
KB1JWQSo what's broken, MavJac? :-)01:18
MavJacAny of you have experience with 10.04 on Dell Inspiron 15n http://www.dell.com/ubuntu01:18
MavJacI need a new laptop...Mine is 6 years old and near death01:19
KB1JWQMavJac: Not directly, but I've used Ubuntu on a lot of systems without seeing much in the way of issues.01:20
KB1JWQMavJac: Including a bleeding-edge Thinkpad.  That... took some doing. :-)01:20
KB1JWQIf they're selling it as "ubuntu compatible" then you're likely fine.01:21
MavJacyeah I figured so.  Just wonder why they haven't updated to 10.0401:21
MavJacI now have 1gig of memory, If I upgraded to 2g would it make a noticeable difference on an old laptop?01:36
KB1JWQMost definitely.01:40
MavJacbecause that would be much cheaper than buying a new laptop01:43
KB1JWQWhat're the laptop's specs?02:01
KB1JWQRAM is cheap, so... :-)02:01
MavJacI have a Gateway M285E02:08
MavJacAnd yes, RAM is cheap :)02:09
MavJacI'm a broke college student so cheap is my best friend02:09
KB1JWQI hear that.02:14

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