
evcjwatson: good deal.  I hadn't realized that was a delta we kept.  Did they reject the patch, or has it just been in the queue for ages?08:46
araOne bug I just realized in Alpha 2 (and I don't know if it has been reported)08:47
araMachine with Win 7, installed 64bits size by size, grub works correctly08:48
arathen installed i386 on top of those two, and, although it installs correctly, it does not add a grub entry for self08:48
evara: can you file a bug against grub for that?  I haven't heard anyone reporting it yet, and a quick scan of the most recent grub bugs doesn't show anything similar.08:52
evBe sure to include your install logs if you still have them08:53
araev, yes, I have them08:53
evgood deal08:53
araev, bug 60450109:01
ubot2Launchpad bug 604501 in grub (Ubuntu) "A second Maverick installation, in top of Windows/Maverick won't add a grub entry for self (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/60450109:01
evI wonder if I can get away with expensing a Cray to resolve this Perl FTBFS.  robbiew? ;)09:06
cjwatsonev: I don't recall whether I ever submitted it; I remember being reluctant because it has to hardcode what counts as a reasonable minimum size10:05
=== amichairo is now known as amichair
evcjwatson: does this look reasonable enough to you - http://paste.ubuntu.com/462456/11:37
cjwatsonev: pretty much, yes.  I think it'd be useful to keep the "Found no resizable partitions" and "Found resizable partition '$bestpart' ($bestpath) with $bestfree bytes free" log messages - they're useful when trawling logs.  You can avoid the business with nl - it's OK to just terminate each entry with a newline (which also means that the replace assignment should probably be replace="${replace:+$replace\n$diskpart\t$RET").11:43
cjwatsonev: oh, what happens if replace contains printf metacharacters?  perhaps use $NL and $TAB there instead and then use printf %s "$replace" at the end11:43
cjwatsonthose are nitpicks though - the general approach looks fine to me11:44
evawesome, thanks very much for the review and suggestions11:45
shadeslayercjwatson: can you look at bug 60439514:11
ubot2Launchpad bug 604395 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "Ubiquity does not find HDD's. (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/60439514:11
cjwatsonev: ^-14:11
cjwatsonJul 12 01:14:14 ubuntu ubiquity: ERROR: isw: wrong number of devices in RAID set "isw_dfhcfgefgg_Volume0" [1/2] on /dev/sda14:13
cjwatsonprobably isn't helping though.  try booting with 'nodmraid'14:13
shadeslayercjwatson: ok ill tell jussi14:23
jussiahh, lemme try that. how do I fix it? I wasnt aware I had raid...14:27
jussicjwatson: btw, did you notice my poke about namiing of iso's?14:28
jussibooting with nodmraid did not solve the situation :(14:31
* jussi wonders if its a bios config thing14:31
evjussi: can you paste a new syslog and /var/log/partman with nodmraid set14:34
evalso, can you run `sudo parted_devices` and paste the output of that, as well as the output of `udisks --dump`14:34
evah, damn.  I can't lump resize_use_free and some_partition (replace partition with Ubuntu) into resize_use_free as I have no way of differentiating between the two in do_option14:39
cjwatsonjussi: I did, but I'm afraid I'm not currently intending to change it; it's awkward but a change would be too disruptive14:46
cjwatsonev: you should be able to lump them together provided that the argument you provide allows you to distinguish14:47
evI did think of that, but thought it was pure evil14:47
evif you're okay with it, then I'm happy to give that a shot14:47
evI guess it's less evil than reimplementing most of resize_use_free in another option14:48
cjwatsondepends how much different it would be I guess14:48
jussicjwatson: fair enough, perhaps omething to think of for next cycle then?15:02
cjwatsonI think I marked a bug about that wontfix back in the breezy cycle or so ...15:03
jussicjwatson: aww, well thats sad. I guess I give up on it then. thanks15:04
cjwatsonsorry, it's just a horrendous pain to change15:05
jussicjwatson: if its not too much to ask, why is that? I would have thought its just a script...?15:06
jussior is there a lot depending n it?15:06
cjwatsonthere's a lot depending on it - loads of people with scripts that know where to grab things from, many not packaged15:09
cjwatsongiven the choice between breaking things that exist and causing a bit of trouble for new things, I'll pick the latter I'm afraid15:09
jussik, fair enough.15:11
superm1ev, would you mind merging trunk into you rework branch?  I was going to do some basic testing with it at some point this week with some of my plugins to make sure i wasn't seeing any regressions and noticed that it was FTBFS, but current trunk builds fine16:24
evsuperm1: sure16:27
evfor what it's worth, I haven't done the packaging end of things yet16:27
evwhich is probably why it fails to build16:27
evsomething like this should get you up and running: http://paste.ubuntu.com/462572/16:27
evnote you'll have to first run cd debian; po2debconf ubiquity.templates > ubiquity.templates-stripped16:28
evin the bzr branch16:28
evI've hopefully not broken anything so far, but I'm nearly ready to commit some reworkings of the partitioning plugin that will break KDE at the least16:29
superm1ev, cool, yeah that should help16:45
evsorry about not making that more public earlier16:47
evI should've sent a mail to ubuntu-installer16:47
evI'm in the process of finishing the ability to resize the largest partition on *each* disk and the ability to replace a partition with Ubuntu.  After that the partitioning work should mostly be done, save UI cleanups on the advanced page.16:48
superm1ok, most of the testing i wanted to do is independent of partitioning in some automated install cases, so hopefully shouldn't be impeded by that16:49
evThe timezone page is a bit of a mess, I'm working on that next, wiring it up to the geonames service I wrote and adding a drop down menu with submenus to the combobox16:49
evso, we've successfully got to the commitment phase for a hosted Ubuntu Stack Exchange.  I'd appreciate it if anyone went to the site and pledged to use it by hitting the commit button - http://area51.stackexchange.com/proposals/7716/ubuntu18:37
CIA-97partman-auto: evand * r325 partman-auto/ (4 files in 2 dirs):19:17
CIA-97partman-auto: * Support resizing the largest partition on multiple disks.19:17
CIA-97partman-auto: * Support formatting the entire partition for any partition that can19:17
CIA-97partman-auto:  be resized.19:17
jussiev: http://paste.ubuntu.com/462654 http://paste.ubuntu.com/462656 http://paste.ubuntu.com/46265820:04
jussiev: sorry about the delay, I had to go out20:04
* jussi crosses fingers that ev is still about20:06
evjussi: Im about to leave for dinner. Please add them to the bug as attachments so we have a record of them. Thanks!20:37
ameetpcjwatson or someone from the installer team, please take a look at bug 604685 when you get a chance.22:21
ubot2Launchpad bug 604685 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "[Maverick] No "Forward" button when selecting timezone (affects: 2) (heat: 12)" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/60468522:21
superm1ev, i'll send a merge request in a little bit, but if you see it first here: lp:~superm1/ubiquity/ubiquity.maverick-redesign-packaging22:51

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