
=== MTeck-ricer is now known as MTecknology
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cooloneyapw: and smb morning09:21
smbcooloney, Heya09:21
* apw waves09:21
* amitk waves09:22
* jk- plays 'find the terminal attached to this screen session'09:23
apwjk-, can't you just reconnect to it with 'disconnect the other one'09:24
apwand not care ?09:24
jk-i can reconnect to it with -x09:24
jk-but yeah, that's a good idea :)09:24
apw-d -r looks to be the incantation09:25
amitkjk-: I name my screen sessions with -S09:26
jk-amitk: i ony have one running, so the problem isn't finding the right session09:28
jk-just that I've lost the attached terminal :)09:29
amitkjk-: aah, in that case apw's suggest is best09:34
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lamontzinc upgrade in about 25 minutes, fyi11:35
ckinglamont, ok, looks like extended lunchbreak for some of us then :-)11:40
lamontin my fantasy land, it's much less than 2 hrs of downtime11:41
* cking hopes reality matches fantasy land11:44
lamontkernel-ppa has a build going on zinc atm, which may or may not finish before the upgrade kills it.  just fui12:00
lamontfyi, even12:00
apwconfig PARPORT_PC12:21
apw        tristate "PC-style hardware"12:21
apw        depends on (!SPARC64 || PCI) && !SPARC32 && !M32R && !FRV && \12:21
apw                (!M68K || ISA) && !MN10300 && !AVR32 && !BLACKFIN12:21
lamontzinc back to all y'all.12:50
lamontcking: enjoy12:50
apwlamont, ta12:52
gnarllamont, thanks12:52
=== gnarl is now known as smb
lagWhat's the address to send patches upstream?12:57
apwlag the get_maintainers script tells you12:57
apwit uses the MAINTAINERS file to work it out12:57
* lag "find"s get_maintainers script12:59
lagapw: get_maintainer.pl :)13:00
lagFound it13:00
apwyeah thats the one ... sorry was distracted13:01
lagWow! I like this13:01
apwlag, you do need to take its output with a grain of salt13:01
apwit sometimes includes random people who changed the file but are not interesting13:01
lagWell I'm using the email address it provided me with13:01
apwAndrew Morton <akpm@linux-foundation.org>13:07
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apwgnarl, should be ok now14:03
gnarlapw, yep looks good 14:04
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JFoyou got a great deal cking :)14:12
ckingJFo, I just need to read it now ;-)14:13
JFoI need to find me a copy14:13
JFohaven't seen my last one in years14:13
JFoplus I never got 'round to finishing it14:13
lagapw: How does this look "depends on (SPARC64 && !PCI) || (M68K && !ISA) || X86"14:15
lagThere doesn't seem to be an AMD6414:16
lagdepends on PARPORT && (!SPARC64 || PCI) && (!SPARC32 || BROKEN)14:37
apwdepends on (!SPARC64 || PCI) && !SPARC32 && !M32R && !FRV && \14:42
apw(!M68K || ISA) && !MN10300 && !AVR32 && !BLACKFIN && !ARM14:42
apwthis original can be striped of all the architecture bits as it would be on X86 say ... and then i believe you get14:43
apwdepends on PCI && ISA14:43
lagdepends on (PCI || ISA) && ((SPARC64 && !PCI) || (M68K && !ISA) || X86)14:44
apwyep that what i was angling at14:44
lag * We don't actually have real ISA nor PCI buses, but there is so many 14:55
lag * drivers out there that might just work if we fake them...14:55
lag */14:55
=== amitk is now known as amitk-afk
* JFo goes for some coffee15:09
manjoJFo, couple of successful results from firewire testing 15:23
JFosaw that :)15:25
JFovery cool15:25
JFoso far I have seen no negative feedback15:25
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apwsmb, did we build in i2c in lucid do you remember ?16:03
smbI would say so.16:04
smbAll the edid stuff at least uses i2c16:04
smbOh you mean built in or module?16:04
apwyeah i was wondering if it went to built-in16:05
smbHm, i2c_algo_bit at least is a module16:06
smbSeems CONFIG_I2C=y but the rest of the specific drivers is modules16:07
* apw screams at the intense slowness of his disk ... ARRG16:07
smbapw, ^16:07
apwsmb, thanks .... yeah its just built so they should be able to use the kernel command line16:14
apwogasawara, i've just linked bug #589439 to the configuration blueprint.  seems to be a bunch of requests recommendations in there we should think about for maverick16:14
ubot2Launchpad bug 589439 in linux (Ubuntu) "configuration gotchas with Maverick 2.6.35 kernel... (affects: 1) (heat: 105)" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/58943916:14
ogasawaraapw: ack16:15
apwogasawara, also bug#592495 ... that one may well come out in the wash from the M686 changes coming from the tool-chain changes iff they have finally documented wtf we are menat to be doing there16:19
apwbug #59249516:19
ubot2Launchpad bug 592495 in linux (Ubuntu) "CPU for generic-pae kernel should be raised to M686 (affects: 1) (heat: 109)" [Undecided,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/59249516:19
ogasawaraapw: indeed.  seems the spec still needs drafting so still no idea what our work items will entail16:21
apwogasawara, got a pointer to the spec there ?16:22
ogasawaraapw: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FoundationsTeam/Specs/Maverick686DefaultCompile16:22
ogasawaraapw: robbiew re-targeted to alpha3 due to the missing work items16:22
apwogasawara, thanks i'll go poke him16:22
robbiewmissing work items from doko, i believe16:23
apwogasawara, we arn't going to want to change the kernel config at that fundamental level after alpha-316:23
ogasawaraapw: agreed16:23
apwrobbiew, well if they don't sort out whats going to happen on that one before long we are going to have to punt on it16:23
apwwe can't be making that level of change after a316:24
apwand if they haven't changed the compilers yet, they are making all the archive rebuild tests moot16:24
apwnone of which sounds like a good thing (tm)16:24
robbiewapw: ack16:25
apwsmb, what time is the bug meeting ?16:32
smbapw, half an hour by my clock.16:33
smbNot that I had any time to prepare for anything16:33
apwsmb, i know i am punching self in the face as it is16:34
smbapw, Well likely go there and make smug comments without being prepared. :-P16:35
dokoapw, ogasawara: ping16:37
dokodo you use explicit cpu flags for kernel builds?16:38
apwdoko, yes we completely override all compiler flags16:38
apwthat is the nature of the builds, as we build 3-4 different flavours16:38
dokoapw: but you already did drop the i386 build, did you?16:39
apwdoko, yes we already dropped the explicit i386 builds16:39
apwbut our generci builds are hovering around the 586 level16:39
dokoapw: and how is the default build on i386 built?16:39
dokoapw: why i586?16:40
apwcause that is what lucid supported and its not be changed to match your documentation on where we are going, as its not yet documented16:40
apwthe only info i have seen was scotts announcement at uds ... "we are going move up to M686 + CMOV" but ... i've no idea if thats been done16:41
dokoapw: hmm, did we do document i586 as supported? the default was i486 in lucid16:41
dokoapw: it's in the archive since uds16:41
apwdoko, right in userspace that is correct.  if you wanted to use i486 you had to use the i386 flavours ... which were actually i486 minimum16:41
apwthe generci ones are a middle m586, ie m586 + some specific features16:42
dokothere is one guy who is keen on geode lx support16:42
apwdoko, ok ... meaning?16:43
apwdoko, i guess this is the discussion that we need to get written down in the spec, so that we can make an informed decision16:44
dokoapw: that you should not pass -Wa,-mtune=i686 to the assembler16:44
apwdoko, so have we changed the compiler flags to do that generally ?16:45
dokoapw: no16:45
dokobut some packages do pass this *explicitely*, and if you pass everything explicitely ... and no, not known when discussing this spec, just later when a user complained16:46
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manjoJFo, ping 16:58
manjoJFo, bug chat ?16:58
JFoone sec16:59
JFotgardner, ^^17:08
JFothis one is the one that I looked at fr overall needs-review: http://bit.ly/9AdcPG17:11
apwsconklin, hey ?  meeting ?17:12
sconklinapw sorry, off by an hour17:12
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manjotgardner, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/55687217:43
ubot2Launchpad bug 556872 in linux (Ubuntu) "[lucid] [nouveau] blank screen on Dell Latitude E6410 (NVS 3100M [10de:0a6c]) (affects: 7) (dups: 1) (heat: 54)" [High,Fix committed]17:43
=== hrw is now known as hrw|gone
apwanyone got any usb-1.0 devices in their posession?  hearing rumours that all 1.0 devices fail on connect on maverick kernels18:27
smbHm, I think I got an old stick18:27
apwsmb, any chance you could shove it in something with a maverick kernel on it ?18:28
smbNot that I currently have any Maverick on anything yet18:28
smbBut I likely need to set up some installations anyway18:28
apwsmb, i only have the lts-backports kerenl installed that would do as this is slated to be kernel issue18:28
smbapw, I'd rather have it tried on a separate installation. Might do one tomorrow if that is soon enough18:29
apwsmb, yep thanks18:29
bjfapw, i just tried the oldest stick I have and it worked, i have to believe it's 1.018:31
apwbjf you can tell from dmesg, by which driver claims it18:31
apwohci == 1.018:32
manjoogasawara, Bug #533784 looks like the comment #17 says the current lucid kernel / and your backport kenrel both fix the issue, the other -22 errs people are seeing has already been moved to a diff bug #557266. Since you have done a lot of work on this one, can you close this bug and ask people to follow the 557266 for the other issue ?18:34
ubot2Launchpad bug 533784 in debian (and 3 other projects) "[Radeon kernel module] drmRadeonCmdBuffer: -12. Kernel failed to parse or rejected command stream (affects: 15) (heat: 104)" [Unknown,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53378418:34
ubot2Launchpad bug 557266 in linux (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "[Radeon kernel module] drmRadeonCmdBuffer: -22. Kernel failed to parse or rejected command stream (affects: 13) (dups: 1) (heat: 70)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55726618:34
ogasawaramanjo: ack, will do18:34
bjfapw, dmesg didn't tell me anything usefull http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/462616/18:35
tgardnersconklin, can you finish review of http://patchwork.ozlabs.org/patch/57702/ and get it committed ?18:35
apwbjf does lsusb tell you ?18:35
sconklintgardner: I'll have a look18:36
apw[183485.561355] usb 6-1: new full speed USB device using uhci_hcd and address 218:36
apwbjf, thats telling you i think18:36
apwbjf, i think thats telling us yes it is a slow device, but you have uhci in your machine which is not the failing case ... i believe18:38
smblsusb -v should tell18:38
apwbut that uhci works with slow devices is good information, thanks18:38
manjosmb, Bug #539655 18:39
ubot2Launchpad bug 539655 in linux (Ubuntu Lucid) (and 2 other projects) "nouveau hard lockup in nouveau_gem_ioctl_cpu_fini (affects: 2) (heat: 44)" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53965518:39
bjfapw, lsusb for the device: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/462617/18:40
smbbjf, looks like usb 118:41
smbbcdUSB               1.1018:42
apwyeah i concur.  thanks bjf18:42
smbapw, Did they have usb 1.0 hubs in that case?18:42
apwthe tester i have problems with has usb1.1 devices ... old memory stick and a using ohci as interface18:45
apwlooks like the only combination affected18:45
smbapw, But that could be ohci from a usb 2.0 hub (the companion hub) or a real usb 1.0 only hub, couldn't it?18:46
apwsmb, yes it could no way to tell, the only info i have is they have ohci18:46
apwso i am assuming its a modern controller with a companion (as the machine is modern)18:47
bjfapw, just fyi i tested on: 2.6.35-7-generic18:51
apwbjf, thanks thats excellent info18:52
* manjo getting lunch will be back soon19:02
JFoI always wanted to drive one of those19:17
* tgardner lunches19:22
jjohansen-> Lunch19:40
* ogasawara lunch20:02
keestgardner: thanks for working out a proper fix for that AGP issue.  It sounds like a lot of other people have been hitting it, but it's a really hard bug to report (since it just stalls the system completely).20:10
tgardnerkees, I found at least one other guy for whom it fixed his boot.20:11
keesexcellent :)20:11
tgardnerhaven't heard anything back from upstream (otehr then Rafael)20:11
* kees nods20:11
tgardnerkees, if -rc5 comes out without this obvious regression fix, then I'll put the full court press on Arlie et al20:12
* kees hugs tgardner20:13
keesI've been utterly baffled why they've been seemingly ignoring it.20:13
tgardnerkees, hard to say, but maybe they are just busy20:13
* kees nods20:14
tgardnerkees, maybe you could attach the patch to the BZ report (I don't have a login there)20:14
keestgardner: sure I can do that.20:15
tgardnerkees, thanks, it'll help them to not forget.20:16
squarebracketwhy wasn't the wacom kernel module included in the latest kernel update? (for lucid)20:21
tgardnersquarebracket, there are 3 wacom modules. which one do you think is missing?20:23
tgardnerinput/tablet/wacom.ko, input/touchscreen/wacom_w8001.ko, hid/hid-wacom.ko20:23
squarebracketthe first one.20:23
squarebracketsearching for wacom.ko at packages.ubuntu.com it doesn't look like it's included in the latest kernel20:24
tgardnersquarebracket, find /lib/modules/`uname -r` -name wacom.ko20:24
squarebracketyeah, i haven't done that yet... i compiled my own kernel module from the linuxwacom source but i'm looking into why my friend's tablet isn't working, and he didn't have the kernel module loaded; i assumed it was a missing kernel module20:26
tgardnersquarebracket, maybe its a new and unsupported device20:26
squarebracketi've written a batch script to look for it, if not compile it from source... but he's at work right now20:26
squarebracketit's not20:26
squarebracketit worked before the kernel update20:26
squarebracket(which is -23 i think)20:26
tgardnersquarebracket, he's running the -proposed kernel, right?20:27
squarebrackethe's running just vanilla ubuntu, i figured it would be -generic?20:27
tgardnersquarebracket, no, I meant which pocket is he subscribed to, e.g., -updates or -proposed. 20:28
squarebracketoh! that's a good question, i'm not sure.20:29
squarebracketshould be whatever defaults20:29
tgardnersquarebracket, get him to run 'ubuntu-bug linux' so we get the pertinent details.20:29
squarebracketsure, will do, i'll throw it into the bash script and pipe it to a file.20:30
tgardnersquarebracket, uh, you only need to run it once, preferably using the kernel version that fails to load the tablet driver.20:30
squarebrackettgardner, yeah, it's a bash script to just check for wacom.ko / load one i compiled / compile if that doesn't work. it'll only run once.20:32
squarebrackettgardner, but considering there was no wacom.ko loaded when i did an lsmod, and wacom.ko isn't in linux-image-generic, i figured it was a missing module.20:32
squarebracketi'll file a bug in launchpad once i know for sure what the problem is. thanks for your help!20:34
virtualdmy gpu froze and i got this in dmsg: http://pastebin.com/hdcuBa4620:36
virtualdanyone care to take a look?20:39
virtuald[31584.658139] BUG: unable to handle kernel NULL pointer dereference at 0000008020:41
virtualdon line 81920:41
sconklinI'm getting some strange behavior from kernel.ubuntu.org, anyone else notice anything today?20:46
apw_It was upgraded today ...20:51
apw_sconklin: ^^20:52
sconklinapw_: ok. It looks like the message I had never seem before is something seen in other places when git garbage collection is triggered during a push, and is harmless20:53
sconklinbut I was unable to fetch one of rtg's trees as a remote but was able to clone it outright20:53
tgardnersconklin, yeah, I had it happen to me today as well. its a newer git that is causing it20:53
sconklintgardner: thanks. The errors that really threw me were:20:54
sconklinfatal: protocol error: bad line length character: Remo20:54
sconklinerror: error in sideband demultiplexer20:54
sconklinbut I think they are OK20:54
apwi wonder what thats the start of ... remove perhaps20:55
tgardnersconklin, thats exactly what I got. don't make a lot of sense, does it?20:55
apwi bet it is the first four chars of something longer ... but git is not meant to do that20:55
apwits meant to negociate levels between the ends and dumb itself down20:55
apwsconklin, w20:55
sconklinno, and my brain kept trying to parse "sideband demultiplexer" in a radio context and failing20:55
apwwhat did you try to clone ... i'd like to as well20:56
apwsconklin, heh ... git protocol carries more than one channel ... so that you can get remote messages as well as the data you want20:56
apwthats how it does the percentages pulled down for example... its a bit like CD20:56
sconklinthe above errors came from a puch on the ubuntu-lucid master when garbage collection got triggered.20:56
sconklingit://kernel.ubuntu.com/rtg/ubuntu-lucid-lbm is the one I can clone but not fetch as a remote20:57
sconklinapw ^^20:57
sconklinbtw the push to lucid master was apparently ok, and now it matches my tree and looks ok20:59
tgardnerapw, looks like we have alucid chroot on zinc now21:01
tgardnerapw, do you have a moment to help with bzr commits?21:36
tgardnerjjohansen, rtg@lochsa:~/maverick/ureadahead/ureadahead$ bzr commit -m"restore buffer_size_kb on exit"21:48
tgardnerbzr: ERROR: Cannot lock LockDir(lp-70455952:///~scott/ureadahead/trunk/.bzr/branchlock): Transport operation not possible: readonly transport 21:48
jjohansentgardner: http://doc.bazaar.canonical.com/latest/en/user-guide/index.html21:52
bjfsbeattie, i'm trying to run test-kernel-security.py from qa-regression-testing/scripts and am getting "getpcaps missing (please install libcap-bin)". this is on lucid22:52
bjfsbeattie, libcap-bin is not available?22:53
sbeattiebjf: replaced by libcap2-bin22:53
bjfsbeattie, thx22:54
sbeattiebjf: sure thing. The # QRT-Packages and # QRT-Alternates meta information should describe what needs to be installed.22:56
bjfsbeattie, they do, I just blindly cut and pasted without thinking that they were different release versions22:57
=== sconklin is now known as sconklin-gone

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