
ryan22all packages that pass testing will be pushed to stable on wednesday. this is also when i will be checking the ppas and uploading any new packages to testings00:00
ryan22i have  system worked out just cuz ive been doing this so long with my old linux distro :P00:01
faganryan22: well I dont think the system is for me but each to their own :)00:02
ryan22eh. time will tell.00:02
ryan22its radical, but i think it is needed. which is why i created it ;)00:02
ryan22ill keep in touch00:03
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spikebsoftware center gets its descriptions from the control file in the package, right?02:57
RAOFI believe so, yes.03:01
RAOFI'm pretty sure it also scrapes some information from the .desktop file the package ships.03:01
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pittiGood morning05:26
pitticjwatson: libusb> will do05:26
pittikees: sourceful retracing> no, since it causes trouble with some packages; this needs some time to figure out05:27
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solid_liqdoes anyone know what an application has to support for it to be able to be restarted from its last state when you boot gnome? (The Remembered Running Applications)06:11
solid_liqis that part of the free desktop specification?06:11
RAOFsolid_liq: It needs to register with the session manager.06:21
RAOFsolid_liq: That's the session-management protocol, via DBus.06:21
RAOFActually... it might not be exclusively dbus.  I forget :)06:22
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solid_liqRAOF, any idea of where I can find any docs for it?06:28
solid_liqRAOF, I'd like to add that capability to xchat06:28
RAOFI believe http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&cd=1&ved=0CBIQFjAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.xfree86.org%2Fcurrent%2Fxsmp.pdf&ei=DKg6TMamLYu4ca_HifwO&usg=AFQjCNG_yk4ra0Lk4JZC4-nrV09wjO4mrg&sig2=y1Vjp0xpmYnRYm8qXkK6cA is still current06:30
solid_liqcool thanks!  :)06:34
RAOFhttp://live.gnome.org/SessionManagement/GnomeSession might be better06:34
solid_liqRAOF, oh sweet, thanks!06:50
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pitticjwatson: libusb update for bug 595650 uploaded; can you review/accept, please?07:28
ubottuLaunchpad bug 595650 in libusb (Ubuntu Lucid) "After the last updates HP printer stopped working" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/59565007:28
pittior slangasek07:28
dholbachgood morning07:59
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dholbachbryceh, tjaalton, RAOF: there's a bunch of X related stuff on http://qa.ubuntu.com/reports/sponsoring/ - just wanted to let you know08:34
dholbachcan an archive admin please process the open syncs?08:38
brycehdholbach, hmm, I paged through that but didn't see anything, just a few sync requests?08:38
dholbachbryceh: yeah, I wasn't sure if it was a good idea to sync that stuff from experimental so I thought I'd leave that to you guys08:39
brycehdholbach, the titles for those sync requests indicate they're sync'd from unstable, which should be just fine08:40
brycehdholbach, even for experimental that'd probably be fine08:40
dholbachbryceh: oh sorry, then it was some sync request last week I think08:40
brycehah yes08:41
dholbachin any case: just wanted to let you guys know08:41
brycehheya RAOF08:43
RAOFbryceh: Howdie.08:44
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RAOF40FAA7E1T: Your robotic nature is outed at last?08:44
ricotzslomo, hello, is there some progress packaging gdk-pixbuf 2.21.5 and gtk 2.21.4?08:50
40FAA7E1TRAOF, oh was it in the closet?08:51
slomoricotz: nope, but seb128 wanted to do it08:52
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bryyce-NickServ- You are now identified for bryce2.08:54
bryyce--- 40FAA7E1T :Nick collision, forcing nick change to your unique ID08:54
bryyce You are now known as 40FAA7E1T08:54
ricotzslomo, ok, is there a package name structure for gdk-pixbuf set yet? the old one is pretty outdate and might be updated to meet the structure of glib or atk?08:56
ricotzslomo, https://edge.launchpad.net/~ricotz/+archive/staging/+sourcepub/1229696/+listing-archive-extra08:57
ricotzthis package still misses some installation scripts out of the gtk package08:58
slomoyes, all these scripts are the most work ;)08:58
slomothe package names look good btw08:58
ricotzslomo, i know, but for now there is where my knowledge ends to properly update it, would take me much more time to go through it than for you :(09:01
slomoricotz: maybe tell seb128 about it later today when he's here, i'm quite busy in the next days09:02
ricotzyes, the names should be good which matches the other gnome lib package well09:02
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ricotzslomo, ok, and hopefully there will be a gtk+3.0 package soon ;-)09:03
apwcjwatson, ubuntu policy document ... 1) is the version in your people the offical version and 2) can you remind me where the 'what to check when updating from x.y.z to x.y.z+1' list is for it?09:04
pittiStevenK, lool: is hildon-desktop something that we still actually want/need in maverick? it hasn't been updated since karmic, and not a lot since hardy09:15
pittiStevenK, lool: same question for libosso (not updated since hardy)09:16
loolpitti: It certainly has "diminishing returns"09:17
pittiwe could sync them from Debian, or remove them09:18
loolpitti: It's not used in any of our images anymore, and the version we had was patched in a very complex way09:18
loolSo in theory we have some nice patches in there, but the changes are complex to look at09:18
pittithose are part of Colin's "stale merges" list09:18
loolYes, guessed that, I saw it too and was scared09:18
loolI wouldn't mind a sync personally; people can extract the patches from older source packages if they really want them09:19
pittiso they weren't appropriate for upstream, etc?09:20
pittiseb128: wrt. the "stale merges" list, I'm looking at libgtop209:24
seb128pitti, ok, it's basically a can sync one I think, but there is no interest change so we went "who cares" until now09:24
seb128pitti, but if you feel like versions should be updated feel free ;-)09:24
pittiit's a new upstream series now (2.28)09:24
pittiseb128: yes, better to keep in sync IMHO09:25
seb128well we are mostly in sync I think09:25
pittiI'll check/sync09:25
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geserCould an archive admin please kill default-jdk-builddep from the NBS list. default-jdk-builddep got renamed to gcj-native-helper (which still provides default-jdk-builddep) and the stale deb prevents that packages build-depending on it can't currently get build. Except tex4ht all dependencies on default-jdk-builddep are unversioned so they are still fulfilled by gcj-native-helper. For tex4ht bug10:00
geser#603101 awaits sponsoring. Thanks.10:00
dupondjehttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/apport/+bug/603919 => this is also a cool one :)10:05
ubottuLaunchpad bug 603919 in pygobject (Ubuntu) ""python packages" crashed with ImportError in <module>()" [High,Confirmed]10:05
bdrunggeser: referring to the java bug, look at the comment from nthykier on the related debian bug10:12
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geserbdrung: I saw that comment but I don't know enough about java packaging to know what to do with it :( I prefer to wait on the DD with the proper fix. I just proposed to drop the version from the build dependency as it's the only package with one.10:18
geserand as long the stale default-jdk-builddep deb is in the archive, any package build-depending on default-jdk-builddep can't get build as the buildd try to install the stale default-jdk-builddep and fail because of depends10:20
pittigeser: removing, thanks for pointing out10:22
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cjwatsonpitti: thanks, will look10:49
cjwatsonapw: yes, the version I have is the official one, though you can use the package in the archive too.  install the ubuntu-policy package and look at /usr/share/doc/ubuntu-policy/upgrading-checklist.txt.gz10:51
apwcjwatson, ahh thanks10:51
apwcjwatson, seems we are a little behind debian in the policy version, but it also seems to be a sync'd package from them.  do we have a policy on when we update the policy ?10:52
cjwatsonapw: same as other merges, when I get round to it :)10:52
cjwatsonapw: it's not that vitally important10:52
cjwatsonapw: if you want to update to debian-policy 3.9.0, feel free10:53
cjwatsonubuntu-policy basically has additions rather than any significant number of changes10:53
apwok makes sense10:54
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pitticjwatson, ev: after oem-config has run, is it supposed to purge itself and the dependencies (ubiquity, libicu42, reiserfsprogs, etc011:59
ograpitti, yes12:00
ogra(and it does that on our omap images)12:00
pittiogra: thanks12:00
dupondjeI dunno if somebody can take a look @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/pygobject/+bug/603919 ? Its a quite important bug, as ALOT of python packages are broken because of it (check duplicate bugs it has already)12:01
ubottuLaunchpad bug 603919 in pygobject (Ubuntu) ""python packages" crashed with ImportError in <module>()" [High,Confirmed]12:01
apwcjwatson, do you know where the chvt occurs in the boot process is that before or in plymouth ?12:02
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cjwatsonapw: I think it's in plymouth itself12:10
seb128dupondje, I'm about to upload a fix12:10
apwcjwatson, could well be, it knows how to for sure.  how it knows where to go to i have no idea12:10
seb128dupondje, you are sure they are broken? it seems it triggers apport but softwares work12:10
cjwatsonapw: hardcoded, I imagine12:10
apwcjwatson, i am struggling to work out how to tell whether i have maintained the screen till the vt switch as i don't really know when it occurs :/  does the world work if i strip plymouth out ?12:11
dupondjeseb128: dunno really about apport-gtk, but for example pybootchartgui doesn't even start ...12:12
dupondjeand alot of other packages are affected12:12
seb128dupondje, well lot trigger apport but I doubt that break softwares12:12
cjwatsonapw: it's in debian/rules12:12
cjwatson                --with-boot-tty=/dev/tty7 \12:12
cjwatson                --with-shutdown-tty=/dev/tty712:12
baptistemmStevenK, hi, could you renew my membership to bluetooth group12:12
seb128dupondje, it's an error in the introspection that nothings is using12:12
cjwatsonapw: plymouth is required; at least some things will very likely break without it12:12
apwcjwatson, so it is ... bah thanks12:13
cjwatsonapw: a plymouth splash is not required, though12:13
cjwatsonimportant distinction, plymouth doesn't imply a splash screen12:13
apwcjwatson, but presumably if its there, it will VT switch12:14
apwas even without 'splash' X is on 712:14
apw(but hearing you)12:14
cjwatsonapw: I don't recall for certain, but I think that it only VT-switches when showing the splash12:14
cjwatsonX does its own chvt if it needs to12:15
dupondjeseb128: can't test more atm, as i'm on another computer atm :) but ah well, if its getting fixed we are happy  :)12:15
apwcjwatson, ahh hrm12:15
dupondjeyou can for sure see it triggers apport lol, all those duplicate bugs12:15
cjwatsonapw: you can boot without the 'splash' argument to test12:15
apwyeah i think that is working and telling me i am broken12:15
cjwatsonyeah, it's the splash plugin that calls ply_terminal_activate_vt12:16
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dokomicahg: to fix the xulrunner-1.9.2 build failures on sparc, you may want to build with -mcpu=v912:27
micahgdoko: thanks, is that for the previous releases?  It seems to build in Maverick12:27
dokomicahg: I thought you did do the mozilla-security-ppa uploads12:28
micahgdoko: chrisccoulson did the uploads there12:28
dokojaunty & karmic. lucid and maverick default to ultrasparc12:28
chrisccoulsondoko - ok, thanks. i hadn't had a chance to look at those yet12:29
ricotzhi, any chance to see thunderbird 3.1 in maverick12:29
micahgricotz: yes12:30
dokochrisccoulson: I don't know yet the cause for the armel build failure in jaunty12:32
ricotzmicahg, nice, is there a timeframe yet, i think 3.1.1 will be out soon12:32
micahgricotz: before beta 1, 3.1.1 should be out sometime next week12:33
ricotzmicahg, ok12:34
seb128ricotz, hi12:34
seb128ricotz, slomo said you worked on gdk-pixbuf packages, do you have those somewhere?12:34
ricotzseb128, hi12:34
ricotzseb128, https://edge.launchpad.net/~ricotz/+archive/staging/+sourcepub/1230542/+listing-archive-extra12:35
seb128ricotz, you don't work in a vcs?12:35
seb128ricotz, would make easier to review changes and contributes fixes etc12:36
ricotzseb128, sorry no12:36
seb128ok, thanks anyway12:36
seb128do you work to get those in debian?12:37
seb128or should I try to get those there?12:37
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ricotzseb128, i want to have a gtk+3.0 package for g-s ;-) so gdk-pixbuf is needed12:38
ricotzseb128, feel free to use it and get it in debian12:38
ricotzseb128, it still needs some work12:38
seb128ricotz, what does it need?12:39
ricotzseb128, idno yet, it is work in progress, i might missed some files and some debian policies like the copyright file12:40
seb128ricotz, ok, thanks12:41
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YokoZarseb128: ~ https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/wine/+bug/604415  -- I remember we talked a long while back about how Wine should declare itself as the default handler on double click once it's installed, but that wasn't possible at the time since archive manager was the default... is this fixable now?12:57
ubottuLaunchpad bug 604415 in wine (Ubuntu) "nautilus tries to open windows executables with file roller instead of wine" [Undecided,New]12:57
seb128YokoZar, hi, no that didn't change I think12:58
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seb128YokoZar, but neither nautilus nor our default list changed since lucid12:58
seb128so if something changed I guess that's on the wine side12:58
YokoZarseb128: No, you still have to right click->open with wine.12:59
YokoZarseb128: The real solution sidesteps the question anyway since the default action should be the exe-handler I describe at the wine integration spec (which would have different behavior if wine was installed/not installed)12:59
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juliankmvo: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/sessioninstaller/+bug/60457713:28
ubottuLaunchpad bug 604577 in sessioninstaller (Ubuntu) "Sync sessioninstaller 0.20-1 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Undecided,New]13:28
juliankNeeds an ACK13:29
mvothanks juliank13:30
mvojuliank: doing that now13:30
juliankmvo: I had to create a tarball from bzr, because glatzor's was broken13:30
mvojuliank: the ftbfs in python-apt (in debian) should also be fixed in bzr, if you have a amd64 chroot availalbe it would be nice if you could do a test-build to be sure13:31
mvojuliank: aha, ok13:31
mvojames_w: if you have a moment, it would be great if you could sync bug #60457713:33
ubottuLaunchpad bug 604577 in sessioninstaller (Ubuntu) "Sync sessioninstaller 0.20-1 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/60457713:33
juliankmvo: Seems you forgot the status file: http://paste.debian.net/80258/13:35
ograseb128, there is something wrong with your libgtop2 sync13:37
seb128ogra: iz pitti sync13:38
mvojuliank: *cough* sorry. fixing13:38
seb128ogra: what is wrong with it?13:38
juliankmvo: Moving the data for the test into data/test_debs would also be a good idea13:38
ograseb128, whoops, mixed maintainer with changed-by13:38
ograseb128, seems it doesnt build the -common package at all13:38
seb128they dropped it?13:38
ograoh, wait, it built it on x86 but it doesnt get synced to the ports archive13:39
seb128ogra: it should be built on i38613:39
ogra(indeed its arch all)13:39
seb128ogra: ok, now it makes some sense ;-)13:39
ograhttp://ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-ports/pool/main/libg/libgtop2/ has the armel binary but not the arch all one13:39
ogra-dev is missing as well13:40
ograseb128, could it be hanging in NEW ?13:40
seb128ogra: yes, it's in binNEW13:42
ograha, great, so i'm not brian-molten yet :)13:42
ogra*brain even13:42
mvojuliank: please update to r432, should be better now13:43
juliankmvo: I still get AssertionError: Unexpected result for package 'gdebi-test3.deb' (got False wanted True)13:44
juliankmvo: Because it tests against the system (amd64) cache which contains no i386 packages.13:47
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juliankmvo: Removing apt_pkg.config.set("APT::Architecture","i386") fixes it13:49
mvojuliank: hm, odd, it should use the fixture status file that is pre-populated with i386 packges with the right dependencies (well, no dependencies :)13:49
juliankmvo: OK, I missed that.13:50
juliankmvo: You probably need an apt_pkg.init_system() after setting the status file.13:50
juliankAs the system stores the location internally during init().13:51
mvojuliank: for me (with the current code) print len(self.cache)  print "3" (that is the amount of fixture data I put in)13:51
juliankmvo: Running test_debfile directly gives me http://paste.debian.net/80260/13:53
mvojuliank: thanks, let me improve the test failure output a bit13:54
james_wmvo: the new version isn't visible on the mirror used by cocoplum yet, so I can't sync yet13:54
juliankjames_w: Yes, it's at http://incoming.debian.org/sessioninstaller_0.20-1.dsc until dak ran.13:56
smoserzul, ping13:56
zulsmoser: yo13:56
smoseri think free was expecting you were going to push on https://bugs.launchpad.net/landscape-client/+bug/594594 a bit.13:56
ubottuLaunchpad bug 594594 in landscape-client (Ubuntu Karmic) "Update jaunty, karmic, lucid and maverick to landscape-client 1.5.2" [Undecided,New]13:56
zulsmoser: yeah its waiting to be accepted13:57
zulcjwatson: ^^^13:57
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smoserits waiting on https://bugs.launchpad.net/landscape-client/+bug/59700013:58
ubottuLaunchpad bug 597000 in landscape-client (Ubuntu Karmic) "get_active_interfaces reports duplicated interfaces" [High,New]13:58
smoser(see last comment in that bug)13:58
smosercjwatson, you can ignore zul's ping above14:00
mvojuliank: what do you get from r433? anything more useful? I added the error message in the assert failure output14:02
james_wmvo, juliank: done14:04
* mvo hugs james_w14:04
juliankmvo: Adds Dependency is not satisfiable: pkg-that-does-not-exists|apt when run via test_all14:05
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hallynhm, daily maverick installer cd doe snot have an 'ok' button in the 'Where are you' panel, so i can't get past choosing a time zone :)14:10
juliankmvo: My system is a bit broken14:11
mvojuliank: thanks, let me add a check for this as well, its rather silly that it break in test3 in a case like this :)14:12
juliankmvo: I had old code in my build/ directory which was used.14:12
mvojuliank: aha, ok. many thanks for this info. is it working when that is fixed?14:13
juliankmvo: http://paste.debian.net/80261/ fixes it14:14
juliankThe init_system() is needed everytime Dir::State::status changes, because the system copies the value of Dir::State::status14:15
mvojuliank: great, thanks. if it works now, I upload a new version14:16
juliankmvo: test works, but sphinx is causing the build to fail currently.14:21
juliank(for me)14:21
ubottuDebian bug 559572 in python-sphinx "python-sphinx: doesn't remove python-central leftovers" [Serious,Open]14:21
juliankmight be it14:22
juliankor not14:23
ScottKLucidFox: (I didn't see where your odd licensing question got answered): It's probably undistributable due to conflicting licensing terms.14:29
juliankmvo: http://bugs.debian.org/58880714:31
LucidFox_Are the CSD/RGBA patches going to be re-enabled later in the Maverick cycle?14:35
seb128rgba at least14:36
seb128csd likely not14:36
LucidFox_so windicators(R) are going to be pushed until maverick+1?14:38
seb128they could be made in the decorator as well14:38
seb128they will need in any case since not every software is gtk14:38
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dholbachslangasek, seb128, apachelogger: all set? :)15:07
apacheloggerdholbach: aye15:07
seb128dholbach, yes15:08
* dholbach still needs to prepare :-P15:08
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ScottKpitti: Would you please rescore kdebindings (just affects ia64)?15:36
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LucidFoxIs Maverick going to include GTK3?15:57
vishLucidFox: nope15:57
LucidFoxso which GNOME version is it going to ship with?15:58
vishLucidFox: as far as the desktop pacakges , the team is assessing each package and updating/backporting as required.. so it depends15:59
vishthe desktop team*15:59
arandMostly not 3.0 afaik. Migration is supposed to happen in two releases, likely conservatively..16:00
zulis it possible to use locakfile-create with upstart/16:13
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smoserI need archive admin help. need to get 'grub-legacy-ec2' approved here : https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/maverick/+queue?queue_state=0&queue_text=cloud-init16:14
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mdeslaurpitti: do you know what happened to the jaunty packages on http://ddebs.ubuntu.com/dists/?16:34
loolev: Hey16:40
loolev: LP #603299 is the perl FTBFS assigned to you16:41
ubottuLaunchpad bug 603299 in perl (Ubuntu Maverick) "[amd64] perl FTBFS in maverick" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/60329916:41
loolev: I just uploaded perl earlier today with a fix for the Linaro issue (unrelated I think), and it built16:41
loolev: Did you reproduce yourself?  Shall we close for now?16:41
loolHmm thinking about it, I wonder whether it could be under PPA buildds16:41
loolev: ^16:41
loolthe virtual kernel behaving differently from the Ubuntu one or so16:42
evlool: I've been unable to reproduce it16:42
evI think we should close it16:42
loolev: Agreed; let's close it for now, and if someone reproduces, we shall ask more about the environment16:42
evdone, thanks!16:43
loolah done too16:44
loolI had marked it incomplete, but will move back to fix released16:44
evcool, thanks16:45
dholbachhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDeveloperWeek starting in 12 minutes in #ubuntu-classroom16:48
LucidFoxOkay, just updated to Maverick, went better than I expected in general16:50
LucidFoxsomething's wrong with GTK, though, theme rendering is screwed up16:51
LucidFoxlet me try disabling RGBA...16:51
LucidFoxfrom the custom PPA16:51
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* apachelogger giggles16:54
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: btw, I need a fanclub for widgetcrafting16:55
pittiScottK: it's currently building16:55
pittimdeslaur: jaunty was cleaned up the other day, I think16:55
ScottKpitti: I thought you had rescored it once I saw that.  Thanks for checking.16:56
mdeslaurpitti: ah, I see. was just wondering...16:56
scar_hi, what's the chances that mavrick daily wil work if alpha 2 didn't want to boot im my pc?17:02
scar_I've tried lucid with kernel-ppa just downloaded 2.6.35-2-generic-pae and 2.6.35-7-generic-pae, not one of them boots17:03
scar_not even in recovery mode17:03
smoseri see a 'quilt-setup' entry in debian/rules of openssh package.  This is needed to set up the .pc directory of quilt to convince it that all patches have already been applied.17:09
smoserthis seems to be infrastructure needed by all quilt 3.0 format packages.  is there anything that is being done to make it common ?17:10
cjwatsonsmoser: http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=57220417:10
ubottuDebian bug 572204 in dpkg-dev "dpkg-dev: maintainer workflow problems with 3.0 (quilt) and VCS" [Wishlist,Open]17:10
smosercjwatson, thanks17:10
geserCould a core-dev please give-back: libxerces2-java. The problem got resolved today so it builds again. Thanks17:26
pittigeser: doing17:26
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tkamppeterpitti, hi18:00
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smoserok. so i'm looking at bug 43574. which says xinetd should be an upstart job.  what upgrade cases do i need to handle ? If i add xinetd.upstart and it gets pulled in, do I need to attempt to read the previous defaults/xinetd.conf?18:02
ubottuLaunchpad bug 43574 in xinetd (Ubuntu) "Needs Ubuntu-style init script" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/4357418:02
smoserper upstart design, the upstart doc, should not read /etc/defaults/xinetd.conf .  but if i ignore it, and move the existing /etc/init.d/xinetd to an upstart job, then  the xinetd server may then start with different options for a user who had modified xinetd.conf18:03
slangaseksmoser: while there's no policy that requires you to continue honoring /etc/default when converting from sysvrc to upstart, I consider it bad form to not do so in some fashion18:03
smoserer... who had modified default/xinetd.conf18:03
slangasekdholbach: yep, I'm ready :)18:04
smoserslangasek, so what would you recommend ? i surely dont want to modify etc/init/xinetd.conf based on contents of /etc/defaults/xinetd .  should I just source it if it exists, generally honor the old behavior but not lay a new one down18:05
slangaseksmoser: source if it exists, but set sensible defaults within the upstart job itself; don't ship the defaults file in the new package; on upgrade, remove /etc/defaults/xinetd iff it's unmodified, using the standard conffile runes for this18:06
smoserslangasek, thanks.18:06
smoserand i think dh_installinit does most of that.18:06
slangasekit doesn't help you with any of that, AFAIK :)18:07
slangasekoh, and the standard runes for obsolete conffiles move the file aside if it's modified, so you have to take care not to do that18:07
LucidFoxgah... I've been reading news about Pinta 0.4, and all the vitriol-laden comments about how Mono is the work of the Devil really irritate me18:32
LucidFoxsome users don't give the program a try just because it's Mono-based18:33
zulcan someone from the foundations team review ntpd upstart conversion for me? https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ntp/+bug/60471718:41
ubottuLaunchpad bug 604717 in ntp (Ubuntu) "Please convert init script to upstart" [Undecided,New]18:41
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ryan22LucidFox: the best thing the mono team could do is reboot pinata on vala18:48
ryan22mono isnt that bad, but there is no real reason for a runtime when you can can compile into c18:49
ryan22though, the monodevelop guys do need to get around implementing things like supporting breakpoints in the external console and input in the internal console18:51
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ryan22ive got my compu sci dept pretty much sold on dual-booting with a thin-client based version of ubuntu, but i can't even think going any furthur until they implement those features ;)18:52
porthosejono ping see pm18:53
joaopintoryan22, right, like if C was the best language for every purpose :)18:54
ryan22it is damn fast18:54
ryan22and bashee takes 5 -10 sec to load18:55
ryan22though i do love it anyways :)18:55
joaopintoryan22, not from a development perspective for certain type of apps18:55
ryan22nah. well im certianly not pushing it for my uni18:55
ryan22but it does make more sense for desktop apps18:55
ryan22and desktop search engines *cough* beagle *cough*18:56
porthoseJono_ ping please see off topic pm19:02
jono_porthose, on the phone, won't be long19:03
porthosejono_ k19:04
ryan22joaopinto: perfection is paralysis. linux has tried to be perfect for too long ;)19:12
ryan22it just needs to *work*19:13
smoserin "upstarting" a daemon, should i basically ditch the pidfile ?19:24
smoserand instead just rely on upstart to track it.19:25
slangaseksmoser: upstart doesn't care about pidfiles; I wouldn't include anything in the upstart job to specifically create / manage one19:32
slangaseksmoser: perhaps you want to come to the 'authoring upstart jobs' session at 2000 UTC? :) https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDeveloperWeek19:33
smoserindeed i would19:33
smoserslangasek, well, the reason i asked aobut pidfiles is that xinetd kills with sigquit, not sigkill in the existing init.d script.19:34
smoserso i thought i'd kill similarly in pre-stop19:34
smoserbut needed to determine pid19:34
slangasekkills what?19:35
slangasekyou should definitely not be killing the xinetd process in pre-stop19:35
smoserhm... ok.19:36
smoserkills the xinetd daemon19:37
slangasekyeah, don't do that.19:37
smoseri thought of doing that per man page:19:37
smoserpre-stop ...19:37
smoserIt is typically used to send any necessary shutdown commands to the main process...19:38
slangaseksmoser: upstart sends sigterm, waits, then sends sigkill.  As long as xinetd handles TERM sensibly, you don't need any other special handling19:39
tkamppeterpitti, hi19:40
smoserhm... so with xinetd , as i'm reading its man page, sigquit quits the daemon. sigterm takes all running servers, then quits19:40
smoserso if i can't deliver a sigquit, i'll be changing behavior. and a stop to inetd would kill all its sub-servers.19:40
slangasekwell, you /can/ send -QUIT in pre-stop.  I'm not sure which behavior should be considered correct19:41
slangasekor what happens if xinetd receives the -TERM while the -QUIT handler is still running19:41
smoserhow would i send -quit ? with kill ?19:41
smoserright. its going to be busted anyway19:41
smoserbusted as in different behavior than before19:42
smoseras i undertsand it, if you were using the /etc/init.d script, and someone had started a long running ftp download that was initiated via xinetd19:42
smoserand you did /etc/init.d/xinetd stop19:42
smoserthe ftp download would continue19:43
smoserbut with upstart if the TERM is sent, it will be gone19:43
smoserand we can't think of a way to keep the old behavior19:43
slangasekyes we can19:43
smoserok, then i missed something19:43
slangasek11:41 < slangasek> well, you /can/ send -QUIT in pre-stop.  I'm not sure which behavior should be considered correct19:44
slangasekif that's the behavior you want, that's the way to do it19:44
smoserwell right. but then the sigterm is going to come through after pre-stop exits19:44
smoserso i must be missing how you're suggesting to send -QUIT19:44
slangasekno, I'm suggesting that you should make sure xinetd's signal handlers are correct19:45
smoseryeah, i am confused.19:45
smosersorry for killing your imte on this.19:45
smoseri dont necissarily care what is "correct"19:46
smosermore concerned with what is consistent19:46
smoserand consistent is sending a single SIGQUIT19:46
slangasekyou don't have that choice19:46
slangasekyou need to make sure xinetd's signal handlers are correct instead19:46
slangasekand that a -TERM after -QUIT won't cause the subprocesses to be killed19:46
slangasekanyway, here's the script you want:19:47
slangasekpre-stop script19:47
slangasekkill -QUIT $(status | awk 'stop\/pre-stop/ { print $NF }')19:48
slangasekend script19:48
smoserwell, yes. which is what i was initially going to try, but my guesss is that sigterm is going to come right after that and xinetd will then take out all the servers.19:49
smoserand i somewhat would consider it incorrect if it didn't do that19:50
smoserbut oh wel.19:50
smoserthanks for your time sla19:50
slangasekwhy would that be incorrect?19:50
slangasekif the process has already been told to exit without killing servers, why should a later signal telling it to kill the servers override that?19:51
smosersame question can be asked in reverse.  if a process has been told to quit and kill the servers, why would it not do so?19:54
smoserbut i'll look19:55
slangasekbecause it was already told to exit without killing the servers, and shouldn't have been around to receive that signal at all except that there's a race condition! :)19:56
smoserwell thats a very good point19:56
smoserthanks again19:57
slangaseksure :)19:57
=== jorge is now known as jcastro
johnc4510jcastro: ping20:19
johnc4510amber graner said you might help me with the beta fonts problem i have20:19
johnc4510Failed to fetch http://ppa.launchpad.net/ubuntu-font-beta-testing/ppa/ubuntu/dists/lucid/main/binary-i386/Packages.gz  404  Not Found20:20
jcastroyep, one sec20:20
jcastrojohnc4510: you need the sources.list information from here: https://launchpad.net/people/+me/+archivesubscriptions (click on the view link)20:21
jcastrojohnc4510: it will be something like "deb https://yourusername:(randomstuff)@private-ppa-blah blah"20:22
johnc4510jcastro: i added those two links to my sources.list via nano20:22
johnc4510i reset my password too thinking it might need that20:23
johnc4510but that was over an hour ago and still no luck20:23
jcastrolaunchpad will regen you a password20:23
jcastrobut it's not your launchpad password btw20:24
jcastromay I pm you?20:24
johnc4510it's just for the ppa's as i understand it20:24
bigonmmm it seems that tracker has been demoted to universe, but brasero still build-dep on it20:58
bigondidrocks: ^ as you made the last upload20:59
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tkamppeterpitti, still there?21:51
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squarebracketis there a reason the wacom.ko kernel module wasn't in the -23 release?22:05
smoserslangasek, around ?22:06
smoseri read some of your session, will read more later. it looked very informative.22:06
smoseri was playing with the 'kill -QUIT $(awk '/stop\/pre-stop/ { print $NF })' in a pre-stop script.22:07
smoserthat seems to end up in a losing battle withi 'respawn' keyword in place.22:07
smosereven though, as far as I can tell 'kill -QUIT <pid>' will cause xinetd to exit 0.22:07
NevonHey guys. I seem to be having a bit of problems with DesktopCouch. I'm pulling my hair out trying to read some values from a record I have created.22:08
NevonDoes anyone here have experience with DesktopCouch?22:08
smoserby losing battle i mean that it gets restarted on 'stop xinetd'22:08
bigonis there any particular rules on virt-viewer sync?22:11
slangaseksmoser: oh, heh - then perhaps it needs to not be respawn?22:13
bigonbecause version is über old and doesn't appears in merge.u.com22:13
bdrungbigon: probably a merge is required (because there are changes made in ubuntu).22:18
tumbleweedbdrung/main sponsor: I reviewed Bug #603681 by mistake, looks good to go22:18
ubottuLaunchpad bug 603681 in virtinst (Ubuntu) "Please merge virtinst (0.500.3-2) main from debian unstable" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/60368122:18
ari-tczewslangasek: have you got 5 minutes for sponsoring?22:19
bigonI will do the merge of virt-viewer then (still wondering why it's not in the merges web page)22:20
slangasekari-tczew: what's up?22:20
ari-tczewslangasek: bug 60479522:21
ubottuLaunchpad bug 604795 in slang2 (Ubuntu) "Merge slang2 2.2.2-4 (main) from Debian unstable (main)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/60479522:21
slangasekari-tczew: ok; will take me a bit to grab the branches, but I'll look at it, yes22:22
ari-tczewslangasek: thanks22:23
smoserslangasek, but i want it to be respawn.22:24
smoserfor the reasons that you'd have 'respawn'22:24
slangaseksmoser: sure; but I'm afraid I don't know any way to reconcile those two requirements22:25
smoseri tihnk its a bug in upstart that a 'exit 0'  ends up causing a respawn.22:25
BlackZslangasek: could you look at bug #554823 ?22:25
ubottuLaunchpad bug 554823 in logrotate (Ubuntu) "Please merge logrotate 3.7.8-6 (main) from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55482322:25
slangaseksmoser: maybe22:25
smoseroh. maybe not.22:25
smoser"Tasks may exit with a zero exit status  to  prevent  being respawned"22:25
smoseri read that as "daemons"22:25
smoserdon't know if that was intended or if it truely was limited to 'tasks'22:26
slangaseksmoser: I don't either - you could file a bug against upstart and see what Keybuk thinks22:26
slangasekBlackZ: hmm, I can't promise that I'll get to it today - you might ask on #ubuntu-motu generally?22:26
smoseryeah. thanks for your input,sl22:26
BlackZslangasek: it's in main, I think it's offtopic there ;)22:27
slangasekBlackZ: well, I don't think it's offtopic there, I think we agreed several cycles ago that #ubuntu-motu is a bad name for the channel :)22:27
bdrungtumbleweed: uploaded22:28
BlackZslangasek: but MOTUs can't upload to the 'main' component22:28
bdrungBlackZ: MOTUs, which are core-devs, can upload to main :P22:29
BlackZbdrung: right but not all MOTUs are core-devs22:29
bdrungjust kidding.22:30
BlackZyeah :p22:30
tumbleweedbdrung: thanks22:33
BlackZbdrung: BTW, if you have some time could you look at it?22:33
bdrungBlackZ: i doubt that i have time today. you could ping me tomorrow.22:34
BlackZbdrung: sure, thanks22:35
Laneyis it urgent? or is the sponsor queue somehow not working?22:35
bdrungBlackZ: i can offer a free sponsorship if you find the reason for this FTBFS:  https://launchpad.net/~eclipse-team/+archive/debian-package/+build/186577322:36
BlackZLaney: no, it's not urgent and the sponsor queue is working perfectly22:36
bdrungLaney: the sponsor queue lacks man power as usual22:36
Laneyok, I just get concerned when I see people pinging sponsors directly22:37
BlackZbdrung: I'm not very good with java stuff but I could have a look22:37
bdrungBlackZ: i have to warn you, it won't be easy22:38
ari-tczewnotice from me: I'm not impatient. just my merge has latest upload by slangasek and I want to got sponsorship by slangasek, so I think that ask slangasek for sponsoring my patch is accurate.22:38
LaneyI don't think it's a problem if a package is regularly touched by a person22:39
Laneyas they are likely to be interested in it22:39
ari-tczewLaney: I don't understand?22:39
Laneywhich part?22:40
ari-tczew[23:39] <Laney> I don't think it's a problem if a package is regularly touched by a person22:40
ari-tczewwhat do you mean? that I shouldn't touch a package?22:40
Laneythat asking isn't a problem in that situation22:41
ari-tczewokay, got it22:42
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slangasekari-tczew: this branch doesn't appear to have used bzr merge-package?22:53
slangasekari-tczew: so it doesn't show up as an actual merge of the Debian package changes22:54
ari-tczewslangasek: I don't like to use this method. In bug you'll see diff ubuntu-to-ubuntu.22:57
slangasekari-tczew: if you're going to provide a branch, it should be a branch that can be merged without losing information22:58
ari-tczewslangasek: which informations are be losing?22:59
slangasekari-tczew: the bzr revision history for the Debian uploads23:00
ari-tczewslangasek: should do I merge with this branch? https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-branches/debian/squeeze/slang2/squeeze23:01
ari-tczewthen we should see a diff debian-to-ubuntu23:01
slangasekari-tczew: following https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DistributedDevelopment/Documentation/Merging gives a branch that is the result of merging the Debian branch into the Ubuntu branch, with full bzr history, and can be diffed against both the Debian and Ubuntu branches as needed23:03
* tumbleweed hates UDD (bzr) for merging new versions from Debian. It requires a lot of work to see exactly what's going on23:03
ari-tczewslangasek: in this case I think that my method is enough. what's the decission?23:05
slangasekari-tczew: I will not commit a merge that discards bzr history23:05
* micahg should try UDD again for my next merge23:06
slangasekif you're not following the UDD merge process, it doesn't make sense why you would push a branch at all instead of just providing a debdiff?23:06
macohow do you get on the list of people who get merge proposal emails anyway?23:07
slangasekari-tczew: I've re-done the merge locally with your changelog entry now and will commit that23:08
ari-tczewdebdiff in bzr is like a new patch viewer23:08
ari-tczewslangasek: and without my key signed?23:08
slangasekkey signed?23:08
tumbleweedmicahg: I scripted most of a udd-grab-merge (not that it's hard). But kept running into udd branches that were out of date23:09
slangasekmaco: hmm, I guess that's answered somewhere in the ubuntu-devel thread james_w drove?23:09
ari-tczewslangasek:  -- name surname  <e-mail@adress> date -R23:09
slangasekari-tczew: that's included in the changelog entry I used23:10
micahgtumbleweed: need help finishing it?23:10
micahgtumbleweed: s/need/want23:10
tumbleweedmicahg: this is what I was using: http://paste.ubuntu.com/462711/23:11
tumbleweed(i.e. not much)23:11
tumbleweedthe big issue I'be been seeing recently is 3.0 (quilt) interacting badly with bzr. People can't see that their merge will generate an auto-quilt-patch23:13
micahgtumbleweed: maybe file a bug against the udd project23:14
tumbleweedmicahg: it's not udd's fault. rather, something that's hard to see unless you test building a source package23:15
ari-tczewgoing to asleep, bye23:16
micahgtumbleweed: maybe it could get documented at least so people are aware23:16
Laneyhow is that a problem of udd/bzr?23:18
tumbleweedmicahg: yeah. Oh, re the outdated udd branch problem, I guess the best solution is to run rmadison in udd-grab-merges and throw an error if a branch is out of date23:19
tumbleweedLaney: it's not a problem with udd/bzr, but with a workflow that doesn't involve generating source packages that get read / diffed23:19
tumbleweedthey'd be obvious if the merge was in debdiff format (although even then people miss them)23:20
Laneyisn't there a lintian warning for this?23:21
tumbleweedUbuntu mergers read lintian output? :)23:22
LaneyI would expect uploaders to23:22
Laneyanyway it was an actual question: I don't know if there is one23:22
tumbleweedLaney: doesn't appear to be23:25
Laneyit's along the lines of the patch system but changes in diffgz one23:25
tumbleweedI find it a big misfeature in 3.0 (quilt) I'd prefer an error to an auto-generated patch. But I can understand why it's like that :/23:28
Laneyit matches the historical behaviour of dpkg-source23:29
tumbleweedyup. What's really fun is when it generates an anti-patch, reversing one of the quilt patches23:32
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Laneytumbleweed: just reported debian #58887323:44
ubottuDebian bug 588873 in lintian "lintian: [new check] Warn if using 3.0 (quilt) and there is a debian-changes-xxx patch" [Wishlist,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/58887323:44
tumbleweedLaney: thanks. we are starting to see quite a few packages coming from Debian with them, too23:44
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