
zusif a bug got convereted to a question does the status then change as well01:16
micahgzus: LP takes care of that01:17
micahgzus: it becomes invalid01:17
zusthank you01:18
yofelshadeslayer: thx, one ancient adept bug less...01:45
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yofel*sigh*, https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+expirable-bugs finally shows the correct list and not all incomplete bugs whether expired or not.09:02
yofelbdmurray: if that's your fault, thanks! ;)09:02
vishyofel: so only edge shows the correct list now.. will have to wait for lp release ?09:24
yofelthat should be in the next LP release (10.08 I think), or just use the edge page for now09:25
yofelI believe that's a result of fixing bug 59512409:26
ubot2Launchpad bug 595124 in ubuntu (and 1 other project) "A bug's can_expire attribute is confusing (affects: 1) (heat: 12)" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/59512409:26
bdmurrayyofel: it is a result of that09:40
thekornhappy birthday nigelb!09:58
abhi_navom26er, u thr?11:15
om26erand hi abhi_nav11:15
abhi_navom26er, may I request you to be my mentor?11:16
om26eryes you can I am all free these days....11:16
abhi_navom26er, so I have followed all the procedure and applied for that mentor team. what to do next?11:17
baptistemmHello, did someone see stevenk recently, I need him to renew my memebership to bluetooth group11:18
om26erabhi_nav, actually I dont know whats the mentoring procedure..11:18
om26erany one in the channel?11:18
abhi_navom26er, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BugSquad/Mentors11:19
om26eri guess I am supposed to add my name to the list as 'Available' and add your name to Students..11:22
om26erbaptistemm, send an email?11:27
baptistemmyep I guess it's what I need to do, but he used to be there :)11:28
vishom26er: no , apply to the mentorship team and then add your name there11:30
vishom26er: or i guess .. ask pedro_ or hggdh or bdmurray first..11:31
om26ervish, there is a launchpad team?11:32
vishom26er: you can ofcourse mentor abhi_nav in the mean time11:33
vishom26er: yes11:33
thekorn baptistemm try to catch him in #ubuntu-devel11:33
baptistemmokay, thanks thekorn11:33
om26er abhi_nav what time would you prefer11:45
abhi_navom26er, our college will start on 19th. so before that all noon and after 4pm?11:47
om26erI am available from 12PM to hmm before sleeping11:48
abhi_navom26er, you there?11:50
om26erabhi_nav, from 4pmto6pm yours and mine would be 4:30pm-11:52
om26eror any time after that11:52
abhi_navom26er, ohhh that much difference? how? I mean its same naa? I mean ............but ok whatever.11:52
om26erabhi_nav, I might not be on IRC all the time but am with emails all day11:53
abhi_navom26er, but real time chatting will be useful naa? irc or skype or im?11:53
abhi_navom26er, so what about that mentorship programm? you read that page?11:54
nigelbthekorn: thanks mate!11:54
om26erI applied for the team but we can start11:54
abhi_navom26er, ok. what about now?11:55
om26erabhi_nav, where would you like to start? favourite app(s) etc11:56
abhi_navom26er, ubuntu , stellarium, firefox, openoffice and abiword thats my favorite11:57
om26ermy area11:57
abhi_navom26er, ok but for that i need to sing up on gnome.org?11:57
abhi_navom26er, ok then lets start11:58
om26erthe gnome packages in Ubuntu. I am familiar with those11:58
abhi_navom26er, ok11:58
om26eryou have a gtalk ID11:58
om26erPM me11:58
abhi_navom26er, yes I have11:58
rsajdokAre they the same bugs?12:50
rsajdokWhat is the difference between https://launchpad.net/linux/+subscribe and https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/kernel-bugs ?12:51
rsajdokAre these the same bugs?12:52
xelisterUbuntu lucid - I just see the boot splash (5 blue dots) after booting. Can't switch to other VT. Computer works (server works, ssh etc).  Can not start X with start gdm nor start kdm13:10
xelistera known bug?  how to try to debug?  report against what?13:17
xelisterit seems radeon GFX stoped working13:28
xelistergfx does not start, no way to run X.  No fully working work around. Critical bug? please set priority.  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xorg-server/+bug/44165313:32
ubot2Launchpad bug 441653 in xorg-server (Ubuntu) "xf86OpenConsole: VT_WAITACTIVE failed: Interrupted system call (affects: 23) (dups: 1) (heat: 134)" [Undecided,Confirmed]13:32
ubot2Launchpad bug 537208 in libnotify (Ubuntu Lucid) (and 1 other project) "pidgin crashed with SIGSEGV in notify_get_server_caps() (affects: 12) (dups: 7) (heat: 72)" [Low,Fix committed]13:46
xelisterthis is fixed in what version?13:46
xelisterI have libnotify1   0.4.5-1ubuntu4    and still same bug13:46
virusuymorning friends 0/13:50
xelistergood morning virusuy :)13:53
xelisterwould be even better if ubuntu would have working graphical mode though13:54
xelisterwho can set priority?   X mode not working on radeons... seems quite critical. https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xorg-server/+bug/44165313:57
ubot2Launchpad bug 441653 in xorg-server (Ubuntu) "xf86OpenConsole: VT_WAITACTIVE failed: Interrupted system call (affects: 23) (dups: 1) (heat: 134)" [Undecided,Confirmed]13:57
shadeslayeryofel: no problem,just point me to more if you come across them ;)14:09
xelisteris it just me or is this channel less active today14:09
* shadeslayer runs around like krazy waking people up14:10
xelister  "WAKE UP, guys, today the YEAR OF LINUX DESKTOP JUST STARTED lol. Also we have native duke nukem forever and a hurd port"14:11
* abhi_nav waiting for developer days sessins to start14:13
hggdhom26er: morning (or evening, as the case may be)14:37
hggdhom26er: so you will mentor abhi_nav?14:37
om26erhggdh, yes, atually we started14:37
hggdhom26er: cool14:38
abhi_navhggdh, hi14:38
hggdhhi abhi_nav14:38
om26erhggdh, also if there are any other students you can assign them to me14:38
abhi_navom26er, need your help for gwibber14:38
hggdhom26er: there are always new requests ;-)14:39
vishom26er: while mentoring stick to the wiki :)14:39
om26ervish, I should subscribe to that page14:40
om26eryes abhi_nav14:40
vishom26er: hmm? which page?14:41
om26erthat wiki, if anything changes14:41
abhi_navom26er, can you see my twit updates?14:41
om26erabhi_nav, oh, yes14:41
om26erabhi_nav, use gwibber 2.30.1 from lucid-proposed.. its prefered..14:42
abhi_navom26er, my one friend which uses chrome add on for twitter cant see it14:42
om26erand fixes alot of bugs14:42
abhi_navom26er, now how to do that?14:42
om26erthat would be a chrome extension i guess14:42
abhi_navom26er, yes it is14:43
abhi_navom26er, now installing all updates15:06
jcastropedro_: hggdh: do you guys know if there's a reason we only include ubuntu core devs in bug control? why not all ubuntu developers?15:44
hggdhjcastro: we just changed it (last Friday) :-) we now accept any team as long as...15:45
hggdhjcastro: (1) team is moderated/closed; (2) CoC is required to join the team; (3) there is one -control member that will instruct the team as needed15:46
hggdhjcastro: but we are not considering blanket acceptance, at least right now15:46
dholbachhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDeveloperWeek starting in 12 minutes in #ubuntu-classroom16:48
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jaredvhi, I've been looking through the bugs without packages and found this: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/558774, I'm pretty sure it should be a feature request21:50
ubot2Launchpad bug 558774 in ubuntu "GUI Device Manager (Hardware Drivers) should be Bundled with Ubuntu (affects: 1) (heat: 38)" [Undecided,New]21:50
jaredvcan anyone help me?21:55
jaredvoh well , I tried. :(21:58
* maxwellian looks expectantly at yofel22:03
yofelhm... he suggests a) that we should ship gnome-device-manager (which is actually in universe) and wants b) some all-powerful device manager which has modprobe, jockey and some other powers..22:09
yofelnot sure, brainstorm?22:09
charlie-tcamaybe. Not really a bug at all22:10
yofelI'll wishlist it, can someone with a more knowledge about the desktop policies look at that? thanks.22:23

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