have a great time.22:01
penguin42that's now bug 60479722:05
ubottuLaunchpad bug 604797 in lubuntu-meta (Ubuntu) "[maverick] windows move off the bottom of the display and then the panel flickers" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/60479722:05
penguin42I classify that as one of the weirdest ones I've seen for a long time22:06
billybigriggerbash: /etc/bash_completion.d/apt.backup: line 32: syntax error near unexpected token `;'23:23
billybigriggeranyone still affected by this bug with an up to date system?23:24
billybigriggeri thought this bug was resolved along time ago23:24
penguin42yeh, not seen it for ages23:26
yofelbillybigrigger: apt.backup doesn't belong to any package23:28
billybigriggeri've got syntax errors on lines 32 and 3323:31
billybigriggernot sure which is the offending character though23:31
yofelmy guess is that it's a file left by dpkg for some reason (bug?), as it shouldn't be there23:33
yofeldpkg does things like backing up files and creating new ones with .dpkg-new extensions etc. when upgrading packages23:33
yofelbillybigrigger: I believe you, just delete the file23:34
billybigriggerapt.backup should be safe to rm then?23:34
yofel/etc/bash_completion.d/apt is the right one23:34
billybigriggeryofel, thanks23:34
* penguin42 is now curious what created that .backup, it would be a really bad idea to do that automatically in a config directory like that23:35
* penguin42 wonders if you ever edited with <insert favorite editor here>23:35
tj83maybe i am just ignorantly missing something here...... I have a SD card with some python scripts on it, under no circumstances have I been able to give execution permission on the files. why?23:38
penguin42tj83: I think automatically mounted disks mounted by users are probably mounted noexec (but that's a guess)23:38
penguin42as a 2nd guess they're probably vfat and I'm not sure they store flags like that23:39
tj83even sudo chmod +x file wont change it/23:39
tj83as root23:39
tj83oh, that makes sense, its fat for sure.23:39
tj83penguin42, here's a catch, I just pop'd the sd card into this laptop running lucid, the x flags are set. its just maverick23:42
penguin42I'd compare the /proc/mounts from the two23:42
tj83penguin42, i'm no linux expert, can you help with that? http://www.pastebin.ca/189939423:50
tj83whats this tag? "showexec"23:51
* penguin42 looks23:51
yofel       showexec23:51
yofel              If set, the execute permission bits of the file will be allowed only if the extension part of the name is .EXE, .COM, or .BAT. Not set by default.23:51
yofelso we have the culprit23:52
tj83yofel, awesome23:52
yofeltj83: that's from the mount manpage ;)23:52
penguin42what an odd option23:52
tj83now how do we kill that for default behavior. and why on earth would they include .exe!?! ><23:52
penguin42tj83: so on the old one it's just marking everything execute (because there is actually no way to express execute sensibly on fat)23:52
yofelwell, vfat is for windows originally, so .exe makes sense23:52
penguin42yofel: Well I guess if you're going to do wine, but I'd agree the old option actually makes more sense given that it's not just windows stuff on usb sticks these days23:53
yofeldepends, maybe they thought it makes sense from some security point of view, and you can always use a different file system23:54
tj83so, someone gonna make it easy for me how to kill this showexec bit or am I gonna have to look it up myself o.O23:54
yofeltj83: I'm thinking, can't remember where that's set though23:54
tj83the portability is the ONLY reason to keep vfat23:55
penguin42yofel: If the .exe's and .bat's are executable I don't see the security benefit23:55
tj83penguin42, i will side with you. but we roll with the punches.23:55
yofelpenguin42: actually, nautilus asks you what to do with executable files iirc, you don't want that for documents usually..23:56
penguin42tj83: Well, it would be worth tracking down what caused it to change and see if there was a rational or whether it was accidental23:56
penguin42yofel: True23:56
tj83penguin42, this is a brand spank new install of maverick, its something the developers chose.23:56
tj83nothing has been modified by me the user, i just slapped this sd card in from the laptop i was using under lucid, there it worked fine. seems together we have found the cause, just not the solution yet.23:57
penguin42tj83: Well, be careful - someone might have chosen it, they might not have fully figured out why or if it was a good default23:57
tj83my personal machine.... nobody else has touched it, and this installation of the os is less than 24 hrs old.23:58
yofeltj83: it's a change of default settings, which - if my guess above is right - actually is a benifit for many users23:59
tj83I expect this behavior could be observed by anyone with maverick and a SD card.23:59
penguin42tj83: No, I mean don't always assume directors have fully thought about it - if they did there would be no bugs!23:59
* yofel goes searching for a flash drive that actually has vfat on it...23:59
tj83penguin42, :) fair enough23:59

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