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iSee | ? | 13:17 |
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kees | jdstrand, mdeslaur, sbeattie: meetin' time? | 20:00 |
mdeslaur | sure | 20:01 |
sbeattie | hey | 20:01 |
jdstrand | o/ | 20:01 |
robbiew | o/ | 20:01 |
kees | #startmeeting | 20:01 |
MootBot | Meeting started at 14:01. The chair is kees. | 20:01 |
MootBot | Commands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE] | 20:01 |
kees | [topic] stand-up report | 20:01 |
MootBot | New Topic: stand-up report | 20:01 |
kees | so, I've been working on various little bugs associated with the kernel hardening features (1 issue with ptrace is being worked out -- I think I have a solution) | 20:02 |
sbeattie | is that the nfs issue or something else? | 20:03 |
kees | there will also be a security update for the kernel probably this week | 20:03 |
sbeattie | oh, nevermind, that was a symlink thing. | 20:03 |
kees | sbeattie: not sure yet what that nfs issue is -- sounds like that person has a very strange set up. (i.e. what is sticky about his config...) | 20:03 |
kees | sbeattie: but yeah, I'm watching that too. | 20:03 |
kees | depending on how busy the kernel testing keeps me, I might try to find something else next on the list to publish too. | 20:04 |
kees | work on blueprints is almost at a stand-still for me, unfortunately. | 20:04 |
kees | maybe that will improve while at the sprint! :) | 20:04 |
kees | that's it from me. mdeslaur: you're up. | 20:04 |
mdeslaur | so, I'm working on ghostscript updates this week | 20:05 |
mdeslaur | will probably publish them tomorrow | 20:05 |
mdeslaur | after that, either I go back to looking at gnutls, will go down the list, or may take a look at some blueprint work | 20:05 |
mdeslaur | also, this week, I'm on community, and there are a few packages to sponsor | 20:05 |
mdeslaur | that's it | 20:06 |
kees | sbeattie is up | 20:06 |
sbeattie | java testing has been taking up most of my time; I need to report my results for karmic -- I have a very small number of failures, and I'mworking to verify whether they're regressions or not. | 20:07 |
sbeattie | jaunty jdk testing is underway, hoping to have i386 results by this afternoon. | 20:07 |
kees | sbeattie: cool; yeah. the status report looks good. | 20:08 |
kees | sbeattie: are there things doko needed to work on? it wasn't entirely clear -- seemed like not? | 20:08 |
sbeattie | The failures I saw for karmic-i386 were not regressions, so I don't think doko needs to work on them. | 20:09 |
kees | sounds good to me | 20:09 |
jdstrand | I think doko was looking at a jaunty/armel ftbfs | 20:09 |
sbeattie | it'd be nice to know what's wrong with the toolchain (that's my assumption there) but doesn't seem urgent. | 20:09 |
doko | kees: currently fixing the armel build failure on jaunty, and Chris is looking at the xulrunner build failures on sparc | 20:09 |
sbeattie | I also need to finish up documenting my scripts and such so I can hand off to fader_ on the QA team. | 20:10 |
kees | doko: ah-ha, excellent. | 20:10 |
sbeattie | Other than that, I'm on triage this week. | 20:10 |
jdstrand | doko: though it would be great to have jaunty/armel, I might point out that 6b14-1.4.1-0ubuntu13 from jaunty-security and the version from jaunty-release ftbfs | 20:11 |
kees | sbeattie: cool; let us know if you need any help with triage | 20:11 |
sbeattie | kees: will do. | 20:11 |
jdstrand | doko: in other words, afaics, jaunty/armel never had openjdk-6 | 20:11 |
doko | well, we can fix it ;) | 20:11 |
sbeattie | heh | 20:12 |
jdstrand | doko: cool by me :) | 20:12 |
doko | jdstrand: I backported more of the plugin fixes to the 6-1.8 branch, so maybe I'd like one more upload ... but not before tomorrow | 20:12 |
jdstrand | k | 20:13 |
jdstrand | so am I up? | 20:13 |
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sbeattie | I haven't made any progress on blueprints and I still need to finish reviewing jjohansen's apparmor 2.5.1 nominations. | 20:13 |
* jdstrand waits patiently | 20:14 | |
sbeattie | That's all I've got; jdstrand, you're up. | 20:14 |
jdstrand | hehe | 20:14 |
jdstrand | sorry for the interruption | 20:14 |
sbeattie | jdstrand: no worries. | 20:14 |
jdstrand | so my big thing this week is a libvirt security update | 20:14 |
jdstrand | I will publish firefox/et al as the openjdk issue becomes resolved, but until the tck tests come back, I won't ask the server team to test (unless sbeattie and doko feel positive about it) | 20:15 |
jdstrand | as such that might be next week | 20:15 |
jdstrand | blueprints are at a total standstill for me as well. I hope to do some of my apparmor work on the plane and next week | 20:16 |
jdstrand | that's it from me | 20:16 |
jdstrand | well | 20:16 |
jdstrand | I might mention that I am leaning towards putting libvirt in -proposed for the week of the sprint | 20:17 |
jdstrand | assuming I have the packages ready | 20:17 |
* jdstrand is really done now | 20:17 | |
kees | jdstrand: that sounds fine by me. is it something hallyn might be able to help review/test too? | 20:17 |
jdstrand | kees: I plan to do my testing, then ask the server team team to test, especially (but not limited) for euca | 20:18 |
jdstrand | I only got the lucid patch together today, and it is barely tested | 20:18 |
kees | jdstrand: right, I guess I meant, maybe start with hallyn then "everyone"? whatever works is fine. sounds like you've got a plan. :) | 20:18 |
jdstrand | but once I am confident, I will get more people and get it into -proposed | 20:18 |
kees | awesome | 20:19 |
kees | okay... | 20:19 |
jdstrand | I have a plan, I don't have much confidence in the work I;ve done yet, cause it is barely tested ;) | 20:19 |
kees | heh | 20:19 |
kees | [topic] other business | 20:19 |
MootBot | New Topic: other business | 20:19 |
jdstrand | (the patch is big, and I have tested all the touched code yet) | 20:19 |
jdstrand | err | 20:19 |
jdstrand | haven't | 20:19 |
kees | anything else to cover? sounds like we've got a bunch in the air (TCK, libvirt, gs, ptrace, AA) but we're aware of those things' next steps | 20:20 |
jdstrand | that sounds about right. I don't have anything to add | 20:21 |
sbeattie | nothing from me either | 20:21 |
robbiew | nothing from me...except good start on the Platform Rally agenda, thanks | 20:22 |
robbiew | /s/agenda/team agenda | 20:22 |
jdstrand | oh that reminds me to add something | 20:22 |
kees | heh | 20:22 |
kees | robbiew: we traditionally just do brain-dumps and then spend the first day creating the rest of the week's agenda. is that okay? | 20:23 |
robbiew | absolutely | 20:23 |
kees | okay, cool. I wasn't sure if you wanted us to walk in with a prepared agenda on day one; that hadn't been very successful in the past, so we switched to this. cool :) | 20:24 |
kees | alrighty, that's all then. thanks everyone! | 20:24 |
kees | #endmeeting | 20:24 |
MootBot | Meeting finished at 14:24. | 20:24 |
robbiew | thnx kees | 20:25 |
jdstrand | thanks kees! | 20:25 |
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